Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 34

Találatok száma: 100924



Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)

1! 2! 3!
Mikor a szemedbe nézek, bajkeverő vagyok
Mikor melletted állok, bajkeverő vagyok
Apránként, egyre jobban és jobban
Ahogy haladunk, egyre jobban és jobban
Most már nem tudok mit kezdeni a szívemmel

Állandóan előtted leszek, így nem felejthetsz el
Állandóan mozgásban tartom a szívedet, így nem menekülhetsz el
El fogom lopni az ajkaidat, és messzire futok velük
Bajkeverő vagyok

Megharapom a szívedet és elfutok, mint egy macska
Idegesíteni foglak, úgyhogy gyere ide és őrülj meg
Szexi járásom lángra lobbantja az elmédet
Fizikai vonzalom, a szemeid arról árulkodnak, hogy már nem bírod
Egyre mélyebbre zuhanok, ahogy jobban megismerlek, egyre jobban kedvellek bébi
Azt hiszem, a veled kapcsolatos gondolatok megrészegítettek, hölgyem
Soha, soha, soha nem állok le!

Állandóan előtted leszek, így nem felejthetsz el
Állandóan mozgásban tartom a szívedet, így nem menekülhetsz el
El fogom lopni az ajkaidat, és messzire futok velük
Bajkeverő vagyok

Hogyan zárhatnálak a szívembe? (Bajkeverő)
Mostantól a szívem vezérel
Soha, soha nem állok le!
Nem tudok leállni

Állandóan előtted leszek, így nem felejthetsz el
Állandóan mozgásban tartom a szívedet, így nem menekülhetsz el
El fogom lopni az ajkaidat, és messzire futok velük
Bajkeverő vagyok

Im Dienste des KGB

Ich reise in einem VW
Im Dienste des KGB
In dieser Land ist es viel Schnee
Und keine Menschen tragen nur ein Hemd

Ich beeile mir
zu meinem Hauptquartier
weil diese sitzen hier
Sie zählen: Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier!
Sie rufen Je! und sagen oft ZB
zueinander o Weh! Er ist ja vom KGB!

Sie sind alle große Verbrecher, weil sie tragen Blau-Jeans
Sie müssen seit ich sie entdeckten
nicht frei geh wo sie ein Straf verdient!

Ich habe Macht in dem Warschawapakt
Ich habe mehr gemacht
Sie zählen: Fünf, sechs, sieben, acht
Sie rufen Je! und sagen auch ZB
zueinander o Weh! Er ist ja vom KGB!

Zueinander o Weh!
Zueinander o Weh!
Er ist vom K...G...B!


Click to see the original lyrics (Russian)

Amikor az összes barátod báránybőrbe bújt farkas
Amikor elalszol, akkor csak örökre tedd
Ha a lelkedre veszed, akkor az italok erősebbek
Az emberek embertelenek

[1. Versszak]
A légzés nehezebbé vált
A légcsövem hamu alá temetve
Mérgezett a levegő
A szélbe vetett fogadalmaktól
Nincs menekvés
Az emlékezetem kalitkává válik
Az elhervadt rózsák
Emiatt jobban megsebeznek

A magány jobb
A magány könnyebb
A magány biztonságosabb, mint

Amikor az összes barátod báránybőrbe bújt farkas
Amikor elalszol, akkor csak örökre tedd
Ha a lelkedre veszed, akkor az italok erősebbek
Az emberek embertelenek
Az összes barátod báránybőrbe bújt farkas
Amikor elalszol, akkor csak örökre tedd
Ha a lelkedre veszed, akkor az italok erősebbek
Az emberek embertelenek

Miért fáj ennyire, ha még karcolások sincsenek egyáltalán?
Miért robbanok fel, amikor régi aknákba lépek?
Miért égek meg, ha az összes érzelmünk kihűlt?
Miért kerül nekem ez az egész túlélés annyira sok erőfeszítésembe?
Csak szeretnék elaludni és nem álmodni
A tavasz nem jött és nem maradt a hőség
És nem emlékszem azoknak a bizonyos parfümöknek az illatára
És többé nem hiszek a szerelmedben
És a kezeim remegnek, benne a cigaretták szavak
A lélek kiszállt, és valaki háza leég
Úgy látszik, hogy én talán megégtem a tűzben és bent ragadtam egy idegen város romjai között
A magány jobb
A magány könnyebb
A magány biztonságosabb, mint

Amikor az összes barátod báránybőrbe bújt farkas
Amikor elalszol, akkor csak örökre tedd
Ha a lelkedre veszed, akkor az italok erősebbek
Az emberek embertelenek
Az összes barátod báránybőrbe bújt farkas
Amikor elalszol, akkor csak örökre tedd
Ha a lelkedre veszed, akkor az italok erősebbek
Az emberek embertelenek

A magány jobb
A magány könnyebb
A magány biztonságosabb, mint
A magány jobb
A magány könnyebb
A magány biztonságosabb, mint

My hand in the fire

With that tight skirt
The white blouse
The long little necklace
To him, she seemed like she came
Out of a splendid shop window
And suddenly one morning
He declared his love to her
But all his friends
Said he was crazy
Said he was fried
And that girl
No, she wasn’t the right type
But he wouldn’t believe it
And kept saying this:

I’d put my hand, my hand in the fire
Leave me alone, I know what I'm doing
I’ll marry that girl
I’ll marry that girl

With those big black eyes
She disturbed his thoughts
Sitting on the couch
She acted like a kitten
Stroking his hand
And he, slowly giving in
Talked to her about wedding confetti
But all his relatives
Were grumbling under their breath
That little girl
Would go out at midnight
And come back in the morning
But he wouldn’t believe it
And kept saying this:

I’d put my hand, my hand in the fire
Leave me alone, I know what I'm doing
I’ll marry that girl
I’ll marry that girl

And for his bride-to-be
He’d furnished
Two rooms and a kitchen
And then, as a salesman
He’d also found a steady job
But so sacrificed
He traveled night and day
But the whole neighborhood
Had already whispered to him
That a young plumber
Came around too often
To unclog the sink
But he wouldn’t believe it
And kept saying this:

I’d put my hand, my hand in the fire
He put it in the fire, and do you know what happened?
Now he no longer has a hand
Now he no longer has a hand
Now he no longer has a hand

Muzio Scevola!


Mother they destroyed my flowers

Mother they destroyed my flowers
Who destroyed them Marouda mine
The Albanoudis and the Kaltsounoudis' kids
And the young one, Kamioudis
But if they destroyed them Marouda mine
I'll give you to Albanoudis
I'll give you to Albanoudis
I'll make you a shortfurred one
And as you'll be going out Marou, wherever
Everyone will abide by it Marou mine


The stars of the Big Dipper

The stars of the Big Dipper are there
They are flowers in a timeless garden
And tonight, in a silver silence
They will carry away with them memories
Faces, names, dreams, kisses
The stars of the Big Dipper are there
Sullen, they wait for the coming dawn
And happily my thoughts fly toward the sky
Fly toward the sun, fly to meet
The stars of the Big Dipper to dream

And happily my thoughts fly toward the sky
Fly toward the sun, fly to meet
The stars of the Big Dipper to dream


I keep thinking about you

What’s happening in my head
On the street, only you
In a black coat, you walk away
Where no one knows you

I keep thinking about you
In my heart, only you
Tell me what to do
On grey days

I keep thinking about you
In my heart, only you
Tell me what to do
On grey days

The long years pass us by
I pass you every few days
Sometimes you look indifferent
Sometimes the sun from your eyes

I keep thinking about you
In my heart, only you
Tell me what to do
On grey days

I keep thinking about you
In my heart, only you
Tell me what to do
On grey days

I don’t know how it will end
This love of mine
I keep asking the fortune-teller about the future
(About the future I ask her)
Years pass by grey
Summer and winter
Will your coldness withstand my heart?
(Will it withstand?)

I keep thinking about you
In my heart, only you
Tell me what to do
On grey days

I keep thinking about you
In my heart, only you
Tell me what to do
On grey days


No, monsieur

(Bla bla bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla)
No, no, monsieur, it’s really useless to talk
(Bla bla bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla)
No, no, monsieur, you must not bother me
(Bla bla bla bla bla)

No, monsieur
(Ah, ah)
I have never seen you
(Ah, ah)
No, monsieur
(Ah, ah)
You bother me a lot
(Ah, ah)
No, monsieur
(Ah, ah)
I never remember
(Ah, ah)
If I say yes, it means yes
If I say no, it means no, no, no
No, monsieur, useless to talk
No, monsieur, useless to try
And therefore, let me cross
Because I don’t feel like joking!

(Bla bla bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla)
No, no, monsieur, it’s really useless to talk
(Bla bla bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla)
I would say yes if it were yes
But I say no because it’s no, no, no, no, no

No, monsieur
(Ye ye ye ye yè)
We never danced
(Ye ye ye ye yè)
Neither in Saint-Tropez
(Ye ye ye ye yè)
Nor in Paraguay
(Ye ye ye ye yè)
In those days
(Ye ye ye ye yè)
I lived in Uruguay
(Ye ye ye ye yè)
So if I lived there
How could I be here?
No, no, no, no, monsieur
(Ye-ye, ye-yè)
I’m never mistaken
(Ye-ye, ye-yè)
No, monsieur
(Ye-ye, ye-yè)
I’ve already talked enough
(Ye-ye, ye-yè)
The fact is
(Ye-ye, ye-yè)
That I’ve never seen her
(Ye-ye, ye-yè)
And rest assured I will never meet her again

(Bla bla bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla)
No, no, monsieur, it’s really useless to talk
(Bla bla bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla)
If I say yes, it means yes
If I say no, it means no, no, no

No, monsieur
I am not moved, no
(Oh, what a pity!)
Even if
(Tell me...)
You already speak to me of love
(Who talked?)
No, monsieur
(I’m here)
I haven’t smiled yet
(With that mouth?)
And now let me leave, don’t hold me back
On the other hand, perhaps you’ll know
That I often come here
(Already! Already!)
Every day
(Mais oui!)
Alone to stroll
From three
Until tea time
(What’s wrong?)
But I don’t know, monsieur, what you want from me

(Bla bla bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla)
No, no, merci, monsieur, please go away from here
(Bla bla bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla bla
And bla bla)
Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe yes
(Tell me, say yes)
You never know, you never know, you never know
(Tell me, say yes)
No, no, no, monsieur, au revoir
And who knows


In such a moment

outside the window, the sun wakes up
saying goodbye to the moon and stars
and it looks kindly at me
with a smile, it greets this world

and everything around is so beautiful
every tree and the flowers
and even you are different
more sunny than i am

in such a moment just take me by the hand
we'll run through the world in love
we'll find ourselves in our song
let its melody bring us joy every day

i’d like to take you
where you’ve never been loved
so that you won’t lack memories
when the sun goes to sleep


Vavà Didì Pelè

Vavà, Didì, Pelè
Three black Brazilians, black, black
Like three coffee beans
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè
Vavà, Didì, Pelè
They make you dance the new samba
Scoring goals three by three
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè

In magical Brazil
Every Sunday, what a festival
Fireworks explode in the sky
They are as happy as if it were carnival forever
Vavà, Didì, Pelè
Three chocolate jugglers
From the green kingdom of coffee
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè

In Brazil, there's macumba
Everyone knows what it is
In Brazil, Copacabana
Everyone knows where it is
In Brazil, there are three magicians
These three are:
Vavà, Didì, Pelè
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè
Vavà, Didì, Pelè
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè

In magical Brazil
Every Sunday, what a festival
Fireworks explode in the sky
They are as happy as if it were carnival forever
Vavà, Didì, Pelè
Three chocolate jugglers
From the green kingdom of coffee
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè
They are Vavà, Vavà, Didì, Didì, Pelè


I'm a girl and you're a boy

I'm a girl and - you're a boy
Many a thing arises for us both from that
You're a tomcat, I'm a queen*
And I think the contrast is so beautiful

It couldn't be any other way
All at once you came, yes, you came and captured me
Do you have one more question?
I'm a girl and you're a boy
I'm a girl and you're a boy - kiss me!

I'm a girl and you're a boy
There's no getting around it
When we stand side by side
it will happen that we look into each other's eyes

You and me, to be quite direct
There are wishes which our heart discovers today
Do you have one more question?
I'm a girl and you're a boy
I'm a girl and you're a boy
I'm a girl and you're a boy - kiss me!


A Beatles song

When you, my love, are no longer here with me
And the memory of summer fades away
Maybe a Beatles song
That you used to listen to in the juke-box
Will be a distant memory for you

When you forget the kisses on the beach
And one day you’ll fall in love with another man
Maybe a Beatles song
That you used to listen to in the juke-box
Will be a distant memory for you

She loves you (ye-ye-ye-ye!)
She loves you (ye-ye-ye-ye!)

And “ye-ye-ye-ye”
Holding you close, repeat
I’ll explain why
Only “ye-ye-ye-ye”
Will be all that I have of you
Come on! Come on!

When you, my love, want to think of me again
And a new, warm summer will be born for you
With a Beatles song
Played in a juke-box
Maybe the sweet memory will return

Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on!

Holding you close, repeat
I’ll explain why
Only “ye-ye-ye-ye”
Will be all that I have of you
Come on! Come on!

When you, my love, want to think of me again
And a new, warm summer will be born for you
With a Beatles song
Played in a juke-box
Maybe the sweet memory will return
Maybe the sweet memory will return
Maybe the sweet memory will return



She is sweet, she is goodhearted
She's the prettiest of girls
She loves to have fun
But she likes to turn down

Her name is Caroline
But everybody calls her Line
Sure, but to tame her
Suitors must not be

Line needs to be courted
Line needs to be talked about love
Line needs to always be told
I will love you day and night
Others prefer pleasure and money
Or the joy of a moment

Line needs to be given flowers
Line needs a song to her heart
Line needs compliments and sweetness
That's enough for her happiness

Each night in the village
Wooers come and sing
To the pretty sensible girl,
Come to seduce her and invite her
To dance

Some would like to put her in a cage
Others promise her marriage
But none's gotten to intoxicate her
And none is allowed to love her

Line needs to be courted
Line needs to be talked about love
Line needs to always be told
I will love you day and night
Others prefer pleasure and money
Or the joy of a moment

Line needs to be given flowers
Line needs a song to her heart
Line needs compliments and sweetness
That's enough for her happiness

One day, she will love
A boy who will understand
The secret of her tenderness
If he wants to keep her
If her wants to always be loved
Let him never forget that...

Line needs to be courted
Line needs to be talked about love
Line needs to always be told
I will love you day and night

I will love you day and night



The thieves steal our time, life is just the celebration of death
Today kids, tomorrow grandparents with grandchildren
Only flashes remain, I don’t get along with idiots
I always prefer my silence in the middle of the night
Drowned in smoke like a country road and as bitter as beer
You'd say my name is Alin Pain
My thoughts have been a bandage for some time
I bring flowers to graves through words, chrysanthemums
I’m complicatedly simple, the film is Romanian
I could have been more, but I wasn’t the type
Who wanted more from life
An old rogue with sleepless nights on my face
I made my first money at seven years old by caroling
I understood the system, by avoiding it
I knew from school what awaited us after school
And I saw how all this would separate us
I messed up many times at events
And just like that in life, I made a ton of mistakes
But I healed through verses
It's your business what you believe, I know I chose the pen after the christening
At least I stuck with this, it’s all I ever wanted
As a little kid, I used to come uninvited to sing to you
And I didn’t want anything but for you to listen to me
Aho, aho, for sisters and brothers
The years go by quickly and time flees, do you think it works?
Look, for example, how these ten years have passed
I still have postponed lists, unresolved problems
You know you can’t have it all
You give up on some and recalculate everything
You cut off any whim, any comfort from the list
Only what you want to do to remain yourself stays
So you don’t become an example of “what not to do”
In this world, if you don’t have money, people think you haven’t done anything
But if most of them lost their money, they’d have nothing
My dad told me this, so I could sleep peacefully
It’s a luxury many can’t afford
Life is expensive when you want a lot
You make big sacrifices for small things
And it’s strange that when you don’t want anything
Only then do you start feeling happy
And you understand already, even if you don’t have all you need
You become grateful, even for a harder day
When you start to see the gift of living, you live more beautifully
You’re smarter when you realize why you were dumb
When people don’t know what they want, they want what others have
If you ask them, “why?”, they have no explanation
When people make mistakes, they don’t listen to their instinct
Usually, they’re too old when they understand time


You abandoned a son

You abandoned a son between my arms
And waiting in vain for your return
You got away from me without giving me a kiss
for no reason, with no goodbye

When the world was barely waking up
to those who were left without parents1
Poor my son who didn't imagine
that because I am a peasant you was gonna leave us
that because I am a peasant you was gonna leave us

It doesn't matter what you did to me
I'm sorry because he's a child
And I'll forget all those moments
when you swore your care was mine
and I'll forget all those moments
when you swore your care was mine

I hope you follow your destiny
and God is with you on your way
because I don't want you to stay in the vice
like a sad and devastated traveller
like a sad and devastated traveller

It doesn't matter what you did to me
I'm sorry because he's a child
And I'll forget all those moments
when you swore your care was mine
and I'll forget all those moments
when you swore your care was mine

It doesn't matter what you did to me
I'm sorry because he's a child
And I'll forget all those moments
when you swore your care was mine
and I'll forget all those moments
when you swore your care was mine
  • 1. It seems it's not written correctly here. I figured out the correct sentence.


Bad Apple

In darkness, completely wrapped up
In a deep blackness, apathy is dancing
But I won't follow its step
My gaze is veiled and I can't see
My heart
Even if it breaks
I won't care

I'm not moving, I'm standing still
And I'm waiting silently
But it carries me away
Because the rifts of time are reaching out to me
It doesn't move me
I want to just forget all of this
I am who I am
And nothing else matters

Am I dreaming a dream?
Am I seeing reality?
My words aren't helping
Because I am not ready yet
And the sadness within me
Is exhausting me in these times
I'd rather not feel anything
Rather be freed from the sorrow

I don't understand what you're saying
It's confusing me terribly
I keep my heart hidden
And my feelings undiscovered
If I chase after my dreams
I'll just become weak again
And so I'll tear everything down with me
Into the deep darkness

Is someone like me really holding
Their future in their hand
Do I belong in this world
Or am I undeserving of it
Why is my heart hurting this much?
Who am I grieving?
I don't understand myself
Don't see a face in the mirror

And I'm running without a goal
Is this all just a game?
I'm blinded by the light
But I can't reach it
If I could be a different girl
I'd surely not remain alone
And if I turn to the glow1
It would ultimately engulf me

And time is passing, flowing past
And in that light, apathy is dancing
And I will follow its step now
My gaze is veiled and I can't see
My heart
Even if it breaks
I won't care

I'm not moving, I'm standing still
And I'm waiting silently
But it carries me away
Because the rifts of time are reaching out to me
It doesn't move me
I want to just forget all of this
I am who I am
And nothing else matters

Am I dreaming a dream?
Am I seeing reality?
My words aren't helping
Because I am not ready yet
And the sadness within me
Is exhausting me in these times
I'd rather not feel anything
Rather be freed from the sorrow

I don't understand what you're saying
It's confusing me terribly
I keep my heart hidden
And my feelings undiscovered
If I chase after my dreams
I'll just become weak again
And so I'll tear everything down with me
Into the deep darkness

If I take only one step
If I take only one step
I'll destroy what I love
I'll destroy what I love

If I express my grief
If I express my grief
Will my heart become pure again
Dip into white dye

I know nothing about you
I know nothing about me
I don't understand myself
My world doesn't have a face
If I open my eyes
The disaster will run its course
And now I'll tear everything down with me
Into the deep darkness
  • 1. also: illusion


White and black

New Orleans
New Orleans
New Orleans
New Orleans

In the streets of New Orleans
There were two kids who were such good friends
Their names were Black and White
And they were happy
Black played the clarinet
White played the drums
What a success, what joy
With their jazz!
(With their jazz)

White, Black, Black and White
You must never forget them
White, Black, White and Black
They are friends, knowing that
One is white and the other is black
Like milk with coffee
(Like milk with coffee)

New Orleans
New Orleans
New Orleans
New Orleans

The promoters of New Orleans
Wanted to meet Black and White
But unfortunately upon seeing them
They said: 'Never!
We don’t want a duet
With a black kid and a white
We’re sorry, we’re not interested
In your jazz!'
(Your jazz)

White, Black, Black and White
You must never forget them
White, Black, White and Black
They are friends, knowing that
One is white and the other is black
Like milk with coffee
(Like milk with coffee)

But one dawn in New Orleans
An archangel appeared in the sky
And spread over that world
Like a sweet veil
There were no more colors
There were no more resentments
And the two kids thanked
The angel of jazz
(The angel of jazz)

White, Black, Black and White
You must never forget them
White, Black, White and Black
They are friends, knowing that
One is white and the other is black
Like milk with coffee
(Like milk with coffee)

And their little concert
Flies high, up in the sky
Of New Orleans!


Let’s go where the wind goes

Let’s go where the wind goes
There are no borders for us
The sea of lush green grass
Never comes to an end

Let’s go where the sun goes
On the horizon down there
(On the horizon down there)
Where the mountains fade away
(Against the sky always blue)

In silence goes
Those who have dreams in their hearts
Who will come with us
(Who will come with us
Can still dream)

Let’s go where the wind goes
There are no borders for us
And this great silence
Will never… never be disturbed
(Never be disturbed)
Never be disturbed


Pascaloosa sauce

My Aunt Caterina has lived a lot
She had measles, malaria, and scurvy
So at twenty-one, unhappy and disappointed
She married Uncle Filippo... who lives in Pascaloosa

Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa sauce
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa sauce

Down there in Pascaloosa, they appreciate beans
They eat a potful for lunch each one
And Aunt Caterina became famous
By adding to the beans... the Pascaloosa sauce

Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa sauce
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa sauce

They take some whiskey and in the cup
With ostrich eggs, they mix it up
They add salt and red pepper
And a bunch of mint... picked from a ditch

Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa sauce
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa sauce

And while the sauce cooks just right
Jump quickly into a nice little carriage
Then with the girl, the stars, and the moon
Forget about the sauce... and good luck!

Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa sauce
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa sauce
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa
Pascaloosa, Pascaloosa sauce


If all the sheriffs

If all the sheriffs
Had a mommy
They would be happy
Like little children
Mommy would ask:
'Did you put on your shirt?
Did you load the gun
Into the double-barrel?'
They would always find
The gun well-oiled
The five-pointed star
Clean as a mirror
And polished
If all the sheriffs
Had a mommy
They would go to sleep
With a lullaby

For all the sheriffs
There's not always a mommy
Who sews, washes, and irons
And stays in the kitchen
The mommy who saves
The money from the bounties
And if something's left over
Buys tablecloths
And when those children
Are really good
Mommy makes ravioli
With the roller (yeah)
Of the spurs (yeah)

If all the sheriffs
Had a mommy
She alone would understand
Who they should marry
And so it's better
That all the sheriffs
Have mommies
Five hundred miles away
Otherwise with the whistle
They start a family
With a pretty woman
Like you
(What do you say?)
With a pretty woman
Like you


The whisky therapy

The whisky therapy
Tested by us
Is a great discovery
Whisky is pure alcohol
Because it's a disinfectant
Of the highest quality
It's made with oats
From tiny flakes
That are given to children
Since it’s a distillate
It's already sterilized
And has no microbes
Remember that with pure water
You cook vegetables
So be careful when in the morning
You brush your teeth, for goodness' sake
The whisky therapy
Has miraculous effects
In arteriosclerosis
It's a serious drink
That acts on the artery
And softens it

Remember that with pure water
You cook vegetables
So be careful when in the morning
You brush your teeth, for goodness' sake
The whisky therapy
Has miraculous effects
In arteriosclerosis
It's a serious drink
That acts on the artery
And softens it

The whisky therapy
Has no risks
Those who try it
Surely will try it again


When the moon

When the moon
Peeks serenely
Behind the plane trees
And among the branches
Sews white embroidery
I stand there watching
And I like to think that
It’s time for love

When the moon
Sprinkles a thousand reflections
On the water
And the stream
Flows more gently
And without noise
I like to think that
It’s time to love

Long shadows
(Long shadows)
Over the green valley
Clear sky
(Clear sky)
Of an enchanted night
Even the wind
Is just a memory
And a glance
Will say many things

When the moon
Caresses an old guitar
By enchantment
Its silver strings
(That moon in the sky)
Makes them vibrate in the dark
(In the dark it makes vibrate)
And I start to sing
(With you, I start to dream)
Because it’s time for love
(It’s time for love)
It’s time for love
It’s time for love


Mexican wedding

Ay, ay, ayahí
Even if you don't want to
Ay, ay, ayahí
You will have to get married
(You will have to get married
You will have to get married
You will have to get married
You will have to get married)

The Mexican wedding
(Ay, ay, ayahí ayahí ayahí ayahí)
Always requires a lot of staging
Without an escape, without a kidnapping
You'll never reach the altar
(One, two, three, four)
The Mexican bride
Under the bed, has a full suitcase
At midnight she opens the ventana
Mom knows it and Dad knows it

Ay, ay, ayahí
Even if you don't want to
Ay, ay, ayahí
You will have to get married
(You will have to get married
You will have to get married
You will have to get married)

The fiancé faces the kidnapping
(Ay, ay, ayahí ayahí ayahí ayahí)
But if it frightens him a bit
(What a flat trumpet!)
The bride feels very sad
She already feels dishonored
(Four, three, two, one)
And if by chance the cohabitation
Is undermined by intolerance
With a Mexican divorce
You can regain your freedom

Ay, ay, ayahí
Even if you don't want to
Ay, ay, ayahí
You will have to get married
Ay, ay, ayahí
Even if you don't want to
Ay, ay, ayahí
You will have to get married
(You will have to get married
You will have to get married
You will have to get married
You will have to get married)


If you pray to your Lord

Give me your hand and let's go along the river
Take my step and don't be afraid
Follow this water and you'll find the sea
And the horizon where dawn is born
Of eternity

Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go towards the sea
Let's raise, let's raise our hands towards the sky
Let's sing, let's sing the glory of the Lord
Brother, brother
If you pray to your Lord, you will be saved

Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go towards the sea
Let's raise, let's raise our hands towards the sky
Let's sing, let's sing the glory of the Lord
Brother, brother
If you pray to your Lord, you will be saved

In my eyes, you don’t read fear
You see only the sky reflecting
You see the clouds that seem like promises
The white clouds that carry far away
To eternity

Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go towards the sea
Let's raise, let's raise our hands towards the sky
Let's sing, let's sing the glory of the Lord
Brother, brother
If you pray to your Lord, you will be saved

Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go towards the sea
Let's raise, let's raise our hands towards the sky
Let's sing, let's sing the glory of the Lord
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go towards the sea
Let's raise, let's raise our hands towards the sky
Let's sing, let's sing the glory of the Lord
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go towards the sea
Let's raise, let’s raise...


American function

When there’s a dead person, there in America
They’ll organize it for you in no time
Embalmed and all made up
They prepare you for the afterlife
In the cemetery, among the tombstones
The kids play “scassaquindici”
A reverend gives a sermon
And the adults attend very seriously
But when they come back, they laugh, they sing
They dance, they play tunes from New Orleans
And enjoying being lively
They toast, drinking whisky, beer, and gin
When there’s a dead person, there in America
The index of easy whisky goes up
So the anti-alcohol laws
Will accomplish several good deeds

Close relatives, mothers-in-law, little ones
Widows think about the inheritance
So they get drunk, sing, laugh
They dance when they return to town
It’s very nice, there in America
You can pass away to the sound of music
And the citizen can choose
The repertoire that the band will play

The repertoire (yeah!)
The repertoire (yeah!)
That the band will play


Like a tide (The feminist tide)

Marching, I met you,
Stopping, I said yes,
And since March 8th,
I’ve been crazy for you.
The clamor was so strong,
I got dizzy,
Without a drop of alcohol,
I got drunk on you.

How it frees, the feminist tide,
How it frees, the anti-machista tide,
How it frees, the tide of desire,
How it frees, the tide of “Not One Less.”
And it frees me, the tide frees me,
And it empowers me, the tide empowers me,
And we get dizzy, we get dizzy, we get dizzy,
Because it’s so beautiful to be revolutionized.

Marching, I met you,
Stopping, I said yes,
And since March 8th,
I’ve been crazy for you.
The clamor was so strong,
I got dizzy,
Without a drop of alcohol,
I got drunk on you.

Like a tide if we all march together,
Like a tide if we all stop together,
Like a tide if we all shout together,
Like a tide if we all dance together.
And we rise up, we rise up, we rise up,
We all rise up against the patriarchy.
And we rise up, we women rise up,
Because it’s so beautiful to be revolutionized.

Like a tide if we all march together,
Like a tide if we all stop together,
Like a tide if we all shout together,
Like a tide if we all dance together.

And it frees me, the tide frees me,
And it empowers me, the tide empowers me,
And we get dizzy, we get dizzy, we get dizzy,
So that the world we want can be here now.



Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Üdvözlök Mindenkit, kérem maradjanak a helyükön
A műsor hamarosan kezdődik

Íme a horror
A megbánás árnyékában rejtőznek
Természetesen nem tudhatod
De kikényszerítek egy új ítéletnapot
Ezen a napon megfizetsz
Tisztelet azoknak akik az elméd és az emberek között rejtőznek
Szóval foglalj helyet és rettegj
A félelmek elkezdik a végső rituálét
Csak egy testre van szükségünk, hogy teljesek legyünk
És amikor ez a nap eljőn nem fogsz már kilépni azokon az ajtókon
Velünk fogsz élni
A sötétségben
Ahogy belülről széttépünk

Ez az összes kínzás abbamarad
Én sosme voltam az a fajta
Ha visszatekernéd
Akkor megtalálnál
Ahogy hátrahagytak
Itt az esélyed fuss és búj el
Mindig megtalállak
Az éjszaka többé már nem ragyog
A könnyeid isteniek
Az enyém leszel

Íme a terror
Nem hinnéd el mit tettem veled
Újraalkottalak, oh milyen aranyos
De te elfordúltál
Most én vagyok a porondmester
Ebben a horror játékban
Felhasználok minden árnyékot higgy nekem
Foglalj helyetés ragadd meg a fényt
A könnyeid lassan felszáradnak
A sötét gondolatok
Ez bennünk a közös
Felhasználom magam, hogy teljes legyen
Barhogy is legyen az udvariasságból nem engedünk
Más szóval felajáljuk neked a legsötétebb szenvedélyünk
Vedd le azt a szemkötőt ami gyógyít
És fedd fel haldokló lelked

Ez az összes kínzás abbamarad
Én sosme voltam az a fajta
Ha visszatekernéd
Akkor megtalálnál
Ahogy hátrahagytak
Itt az esélyed fuss és búj el
Mindig megtalállak
Az éjszaka többé már nem ragyog
A könnyeid isteniek
Az enyém leszel

Hogy mered bemocskolni a hazugságomat
Végül is csak engedj le minket

Ismét újjászülettem
A jelmezeinket helyrehozták
Új élet lélegzik a sírjainkban ma este
Fogalmad sincs mi járt újra és újra az eszünkben
Ne késleltesd a leghalálosabb bukásunkat
Nem hagyhatunk életben

Mindez a kinzás abbamarad
Vedd el a törött bűneinkből
Nincs hely hova mehetnénk, de ezt tudhatnád
Itt az esély fuss és menekülj
De a halál úgyis elér
Ne húzz vissza többé

Mindent felfyújtottak!
(Élve égettek el!)
Bohócokká tettek minket
(De a lelkünk feltámad!)

Ahogyan a bolond mondta a királynak:
Rossz híreket hoztam
Az éjszaka most kezdődik

Ez az összes kínzás abbamarad
Én sosme voltam az a fajta
Ha visszatekernéd
Akkor megtalálnál
Ahogy hátrahagytak
Itt az esélyed fuss és búj el
Mindig megtalállak
Az éjszaka többé már nem ragyog
A könnyeid isteniek
Az enyém leszel

Reméljük élvezted a műsort
Mélyen odalent a sírodban

In the wilderness of sound

I make the night a breath
to blow in your body
oh my sweetheart
crack, seal again.

And a breeze to blow
in both your eyes
inside my hands
crack, seal again.

And let the shadows tremble
on the white of a wall
in the wilderness of sound.

I make the night a whisper
to come and to betray to you
how much i love you
Touch, laugh again.

And an awkward kiss
the lips will unite
I won't find a word
Touch, laugh again.

And let the shadows tremble
on the white of a wall
in the wilderness of sound.


My eyes are teared up

My eyes are teared up from thinking and crying
The pains of my heart, I'll tell to the whole world

The village's fields came to my memory again
I miss my mother, my mountains and my father

The door of my heart is closed from troubles
I'm standing in the door as a stranger

The village's fields came to my memory again
I miss my mother, my mountains and my father

When I'm hungry I eat blood, when I'm thirsty I drink tears
My hair turned white and my soul is coming out of me

The village's fields came to my memory again
I miss my mother, my mountains and my father

I think of the old times, I always think of coming back
My fate is to smell the fields

The village's fields came to my memory again
I miss my mother, my mountains and my father

If I die here, take me to the mountains guys
I don't want water neither food, just the birds

The village's fields came to my memory again
I miss my mother, my mountains and my father

I've walked through villages and places
Like you Trabzon, I saw nothing else in the world

The village's fields came to my memory again
I miss my mother, my mountains and my father
Hey my bird


You Make Me Happy

You make me happy
When I see you
Then I feel lovely and glad
But when you go
Then I feel a tear
Then something breaks in me

Dry my tears first
Don't go now
We hear together
Stay for a bit now
Dream of my life

You are really the first man
With which I would like to share everything I have
All that you ask of me I want to do
Whatever you will give me
With a treasure
Dear it wasn't much
You make me happy
With a kiss

You are my whole life
You live in my heart
Love rules us together
Do you sometimes see me cry
Then it's not smart
Only a tear of joy

Dry my tears first
Don't go now
We hear together
Stay for a bit now
Dream of my life

You are really the first man
With which I would like to share everything I have
All that you ask of me I want to do
Whatever you will give me
With a treasure
Dear it wasn't much
You make me happy
With a kiss

You are really the first man
With which I would like to share everything I have
All that you ask of me I want to do
Whatever you will give me
With a treasure
Dear it wasn't much
You make me happy
With a kiss


The dawn is here

Today the sky is shining
The dawn is here
Today the day is shining
It's about to be day
Today they're being married
The dawn is here
The eagle and the dove
It's about to be day

Dress her up and cover her
The dawn is here
We're in a hurry
It's about to be day
Her house is very small
The dawn is here
And we don't fit inside
It's about to be day

Dress her up and cover her
The dawn is here
We're gonna be in a hurry
It's about to be day
They're glad about the road that's in front of them
The dawn is here
The house is too small
It's about to be day

And the bride is a good girl
The dawn is here
Smart and sweet
It's about to be day
She did a small thing
The dawn is here
And the hour turned into a year
It's about to be day



Watch the TV, everything can be true on there!
All those beautiful shows, Big Brother big passion!

I want to go there too, I want to be on TV,
So I'll be better than you, and I'll be famous, oh, yeah, yeah...

Look! It's me on the TV!
Mom! Come on, look at me too!
Now, I am the real star!
The others, can kiss my...

I'm the guest at Pippo Baudo's 1
I'm great and it's a brag!
The future is all mine,
I'm super, I'm a myth!

I was also chosen for Love Island,
Come back, and just praise me, I'm on TV with Prodi! 2

Look! It's me on the TV!
Mom! Come on, look at me too!
Now, I am the real star!
The others, can kiss my...

I'm on the TV, and I'm better than you...
My quality has brought me here!
It doesn't matter much if I'm an idiot...
What matters is that I'm on the TV!

My career, the shows,
It's all real, my fiction...
We cry on air, we laugh on air,
And the people, yes, they believe it!

It doesn't matter much if I can't even
Count my millions
I'm a known person
But I'm still a perfect idiot!

Look! It's me on the TV!
Mom! Come on, look at me too!
Now, I am the real star!
The others, can kiss my...
  • 1. Pippo Baudo is a famous Italian tv presenter
  • 2. Prodi is an Italian politician