Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 125

Találatok száma: 99619


La Sol Mi

It’s still lingering in my ears
Imagine your voice
Never felt this before
Emotions are floating around
Flying up to the sky
Feels like walking on clouds
I don’t know where to go
I’m just wandering around
Sounds like calling me
Voice of yours
Keep spreading from far away
Sweet trembling
A symphony for me
All day long
Whisper to me
I wish time would (stop) now
Before I knew it (humming along)
A melody lingering in my ears (Can’t stop, won’t stop)
Our own rhapsody (Faliing in love)
SOL LA SOL LA SOL MI (Don’t stop, I won’t stop)
I hear it all day long
I don’t know how to stop woo woo
Walking with you like this
Take away all the worries
Didn’t know until now
Lyrics sounds new
Footstep together with you
An unstoppable rhythm
Feels like my heart is going to burst
Would you be my a tempo
Sounds like calling me
Voice of yours
Keep spreading from far away
Sweet trembling
A symphony for me
All day long
Whisper to me
I wish time would (stop) now
Before I knew it (humming along)
Singing my blues
You, who brightly smiles
Whatever you do
Everything about you
I want to turn into a song
The first feeling of trembling
A sweet harmony
All day long to you
I will whisper
I wish time would (stop) now
Before I knew it (humming along)
A melody lingering in my ears (Can’t stop won’t stop)
Our own rhapsody (Falling in love)
SOL LA SOL LA SOL MI (Don’t stop, I won’t stop)
I hear it all day long
I don’t know how to stop woo woo


I can't go home alone

Without even making another promise
I closed the door with stardust
The train starts to run, through the window
I'm holding back my loneliness
Counting the lit houses, I cried
Who am I reflected in the glass?
Why does the smile break
And turn into tears, always and always?
Even though I love you so much
I can't go home alone, I really can't go home
With each station we pass
Memories scatter in the wind
Blending into the crowd of strangers
I might forget you
Why does this excitement break
And turn into tears, always and always?
Even though I want to be with you so much
I can't find anything to do
Soon, it's the time when even the moon sleeps
The distance that separates us widens
Even though I love you so much
I can't go home alone, I really can't go home


Now We Wear White Jackets

White hats on their heads
The men crapped under the bridge
When Hämeensilta1 was taken over by that group
They picked Hämeensilta 'cause of the white jackets' club
And sure, they did crap the whole night
Not even while wearing a white hat can you crap, said the police
Due to the fact that everyone breaks the law
They drove aff Aki and the shittiest man of them all
That had the murkiest of them all
But the shittiest of the shitty man seriously said to this
Let me clear my throat a little
Just before the evening under the bridge with Aki
We were filling up a whole graduation cap
And like this, without a new hat that froze quite nicely
Size 96 that ended up in Pyhäjärvi2
We ended the evening under Hämeensilta
The hat swam to Pyhäjärvi
And thus Pyhäjärvi became shitty
It's been years
Now we have an admirer
Even our clothes are by the best brand
We don't wear hats anymore, now we wear white jackets
And use the goddamned big outhouse
Our asses used to be much sorer before
These days our know-how is clearly much better
And like this, without a new hat that froze quite nicely
Size 96 that ended up in Pyhäjärvi
We ended the evening under Hämeensilta
The hat swam to Pyhäjärvi
And thus Pyhäjärvi became shitty
  • 1. A bridge in Tampere.
  • 2. A lake in Tampere


In The Dead Man's Coffin

I could swear I'll murder the man
Who got it in his head that the toughest
Boys have to be alone
And that pity is a sign of weakness
If I meet him, I won't feel it
I believed so
I would hang almost without mercy those gentlemen
Tear off their balls, stuff them in their mouths
Those who swore a thousand times
To never show their feelings like everyone else
Because even if I could demolish my house
And crush my own fist
And ride my chopper while leaving behind a black trail
I won't say a word
I can't because I can't
It's quiet in my head
I'd like to scream
Oh man, what is this
Why is my mouth without words
In my mind I quietly quote an idiom
Within my dead thoughts1
I'll beat up those guys with a baseball bat
Who humiliated you
And then I humiliated you
And 'cause you left I'll bruise those pieces of shit
Who taught you
If I could just quit everything
And crush my own fist too
And fucking yell a goddamn damn
I won't say a word
I can't because I can't
It's quiet in my head
I'd like to scream
Oh man, what is this
Why is my mouth without words
In my mind I quietly quote an idiom
Within my dead thoughts
  • 1. literally 'verbal chest/coffin


Accessory Song

When I first saw you
I had my shirt on backwards
When I first asked you to dance
My pants were dirty
When I first kissed you
I didn't have a hat and felt cold
When I first took you home
I was ragged, to be quite honest
Forgive me
Even as a test
I can't look in the mirror
When your voice echoes in my mind
Try to understand
Try to fathom
That my love isn't lessened
By the dirtiness of my accessories
When I finally got married to you
The legs of my trousers were muddy due to the weather
When I finally made you a child, like that
(Ugh!) I was completely without clothes
When we finally christened our child
I was berated for my dirty trousers
When I finally got a divorce from you
I was the raggiest guy around
Forgive me
Even as a test
I can't look in the mirror
When your voice echoes in my mind
Try to understand
Try to fathom
That my love isn't lessened
By the dirtiness of my accessories



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Az élet zavaros,
Változni kezdtél,
Mellőzve álltam ott.
Harcokat megéri megvívni.
De most te vesztettél.
Remény az, hol a szív dobog,
S még ha megváltoztál, s minden rossznak tűnik,
Jobb nap jön, ha kihúzzuk magunkat, hogy reményt adjon.
Remény az, hol ismét láttak,
Utunk megy tovább, mint előtte,
Remélem, látom még, kit ismertem.
Olyannak, amilyen voltál, s maradj.
Félelem nem mester,
Gyötörd háborúd,
Nincsen feladás!
Remény az, hol a szív dobog,
S még ha megváltoztál, s minden rossznak tűnik,
Jobb nap jön, ha kihúzzuk magunkat, hogy reményt adjon.
Remény az, hol ismét láttak,
Utunk megy tovább, mint előtte,
Remélem, látom még, kit ismertem.
Olyan vagy, amilyen, örökre együtt,


Coco Jambo

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Emelj fel,
Tegyél le,
Állíts talpra!
Emelj fel,
Fogd a szívem és tégy boldoggá!
Emelj fel,
Tegyél le,
Állíts talpra!
Emelj fel,
Fogd a szívem és tégy boldoggá!
Na, gyerünk!
Lazán, ritmusra mozgok,
Mutatom a csinos csajoknak,
Milyen könnyedén csinálom.
Mindenki ezt mondja,
Bár nem tudom igaz-e?
Szóval, gyere vissza és figyeld,
Hogy mozgok a ritmusra.
Aztán, ha egymáshoz simulunk,
Azt suttogod: coco!
Én átölellek,
Te pedig azt mondod: jambo.
Sikíts és kiabálj,
Fordulj meg és mond, hogy columbo!
Most már tipliznem kell, te, coc!
Emelj fel,
Tegyél le,
Állíts talpra!
Emelj fel,
Fogd a szívem és tégy boldoggá!
Emelj fel,
Tegyél le,
Állíts talpra!
Emelj fel,
Fogd a szívem és tégy boldoggá!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Hé, te!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Én így csajozom,
Látod, milyen könnyű!
Csak egy valaki képes rá,
És tudod, az nem más, mint én!
Szóval, hadd vezesselek körbe,
Míg az italod szürcsölöd.
Csak semmi coco,
Meg Loco boom,
Amíg hugyozok!
Amikor szorosan magamhoz ölelem a csajom,
Így szól: 'Csináld gyengédebben!'
Imádom ezt a pipit
Rizzsel és limonádéval!
Hát ez vár rád is,
Ha a csaj azt kiabálja: Jambo!
Most már tipliznem kell, coco!
Emelj fel,
Tegyél le,
Állíts talpra!
Emelj fel,
Fogd a zsívem és tégy boldoggá!
Emelj fel,
Tegyél le,
Állíts talpra!
Emelj fel,
Fogd a zsívem és tégy boldoggá!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!
Igen, igen, igen, coco jambo,
Igen, igen, igen!


Vasten Mun Kasvojani

Minä saavun niin
Matalalla, että
Katkenneet oksat voivat koskettaa minua.
Miten tuntuukaan tää niin
Tunteettoman ei-miltään,
Kun mun henkilökohtainen maailma loppuu.
Mitä odotimmekaan me huomiselta?
Mitä sen kuormaan lastattiin?
Karu totuus on kaivautunut sen alta,
Vaikka sitä kauan peiteltiin
Ja sitä niin hävettiin.
Pudota, pelasta
Molempien takia,
Pohjakosketus suuntamme näyttää.
Suolaa ja tomua,
Kuolevaa valoa
Meidän silmien kuoppia täyttää.
Sylje sinun kapinasi
Vasten mun kasvojani.
Minä tahdon vielä
Kerran näyttää sen haavan,
Jonka sä unohdit jo niin pitkän aikaa sitten.
En enää muista, kuinka tähän ollaankaan luisuttu,
Mut en oo unohtanut, mitä me joskus oltiin.
Mä en osaa sitä paremminkaan kertoo,
Mutta lukenut oon hetken tulleen.
Meidän on vaihdettava kiilamme suuntaa,
Jos me haluamme vielä hengittää,
Vielä niin hengittää.
Pudota, pelasta
Molempien takia,
Pohjakosketus suuntamme näyttää.
Suolaa ja tomua,
Kuolevaa valoa
Meidän silmien kuoppia täyttää.
Sylje sinun uhkauksesi
Vasten mun kasvojani.
Vasten mun kasvojani.
Pudota, pelasta
Molempien takia,
Pohjakosketus suuntamme näyttää.
Suolaa ja tomua,
Kuolevaa valoa
Meidän silmien kuoppia täyttää.
Pudota, pelasta
Molempien takia,
Pohjakosketus suuntamme näyttää.
Suolaa ja tomua,
Kuolevaa valoa
Meidän silmien kuoppia täyttää.
Sylje sun vastalauseesi
Vasten mun kasvojani.


Sirály a sirályon*

Click to see the original lyrics (Finnish)
Idő a fény előtt
Visszaverődés és a tűz visszhangja előtt
Amikor a csend egy kút, amiben el lehet tűnni
Melynek a mélye szavakkal van tele
Üzeneteket írok a tükörre
Ahonnan azok visszaverődtek az arcomra
Széppé hazudom a válaszokat
Amikor várom a fényt
Sok idő van a kifogásokra
Amikor a gondolataidban kutakodsz
Veszélyes pillanatok amik tévútra visznek
Ha akarod,ha nem, megteszed mégegyszer
(és mégegyszer)
Az őrület hívatlanul esett be a szobámba
Az üdvösséget árulók ígéreték, hogy
Nem követelnek tőled mást csak az egész életed
Amikor megátkoznak
Vas határok nélkül
Bármilyen ok vagy szívfény nélkül
Ha a csend egy vár, az egyetlen otthon
akkor velem együtt lélegzi az idő súlyát
Megértettem a bölcsességeket már,
Mindent tudtam, de elfelejtettem
A tintapacatesztekre rosszul feleltem
És vártam a csodát
Soha nem jött vissza
Semmilyen szar amit csináltam
Rendszersokk, sirály a sirályon
Egymás csőrébe tépnek
(és mégegyszer)
Az őrület hívatlanul esett be a szobámba
Az üdvösséget árulók ígéreték, hogy
Nem követelnek tőled mást csak az egész életed
Amikor megátkoznak
El, ki
Vigyél valamit magaddal,
El, ki,
Hogy lehet valaki ilyen kicsi és képes
Mindent eltakarni
Sirály, sirály a sirályon, sirályonsirályonsirály, ezerarcú
Sirály, sirály a sirályon, sirályonsirályonsirály, hozzámhasonló
(és mégegyszer)
Az őrület hívatlanul esett be a szobámba
Az üdvösséget árulók ígéreték, hogy
Nem követelnek tőled mást csak az egész életed
Amikor megátkoznak


I love life for yesterday

I locked myself away in the forest of silence
And memories are my only company
They turn today back into yesterday1
Oh, what happiness it is, for you to still want me
I love life for yesterday
And for tomorrow, that takes me to 'then'2
And my hope is, if you want it,
That tomorrow, I'll live in the 'then'
I locked myself away in a theatre of shadows
And whatever work I enjoy is being performed
And the thing that makes my life even sweeter
Is when I travel into the past.
I love life for yesterday...
  • 1. Essentially, meaning that her memories are letting her float away into the past, letting the present go by.
  • 2. Again, she basically lives for reliving the past.


Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool

Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool, I take my penis out
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
I feel excitation and I take my penis out
Full penetration, by no means masturbation
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
I feel excitation and I take my penis out
Full penetration, by no means masturbation
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
Muka, your mom is a fucking bitch
She's looking for guys at the swimming pool and gets fucked
I crave to profane her, it arouses me a lot
I glance at her from above, while jacking off
Oh, 42 degrees
I hope she touches me some day
Hot Miami, here is your mommy
Who fucks with hobos under the palms
All in love with her (hey, hey, hey, hey)
She takes off her fucking bra
She took off her pants in a sperm bank
She left it in a bank deposit
Wife of your dad fucked by three guys
When she returns home, she lies to you
That she earns by cleaning up Dutch houses
But she whores herself for you to have a new iPhone
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
I feel excitation and I take my penis out
Full penetration, by no means masturbation
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
I feel excitation and I take my penis out
Full penetration, by no means masturbation
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
The sun fucking burns, I sit around wearing sunglasses
Pool, your mom, and sex in a moment
I open a beer and I don't care about anything
I have a money, I have a guitar, I only want your mom
I flutter my dollars, your mom starts to stare at me
A personification of the fucking pornography
My crotch itches, juicy as Cappy juice
Babe call me 'Papi', I say babe call me 'Papi'
Fucking crocodile leaps out of water
She induces erections with her lace bodysuit
Somewhat similar to Doda (well, well, well, well)
If she hit the fucking stairs
She opened her legs, I tickle her dirty cunt
She's a worse whore than my ex, and that's fucking impressive
MVP from bitches, please, turn down the loudspeaker
Me and your mom want some privacy
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
I feel excitation and I take my penis out
Full penetration, by no means masturbation
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
I feel excitation and I take my penis out
Full penetration, by no means masturbation
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool
I feel excitation and I take my penis out
Full penetration, by no means masturbation
Holiday fucking of your mom at the swimming pool



I’m sitting in a movie theater
Somewhat dreaming of America and somewhat dreaming of your home
And I keep wondering how long it’s going to last
This endless love that isn’t endless, ’cause I felt lost
A sail in an open sea
And suddenly you, you
You fell from the sky like a masterpiece
Before you nothing was good
As if
You were the only light giving things a meaning
And this life spent with you
Is a masterpiece
Look at the rain
But it’s amazing to have you here
Time be damned, it first gives you
Then it takes away from you
I felt lost
Like a flower in a desert
And suddenly you, you
You fell from the sky like a masterpiece
Before you nothing was good
As if
You were the only light giving things a meaning
And this life spent with you
Is a masterpiece
You fell from the sky like a masterpiece
Before you nothing was good
As if
You were the only light giving things a meaning
And this life spent with you
Yes, my life spent with you
Is a masterpiece


Nate is Late -Intro (European Portugese)

On the way to school,they go Nate & Malika On a lot of adventures they gonna be Is gotta be fun,But if Nate & Malika dont hurry They gonna be Late-What is today story?



Ten cigarette butts of grief
Your brother's age, your hopes
Ten plates to wash
The rooms of the castle in which you'll live and of which you dream
Ten boyfriends you'll have
With your eyes that don't know how to lie
Ten photos to tear apart
Ten wishes not to be said
Ten guilts you felt to understand the pain
Ten Green Day posters
Ten rules for you
Ten love stories, that love you don't know
Ten books to study
Your cat's scratches, the caresses you want
Ten kilos to lose
The dreams in the drawer, the emotions, the delusions
And as you dinner with your parents you cry without making noise
Ten photos to tear apart
Ten wishes not to be said
Ten guilts you felt to understand the pain
Ten Green Day posters
Ten rules for you
Ten love stories, that love you don't know
Ten thorns of pain
Ten tears to drink
Ten days you've forgotten about your home, your neighborhood
Ten swords asking why
Ten dolls for you
Ten love stories, that love you don't know
Ten photos to tear apart
Ten wishes not to be said
Ten guilts you felt to understand the pain
Ten Green Day posters
Ten rules for you
Ten love stories, that love you don't know


One night stuck in a rut

The day before yesterday I was having drinks with some pal
I look and see in front of me two eyes two little eyes
I turn to my pal, saying, this is what I was searching for, NIcola
And he answers, me too, and at this point it all started
I was selfconcentrated to magnitize her
Using the hard tricks which are in use in India
But in reality, I confess to you, that I failed competely
She didn't even noticed me, no notice at all.
As you understand I had no chance
But still I continued, in absentia, to look at her
My pal was grumbling, hey you Charis, I am talking to you
Tell me, does she look at you? not at all I answer to him
For only just a sec she glazed in the space
And stoped on me like she was searching for something
I became upset and thought, Oh my God, she is looking at me
But on the contrary she was looking to find the waiter
Help me oh Christian believers, I am on the verge of freaking out
I am lost for her and she doesn't even know my name
Ah, I wish I was a breeze, a cigarette's smoke
To intrude inside her busoms and even she doesn't like me
Help me oh Christian believers, I am on the verge of freaking out
I am envy anyone who talks to her and anyone she looks at
But most of all I envy the one she loves
When her little body is trembling and fainting from her petite mort



Hey, love, open that phone, 'cuz it messed me up
The mere fact that we met
You burned my heart, burned, you burned my heart
You set fire, set it, you set fire to my heart
Ah, you burned my heart, burned, you burned my heart
You set fire, set it, you set fire to my heart
Whom to have breakfast in bed with?
Baby, whom to drink red wine with?
Whom to do some shopping downtown with?
Whom to be romantic with, baby?
We fell in love, we fell in love
We fell in love, we fell in love
You are in my arms only
You burned my heart, burned, you burned my heart
You set fire, set it, you set fire to my heart
Ah, you burned my heart, burned, you burned my heart
You set fire, set it, you set fire to my heart
I drank four glasses, four shots
Four times we've seen each other in four eyes
We broke up and got back together four times
My love, what's the matter with you? You went insane
We fell in love, we fell in love
We fell in love, we fell in love
You are in my arms only
You burned my heart, burned, you burned my heart
You set fire, set it, you set fire to my heart
Ah, you burned my heart, burned, you burned my heart
You set fire, set it, you set fire to my heart


You're a problem

I run into you when I haven't bathed
or having drank a hundred gin and tonics
because of you I fall into some strange states
hangovers, depressions, and insomnia.
A whole century when I see you
I fall down ill
and there is no cure, I will follow you
and you will forever avoid me.
You're a problem I want to have
You're a drug I want to take
You're a secret I'm dying to know
You are a sin that I take on my soul.
No use of a bottle of Mastika* or a case of beer
what good would it be to win the lotto seven*
when you're like a cold, I carry you for half my life
you reject me from the agenda as in a session
A whole century when I see you
I fall down ill
and there is no cure, I will follow you
and you will forever avoid me.
You're a problem I want to have
You're a drug I want to take
You're a secret I'm dying to know
You are a sin that I take on my soul.


Poem 9

Drunk on turpentine and long kisses,
Summer, I steer the sailboat of roses
Turned towards the demise of a tenuous day
Steady in the solid marine frenzy
Pale and tied to my devouring waterI
I cut across in the bitter odor of the exposed atmosphere
Still dressed in gray and bitter sounds
And a sad crest of abandoned foam
I go, hardened by passions, riding on my unique wave
Lunar, solar, fiery and cold, sudden
Asleep in the throat of the fortunate
Islands white and sweet, like fresh hips
My kissing garment trembles in the humid night
Charged wildly with electrical conducts
Dreams divided in heroic ways
And intoxicating roses engaging in me.
Upstream, in the middle of external waves,
Your parallel body is bound in my arms
Like a fish forever attached to my soul
Quick and slow in the subcelestial energy


Everything is Delusion

I thought that after the separation1
I would be stronger and the boredom will get out of my time
But the truth2 is more apparent than words
It's not easy (to forget that love)
I forgot what was the reason (for our separation), and what had made us hurt completely
I thought that after the separation1
I would be stronger and the boredom will get out of my time
But the truth2 is more apparent than words
It's not easy (to forget that love)
I forgot what was the reason (for our separation), and what had made us hurt completely
I thought that it's easy for the one who loves you to forget your rigor
You get my heart into the blues, but he returns back to you to forgive him
returns back to forgive him
In your absence, Everything is delusion
And I don't care about anything but you
I don't care about my torment (in your love)
Because I'm still with you
My soul is still yours
And I have lived my most beautiful nights in my life with you
I sell my whole life to restore you
Back to me, even for just seconds, to take a glimpse (from you) or hear you(r voice)
How can I hide (my feelings)? tell me
Every time the craving (to you) came into my mind
How can my sad heart hide a moment of joy had lived (with you)?
My sad heart had lived
In your absence, Everything is delusion
And I don't care about anything but you
I don't care about my torment (in your love)
Because I'm still with you
In your absence, Everything is delusion
And I don't care about anything but you
I don't care about my torment (in your love)
Because I'm still with you
  • lit. sadness, anger
  • lit. actions


All is illusionary.

After our spat, i thought
Strength would bloom, time grow mundane.
Yet, easier said than done,
It's not a breeze.
Instead, reasons fade, what parted us, forgotten.
After our spat, i thought
Strength would bloom, time grow mundane.
Yet, easier said than done,
It's not a breeze.
Instead, reasons fade, what parted us, forgotten.
Assumed the one who cherished you could swiftly overlook your disdain,
You weighed on my heart, yet it returned seeking your joy again,
Returned seeking your joy again.
In your absence, everything turns illusionary,
Nothing holds meaning without you,
My torment loses significance,
Only if you and I were together,
If you and I were together.
My soul, eternally yours
Best years entwined with you,
Would trade my soul to be near,
To claim you mine, even in a fleeting glimpse or a voice to hear.
Tell me, How do I conceal it,
As the yearning storms,
How can my heart hide joy lived so well?
...hide a happiness, a well-lived spell?
In your absence, everything turns illusionary,
Nothing holds meaning without you,
My torment loses significance,
Only if you and I were together.
In your absence, everything turns illusionary,
Nothing holds meaning without you,
My torment loses significance,
Only if you and I were together,
If you and I were together.


The cell

All life descends, as people tell,
well, from a cell.
But sometimes, as to rogues, life's end is done
in such a one.


Labaduba, labaduba

Labaduba, Labaduba
Labaduba, labaduba
And the stove is like this
The ceiling is trembling
Labaduba labaduba
The earthquake is like this
Labaduba labaduba
And the stove is like this
The ceiling is trembling
Labaduba labaduba


Lapis Lazuli

Trapped in a mirror
With a wounded soul
A prisoner of this earth
She would gaze into space
You think she was a criminal,
but in fact she was a friend.
Lapis Lazuli
You fell on the seafloor.
Lapis Lazuli
Now you and I are good friends.


Don't play hard to get

If you play hard to get or not,
It doesn't make a difference for me.
Even when you're not here this spring season,
It's still spring for me.
All the hurtful things you've done to me,
I won't forget for a moment.
There are many things
a person doesn't forget in a lifetime.
No, I don't want you to call my name.
I don't want you to look at me.
No, I won't stop you on your way.
I don't even want a glance from you.
If you seek my heart,
this time you will burn.
I will teach you a lesson, what a lesson.
You should be scared of the fire.
Don't play hard to get,
Don't be coy for me.
It's enough, don't be coy for me.
Don't be coy,
I don't like it when
You play hard to get for me.
I don't want you in my moments
to be the dust of sadness.
No, you should learn
how to love me.
Let us put our hands into each other's,
Not to lie to each other anymore.
In our stories for each other,
there are no new words any longer.


God of Skies

God of skies
God of galaxies
Listen to the cry for help
of this loving heart of ours, the youth
Hands are strange
Hearts are hollow
Words are a lie
Loves are flimsy
'I love you' sayings
are just words
Its lifetime is the same as
a snowball
Everyone in the world
when the morning comes
for the passion of love
wakes up
but a love that
from today to tomorrow
stays in hearts
cannot be found



Who broke this directional magnet?
Where am I supposed to go now?
Will I be able to reach you without getting lost?
Breathing in all the dirt
When the moon waxes and wanes, you will not be normal
It is very sad that we care about such a sad fiction
I was hungry for hunger, and time went on without me.
It is similar. It's like a slumber. I hear a new birth.
I spit out all the beautiful things.
The tablet has closed the future, and now the first day is near.
It's such a beautiful sky. I can't do anything.
You opened up that map and said, 'There's so much missing.
The directional needle you broke pointed to me.
Between the living and the dead, we are lured by the darkness, chased by the night, and lose our way.
It's sad that we care about such a sad fiction.
Such a beautiful sky, though. I can't do anything for you.
You tore up the map and said, 'Let's go in the direction of the morning.



The sound of rain disappearing from the northern sky.
The number of sheep I've been counting has passed 10,000 and I still can't sleep.
I listened to your voice and heard its confession in silence.
I dreamed that I was in the top block of an intermittently glowing building.
For whom did I look down on this city?
I listened to your voice and heard your confession in silence.
Your voice grazed my cheek and entered this body, silently.



A benevolent has graced my life by being a part of it
A benevolent has graced my life by being a part of it
In my beating of my heart
In my beating of my heart, a new desire has been sparked
A benevolent has graced my life by being a part of it
These flushing, blushing eyes
Let me greet them
Let me make them my dawns
Let me make them my evenings
These flushing, blushing eyes
My wishes, thus far, have not charmed anyone
My wishes, thus far, have not charmed anyone
Rather, they are not aware
They are not aware life has been appeased
A benevolent has graced my life by being a part of it
In my beating of my heart
In my beating of my heart, a new desire has been sparked


her method

The sound of an old typewriter echoed.
Cigarettes smeared on a messily removed cardigan.
Pretending not to know the nicotine or the brand name.
I hear the sound of the radio in the cold room.
I don't know, I don't know.
I listened to her method.
'Regret is meaningless

Grapefruit choudai

I've been sitting quietly in front of you for a while now.
Something is going on in my head right now.
The hands, feet and torso seem to start to move apart.
I'm barely able to hold it and hold it still.
I sometimes check this from the other side of the imaginary river.
You are the symbol of my last ten years.
I don't have words and I can't touch them.
If you're still there, I'll be relieved.
A car like a horse and a guitar like a car
I want a girl like a guitar.
I've been sitting quietly in front of you for a while now.
There's finally something terrible in my head.
It's stuck
If you don't disappear from here somewhere while counting for another 10 seconds, I'll eat all the contents of your precious refrigerator.
I'll take it.
Give me a grapefruit
Give me a grapefruit
Give me a grapefruit
Please come here again.
Please tell me about whether you like it or not.
You are my symbol.
Get in a car like a horse and play the guitar like a car.
I want to be on a girl's knee like a guitar.
Give me a grapefruit
Give me a grapefruit
Give me a grapefruit


Still having dreams

Still awake, then I'll stay with you, eyes wide open
Back to back, eyes closed
Thinking of shedding tears, I'll certainly accompany you, no need to persuade, I understand
Scars are also a kind of fortune
There's a prize called courage
Even if tomorrow takes a turn for the worse
Let's embark on an adventure, don't forget
As long as there are dreams, there's no fear of pain
Love is like a special-effect bandage
My hands are free
Grasp tightly, and the power will connect
As long as there are dreams, dare to charge again
Stand with you at the summit
The stars are our audience
Illuminating the smile on your face
In that night, you also once stayed up with me, eyes wide open
With the eyes that understand me the most
Giving me warmth
What has supported me on this journey?
You are the angel charging me
Filling my heart
Scars are also a kind of fortune
There's a prize called courage
We have many promises yet to be fulfilled
We still need to achieve them together
As long as there are dreams, there's no fear of pain
Love is like a special-effect bandage
My hands are free
Grasp tightly, and the power will connect
As long as there are dreams, dare to charge again
Stand with you at the summit
The stars are our audience
Illuminating the smile on your face
Waiting for me
Waiting for you
Scars are also a kind of fortune
There's a prize called courage
We have many promises yet to be fulfilled
We still need to achieve them together
As long as there are dreams, there's no fear of pain
Love is like a special-effect bandage
My hands are free
Grasp tightly, and the power will connect
As long as there are dreams, dare to charge again
Stand with you at the summit
The stars are our audience
Illuminating the smile on your face (×2)
We still have dreams
Still have dreams