Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 153

Találatok száma: 99648


I'm your Treasure Box

Mon bijou, this alluring box, oh... Sweetly flowing a clue of the jewelry in its grasp...
Dangerous Marine Smell...
(Wonder what I should say to you overseas guys when you open it..?
'The booty you were hunting was SE-N-CH-OU's?' Nah...
'Arr~ ♡Don't plunder it all so fast♡' Or...?
'Surprise, you found something sweeter than doubloons...?' Perfect♡)
So behold this garneted locker, Scarlet 'X' marks the ultimate pirate treasure,
You should know I mean me.
Let its shine like treasure enlure you, And its perfume induce something other than fear,
Ahh, come unlock me~
(Ahh ha ha ha♡)
I know you wanna catch me, go on don't be shy,
You're gonna get that treasure,
Maybe tasting me,
You wanna try my sweetness, ah, come on and say so!
(Ah-hoy!! DA-BA-DA-BOI) Now grip the key all tightly,
(Ah-hoy!! DA-BA-DA-BOI) And turn it gently rightly,
(Ah-hoy!! DA-BA-DA-BOI) I'm here in golden plating,
Losing it waiting inside this case.
So impatient you are to hold me,
My crew sees the oh-so-importance of a little tease...
(Yeah...) But even a rose fades...So let me free.
(On the seven seas we go...)
(Making sail in search of booty...)
(What the heck are you guys imagining from the word 'booty'!?)
(Or I will...)
(OPEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Now let me enchanted you, Naughty Sexy Beam,
A monster-in-a-box with mind Exploring thighs (KABOOM...)
You're gonna own the pleasure,
Maybe love of me?
Everything is yours if you would just 'obtain' me!
(Ah-hoy!! DA-BA-DA-BOI) Doubloons are just passes you know,
(Ah-hoy!! DA-BA-DA-BOI) Just pennies to what I'll show,
(Ah-hoy!! DA-BA-DA-BOI) Shivering as my wrinkles grow,
If someone doesn't save me!
You guys are --trying to-- torture me,
Overseas guys... what are you thinking!?
I know just what you want, that's exposed,
So hurry now and open up this treasure.
Box of your Senchou...
Like a garnet my crew's lost red rose...
(Guys... Guys...? OPEN UP!!!!!!)


Isten Komplexus

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Én akarok lenni az igazi megváltó
Aki szörnyű halált halt
Én akarok lenni a Messiás, pária
Aki sosem hal meg
Én akarok lenni az életed szerelme
Igen, és az egyetlen
Akinek mindig sírni tudnál
Lehetnék az, akire szükséged van
Édes, nem könyörögsz,
vagy kezdjek el vérezni?
Istenem, megpróbálhatnék
Az lenni
Az lenni
Letépem az eget
Mit szeretnél?
Mind megteszem
Egy életen át
Ma éjjel
Ma éjjel megteszek mindent érted
Fehér angyal akarok lenni
Akinek kétbilliárd szeme van
Olyan akarok lenni, mint egy légy a falon
Hogy halálodig nézhesselek
Ott leszek, ahol te is
Nem számít milyen távol
Hiszen erre vagyunk hivatottak
Lehetnék az, akire szükséged van
Édes, kérlek imádj engem
Hacsak nem véreznél szívesebben
Istenem, megpróbálhatnék
Az lenni
Az lenni
Letépem az eget
Mit szeretnél?
Mind megteszem
Egy életen át
Ma éjjel
Ma éjjel megteszek mindent érted


Lábnyomok a hóban

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Mikor legelöször rám néztél
Próbáltad elrejteni, de én mégis
egy különös szépséget láttam a szemedben
A szenvedély szikraként repült,
mint a nyíl a cél felé
A féltékenység fullánkját éreztem
Mielött észrevennéd valójában, lábnyomok vannak a hóban
A vágy olyan, mint a folyó
Honnan jön, senki se tudja
Senki se hallotta, vagy látta
A szerelem olyan, mint a nyíló virág
S aztán csak Isten tudja
Guillotine-ként zuhan le rád
A szerelem zivatarát érzem
Melyet hurrikán tépett
Elhomályosította a napot egyetlen éjjel
Az állóvizek milyen mélyek
Milyen mélyek valójában, mint a lábnyomok a hóban
Vedd a kebledre szerelmemet
Bízd a próbára lelkemet
Úgy fogod látni, mint egy lovagot
Páncélja csillog
Angyalszárnyon szárnyalunk
Felhök felett, szivárvány ívein
Az álmok hajóján vitorlázhatunk
Ha megfogod a kezem
Ezen a homoksivatagon átkelhetünk
A jégen is áttörhetünk
És az Éden szellöjét érezzük
És érezzük majd valóban, ahogy lábnyomunk elfújja a hóban
Ha egyedül érzed magad
Csak emeld fel kezed, fogd a telefont
Üsd be a számom és ott leszek
Ha egy napon a csillagod nem ragyog
Adok neked majd néhányat az enyémböl
Mert olyan könnyen lezuhanhatnak
Ha megfogod a kezem
Ezen a homoksivatagon átkelhetünk
A jégen is áttörhetünk
És az Éden szellöjét érezzük
És érezzük majd valóban, ahogy lábnyomunk elfújja a hóban
Mindketten tudjuk valóban, lábnyomok vannak a hóban



And even if it's painful sometimes
in the end perhaps it'll work out
one goes and another comes
wine in Paris surely makes one dizzy
In the evening when it's cold
a bit more than here
passes by already in your head
if only he would come
and even if not
And even if not
did you yearn for all of him a little or just his voice
It's easy to yearn from the distance
also it's easier to be quiet in the morning
with a coffee and a croissant
two days have already passed
it isn't a disaster
despite that you already want to sleep
or just to lie down and talk
to laugh and fib
to listen to what you are saying
nu, what are you saying
Stop lying to your heart
the heart never lies
if you distance yourself perhaps he'll come close
remember the most important thing is
what G-d thinks
Paris is not just some city
also Tel Aviv
now you won't get out of my head
now that you're his
perhaps he's similar but he's not..
did you yearn for all of him a little or just his voice
It's easy to yearn from the distance
also it's easier to be quiet in the morning
with a coffee and a croissant
two days have already passed
it isn't a disaster
despite that you already want to sleep
or just to lie down and talk
to laugh and fib
to listen to what you are saying
nu, what are you saying
Nu, what are you saying
It's easy to yearn from the distance
also it's easier to be quiet in the morning
with a coffee and a croissant
two days have already passed
it isn't a disaster
despite that you already want to sleep
or just to lie down and talk
It's the Parisian atmosphere that males me sad and that makes me think of you again, of you, always, of you.
My head is with me, but it’s my heart that remains always with you when you are so far from me in Tel Aviv.

Time is against me
Time is playing with me.




She's living a completely different life than mine
Canceling appointments to see me
Dropping three clients 'cause she wants to see me
My buddies are calling, now I gotta go unfortunately
I only look at her face once
She doesn't need to talk, I get her
With the gang in the trap until ten in the morning
My Double-Cup Lean tastes like her tears
My Double-Cup Lean tastes like her tears
And I'm as numb as after surgery
Brown, green, yellow, purple, counting bills
Someone needs a box, no problem at all
My life is fast, it's already getting bright
Come on, let's fly now, I'll book us a hotel
Come on, let's go shopping, take what you like
Smoke on the beach and enjoy the waves
She's different, and she doesn't care about the money
We talk about things written in the stars, hey
Ordering pizza
While others party, we watch TV, oh
I'm hypnotized
Because of you, I can't take anyone else seriously
She's living a completely different life than mine
Canceling appointments to see me
Dropping three clients 'cause she wants to see me
My buddies are calling, now I gotta go unfortunately
I only look at her face once
She doesn't need to talk, I get her
With the gang in the trap until ten in the morning
My Double-Cup Lean tastes like her tears


Because the Wish Is Worth It

Let me tell you something
When hopes are on the verge of shattering
When your doubts torment you
Bring your wishes to the light
Because every wish fills your heart
As heavy as it may be
Because the wish is worth it
Yes, everyone has the dream
To be somewhere else someday
Kings also dream
Of a life with no throne or power
Because every dream fills your heart
Never think it’s too late
Because the dream is worth it
We’re born to be free
We play in the sunlight
And no dream ever gets lost
Until at one point our morning comes
If wishes fight against time
Tell them: “Be nice and fair”
They may kick and scream, yeah
So show them what it’s like together
Once they’re united in your heart
You’ll see them grow
When more new dreams come to life
Because every wish fills your heart
As heavy as it may be
Because the wish is worth it


Where is she now?

She used to live in the house next to mine
and even then I dreamed of the two of us
where is she now, where is she now
I asked passers-by where the blue-eyes were
I offered wealth for her address
years passed, but there was no hope
whoever tells me will save me
where is she now
Oh how could she leave me
I have been looking into her windows for days
where is she now, where is she now


Ilie tha rapper

Hello, Im Ilie, I was born a the countryside
And I dont listen like others to folk/traditional music
Cuz maybe, Im a little different
Im giving log out when others are giving Loghin
And I pulled my pants, down a little
Cuz this is how I saw thay wear it at TV
And I have a chain at the neck, thay say its ugly
Mom says I should sell it
And I had a concert in the village, where the priests daughter came
Then we walked home and counted all the poplars
Shes so cute, and always in trend with the fashion
But when she put a selfie on facebook the commode was seen
She always inspired me, I even mad a melody:
i love you Maricica (by Ilie the rapper)
I take her with me in the room and turn up the volume
I let the clothes down a little and I look like Eminem
Everyone knows me in the village
I'm Ilie the rapper
All the kids want to be like me
Look, its Ilie the rapper (2x)
[We will pause the program for some breaking news]
I have swag everywhere I go
I dont stay a lot, Im like a pencil, I erase myself
Everyone says im wallachian cuz I speak very fast
This is my flow, what did I do wrong?
Through hahaha hihihi, everyday
You take the wife, I can do in a blink too
I took a girl and but her in the barn
She sounded like an instrumental, by sound
The priest in the village said I was possesed
Look at him how he shakes his head
Im going with the horse-cart slowly, on the path
Tell me what horse wears adidas on its feet
Last winter I but no wood in the fireplace
I worked hard to buy headphones from Dr Dre
Hes not a real doctor, so he doesent want the prescriptions
All the summer I listened to Snoop Dogg
'Who?' Snoop Dogg! 'What?' Snoop Dogg
'What snup?' Snoop the dog
'May the dog bite you'
Everyone knows me in the village
I'm Ilie the rapper
All the kids want to be like me
Look, its Ilie the rapper
Everyone knows me in the village
I'm Ilie the rapper
All the kids want to be like me
Look, look its Ilie the rapper (2x)
[Boss, the song ended, that it, bravo]


Love isn't always enough

(I love you, I am sure of it)
(I know that love isn't always enough)
You have changed me for the better
Smarter, more conscience
I know you so well
I can always guess what you would say
But I still don't know what you think about
You might be the only one who understands me
I love you, I am sure of it
But I know that love isn't always enough
Your smile, your laugh, your thoughts, your mind
But even love is not always enough
You have given me more courage
Shown me new sides of myself
You write everything in the calendar
You try to get me to do the same
You always know what I need
I love you, I am sure of it
But I know that love isn't always enough
Your smile, your laugh, your thoughts, your mind
But even love is not always enough
I love you, I am sure of it


I let go

Hold my heart
As it hurts me
Wings across the sky
Hold my soul
As when I hurt you
Across nowhere
I look into your eyes
And I do not need
Anything else anymore what I asked
I feel so high
Because I am in heaven
And I have superpowers
I take in the wind
Carried by wind
In love
With everything that I did not want
At the border of dreams
At the top of paradise
With you and so
Give me a sign and I jump
I am sure that I fly
I feel so easy
I wait only for a word
Give me a sign and I let go
Give me a sign and I let go
You know that I am prepared
I am ready to love you
A life or even more
You know that I am prepared
That I will not deviate
Never from my trail
I see clouds above
I want to let myself go
To let myself carry by the waves
You know like in the past
Nothing holds me
I am prepared to jump
I take in the wind
Carried by wind
In love
With everything that I did not want
At the border of dreams
At the top of paradise
With you and so
Give me a sign and I jump
I am sure that I fly
I feel so easy
I wait only for a word
Give me a sign and I let go
Give me a sign and I let go
I let go in nothing so that I have no orientation
I let go in nothing hoping that you do the same
And when you do not do it every time I look smiling in the sky
Everything that I felt will remain eternal
At the border of dreams
At the top of paradise
With you and so
Give me a sign and I jump
I am sure that I fly
I feel so easy
I wait only for a word
Give me a sign and I let go
Give me a sign and I let go
Give me a sign and I let go
For you always


The army of light

Maybe from the cloudy sky of our eyes
The sun has travelled forever
I call him: O sun, O
shining dream of the world
The world became dark, day became continuous nights
In this intense cold which is so desperate and deadly, you are the only hope, O silent and tired lantern
He said, my heart wants to fly to the land of light
But the lasso of darkness ties my wings
If you are searching for a solution, listen to me to reveal the secret
A hundred sayings are equal to one deed
One lighted candle is better than hundreds of murmurs
Go light the candle of your soul, O silent heartbroken one
If your hearts forget to get used to darkness
The army of light will rise little by little


Open The Door

[Mehdi Bustani]
I peeked through the keyhole, your ankle's clear to see, open the door
Note1, if you don't open the door, there's no joy in it, open the door
I'm freezing to death, open the door
The rain soaked me, open the door
[Tannaz Zand]
What in the world! If I open the door, it will cause infamy, hit the road kiddo
Only if my husband finds out, he'll spill my blood, go on kiddo
You are freezing to death, just go boy
The rain soaked you, just move on boy
[Mehdi Bustani]
Wow, you wore Rappie (puffy) pants, slit skirt, open the door
Heh, the one who just roams the bazaars on the whim (you don't care about others crushing on you also your husband apparently doesn't care about other guys since you freely go out on a whim), open the door
I'm blistering to death, lemme on the other side
Open the door I'm dying of cold
[Tannaz Zand]
What! I've got my Rappie pants on, what's it to you, kiddo leave
Well, unless you crack the pomegranate, you can't taste it, can you, leave boy
Whoreson, leave at once kid
Be less of a burden, hey kiddo, just go
[Mehdi Bustani]
I've had an ego, till the night came
The black night, turned into white, wow
I wanted to just lie down, I've had no place to do so2
I put my hands in the pocket and had no money
Bro, I seek it, I don't have the guts
Oh God, I want it, I just don't dare
[Tannaz Zand]
His mustache is Korneylie (a certain model)
Has his Meylu Mace under his belt
He is the 'sight and light' of me (my only true love and peace)3
He is the 'sun rising on my roof' (my reason to wake up and my guidance)
[Mehdi Bustani & Tannaz Zand]
Bro, I seek it, I don't have the guts
Oh God, I want it, I just don't dare
[Mehdi Bustani]
Wow, I peeked through the half open door
She was sleeping, an angel, fairy
I faced to towards the sky/God, kill me if you can
[Mehdi Bustani & Tannaz Zand]
Bro, I seek it, I don't have the guts
Oh God, I want it, I just don't dare
  • 1. Voy, can mean 'What? (scared)', 'sign', 'relief', 'notice' or 'beware' depending on the context
  • 2. no window for me to act on getting you
  • 3. Such complements are not as weird or rare in Iranic languages, like it's common to say such complements to your girlfriend, wife or husband.


You'll find everything

On the sea side, wind blows the water
There's a river that'll never be forgotten
Listen to it
When you'll sleep
She's the fortress of the truth
The ways of justice are there
Melodious, graceful truth is there
Don't get drown, be careful
She sings wonderful
If you believe her she'll welcome you
You won't lose if you'll be brave
If you can face the truth
On the sea side, wind blows the water
There's a mother that'll be remembered forever
My darling, return home
What you lost will be found



Breathe in the denuded sky
And do not die!
Breathe in - do not listen!
Breathe in and behold! Just see
How splintered is the sky, the horizon is cracked,
How corpulent floodplains wrench ozone from the above,
Treetops pierce homes of the heavenly orbs…
Give light but don’t listen!
Hold still!
And don’t dare to go!
Copper bourgeoned the ozone-like cloud over the roofs…
Honeyed Sun won’t let you die!
Honeyed sounds stream deep into the soul…
If you can…
And wish to…
And the Sun will fill with the colors of scarlet strings,
And stars, their game, will play out on violins…
And music… Music! It will snatch you out of the dark,
And mutinous notes will rebel akin to us!
And the horizon will spill, break, and burst out,
And the sun will drown, collapse, breaking the pattern,
And the night will overtake what remains of our bodies…
Shadows will lay us down, after all, shadows are almost a bed…
Most importantly, remember: breathe and dare not grow older!
Live forever in my heavenly game,
Live and love, and watch the movie in the heavens…
I'm beside you.
I behold.
I feel the nightfall is coming...
I touch your soul with the edge of the sky...
I believe…
I know…
I will…
And you -
Just breathe!


Fado and Lisbon

Longing is pity
Longing is sorrow
Longing is weeping
Pain that is serene
Eyes with water
Fado that I sing
Longing is life
Longing is death
Longing is a cry
It is this toil
It is this fate
It is this fado
In me, longing
Is what gives sense to fado
And I sing like this,
With my broken heart
I am far away
And when my fado sounds
It keeps vibrant
Fado and Lisbon
Longing is a prayer
Water under the bridge
Evil that we feel
Longing weighs heavy
It weighs nothing
When we pretend
But longing
Not everyone feels it
I am sure of it
Because the truth
Belongs to us
It is Portuguese
I am far away
And when my fado sounds
It keeps vibrant
Fado and Lisbon



[Verse 1]
You took everything from me
I believed you when you said
That I’m not
capable, not enough, and now you’re there
You’re begging me to come back
Claim that no one else treats me better
I’ve heard these lies before
My tears
So long they’ve flowed
Today they just
Make me glisten
Although you took my smile, were bad for my heart
I still know, I know that
The pain won’t kill me
The pressure makes diamonds
And I will find somebody
That looks at me like I’m the only one in the world
Speaks to me kindly and worships my skin
[Verse 2]
You can
Look from further away
While I dance and I reflect light, so bright
When you’re no longer in my way, yeah
It makes me feel so good
To see you notice
That even though you tried
You couldn’t break me after all
Just made me rise back up stronger
My tears
So long they’ve flowed
Today they just
Make me glisten
Although you took my smile, were bad for my heart
I still know, I know that
The pain won’t kill me
The pressure makes diamonds
And I will find somebody
That looks at me like I’m the only one in the world
Speaks to me kindly and worships my skin
You try to ask me to dance with you
But I know that I can’t trust you anymore
There’s no need for you to insist that you’ll make it right
What we were, it’s just a memory to me now
Although you took my smile, were bad for my heart
I still know, I know that
The pain won’t kill me
The pressure makes diamonds
And I will find somebody
That looks at me like I’m the only one in the world
Speaks to me kindly and worships my skin


Chefone's garden

In order to maintain contact with the inventor corps
The Management held a supper for the one in 'The Eternal Spring'
a winter garden of the type that spaceships nurses
in the humour of the people called 'the spaces' flying courtyards'
The best of man is that man have watched out for life
Small paradises is where nothing gets ragged and teared down
there man from glossy hard techniques and from the space's clear
and staring night with the living greens can be
There our Management now sat together with the inventor corps
and the question was this: how to protect The Eternal Spring?
How do arrange so that we can nurse more of life,
how to protect our legacy of 'the spaces' flying courtyards'?
Firstly everyone looked around in the lovely park
It was enclosed by arches that disappeared into the grass-covered ground
So true-to-image it was that the spring sky shone and the stream
a calculated cycle was described within the paradise hedge
Towards the sky that the sight had landed on last the dove took flight
A woman in nakedhood sat by the hyssop-blue tuft
With well-pronounced breast and in a beauty enhanced position
she thought I was notably nice for it beckoned towards evening
Yes, the woman's eyebrows was quite beauteous
and from this foundation, I neared the sight quite alot
But despite by the drinks I had just received around my heart
a lovely sight like this have rarely hurted me
I rubbed my eye in belief that I was not awake

I Sit on the Side of the Street

I sit on the side of the street
And look at people.
They do not know
That I look at them.
Does God look at us this way,
Without us feeling anything, without us understanding,
Without us being asked?
I do not know.
There are many things I ask.
As of now
I sit on the side of the street
And look.


You're My Best Suicide

It always ends like this, in my most vulnerable moment
With all those knives in my back, it's hard to stand
Ask me if leaving is easy, one more time
Do you have the face to come back from now on?
The dreams I saw gave me again, to ask myself
I can't go, I can't escape, nowhere without you
Since the moment your smiles touched my eyes
I can't smile, I can't look, to anyone anymore
My eyes don't see anything after you
Actually, you don't really care about me too much
The dreams I saw gave me again, to ask myself
I can't go, I can't escape, nowhere without you
Since the moment your smiles touched my eyes
I can't smile, I can't look, to anyone anymore


This Tramp [He's a Tramp] (1975)

Tramp is great
Everybody loves him
He breaks hearts every day
Tramp is great
Everybody wants him
I can't deny that I like him, too
This tramp
This crook
Plays with hearts as he pleases
I'm sorry, but I love him
And liked to rest by his side
Say whatever you want, if he came now
I wouldn't resist either
Even though he doesn't look like a count
Shall he be mine alone!
This tramp
This crook
I've gone crazy already
He's a chap, he is class
And I just wish he'd go with me...
Just wish he'd go with me...
Just wish he'd go with me...


Yes, I Regret It All

Oh, my empty pockets
The dreary old tricks
All the drinks
And the brittle joints
The babbled words
The bloated body
My opinions
And the cock and bull stories
And when you see me, ladies and gentlemen,
You will understand me:
Yes, I regret it all
Yes, I regret it all
The bad hiding places
The boilermakers
The lost weekends
My lesser urges
The bad smells
The dumb lines
The wrong choices
And the just pains
And when you see me, ladies and gentlemen,
You will understand me:
Yes, I regret it all
Yes, I regret it all
No lipstick on my collar
Traces of piss on my shoes
Shoes, shoes, shoes
The lost friends
The dead dreams
The normalities
Abandoned diets
Self-inflicted fears
And tolerated restraints
The empty pockets
And the dreary old tricks
And if you ask me, ladies and gentlemen,
I will say:
Yes, I regret it all
Yes, I regret it all
No lipstick on my collar
Traces of piss on my shoes
And when you see me, ladies and gentlemen,
You will understand me:
Yes, I regret it all
Yes, I regret it all
My God, I regret it all
Yes, I regret it all


In paths ignoble, tread with care..

In paths ignoble, tread with care...Alike in vice, you and those who share.
I've witnessed freemen shun disgrace....Loyalty shields from betrayal's embrace.
No hardship lingers, intense and dire...After the storm, emerges tranquil mire.
Through trials and toils, the world I've known...Benefit arises, seeds of wisdom sown.
When household leaders turn away...Coldness from people, a bitter display.
In honor one dwells, with modesty's guide...Wood endures, as long as bark abides.
By Allah, life lacks goodness and light...When modesty departs, casting shadows on sight.
Fear not the night's consequences, nor feel shame...Do as you please, in this transient game.


If sins in multitude reside

O God, if sins in multitude reside,
Your mercy's might I know shall far outstride.
If only saints approach with hopeful plea,
Where shall the sinner find solace and sanctuary?
As Thou commanded, I humbly pray,
Shouldst Thou deny, who'll show compassion's sway?
No means have I, except through fervent plea,
Thy pardoning grace, and as a Muslim, I decree.



A deep night is seen from this town
The moon is clouded, the wind is howling
My heart quivers over times we can't meet
I've had enough of hiding my feelings
The unhealing springtime and freezing mornings
Are a spectacle that lacks permanence
The love I can't forget and the pain that refuses to fade
Are equally dear to me
How many words do I want to convey?
The amount torments me to the point of illness
An emotional movement that pierces through us
Is the trust we have placed in each other
If you were to look around unexpectedly, you'd see a child crying
Yet you are living without knowing that
I'll make it vague, they don't need help or salvation
It's the fate of lost children
Foolish love and certain prayers
Such hopes are set aflame here
Small talents and dreams of atonement
Must be held close
How many words do I want to convey?
So that I don't wallow in misery
Clearing away this darkness
Is the trust we have placed in each other
Our voices along with yours
With not a single exchange
Righteousness and wickedness, truth and lies
I feel as though they have no meaning
How many words do I want to convey?
The amount torments me to the point of illness
An emotional movement that pierces through us
Is the trust we have placed in each other
Our voices along with yours
With not a single exchange
Righteousness and wickedness, truth and lies
I feel as though they have no meaning


Blue Queen

Forgive me, my azure queen,
Forgive me, bright little sugar cube,
Forgive me, crystal tulip,
Forgive me, timeless poem.
I confided in everyone about you, for tears to flow,
But I never told you that within you, to die in you
to die in you
Do not be overcast, my azure queen,
Wear a sunlit gown tonight,
Do not weep, oh heartless queen,
Be my heartbeat, a shoreless wave.
Forgive me if I yielded you to the wind,
If I failed to elevate you to the pinnacle of melodies,
Forgive me if I fell short as a friend and lover,
Forgive me if my presence was not eternal.
Forgive me, my azure queen,
Forgive me, bright little sugar cube,
Forgive me, crystal tulip,
Forgive me, timeless poem.
I shared your story with others to evoke tears,
But I never told you that within you, to die in you
to die in you
Bestow a kiss upon me, lipless queen,
Take me to the edge of this night,
Sing me, oh queen without instruments,
Dance with me until the song's final note.
Forgive me if I relinquished you to the wind,
If I failed to escort you to the zenith of melodies,
Forgive me if I faltered as a friend and lover,
Forgive me if I was not there for eternity.
Forgive me if I shattered you into poetry,
Though I sat weeping at the demise of a leaf,
Forgive me if I am not like a sea,
I apologize if I didn't anchor myself to the house.
Forgive me.


Momentary Burdens

The wind wrinkles the moonlight, and the gently falling flowers
While the sound of the zither quietly brews at the edge of the world
My heart pounds under the moon, covertly beginning to sprout
I melt under your gaze
The noise of the crowds, the fate of the people
I've been waiting lifetimes for this moment
How can I express my silent concern?
I'm afraid that the snow will fall and you'll be alone as your hair turns white
Light a glow within my heart
Like an eternal night being illuminated completely
No matter how vast the world is and how spontaneous the wind and snow are
How I'll wish to be by your side forever, never letting go
The noise of the crowds, the fate of the people
I've been waiting lifetimes for this moment
How can I express my silent concern?
I'm afraid that the snow will fall and you'll be alone as your hair turns white
Light a glow within my heart
Like an eternal night being illuminated completely
No matter how vast the world is and how spontaneous the wind and snow are
How I'll wish to be by your side forever
Light a glow within my heart
Like an eternal night being illuminated completely
No matter how vast the world is and how spontaneous the wind and snow are
How I'll wish to be by your side forever
How I'll wish to be by your side forever, never letting go



Before sunrise, can I take one more glance at your face?
Before leaving, can I say just a few more sincere promise?
Can you give me some more time to lay by your side
To take this scene, your calm face and warm shoulder, and record it in my heart
Sometimes I'm still afraid of waking up not by your side
Afraid of not being near you from now on
Maybe I will still, will still, will still be at a loss
From now on without me, will you be too lonely?
Before sunrise, can I take one more glance at your face?
Before leaving, can I say just a few more sincere promise?
Can you give me some more time to lay by your side
To take this scene, your calm face and warm shoulder, and record it in my heart
Sometimes I'm still afraid of waking up not by your side
Afraid of not being near you from now on
Maybe I will still, will still, will still be at a loss
From now on without me, will you be too lonely?
Too lonely?
Sometimes I'm still afraid of waking up not by your side
Afraid of not being near you from now on
Maybe I will still, will still, will still be at a loss
From now on without me, will you be too lonely?
Too lonely?


New tune

a tune plays, timeless and new
and it melts this frosty ground
hopelessness yields
like this I dance towards the morning glow
and I don't worry whether it is an illusion, this worrylessness
like a bee searches for new nectar
I too search for living water
wine of the world can not quench
a thirst for love so tormenting
a tune plays, timeless and new
and it melts this frosty ground
hopelessness yields
like this I dance towards the morning glow
and I don't worry whether it is an illusion, this worrylessness
as I see the birds go away south
I too would like to fly far away from here
but although I am but a prisoner, traveller of earth
my soul may be free
a tune plays, timeless and new
and it melts this frosty ground
hopelessness yields
like this I dance towards the morning glow
and I don't worry whether it is an illusion, this worrylessness
a tune plays, timeless and new
and it melts this frosty ground
hopelessness yields
like this I dance towards the morning glow
and I don't worry whether it is an illusion, this worrylessness
a tune plays, timeless and new
and it melts this frosty ground
hopelessness yields
like this I dance towards the morning glow
and I don't worry whether it is an illusion, this worrylessness


I'm The gummy bear

I am the gummy bear,
My Name Is Gummy Bear,
I Am Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Gummy Bear,
I am the gummy bear,
My Name Is Gummy Bear,
I'm on Gummy Funny Gummy Gummy Gummy Bear Oh Yeoooah


Buj Buj Polka

Lush green branch
Green leaf
The golden gate is open
I'm just drooling over it
Lush lush greenery
Green leaf
The golden gate is open
I'm just drooling over it
But stop dele robe dilasse
Debi rob de stab di rob
Del top del robe dilasse
But dab di rob
Open your rose gate, your gate
Let me avoid it
Wait wait wait
Open your rose gate, your gate
Let me avoid it
Wait wait wait
Lush green branch
Green leaf
The golden gate is open
I'm just drooling over it
Lush lush greenery
Green leaf
The golden gate is open
I'm just drooling over it
But stop dele robe dilasse
Debi rob de stab di rob
Del top del robe dilasse
But dab di rob
Open your rose gate, your gate
Let me avoid it
Wait wait wait
Open your rose gate, your gate
Let me avoid it
Wait wait wait
But stop dele robe dilasse
Debi rob de stab di rob
Del top del robe dilasse
But dab di rob
Lush green branch
Green leaf
The golden gate is open
I'm just drooling over it
Lush lush greenery
Green leaf
The golden gate is open
I'm just drooling over it
Lush green branch
Green leaf
The golden gate is open
I'm just drooling over it
Lush lush greenery
Green leaf
The golden gate is open
I'm just drooling over it



Cinderella, your smile is a sun
Cinderella, your eyes are sky blue
Even dressed in rags, you have the grace of a butterfly
You look like princess under those blonde braids
Cinderella, your heart is leaving on a journey
It's a chance to go somewhere new
They'll take you away forever
Cinderella, Cinderella
You have a date with love


For a fling

For a fling with you
I'd just do anything
For a fling with you
I'd just do whatever it takes
For a mere rendezvous
For a fling with you
For a little ride
A little day
Into your arms
For a little ride
When dawn breaks
Into your sheets
I would leave everything
Even if it meant comin' off as cheesy to you
For a fling with you
I'd be ready to sell my soul
For just one stolen kiss
For a fling with you
For a little ride
A little day
Into your arms
For a little ride
When dawn breaks
Into your sheets
I'd feign love at first sight
To fondle you just a tad
For a fling with you
I'd go overboard for you
Just to charm my way into your bed
For a fling with you
For a little ride
A little day
Into your arms
For a little ride
When dawn breaks
Into your sheets