Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 17

Találatok száma: 100455


The prettiest

I want you more than anyone before
I give my heart to you for eternity
And whether you are near or far
You are prettier than the prettiest
And when you leave sad in the morning
You’re even more beautiful than in my dream
And as you close the door
You tell me once again that
That you would like to stay here a bit longer
That you would like to stay here a bit longer, that you’d stay here
Truly, you are prettier than the prettiest
Life is beautiful if you’re here with me
I still have to tell you that you are everything to me
And I don’t want to ever lose you
Chorus 2x
The prettiest, the prettiest,
You are prettier than the prettiest


Cabaret Medley

Snappy rhythms, straight in the billow.
Carried you all, around for a while.
When we hear it, here in the billow.
Here we are, here I go around.
We have the path, we are the vision.
Joy is our signature!
Here we are who invite, and we invite more and more,
dare not, dare not!
Snappy rhythms, straight in the billow.
Carried you all, around for a while.
When we hear it, here in the billow.
Here we are, here I go around.
We have the path, we are the vision.
Joy is our signature!
Here we are who invite, and we invite more and more,
dare not, dare not!
Oh hey oh ho, oh hey oh ho.
Stockholm is Stockholm,
the city of cities.
Stockholm is Stockholm,
a Venice of the North.
So what if the sky is not always blue?
Stockholm will be Stockholm,
forever anyway!


Fire Fire

I'll be coming back
Home in the dark night
And I'll decide
That you're a bad habit
And I'll delete
Your number out of the address book
And I'll start
Call my exes
I'm a bad girl tonight
Fire, fire, hot, hot
Dancing in a bed till the morning
Fire, fire, fire
Fire, fire, hot, hot
Fire, fire, hot, hot
You're gone
And bought mmmm roses
And sang
To the evening serenades
I'm just standing here
With my eyes hidden
And I look
And my clothes disappear from my body
I'm a bad girl today
Fire, fire, hot, hot
Dancing in a bed until the morning
Fire, fire, fire
Fire, fire, hot, hot
Fire, fire, hot, hot
Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire
Fire, fire, fire
Oh, why am I so hot?
I'm being a bad girl today
Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire
Dancing in a bed until the morning
Fire, fire, fire
Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire
Fire, fire, fire, hot, hot


With you I can do everything

How can I not love you
When only with you I know that I am alive 1
I went through laughter and abysses with you
I lived only for you
For with you I can do everything
And nothing without you, without you it's hard to live2
And I’d live this life
300 years more for you
How can I live without you
When in my heart3 there’s only you
I was at the bottom, you saved me
You lived only for us both
  • 1. that I exist
  • 2. I can't do anything without you, and it's hard to live (without you) - this fragment is a bit difficult to translate
  • 3. soul


If she is not the one

Slowly, in silence, a doubt crept in
That I’m not good enough for her
And truth silently whispers in my ear
That it’s time for me to go
How can I do it, when out of love
I put all my cards on the table
But you cannot deceive truth, for when times are difficult
Instead of nice words, you’ll only get pain
What if she is not, what if she is not the one
That I ought to adore, and I gave her all my love?
What if I wasted, if I wasted my life
On someone who did not, did not deserve it
Did not deserve it, did not deserve it, did not deserve it


Profi kertész

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Elalszom reggel
Egy újabb nap
mekkora csoda!
Mekkora pazarlás
Hétfő van
Szokásosan unalmas
Vajon milyen izgalmas dolgok
fognak történni ma?
A kert tele e van mindenféle kacattal
a szomszédok biztos azt hihetik, E-t főzünk odakint
Ezt értékelhetnénk
Magamra húzom a takarót
4 fok van és
úgy érzem mindjárt meghalok.
Egyre nehezebb itt az élet
Úgyhogy kimegyek kertészkedni
Bármit, hogy eltereljem a figyelmem onnan ahol épp lennie kéne
A kedves szomszéd néni zöld ágyásokról beszél
És arról hogy mi mindent akar beleültetni
Paradicsomot akarok nevelni az első lépcsőn
napraforgót, babcsírát, kukoricát és retket.
Proaktívnak érzem magam
Kihúzom a gazokat
Egyszerre csak
Nehezemre esik a belégzés
A kezeim remegnek
A térdem elgyengült
Alig bírok megállni
A két lábamon
Lélegzem de zihálok
Mintha tüdőtágulásom lenne
A torkom olyan mint egy alagút
Tele müzlivel és kerozinnal
Ajjaj, mire észbe kapok
Már hívják is a 112-t
Inkább meghalok mint hogy életem végéig
tartozzak a kórháznak
Adrenalint kapok
Egyenesen a szívembe
Úgy érzem magam, mint Uma Thurman
Beüt a túladagolás utáni érzés
Arra emlékeztet amikor
nagyon beteg voltam és
túl sok pszeudoefedrint kaptam és
nem tudtam éjjel aludni
Az utca felénél járok, Andy zavarodottan néz
Azt találgatja, miért szállok be egy mentőautóba
A mentős azt hiszi, okos vagyok mert gitározom
Szerintem ő az okos mert nem hagyja meghalni az embereket
Anafilaxiás és hipochonder vagyok
Ágyban kellet volna ma maradnom
Jobb nekem az unalom
Befulladok egy
Sosem ment jól a letüdőzés
a belégzés


Mother of mine

Mother of mine, you gave to me
All of my life to do as I please
I owe everything I have to you
Mother, sweet Mother of mine
Mother of mine, when I was young
You showed me the right way things had to be done
Without your arms where would I be
Mother, sweet Mother of mine
Mother, you gave me happiness
Much more than words can say
I thank the Lord, let me breathe with you
Every night and every day
Mother of mine, now I am grown
And I can walk straight all on my own
I'd like to give you what you gave to me
Mother, sweet Mother of mine
Mother, you gave me happiness
Much more than words can say
I thank the Lord, let me breathe with you
Every night and every day
Mother of mine, now I am grown
And I can walk straight all on my own
I'd like to give you what you gave to me
Mother, sweet Mother of mine
Mother, sweet Mother of mine



Járbă, máré járbă,
M-ás dusjé ákásză,
Dá nu pot, kă ám zsurát
Járbă, máré járbă,
M-ás dusjé ákásză,
Dá nu pot, kă ám zsurát.
Máré járbă, vergyé járbă
Nu mă pot dusjé cíkásză.
Járbă, máré járbă,
M-ás dusjé ákásză,
Dá nu pot, kă ám zsurát.
O métsz náná dă pîn szát, măj,
áj lăszát kulyibá gală,
áj lăszát kulyibá gală,
Ingurzită inpunzîtă
Dá-j plyină dă szărăsjijé,
Dá-j plyină dă szărăsjijé.
Fásjé Damnyé, sjé máj fásjé
Florilyelyé, gálbiny în kásză
Florilyelyé, gálbiny în kásză
Kukas nyégri or kîntát, măj
Klopotyi ly-or tvémurát, măj.
Klopotyi ly-or tvémurát, măj.


In This Room

It's better in this room
We're here in spite of everyone
Dunavska Street 23, past midnight
Crystals are on my shirt
Nobody exits the dark of the apartment
Things thrown around, missed calls
From the corner of the room are indie-rock and the Killers
I won't go to the centre when I like the Killers better
In the city everything wears us down, everything tires us out fast
In the city we're the same as in the room, so special
It's better in this room
We're here in spite of everyone
It's better in this room
We're here in spite of everyone
Dunavska Street 23, time passes
Locked door, open windows
And the smell of the city that wants to choke us
Close the windows, because we'll stay here
It's better in this room
We're here in spite of everyone
It's better in this room
We're here in spite of everyone
It's better in this room
We're here in spite of everyone


Say angel

What is my sin
to pay for every smile with a tear, every day,
into a nightmare, it always turns into a dream,
what do I want to dream awake next to someone?
Tell me what my sin is,
maybe this tear will hurt less
Say angel,
what is my sin?
Remove the seal of sadness from my soul
Bad luck, what do I buy
and this gray cloud what do I summon?
Sin without sin I,
through life I carry like a mark on my chest,
cursed among beasts and men,
like a shadow that follows no one's steps
Tell me, what is my sin,
maybe this tear will hurt less
Say angel
what is my sin?
Remove the seal of sadness from my soul
May the sorrows fall like snow,
in one warm breath from your lips


My machine gun

My machine gun through the fir branch
Getting up is playing for the Ustashas
My machine gun through the fir branch
Getting up is playing for the Ustashas
The Serbian land is free, dear
No more begs or agas
The Serbian land is free, dear
No more begs or agas
Not thread of the harem, not thread of the Turkish courtyards
A terrible death broke out for them
Not thread of the harem, not thread of the Turkish courtyards
A terrible death broke out for them


I’ll do well (Love will be OK)

I’ll be there, so don’t you run, run, run away.
I think I’m loving you, so don’t you run, run, run away.
I’m lingering around you.
I’m not like the bad men who hurt you.
My heart is growing bigger.
I can’t express it very well.
Oh, beautiful.
You’re so pretty.
You never met such a nice man, did you?
Don’t you know how I really feel?
Can’t you tell the depth of my love?
Go 100. Everything in the world.
With love for you.
All 100. All the time. Perfect with your love.
It’s an awkward confession.
I think I love you.
I won’t be awkward with love.
Love will be alright.
It’s what I really want to hear.
Love will be alright.
It’s what I waited to hear.
Love will be alright.
Words that make us one.
Everything alright.
Just the thought makes me happy. Yeah.
It’s you, girl.
It has to be you.
I can give hundreds of reasons.
Your shining appearance excites me. Yeah.
Thanks. When I see you, my heart keeps pounding.
Thanks for burning up my cold heart.
I can’t control it anymore. I can’t control it.
Thanks, my love. You added your name to my love.
It’s an awkward confession.
I think I love you.
I won’t be awkward with love.
Okay, shine on the dark night sky.
Let’s be trapped in love.
No way. Forget everything.
Let’s enjoy our time together.
Can you feel it?
I love you.
It’s an awkward confession.
I think I love you.
I won’t be awkward with love.
Love will be okay.
My feelings for you won’t change.
Love will be okay.
I’ll love you even more.
Love will be okay.
I’ll do better than you expect.
Everything okay.
I’m happy when we spend time together. Yeah.



Give me your charger! You've worn me out again
We missed the last train, and now we can't go home because of me again
Let's always be connected by going into a war of attrition
The days of our youth, when we've dragged each other down
I'll always be with you in our precipitated memories!
I felt like no one was watching me, not even on class visitation day
I’ve been cynical enough to expect nothing from daytime city
Even the loneliness I protected that way was messed up
I'm always dying to die
I don’t think I’d want to take good care of a face like this
Those days we spent together
The small happiness we shared
I hope they are becoming a precious trauma for you
Breaking up is just a bug that someone made you throw up, right?
I'll always be with you as your lifetime regret
Q. What is the most important thing?
A. That thing which you have just lost.
You made a mistake with me
There's no going back now
In health and in sickness,
I'll always be with you in our grotesque history!
I wanted to feel sad about sad things a little more normally
I wanted to live comfortably by consigning my feelings to tunes written in a major key
“Live each day to the fullest at best.”
I'm always dying to die
I don’t want to be at the mercy of that song
You alone
Out of my sight
Don’t even think about being happy
From the night you dried my hair
I’ve been destroyed
I’ll always be with you as your lifetime regret
Like a ring that won’t come off
It keeps flashing back over and over again, and it sucks
I was prettier when we were together
I'll always be with you as your lifetime regret
Q. What is the most important thing?
A. That thing which you have just lost.
You made a mistake with me
There's no going back now
In health and in sickness,
Even if you’re sleeping with someone else
I’ll always be with you in our matching nightmare!



Alone, we are alone
Every day that passes
Give me, at least borrow me
For who are you today wearing a
Secret under your shoes
Are you begging for someone's love
Or have you understood
That I'm the one who's waiting
Lurking, watching, taking
The bad pictures have stayed
Back before our time
And how am I supposed to lead
A new game with you
Who's crazy enough to hope
Do you really think
That right now I'm waiting
Lurking, watching, taking in the smell of you
I admit that when night falls
I call your name to come to me
Alone, we are alone
Every day that passes
Give me, at least borrow me
Let the night fall
And open the windows
I'm aiming with my hand and an arrow
At your curtains
My memory serves me well
I know all your secret manoeuvres
Let the lines of your face
Tell the most beautiful things
Alone, we are alone
Every day that passes
Give me, at least borrow me
Alone, we are alone
Every day that passes
Give me, at least borrow me
We are alone


New Day

Into a new day, day
It doesn't matter when
The trace isn't visible
Everything awaits you, just set off now
Where there's no regret
There's no boundaries here
When a completely new day comes
Into a new day, day
New day, day
Into a new day and a new time
A new path for a better world
A new day, day
Awakens in me
It doesn't matter when
The trace isn't visible
Everything awaits you, just set off now
Where there's no regret
There's no boundaries here
When a completely new day comes
Into a new day, day
New day, day
Into a new day and a new time
A new path for a better world
A new day, day
Awakens in me
Into a new day, day
New day, day
Into a new day and a new time
A new path for a better world
A new day, day
Awakens in me



Fixing myself without listening to my heart
Can't see your disappearance without feeling it
I don't know, always thinking, why
I get you
But they hurt me too
Didn't question you leaving
Forgetting on purpose
It's hard, ain't it?
Like you found me
Like you first kissed me
Is loving hard, ain't it?
Not the end, not hard for me
My feelings are lost
I watched your disappearance
It's hard, ain't it?
Like you found me
Like you first kissed me
Is loving hard, ain't it?
Not the end, not hard for me
My feelings are lost
I watched your disappearance
Please, save me
This is the last night I love you
(I can't go back, I can't go back)
(I can't go back, I can't go back)
You're hearing me from there
This is the last sentence I say to you
(I can't go back, I can't go back)
(I can't go back, I can't go back)
Please, save me
This is the last night I love you
(I can't go back, I can't go back)
(I can't go back, I can't go back)
You're hearing me from there
This is the last sentence I say to you
(I can't go back, I can't go back)
(I can't go back, I can't go back)



Today I need to make you shut up and and stop your service
Everyday your inactions makes you a farce
We all fucking know what your dickface can only deal with what
Come out to be a gangster, everyone wants to be the boss
You only know how to intimidate loudly
If there's trouble, you need our brothers to cover you everywhere
Knive up the mountain for a reward, risking our lives
Your dickface is just snorting cocaine every day
Today my title roars loud like thunder
Go back to the fucking pond, excuse me and let me have my status
Everyone knows the back waves of the river push the front waves
Please fuck off and stop blocking my fucking way
As long as your dickface is here, I would've ran out of luck
Followed for you for this long, I can only reap little rewards
Needing to sell pirated goods, brining girls to a brothel
Knowing someone is getting stabbed you still did not come out and defend them
Eat a bowl of noodles and flip the bowl wanting to be a betrayer
Wanting me to leave and wanting my role
Still not grown up and haven't done anything
I already the playground to govern I already benefited you gigolo
Do you know that you are only a dog next to me?
Tell you to stand or go, don't fucking talk too much
Only twenty odd people and you still say you want to fight
You are just fucking stupid, tonight I need you lying flat dead on the street
Fucking get away you stupid bastard, now it's time to change, the tide has turned and give me the throne
Daring to die, being a traitor within us
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers
Fucking get away you stupid bastard, now it's time to change, the tide has turned and give me the throne
Daring to die, being a traitor within us
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers
Wow, his murderous aura makes people breathless
Tonight you're either dead or he can't get home
Knowing he is obviously failed and stood out for his boss
I slash you, you slash me, slash you into the twenty-first century
Vendettas happen every day
Cut off his hands, cut off his head, and cut off his father
When did this trend begin?
Is it because there are too many charlatans, movies, comics and magazines
Fucking get away you stupid bastard, now it's time to change, the tide has turned and give me the throne
Daring to die, being a traitor within us
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers
Fucking get away you stupid bastard, now it's time to change, the tide has turned and give me the throne
Daring to die, being a traitor within us
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers
Fucking get away you stupid bastard, now it's time to change, the tide has turned and give me the throne
Daring to die, being a traitor within us
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers
Fucking get away you stupid bastard, now it's time to change, the tide has turned and give me the throne
Daring to die, being a traitor within us
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers
Wait till I fucking chop you bunch of betrayers



My smile is cut short
Tears take their place
Life is short, life is heavy
Come on, just one last patience
In the mirror, a great sorrow
Even if you wash it, the mark remains
Even if it passes, it leaves a stain
Look, this cannot be told, it must be experienced
The things spinning inside you
Those writhing things, you know
They won't end anymore
Pay and close the account right now
Oh, how I burned
I kept putting salt on my wound
I owe myself a big apology
I thought you were a man


Rock And Roll

In Hong Kong, we need to masturbate. Living in Hong Kong, poverty stabs you.
I love Hong Kong, buying broken pants cost around 3000 dollars. Live in Hong Kong, everyone farts daily.
After school, play around in the arcade. Dad has sex as a meal.
Listen to the radio, it asked me how I wanted to die.
In Hong Kong, you guys have to be obedient.
Everyone's high, everyone chatters bullshit.
In Hong Kong, the dialogue has to wait until the wind blows.
In Hong Kong, Beijing stabs you if you protest
Working till you can afford it, fucking rely on hard work
Senior officials should be very humble, as soon as they go they will have to give face.
In Hong Kong, if you have no trouble you will fucking die earlier
At Hong Kong, you will get dizzy and confused from the fumes
In Hong Kong, you will fucking die from the crowded metro
At Hong Kong, how would there be another one of you.
Hong Kong, In Hong Kong
Living in Hong Kong, I love Hong Kong
Dying dying dying Hong Kong land
Anything is there in Hong Kong
Fuck you


Front Front, Back Back, Left Left, Right Right

If I'm too low-key, the world will be too lonely, right?
I was too high-profile and offended your noble teachings. I actually gave you a fever.
* (Front front, back back) I want to hold you in my arms
(Back back, forth forth) You also have your reasons
(Go forward, go ahead, go behind go behind) You said the listener will be saved
Shake your head (shake your head) step by step (step by step) Go!
If I don’t want to hear what’s being said, I have the right to cover my ears and not need to be rescued.
Throwing stones into your mouth, there is no point in hearing you cursing
Do whatever I do, no matter left or right
You are also gearing up to give me spells
But pretending to be the hand of God and then making me feel guilty
I hate that I can’t be controlled by you#
If I'm too negative, you won't be able to enjoy yourself, right?
I am too active and burden you with wanting to do things
Disrupt your eyes
* (Front front, back back) I want to hold you in my arms
(Back back, forth forth) You also have your reasons
(Go forward, go ahead, go behind go behind) You said the listener will be saved
Shake your head (shake your head) step by step (step by step) Go!
If I don’t want to hear what’s being said, I have the right to cover my ears and not need to be rescued.
Throwing stones into your mouth, there is no point in hearing you cursing
Do whatever I do, no matter left or right
You are also gearing up to give me spells
But pretending to be the hand of God, and then being righteous to the point of being obscene
I hate that I can't be controlled by you
* (Front front, back back) I want to hold you in my arms
(Back back, forth forth) You also have your reasons
(Go forward, go ahead, go behind go behind) You said the listener will be saved
Shake your head (shake your head) step by step (step by step) Go!
If I don’t want to hear what’s being said, I have the right to cover my ears and not need to be rescued.
Throwing stones into your mouth, there is no point in hearing you cursing
Do whatever I do, no matter left or right
You are also gearing up to give me spells
But pretending to be the hand of God, and then being righteous to the point of being obscene
I hate that I can't be controlled by you


Advent Children

Led by this season when white snow falls
we are reborn
so that for you who gave us this gift
we can become your next hope.
While believing in our present selves
we join our voices over and over again.
Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.
The time draws near, it is upon you already.
Christmas lights decorate the town
but they say not to celebrate it and us together.
We force a smile and get ready
for the day to set off that is almost here.
Led by this land where a long winter comes
we now awake.
If we're together, it will be all right.
I will never let you out of my arms again.
My voice will change the world with your love, Go for it!
Let's write it over, even on days of bitter weeping.
This season when snow falls
will be our new prelude.



Like a silvery reflection of His Golden Halo
I have surrendered at the feet of God Almighty.



The world looks up to my window
With tired eyes, all dusty and shy
I sit up here on my cloud
I see you coming, but you pass by
But now it doesn't hurt anymore
No, now it doesn't hurt anymore
And everything stays quiet, no storm comes when I see you
It's over, bye, bye, Junimond
It's over
It's over, bye, bye
But now it doesn't hurt anymore
No, now it doesn't hurt anymore
And everything stays quiet, no storm comes when I see you
It's over, bye, bye, Junimond
It's over
It's over, bye, bye
Two thousand hours I've waited
I've counted and cursed them all
I've drank, smoked, and prayed
I've searched for you up and down the river
And now it doesn't hurt anymore
No, now it doesn't hurt anymore
And everything stays quiet, no storm comes when I see you
It's over, bye, bye, Junimond
It's over
It's over, bye, bye
It's over, bye, bye, Junimond
It's over, bye, bye


People like us

To some people
They say it smells
I tried to stay behind too, but
cannot be stolen
You know it's a scent
Mouths that whisper
Secrets to chase
And what's left?
Where are you headed?
With unknown words
aimless walking
Ah, people like us
Ah people like us
How can I not be wrong?
Ah, people like us
Ah people like us
Will I one day not be wrong?
Sitting like dust
It seems like I wasn't there
It's always passed quietly
The fact that it has increased
Before you know it, it’s flowing and flowing
On the staggering street
Dancing dawn
In the story of being born, um
Words without foundation
Losing one's home
We are so quiet
Ah, people like us
Ah, people like us
How can I not be wrong?
Ah, people like us, people like us
Will I one day not be wrong?
Ah, people like us
Ah, people like us
How can I not be wrong?
Ah, people like us
Ah people like us
Will I one day not be wrong?
To some people
They say it smells
I tried to stay behind too, but
cannot be stolen
You know it's a scent



Hey, in the long silence
Don't you know how to hold your breath?
Please tell me how to do that too
When the time comes we all
It's going to disappear somewhere
Maybe I'm among the busy people
I learned to be more still
Oh I must pretend to be dead
I'm in this city and I'm going through the night
Oh I have to hold my breath
I will find love and find a way to survive here
Everyone is
passing by
Only after I raise my head and speak out
Stains spread all over my body that I can't embrace
When the time comes we all
It's going to disappear somewhere
Maybe I'm among the busy people
I learned to be more still
Oh I must pretend to be dead
I'm in this city and I'm going through the night
Oh I have to hold my breath
I will find love and find a way to survive here
Oh I must pretend to be dead
I'm in this city and I'm going through the night
Oh I have to hold my breath
I will find love and find a way to survive here
Why can't I stand the silence?
If you mess up, you'll get hurt even more
Look over there, the shadow is shaking


Until/Till death do us part

Oh baby take my hand
I'm not alone anymore
Your eyes become a lighthouse
Lights up the days like the sea at night
There will be unhappy days
But we'll still be together
Until death do us part
Without letting go of your hand
Listening to the song of the wind
Walking the same path
Til the death do us part
Til the death do us part
Oh baby take my hand
I'm not alone anymore
Til the death do us part forever
Til the death do us part forever
Til the death do us part forever
Til the death do us part forever
Til the death do us part forever
Til the death do us part forever
Til the death do us part forever
Til the death do us part forever
Til the end of the world
Til the end of the world


Someone else's

You knew how to sow my wounds
When you hide my way from memory
You knew how to wake up my touch
So that I tremble like a rod
You knew how to breathe my air
Kept me from sinking to the bottom
But you also knew that I was someone else's
and that I can't fight against that
It was not in the plan
not by chance, to fall in love
Not that in this secret
you leave your heart
It was not in the plan
don't even give me your dreams
Because now I know you're dying
When you see me next to him
You knew how to make me smile
And that only a tear was a trace
His whole soul to marry
With which not even the devil would dare



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Ezt a dalt mindazoknak ajánljuk, akik a szabadság nevében harcoltak és haltak meg. Elmentek... de nincsenek feledve.]
[Refrén] Az árnyak közül
Ki a harcba,
Harcolunk, harcolunk,
Harcolunk, küzdünk
Mindenki egyért, egy mindenkiért! [x2]
Lobogjon az ellenállás zászlaja,
Kelj fel, sose hátrálj!
Tartsd a lobogókat az ég felé,
Sosem halunk meg!
Utolsó könny az elesettekért,
Sírkő nélküli sírok
Legyenek a mi örökségünk
Ebben a trón-játékban.
Daccal emeld a pengét,
Nincs szánalom, félelem, bűntudat,
Vaspáncélban állunk itt,
Nincsen visszaút.
Tűzzel világítsd a sötétet,
Ne sírj mindazért, mi elveszett!
Irtsd a gyűlöletet s égesd a félelmet,
Vérrel fizessenek!
[Refrén:] [x2]



I will feel all right
Every day and every night
If you’re by my side
色づく My stride
行ける I believe
Oh oh oh oh oh
行ける I believe
Oh oh oh oh oh
Cause you are by my side
目を閉じて I can see
挟まれ We are trynna be good
空を掴むように I stood
You said I’ll be there
I’ll be there
救われた You’re all that I need
I can feel so bright
Every day and every night
If you’re by my side
色づく My stride
行ける I believe
Oh oh oh oh oh
行ける I believe
Oh oh oh oh oh
Cause you are by my side
歩くそれが My way
And I won’t stop
And I won’t stop
Every day and every night
If you’re by my side
色づく My stride
歩き続けよう 晴れでも雨でも
行ける I believe
Oh oh oh oh oh
行ける I believe
行ける I believe
Oh oh oh oh oh
Cause you are by my side



Click to see the original lyrics (Japanese, English)
Lépj a ritmusra, táncoljunk lassan
Vissza a suliba, rég találkoztunk
Bébi, megtennéd, hogy úgy teszel, mintha az enyém lennél?
Tudom, hogy érzed a ritmust
Mi mások leszünk, mint a többiek
Bébi, rég láttalak, de csodás vagy, igazán csodás
“Szeretnélek hamarosan megint látni” ártatlanul mosolyogtál, miközben ezt mondtad
Az érzéseim egyre csak halmozódnak, miközben a találkozónkra tartok
Biztos hevesen fog verni a szívem
Felöltözök és indulok, túl gyorsan sétálok
Mint a gravitáció, mire magamhoz térek, már ott is vagy mellettem
Mint egy bolond, szeretném elmondani, mit érzek
Mondd, nem maradnál velem ma éjjel?
Lépj a ritmusra, táncoljunk lassan
Vissza a suliba, rég találkoztunk
Bébi, megtennéd, hogy úgy teszel, mintha az enyém lennél?
Tudom, hogy érzed a ritmust
Mi mások leszünk, mint a többiek
Bébi, rég láttalak, de csodás vagy, igazán csodás
Egymás kezét fogjuk hé
Biztosan akarom tudni, hogy ugyanolyan szenvedély él-e mindkettőnkben
Ezért ma éjjel
Nem fogok hazudni, nem fogok hazudni, mindent el fogok mondani
Te vagy a legjobb
Csendben szökjünk ki
Ez az emlék csak kettőnké lesz, ígérem
Bizonyítsuk be, mi vagyunk a legjobbak
Mint egy bolond, szeretném elmondani, mit érzek
Mondd, meg tudsz bízni bennem?
Lépj a ritmusra, táncoljunk lassan
Vissza a suliba, rég találkoztunk
Bébi, megtennéd, hogy úgy teszel, mintha az enyém lennél?
Tudom, hogy érzed a ritmust
Mi mások leszünk, mint a többiek
Bébi, rég láttalak, de csodás vagy, igazán csodás
Azon merengtem, vajon látlak-e még
“Ha megállna az idő…” így motyogtam magamban
Megkérdezted, mit mondtam, de én csak mosolyogva megráztam a fejem
Nem fogom elfelejteni ezt a látványt
Az első táncunk, amiben érzem, hogy kettőnk között most kezdődik
Táncoljunk tovább, örökké alakítsuk ezt a pillanatot
Te vagy az álmom bébi
Lépj a ritmusra, táncoljunk lassan
Vissza a suliba, rég találkoztunk
Bébi, megtennéd, hogy úgy teszel, mintha az enyém lennél?
Tudom, hogy érzed a ritmust
Mi mások leszünk, mint a többiek
Bébi, rég láttalak, de csodás vagy
Lépj a ritmusra, táncoljunk lassan
Vissza a suliba, rég találkoztunk
Bébi, megtennéd, hogy úgy teszel, mintha az enyém lennél?
Tudom, hogy érzed a ritmust
Mi mások leszünk, mint a többiek
Bébi, rég láttalak, de csodás vagy, igazán csodás



Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Naiv és ártatlan
Úgy viselkedek, mintha rendes lennék
Most már elegem van belőle, idegesítő
Minden nap azt kérdezgeted tőlem, mit csinálsz? Hol vagy? Ettél? Jó éjt
Bébi, édesem, kicsim, hiányzol
Mindez felesleges
Azt juttatja az eszembe, hogy
Ez a love story
Kicsit sem érint meg engem
Nincsenek pillangók, nincs értelme
Sajnálom, de
Nem sajnálom
Mostantól én
Szólóban ragyogok
Szólóban ragyogok
Szólóban folytatom
Szólóban folytatom
Korábban a barátnőd voltam
Mostanra hozzászoktam, hogy én vagyok a legjobb
Te csak ülsz az érzéseiden
Én pedig a trónomon
Nincs időm a szemedben bujkáló problémákra
Most csak magamat nézem, ömmagamra figyelek
Szólóban folytatom, mostantól egyedül folytatom
Most, hogy egyedül vagy, a klónomat keresed
Milyen szánalmas, én így vezetem le a stresszt
Erre születtem, és a koronára
Énekeld hangosan
Ez a love story
Kicsit sem érint meg engem
Nincsenek pillangók, nincs értelme
Sajnálom, de
Nem sajnálom
Mostantól én
Szólóban ragyogok
Szólóban ragyogok
Szólóban folytatom
Szólóban folytatom
A találkozás után, a pillangók és az érzések után
Jön a szakítás, a könnyek, a megbánás és a vágyódás
Szeretek egyedül lenni, mert muszáj, hogy önmagam legyek
Szabadon, mint a szél
Mint a felhők felett ragyogó csillagok
Messzire akarok menni, fényesen akarok ragyogni
Szólóban ragyogok
Szólóban folytatom
Szólóban folytatom


Te & én

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tudod, hogy itt vagyok neked
Tudod, hogy számíthatsz rám
Senki sem támogat annyira, mint ahogy én támogatlak
Imádod, csak mondd, hogy így van
Tudod, hogy elvarázsoltál
Minden, amit teszel, minden, amit tettél
Minden, amit a múltamban szeretnék tudni, ettől érzem jól magam
Csak mondom, hogy
Nagyon tetszik
Nincs semmi más a világon, amitől úgy érezném magam, mint tőled, mint a dolgoktól, amiket teszel
Nagyon tetszik
Nincs semmi más a világon, amitől úgy érezném magam, mint tőled, mint a dolgoktól, amiket teszel
Szeretem kettőnket
Amint a holdfényben táncolunk
Senki sem lát minket
Csak te és én vagyunk ma éjjel
Szeretem kettőnket
Amint a holdfényben táncolunk
Senki sem lát minket
Csak te és én vagyunk ma éjjel
Nézz magadra, most nézz rám
Hogy is találhatnál valaki hozzám hasonlót?
Nézz magadra, most nézz rám
Hogy is találhatnál valaki hozzám hasonlót?
Miattad ugrál a szívem
Egy apró érintés, és megáll körülöttem a világ
Végre tudom, hogy az enyém vagy
Nem akarok lezuhanni
Nem akarom a szerelem játékát űzni oh eh oh
Nincs hová bújnom
Nagyon tetszik
Nincs semmi más a világon, amitől úgy érezném magam, mint tőled, mint a dolgoktól, amiket teszel
Nagyon tetszik
Nincs semmi más a világon, amitől úgy érezném magam, mint tőled, mint a dolgoktól, amiket teszel
Szeretem kettőnket
Amint a holdfényben táncolunk
Senki sem lát minket
Csak te és én vagyunk ma éjjel
Szeretem kettőnket
Amint a holdfényben táncolunk
Senki sem lát minket
Csak te és én vagyunk ma éjjel
Nézz magadra, most nézz rám
Hogy is találhatnál valaki hozzám hasonlót?
Nézz magadra, most nézz rám
Hogy is találhatnál valaki hozzám hasonlót?
Nem érdekel az első szerelmed
Ez lesz az utolsó szerelmed, össze sem hasonlítható a legutóbbival
Jobban nézel ki mellettem, ez divat
Nem foglak kitakarni, fények, kamera, felvétel
Sosem hittem “szeret”, “nem szeret” dologban
Ajánlom, hogy minden szirom azt mondja neki, hogy ne változzon
Szeretlek, nagyon szeretem magam, várj
Hogy melyiket szeretem jobban, azt jobb, ha nem mondom el
Szeretem kettőnket