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Anthem of AFC Ajax Amsterdam

A sound of cheers thunders along the sidelines
For our dear red and whites
The squad our brave heroes from De Meer
Our joy and proud possession
Feared throughout the country
Glory of our Amstel city...
Everyone carries them on their hands
Who is not proud of Ajax?
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors proud and bold
No club that can match us
The Red and whites will be champions!
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors proud and bold
A call that counts, that is a true one
The Red and whites will be champions!


What's my name?

Everyone embarks
I call on all those who are lost
Lack of respect disgraces us
We'll soon be heard
It's our time, it's golden age
Our voices lead us to our destination (safe and sound)
We're coming into our own
That's where the real treasure is
What's my name? What's my name?
We're stronger
What's my name? What's my name?
We're priceless*
Nothing will stop us, world will be ours
What's my name? What's my name?
Us three, our own kings, our own choices, our own laws
To be strong
For the better, follow me
Us three, our own kings, our own choices, our own laws
We're the kings here
Because everyone is born to be free
We won't give in
Not before there's equality
It's our time, it's golden age
And thanks to our efforts
The situation will change
What's my name? What's my name?
We're stronger
What's my name? What's my name?
We're priceless
Nothing will stop us, world will be ours
What's my name? What's my name?
Us three, our own kings, our own choices, our own laws
For the better, follow me
I can see all your expressions
You know who I am
Say it, say it louder
What's my name? What's my name?
We're stronger
What's my name? What's my name?
We're priceless
Nothing will stop us, world will be ours
What's my name? What's my name?
For the better, follow me
We're stronger
We're priceless
Us three, our own kings, our own choices, our own laws
Us three, our own kings, our own choices, our own laws


The Brigades of the Tiger: Yours Cordially

At the end of the 19th century, the navies of all countries take an increasingly active interest in a new form of warship that modern technology finally makes possible: submarines.
Much progress remains to be made in this area, but it is already sensed that the development of this formidable weapon will ensure supremacy of the seas to whoever possesses it.
A fierce race has begun between the nations.
France and England, hitherto rivals, have just discovered the delights of the Entente Cordiale.
Furthermore, the Kaiser's Kriegsmarine seems to have taken a certain lead with regard to submersibles

Ajax Club Anthem

A sound of cheers thunders along the sidelines
For our dear red and whites
The squad our brave heroes from De Meer
Our joy and proud possession
Feared throughout the country
Glory of our Amstel city...
Everyone carries them on their hands
Who is not proud of Ajax?
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors proud and bold
No club that can match us
The Red and whites will be champions!
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors proud and bold
A call that counts, that is a true one
The Red and whites will be champions!
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors proud and bold
No club that can match us
The Red and whites will be champions!
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors proud and bold
A call that counts, that is a true one
The Red and whites will be champions!
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors proud and bold
No club that can match us
The Red and whites will be champions!
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors proud and bold
A call that counts, that is a true one
The Red and whites will be champions!


Wind-coloured touch

Tears, stop it! Stop it, tears! Until I catch my dream
It's goodbye to this sorrowful girl - I won't cry anymore
He only thinks of himself - with wind-coloured chalk,
he filled in his name onto my heart
Then I peeked into the fortune-teller's, and I was told
that an incident would suddenly happen with you, who's a Taurus
Oh no, is this maybe love?
Whenever I watch your enthusiasm
as you start to run caked in mud,
the inner corners of my eyes are hot1, with a pounding in my heart
Tears, stop it! Stop it, tears! Until I catch my dream
I'm swept away with a sway, by this season where a strong wind shakes the green leaves
Tears, stop it! There's a spring thunder in my chest! But I won't cry anymore
I was told 'I like you' by the seaside in morning glow,
then I was swept away by ripples of anxiety and I woke up from my dream
This is bad, this is love already
I've gotta hide my heart somewhere
To your one-track-mind air,
my eyelashes are unknowingly shaking
Tears, stop it! Stop it, tears! Until I catch my dream
I'm swept away with a sway, by this season where a strong wind shakes the green leaves
Tears, stop it! There's a spring thunder in my chest! But I won't cry anymore
Tears, stop it! Stop it, tears! Until I catch my dream
It's goodbye to this sorrowful girl - I won't cry anymore
  • 1. Meaning her eyes are teasy



Call the ambulance, I need botox
Call the ambulance, I need botox
Call the ambulance, I need botox
Touch my face, I can't feel a thing
This treatment was expensive
This movement is paralyzed
If you come close I'll stop you
I don't like to be robotic
But I like to be latin-iconic
I don't like to be robotic
But I like to be iconic
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
You're hurting me, but it doesn't show
The chemistry takes off years and I love it
Everything inside of me I pay for
The botox, the lies, and also the drinks
Botox, botox, botox
Botox, botox, botox
Call the ambulance, I need botox
Call the ambulance, I need botox
Call the ambulance, I need botox-tox-tox-tox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
Sad, but I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
I don't look it 'cuz of my botox
You're hurting me, but it doesn't show
The chemistry takes off years and I love it
Everything inside of me I pay for
The botox, the lies, and the drinks too
Inject my head, I'm feeling naughty
I want you to give me the maximum strength
I want it to last me a millennium
I like to look pretty 'cuz I'm bougie
Bougie, but I like to be bad
I'm metal, I like pricey things
Look at my face, I like botox
Everyday I get more botox
Botox, botox, botox
Botox, botox, botox
Call the ambulance, I need botox
Call the ambulance, I need botox
Call the ambulance, I need botox-tox-tox-tox
(Emergency) Botox
(Emergency) Botox
(Emergency) Botox


What's up

I took a flower for you on the sidewalk
She loves me, she loves me not
This weekend
Don't disappear, we need to go out
Selection at the entrance
Outta home, what's your name?
Do you spend the night here? Just saying
But if everybody dance but you
You aim with your eyes like the snipers on the rooftops
But if everybody dance but me
And I feel like I am a problem
Just for tonight
You point your hands at me like a gun and say 'hi, what's up?'
It's not time to go home, ah, aah
You point your hands at me like a gun and say 'hi, what's up?'
Beautiful and damned like Caracas, ah, aah
Beautiful and damned like Caracas, ah, aah
Don't be scared, I love you like the damn money
And if the future is dressed in black
It's just because the youth does not speak italian
Your father will glare at us
There's something you cannot say 'stop' to
Tonight if you want
You point your hands at me like a gun and say 'hi, what's up?'
It's not time to go home, ah, aah
You point your hands at me like a gun and say 'hi, what's up?'
Beautiful and damned like Caracas, ah, aah
Beautiful and damned like Caracas, ah, aah
But if everybody dance but you
You aim with your eyes like a teacher in class
But if everybody dance but me
And I feel like I am a problem, just for tonight
You point your hands at me like a gun and say 'hi, what's up?'
It's not time to go home, ah, aah
You point your hands at me like a gun and say 'hi, what's up?'
Beautiful and damned like Caracas, ah, aah
Beautiful and damned like Caracas, ah, aah


In Vietnam, In Vietnam

In Vietnam, in Vietnam,
Thatched roofs are burning in the clearing,
Bird nests are burning in the reeds,
The black braids of a mother are burning.
Fire, catch the ash clouds
And carry them to the end of the world
In order for people to ask one another:
Why is the day so gloomy?
In Vietnam, in Vietnam,
A boy is escaping across the paddy field.
Soldier, how many bullets do you need
For such fragile temples?
Boy, run faster,
Run to the end of the world.
Tell that a struggle for justice
Can’t be deterred with rifles.
In Vietnam, in Vietnam,
A young prisoner dies in a tiger cage.
A guard is standing there with blood on his hands.
Is it that cursed body singing here?
Song, travel high in the skies,
Travel to the end of the world.
Tell that a struggle for justice
Can’t be stopped with prison bars.



The tears in my eyes will be enough
To take me into your world
When in Hell's noise
I hear your voice calling me
It follows me even in my dreams
And I'm still falling
In a world where the sky waits for my time
(Bring me higher, with you)
And I'm still falling
Closer to you
(Squeeze me even harder, until death)
And I'm still falling
In a world where the mind slumbers
The egoists will survive
And the weakest will scream your name
You hesitate everyday in my head
You are the anger on my lips
The useless risk when I want to lose it all
When in Hell's noise
I hear your voice calling me
It follows me even in my dreams
The demon in me is waking up
Forgive me if I get lost
Soon I'll find sleep again
And I'm still falling
In a world where the sky waits for my time
(Bring me higher, with you)
And I'm still falling
Closer to you
(Squeeze me even harder, until death)
And I'm still falling
In a world where the mind slumbers
The sky waits for my time
Forgive me for my errors


Ajax AFC March

Go, Ajax, go, don't spare strengths
Of our football legion
A call that counts, that is a true one
The Red and whites will be champions!
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors, proud and bold
No club that can match us
The Red and whites will be champions!
A sound of cheers thunders along the fields,
For our beloved red and white!
The squad of brave heroes from De Meer
Our joy and proud possession
Feared throughout the country
Glory of our Amstel city...
Everyone carries them on their hands
Who is not proud of Ajax?
Go, Ajax, go, don't spare strengths
Of our football legion
A call that counts, that is a true one
The Red and whites will be champions!
Go, Ajax, go, red and white crowd
Brave warriors, proud and bold
No club that can match us
The Red and whites will be champions!


I should have known

The laughing voices of lovers passing by
Makes me get all chocked up
Even though the rain has stopped on this weekend afternoon
I'm walking the street all alone
Even though I want to be with you
I should have known this
If I fell in love with you that much
It would hurt just as much
Even though I know it's heart-wrenching
I keep thinking of you
Even when I can't see you
Even though I know I shouldn't think about
How I wish we could always be together
Even now, the voices of my heart
Which I've tried to suppress
Seems to overflow endlessly, so much so that it hurts
I should have known
I can't just keep my love for you
Inside all to myself
But now, it's precious thought
I believe in the truth
Only see, and keep on loving you


Athletic Anthem

Athletic, Athletic, Athletic go!
Athletic, red and white
For all of us you are ours
Because you were born from the people
And the people loves you
Red and white youth
In the green field
Representing the Basque Country
Let us all spread
The joyful cry:
Athletic, Athletic
You are the boss
Come on, boys
Athletic, Athletic,
Strength of the will
From the old oak's log
A new leaf is born
Come on guys!
Our boys, onward!
Let all of Bilbao and Biscay
be praised in the world.
Come on guys!
Long live the Basque Country forever!
Athletic red and white
Our own.
Long live the youth of Bilbao and Biscay!
Noble Basques, onward!


Athletic's Anthem (Athletic Bilbao)

Athletic, Athletic, Athletic go!
Athletic, red and white
For all of us you are ours
Because you were born from the people
And the people loves you
Red and white youth
In the green field
Representing the Basque Country
Let us all spread
The joyful cry:
Athletic, Athletic
You are the boss
Come on, boys
Athletic, Athletic,
Strength of the will
From the old oak's log
A new leaf is born
Come on guys!
Our boys, onward!
Let all of Bilbao and Biscay
be praised in the world.
Come on guys!
Long live the Basque Country forever!
Athletic red and white
Our own!
Long live the youth of Bilbao and Biscay!
Noble Basques, onward!



And he passes under the Acropolis
What if I don't know where I'm going
In whatever alleys I walk
I'll find you, I'll find you
And I'll do the damage
Whatever happens I'll find you
Not just any girl will have you
And he's passing under the Acropolis
He looks me in the eye, provokes me
He doesn't speak, he thinks I'm crazy
But for you I shall become more
But says like me no one
The street smells of jasmine
Nowhere, there's nowhere, there's nowhere
Like me, no one
Like water in the calm
And he's passing under the Acropolis
He looks me in the eye, provokes me
He doesn't speak, he thinks I'm crazy
But for you I shall become more
And he's passing under the Acropolis
He looks me in the eye, provokes me
He doesn't speak, he thinks I'm crazy
But for you I shall become more
He wants to see me, he wants to see me
But for those eyes I'm burned
He wants to see me, he wants to see me
He follows me and
And he's passing under the Acropolis
He looks me in the eye, provokes me
He doesn't speak, he thinks I'm crazy
But for you I shall become more



Everything blurs before my teary eyes... See the harm you've done to me!
Disappear from my life, I only see darkness and despair around you,
I only see your mocking smirk under the raging sky
I would like to get away from here...If it's a dream, wake me up!
There is so much pain in me, and i will go find you again in Hell!
I'll go and I'll burn with you! I'll impose all my torments on you
I'll go and I'll burn with you! I'll impose all my torments on you
The pain! The wounds! Burn in Hell! (bis)
Ohh! Come on, I would love to end it with you!
Ohh! What are you waiting for! Wake me up!
Ohh! Come on, Get me out of this nightmare!
Ohh! Disappear from around me!
Only their smile will give me that light back
Long awaited, only a lost angel's smile
It's the end of my torments that finally arrived,
All these hopes and all these illusions are finally gone!
I feel the cold penetrate me...
Only their smile will give me that light back
Long awaited, only a lost angel's smile
It's the end of my torments that finally arrived,
All these hopes and all these illusions are finally gone!


The Brigades of the Tiger: The Black Hand

1910. Despite the reassuring speeches of diplomats, Europe is shaken by violent crises, which the most astute already see as the beginnings of a generalized conflict.
During the fall of 1909, the Austro-Hungarian Empire simply annexed the territories of Bosnia-Herzegovina, despite the protests of the small Serbian state, which claims the union and autonomy of all Serbo-Croatian territories.
In Paris, as elsewhere, nervousness grows every day.


The song of the swastika

The swastika in the white field
On a fiery-red background
Gives freely and openly to all the world
The welcoming happy news
Who flocks around this sign
Is German with soul, meaning and style
And not just by mouth
And not just by mouth
The swastika in the white field
On a fiery-red background
It was chosen for the people's memorial
In a serious hour of fate
As in pain hot and deep
The fatherland called for help
Precious and fatally wounded
Precious and fatally wounded
The swastika in the white field
On a fiery-red background
Has inspired us with proud courage
It beats in our round
No heart that cowardly breaks faith
We do not fear death and the devil
God is in league with us
God is in league with us



Oh Venus ! Oh Venus !
Venus, my friend
Nightstar you, I am praying to you1,
Send me the love I have dreamt of
It's time, you to come and help me
Look, on my bed,
there is nothing but a pillow
And in my sad room, I am getting bored
I would love to share it.
Look, I left the door open
And my life is at the disposal
of the one who wanted
(The one) who wanted me,
to make her a necklace with my two arms
and take her in the evening
to tell you 'goodnight'.
'Goodnight', and then also, 'thank you'...
So, from deep inside me
Seeing her similar, I will recognize her
And from the height of the sky
At the time that you are replacing the sun
We will come both of us to tell you 'Goodnight'
'Goodnight' as well as 'Thank you'
Oh Venus ! Oh Venus !
'Goodnight' and 'Thank you'
  • 1. He is getting addressed to the star of Venus in the plural of nobility form


Take me to the slow dance

My eye-shadow, your deep blue eyes
It's like a dream I was having one night
while gathering gazes
from hunters of romance
But you put your love into words and then you're done,
so even your love bores me
It's when I'm touched that my core
wishes to stay as a woman above anyone else
Take me to the slow dance
And I surrender myself only to the pounding in my heart
Take me to the slow dance
And I want a fire to ignite
My earrings feel like they're gonna fall off and be ruined
Just be daring and take them from me
It's what you'll capture with your smile
that will put this night on dazzling display
The gestures I've known since I was first held tenderly,
only you allow them to bear blossoms
Refusing to be patient with what I'm wanting,
I never want to be away from you
Take me to the slow dance
And even this risky romance won't scare me
(Take me to the slow dance)
In case it can become a blossom
Take me to the slow dance
And I surrender myself only to the pounding in my heart
Take me to the slow dance
And I want a fire to ignite


Birdie, turtle dove

Birdie, turtle dove,
Birdie, pearl and…
Birdie, turtle dove,
Birdie, pearl and…
Why am I singing, Limitless Sky and Color of iris?
If I feel happy or if I feel sad I am still singing
Why am I singing, breathe of the roses, poppy-colored?
Suppose I got blessed to sing and that's why I'm singing
Birdie, turtle dove,
Birdie, pearl and…
Birdie, turtle dove,
Birdie, pearl and…
My song is born under this sun, by these people, under this sky
And when I'm singing my childhood warms me from the past
When I'm singing I see my future senility and a hidden sadness enters my heart without asking
Birdie, turtle dove,
Birdie, pearl and…
Birdie, turtle dove,
Birdie, pearl and…
My song was taught to me by the mountains, birds chirping,
I feel like these songs were my first words,
As they say, if the swan sings at the end of its life,
Wish I died of singing, what more can I dream of more than this.
Birdie, turtle dove,
Birdie, pearl and…
Birdie, turtle dove,
Birdie, pearl and…


Ordinary Man

Wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, sleep at night
Wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, sleep at night
If someone does it, I do it too
If everyone does it, I do it too
Ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary
I am an ordinary man
Wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, sleep at night
Sometimes, I sleep again without doing anything
Somehow, I just repeat every day
Yes, I am completely
Ordinary, an ordinary man
Punches and kicks
Don't hurt because I'm ordinary
But you know, I also have
A secret technique
My secret technique is 'me'
If I use 'me'
I won't lose to anyone else!
Ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary
I am an ordinary man
Laughing or crying, I am an ordinary man
Tomorrow and the day after, always an ordinary man
I am an ordinary man
Wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, sleep at night
Look, I'm right next to you
Ordinary, ordinary, an ordinary man


Idol Star

Idol star, idol star, idol star, idol star...
At midnight, who are you with, where, and what are you doing now?
My sigh is like a fairy tale
Because, because, you are an idol star
If I light a match, will you come out from the flames?
If I cut open a large peach, will the tiny you be inside?
If I cut a glowing bamboo, will you as a girl, YEAH
If I drop an axe into the fountain, will the goddess appear there
And bring you of gold and you of silver
Two people at the same time...
If you run around a palm tree at a dizzying speed
And melt to become butter, I'd want to eat you
You are an idol star
You of gold and you of silver
Can't choose for 300 years!
At midnight, who are you with, where, and what are you doing now?
I'd want to turn reality into butter and eat it
You are an idol star
At midnight, who are you with, where, and what are you doing now?
This world is like a fairy tale
Always, you are an idol star
Idol star, idol star, idol star, idol star...



Like a white, snowy winter
I'll become very gentle
The most gentle
I forgot all grievances
I'll turn into a blue bird
And come back to you again
You see for yourself, how outside the window
The starlight is silvering
Because our angels high
Decided what should be good
We were in a hurry
To give such a night and arrange this meeting
But, as always, we'll see who will answer whom, yes
I was suffering unintentionally, do you know how much I missed you
I missed you, and when I understood this
I trusted everything to fate and believed in love
You see for yourself, how outside the window
The starlight is silvering
Because our angels high
Decided what should be good
We were in a hurry
To give such a night and arrange this meeting
But, as always, we'll see who will answer whom, yes
Our angels high
Decided what should be good
We were in a hurry
To give such a night and arrange this meeting
But, as always, we'll see who will answer whom, yes


I love women

In your eyes, I'll be seen as
The worst kind of pervert
The most odious boy
The most disgusting one in the world
You'll misjudge me
And think that I'm deviant
You'll say: ''I've got odd taste,
I'm a despicable and coarse person''
If people are angry at me, I don't care
I admit it
I love women
I love women
That's my vice, my weakness, my flaw
I love women
I love women
It may seem odd but we all have one*
I know, people criticise
Those who
Defend women
But me, I defend
Yeah, I defend
I defend women
Because without women
I would never make love
Furthermore, when attending boarding school
I already had this penchant for it
I've been, guess what?
Expelled from 3 secondary schools
I've even tried homeopathy
Left with 2 young people without their uniforms
Beside my bed
To make me fit the mould
I didn't understand what those pupils
Were playing at
I loved women
I loved women
If I already had them under my skin, I had to put up with this*
I loved women
I loved women
As I grew up, my ego grew
Ladies, in our curriculum
My true love was:
Miss Pompadour*
Oh, this woman
A real woman she was
I owe her my first love dreams


Spring, I Find You Again

I waited for you, I always wait for you,
Spring, spring, you are unquenchable fire of love.
I wait for you to come with a clear sky,
When the cranes first appear.
Spring, I find you again
Like a violin concerto,
Like a May cherry,
My piece of heaven!
Spring, I find you again
Like a violin concerto,
Like a May cherry,
My piece of heaven!
Sublime painting, perfume of flowers,
World with thousands of colors that light the path, the path
I long for you, dream flower,
Let's all dance, the sea is calling us!
Spring, I find you again
Like a violin concerto,
Like a May cherry,
My piece of heaven!
Spring, I find you again
Like a violin concerto,
Like a May cherry,
My piece of heaven!
Spring, I find you again
Like a violin concerto,
Like a May cherry,
My piece of heaven!
Spring, I find you again
Like a violin concerto,
Like a May cherry,
My piece of heaven!
Like a May cherry,
My piece of heaven!



No thinking about real feelings!
Are you pretending not to notice?
The absolute truths and your own heart
That's how the safe zone is shrinking
Prostituting your wounds
You give a feeble cry, such shameful conduct
I've got a recommendation for you
The ultimate escape!
Eventually, you will be saved
From being lured into sweet traps?
Now that you can no longer
Live sanely in this world anymore
Perhaps pretending to know nothing
And surrendering yourself is the optimal solution..?
If a bunch of flowers dressed up with words
Can steal one's heart, are they real?
It seems like everything will get tainted
You're invited to event
You're tailor-made for this era
With an appearance of vulnerability
Fooled by this truthful acting
Your heart beats so very loudly
Your extra lives are quickly being lost ;;
Your durability worn away
Dodging matters right in front of you
You've got your hands full just living!
Someone, please help me (^^♪
'You're getting sleepy'
A shallow hypnosis
Your head, your body, are becoming muddled
No way, so many tricks!?
Swinging a coin before your eyes
You'll become completely still
'This is fine'
Even you can be coaxed into shut down
'You're getting sleepy'
A shallow hypnosis
Your head, your body, are becoming muddled
No way, so many tricks!?
Swinging a coin before your eyes
You'll become completely still...
However you survive today
It's unrewarding everyday
You're already in a bot-like cycle
Continuing from the moment of inertia
If you have no luck, no hope
It's all the more pointless
If you haven't got it, then give up
Playing with the leftovers is your fate
You're tailor-made for this era
With an appearance of vulnerability
Fooled by this truthful acting
Your heart beats so very loudly
Exaltation has already lost its meaning ;;
A fake charisma
If you stare directly at reality
You'll end up going blind!
So, do it in moderation (^^♪


Rules Reprise

If you see that in your life there is no justice
Be a little mischievous, a touch of malice
Well If you tolerate what drives you crazy
It won't change
Although there will be those who want to destroy your efforts
Think that it doesn't matter if you are very small
Because if you aren't going to defend your dream
It could be that you believe that everything already is okay
And it isn't



If you just took off without me
And left me here
And left me here all alone
If you just took off without me
You’ll never come back
If you took off without me
I’ll always wait for you
I’ll always wait for you all alone
I’ll always wait
But you’ll never come back
Like the blue of the sea
When autumn comes
Like the most beautiful summer
You took off, You took off
Without me
You will regret
A real life
But you can never come back
Like the blue of the sea
When autumn comes
Like the most beautiful summer
You took off, You took off
Without me
You will regret
A real life
But you can never come back



A twisted view brings on a fantastic idea,
One that says, 'Reveal it all!'
True beauty is purity free of contaminants,
So says irrationality
If we step right in and remove our restraints,
A moment we maddeningly desire will await us
'I'm filling to the brim!'
A fate LAYSon-theLINE of pleasure,
In between climax and despair (All or Nothing)
So have your way with their souls (Living or Dying)
Make them dance in the palm of your hand (Pleasure or Pain)
Let's feel one another, down in the depths of Hell
Intertwining! Stealing!
Deceiving! Revealing!
Pursuing! Deviating!
We instinctively desired thirsty thoughts
Ones that say, 'Give it all away!'
The moment we burn out and fade away is so beautiful
So sneers irrationality
If we take off these dresses sewn with reason
We can touch one another in maddening desire
'We'll fill to the brim!'
Peace is nonsense and chaos is true freedom
A knife that pierces through even yourself (All or Nothing)
So peel away the skin of sanity (Living or Dying)
And show me the color of your soul (Pleasure or pain)
Let's join with one another in pain
Intertwining! Stealing!
Deceiving! Revealing!
Pursuing! Deviating!
By finally falling to the bottom and struggling for real
We can encounter the lustfulness and we'd truly desired
'I'm filling to the brim'
A fate LAYSon-theLINE of pleasure
In between climax and despair (All or Nothing)
So have your way with their souls (Living or Dying)
Make them dance in the palm of your hand (Pleasure or Pain)
Let's feel one another, down in the depths of Hell
Intertwining! Stealing!
Deceiving! Revealing!
Pursuing! Deviating!


No Biggie

'It girl' reflected in the mirror
A trapped voice fortress around my heart
Ask me
Everywhere cheesy pleasy
Keep like that it busy
Gotta get rid of the bad vibes
Should be rooting for the good vibes
Moonlight in the sky
Shining up my heart inside
Always dancing all alone
Deceive the show must go on
Coz’ what to find or where to go
I want to be myself
Like you always say, 'No biggie'
Teach me the meaning of our encounter
With you here, I can be anything
Problem I ain’t got no problem (No biggie)
Problem I ain’t got no problem
No biggie, all right, what the heck we can ride
Problem I ain’t got no problem
We got it, so fine, I'll take you out Rain or Shine!
Just lean on my shoulder, pass the time
Even if there is no light, for sure we can find ways
Problem I ain’t got no problem
No biggie, all right, what the heck we can ride
Pretending to understand read between the lines?
My shade won't die
I can't go alone
But you’re my sign, you’re my green light
Close your eyes and always I feel you by my side
Then you tell me to just be me
The sky I saw that day reminded
I'm with you, dreaming
Problem I ain’t got no problem (No biggie)
Problem I ain’t got no problem
No biggie, all right, what the heck we can ride
Problem I ain’t got no problem
We got it, so fine, I'll take you out Rain or Shine!
Just lean on my shoulder, pass the time
Even if there is no light, for sure we can find ways
Problem I ain’t got no problem
No biggie, all right, what the heck we can ride
Next door always
You light the way for me always
A flower that blooms in my heart
It won't disappear even after
Sometimes I just want to run away
When I feel like I'm going to lose sight of you, I say it
“No biggie, gon’ be alright”
In my mind so many times
You know it?
Problem I ain’t got no problem
No biggie, all right, what the heck we can ride
Problem I ain’t got no problem
We got it, so fine, I'll take you out Rain or Shine!
Just lean on my shoulder, pass the time
Even if there is no light, for sure we can find ways
Problem I ain’t got no problem
No biggie, all right, what the heck we can ride


The thing repeats

The thing repeats
Every time I think of you
I see the sky in your eyes
I feel your breath tired
From up there I could see
All the white of the houses
All the sea, all the sky
But I see only your eyes
You figure out the right words
To say that for you now everything is over
Then you turn around, maybe you cry
Because you know I understand
The thing repeats
Every time I think of you
How much wind in your hair
That covers your shoulders
You figure out the right words
To say that for you now everything is over
Then you turn around, maybe you cry
Because you know I understand
The thing repeats
Every time I think of you
How much wind in your hair
That covers your shoulders
The thing repeats
Every time I think of you


The Journey Starts Today

It's a big world, but you know where to find me
We will be together, and you will have me close
We will have a lot of faith in each other
We will make every day full of adventures with our friends
We're already on our way...
The journey starts today!
The journey starts today!
The journey starts today!