Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 24

Találatok száma: 100455


Doing it or not

The surroundings change, become prettier, are damaged
Time is transforming everything,
putting it under such conditions, putting it
how does everything live?
It is being destined, or is it choosing,
falling down from many beliefs, many beliefs.
Don't take away from me
the pain that I can cause
The ability to hurt is what keeps
the soul of tomorrow's days.
Don't take away from me
the pain that I can cause
The ability to hurt is what keeps
the soul of tomorrow's days.
In ones lost, in others found:
however, which could be the correct choice?
Pull the trigger! The bullet is shot, the bullet is shot

Four knots

On Saturday, a journalist
How to tell it to someone who doesn't know
Black dress, light eyes
Facing whatever is to come
Life is in the logs
We are as sharp as axes
Life is in the logs
One napkin, four knots
One napkin, four knots
One napkin, four knots
I have never turned off a cig on top of the accordion
There is no past photos
of the dances in Aisterrazu
Our sisters as example, we are on the stage
With the tradition on our hands
Life is in the logs
We are as sharp as axes
Life is in the logs
One napkin, four knots
One napkin, four knots
One napkin, four knots
I have never turned off a cig on top of the accordion
One napkin, four knots
One napkin, four knots
One napkin, four knots
I have never turned off a cig on top of the accordion


step by step

Among passing and changing scenes
one thing alone doesn't change.
From the moment I suddenly woke up
you've always been there.
We've been exchanging words
ceaselessly ad nauseam,
but the words I want to tell you
are still here with me.
Words I seem to have heard somewhere
I search for and gather and join together.
Misshapen as they are
I want to deliver them to you quickly.
upside down
at times we're upside down
but side by side
we're alongside each other
inside out
at times we're opposites
but with symmetry there's sympathy
We're here pursued by
hectic, restless days,
but the memories I've piled up
are certainly here with me.
Recollections covered with dust
are stored away and left behind inside me.
After so long, I want to sing them with you
in the way they used to shine.
back to front
at times we're contrary
but face to face
we're alongside each other
right side left
at times we swap places
yes, with symmetry there's sympathy
upside down
at times we're upside down
but side by side
we're alongside each other
inside out
at times we're opposites
but with symmetry there's sympathy
laugh and cry
we laugh and we cry
yes side by side
we're alongside each other
step by step
like flowing along
let's sing for ten more years
la la la …


Hello, hello

Hello, hello
Tell me if you’re still mine
Hello, hello
Come on, come on in, little nut
Hello, hello
What a voice this morning
I know, you haven’t slept
You know that in love
A man can make mistakes
You know
He can cry and feel bad
And then he can make it up to you
It’s love
It’s love
Hello, hello
You’re prettier with a pout
Stay here
I’ll get gas
If you want
I’ll come to you today
Are you in
Or I'll do it myself
You know that in love
A man can make mistakes
You know
He can cry and feel bad
And then he can make it up to you
It’s love
It’s love
Hello, hello
So we are in agreement
Hello, hello
I’m coming in and you tell me yes
Hello, hello
So we are in agreement
Hello, hello
So we are in agreement



Welcome to this purgatory
A laboratory of souls
Should you consider giving up or continuing?
Your soul will be judged
Your memories are already in the past
And now you must fight and overcome your fears here
And it's not your end, you shouldn't give up
If you accept maybe you'll have a chance
When you think all is lost
Always think before you act
Grief will blur your vision
And it will obscure the truth
When you see the target too far away
Just focus on moving forward
Purgatory is the way
To save your soul
To save your soul
To save your soul



They still allow us to smoke in the office,
They get it: this kind of work, you have to smoke,
They run after one as he’s walking: hey, commander,
The second from the table raises his eyes to the door,
The second one from the trial raises his eyes to a hook,
There the lamp’s swaying back and forth, Svetlana, what’ll I say
When the earth quakes, and the ground opens its mouth,
And the arrested earn their execution?
The third one stands up, decorated, and he has everything,
But they’ve called him, and he goes.
“Look for me at dawn”, he said to his comrades,
As if he and they are he and someone else
Who’s alone, like Job, and waits for him like for a storm.
What’s that blue sign on his arm, sister?
That’s a powerful sign on his arm, girlfriend.
There it sort of says: beloved,
My darling, take care of yourself, don’t use in front of everyone,
Give your parents a call, take time off on Wednesday,
If you don’t take it – try to behave yourself,
And if there’s anything call, if there’s anything call for me.


Give a blessing to your child

I don't want to consider any more
What I have suffered in the past
Since I have been away from home
I have dark thoughts that have no end
The gloomy days, the difficult path
They steal from me my final feeling
But sometimes at night, when no one is awake
I cry quietly in my dreams to my mother
Oy mama, mama, even now
Give a blessing to your child
As God will give health with life
We will soon see each other
I still remember how it once was
The last day, beautiful and nice
And my mother, busy in the kitchen
The youngest sister came
I heard news on the street
That tomorrow there will be a registration
For all the young, under 35 years
They must tomorrow, for the workers' office
Oy mama, mama, stay healthy
Away from you now I must go
As God will give health with life
We will soon see each other
Comes through the short night
The last day took away soon
And my mother gives me
The last breakfast, she prepares for me
Running down, oceans of tears
All children from one mother
We kiss each other, and mother cries
How will I separate from you all?
Oy mama, mama, stay healthy
Away from you now I must go
As Got will give health with life
We will soon see each other
A few months away from me
From my mother, from my father, I know not from them
My dear parents did the great God
Enlight, pack in a large garden
And I no longer see my mother’s face
That I love with my heart and feelings
But sometimes at night, when no one is awake
I cry quietly in my dreams to my mother
Oy mama, mama, even now
Give a blessing to your child
As God will give health with life
We will soon see each other


The Guilt Is His

Don't mention him in front of me:
The past has not yet been forgotten

Heart of Blue Flower

How fast the crazy days are passing
And the minutes in a row,
After the night, in the morning
Life embraces me,
And I breathe love.
How fast all the years are passing as one,
And one day you want to live
Like a guitar song
And a glass of wine at sunset,
You want to love all your life.
Sing, sing my heart,
With longing and passion,
Sing about our love!
If I would live two more lives,
I would still love you,
Heart of blue flower.
Sing, sing my heart,
With longing and passion,
Sing about our love!
If I would live two more lives,
I would still love you,
Heart of blue flower.
How fast the summer evenings are passing
When we look at each other eye to eye.
Like a guitar song
Just like the first time
We love each other relentlessly.
With an unquenchable tear
On the cheek of time,
I ask love to tell me
Under the moonlight,
Sweet words found in memories.
Sing, sing my heart,
With longing and passion,
Sing about our love!
If I would live two more lives,
I would still love you,
Heart of blue flower.
Sing, sing my heart,
With longing and passion,
Sing about our love!
If I would live two more lives,
I would still love you,
Heart of blue flower.
Sing, sing my heart,
With longing and passion,
Sing about our love!
If I would live two more lives,
I would still love you,
Heart of blue flower.
Sing, sing my heart,
With longing and passion,
Sing about our love!
If I would live two more lives,
I would still love you,
Heart of blue flower.



It seems i fell into it, Delphine fell in the drug
Doesn't listen to her parents anymore, Delphine wants to play the big girl
It seems you fell into it, nothing as been the same for a long time
Since everything changed, Delphine has changed a lot
All your friends don't recognize you anymore, at work nothing goes well
Delphine, Delphine, oh Delphine, Delphine
A rose lost in a black field, no life without any hope
Delphine, Delphine, oh Delphine, Delphine
People judge you but don't know you, lot of mistakes but don't regret it
They turn their back but don't change, don't change
Bad faith, a strange story, look at what's around you
Nobody to help you out, bad dope like bad master (bad master)
So many emotions, bad actions
Misunderstood, light off
It seems i fell into it, Delphine fell in the drug
Doesn't listen to her parents anymore, Delphine wants to play the big girl
It seems you fell into it, nothing as been the same for a long time
Since everything changed, Delphine has changed a lot
Alone in the dark, street lights illuminate the city
The white lights up my life, for sure she damages me
The brown soften me, life is rose-tinted
at the edge of the diving board, a few more minutes
Warmth goes away to let cold settles in, joy to fear, just a glance and it's paranoia
On the right way, here stop, it's the right one
Minutes go by, feeling like weighing a ton
The pressure of the collapsing ceiling changes everything
The heart is racing and there's discharges in the body
Just one last time, it'll be for the support, we need some more
Fuck, each passing day is harder and harder, we need some more
(we need some more)
It seems i fell into it, Delphine fell in the drug
Doesn't listen to her parents anymore, Delphine wants to play the big girl
It seems you fell into it, nothing as been the same for a long time
Since everything changed, Delphine has changed a lot
It seems i fell into it, Delphine fell in the drug
Doesn't listen to her parents anymore, Delphine wants to play the big girl
It seems you fell into it, nothing as been the same for a long time
Since everything changed, Delphine has changed a lot


You are mine

Wow ---
We slept with others at nights
Got burned like at rare begining
We have swaped sorrow like with numbers
We did hurt , we did hurt ourself
Easy-peasy, we coincided in two things
We got closer to each other at new start
We can hide, no need to rush
By arms, by lips we broke our borders
There's nothing superfluous about you
And all became casual around
And out of habit we burn
And we don´t need fire or petrol
You are my rock-n-roll and punk-rock
You are the gathering of the very best
And how your dad managed
make his son so energy?*
With you fast fly
Every day it's like two on the volcano
And how you managed reach that high
When no one could to do that?
We split minutes in half
We read each other by lips
We dont trust such eyes and words
That dont resonate with us
Done deal : We will be ourselves
We change hints to something else
We are one, but there are two of us in the world
There's nothing superfluous about you
And all became casual around
And out of habit we burn
And we don´t need fire or petrol
You are my rock-n-roll and punk-rock
You are the gathering of the very best
And how your dad managed
make your son so energy?
With you fast fly
Every day it's like two on the volcano
And how you managed reach that high
When no one could to do that?
You are my rock-n-roll and punk-rock
You are the gathering of the very best
And how your dad managed
make your son so energy?
With you fast fly
Every day it's like two on the volcano
And how you managed reach that high
When no one could to do that?


I have time that I'm thinking

I have time that I'm thinking and nothing I don't understand
I will think ma better, four five (girls) oi ma* want me
A blonde one oi ma and a brunette one put me both two in the middle
And an other one oi ma more beautiful with eyes colourful, all (the time) she laughs** oi ma she doesn't have a need***
But that blonde oi ma more beautiful, that brunette oi ma black-eyed
That brunette oi ma black-eyed, she does works ma in the house


Dnipro will never forgive!

The three hundred and twenty-fifth day of war is underway
For almost a year my country has been in the throes of hell
The confrontation of Good and Satan is ongoing
And this fierce war is not just for survival
Every day brings endless fiery terror
For almost a year bombs and rockets have been flying
But the heart of the nation works like an motor
And our sharp swords and bayonets destroy the orcs
My Dnipro suffers from explosions time and again –
My beautiful and grand city
But unfortunately the air defense systems
Are powerless to make our sky clear
Death flies to every corner in steel form
And countless cities bear ruin and suffering
People die everywhere everything is in chaos
Generations of achievements disappear from the face of the earth
Everywhere there is death mutilation and misery
And no one is left with any chances
The enemy horde won't give us peace
Leaving us in deep darkness
Have the curtains fallen before the eyes of the world community?
Has the civilized world gone to hell?
Does the world not see what those monsters are doing?
Are they indifferent to every single atrocity?
But I believe in Ukrainian Heroes
In the Heroes of Light and Good
All those who mercilessly fight foreign enemies
And will destroy the killers for the slain residents of Dnipro


When Spring Arrives

When spring arrives,
It embraces me in the evening
Just like a woman full of passion.
When spring arrives
Nature flourishes,
Love brings us together and doesn't stand still.
When spring arrives,
It embraces me in the evening
Just like a woman full of passion.
When spring arrives
Nature flourishes,
Love brings us together and doesn't stand still.
A man only loves once,
He doesn't know when he's wrong,
He entrusted
His pure soul
Only to the one he loves.
It is also said that the man is a hunter,
But when the evening falls
He is forever in love,
He is always restless
When spring arrives.
When spring arrives,
It embraces me in the evening
Just like a woman full of passion.
When spring arrives
Nature flourishes,
Love brings us together and doesn't stand still.
When spring arrives,
It embraces me in the evening
Just like a woman full of passion.
When spring arrives
Nature flourishes,
Love brings us together and doesn't stand still.
The world is reborn from the late snows,
Waiting for love
And the snowdrops,
Filled with delicacy,
Showed their purpose.
Every year I wish
To bring you white flowers,
And thousands and thousands of butterflies,
And joys, for let you know
That you the spring itself.
When spring arrives,
It embraces me in the evening
Just like a woman full of passion.
When spring arrives
Nature flourishes,
Love brings us together and doesn't stand still.
When spring arrives,
It embraces me in the evening
Just like a woman full of passion.
When spring arrives
Nature flourishes,
Love brings us together and doesn't stand still.
When spring arrives,
It embraces me in the evening
Just like a woman full of passion.
When spring arrives
Nature flourishes,
Love brings us together and doesn't stand still.


Kiss Me In Rio

Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
You are my heart
Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
I love your warmth
Do you know that I want you to stay?
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love
No, I can't expalin
Please, don't go, if you feel the same
Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, gimme love
The sun after rain
Every city
Every country of the world
I'll be next to you forever
Can't you see?
That we belong together?
Together, together
Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
You are my heart
Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
I love your warmth
Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
You are my heart
Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
I love your warmth
Kiss me in Rio
In your arms
The electricity
And there's no, no, no, no place I'd rather be
Night and day
Like a symphony
We keep singing our love with a sweet melody
Every city
Every country of the world
I'll be next to you forever
Can't you see?
That we belong together?
Together, together
Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
You are my heart
Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
I love your warmth
Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
You are my heart
Kiss me in Rio, Rio de Janeiro
My love, don’t be afraid
I love your warmth
Kiss me in Rio


Basement Boy

Hey, it’s me
When the bell rings, I also secretly lie
'Hey, I’ve gotten up'
I tend to look around, so I see the walking shoes
Yesterday, I stayed up all night, since I couldn’t fall asleep
My thoughts spun in circles, and a pathetic song played
I tried to see the stars, but this is a half-basement submarine,
Submerged under the road.
I am in a buried home
They call me, ‘Basement boy’
A person in the crowd who turned into a young child
Drinking coffee and even jumping in place
There’s no use at all
but basement boy is coming up
Mm, Okay
When it’s a good day, the day starts with walking
After the day’s over, I make a call
I’ll tell you a story that’d normally pass you by
Yesterday, I stayed up all night, since I couldn’t fall asleep
Time was too fast, and my friends grew up too quickly
Even though I’m struggling, am I doing well too?
I wanna know
I am in a buried home
They call me ‘Basement boy’
A person in the crowd who turned into a young child
Drinking coffee and even jumping in place
There’s no use at all, I know it too
Still Coming up!
Oh, boy! The sunlight’s looking here, whistle
Run, boy! Hurry, hurry, there’s no time, you’re coming up
Jump, boy! Over my head until the end
My wish is the same
Bye, bye, my buried home
Today it’s a buried home
A mediocre basement boy
I’m Coming Up!
Oh, boy! The sunlight’s looking here, whistle
Run, boy! Hurry, hurry, there’s no time, you’re coming up
Jump, boy! over my head until the end
I think it’s just the sun rising, it’s coming up, it’s coming home
Oh, boy, the sunlight’s looking here, whistle
Run, boy, hurry hurry (Until today, it was an uphill road)
There’s no time, you’re coming up
Jump, boy, over my head until the end
My wish is the same
Bye Bye, my buried home



Let's start love again, from the beginning
From your first embrace
Let's start love again, from the beginning
From my gentle kiss
(Let's start) Lately, darkness and fear
Dark topics, a good day 1
Who is who, and who am I?
Maybe I sound crazy, but listen to what I'm saying now
Whole lives, we are hurting
Life is like a rudder
We hate, we love
To love
(Let's start) Love
There's no love here
What kind of blackened love?
Just the status, money, cars and a private room
Where's the love here?
Yes, the love is everywhere
Love is rare here, let's start it again, from the beginning
I don't have a scheme, I have a plan
But a heavy burden ruins every plan
Nevermind, it's so great, this day
Maybe I sound crazy, but listen to what I'm saying now
We aren't afraid of anyone
We color the gray days
We don't hate, we love
To love
(Let's start) Love
There's no love here
What kind of blackened love?
Just the status, money, cars and a private room
Where's the love here?
Yes, the love is everywhere
Love is rare here, let's start it again, from the beginning
(Let's start) Without exception
(Let's start) From this Friday
(Let's start) Love again, from the beginning
Without harsh words
(Let's start) Skillful festivities
(Let's start) People raging
(Let's start) Love
There's no love here
What kind of blackened love?
Just the status, money, cars and a private room
Where's the love here?
Yes, the love is everywhere
Love is rare here, let's start it again, from the beginning
  • 1. This could also mean 'hello'



[Verse 1] Hey little angel please don't cry
Let the tears dry
Because angels don't cry
The scent from your hair
The salt on your skin
I'll keep it
Before the dawn breaks
[Verse 1] Hey little angel please don't cry
Let the tears dry
Because angels don't cry
The scent from your hair
The salt on your skin
I'll keep it
Before the dawn breaks
[Refrain] Little angel
Little angel
Little angel
Angel don't cry
Little angel
Little angel
Little angel
Angel don't cry
[Verse 2] Hey little angel please don't complain
Fear needs more than words
Because angels don't complain
I don't want to hear any back talk
No shouting or crying
Hope is there for others
But [for] you - you are alone
[Verse 2] Hey little angel please don't complain
Fear needs more than words
Because angels don't complain
I don't want to hear any contradiction
No shouting or shouting
Hope is there for others
But [for] you - you are alone
[Refrain] Little angel
Little angel
Little angel
Angel don't complain
Little angel
Little angel
Little angel
Angel don't complain
Little angel
Little angel
Little angel
Angel don't cry
Little angel
Little angel
Little angel
Angel don't cry
[Verse 3] Hey little angel, I'll cut your face
I'll sew your wounds
Because angels don't bleed
The smell of your flesh
The shine in your eyes
From now on and forever
I will steal your soul
[Refrain] Little angel
Little angel
Little angel
Angel don't bleed
Little angel
Little angel
Little angel
Angel don't cry
Little angel
Little angel
Little angel
Angel don't complain



A young boy and an old man
Somewhere way down in the South
One just turned 10 years old
And one ain't got long now
The old man served in World War II
And he came home in 45
Proud as hell of the USA
Before that flag he'd give his life
Never been good at goodbyes
It's always hard to face the end
He looked that young boy in his eyes
And this is what he said
I bet it's like Dixie
They have fireflies
And I bet my grandma
Is making sweet apple pie
If I know my old man
He's working on his truck
I know you're gonna miss me
But I bet it's like Dixie
Time flies and the years pass by
But some memories never fade
That young boy is now full grown man
He always does things his own way
He learned a lot from that old man
One thing he'll never forget
The day that old man lost his life
The words that old man said
I bet it's like Dixie
They have fireflies
And I bet my grandma
Is making sweet apple pie
If I know my old man
He's working on his truck
I know you're gonna miss me
But I bet it's like Dixie
I bet it's like Dixie
They have fireflies
And I bet my grandma
Is making sweet apple pie
If I know my old man
He's working on his truck
I know you're gonna miss me
But I bet it's like Dixie
I know you're gonna miss me
But I bet it's like Dixie


Hank Williams

Ain't got a lotta money but I just don't care
I got my woman and the dogs and the man upstairs
This ol' flat bottom boat she sure been around
She gonna make it up the creek 'fore the sun goes down
The grass is green and I love these hills
The rivers flowing down to my moonshine still
Shotgun rifle and an old John Deere
People think I'm crazy 'cause I live out here
Well I wish those people well
But I ain't living in the city, think I'm good right here
I got all I need, with the whiskey on ice and them outlaw women
I got a bag that's got them seeds, grow our own, got a Zebco spinning
Kicking back out in the sticks, middle fingers up in the air
I'll play Hank Williams till the day I die
That's how a Southern Man does it round here
I love fishing and hunting them Whitetail deer
Got everything I'll ever need out here
While they're burning them big cities down to the ground
I'll be back in the woods with my old bloodhound
Smile on my face and a gun in my hand
Ain't watching TV, I'm working my land
Shot of good whiskey and an old John Deere
People think I'm crazy 'cause I live out here
Well I wish those people well
But I still ain't living in the city, think I'm good right here
I got all I need, with the whiskey on ice and them outlaw women
I got a bag that's got them seeds, grow our own, got a Zebco spinning
Kicking back out in the sticks, middle fingers up in the air
I play Hank Williams till the day I die
That's how a Southern Man does it round here
A Country Boy Can Survive
Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound
That's a Family Tradition
I guess these old habits are hard to break
I'll play Hank Williams til the day I die
I got all I need, with the whiskey on ice and them outlaw women
I got a bag that's got them seeds, grow our own, got a Zebco spinning
Kicking back out in the sticks, middle fingers up in the air
I'll play Hank Williams till the day I die
That's how a Southern Man does it round here



Click to see the original lyrics (French)
A szerelem szajkózása
Vissza-visszatérő, ég szín, húsz évem parfümje,
A napsütötte kert, ahol gyerekként rohangáltam.
Mindenhol kerestelek, múltbéli szeretőm,
Fürkészve az ösvényeket amelyeken kézen fogtál.
Teltek a napok és felnőttünk,
A szerelem megsebzett, az idő meggyógyított.
De egyedül és tavasz nélkül,
Hiába futok keresztül erdökön, mezőkön,
Mondd, emlékszel még múltbeli szerelmeinkre?
Az évek elsuhannak egy szárnycsapásra
És ömlik az eső egykedvűségem netovábbjára.
Hová lettek a vitorlások amelyek,
Elorozták szívemet, feledésedbe vitték az álmaimat?
Szerettem volna, ha visszatérsz, akárcsak régen, hozva
Virágokat az ablakomba és fiatalságodat az otthonomba.
Unalomig ismételt, eső szín, húsz évem sajnálkozásai,
Bánat, elkeseredettség, hogy már nem vagyok gyerek.
Bár magányosan és távol tőled, csapásokon át ahol te nem vagy,
Elsiratom húsz évem szerelmeit


This Ain't The Hamptons

Five AM, time to go again
Coffee cup in my right hand
Still worn out from working the day before
Work boots on out the door
No silver spoon, I grew up poor
Got everything I have with my two hands
This life, it ain't fame and fortune
My happy can't always outlast my sad
My high won't always drown out my low
This ain't the Hamptons, it's the only life I know
Always been a Haggard fan
He always sang about the working man
Johnny Cash was always dressed in black
And he wore black for the lower class
The ones that work all day and bust their ass
We don't eat caviar or drink champagne
'Cause this life, it ain't fame and fortune
My happy can't always outlast my sad
My high won't always drown out my low
This ain't the Hamptons, it's the only life I know
This life, it ain't fame and fortune
My happy can't always outlast my sad
My high won't always drown out my low
This ain't the Hamptons, it's the only life I know
This ain't the Hamptons, it's the only life I know
This ain't the Hamptons


Stars And Stripes

Freedom Ain't Free, that's where I stand
Burn my flag, I'll kick your ass
Life of a working man, that's just the way that I am
People like me, rednecks like us
Still old school, barb wire and rust
Bible on the table and a shot glass in my hand
So when you ask me why, I'm willing to give my life
That flag right there it ain't just stars and stripes
It's a brother lost in Vietnam
It's a world war two plane that got shot down
It's for the ones that fight and the ones that never made it home
It's the way we live, it's the air we breathe
Home of the brave, land of the free
It's the blood we bleed and we ain't backing down
So when you ask me why I'm willing to give my life
That flag right there it ain't just stars and stripes
I love this place called USA
You can't change my Outlaw Ways
Brings out my fightin' side, that's why the devil knows my name
I miss John Wayne, Ain't Scared To Bleed
Rebel in the South In Me
We don't need your hand out here in this blue-collar town
So when you ask me why I'm willing to give my life
That flag right there it ain't just stars and stripes
It's a young kids Dad they'll never see again
It's something some people don't understand
It's for the ones that fight and the ones that never made it home
It's the way we live, it's the air we breathe
Home of the brave, land of the free
It's the blood we bleed and we ain't backing down
So when you asking me why I'm willing to give my life
That flag right there it ain't just stars and stripes
It's a Goldstar hanging on a mamas wall
All gave some and some gave all
It's a brother lost in Vietnam
It's a world war two plane that got shot down
It's for the ones that fight and the ones that never made it home
It's the way we live, it's the air we breathe
Home of the brave, land of the free
It's the blood we bleed and we ain't backing down
So when you ask me why I'm willing to give my life
That flag right there it ain't just stars and stripes
That flag right there it ain't just stars and stripes



Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
ABC do-re-mi, ennyire kedves voltam
De a tekintetem teljesen megváltozott, talán ez is az egyik oldalam
Elrepülök, mint egy kék pillangó
Csak a te hibád, hogy nem tartottál ki
Az az idő is, amikor teljesen ki voltunk virágozva
Számomra hazugság, hazugság, hazugság
Vörösen elégtünk, te és én
Én jól vagyok, de te is jól leszel?
Egy gyönyörű, felhőtlen napon
Nem maradt semmi, csak egy virág illata
Nem maradt semmi, csak egy virág illata
Te és én, habár őrülten szerelmesek voltunk
Kegyetlenül eltaposták az én egyetlen orgonámat
Elrepülök, mint egy fehér szirom
Csak a te hibád, hogy nem tartottál ki
Lágy szellő hozza magával
Itt a tavasz, de mi elbúcsúzunk, ég veled, ég veled
Vörösen elégtünk, te és én
Én jól vagyok, de te is jól leszel?
Egy gyönyörű, felhőtlen napon
Nem maradt semmi, csak egy virág illata
Nem maradt semmi, csak egy virág illata
Most ég veled, ég veled
Sosem nézek vissza
Egy levél, amit habozásnak hívnak
Lehullik rólad a tavaszi záporban
Nem maradt más, csak egy virág illata
Nem maradt semmi, csak egy virág illata


Minden szem rám szegeződik

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Egy nem elég
Mindkét szemeddel nézz rám
Nem csak a felét akarom
Te, csak rám nézz
Nem vagyok önző, tudod jól
Hullámokként törnek rám, aztán mind eltűnnek
Még akkor is, ha majd megváltozik, mikor eljön a változás ideje, egyelőre hadd legyek biztos benne
Egy kék pipa a szerelmem mögött, a szívemet ellenőrizték
Most próbáld megmutatni magad
Hadd érezzem, hogy élek
Ne töltsd meg értelmetlen szavakkal
Most koncentrálj rám
Hogy megismerhessem a megismerhetetlen érzéseidet
Minden szem rám szegeződik
Minden szem rám szegeződik
Lélegzetvisszafojtva figyelj, egy film vagyok
Csak a szemeiddel bizonyítsd
Mégis mit veszíthetnél?
Higgy és ugorj, bungee
A két szememmel
Mindig téged nézlek, igaz?
Most próbáld megmutatni magad
Hadd érezzem, hogy élek
Ne töltsd meg értelmetlen szavakkal
Most koncentrálj rám
Hogy megismerhessem a megismerhetetlen érzéseidet
Minden szem rám szegeződik
Minden szem rám szegeződik
Egyetlen pillanat alatt
Egy szempillantás alatt
Talán eltűnök
Semmivel sem vehetsz szerelmet
Ne nézz másokra
Csak arra van szükségem
Minden szem rám szegeződik
Minden szem rám szegeződik



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Én csak, én csak, én csak, én csak
Egy kis kenyeret akartam
Mama csalódott bennem
Papa kövérnek hívott
Szeretem a fokhagymásat, rozst és barnát
Banánkenyér, mézes kifli
Briós, focaccia, naan
Zsemle, baguette és croissant
Szeretem feketén-fehéren
Szeretem vastagon és átsütve
Mindig csak ez jár az eszemben
Nézz körül a pékségemben
Van it torta is, nagyon jóízű
Forró és csípős, édes és sós
Süsd meg, főzd meg, legyen jó
Matzo, pizza, lebegek
Eladtam anyámat egy darabka pitéért, viszlát
Ó mamma mia
Ez rossz ötlet volt
Durva hasmenés
Ez a glutén szörnyű
De bocsi
A kenyérre kicsit begerjedek
A haverok próbáltak szólni
Lisztérzékeny vagyok és meghaltam


You Ain't From The South

You say you wanna change Dixie
But these backwoods run for miles
Boys 'round here don't drink champagne
'Cause that just ain't our style
White lightning, moonshine liquor
My daddy made in a still
When I pick up a gun
It's one shot and it's one kill
I bet you'll probably run and hide when the shit goes down
I can tell, son, you ain't from the south
'Cause you don't say 'sir' and you don't say 'ma'am'
If you ain't into that, well, we don't give a damn
Boots are real pretty and you run your mouth
I hear you've been running yours all over town
I bet you'll probably run and hide when the shit goes down
I can tell, son, you ain't from the south
You can find me out fishing
While you're out wasting time
Y'all do things a little different
Above that Dixon Line
I don't judge you, city folk
The way you choose to live
So, don't you judge the way we talk of this gun here on my hip
And if outlaw country music ain't your sound
That's how I can tell that you ain't from the south
'Cause you can't skin a buck or run a trotline
You'll never know how a country boy can survive
Boots are real pretty and you run your mouth
I hear you've been running yours all over town
Still guitar and a fiddle ain't your sound
That's how I can tell that you ain't from the south
Bet you'll probably run and hide when the shit goes down
I can tell, son, you ain't from the south
'Cause you don't say 'sir' and you don't say 'ma'am'
If you ain't into that, well, we don't give a damn
Boots are real pretty and you run your mouth
I hear you've been running yours all over town
Bet you'll probably run and hide when the shit goes down
I can tell, son, you ain't from the south


Our Link in Our Coming Lives

[Verse 1] The searching beckons wither away in the absence of sounds
I can never find my memories nor the forgotten truths
One life at a time, you let go of their history one trickle at a time
Pain of aching, pain of grieving, pain of the heart, pain of my rage, and the pain of losing you
[Chorus] Maybe parting is difficult and devoting impossible
Pain of aching, pain of grieving, pain of the heart, pain of my rage, and pain of losing myself
Our passion is deep and our fates unforgiving, it's not to be

A Flap of Wings

go your own way,
this time I won't come,
no, no, no.
Bye (bye),
I'm extremely sorry
that it ends
this evening.
A flap of wings,
a careless flight
carries my thoughts
far, far away.
I realize that deep down
you weren't important
there's still life
that's worth more.
there's no companionship,
I won't forget you,
no, no, no.
Bye (bye),
with a bit of nostalgia,
I greet you
this evening.
A flap of wings,
a careless flight
carries my thoughts
far, far away.
I realize that deep down
you weren't important
there's still life.
A breath of wind
dries my tears,
I feel happy
at this moment.
I breath in the air
all a fragrance,
you weren't important,
there's still life.


Wonderful Song

Aah, I hate it. I hate you.
Aah, I hate it. So much that I want to gauge my eyes out.
Aah, I hate it. So much that I want to cut off my ears.
Aah, I hate it. Your face makes me want to vomit.
Aah, I hate hypocrites like you.
Aah, I hate liars like you.
Aah, I hate narcissists like you.
Aah, I want to kill you ! COCK
Since you'll hate this song anyway, all of it is sarcasm.
Since you'll hate this song anyway, all of it is meant to harm you,
Since you'll hate this song anyway, all of it is sarcasm.
I'm going to vomit. ※※※※※※※※※※※
The girl who lives next door has developed a tumor on her knee.
So, I decided to cut it off for her with a razor blade and grow it myself at home.
Aah, a mention of someone.
Aah, it seems like a misinterpretation an amateur would make.
You're lined up alongside your toys.
Aah, today is another lovely day, isn't it ! COCK
Since you'll hate this song anyway, all of it is sarcasm.
Since you'll hate this song anyway, all of it is meant to harm you,
Since you'll hate this song anyway, all of it is sarcasm.
I'm going to vomit. ※※※※※※※※※※※



I'll make sure
to be your accomplice (in crime)
I snatched people's hearts
and the victories are- thrilling!
You can count on me
to guide you
Be unhurried,
just be calm,
upon gazing
at me.
The news always kicks off like:
'It’s for the delusional, there’s no sensible content'
Is there anything else?
Repetitive gossip,
tv dramas for the dull-witted
that will be out of date
after a month
What can I do?
Am I the only one who notices this?
“Son of a smoked fish” (tagalog expression) (Oh~)
Listen to them yap,
All mouths, no minds
Blindly working solely for the sake of
infinitesimal gold and silver!
I’m not in favor of a system
that consistently requires me to make the initial move
Can they take action,
and think for once?
What date is it! 1
I’m not delusional
Your eloquent, flowery words
Are merely deceit
That’s my punishment? Release me!
How do I diminish
The world’s incessant clamor? (ceaseless noise of the world)
Slowly burn the past.
Am I truly a leader
if silence is my desired scheme?
I was born to be a commander, yet I struggle to respond with wit
It’s better to just, rest in peace
I’m capable of fighting
I don’t easily yield!
Yet in the name of sleep,
I surrender combat to slumber.
None, it’s no use
if the swelling mouth kept
speaking the truth
that no one will ever hear.
Be quiet
Why is it that in how I'm treated, things are merely mediocre?
Why didn't you raise your voice
When others needed it?
I’m not in favor of a system
that consistently requires me to make the initial move
Please do somethi~i~ing!
I'll make sure
to be your accomplice (in crime)
Everything became serene
With the help of my heavy hands
You can count on me
to guide you
I’m not delusional
Your eloquent, flowery words
Are merely deceit
That’s my punishment? Release me!
How do I diminish
The world’s incessant clamor? (ceaseless noise of the world)
Slowly burn~!
I will forever curse
I’m so tired of tolerating things!
I also get tired,
That’s my punishment? Release me!
How do I diminish
The world’s incessant clamor? (ceaseless noise of the world)
  • 1. tagalog phrase saying ‘it’s already so late’, and not a literal phrase nor a direct translation asking for the date


Scattered Dreams

Splinters of fulfillable but unfulfilled dreams
spreading out before my eyes are sparkling here and there.
What comes up is your face alone, sleeping on your pillow.
I'll surely, stealthily deliver them.
Let's see them together, big dreams all the way.
Today and beyond, may our faces be happy all the way.
La la la … a bit more to the right?
It's OK, let me. See? I've got it, yeah?
Things don't go easily. Isn't that the very reason it's fun?
I want to grant all these splinters of your dreams.
Just by wanting and wishing nothing will change.
So just a little step forward.
Let's be together, now and beyond all the way.
Whether tomorrow or 100 years hence, may our faces be happy.
La la la … isn't it off? Try a different angle?
It's OK, I said already. See? I've got it, yeah?