Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 72


Hob XXI 3, III, 2 So nature the work rewards.

So nature the work rewards,
calls him, smiles at him

Hob XXI, 3 The seasons, Part One: The spring.

Largo - Vivace
(The introduction depicts the passage of Winter to Spring)
See how stern Winter flies,
he goes to the distant pole.
The blasting host of furious tempests
follows it, at its call,
howling awfully.
See how the melted snow runs down
in muddy streams in front of the steep rock!
See how she comes from the south,
sweetly attracted by the lukewarm winds,
the herald of the spring.
Come, gentle spring!
Gift of heaven, come!
Awaken nature
From her death sleep!
Lasses and women
Gentle Spring is near,
already we feel the soft breath,
Son shall everything return to life.
Do not rejoice too soon,
often the winter, surrounded by fog,
creeps back and scatters
its black poison on bloom and germ.
Come, gentle spring!
Gift of heaven, come!
Upon our meadows descend,
oh cone, gentle spring, oh come,
and delay no longer.
From Aries now the bright sun
shines down upon us.
Now frost and fog give ground,
mild vapours hover all round

Hob XXI, II, 11: The dark clouds are parted.

The dark clouds are parted
the storms anger is stilled.
Before it sets,
the sun peeps out again
and, with the last ray
lights the fields bedecked with pearls.
The fattened calf
satisfied and refreshed
returns to his usual cowhouse
The quail is clamouring for his mate
The cricket chirps within the grass
The frog is croaking in the pool
The vesper-bell rings out.
On high, shines the evening star,
inviting us to sweet repose.
Lasses, lads and women, come!
Golden slumbers now await us
For a pure heart, a healthy body
And a day’s labour wouch for that.
We’re coming, we’re coming, we’ll follow you
The vesper-bell rings out.
On high, shines the evening star,
inviting us to sweet repose.

Hob XXI 3 II, 9. Behold! In the sultry air.

Behold! In the sultry air,
a pale cloud of mist and vapours
rises the high rim of the mountain-range.
Forced upwards, the cloud extends
and soon covers the whole sky
of black darkness.
Hark! From the valley a hollow rumble
heralds the raging storm!
See, how the baleful black cloud
slowly expands
and threatening sinks toward the plain!
Nature’s life stands still
in fairful apprehension

Golden Rider

On the ring road
Just before the wall of our city
There's a psychiatric hospital
Like no one has ever seen before
It has the capacity
Of all the shopping centres of the city
If you're nerves are running wild
You'll be driven even more crazy
Hey hey hey I was the golden rider
Hey hey hey I'm a child of this city
Hey hey hey I was so high up the ladder
But then I fell down
Yes then I fell down
On my way to the hospital
I saw the city lights one more time
They burned like fire in my eyes
I felt lonely and completely weak
Hey hey hey I was the golden rider
Hey hey hey I'm a child of this city
Hey hey hey I was so high up the ladder
But then I fell down
Yes then I fell down
Yes then I fell down
Safety emergency signals
Life threatening schizophrenia
New treatment centres
Never fight the real causes
Hey hey hey I was the golden rider
Hey hey hey I'm a child of this city (I'm a child of this city)
Hey hey hey I was so high up the ladder
But then I fell down
Yes then I fell down
But then I fell down

Hob XXI, 3 II, 3: The dawn begins to shine.

The dawn begins to shine
little clouds dissolve like smoke,
the sky’s resplendent in bright blue,
the mountain-peaks in fiery gold.
The sun is rising, rising.
Jane, Lukas:
He is near, he is coming.
Jane, Lucas, Simon:
He is beaming, he is shining.
He shines resplendent on high
in flaming majesty
Hail to thee, o sun!
Thou source of light and life, all hail!
O thou, the soul, the eye of all the world,
fairest likeness of the Deity!
We gret thee tankfully!
Jane, Lukas, Simon:
Wo could express the joy
That in effusion from thee flow?
Wo could number all the blessings
thy goodness shovers upon us?
The joy! Wo could express it?
The blessings! Wo could number it?
Wo could express it?
Wo could number it? Who?
We thank thee for giving joy.
We thank thee for giving life.
We thank thee for giving health.
Jane, Lukas, Simon:
But firstly let us praise the Lord who gave thee power and might.
Hail to thee, o sun!!
Thou source of light and life, all hail!
Every voice acclams thee,
the Nature acclams thee.

Hob XXI, 3, 4: All around the folk now comes alive and move.

All around the folk now comes alive and move

Hob XXI, 3 II, 7 Welcome now, o shady grove.

Welcome now, o shady grove,
where the roof of an ancient oak
provides a cool umbrella,
and where the slender aspen’s leaves
whisper a soft rustle!
Near soft mosses the brook
runs here in bright waves,
And swarm of burring insects
dance gaily and confusely in the air.
The Zephir’s wing bears
the fragrant woodbine’s balmy scent,
and from from the nearby bush sounds
the sheperd-boy’s flageolet.
What refreshment for the senses!
What a rest for the heart!
Flows through every vein,
and in every nerve runs
a refreshing feeling.
The soul awakes
to delightful enjoyment,
and new strength arises
by mild urge the chest.

be like aquamarine

In the air high above the building that reflects the sunset's glow
is the Pacific Blue that survives.
Both you and the city have the same expression.1
I shake by my own sigh.
Ah! Two people started to walk different ways.
From this time
When I remember it is heart-breaking as for
The summer's ray of lights made my eyes fired up2
Each time, kisses are skillfully,
you hurt your own feelings.
With men passing by,
the woman starts to gleam.
This moment, only myself suppresses feelings (at least).
Be like aquamarine
Sad... Because I did live by believing only in love,
When I couldn't go home,
I did hide my silver body piercing.
My dreams are the exchange for my wounds left behind.
Each time, I kiss the sweet honey,
You betray yourself.
If in case the smile of Madonna, 3
Even if you can feel the love coming from a man,
You are the answer that lives.
Be like aquamarine
  • 1. 色 can mean colour, expression, character, sensuality, sexiness
  • 2. 熱い(atsui) can mean hot (like temperature), passionate, intense
  • 3. The lyrics mention 聖母 instead of Madonna. 聖母 means holy woman or man.

Workers of Vienna

Versions: #1
We are the builders of the coming world,
We are the sower, the seed and the field.
We are the reapers of the coming harvest,
We are the future and we are the deed.
[Chorus, 2x:]
So fly, you blazing, you red flag,
Before the path we are laying.
We are the loyal fighters of the future,
We are the workers of Vienna.
Lords of the factories, you lords of the world,
Finally your rule is being ended.
We, the army that creates the future,
[We] blast the tight shackles of confinement
[Chorus, 2x]
Even if we are surrounded by taunting lies,
The spirit of victory soars above everything else.
Dungeon and iron breaks his might,
When we get ready for the last fight.
[Chorus, 2x]

Listen to Me!

You will only realize
When the cities burn
Plague and hunger afflict you
Your screams fade away
You will only realize when the earth shakes
When it rains ash and you miserably vanish
Listen to me, listen to me
I predict your demise
You will only realize
When hope escapes
You'll begin to devour yourselves
Because only dust will be left to you
Only in the very last war you will realize
That there are no winners among you
Listen to me, listen to me
I predict your demise
Listen to me, listen to me
I predict demise for you
Your end has never been distant
You remain as a spark in eternity
Your days have almost trickled away
It has, it has begun
Listen, listen, listen
Listen to me (me me)
Listen, listen, listen
Listen to me (me me)
Listen, listen, listen
Listen to me (me me)
Listen, listen, listen
Listen to me (me me)
Listen to me
Listen to me, listen to me
I predict your demise
Listen to me, listen to me
I predict demise for you
Your demise

I'll Stay

Versions: #1
Our hearts beat the same
because they're actually just one.
I can still be far away, but
not without you anymore.
I'm yours.
I'll stay when they go,
those who only like to see you in the light.
Even if your path leads into darkness,
even if a shadow touches you.
I'll stay when they go,
those who only like to see you in the light.
And when we're stranded in the dark,
I want to dance with you.
With you, I can let my guard down and be pure.
If I hurt you, I could never forgive myself.
You give me wings and set me free.
You're my best friend.
I once dreamed of you.
I'll stay when they go,
those who only like to see you in the light.
Even if your path leads into darkness,
even if a shadow touches you.
I'll stay when they go,
those who only like to see you in the light.
And when we're stranded in the dark,
I want to dance with you.
You're where joy is.
I missed you for so long.
I want to stand with you and look into the unknown
and stick together for the rest of the adventure.
I'll stay when they go,
those who only like to see you in the light.
Even if your path leads into darkness,
even if a shadow touches you.
I'll stay when they go,
those who only like to see you in the light.
And when we're stranded in the dark,
I want to dance with you.

Follow Us

A bold heart cannot be admonished.
It doesn't want to sense the light that works only in a dream.
It wants to leap to heaven in glory
and sing about the springtime of a new world.
Follow us, we are a will.
Raise yourselves up from the silence.
Follow us into a new reality.
I already breathe the new era.
We break out of the crippling confines
and unleash our true power.
We unfold what makes us creators.
Follow us, we have awakened.
Follow us, we are a will.
Raise yourselves up from the silence.
Follow us into a new reality.
I already breathe the new era, the new era.
Follow us, we are a will.
Raise yourselves up from the silence.
Follow us into a new reality.
I already breathe the new era.
Follow us with a pure heart.
We have the right to new values.
Follow us without fear and free of guilt
into a new reality.

Hob XXI, 3 The Seasons, 17 Air S: What refreshment for the sense!.

What refreshment for the sense!
what recovery fort he hearth!
A refreshing feeling
flows through every vein
and quakes in every nerve.
The soul awakes
to pleasure and delight
and hearts are gently lifted
to new strenght, new desires.

Hob XXI, 3 - 8. Song of Joy

How lovely is
the countryside
sight now!
Come, you lasses,
let us wander
trough the flowery fields!
How lovely is
the countryside
sight now!
Come, you lads,
let us wander
to the green grove!
How lovely is…
Look at the lilles, look at the roses,
look at all the flowers!
Look at the meadows, look at the shrubs,
look at all the fields!
How lovely is…
Look at the hearth,
look at the water
Look at the bright air!
All lives,
all heaves,
all bestirs itself.
See the lambs,
how they leap!
See the fish,
what a milling around!
See the bees,
how they swarm!
See the birds
what a fluttering!
All lives…
What an happiness,
what a delight
swells our hearts!
Sweet sensations,
soft ecstasy
lift our chest!
What you feel,
what delight you,
Is the breath of the Creator!
Let us honor,
let us thank,
let us praise him!
Let you reise,
in a song of thankgiving to him,
your voices.
Let’s reise
in a song of thankgiving to him,
our voices

Hob XXI, 3 9. Chorus Eternal, almighty, very kind God!.

Eternal, almighty, very kind God!
From thy blessed table
hast thou fed us.
Almighty God!
From the river of thy joy
hast thou quenched our thirst
very kind God!
Eternal, almighty, very kind God!
Very kind Gott!
Honour, praise and glory be to thee,
Eternal, almighty, very kind God!

Hob XXI, 3 - 5. The farmer has fulfilled his task.

The farmer has fulfilled his task
and spared himself no pains or care
He waits for his reward by nature's hand
and prays that heaven may grant it

At Christmastime

At Christmastime I like to travel
and am far from the children's jubilation
and go into the woods and snow alone.
And sometimes, but not every year,
my good hour arrives
in which I recover for a moment
from everything that was there.
And somewhere in the woods for an hour,
the scent of childhood sinks deep into my mind
and I'm a boy again...

either in the ocean

I see nothing anymore
Inside this box
Something is burning inside of me
And I know why
Either on top of mountains
Either in the ocean
I will get moving
I want to find you
Life doesn't end
Whenever there is a start
That's why,the soul
Falls on top of it
It dawns late
The night is closed
No electricity near
Nor rain
Everything is indifferent
Deep in the hearts
Oh love why
You came again?


I know I destroy
I know I worship
I'm feel a lust for life
Yet I'm just a herd animal
I know I am confused
I've only gotten lost
I feel it in my body
How I torture it and slave-drive it
[Refrain x 2:]
I want to, I can, I must go further
I want to, I can, I must go further
I want to, I can, I must go further
I know I'm converting
I know I don't belong to myself
I'm feel a lust for life
Yet I'm just a herd animal
I know I am confused
I was mostly wrong
I feel it in my head
This hammering and knocking
[Refrain x 2:]
I want to, I can, I must go further
I want to, I can, I must go further
I want to, I can, I must go further
[Refrain x 4:]
I want to, I can, I must go further
I want to, I can, I must go further
I want to, I can, I must go further
(I know I am confused)
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


One step further

Such a hard
Then the knot in the
And then you are not anymore in the same opinion with yourself.
Maybe you have to sleep over it.
Maybe to listen about what others say.
Mathematical are there thousand numbers and just one equation.
What does your heart say,
what does your heart say?
Maybe its one step further from the feeling
just further
What does your heart say,
what does your heart say?
And suddenly everything is easier
so much easier
What does your heart say?
What the stars are saying?
Maybe you lay the cards?
Or will it be heart over heart or heart over number?
Or does the universe decides about about truth or false?
Is everything changing or are only the times changing?
What does your heart say,
what does your heart say?
Maybe its one step further from the feeling
just further
What does your heart say,
what does your heart say?
And suddenly everything is easier
so much easier
You can be one of the biggest specialists oh
and nevertheless you don't have a solution now.
So what does your heart?
What does your heart?
What does your heart?
What does your heart say,
what does your heart?
Sometimes its one step further from the
just further
What does your heart?
What does your heart?
What does your heart?
What does your heart?
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Always on top, from the crest of one wave to another
For a thousand nights I've gone my way
I fight through the sea spray and I'm freezing, even in the hurricane
I'm looking for your face but I can't find it!
Oh, if only I could conquer
That which drove me away from you
All the giant waves1 separate me from you
Tell me when I finally won't have to go any further
And when I'll reach you
Am I finally home?
I set off, I feel like a surfer
And then the wind and sea will send me further adrift
You reach out your hand to me, I can see it in my dream
And I've lost it, the earth will keep turning
But I stand still, even when the wind blows around me
Because my heart is as heavy as lead and will be my anchor
Why couldn't I conquer
That which drove me away from you?
All the giant waves between you and me
Tell me when I finally won't have to go any further
And when I'll reach you
Am I finally home?
I set off, I feel like a surfer
And then the wind and sea will send me further adrift
I am a surfer
I am a surfer
  • 1. More literally 'wave giants'
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


Room of loneliness

When the night comes
The wind blows through my face
I start feeling nostalgic
I [can] hear the sound of a guitar
Playing love and passion
Everyone's got their own
I see a little bird from afar
Looking for its nest
And its love
[Then] I hear a pair of lovebirds
Grinning in love for each other
So brilliantly!
And me, staring at the moon
[Here] in my room of loneliness
I miss you
To ease my broken heart
Leave, loneliness!
Give it a rest!
My lover is all I want
And nothing else

Beginning, middle and end

I am a ray in your sun,
I am a drop in your sea,
I am a wave that moves
I am your wind that blows.
I am the curve in your path
your 'yes' when you say 'no',
I'm a little of your nothing
but my heart is yours.
I'm everything that you want
your beginning, middle and end
now matter what comes to pass,
I just want you to be mine.
I just want to love you
in my own way as I am,
I just want to be happy here
because I don't know where I'm heading.
Come with me,
I want to give you my warmth
because the only thing that matters
in life is love (bis)
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


My foreigner

He came from far away land
that in reality I've only heard of,
a fascinating smile
and a beauty in that gaze1,
a foreigner's accent
I didn't know what he was saying
but he left me memorize.
My foreigner
I barely understand a thing
but I'm in love
and all that matters is the heart.2
My foreigner
don't forget that back then
we understood each other
through the language of the heart.
I'm learning a thousand words
phrases for when you come back:
'I love you, I need you'
come quickly to find me.
  • 1. in those eyes
  • 2. ...'what the heart wants'
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).



Rainwater is like blood for those who live in the Sertão*
Rainwater is like fire when it floods the city
For those who live at sharks, rainwater is teardrop
Rainwater is a river leaving the Sertão behind
It is a drop of sweat from those who lost their crops
It's the dam of yearning bleeding out of the heart
Rainwater is the brunette all wet in the slope
Rainwater is the sky to the man who fix the leak at his ceiling
Rainwater is hell for the ones who throw a party at the marketplace

Up and down

Life is not a vale of tears, but it is crazy
It goes up and down, but courage will give joy
Life is a song, you have to sing about it
With full voice and wholeheartedly, then it will succeed
Up and down, again and again
This is how life writes its songs
Up and down, again and again
Life is music, it needs new songs
Life wants to play and has a lot of imagination
It is full of surprises, what will come, you never know
It is an adventure, a possibility
And a tragedy full of beauty
Up and down, again and again
This is how life writes its songs
Up and down, again and again
Life is music, it needs new songs
I will gladly let myself get excited about recklessness
For to learn to live is to master the abyss
And when I will be sitting in the dark, I will light a flame
And whenever something comes to an end, I will start something new
Up and down, again and again
This is how life writes its songs
Up and down, again and again
Life is music, it needs new songs
Up and down, up and down
Up and down, again and again
Up and down, again and again
This is how life writes its songs

Nothing is yours

Versions: #2
Give in to yourself, you are going to find
Most eagerly your being is searching
For new joy and new meaning
And for a new anchor stone
Nothing is yours
But that moment
In which your loving fate
Is holding you tightly in its arms
And your star dances with the world
Rise up out of the ashes of a world
In which no fire is breathing warmth
For when you are living long enough
Close to the abyss
Even that will become normality
Nothing is yours
But that moment
In which your loving fate
Is holding you tightly in its arms
And your star dances with the world
Give yourself what you need
Before you breathe your last breath
What does your heart want to see?
Treat yourself to color
And let yourself go
Nothing is yours
But that moment
In which your loving fate
Is holding you tightly in its arms
And your star dances with the world

B-Side (Cover of Jan Delay)

Life's a misery on the record shelves
Are you 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th, or 5th choice?
Always just standing around
And nothing ever happens after a quick rummage
But if it does, then they play side A
But they never want to turn that shit over
A little B-side
That waited for someone to free her
She wanted, she wanted to escape anonymity
She only ever wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
A little B-side, she wanted, she wanted
A little B-side, she wanted, she wanted
She sees all the others in the charts
A little B-Side
With massive videos right from the start
But that, that'll never be her, she can only wait, wait, wait
All she does is pray
That the DJs will put her on sometime
The people come and they're like what's this then?
How come this hit is on side B?
Every record has two sides, just like the sausage
If you can't stand one of them anymore
You just have to turn that shit over, oh-woah-oh
A little B-side
She wanted to escape anonymity
A little B-side
She wanted, she wanted
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted out, out, out

For the first time since eternity

Versions: #3
You don't have to protect me!
I'm not afraid!
Please, don't shut me out again!
Don't slam the door!
You don't have to keep your distance anymore, listen to me.
For the first time since eternity, now I can understand you.
Please believe me, we'll make it through together.
We'll head down this mountain together.
Here you're just in danger.
For the first time since eternity, I'm here for you.
Please, go home!
Leave me alone!
Now live your life, I can't be by you.
Yes, but...
I know, you mean well.
But leave it there!
I'm alone,
Alone, but I am free.
Just go away!
Bring yourself to safety!
We're not safe.
What does it mean, you're not?
I fear you don't know it yet.
What do I not know?
Arendelle lies deep, deep, deep in snow.
You caused everything to sink in snow.
Like an eternal winter.
Eternal winter?
It's alright, you'll just make it thaw again!
No, I can't.
I don't know how.
Oh, rabbish.
Of course!
I know you can!
For the first time since eternity...
Oh, it can't be.
I'm not free!
[Anna:] Please don't be afraid!
[Elsa:] I can't escape the storm in me anymore.
[Anna:] Let's hold each other tight.
[Elsa:] I can't control the curse.
[Anna:] We'll defeat this storm.
[Elsa:] Anna, don't you see, you'll freeze...
[Anna:] Trust me!
[Elsa:] and lose yourself.
[Anna:] We'll make it together.
[Elsa:] It's going to happen.
[Anna:] Please, let's try.
[Elsa:] No!
[Anna:] Let's forget this curse, and everything will be like before!
[Elsa:] Ah... Go away!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Further, further

You search for a true word
In another place
You like it, life is grooving, yeah
In summer you go outside
In the rain you get undressed
You like it, life is grooving, yeah
Maybe it's not taking much longer
Maybe it's starting all over again
Some day
Further, further
Even further I need more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Cheerful, cheerful
Even further I laugh more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
They've seen war, they will never understand us
Most of it is fun, but never your small heart
Maybe it's not taking much longer
Maybe it's starting all over again
Some day
Further, further
Even further I need more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Cheerful, cheerful
Even further I laugh more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Maybe it's starting all over again
Some day
Further, further
Even further I need more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Cheerful, cheerful
Even further I laugh more and more and
Even easier it gets hard and hard and
Everything throws me off track
Further, further
Further, further
Further, further

The Scent Which Accompanies a Beautiful Woman

The scent which accompanies a beautiful woman..
The scent when she passes you by
fills your heart with a thousand daring dreams
Just as you dreamed them back home
The scent which accompanies a beautiful woman
bewitches just like a novel that one experiences
and is often like a cue that leads you to paradise
The scent that invigorates a beautiful woman
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.