Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 40

Találatok száma: 100455


British National Anthem - God Save the King

God save our gracious King,
Long live our noble King,
God save the King!
Send him victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign o'er us

Gyönyörű nap

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ay, oh, nem, nem, hmm
(Egy, két, há', oh)
Eleged van az idő elpazarlásából
Abból, hogy várod, az élet találjon rád
Annyira eleged van, kikészít
Nincs már meg az az örömed, ami régen volt
Tudom, ez leginkább nem a te hibád
De, én nem adom fel, semmiképp
Nem, nem adom fel, semmiképp, semmiképp
Oh, oh, ez egy gyönyörű nap
Oh, oh, ne hagyd elillanni
Bár kisétálnál azon az ajtón
Mondd, mire vársz még
Oh, oh, ez egy gyönyörű nap (hey)
Egy gyönyörű nap (hey)
Oh, igen
Tudom, lesznek olyan napok,
Amik nehezek lesznek neked
Gyerünk, tudok egy helyet (tudok egy helyet),
Amit meg akarok neked mutatni
Azt mondod, nem futsz
És én csak az időmet pazarlom
De én nem adom fel, semmiképp
Nem, nem adom fel, semmiképp, semmiképp
Oh, oh, ez egy gyönyörű nap
Oh, oh, ne hagyd elillanni
Bár kisétálnál azon az ajtón
Mondd, mire vársz még
Oh, oh, ez egy gyönyörű nap (hey)
Egy gyönyörű nap (hey)
Gyönyörű nap
Egy gyönyörű nap (hey)
Gyönyörű nap
És amikor beadod a derekad, tündökölj
És ne hagyd, hogy elrontsák a történetünket
Oh, látod? Itt vagyok neked
Ha elbukok, elbukok, felrántalak a földről és azt mondom
Oh, oh
Oh, oh, ez egy gyönyörű nap
Oh, oh, ne hagyd elillanni
Bár kisétálnál azon az ajtón
Mondd, mire vársz még
Oh, oh
Egy gyönyörű nap (hey)
Oh, igen (hey)
Egy gyönyörű nap (hey)
Nem, nem, nem, nem
Nem, nem, nem, nem
Nem, nem, nem, nem-nem
Oh, nem, nem, nem
Nem, nem, nem, nem
Nem, nem, nem, nem
Nem, nem, nem, nem-nem
Oh, ez egy gyönyörű
Gyönyörű nap
Gyönyörű nap


The Carol 3.0 (Eng Ver.)

Is It You Ooh Ooh
Ooh Ooh Ooh Baby
Precious dream of my little wish
Baby, if I have you next to me
The way the song goes
Here comes the ringing of bells, oh-oh-oh
Even the promise of snow
Mm, mm
Fairytale, white surroundings
Playing the Christmas melody
Had me up, all excited
For the day December brings
Long ago, all the magic
Have become memories in my heart
Overnight turned into an ivory castle
Something tell me dreams come true
Far high up in the twinkling starlight
Once it shines on me
Will be brave, gonna say
The night has finally come
Is It You Ooh Ooh
Ooh Ooh Ooh Baby
Precious dream of my little wish
Baby, if I have you next to me, only you, ooh-ooh
Here comes the ringing of bells, oh-oh-oh
Even the promise of snow, ooh-ooh
All the joy, it fills my heart
For the two of us
It's Christmas time
Silent night, too excited
Praying my wish would come to life
Remember nights that I kept on thinking
I can't fall asleep tonight
The shining of the twinkling starlight
When they spark the night
Will be brave, gonna say
The night has finally come (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
Is It You Ooh Ooh
Ooh Ooh Ooh Baby
Precious dream of my little wish
Baby, if I have you next to me, only you, ooh-ooh
Here comes the ringing of bells, oh-oh-oh
Even the promise of snow, ooh-ooh
All the joy, it fills my heart
For the two of us
It's Christmas time
Sonyos of December, there's nothing more exciting
When I'm with you, I'm lost in our moments
Feels like I'm living in a dream come true with you, ooh-ooh
I just can't stop thinking, thinking of you
Miracle of my little wish
Baby, if I have you next to me, only you, ooh-ooh
Days of our winter, hello, oh-oh-oh
Even the long nights of snow, ooh-ooh
Feels like it's all coming back
Spend the time with us
My Christmas time


A karácsonyi dal 3.0

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Te vagy az óh óh
Óh óh óh bébi?
Egy apró kívánság, erről álmodtam
Ha te velem vagy
Pont olyan, mint abban a dalban
Csengők hangját fogom hallani
És várva várt fehér hó végre lehullik
Hallom a karácsonyi dallamot
Minden fehér utcán
Nagyot dobban a szívem azért a decemberi napért
Mostanra már olyan lett, mint egy elveszett emlék
De egy éjszaka alatt a világ fehérré változott
Úgy érzem, történni fog valami
Mikor a villódzó fények belehullanak a szívembe
Bátor akarok lenni, el akarom mondani neked
Erre az időszakra vártam
Te vagy az óh óh
Óh óh óh bébi?
Egy apró kívánság, erről álmodtam
Ha te velem vagy (csak te)
Csengők hangját fogom hallani
És várva várt fehér hó végre lehullik
Vastagon lerakódik a szívemben, ez a mi időnk
Eljött a karácsony
Miközben zakatol a szívem, késő éjszaka
Kívánok valamit
Nem tudok elaludni, egész éjszaka vártam
Minden emlék eszembe jut
Mikor minden egyes villódzó fény
Bátor akarok lenni, el akarom mondani neked
Erre az időszakra vártam
Te vagy az óh óh
Óh óh óh bébi?
Egy apró kívánság, erről álmodtam
Ha te velem vagy (csak te)
Csengők hangját fogom hallani
És várva várt fehér hó végre lehullik
Vastagon lerakódik a szívemben, ez a mi időnk
Eljött a karácsony
LOONA decemberben, pillangók repdesnek a gyomromban
Mikor veled vagyok, ismét eszembe jut
Úgy érzem, történni fog valami, veled
Tovább zakatol a szívem
Egy apró csoda, amit régóta reméltem
Ha te velem vagy (csak te)
A gyerekkori emlékek, azok a drága emlékek
Mintha visszatérnének, együtt velem
Az én karácsonyom


Csak menjél el!

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tudom, ezelőtt sosem szerettem még így,
S jobban senki más nem szeretett.
Veled sírtam, s nevettem,
Éltem s meghaltam.
Amit nem tehettem, csak is teveled.
Tudom, felednem kell téged, s tovább lépni,
Nem tarthatom vissza könnyeim túl soká.
Bár az élet nem lesz ugyanaz,
Enyém a felelősség,
S meg kell lelnem az erőt, hogy elengedjelek.
Csak menjél el,
Csak mondj búcsút,
Ne fordulj el, most sírni láthatsz tán.
Nem eshetek szét,
Vagy, hogy lásd megtört szívem.
Vagy azt, hogy még szeretlek.
Így menjél el,
S zárd az ajtót,
És hagyd, hogy éltem újra a régi legyen.
És sosem tudhatom,
Hogyan engedjelek el,
De nincs már mit mondani,
Így menjél el!
Sosem lesz bánni való pillanatom.
Szerettelek, mióta megláttalak.
Minden szerelemért, mit adtál,
S a szerelem percekért,
Tudom, erőt kell gyűjtenem, hogy kimondjam.
Csak menjél el,
Csak mondj búcsút,
Ne fordulj el, most sírni láthatsz tán.
Nem eshetek szét,
Vagy lásd megtört szívem.
Vagy azt, hogy még szeretlek.
Így menjél el,
S zárd az ajtót,
És hagyd, hogy éltem újra a régi legyen.
És sosem tudhatom,
Hogyan engedjelek el,
De nincs már mit mondani.
Csak menjél el!
Csak menjél el,
Csak mondj búcsút,
Ne fordulj el, most sírni láthatsz tán.
Nem eshetek szét,
Vagy lásd megtört szívem.
Vagy azt, hogy még szeretlek.
Így menjél el,
S zárd az ajtót,
És hagyd, hogy éltem újra a régi legyen.
És sosem tudhatom,
Hogyan engedjelek el,
De nincs már mit mondani.
Csak menjél el!


Hard for me

그대가 차가워도 나를 또 밀어내도
미운 만큼 울어보고 애써 털어내 봐도
마음 한구석엔 가슴 한 켠에는
아직도 그댈 그리는 내가 있죠
It’s hard for me to forget you
어떻게 기억이 쉽게 잊혀질까요
It’s hard for me to hate you
어떻게 내가 그대를 미워할까요
뒤를 돌아보면 늘 같은 모습으로
그대를 지키고 있는 사람 있죠
It’s hard for me to forget you
어떻게 기억이 쉽게 잊혀질까요
It’s hard for me to hate you
어떻게 내가 그대를 미워할까요
가지 말아요 아직 가지 말아요
보낼 준비가 아직 안됐잖아요
Too hard for me
Too hard for me
Too hard for me
It’s hard for me to forget you
어떻게 기억이 쉽게 잊혀질까요
It’s hard for me to hate you
어떻게 내가 그대를 미워할까요


Like a Star

지친 하루에 길을 헤맬 때
하늘 위의 별을 문득 바라보면
손에 닿지 않아도 느껴지는 따스함
내게 와줘 위로가 돼줘
Like a Star
언제나 내 곁에 있어줘
어두운 밤을 비추는 별처럼
항상 곁에서 밝게 비춰줘
Like a Star
날 보며 환하게 웃어줘
내겐 너무나 소중한 그대
항상 곁에 내 곁에 머물러 줘
가끔 난 웅크린 채 잠들곤 해
많은 아픔을 가린 채
쓸쓸한 방 한켠에
그 누구도 날 이해하지 못할 때에
문을 두드려 나를 위로하던
Like a Star
언제나 내 곁에 있어줘
어두운 밤을 비추는 별처럼
항상 곁에서 밝게 비춰줘
Like a Star
날 보며 환하게 웃어줘
내겐 너무나 소중한 그대
항상 곁에 내 곁에 머물러 줘
한걸음 더 조금만 더 다가가
그대 외롭지 않게 안아줄게요
시간이 흘러도 변치 않을 거야
Like a Star
언제나 내 곁에 있어줘
어두운 밤을 비추는 별처럼
항상 곁에서 밝게 비춰줘
Like a Star
날 보며 환하게 웃어줘
내겐 너무나 소중한 그대
항상 곁에 내 곁에 머물러 줘


Don’t say goodbye

별거 없이 눈을 뜰 때 마다 생각나고는 해
너와 헤어진 건 꿈이 아닐까
Tv에는 너의 소식이 왜 안나올까
자꾸 네가 또 궁금해지기만 해
오늘도 내일도 너의 얘길 하고 있는 내게
잊으라고 말을 한다해도 잊을 수 있는건 자신 없어
꿈에서는 헤어지지 말아요 우리
넌 나의 마음속에 별이 됐으니
추억이 살고 있는 이 집에선
너를 보낼 자신이 없어 난
별거 없이 눈을 뜰 때 마다 생각나고는 해
너와 헤어진 건 꿈이 아닐까
Tv에는 너의 소식이 왜 안나올까
자꾸 네가 또 궁금해지기만 해
사랑해 사랑해
이런말은 수 천번도 넘게
혼자서도 벌써 몇 시간 째
혼잣말을 하고 있는 지 몰라
지금 네가 너무 보고 싶어요 부디
이젠 내 눈 앞에 나타나주세요
슬픈 마음은 내게 주지 마요
너를 기다리고 있는데 난
하늘위에 별이 네가 아닐까란 생각을 해
잠 못 이룬 밤은 온통 너일뿐
너도 지금 내가 보고 싶은 건 아닐까
그저 네가 돌아오기만을 바래
Missing you
난 네가 그리워
난 네가 필요해
이밤은 너무 괴로워
나 슬프지 않도록
외롭지 않도록 곁에 와줘요
너를 생각해 지금 이순간에도...



[Verse] I can't see, I want to run away
I think I can disappear
At a walking speed,
Since it's not like I'm in a hurry for anything
I ran, it hurt
Plus, I don't need memories anymore
All the annoying things,
They won't disappear from my head
Aah, I'm so sick of it, these event displays,
The day you woke up
Aah, I can't change it, my head's dizzy, but I drink, so it goes away
A game that's gone astray
Going around breaking my personal relationships
[???] Just you are strawberry100%
[Drop] strawberry100%

Make Me Forget The World

Make me forget the world
Make me forget everyone
Make me melt, my love. and leave me to tell you the most beautiful words
If I tour the whole world
If I tour everywhere
It is impossible to find your love like any other love
If I tell you that I love you, love is too little for you
If I leave you for a second, I return yearning for your eyes
Hug me tight and stay with me
Make me melt and melt in my love
Come on, let us live the most beautiful days
It was the most beautiful day of my life
The day I met you, my life
I couldn't take it
Without me thinking for a moment, I found myself melting in your love
You took me from everyone
I lived in the most beautiful feeling
And with you, I forgot the whole world
If I tell you that I love you, love is too little for you
If I leave you for a second, I return yearning for your eyes
Hug me tight and stay with me
Make me melt and melt in my love
Come on, let us live the most beautiful days
I carry you in my eyes
And this world is a witness
I am near you, and I love you
It is impossible that I would ever forget you
I wish life went on for longer
So I could love you forever
I have always dreamt to be with you
If I tell you that I love you, love is too little for you
If I leave you for a second, I return yearning for your eyes
Hug me tight and stay with me
Make me melt and melt in my love
Come on, let us live the most beautiful days


My Darling

When you smile your eyes disappear
My eyes explain my words
Hug me and I'll call out the sky
Let your hands touch my feelings, put them on (my feelings)
Don't look at the sky, look at my face
Let the heart beats fill the room
Take my breath and taste my voice
It's easy to leave, stay instead
Don't look at the sky, look at my face
Let the heart beats fill the room
Take my breath and taste my voice
It's easy to leave, stay instead
Everything has changed since you came into my life, my darling
My darling
Everything has changed since you came into my life, my darling
My darling
Come... Be a ship in my port
Don't be far away, stay with me for a lifetime
Hug me, love me in every moment
My heart beats, I still have time
Don't look at the sky, look at my face
Let the heart beats fill the room
Take my breath and taste my voice
It's easy to leave, stay instead
Don't look at the sky, look at my face
Let the heart beats fill the room
Take my breath and taste my voice
It's easy to leave, stay instead
Everything has changed since you came into my life, my darling
My darling
Everything has changed since you came into my life, my darling
My darling


For the sake of the present

[Intro: ECHO] Two, yeah
[Verse 1: ECHO] I started from zero to become a better one
Forgot where I came from and I don't want to find out anyway
I don't give a damn about life, plus I don't have it with me
Sometimes I pretend to be stupid so people can understand me well
You see, many don't consider us
As two rappers, man, there's no hard feelings
We are what we want to be, fuck classification
Our disadvantage in rap is that we're doing it a favor
We have high standards filled with averages and bass
When it comes to letting go, I get a little distracted
There won't be a strategy in case I withdraw
For me, a point means a point, don't translate it as a stopover
Sometimes I sit straight at the table, other times I bow
Sometimes I look in the mirror or through the wine glass
Thinking without rap what could I have become
Hungover, I search my past trying to prevent myself
[Chorus: Echo] For the sake of the present, raise the glass in bars
Close your mouth, drink to sleep, you'll have time for centuries
Enjoy now, later you'll be in the clouds
We're waiting for tomorrow to come with beggar's hands
For the sake of the present, raise the glass in bars
Close your mouth, drink to sleep, you'll have time for centuries
Enjoy now, later you'll be in the clouds
We're waiting for tomorrow to come with beggar's hands
[Verse 2: Codrin] I don't keep my claws for nothing, I don't keep the door handle next to the gate
You have no past or future, there's only a constant second
A second that laughs, that cries, that drinks
Help, my mind keeps me hostage again
I don't go into church out of fear, of crosses and nails
'Cause they'll turn me into a stone and these guys a free statue
Excuse my comparison or indecent idea
But my humor is my tent in a permanent storm
If you don't hear my voice then read my lips
My soul leaves me before a 'sorry' comes out
Death comes with a backpack, with a scythe, a whip and a stick
Saying, 'but I can't make you more dead than this'
You can guess, maybe I'm good, but maybe I'm bad
As if you're rolling the dice in the deepest pit
I continue to make the future for the sake of the past
As long as I still sleep above the ground
[Chorus: Echo] For the sake of the present, raise the glass in bars
Shut up, drink to sleep, you'll have time for centuries
Enjoy now because later you'll be in the clouds
We're waiting for tomorrow to come with beggar's hands
For the sake of the present, raise the glass in bars
[Outro: Codrin & Echo] Lord, stop, stop, Lord fuck a track, what the fuck? Did we drink a glass of tears or what's wrong with us? Spin that shit!
Let's commune
Let's fulfill ourselves
Let our hats fall off
Let's forget about this track
Let's commune
Let's fulfill ourselves
Let our hats fall off
Let's forget about this track


The Skirt

The one who shortens her skirt
The one who shortens her skirt
The eyes of the young men follow her
She is in love with herself
She is in love with herself
The one who shortens her skirt
The one who shortens her skirt
The eyes of the young men follow her
She is in love with herself
She is in love with herself
High heels match her
For wind from the west or from the north
Her skirt is and inch and a half
And her blouse is in the valley
Lali, lali, lali, lali, lali, lali
Everytime she ambles her walk
Her skirt gets higher and higher
The tides of the ocean are jealous of her, and go crazy when they see her
Hali, hali, hali, hali, hali, hali
A look that makes an old man turn young
And the old lady, a young lady
And the old lady, a young lady
The one who shortens her skirt
The one who shortens her skirt
Lali, lali, lali, lali, lali, lali
Hali, hali, hali, hali, hali, hali
Her shortens even more, she doesn't care about
Her dad, nor her mom
She ignites the hearts of the young men
And if they melt, she coulndn't care less
Lali, lali, lali, lali, lali, lali
Everytime they go lower, she goes higher
Everyone screams 'oh my'
A view that stops hearts
She should be thanked for that view
Hali, hali, hali, hali, hali, hali
She walks and says this is the trend
She is pretty and excused
She is pretty and excused
The one who shortens her skirt
The one who shortens her skirt
The eyes of the young men follow her
She is in love with herself
She is in love with herself
Lali, lali, lali, lali, lali, lali
Hali, hali, hali, hali, hali, hali
The world is on fire and embers
She couldn't care less
Her skirt is on both sides
One side is speaking to the other
Lali, lali, lali, lali, lali, lali
She walks, while shaking her waist
Like she was the queen of her prime
There is no need for her shirt, three fourths of it is transparent
Hali, hali, hali, hali, hali, hali
Her parents are to blame, not that skirt
Not to blame is the skirt
The one who shortens her skirt
The one who shortens her skirt
The eyes of the young men follow her
She is in love with herself
She is in love with herself


I'll Always Be With You

I'll always be with you
Even if you are far away
My heart is within your love
I will always be with you
You are always on my mind and in my heart
And I won't forget you
I always miss you
Even if I am with you
I always miss you, my love
My eyes will always strive for you
Even if the whole universe is beside me
I would just be needing you
I will always be with you
My heart is with you
My soul with you, my dearest love
Oh my dearest love
And however far you'll be from me
You are near my heart
My future and my present
And the most beautiful fate


Bum Bum | We Are Going To Stay Up

My friend called me and said come down we're going to stay up
We went and sat and he gave me a cup (of alcohol), I said no, I don't drink
I asked for juice, because I don't drink
It wasn't juice, I was drinking
I see birds, and my brain was doing
Bum bum bum
Bum bum bum Bum bum bum
Bum bum bum Bum bum bum
Guys, I can't find my phone
Guys, it is ringing over there, bring it to me
Guys, the Ninja Turtles are asking for me
Guys, I appear to be drunk, wake me up
Bum bum bum
Bum bum bum Bum bum bum
Bum bum bum Bum bum bum
Ehm, a lighter
Someone bring the lighter
A lighter, can someone just bring the lighter
Guys, someone lower the voice
I can't, I can't even look at the clock
My brain is too relaxed, my face is colored
I feel hot
I need to release some clothes
My foot is tweaking
My skin is tweaking
Just one time my heart is going
Bum bum bum
Bum bum bum Bum bum bum
Bum bum bum Bum bum bum
I am sitting minding my business, guys,
I am seeing aliens
And my eyes are going Japanese*
And in my brain there is a world war and it sounds like
Bum bum bum
Bum bum bum Bum bum bum
Bum bum bum Bum bum bum
*Referring to Asian feature of narrow eyes


Angel Night

Looking down below the illumination
An escalator that climbs into the night
A river of headlights
Streams between the frozen buildings
The first thing I loved about you was your voice
And then your back, and fingernails that are cared
That sometimes you become silent,
A heart and melody that goes off somewhere
Angel voice Call my name


That cobalt blue one that makes me fall asleep
That red before putting sunglasses goes down
How it goes down!
That bitter white one that is used in the diets
A friend gave me that yellow one and it goes down
Then it pulls up...
And in my pockets, my gloves
In the drawer of dreams and maybe the socks one too
In my mind I've got a princess
With her hair shaved she staggers centerstage and says
'I'm fine, fine.
See how I'm in heaven, heaven.
Can't you see? I'm fine, fine.
Almost as happy as Alice in the land of my...'
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Oh, oh, oh...
I should be calm, I should be calm, I should
Take a fuchsia one for my stomach ache if you're here
If you're not here
Do-do-doctor, please
One against the love that sends you in an overdose
I've got a Marie Antoinette head
Take a photo of me laughing, I've lost it already anyway
So I'm fine, fine.
See how I'm in heaven, heaven.
Can't you see? I'm fine, fine.
Almost as happy as Alice in the land of my...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
All under control
My ankles and neck
My thoughts soaking
Into ether
All under control
God, I speak too much!
If I don't fall, I dance,
OK, I cry and yet...
(I'm fine, fine.
See how I'm in heaven...)
, eh?
I'm fine, fine.
Almost as happy as Alice in the land of my...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Pi-pi-pills... Pi-pi-pills...
Pi-pi-pills... Oh, oh, oh...
(Oh, oh, oh...)


Tov Lehodos 2

It is good to give thanks to God and to sing praises to His name
Your kindness declared in the morning, and your faith at night


A Love Story

A romantic, kind of dramatic film 1
With unscripted,2 real facts
He and her together were two actors, superheroes
They didn't play a role, that's just how they loved each other
The loved each other and didn't care
They didn't want anything else
They believed in one another from the beginning
It was a love story
That which will remain in your memory
Her heart was his
His heart was hers
It was a love story
That which will remain in your memory
Her heart was his
His heart was hers
Hold my hand, no matter what
We'll be together until the end
Only you make me happy
He told her and he smiled at her
You know I will love you until the last day
The sound of first love
Let's never forget each other 3
And my heart will find you
Now or in another life
It was a love story
That which will remain in your memory
Her heart was his
His heart was hers
It was a love story
That which will remain in your memory
Her heart was his
His heart was hers
  • 1. 'ușor' in this case serves to soften the following adjective, so it can be understood as 'kind of,' 'slightly,' 'sort of,' etc.
  • 2. 'neregizate' is a compound of 'ne' (not) and 'regizate' (directed), but since 'undirected' isn't a real word and in keeping with the movie imagery, it's more poetic to read this as 'unscripted'
  • 3. This is either 'Let's never forget...' or 'They never forget...' My Romanian is still a work in progress so please let me know which is more appropriate here!



A maiden died in her spring years,
like a young rose flower that withered

Call of the Nightwinds

When Eternity speaks,
I close my eyes
and sink into my thoughts:
Time bygone
the nightwind carries
Pale is it's message
for eternal is
this funeral night
If in my cape I could hide the sun
and quench the forge of life
For thousands of years I'd hope
to lay everything to the grave
And the dusk floats like a veil
above all forests
I hear the sound of a war horn
through the thickest mist
It mourns it's living past
So spoke the Eternity,
I closed my eyes
and remained in my thoughts:
The cold ardor of centuries
got my soul
Blood stood in my veins
when I rose up to listen to the night
Time bygone
the nightwind carries
Pale is it's message
for eternal is
this funeral night
If in my cape I could hide the sun
and quench the forge of life
For thousands of years I'd hope
to lay everything to the grave
And the dusk floats like a veil
above all forests
I hear the sound of a war horn
through the thickest mist
It mourns it's living past
So spoke the Eternity,
I closed my eyes
and remained in the emptiness!


Cloudy Day

Time goes by
Today is ending
I feel as if only my heart will be left behind
Cloudy Day
I've given up,
the words I've spun
are fading into the sky
I don't know what to do
I just want to put my voice on the song
Someday, I'm sure it'll come true
Shining through the clouds
It goes on forever
Picking up the pieces of my dreams
Even loneliness can be turned into hope
Because your whispering voice guided me
I strongly take the next step
The beginning of the story
I can't stay with my head down
It's like the future that spreads out
in the sky when I look up
It's okay to throw away
all the logic I learned in school
All I need is my feelings
Even when it's dark or painful
You reached out to me, didn't you?
Hello Hello
I'm here
Shining through the clouds
It goes on forever
Picking up the pieces of my dreams
Even loneliness can be turned into hope
Because your whispering voice guided me
I strongly take the next step
The beginning of a story



Individuals all
Can I have your attention please?
You at the front, you at the back
You on the left, you on the right
All of you in the middle
What is our policy regarding pleasure?
Can we stop all of these discussion about our failings?
And take advantage of being able to embrace one another?
Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale
Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale
A brandy and coke to go with your branding?
I'm fed up of feeling angry
And the indecorous individualism
Which creates a problem out of the difference
The glorious difference to be celebrated everywhere
The layers increase as we keep going on
And the only thing we want to know
The only thing that really matters
Is love
Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale
Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale, Wales is not for sale


One Man's Wife Was Working in Retail

One man's wife was working in retail
Another man's wife was hanging in the bog pond wind
Hair was in a noose around a gnarled tree
Bullets staring back in the rotting flesh
He yelled - she can't hear
He yelled - she can't hear
Blood was clotting against the bullets
He yelled - she can't hear
One man's wife was working in retail
Another man's wife was hanging in the bog pond wind
Hair was in a noose around a gnarled tree
Bullets staring back in the rotting flesh
He yelled - she can't hear
He yelled - she can't hear
Blood was clotting against the bullets
He yelled - she can't hear
She can't hear
What do you do, when women
Engaged in retail are so desirable
Pate, and tea in a kettle
And your reflection on the water of the bog pond
But one man's wife
Is also/still working in retail and I'm looking and figuring out
If a little opportunity
Soon arises to me now
What do you do, when women
Engaged in retail are so desirable
Pate, and tea in a kettle
And your reflection on the water of the bog pond
But one man's wife
Is also/still working in retail and I'm looking and figuring out
If a little opportunity
Soon arises to me now
One man's wife was working in retail
Another man's wife was hanging in the bog pond wind
Hair was in a noose around a gnarled tree
Bullets staring back in the rotting flesh
He yelled - she can't hear
He yelled - she can't hear
Blood was clotting against the bullets
He yelled - she can't hear


The Bold and The Beautiful

I'm with my people
But I'm alone
My shaded apartment is a mansion
But I'm alone
Walls with blue blood
When I...
Fuck, you will see
When you're left alone
It's easier this way, to be together
It's easier this way, to be together
When you're left alone
*Meaningless words*
Some of the lyrics were lost


살짝 설렜어 (Nonstop)

going nonstop
It doesn’t even make sense, right? yayayaya
There’s nothing we don’t know about each other
It’s so obvious, nanananana
like nanananana
There’s no secrets between us too
We’ve seen everything
hi hi weak body
like them burning and burn but shh
These days, today, tomorrow, every day
It’s like you’re wearing something different, you look different
But I know you, even your bad history
yeah, so there’s no way I could
never ever, it has to be like that
If you end up on a deserted island one day
And it’s just us two, what would you do?
You said just thinking about it is scary, as you frowned
But then you said you can’t ever tell me what you’d do
My heart slightly fluttered, oh nanananana
My heart slightly fluttered, oh nanananana
There’s no way this could happen, but my heart slightly fluttered
nonstop nonstop nonstop nonstop nonstop
There’s no way this could happen, but my heart slightly fluttered
I’m so lonely these days
I think I’m a little weird
Cuz my heart starts to race when I see you
back it up pack it up, move out of the way
The problem was that my heart fluttered
No, wait, why’s that a bad thing?
Because the line might be crossed, fz radar
Up and down, this is a friend zone
If you end up on a deserted island one day
And it’s just us two, what would you do?
You said just thinking about it is scary, as you frowned
But then you said you can’t ever tell me what you’d do
My heart slightly fluttered, oh nanananana
My heart slightly fluttered, oh nanananana
There’s no way this could happen, but my heart slightly fluttered
I have to go to the bed by night
Am I getting sleepy? time
Is not necessary
My head is already looking for shortcuts
If you want, I can go back two steps
Did you wanna twin spot nop, one step
Don’t act like it’s unfortunate, I know your heart flutters too
I’m really confused too
I would’ve gone to you if it was someone else
But I can’t ever tell you how I feel
Because ever since a certain point
My heart slightly flutters when I see you
My heart slightly fluttered, oh nanananana
My heart slightly fluttered, oh nanananana
There’s no way this could happen, but my heart slightly fluttered
nonstop nonstop nonstop nonstop nonstop
There’s no way this could happen, but my heart slightly fluttered
nonstop nonstop nonstop nonstop nonstop
I'm sure you won't know, but my heart slightly fluttered


Éjféli vándor

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Menekülnöm kell és nem bujdosnom,
Muszáj tovább menni.
Van még egy ezüst dollárosom,
Nem hagyom, hogy elkapjanak,
Nem hagyom, hogy elkapják
Az éjféli vándort.
Lám, nem saját ruháim viselem,
S a vén országút a végtelenbe tart.
Van még egy ezüst dollárosom,
Nem hagyom, hogy elkapjanak,
Nem hagyom, hogy elkapják
Az éjféli vándort.
Már senki sem törődik velem,
Egy ócska ágyat majd megvetek magamnak,
Van még egy ezüst dollárosom,
Nem hagyom, hogy elkapjanak,
Nem hagyom, hogy elkapják
Az éjféli vándort.
Nem hagyom, hogy elkapjanak,
Nem hagyom, hogy elkapják
Az éjféli vándort...


Az csak ő lehet

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ha bárki jobban tud szeretni,
Az csak ő lehet, ki engem szeret.
Ha bárki többet tesz azért, hogy megmutassa mennyire törődik velem,
Az csak ő lehet, ki engem szeret.
Ő egymaga az összes nő, akit valaha is ismertem,
Ha még valakit is szeretni fogok eztán, az csakis ő lesz,
Úgy ahogy annak lenni kell:
Az csak ő lehet, ki szeret engem.
Ha bármikor megzuhanok és kell valaki, kit szerethetek,
Az csak ő lehet, ki szeret engem.
Ha bárki is rideg lenne velem, és kell valaki, ki felmelegít,
Az csak ő lehet, ki szeret engem.
Ő egymaga az összes nő, akit valaha is ismertem,
Ha még valakit is szeretni fogok eztán, az csakis ő lesz,
Úgy ahogy annak lenni kell:
Az csak ő lehet, ki szeret engem.
Ő egymaga az összes nő, akit valaha is ismertem,
Ha még valakit is szeretni fogok eztán, az csakis ő lesz,
Úgy ahogy annak lenni kell:
Az csak ő lehet, ki szeret engem.


A vágyakozás

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Azt mondják, mikor fiatal volt,
Szépsége megőrjítette a férfiakat.
De a testében lakozó vágyakozás
Nem valami ártatlan gyermeki vágyakozás volt.
Ahogy a pillangó tavasszal
Keresi a mezőn a legédesebb rózsát,
Úgy a sok idegen ölelése,
Sem tudta megszabadítani
Sikátorok és hálószobák fogságából.
Csak keserű csalódásokban volt része,
Miközben a szerelem, mit megélt,
Csak arra volt jó, hogy kielégítse testi vágyait.
Idősebbnek látszik, mint amennyi valójában,
És napról napra jobban öregszik,
Egyre gyorsabban tart az enyészetbe.
Mert a vágyakozás sosem elégítette ki,
És nem valós képét látja a tükörben.
Még emlékszik,
Hogy szépségét felemésztette a vágyakozás,
És az idő maró szele.
Démonjai zenéjére táncol,
És drágán megfizetett az ördögnek daláért.
Büszkesége elszállt, de belül
Még erősen él vágya.
Azt mondják, mikor fiatal volt,
Szépsége megőrjítette a férfiakat.
De a testében lakozó vágyakozás
Nem valami ártatlan gyermeki vágyakozás volt.


Az utolsó levél

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Miért bánsz velem úgy, mintha csak egy barát lennék?
Mit tettem, amiért ilyen hűvös és távolságtartó lettél?
Néha azon tűnődőm, hogy leszel-e még elégedett valaha,
És boldog, ha megöregszel?
Nem adhatok neked ékszereket, vagy egy nagy házat,
És olyan ruhákat sem, melyekre ifjú tested vágyik.
De ha szeretnél és azt mondanád, hogy velem maradsz örökké,
Azt hiszem, minden bánat, könny és keserűség édessé válna.
És ha majd egyszer beleunsz és belefáradsz egy másik fickó jómódjába,
Vagy ha valaha is magányos leszel, akkor emlékezz majd levelemre!
De ne válaszolj rá, bár elmondhatatlanul fáj,
Ám ha nem szeretsz, akkor jobb, ha békén hagysz....



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Intro] Nézzük, ahogy leég [2x]
Nézzük, ahogy ez a város leégeti a világot
[Horog:] [Deuce] Nézzük égni a várost
A világ tetején lévő horizontról*
Addig, amíg semmi sem marad belőle
Nézzük, ahogy ez a város leégeti a világot
[Charlie Scene] A testem bevonva hamuval és két üres gázos kanna van nálam
Az összes bizonyítékuk egy fantomkép a maszkomról
És néha nehéz megkérni, hogy a szívem legyen az utolsó, amit megmentesz
És nehéz szembe nézni a tényekkel, amikor a sötétség feketévé fakul
Ez nem csak ámítás, amikor kényszerítenek, hogy helyet foglaljak
És amfetamint szórnak a levegőbe kényszerítve, hogy lélegezzek
Szóval gyere és ragadd meg a gyermekeidet, vigyázz a lángoló épületekkel
És a fosztogató gonosztevők meghalnak a milliók alatt
És ember milliárdok pusztulnak egy veszett ügyért
Szóval most egy olyan nemzetért imádkozom, ami elpusztult Isten által
(Ez a világ vége)
Minden csatám megnyerve
De a háború csak most kezdődött
[Horog] [Deuce]
[J3T] Olyan szépnek tűnik a város, van kedved leégetni velem?
Az ég hamut vérzik és a kibaszott horizont összeomlik
Elkapnak minket a gyufákkal, amikkel a lángot izzítottuk
És a fiatalság összes reménye kibaszott őrültségnek lett elkönyvelve
Azt mondják
Vegyem be a tablettát
Az Istenben hiszünk
Menj és ölj
Isten szeret minket
Úgy az életben, mint a halálban
Lélegzem mígnem nem lesz levegőm
Nem az éjszakában fogok meghalni, hanem a fényében
A napnak, e világ hamvával a tüdőmben
De ki vagyok én, hogy azt mondjam csak fussunk el mindannyian
Fogd meg a szentjeidet és imádkozz, ma leégetjük ezt a világot
(Mondd, hogy ez a világ vége)
Mint a mennyben, úgy a földön is
Már születésünkkor halottak voltunk
[Horog] [Deuce]
[J-Dog] (Nézzük, ahogy leég) [x2]
Olyan szépnek tűnik a város
Van kedved leégetni velem?
Olyan szépnek tűnik a város
Van kedved leégetni velem?
Olyan szépnek tűnik a város
Van kedved leégetni velem?
[Charlie Scene] A fákat használjuk fáklyának
Van kedved leégetni velem?
Megtöltjük az utcákat holttestekkel
Van kedved leégetni velem?
Nézd, ahogy kurvára vérzik a város
Van kedved leégetni velem?
Térdre kényszerítjük a világot
Van kedved leégetni velem?
[Horog x2] + [Intro]


Tini Pán Srác

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ez a hatalmas építkezési projekt megváltoztathatná az ezen útvonalon fekvő területek jellegzetességeit mindörökké
Ez az aggodalma legalább azon embereknek, akiket egyszer úgy ismertek, hogy a 'Tini Pán köz'
Találsz egy körhintát és körbeforogsz vele
De aztán megunod, szóval szétbontod
Mint a játszótéren egy kisgyerek, aki homokot töm a szájába
Köpd ki, amikor szédülni kezdesz
És el akarom mondani***, hogy ez nem így működik
Az emberek élete nem csak egy játék, csak azért, mert ki tudod fizetni
Szívva a nagy, kövér szivarodat
Gyapjú kalap, nyakkendő és négy madár a kezeden
Csak egy tini pán srác vagyok
El akarod venni azt a játékot?**
Hé, te, Mr. Fejlesztő
Hé, te, Mr. Fejlesztő
Te csak egy Tini Város játéka vagy
Egy nagy, kövér fiú
Hé, te, Mr. Örökös
Menj haza, Mr. Birtokos
Srác, srác, srác
Srác, srác, srác
Lerúgtál egy kisgyereket a mászókáról
Vidd el a szarjaid a látóköréből* és a karjai közül
Kényszeríted, hogy feketébe öltözzön
Aztán tartatod vele a pisztolytáskádat, amíg te hátba lövöd őt (hátba)
És azt mondod, hogy csak dalokat írogatok
Fiam, emelkedj fel a seggedről és szerezz egy rendes munkát
És vihorássz az elnyűtt csizmáimon
Elmondom neked, uram, hogy eljövök érted a fikcióban
Csak egy tini pán srác vagyok
(Kérlek, ne vedd el a játékaim) El akarod venni azt a játékot?
Hé, te, Mr. Fejlesztő
Hé, te, Mr. Fejlesztő
Te csak egy Tini Város játéka vagy
Egy nagy, kövér fiú
Hé, te, Mr. Örökös
Hé, te, Mr. Birtokos
Srác, srác, srác
Srác, srác, srác
Csak egy tini pán srác vagyok
(Kérlek, ne vedd el a játékaim) Ne vedd el a játékom****

Te csak egy Tini Város játéka vagy
Egy nagy, kövér fiú

Srác, srác, srác
Srác, srác, srác
Srác, srác, srác
Srác, srác, srác