Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 24

Találatok száma: 100897



Click to see the original lyrics (English)

A színeim
A sárga és a zöld
De szeretem, ha van egy kis lila a mandarinszínem mellett
Tudsz mondani egy jobb betegséget?
Fiatal vagyok és buta
Van üresedés
Van üresedés
Üres vagyok

Tökéletes vagy
Tökéletesen tiszta
Kávét iszom egy trambulinon
Azt hiszed, jobb vagy nálam
Mert én fiatal, buta és üres vagyok, látod?
Üres vagyok, látod?
Üres vagyok

Nocsak, nocsak
Átlagos vagy
Kibaszott unalmas
Talán összefutunk a pokolban
Mr. 'Nagyon fontos vagyok'

Az álomvilágom Alice és én
Az életem egy nagy dzsembori
Ha szeretnél helyet foglalni
Nem, nem maradhatsz
Nincs üresedés
Nincs üresedés
Üres vagyok

Nocsak, nocsak
Átlagos vagy
Kibaszott unalmas
Talán összefutunk a pokolban
Mr. 'Nagyon fontos vagyok'
Mr. Fontos
Ignorállak téged
A reggel királya
Kibaszott unalmas

Na és, na és?
Kicsapongó vagyok
Lassú életet élek
Bébi, találkozunk a pokolban
Mr. 'Belül halott'

Tudsz mondani egy jobb betegséget?
Fiatal vagyok és buta
Van üresedés
A dzsemborin
Egy trambulinon
Lila mandarinszín
Van üresedés (Van üresedés)

Андрей Рублёв

Я твердо, я так сладко знаю,
С искусством иноков знаком,
Что лик жены подобен раю,
Обетованному Творцом.

Нос - это древа ствол высокий
Две тонкие дуги бровей
Над ним раскинулись, широки,
Изгибом пальмовых ветвей.

Два вещих сирина, два глаза,
Под ними сладостно поют,
Велеречивостью рассказа
Все тайны духа выдают.

Открытый лоб - как свод небесный,
И кудри - облака над ним
Их, верно, с робостью прелестной
Касался нежный серафим.

И тут же, у подножья древа,
Уста - как некий райский цвет,
Из-за какого матерь Ева
Благой нарушила завет.

Все это кистью достохвальной
Андрей Рублев мне начертал,
И в этой жизни труд печальный
Благословеньем Божьим стал.

Падуанскій соборъ

Да, этотъ храмъ и дивенъ, и печаленъ,
Онъ — искушенье, радость и гроза,
Горятъ въ окошечкахъ исповѣдаленъ
Желаньемъ истомлённые глаза.

Растётъ и падаетъ напѣвъ органа
И вновь растётъ полнѣе и страшнѣй,
Какъ будто кровь, бунтующая пьяно
Въ гранитныхъ венахъ сумрачныхъ церквей.

Отъ пурпура, отъ мучениковъ томныхъ,
Отъ бѣлизны ихъ обнажённыхъ тѣлъ,
Бѣжать бы изъ-подъ этихъ сводовъ тёмныхъ,
Пока соблазнъ душой не овладѣлъ.

Въ глухой тавернѣ стараго квартала
Сѣсть на террасѣ и спросить вина,
Тамъ отъ воды приморскаго канала
Совсѣмъ зелёной кажется стѣна.

Скорѣй! Одно послѣднее усилье!
Но вдругъ слабѣешь, выходя на дворъ, —
Готическія башни, словно крылья,
Католицизмъ въ лазури распростёръ.

De Profundis Clamavi

Have pity, my one love and sole delight!
Down to a dark abyss my heart has sounded,
A mournful world, by grey horizons bounded,
Where blasphemy and horror swim by night.

For half the year a heatless sun gives light,
The other half the night obscures the earth.
The arctic regions never knew such dearth.
No woods, nor streams, nor creatures meet the sight.

No horror in the world could match in dread
The cruelty of that dire sun of frost,
And that huge night like primal chaos spread.

I envy creatures of the vilest kind
That they in stupid slumber can be lost —
So slowly does the skein of time unwind!


Two Lines

Me and a blank sheet
and the usual two lines,
I'm alone,
return to me.

Fog and some records
that I keep as friends
in the house
empty of you.

Me and your memory
while I write the two lines
as I say
return to me.

If you know what
a lonely man is,
a man who loves you,
then you'll understand.

When you have these two lines,
the two of a million
that I wrote
to you alone—

—perhaps you'll believe
in the tears that I write
and again
you'll return.


Me and your memory
while I write the two lines
as I say
return to me.

If you know what
a lonely man is,
a man who loves you,
then you'll understand.

When you have these two lines,
the two of a million
that I wrote
to you alone—

—perhaps you'll believe
in the tears that I write
and again
you'll return,
and again
you'll return!


The Country That Doesn't Exist

La-la-la la-la-la la-la la-la,
la-la-la la-la-la la-la la.
La-la-la la-la-la la-la la-la,
la-la-la la-la-la la-la la.

Sooner or later, I'll go
to the top of the mountain.
I'll seek you out and sooner or later
I'll have you in front of me.

I know the distant country
where springtime lives.
There is a band that plays every night
and the people have no problems.

Sooner or later, you'll walk
on blue roads.
Together with me, you'll forget
the things of the world.

I know the distant country
where springtime lives.
There is a band that plays every night
and the people have no problems.

I know the distant country
where springtime lives.
There is a band that plays every night
and the people...


The Sun Will Fall

The sun will fall,
dying in the blue.
The darkness will come
the moment you leave me.

No one will be able
to love you like this.
What more than me
from another love do you want?

Before you leave,
love, kiss me.
Give me hope that you
will return.

The sun will fall,
dying with me.
The darkness will come
when you leave.


Before you leave,
love, kiss me.
Give me hope that you
will return.

The sun will fall,
dying with me.
The darkness will come
when you leave.

You're the sun,
you're the world.
Embrace me again
and stay with me,
and stay with me,
and stay with me,
and stay with me,
and stay...


I’ll Be There

One, two, three

All these busy people
How does anyone get by in this tough world
Oh-oh-oh (Oh-oh-oh)
Oh-oh-oh (Oh-oh-oh)
Giving something greater than just the little things
That’s what I live for

I will be there forever
I’ll stay the same, I’ll be there for you
There for you, oh-oh-oh
With this song I say to you
I swear that I will always sing for you
Sing for you, oh-oh-oh
I’ll be there for you

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
I'll be there for you

Just smile, that’s it
So everyone can feel it
Smile bright, we can all be happy
Oh-oh-oh (Oh-oh-oh)
It don’t matter the time
It don’t matter the place
Take the ordinary, make it extraordinary

I will be there forever
I’ll stay the same, I’ll be there for you
There for you, oh-oh-oh
With this song I say to you
I swear that I will always sing for you
Sing for you, oh-oh-oh
I’ll be there for you

Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
I'll be there for you

When you feel down
When you feel all alone
When you need someone to lean on
I’ll be there for you
One, two, three

I will be there forever
I’ll stay the same, I’ll be there for you
There for you, oh-oh-oh
With this song I say to you
I swear that I will always sing for you
Sing for you, oh-oh-oh
I’ll be there for you

Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
I'll be there for you


The Guilty Sun

lover of the sea,
friend of every heart,
sun of my love.

Guilty sun,
flame of our love,
sun, you are an accomplice,
fire of our heart.

Above us
in the immensity,
you burn from the sky
with your heat.

We too,
hot with anxiety,
burn one another's

But after the guilty sun
came the darkness,
the shadow, you, accomplice
of happiness.

And as long as the moon shines,
a star binds us
and the guilty sun
still burns for us.


But after the guilty sun
came the darkness,
the shadow, you, accomplice
of happiness.

And as long as the moon shines,
a star binds us
and the guilty sun
still burns for us.


The Accordion

The accordion plays for you this evening
to recall for you a love,
one of many years ago,
the accordion.

But don't cry, it doesn't disappear that way,
it returns greater than ever,
the desire for you
when you lived happily with me.

If I close my eyes, I see your face,
I see again your smile
but the distant hands
no longer hold one another.

The accordion plays for you this evening,
it returns greater than ever,
the desire for you
when you lived happily with me.

It was at night, there was the moon,
I kissed your lips.
It was the last time
you left me,


The Music of the Night

Night-time strengthens your perception with its magic
Shadow and darkness awaken your imagination
Suddenly the senses abandon their defences

Night slowly blooms into a beauty
Catch it, sense it, it's fragile and trembling

Turn your eyes away from the glow of the light
Don't think of the heartless cold of the light of day
And listen how the music of the night resonates

Lower your eyelids, give in to those darkest dreams
Chase the former passions out of your mind
Lower your eyelids, allow your soul to rise
You'll lead a richer life than before

Gently, with love, music will caress you
Hear it, perceive it, it secretly controls you

Let the playing enchant you, awaken your imagination
In this darkness, that you can't lead a victorious fight with
In the beauty of the music of the night that resonates here

Allow your mind to get to know a new, strange world
Say goodbye to everything you've known before
Let your soul lead you to where you want to go
Only then can you become mine

Tones orbit around, the music is intoxicating
Caress me, trust me, enjoy the sensations

Start living your dream, allow your darker side
To give in to power of the music that I write
The power of the music of the night, which is mine

Only you can give wings to the song
Help me write my music of the night


And may it be pleasing before You

And may our plea be pleasing before You…

Please, Merciful One, in Your abundant mercy…

Restore Your presence to Zion, Your city, and the order of service to Jerusalem…


I Ask Nothing More of You

Enough with the words about darkness
Say goodbye to your fear
I wan to be with only you now
So don't be afraid of those bad dreams

I'll give you back your freedom
The day will rid you of your tears
I'm here with only one wish
To keep leading you and protecting you

Say you love me with a permanent love
Turn my head with the desire in your eyes
Say that you'll always love me
Promise me, that your words don't lie
I ask nothing more of you

I want to become your shield
I want to be your light
With me, your peace returns
And your fear disappears

I want to be free already
I want my world to be devoid of darkness
And you, be mine forever
Devote every one of your days to me

So share with me my love, my life
I won't ever leave you alone again
Say you want me to be here with you
Anywhere you go, I'll gladly go with you
Christine, I ask nothing more of you

Share with me my love, my life
Just few words and I will follow you

Share with me every morning dawn

If you love me

You know I do

Love me, I want nothing more, I promise

Anywhere you go, I'll go with you there
Love me, I ask nothing more of you



On bulbous clusters
A neural network
Of raindrops are careening down


The Damaged One

I’m not going to keep your secret any longer
And I’m going to tell them why I left you
You came out messed up and on the other side
I had another woman by my side

When I realized it, I sent you to hell
After all, you were a man and you pretended so well
Now you’ve shown your true colors, and I’m not surprised
That you like a man and not a woman

Only your hypocrisy angers me today
That you go around saying I let you down
You’ll just be a macho in appearance
Who covered his quirks with a woman

You have no shame, and like you, there are many
They lack the guts to admit what’s wrong
Why do they fool us if sooner or later
They let their feathers show and get caught out

When I realized it, I sent you to hell
After all, you were a man and you pretended so well
Now you’ve shown your true colors, and I’m not surprised
That you like a man and not a woman

Only your hypocrisy angers me today
That you go around saying I let you down
You’ll just be a macho in appearance
Who covered his quirks with a woman


A wish (reprise) [This Wish (Reprise)]

Every star's light up there is a sibling
So, look up at me now and notice the sign in me!

I'm well aware that more is hidden in us, than this

Something that penetrates the wall of this hideous spell
A wish is being uttered

A wish is being uttered
A wish is being uttered
May we have a more beautiful future!
Lead, beautiful flame!

We've suppressed the feeling, the thousand questions
We've believed that this is all that we're entitled to
Now these people are waking up, they're fighting for this
And it doesn't even matter what the price is
We believed your lying words about our tranquility's end
But finally the goal is clear
The light is feeding us
It creates a spark when hope lives in the bottom of our heart

Every star's light up there is a sibling
The light is waking up and it's offering a change
Look at us, we believe that we could be entitled to more than this
These people never wish for a more beautiful dream
A wish is being uttered
May we have a more beautiful future!
A wish is being uttered
May we have a more beautiful, lead, beautiful flame!


The bridge of sighs

Lahtinen, who sells cloves
He's on the edge of marketplace, like back in times
You bought me a plastic ring
The booth full of bauble is still there

Even if the years go forwards
Some things must never change

When I walk on the bridge of home village
The water flows like memories under me
And these boats, which are greeting me
This is our bridge of sighs
The place where we met every evening
The bridge will stay, even if everything else vanishes

Into the dark red scooter of yours
We painted a new flower every evening
I never let you carve my name
As the maple of school yard must not be hurt, you know

The words stayed in heart
They couldn't be forgotten

When I walk on the bridge of home village
The water flows like memories under me
And these boats, which are greeting me
This is our bridge of sighs
The place where we met every evening
The bridge will stay, even if everything else vanishes

When I walk on the bridge of home village
The water flows like memories under me
And these boats, which are greeting me
This is our bridge of sighs
The place where we met every evening
The bridge will stay, even if everything else vanishes

When I walk on the bridge of home village
The water flows like memories under me
And these boats, which are greeting me
This is our bridge of sighs
The place where we met every evening
The bridge will stay, even if everything else vanishes



[Chorus: kegøn]
Wake up, it's dark outside
Ima slow boi
In our dreams,
We ride on a dragon
Playing with you guys,
I'll give you some new toys
I wanna do fun shit,
Until the morning
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ima slow boi

Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ima slow boi

[Chorus: kegøn]
Wake up, it's dark outside
Ima slow boi
In our dreams,
We ride on a dragon
Playing with you guys,
I'll give you some new toys
I wanna do fun shit,
Until the morning
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ima slow boi
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ima slow boi

Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ima slow boi

[Chorus: kegøn]
Wake up, it's dark outside
Ima slow boi
In our dreams,
We ride on a dragon
Playing with you guys,
I'll give you some new toys
I wanna do fun shit,
Until the morning
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ima slow boi



Come to jump in the motivation ring!

Our class teacher is and old wise owl which is watching
That everyone treats each other equally

You must not bully, to be a selfish showoff
You need to take others to account

Come to jump in the motivation ring!
The dinosaurs get the power from there
When tails start to swing
Ukuli only smiles... and winks the eye!

(O-o-o-o-owleye!) And winks the eye

Our team spirit is good when we help one another
Playing baseball is very difficult alone

If an owl sheds a tear from his eye in action
The teacher must be ask to come with us

Come to jump in the motivation ring!
The dinosaurs get the power from there
When tails start to swing
Ukuli only smiles...

Come to jump in the motivation ring!
The dinosaurs get the power from there
When tails start to swing
Ukuli only smiles!

Come to jump in the motivation ring!
The dinosaurs get the power from there
When tails start to swing
Ukuli only smiles... and winks the eye!

(O-o-o-o-owleye!) And winks the eye


Why Are You Crying

All these black ideas
They prevent us from seeing
That everything is insignificant
I let my hope to see you burn
I might as well be mad at you

Why are you crying?
Is it your tears or the rain pouring on me?
And your fears?
Tell me, what I should do in your arms
Tell me who will save you?

Nobody, to save your heart
And if you heal elsewhere?
I see what you've done, I see what I've done
I have given so much
But I don't know if I'm mad at you

Why are you crying?
Is it your tears or the rain pouring on me?
And your fears?
Tell me, what I should do in your arms
Why are you crying?
Is it your tears or the rain pouring on me?
And your fears?
Tell me, what I should do in your arms
Tell me who will save you?

Tell me
Your fears

I'm still cold
In your arms, it was warm
I'm so tired
And your tears, are under my skin



Yo maybe I crush on your eyes
Scenery reflected on my eyes, no clouds
Right now I'm listening to slowthai
Everyone but me is out of the question
Holding me down, an enemy
TV inside a sandstorm
Sending in that therapy
Kegøn boi is a genius

Yo maybe I crush on your eyes
Scenery reflected on my eyes, no clouds
Right now I'm listening to slowthai
Everyone but me is out of the question
Holding me down, an enemy
TV inside a sandstorm
Sending in that therapy
Kegøn boi is a genius

Don't group me with those other guys, nh
King said it too, don't do some lame shit, you'll pay the price, nh
I wanna hold up the bill in front of my junior
Former riends sippin that sweet nectar and disappeared somewhere

Pissed off at everything, pissed off at myself again
I wanna eat expensive meat with the tips you get
Pissed off at everything, pissed off at myself again
I wanna eat expensive meat with the tips you get

Yo maybe I crush on your eyes
Scenery reflected on my eyes, no clouds
Right now I'm listening to slowthai
Everyone but me is out of the question
Holding me down, an enemy
TV inside a sandstorm
Sending in that therapy
Kegøn boi is a genius

Yo maybe I crush on your eyes
Scenery reflected on my eyes, no clouds
Right now I'm listening to slowthai
Everyone but me is out of the question
Holding me down, an enemy
TV inside a sandstorm
Sending in that therapy
Kegøn boi is a genius


Dream factory (Reprise) [Almost There (Reprise)]

A dream, a dream awaits…
The goal is getting near, my heart is beating so, since it doesn't take much.
I can't believe that I'm doing this!
Please, please, please!

It's very funny... Now what? Would you like a kiss?”
Yes, a kiss would be good!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, I... wait, no, no, no, no! Wait a second! You've got pretty strong arms, princess! Okay, all right, please put down the monkey!
Stay right there, or... or!
Please, please, please!
Whew, allow me to introduce myself! I'm Prince Navin from Madoria.
A prince? But I didn't wish for a... Wait a moment! If you are the prince, then-then... who is dancing a waltz with Lotti on the dance floor?
All I know is that in one moment I was a dancing, handsome, charming prince and in the next I was thumping along on these.
Wait, wait, wait! Wait! I know this fairy tale! The Frog King!
Frog King?
Yes, yes! My mother has instructed the servants to recite that tale every evening! Yes, yes, yes! This is the perfect explanation! You have to kiss me!
Excuse me?
You'll enjoy it, I guarantee! Every woman enjoys the kiss of Prince Navin! Come, pout your lips!
This is new!
Look, I'm sorry. I would gladly help you but I don't kiss frogs.
Wait a moment, it was you who initiated it on the balcony!
Because I didn't know that you can talk.
Oh, but you must kiss me! Look, beside me being drop-dead handsome, for real, it's not insignificant that I'm from a fabulously rich family. I could offer you something, I could grant a wish of yours. What do you say?
Just one kiss?
Just one! Unless you want more!

Come on, Tiara, you can do it, you can do it! Just a tiny kiss, just a tiny kiss. All right...

Hells bells!
Well, you didn't change much. But how did you get up there? And how did I get here, while...

Calm down princess, my dear, don't panic!
What did you do to me? But I'm green, green and... and... slimy!
No, no, no, no! This is not slime...
What is it then?
It's your excretion.
You, you...



After 6 PM when evening starts to fall
A group of scientists carries a massive nut to the forest
Under an old pine the stairs lead to a room
In which genius and madness are getting loose!

-What are doing here, is everything prepared?
-Instruments and electric, yesyes they're soon online
-A laboratory jacket and white protective hats we put on
When a giant machine is turned on

The scientist have made a breakthrough
(Wonder! Nut! Hey!)
A great invetion which clones everything
(Wonder! Nut! Hey!)
Think how great would 140 million nuts would taste

At midnight a thunder surprises us all
The lightning and raining begins, sky blasts
The shortcuts takes lights out and alarm is ringing
Somebody misconnects something, and everybody panics

-What's this red cord, where am I supposed to connect it
-No idea where, put it there!
-Pal, don't put it there, we need to change the circuit breaker
The cloning machine is turned back on

Oh yeah!

The scientist have made a breakthrough
(Wonder! Nut! Hey!)
A great invetion which clones everything
(Wonder! Nut! Hey!)
Think how great would 150 million nuts would taste

The scientist have made a breakthrough
A great invetion which clones everything
Think how great would 160 million nuts would taste

The scientist have made a breakthrough
(Wonder! Nut! Hey!)
A great invetion which clones everything
(Wonder! Nut! Hey!)
Think how great would 170 billion nuts would taste



I see them rather clearly – the fishers at the beach
They stand and watch their ocean and are constantly furious
At the trawlers that wreak havoc out there
And ruin a small fishing village
In Senegal

(I see them rather clearly)
And I can understand what they say – black fisher phrases
For coastal people have never learned to curse in a bag
When it comes to EU quota requirements
While the poor people barely get by
In Senegal

(I see them rather clearly
And I can understand what they say)
The good days are gone for people and boats
And catch and people and fisheries are sunk by the pirate fleet
That takes all the loopholes it can reach
While crises hit the coast and the small ones
In Senegal

(I see them rather clearly
And I can understand what they say
The good days are gone)
And we feel their anger, and we can sense the anxiety
For the future that is dumped with the latest trawler catch
And maybe it is clearer now than before
That Senjahopen exists further south
In Senegal

(I see them rather clearly
And I can understand what they say
The good days are gone
And we feel their anger)
And maybe it is clearer now than before
That Senjahopen exists further south
In Senegal



A night without the moon, yet power fills up
A shadow looms close by
Leave it to me, junkie, I’ll get what I want
A beat with no blood
Out-of-place funky, with a worn-out tune

Let me take it from you, all the love you hold
Souls slipping away, as they move without life

Relentless ones, yet the power grows
A poison that kicks in later

Leave it to me, junkie, I’ll get what I want
A beat with no blood

Let me take it from you, all the love you hold
Souls slipping away, as they move without life


And arrive one day! [You'll Play Your Part]

Twilight Sparkle: I've been given so many beautiful things
My heart is grateful
And where my path is headed right now
Is exactly what I wished for in the dream

I wonder how does one take the next step?
What is my task? I don't know
I wonder where am I going now?
I can't see the future

I've got my wings and my crown:
Yes, this is a princess
Yet, I don't know what to do
And that's so frightening

One always needs a goal to head towards
But I wonder where can I find it?
I'm only hoping that this is the right direction
But what my fate is, I don't know

Princess Celestia: Everything is uncertain at the moment
This is not easy, we know that well
But the picture is slowly becoming clear:
This is what our life is about

Princess Luna: Be patient, trust me, it'll be good
Although I understand that you want more
Your life will only be complete
Once you're flying, up in the sky

Princess Cadance: There is reason for you being here
Although your soul is not yet mature
You're wearing a crown and that's not a coincidence

Celestia, Luna and Cadance: Something as beautiful as this has never happened before:
The sun is starting to shine and the moon also
There is a place for love in your heart
Set out when you need to and arrive one day!

Princess Luna: We understand that you wish for more
It'll be very good, when you'll be flying among us

Princess Cadance: The big change is not that far away now

Celestia, Luna and Cadance: Something as beautiful as this has never happened before:
The sun is starting to shine and the moon also
There is a place for love in your heart
Set out when you need to and arrive one day!

Princess Celestia: Princess, set out and arrive one day!


Mamushi Remix

I am a star
Megan (Ah)

I get money, I'm a star, star, star
Star, star, star, star
I get money, I'm a star, star, star
Star, star, star, star
We earn money, we're stars
I earn money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, sparkling
I am a star (Real hot girl shit)

I get money, I'm a star (Star)
Body like a doll (Ah)
They love me in my city
All the way to Korea (All the way to Korea)
I'm always rockin' ice (Yeah)
I'm everybody type (Hmm)
He had to do a double take (Yeah)
He seen me out with TWICE (He seen me out with TWICE Yo)
I always set the tone (Uh-huh)
I always got it on (Uh-huh)
Now tell a hater bitch
Because they always on my phone (They always on my phone)
My Audemars Piguet is on another time zone (On another time zone)
I gotta stay fly (Yeah), airplane mode (Mwah)

I ain't gotta wait for winter to get cold
I ain't gotta wait to type to get bold
Head, shoulders, knees, toes (Toe, toe, toe)
Work it out, I'm body goals (I'm body goals)
Make 'em sing another language
I'm like Duolingo (I am a star)
I drop on a Friday
Knock it out like Debo

I get money, I'm a star, star, star
Star, star, star, star
I get money, I'm a star, star, star
Star, star, star, star
We earn money, we're stars
I earn money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, sparkling
I am a star (TWICE)

Had you listen once that made you look twice
Bad and hot like Meg (Ah), nine stallions on your mind
All these trophies, we just winnin' up the price
Then we sold out your closet like we did at MetLife (No)
Sold out SoFi (Oh), missin' no flight (Yeah)
One spark, baby, ooh-la-la, that's what we like
We're the originators, global entertainers
Your favorite girl group sings our song, screamin', 'TWICE'

I just do my dance and I move my hips (Hips)
If you don't understand, you should read my lips
I'm a star, baby, I'm a star
In America to Seoul, Korea

I get money, I'm a star, star, star
Star, star, star, star
I get money, I'm a star, star, star
Star, star, star, star
We earn money, we're stars
I earn money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, sparkling
I am a star



Playing games on a computer screen is the life
Bright and obvious and read, and super clear
The worst part of our life is not on computers

That part of the world is missing a fast keyboard
And also a plug and a mouse

A good CD Drive, a good hard disk
Without them, I don't know who I am
I'd go insane without megabytes
A good CD Drive, a good hard disk
Without them, I don't know who I am
I'd go insane without megabytes
(A good CD Drive, a good hard disk)
(Without them, I don't know who I am)
(I'd go insane without megabytes)

That part of the world is missing a fast keyboard
And also a plug and a mouse

A good CD Drive, a good hard disk
Without them, I don't know who I am
I'd go insane without megabytes
A good CD Drive, a good hard disk
Without them, I don't know who I am
I'd go insane without megabytes



Click to see the original lyrics (German)

Senki sem tudja leírni a képet
Az ablak üvegéhez
Az arcát odanyomta
S reménykedett, hogy (a lány) a fényt égve hagyja
Ruha nélkül még nem látta
Fantáziája úrnőjét
Levette az arcáról szemüvegét
Remegve énekelt egy melódiát

A szoba megtelik holdfénnyel
Hagyja leesni, minden takaróját
A látványt (a férfi) nagyon szereti
Fantáziáját íjjá feszíti
Légzése elakad, szíve vadul ver
Ráfesti színeit (a lány) képére
Ott áll az ablaknál
Egy nappal a kezében

Nagyon közel
Annyira távol tőle
Oly közel
Messze, messze tőled
Nagyon közel
Annyira távol vagyunk
Oly közel
Messze, messze tőlem

Újra éjfél van
Ellopom nekünk a Nap fényét
Hiszen mindig sötét van
Mikor a Hold megcsókolja a csillagokat

Nagyon közel
Olyan közel

Nagyon közel
Annyira távol tőled
Oly közel
Annyira távol vagyunk


Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Szeretek a sírkertek között egyedül járkálni
És eltöprengeni mind azon, amivé váltam
Mibe is tudnék én beleilleni
És egyáltalán feltűnne az,
hogy eltűntem, észrevennéd-e a nyomokat
Csak várok, várok...

És addig, az elhagyatottságom
lesz az én védjegyem
Mindig egy idegen maradok
És bármennyire is próbálok beilleszkedni
Mindig csak egy idegen maradok

Azt mondod, ki kéne mozdulnom
Minden embertelen városban
Van valaki, magát lényegesnek tartó,
Aki olyan dolgokra kényszerít, amelyeket soha nem csináltam
Például nevetni, a rólad szóló vicceken
A felszínes beszélgetéseknek nincs jelentőségük

És amíg megváltozol
Megtartom a boldog arcomat
Ez az én védjegyem, mindig csak egy idegennek maradni
És bármennyire is próbálok beilleszkedni
Mindig csak egy idegen maradok

Junio, 1968

En la tarde de oro
o en una serenidad cuyo símbolo
podría ser la tarde de oro,
el hombre dispone los libros
en los anaqueles que aguardan
y siente el pergamino, el cuero, la tela
y el agrado que dan
la previsión de un hábito
y el establecimiento de un orden.
Stevenson y el otro escocés, Andrew Lang,
reanudarán aquí, de manera mágica,
la lenta discusión que interrumpieron
los mares y la muerte
y a Reyes no le degradará ciertamente
la cercanía de Virgilio.
(Ordenar bibliotecas es ejercer,
de un modo silencioso y modesto,
el arte de la crítica.)
El hombre que está ciego,
sabe que ya no podrá descifrar
los hermosos volúmenes que maneja
y que no le ayudarán a escribir
el libro que lo justificará ante los otros,
pero la tarde que es acaso de oro
sonríe ante el curioso destino
y siente esa felicidad peculiar
de las viejas cosas queridas.

I am Moana

[Gramma Tala:]
One girl of the island
Isn't like the rest of the girls
She loves the ocean and the water
And hundreds of people are proud of her
Life might seem tough
A life that leaves behind pain in the heart
The pains will heal and dreams are what'll

Life events teach us,
And we follow those we love
But nothing can hold back
The whisper inside of us
And when it asks 'Who am I?'
Moana, you know
Moana, come on, say it, don't you know?

Who am I?
I am a girl who loves the island
And loves the water of the ocean
It calls me
I am the daughter of the chief
Descended from sailors (voyagers)
Who roamed the sea and the seas
(They) call me
Just like you, I've overcome dangers
And spread my sails
Everything I've seen still calls me

That hidden sound still calls me
Just like waves that fill my imagination
You'll remain in my heart, a sound that reminds me
that whatever path I take
I am Moana!