Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 21

Találatok száma: 100455


Red flag

Forward, people, to the uprising
Red flag, red flag
Forward, people, to the uprising
The red flag will triumph
The red flag will triumph
The red flag will triumph
The red flag will triumph
Long live socialism and freedom
Long live socialism and freedom
We want factories, we want land
But without war, but without war
We want factories, we want land
But without war we want to be
But without war we want to be
But without war we want to be
But without war we want to be
Long live socialism and freedom
Long live socialism and freedom
No more enemies, no more borders
Red flags are the frontiers
O proletarians, to the uprising
The red flag will triumph
The red flag will triumph
The red flag will triumph
The red flag will triumph
Long live socialism and freedom
Long live socialism and freedom
La, lala, lalalalalalala
Long live socialism and freedom
Long live socialism and freedom
Long live socialism and freedom



Go to sleep, darling
I have nothing better than you
For the love I feel for you
My heart is crying
Go to sleep, darling
I have nothing better than you
For the love I feel for you
My heart is crying

A bride weeping
For him who didn’t return
Now what is left,
My suckling son?
A bride weeping
For him who didn’t return
Now what is left,
My suckling son?

A hidden affection,
There is nothing so dear
If you don't tell anyone
How great and beloved it is
A hidden affection
There is nothing so dear
If you don't tell anyone
How great and beloved it is

Go to sleep, darling
Sleep, go to sleep



Story About Us

The sun on my pillow brings a new day
The morning is awakening
I don't let anyone enter our dream
Nor birds, nor people
I need you to know, I don't need anyone
I only need you to give yourself to me
And that is, my love, the story about us
Because of you, my sadness stops
Because of you, my tears disappear
And because of you,
When things don't go well, it gets better
Because of you, the skies are watching us
Because of you, I always find salvation
And, everything, because of you
Everything is alright, it's okay
It's okay
The sun on my pillow brings a new day
The morning is awakening
I don't let anyone enter our dream
Nor birds, nor people
I need you to know, I don't need anyone
I only need you to give yourself to me
And that is, my love, the story about us
Because of you, my sadness stops
Because of you, my tears disappear
And because of you,
When things don't go well, it gets better
Because of you, the skies are watching us
Because of you, I always find salvation
And, everything, because of you
Everything is alright, it's okay
It's okay
Sometimes it seems that the wind
Has blown us away with its cold breeze
But you're here, a milimetre away
I can hear your voice through the storm
Because of you, my sadness stops
Because of you, my tears disappear
And because of you,
When things don't go well, it gets better
Because of you, the skies are watching us
Because of you, I always find salvation
And, everything, because of you
Everything is alright, it's okay
It's okay


Yosl Ber

As for the name, it's Yosl Ber
And I serve in the army
I wear boots, a uniform,
Dressed up like an officer
Yosl Ber! Serves in the army
Yosl, Yosl, Yosl Ber
Serves in the army
I was an apprentice cobbler
Licked the sole with my tongue
Today, with a gun, with a sword.,
I have sent the shoe-making to hell!
Yosl Ber! Serves in the army
Yosl, Yosl, Yosl Ber
Serves in the army
Truth be told, at the pew-pew
From the rifle, I also shout,
Tremble like a leaf from a tree
As I can barely hold my breath
Yosl Ber! Serves in the army
Yosl, Yosl, Yosl Ber
Serves in the army
But with the broom, it's easy for me,
I sweep the barracks and I sing
The broom battle is coming to the end,
And as God helps, the night starts soon
Yosl Ber! Serves in the army
Yosl, Yosl, Yosl Ber
Serves in the army
I go out into the street
I meet a girl - a rose
I give her a bow
And a wink with my eye.
Yosl Ber! Serves in the army
Yosl, Yosl, Yosl Ber
Serves in the army
She leads me to the kitchen
And treats me with wine
She treats me with fish
With what else - I ain't gonna tell
Yosl Ber! Serves in the army
Yosl, Yosl, Yosl Ber
Serves in the army


The March of the Merry Fellows

A merry song makes the heart light and happy,
Smoothing down our deepest frowns,
It is a sunbeam for millions of people
And is beloved both by villages and towns.
A merry song helps to live and to build life.
It calls us on like the voice of a friend.
And those who march with a song through life's battle,
They never fail to be heroes in the end.
Now march ahead, YCL generation,
March ahead, sing and smile, laugh and joke.
For we shall conquer expanses and seasons
And rule the land that is free of any yoke.
A merry song helps to live and to build life.
It calls us on like the voice of a friend.
And those who march with a song through life's battle,
They never fail to be heroes in the end.
We shall explore, understand and discover
The frigid Pole and the blue arch above,
If our country commands us be heroes,
We shall be heroes and show her our love.
We pledge to sing and be merry like children,
In toil and struggle both great and small,
For we were born into this world of ours
Not to be crushed, but to win in spite of all.
And if our foe wants to rob us of gladness,
And attacks us in bloody fight,
Then we shall sing him a war song of ours
And fight like heroes defending our rights.



we all know that one day, the magic will wear off
the moon is blooming and the sun has withered
looking at you holding out the umbrella, I'm not wet
but reflected in the puddle, I am wet from the rain
it's like happiness, it's like my tears are coming out
what are you supposed to call this feeling?
I woke from a dream of animals raining down from the sky*
and the teardrops had dried on my cheeks
where the rainbow spans the sky, the rain was falling
eventually the rainbow will disappear, but the rain will keep watering the plants
where the rainbow spans the sky, the rain was falling
even if the rainbow one day goes away, we will look up at the sky
in the pure white night, the silhouette of the train going far away
passes us by, leaving us with silence
It's like I want to run away, it's like my heart is dancing
what are you supposed to call this feeling?
it felt like so long ago
that I would turn my face away from the mirror
where the rainbow spans the sky, the rain was falling
eventually the rainbow will disappear, but the rain was watering the plants
where the rainbow spans the sky, the rain was falling
I'll never forget that we were looking up at the sky on this day
where the rainbow spans the sky, the rain was falling
eventually the rainbow will disappear, but the rain will keep watering the plants
where the rainbow spans the sky, the rain was falling
even if the rainbow one day goes away, we will look up at the sky
in the garden where the rain stopped, the flowers are blooming
I'm sure we are okay now
of course, let's go look for an umbrella for the next time it rains


Sea Cucumber

tack on a heart with some hollow artificiality.
though spectacularly fed up,
if even the cat tells me this, it’s still good-for-nothing.
tack on a heart with some hollow artificiality.
though frantically weaving it all together,
even putting on a show, i dive deeper and deeper.
the reason i’m silent, lurking around in my head,
is that composedly frozen-up kid.
i take the scum off the broth, just smiling along
i'm unable to dig my heels in

a thorn in the side

if you end up hating the things you once liked,
throw them all, all away in the trash — don’t bookmark it for later
if you end up hating the songs you once liked,
set them gently aside for now with an “i’ll listen again someday!”
throw away, pick up, pick up, throw away, throw away, pick up, repeat again and again
a maudlin drinker with unlimited “it’s out of my control”s
throw away, pick up, pick up, throw away, throw away, pick up, repeat again and again
keep yourself entertained, not so devoted
if you still think, somewhere in your heart,
that they’ll come home with a “see you again!”
then don’t throw away those feelings you should’ve been able to convey —
keep them for yourself.
if you end up hating the room you once liked,
throw everything, everything out — and try turning off the lights!
if you end up hating the person you once liked,
turn away from them for now with a “let’s meet again someday!”
crying, laughing, laughing, crying, crying, laughing, repeating again
a little bit tired and with a sore throat,
crying, laughing, laughing, crying, crying, laughing, repeating again
it’s all up to your discretion


Tiny, plumb bumblebee
Summer hasn't passed yet
So go ahead and be happy
The sun is only shining on you
When you fly away from me
Into thin air
'Cause your time is merely borrowed
Do you see
How your world
Is slowly becoming barren
As you're sitting on my parasol?
Tiny, plumb bumblebee
I've got a flower for you to tumble in
Then you can finally have a bit to eat
You can't lose weight
And you can't speak to me
'Cause you don't want to be understood
Your time is merely borrowed
Do you see
How your world
Is slowly becoming barren
As you're sitting on my parasol?
Only few people try to see
The small things in life, bumblebee
Only few people try to see
You're flying away like a tiny secret
Only few people try to see
The small things in life, bumblebee
Only few people try to see
You're flying away like a tiny secret
Only few people try to see
The small things in life, bumblebee
Only few people try to see
You're flying away like a tiny secret
Tiny, plumb bumblebee
Summer hasn't passed yet
So go ahead and be happy


Hawk Eye

Eye of the hawk
you come for me without warning
and even though nothing remains
I keep seeing through your sight
that thirst for more
I know where you go
don't ask forgiveness
I have intuition
you only pray to me when convenient
(your) thoughts are worthless to me
I don't believe your stories
not even the grand finale
and you always expect me
to fill emptiness with you
your mouth that always plays with words will never
get tired of asking me for what you'll never give
the sirens are sounding
Yes, everything is going smoothly
I know you come to take everything
even the red in my veins
gone is the illusion of
each dream granted
when I see you come around here
the sirens sound off
Yes, everything is going smoothly
I know your coming to change (everything about) me
from my name to my ideas
my joy for your sorrow
trusting you was my condemnation
I believed we were here
to go through the good and the bad
in plain sight
changing from white to black in an instant
I recognize that its an art
to know how to camouflage
without a trace
don't ask forgiveness
I have intuition
you only pray to me when convenient
(your) thoughts are worthless to me
I don't believe your stories
not even the grand finale
and you always expect me
to fill emptiness with you
your mouth that always plays with words will never
get tired of asking for what you never give me
the sirens are sounding
yes, everything is going smoothly
I know you come to take everything
even the red in my veins
gone is the illusion of
each dream granted
when I see you come around here
the sirens are sounding
yes, everything is going smoothly
I know your coming to change me
from my name to my ideas
my joy for your sorrow
trusting (you) was my condemnation
I believed if we were here
I don't think you'll come to Madrid
now that they tell you that without you
my voice shines, my star gleams
I look in the mirror and now, yeah,
I know I'm nothing like you
my shadow isn't following your tracks
the sirens are sounding
yes, everything is going smoothly
I know you come to take everything
even the red in my veins
gone is the fantasy
you trade your dreams for money
and that is why you come for me
the sirens are sounding
Yes, everything is going smoothly
I know you're coming to change (everything about) me
from my name to my ideas
my joy for your sorrow
trusting (you) was my condemnation
I believed we were here
to go through the good and the bad


To the Begging

Oh, of all the occupations with which I am familiar, oh, begging is the best one
Because when a beggar's weary he can sit down and rest
To the begging I will go, will go, to the begging I will go
And I will go to the tailor with a bolt of coarse homespun grey woollen cloth
And order him to make a cloak for me to cover me up night and day
To the begging I will go, will go, to the begging I will go
And I will go to the cobbler and order him to repair my shoes
An inch thick on the bottom and well nailed above
To the begging I will go, will go, to the begging I will go
And I will go to the tanner and I'll order him to make a dish
That must hold three quarts, for I cannot do with less
To the begging I will go, will go, to the begging I will go
Before I begin my trade, I’ll grow a full beard
I’ll stop cutting my nails this year or day because the beggars wear them long
To the begging I will go, will go, to the begging I will go
And I’ll go looking for my lodgings before it grows dark
Because [that is] when the master of the house will be sitting down, having just come home from work
To the begging I will go, will go, to the begging I will go
And maybe the homeowner will say, “Good man, you’ll have your meal
You’re welcome to some oatmeal tonight, along with some bread and kale,”
To the begging I will go, will go, to the begging I will go
Now if begging be as good an occupation as I hope it is
It’s time for me to get out of here and head down the hill
To the begging I will go, will go, to the begging I will go
Oh, of all the occupations with which I am familiar, oh, begging is the best one
Because when a beggar's weary he can sit down and rest
To the begging I will go, will go, to the begging I will go


Grandma, grandma

Grandma, grandma, answer me from heavenly fortress,
Tell me, where have you lived in the past?
They are smashing your Ukraine to pieces,
It's like it's made of glass.
Grandma, grandma, where is your childhood’s hot summer eves,
Civil war, Red army soldiers, at the garden palisade-
The walls are crumbling from bombs in your crystal Kharkіv -
And I won't come to your aid.
Where did you run barefoot, what are these ruins?
Where did you play hopscotch with the girls from your class?
Grandma, grandma, your legs are bleeding, where have you been?
You are coming towards me - on the glass.
Where did the missiles hit - again not far from your street?
Look, there's blood running down your side.
Grandma, grandma, my little one, you are seriously wounded.
It’s me who didn’t save your life!


The Corncrake

Oh, the young woman that I loved best of all was handsome, young, and fair
With her I spent some merry nights upon the banks of the River Ayr1
With her I spent some merry nights near to where that little stream flows
Where the echo mocks the corncrakes2among the gorse-covered hills.
Oh, we loved each other dearly and we seldom had arguments
Her heart always beat as regularly as a pendulum 3
We always pursued happiness and found it where that little stream flows
Where the echo mocks the corncrakes among the gorse-covered hills.
Ah, you innocent young girls and professional ladies can drive to the banks of the River Doon4
And you'll pay a high price for expensive perfumes at the barbershop
But rural joy is free to all where scented clover grows
Where the echo mocks the corncrakes among the gorse-covered hills.
Oh, the young woman that I loved best of all was handsome, young, and fair
With her I spent some merry nights upon the banks of the River Ayr
With her I spent some merry nights near to where that little stream flows
Where the echo mocks the corncrakes among the gorse-covered hills.
  • 1. a river in Ayrshire, in southwest Scotland
  • 2. migratory birds, also known as landrails, with a distinctive raucous call
  • 3. in other words, she had a calm disposition
  • 4. another river in Ayrshire



Hey ya, the wind is rising.
Let's fly the kite.
Hey ya, it is flying well.
It is flying the sky high.
Wearing rainbow clothes
And trembling its tails,
Everyone is gathering together and being friends.
They are dancing.
Hey ya, the wind is rising.
Let's fly the kite.
Hey ya, it is flying well.
Landing our dreams.


Heartbreak Elegy

Please, please, I want you never to forget
that I'm here at your disposal,
because you, staring at me,
look miserable.
Don't look at me like that …
In the canvas of dusk
on the way home
from seeing off wine-red Meiko,
has your heart already
wiped away all traces of me?
I've got no work tonight again like usual,
so I'll treasure the time I have to myself.
When I took a deep breath
and leisurely went to bed …
I got a leg cramp.
Ah, why was someone like me
born that I would end up
coming to be with
this white life form.
Sorry, but what I just said
was quite an exaggeration.
I'm such a crying sissy.
You look so happy intently gazing
at Miku in her favourite dress
so proudly dancing with her company
and bathed in the limelight of the starry sky.
Tonight is more sentimental than usual
and, for my melancholy, there's only an icy lullaby.
Someone to hug me tight and put on a layer of love …
I have no such partner.
Ah, will I ever get something
to make up for days like this?
Even so, in desperation, I put up with it,
and spend every day groveling.
Then a job finally came,
a guest appearance on Koi Raj1
I want to shine properly some more.
For I'd even be happy singing back-vocals.
Let it echo
in your heart,
the heart of this uploader.
I don't like living in a place like this.
  • 1. Koi Raji, short for Koisuru Rajio is a series of radio broadcast-like videos hosted by Miku that were produced by OSTER Project in 2007–2009.


How Sweet

All I know is now
Now I know (I know)
Meanwhile everyday
Always up and down (No more)
Thoughts again and again
Spinnin’ ‘round and ‘round
Changing my mind
It's suspicious, isn't it?
Such a nonsense (No more)
How it’s supposed to be
Cut it off cus it’s clear (It’s simple)
It’s like biting an apple
Toxic lover
You’re no better, don’t hide there, come out now
You little demon in my storyline
Don’t knock on my door, I’ll see you out
And don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
I won't ask questions anymore (How sweet it tastes)
You don’t have to tell me (How sweet it tastes)
Wow don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
Everything is typical
So I’ve been praying so hard for a miracle
You are calling my name
I don’t want any drama it’s good karma
Done scrolling a thousand times
I know everything, it’s just an obvious trick
It's a super simple formula
It’s like biting an apple
And don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
I won't ask questions anymore (How sweet it tastes)
You don’t have to tell me (How sweet it tastes)
Wow don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
I won’t wait, I’m feeling
My own way, I’m in it
Cause me and you are different
So I won’t stay, I’m leaving
I won’t wait, I’m feeling
My own way, I’m in it
Cause me and you are different
So I won’t stay, I’m leaving
And don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
I won't ask questions anymore (How sweet it tastes)
You don’t have to tell me (How sweet it tastes)
Wow don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without youu
Toxic lover
You’re no better, don’t hide there, come out now
You little demon in my storyline
Don’t knock on my door, leave immediately
Toxic lover
You’re no better, don’t hide there, come out now
You little demon in my storyline
Don’t knock on my door, I’ll see you out


Trapped democracy

Night falls, you're home
TV is on
Results are being announced
But tonight, everything has changed
No, their system is well-established, well calculated
A piece of paper won't change anything
But this time, the structure has been shaken
The well-oiled democracy is trapped
Crowds are overwhelmed by panic
Surveys are being buried
All our heroes are dead scared
To finally see their population expressing themselves
No, their system is well-established, well calculated
A piece of paper won't change anything
But this time, the structure has been shaken
The well-oiled democracy is trapped
Some rats are deserting the sinking ship
Others prepare for resistance
Showing the images, representing the worst
Reflection of their intolerance


Viy walks around Ukraine,

*Viy walks around Ukraine,
One step -and bridge is gone
And *Volnovakha, in blood and pain
From his mouth hanging on,
And the exploded Kharkov crunches
In his rotten teeth
And start to smell like misery
Blue Dnieper in his fist.
Over spring, over love, insane
Only scattering death
Viy walks around Ukraine
With a huge letter * 'Z'
Piece of swastika, zigzag
Over window hole
With a slash - diagonally
Crosses out the world.
On a tank, on a wall, on billboards
Inside, outside in the street
When you see- from the face of the Earth
Erase it, just erase it!


I believe in you

It no longer matters every night that I waited
Every street or maze I crossed
Because heaven has conspired in my favour
And, a second from giving up, I found you
Skin to skin
My heart breaks
You make me good
You turn lights on in my soul
I believe in you and in this love
that has made me indestructible
That stopped my free fall
I believe in you, and my pain
was left miles behind
My ghosts today, finally, are at peace
The past is a bad dream that ended
A fire that went out in your arms
When I was half a step away from falling
My silences met your voice
I followed you
And you rewrote my future
It's here
My only safe place
I believe in you and in this love
that has made me indestructible
That stopped my free fall
I believe in you, and my pain
was left miles behind
My ghosts today, finally, are at peace


How Sweet

All I know is now
Now I know (I know)
Every day
Always up and down (No more)
I’ve been thinkin’ and thinkin’
Spinnin’ ‘round and ‘round
Changing my mind
It just looks suspicious
That kind of nonsense (No more)
How it’s supposed to be
Cut it out cus it’s clear (it’s simple)
It’s like biting an apple
Toxic lover
You’re no better, quit hiding just step out
You little demon in my storyline
Don’t knock on my door, I’ll see you out
And don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
I won’t ask anymore (How sweet it tastes)
You don’t have to tell me (How sweet it tastes)
Wow don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
Everything is typical
So I’ve been praying so hard for a miracle
I hear you calling my name
I’m done with drama it’s good karma
Done scrolling thousand times
I know it’s an old trick
It’s a very simple formula
It’s like biting an apple
And don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
I won’t ask anymore (How sweet it tastes)
You don’t have to tell me (How sweet it tastes)
Wow don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
I won’t wait, I’m feeling
My own way, I’m in it
Cause me and you are different
So I won’t stay, I’m leaving
I won’t wait, I’m feeling
My own way, I’m in it
Cause me and you are different
So I won’t stay, I’m leaving
And don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes (How sweet it tastes)
Ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
I won’t ask anymore (How sweet it tastes)
You don’t have to tell me (How sweet it tastes)
Wow don’t you know how sweet it tastes
Now that I’m without you
Toxic lover
You’re no better, quit hiding just step out
You little demon in my storyline
Don’t knock on my door leave right now
Toxic lover
You’re no better, quit hiding just step out
You little demon in my storyline
Don’t knock on my door, I’ll see you out


Anthem of FC Red Star Belgrade

Everything we wanted
everything we wished for
they gave us
the red and white
Young men like pines
girls like firs
they fight honorably
for the red and white
hey, hey, hey, hey
Red Star
shines in the sky
Red Star
I love it too
Red Star
that’s our team
hey, Red Star, Red Star
hey, Star, hey


Like a bolt from the blue

I wasn’t waiting for you
I didn’t choose the moment
Like a hand when it gets cold
You put it in your coat pocket
I didn’t dream of you at night
I didn’t know what awaited me
That it would steal my solitude
One face from afar
Like a bolt from the blue
A call from an unknown number
Like fire beneath the ice
Like a rainbow in a hundred colors
Like a bolt from the blue
You charmed me with a smile
I didn’t know if I needed you
Or if it happened by mistake
I never called you
But now it feels right
The tenderness I stole from you
If love ever fades
I didn’t dream of you at night
I didn’t know what awaited me
That it would steal my solitude
One face from afar


The Dumped Tokyo Beauty

I pick up the stars peeking between the skyscrapers...
...and throw them into my red bag
Glancing at the lively festival in town,
...I'm the Tokyo beauty who just got dumped
A guy at his most adventurous phase...
...met a girl at her sexual peak
We met, got a little touchy and fell in love
The pain from my last heartbreak was unbearable
We kissed


Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da, da-da
Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da, da-da
Fancy dress
취향은 존중해
Vintage or luxury for style
Ooh, yeah, yeah, ooh, yeah, yeah
Fancy shoes
Color 도 중요해
Orange or purple on the white
Ooh, yeah, yeah, ooh, yeah, yeah
머리부터 발끝까지 새로워 마치
신데렐라 story
We gonna party like birthday
(Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da)
매일 같은 매일은, now change it
Clock is ticking 눈 깜짝할 사이
Like air flow
Harder, better, faster, stronger me tonight
Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da, da-da
Time goes tick-tock, ticky-tock-tock
불편한 건 drop-drop
Tick-tock, ticky-tock-tock like this
(Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da)
새로운 발걸음 모든 게 변해
Air flow 휙 휙 휙 샥 샥
Like 휙 휙 휙 샥 샥
달려 run, run
Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da
달려 run, run
Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da
Fancy night
맞춰봐 너와 나의 페이스
Ziggy-ziggy-zag, 새로운 무늬 taste
Been-been there and I've been-been there
느껴 what (What) 완전 다른 데자뷰
오늘 같은 내일은, now change it
모든 게 새로워 brand new things (New things)
Like air flow
Harder, better, faster, stronger me tonight
Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da, da-da
Time goes tick-tock, ticky-tock-tock
불편한 건 drop-drop
Tick-tock, ticky-tock-tock like this
(Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da)
새로운 발걸음 모든 게 변해
Air flow 휙 휙 휙 샥 샥
Like 휙 휙 휙 샥 샥
(달려 run, run)
Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da, da-da
(달려 run, run)
Da-ra, da-ra, da-da-da, da-da, da-da
새로운 발걸음 모든 게 변해
Air flow 휙 휙 휙 샥 샥
휙 휙 휙 샥 샥


Maradj életben

Click to see the original lyrics (Korean)
Mmm, kérlek, maradj életben, igen
Hol kezdett elromlani?
Egyáltalán nem emlékszek
Ezt suttogom, miközben ebben az apró szobában
A sötétség az egyetlen barátom (egyetlen barátom)
Kinyújtom a kezem a megváltásért
Furcsa vagyok?
Egy vérfoltos szoba
Kérem, valaki mentsen meg
Elrejtőzök a holdfényben
Nem léteznek csodák
A reményeim szerények
Elrejtőzök a holdfényben
Nem kérek sokat
De azt hiszem, ez is túl sok
Ennek az álmatlan alkonyatnak a végén
Úgy érzem végigbolyongtam ezen a rémálmon, tágra nyílt szemekkel
Úgy jött, mint egy csoda, úgy néz ki, mint egy csoda
Pont, mint egy csoda, az a néhány szó
Te vagy a végzetem
Szavakkal nem lehet kifejezni
A megváltás, ami megmentette a fáradt énemet
Ezt könnyebb megérteni?
Az a néhány szó, ami megmentett engem
Megannyi éjszaka után
Melletted leszek
Oh igen (az a néhány szó)
Melletted fogok maradni akkor is
Ha vérzik a lábam
Kérlek, maradj életben
(Hűha oh oh, hűha)
Kérlek, maradj életben
(Hűha oh oh, hűha)
Kérlek, maradj életben
Az árnyék egyre hatalmasabb
De nem baj, mert te vagy nekem a ragyogó fény
Mert te vagy a profit az életemben
Csak mosolyogj, ahogy mindig teszed
Annyira hasonlítasz rám
Annyira hasonlítok rád
Néha ok nélkül megrémülök
Miért érzek így?
Nem tudom, hogy valaha vége lesz-e
Ennek a végtelen rémálomnak a végén
Minden nap felemelsz engem
Úgy jött, mint egy csoda, úgy néz ki, mint egy csoda
Pont, mint egy csoda, az a néhány szó
Te vagy a végzetem
Szavakkal nem lehet kifejezni
A megváltás, ami megmentette a fáradt énemet
Ezt könnyebb megérteni?
Az a néhány szó, ami megmentett engem
Megannyi éjszaka után
Melletted leszek
Oh igen (az a néhány szó)
Melletted fogok maradni akkor is
Ha vérzik a lábam
Kérlek, maradj életben
Te vagy nekem a megváltás
Szavakkal nem lehet kifejezni
Kérlek, maradj életben
(Hűha oh oh, hűha)
Kérlek, maradj életben


My You

Summer has already spread in the air
Breeze is already blowing
The last cold snap is going out
The days were getting longer and longer
But my days were still going on and on and on
I got wet in the sun shower and looked up at the night sky
It was quite a lonely night
In the blink of an eye
The dark faded out
Blooming under the sunlight
Memories with me and you
All these lights are colored in by you
All these times are precious due to you
Four seasons have passed with you
Four scents were left ‘cause of you
All the reasons why I can laugh out
All the reasons why I sing this song
Thankful to be by your side now
I'll try to shine brighter than now
혹시 꿈일까
또 잠이 든다
영원할 수 있을까
사무친 이 맘
달래어 보다
밤에 잠겨 감긴다
사뭇 쓸쓸했던 밤
어느새 먹구름은 흩어져가
빛줄기 밑 새겨진
너와 남긴 온기들
모든 빛은 네게 물들고
나의 시간은 완벽해져
네 번의 계절 또다시
더 짙어지게 또다시
내가 미소를 짓는 이유도
이 노랠 부를 수 있는 것도
네 곁이기에 감사해
더 빛나볼게 환하게
On a starry night
Hope my you sleep tight
Shining purple light
Thankful to be by your side now
On a starry night
Hope my you sleep tight
Shining purple light
네 곁이기에 감사해



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Emlékek követnek jobbra-balra
Érezlek itt, érezlek itt
Te töltöd ki az agyam minden szegletét
(Most mit fogsz tenni?)
Amióta elfutottál
(Nem, nem tudom, hogyan)
Hogyan töröljem ki a testedet az agyamból?
(Most mit fogsz tenni?)
Talán ehelyett inkább csak magamra kéne koncentrálnom
(Csak te jársz a fejemben)
Az összes éjszaka, amikor összegabalyodtunk az ágyadban
Oh ne (oh ne)
Oh ne (oh ne)
Körbe-körbe mész, megragadtál a fejemben, igen
Emlékek követnek jobbra-balra
Érezlek itt, érezlek itt
Te töltöd ki az agyam minden szegletét
A szerelmed éjjel-nappal velem marad
Érezlek itt, érezlek itt
Te töltöd ki az agyam minden szegletét
Most mit fogsz tenni?
Amióta elmentél
(Valaki mondja el, hogyan)
Mennyit kell még innom a fájdalomra?
(Most mit fogsz tenni?)
Olyasmit teszek velem, amiket nem tudok elfelejteni
(Most csak arra gondolok)
Az összes éjszaka, amikor összegabalyodtunk az ágyadban
Oh ne (oh ne)
Oh ne (oh ne)
Körbe-körbe mész, megragadtál a fejemben, igen
Emlékek követnek jobbra-balra
Érezlek itt, érezlek itt
Te töltöd ki az agyam minden szegletét
A szerelmed éjjel-nappal velem marad
Érezlek itt, érezlek itt
Te töltöd ki az agyam minden szegletét
Most mit fogsz tenni?
Tudod, hogy te vagy az igazi, akit elvesztettem?
És még most is bébi, még mindig nem vagyok rendben
Tudtad, hogy az álmaim mind egyformák?
Minden alkalommal, amikor behunyom a szemem
Emlékek követnek jobbra-balra
Érezlek itt, érezlek itt
Te töltöd ki az agyam minden szegletét
(Most mit fogsz tenni?)
A szerelmed éjjel-nappal velem marad
Érezlek itt, érezlek itt
Te töltöd ki az agyam minden szegletét
Most mit fogsz tenni?
Érezlek itt, érezlek itt
Te töltöd ki az agyam minden szegletét
(Most mit fogsz tenni?)



Click to see the original lyrics (Dutch)
Nem hiszem, hogy magányos vagyok
Föleg ha nem hangoztatom
Elmúlik majd ez az állapot
Ha túl sokat nem rágódom
Ó, ó, ó
Egyedül is elboldogulok
A világ jár a fejemben
Egy kis teret szabadon hagyok
Ugyanis hiszek a kettesben
Ó, ó, ó
Egyedüllét, egyedül akkor magány, ha nem tudsz egyedül lenni
És soha ne mondd, hogy soha, ha nem akarsz egyedül lenni
Ó, ó, ó
Dolgok mennek a maguk útján
Mit önmagadról tanít mindez
Ha egyedül kelsz éj elmúltán
Az együttlét értékesebb lesz
Ó, ó, ó
Egyedüllét, egyedül akkor magány, ha nem tudsz egyedül lenni
És soha ne mondd, hogy soha, ha nem akarsz egyedül lenni
Ó, ó, ó
Egyedüllét, egyedül akkor magány, ha nem tudsz egyedül lenni
És soha ne mondd, hogy soha, ha nem akarsz egyedül lenni
Nem hiszem, hogy magányos vagyok
Föleg ha nem hangoztatom
Elmúlik majd ez az állapot
Ha túl sokat nem rágódom


Over river rocks

There's a shallow rocky waterway
You can hear it in any season
People call it a magic water stream
And there is a valid reason
Having doubts tearing you apart
Carrying heavy loads on your heart
Go to the stream, don't delay, problems there relay.
Over river rocks, over river rocks
Over river rocks water cascades.
To a distant sea, over many miles
A small stream takes its path, runs and plays.
Rolling, rolling over river rocks
Rolling, rolling over river rocks
While rolling over rocks, a stream runs its way
In its clear surfaces you could see your face
Like a mirror - shows your reflection
If you drop a rock into water bed
It will give the apt reception
To a lazy - it don't give so much

There are days

There are days, my dear
When things go badly for me
How could they not when they tell me
That they always see you with someone else (x2)
You will never be happy
Because you love false shine
This sorrow that follows me
Will come for you, know that (x2)
Where are you now
There are days, my dear
When things start to go wrong for me
How could they not when they tell me
That you no longer love me (x2)
You will never be happy
Because you love false shine
This sorrow that follows me
Will come for you, know that (x2)
Where are you now
You will never be happy
Because you love false shine
This sorrow that follows me
Will come for you, know that (x2)
Where are you now


From Topola to Ravna Mountain

From Topola to Ravna Mountain
From Topola to Ravna Mountain
Everyone is a guardian, everyone is a guardian of general Draža
Everyone is a guardian, everyone is a guardian of general Draža
And patrols, smd patrols of Kalabić Nikola
And patrols, smd patrols of Kalabić Nikola
And ambush, and ambush of Račić's squad
And ambush, and ambush of Račić's squad
Scout, scout if Pavel Đurišnić
Scout, scout if Pavel Đurišnić
Vanguard, vanguard of the governor Đujić
Vanguard, vanguard of the governor Đujić


Oh, Serb, Awaken

Grave next to grave, youth sleeps,
Only the living know the pain.
Oh, Serbia, our mother,
Do not let them tear you apart.
You have risen from the ashes,
But you are strong, the strongest of all.
Do not let them break you again,
Future generations will weep.
Icons weep with myrrh
For the heroes who have fallen.
They have risen to Lazar,
Given their lives for freedom.
Oh, Serb, awaken,
You have no one but God.
So guard all the sanctities
As the apple of your eye.
And there are many Serbian sanctities,
Candles burning within them.
Oh, Košare, our sorrow,
Your wounds still pain the living.
Our Republic of Srpska,
Do not let them break your wings.
You do not seek others', you do not give yours,
You have always been your own master.
But isn't everyone tired
Of wars and mad hatred,
And those who seek unrest,
May it come to their homes.
Again they break us where
We have been cracking for centuries.
Kosovo is a thorn in their side,
And there are so few of us.
We need our brothers
Across the Drina, all the way to the sea,
Our Republic of Srpska,
From the processions of Montenegro.
Fertile, flat Vojvodina,
And gentle Šumadija,
Ostrog, Tvrdoš and the Krajina,
Kosovo and Metohija.
We need them to unite
And sanctify and multiply.
To protect the family,
All together. Grant us, God!
We need our sisters,
To bear new Obilićs (To bear new heroes like Obilićs)
And Njegoš and Lazar (And more like Njegoš and Lazar)
And the holy Nemanjićs.(And more from the holy Nemanjić lineage)
Too much blood has been shed,
Too many abandoned doorsteps,
Let us hold God's hand,
In love, brother to brother.
Come on, brothers, falcons,
Let's soar to the heights,
To defend the sanctities!
Let's spread our wings.