Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 39

Találatok száma: 100455


모든 밤 너에게

불이 꺼지면 나의 모든 밤 너에게로 흘러
허전한 날들 무채색 하루 감싸준 달빛
어둠이 짙어질수록 내 맘은 선명해졌어
아름다웠던 순간에 빛나던 우리 둘처럼
I’m still in love with you 닿지 않던 시간도
I’m still the one for you 언제나 너 인걸
곁에서 널 비추고 싶어
떠나지 않는 별처럼
I’m still in love with you
너만 보여
손을 잡을게 따뜻한 마음 전해지도록
눈을 맞추며 오롯이 담아 너의 모든 걸
말없이 바라만 봐도 떨리는 이런 기분을
아름다운 이 순간에 빛나는 너와 나 우리
I’m still in love with you 닿지 않던 시간도
I’m still the one for you 언제나 너 인걸
곁에서 널 비추고 싶어
떠나지 않는 별처럼
I’m still in love with you
너만 보여
어둠이 내려와도 괜찮아
너와 함께 있을 때 온전히 내가 되니까
I’m still in love with you 더 사랑한다고 말해
흔한 말 일지라도 이게 진심인걸
곁에서 널 비추고 싶어
떠나지 않는 별처럼
I’m still in love with you


모든 날을 너와 함께 할게 (I’ll Be With You Every Day)

사실은 그 모든 게 다 진심이었어
장난처럼 보였겠지만
너를 보고 있으면
괜스레 수줍어져서 그래
너만 자꾸 바라보는 나인데
내 곁에 남아
꽃을 피워줘
난 그거면 돼
너 하나면 돼
모든 날을 너와 함께 할게
내 마음속엔 오직 너 하나뿐인 걸
문득 널 바라보면
너무나 예뻐 보여서
말없이 널 안고 싶어져
너를 향한 마음이
조금씩 커져갈수록 나는
네게 더 다가가고 싶은데
내 곁에 남아
꽃을 피워줘
난 그거면 돼
너 하나면 돼
모든 날을 너와 함께 할게
내 마음속엔 오직 너 하나뿐인 걸
너의 맘속에 들어가
너의 맘을 알고 싶어져
너도 내 마음과 같을까
내 곁에 남아
꽃을 피워줘
난 그거면 돼
너 하나면 돼
처음 그때처럼
내 마음속에 오래도록 있어주길
오늘도 네 생각에 잠들어


다시 만나는 날에 (Again)

가지말란 말에도
떠나야만 했던 그 때의
나를 기억하니
우리의 아픈 사랑을
어떻게든 견뎌야했고
어떻게든 잊어보려
아무리 애써도
아직도 난 그 기억 속에
널 그리워하며 살아
널 다시 만나는 날에
꼭 해주고 싶던 그 말
하루도 멈추지 않고
너를 사랑했다고
언젠가 네 안에
나의 기억이 사라지고
귓가에 맴돌던
목소리도 희미해지면
이 노래에 난 있을거야
널 다시 만나는 날에
하고 싶었던 그 말
하루도 멈추지 않고
너에게로 왔다고
다시 너에게로
다시 만나는 날에


A Costa Concordia balladája

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Régen szerettem a reggeleket
Túléltem még egy éjszakát
Átsétáltam a kerten reggelizni
A virágok nyújtózkodtak a napfényben
Most felébredek reggelnte
És minden jóság kimerült belőlem
Órákon át csak rángatózok
És próbálom visszaszerezni valamifajta békét
Bárcsak fenn tudnám tartani a haragomat
Érezném ahogy egyre erősödik
Kiéleződik egy pontba és lefejti bőrömet
Lerázza bűneim súlyát
És felvisz a Mennybe
Minden este fennmaradok
Valami tiltakozás képpen
De ha senki sem mondja, hogy gyere az ágyba
Nincs igazán verseny
Talán azt hiszed
Tanulok majd a hibáimból
De ezúttal
Csak tönkre fog tenni
Bárcsak fenn tudnám tartani a haragomat
Érezném ahogy egyre erősödik
Kiéleződik egy pontba és lefejti bőrömet
Lerázza bűneim súlyát
És felvisz a Mennybe
És ha végleg elveszítettelek
Lehetett volna máshogy?
Éveken át telt be a pohár
Vagy egy nap alatt rontottam el?
Most megyek és lefekszem
Belesüppedtem a bánatomba
És háromszáz millió dollárba fog kerülni
Hogy felébresszenek holnap
Nem fogok ezzel szarsággal eltűnni
Fel fogom tenni a kezeimet és megadom magamat
Nem lesz több zászló az ajtóm fölött
Vesztettem, és mindig el leszek veszve
Drága hiba volt
Drága hiba volt
A lovam eltörte a hátát, hogy idehozzon
Ok nélkül van a vére a kezeimen
De mit kellett volna tennem?
Honnan kellett volna tudnom hogyan kell csöves erősítőt használni?
Honnan kellett volna tudnom hogyan kell teherautót vezetni?
Honnan kellett volna tudnom hogyan biciklizzek, anélkül, hogy megsérülnék?
Honnan kellett volna tudnom hogyan kell vacsorát főzni?
Honnan kellett volna tudnom hogyan maradjak alkalmazott?
Hogyan kellett volna emlékeznem, hogy felkapjam a hátizsákomat miután letettem, hogy kosarazzak?
Honnan kellett volna tudnom hogyan ne rúgjak be minden
Csütörtökön, pénteken, szombaton, és miert is ne vasárnap?
Honnan kellett volna tudnom hogyan kormányozzam ezt a hajót?
Hogy a pokolba kellett volna kormányoznom ezt a hajót?
Drága hiba volt
Nem mondhatod azt, hogy sajnálod és kész
Olyan testet kaptam, ami esik szét
A házam is esik szét
És olyan elmét kaptam, ami nem tudja irányítani magát
És olyan hajót kaptam, ami nem tudja kormányozni magát
És mi van ezzel a fájdalommal?
És mi van egy nyaralásról?
És mi van egy nyaralásról, hogy jól érezzem magam?
A lovam eltörte a hátát és itt hagyott
Honnan kellett volna tudnom?
És Isten nem fog megbocsátani nekem
És te sem fogsz megbocsátani nekem
Amíg meg nem nyitom a szívem
És azt mégis hogyan kéne megtennem
Amikor minden este ugyanebbe a szobába megyek
És ugyanabban az ágyban alszok minden este?
Ugyanaz a kibaszott ágy
Piros paplan a fehér csíkokkal
És a sárga mennyezeti lámpa, amitől olyan mintha haldokolnék
Ez a tenger túl ismerős
Hány éjszaka fulladtam meg itt?
Hányszor fulladtam meg?
Had vigyünk vissza ahol megjelentünk
Egyesülve voltunk, egy osztatlan nemzet
Fel lettünk osztva, valami miatt bennünk
Nem mi voltunk
Olyan naívak voltunk, mint az állatok
Megmondva miben higgyünk, a bestiák által akik átvették az irányítást
Mi is irányítani akartunk, de ez normális volt
Mert az életünk túlélés volt
A döntések amiket hoztunk, ha azt döntésnek lehet hívni
Az életeddel a küszöbön, szociális öngyilkosság lenne mást gondolni
Ezért dühösek lettünk és fellázadtunk
Most minden ingyen töltünk le
Ez az új gazdaság, nincs mit felajánlanunk és szemeten alszunk
Had vigyünk vissza, ahol megjelentél
Egy ember kapaszkodik a revelációba
Annyire félt, hogy mit fog találni, hogy sírni kezdte
'Nem én voltam'
Megállították a határon, elvettek az álcáját
Szóval olvasott egy Pulitzer díjas könyvet
A halálról
Nem segített,
Mert saját magát látta benne
És zavarta a végkifejlet
De nem tudta mi volt az, mert az író is halott volt
És hiába gúnyolt ki minket, hisz most már egy közülünk
És remegve felébredsz
Egy álomból, ahol elúsztam a folyón
Odanyúlok és átölellek
Szeretlek, szeretlek, szeretlek


Touch Me

Some kind of magic in your eyes
Tells me it’s not time to say goodbye
like a call of paradise
It dress my heart why do you stay so shy,
He knows that loving feeling, it make us hit the cealing,
Let your hearts beat silent words of love
So come on boy and touch me
Take me in your arms and hold me
So come on boy and touch me,
Give a little love and feel me
My love for you is true,
I can´t get through
If i can have you by my side
Whatever happens to
this is the night, our night
Close your eyes and so we’ll lie
Hold me tight and share a dream with me
keeping closer do my fire,
Things are different from what they seem to be
You know that loving feeling, that makes us hit the cealing,
Let your hearts beat silent words of love



Would you ever believe
that a fire is set each time I try to sleep
With all the beautiful friends
that you always depend to stay in the light of fame
They want you there to save a life
But only if you’re dressed in what they like
You sin for fun and fall away
You’re just a pawn
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
So hold your razor wide
And swing it to the skies
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
Do what you need to stay alive
It happens every day
And its still fascinating
How after all this time
That anyone would want this life
Devoid of anything resembling light
You sin for fun and go away
You’re just a pawn
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
So hold your razor wide
And swing it to the skies
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
Do what you need to stay alive
When the world feels like an empty pit
And demons rise around you
Have your vengeance
Find your salvation
Tear down
To seek revenge
In hell we end
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
So hold your razor wide
And swing it to the skies
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
Every one of us are Bleeders
Every one of us are Bleeders
So hold your razor wide
And swing it to the skies
Aren’t you lucky you’re a bleeder
Do what you need to stay alive


Kot Kot

Hukun tähän kuplivaan
Muut meni, minä jäin kuppilaan
Täällä mä oon
Mä ja Céline Dion
Fiksut on lähteny nukkumaan
Mut on tuomittu juhlimaan
Täällä mä oon
En haluu tanssia hitait
Haluun jatkot
kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot…
Pliis munikaa ne jatkot
kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot…
Missä hitos mun ukot, kot, kot
Koht rupee pot, pot, potuttaa
Pelottaa ettei jatko planit ehkä osukkaa
Kuumottaa tosissaa, osote ois saatava
Ku poket taas jo hoputtaa
Siis vastatkaa nyt saatana!
(Numeroon ei juuri nyt saada yhteyttä)
Miten nii ei tänääkää, oo kellää aikaa hengata?
Pilkku lyö ku liekit vasten yksinäisen kasvoja
Tää klubi on yht tyhjä ku sen katsoja
Hukun tähän kuplivaan
Muut meni, minä jäin kuppilaan
Täällä mä oon
Mä ja Céline Dion
Fiksut on lähteny nukkumaan
Mut on tuomittu juhlimaan
Täällä mä oon
En haluu tanssia hitait
Haluun jatkot
kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot…
Pliis munikaa ne jatkot
kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot…
Missä hitos mun ukot kot, kot
Koht en haluu ko- ko- kottiin
Kuinka siit on nii vaikee ottaa koppii
Ne nokkii, naputtaa
Sanoo “ala laputtaa”
Ja koittaa ulos taluttaa
Taas tartun kapulaan
(The number you have dialled cannot be reached)
Koton ei oo ketään, eikä ketään kelle tekstata
Pilkku lyö ku liekit vasten yksinäisen kasvoja
Tää klubi on yht tyhjä ku sen katsoja
Hukun tähän kuplivaan
Muut meni, minä jäin kuppilaan
Täällä mä oon
Mä ja Céline Dion
Fiksut on lähteny nukkumaan
Mut on tuomittu juhlimaan
Täällä mä oon
Mä ja Céline Dion
(Kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot..)
Täällä mä oon
Mä ja Céline Dion
(Kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot, kot…)
Täällä mä oon
En haluu tanssia hitait



희미해진 달빛이
가늘게 깔린 거리
기댈 틈조차
찾기 힘들던 시간이
푸른 봄이 오듯이
영원할 듯한 밤도
흐를 테니 괜찮아
I wish you could hear my lullaby
매일 밤 빛이 들기 전까진
멈춰진 시간 같지
Don’t worry
잠깐 쉬어도 돼
이 어둔 밤엔
Close your eyes with my lullaby
Hope you heard
눈을 뜨면 까마득하던 기억이
거짓말처럼 제자릴 찾을 테니
참아왔던 한숨이
터져버린 새벽이 찾아와도
다 괜찮아
I wish you could hear my lullaby
매일 밤 빛이 들기 전까진
멈춰진 시간 같지
Don’t worry
잠깐 쉬어도 돼
이 어둔 밤엔
Close your eyes with my lullaby
Hope you heard
눈을 뜨면 까마득하던 기억이
거짓말처럼 제자릴 찾을 테니
잠에서 깨면
눈앞엔 꼭 예전처럼
함께일 테니까
푸른 봄이 오듯이
영원할 듯한 밤도
흐를 테니
Oh please
I wish you could hear my lullaby


예뻐 보여 (So beautiful)

한두 번씩 순간을
함께 한 연인들처럼
바라만 봐도 설레이는 걸요
더 선명히 떠오르다
퍼지는 물감처럼
참 예쁘게
너로 물들어가
이 맘은 바람 되어
서로가 닿길 바라죠
마냥 웃던 우리가
보고 싶단 말야
점 하나
찍어도 어색한
하얀 백지처럼
좀 서툴더라도
그게 좋단 말야
서로 다투더라도
가벼운 농담에
애써 참다 피식하던 네가
아름다워 보여
너무 예뻐 보여
그게 좋단 말야
흔한 인사마저
내 걸음 사이 스며 들어와
살랑이던 머릿결은
달콤한 향이 돼 찾아와
마냥 웃던 우리가
보고 싶단 말야
점 하나
찍어도 어색한
하얀 백지처럼
좀 서툴더라도
그게 좋단 말야
서로 다투더라도
가벼운 농담에
애써 참다 피식하던 네가
아름다워 보여
너무 예뻐 보여
그게 좋단 말야
하얀 백지처럼
좀 서툴더라도
그게 좋단 말야
서로 다투더라도
가벼운 농담에
애써 참다 피식하던 네가
아름다워 보여
너무 예뻐 보여
그게 좋단 말야


Get Them All

(Pokémon! Get them all!)
Only you and I
It is my destiny, my mission.
You are my loyal friend
We must defend ourselves!
(Pokémon! Get them all!)
Get them all, yeah!
We will be better at the end
I'll teach you and you teach me
Get them all!



Hey, old man, I’m back more pissed than before
You saw me below, looking at me falling from above
But God gave to anyone his place
And your place is under there down
Two irons aren’t enough for me
I go around with two niggas and a BlackBerry
A Daytona in the wrist and ice on the neck
I’ve never had a wallet
Now I buy everything I want
Thanks to the jealousy, thanks to your hate
Better be shut than be in prison
Better maranza from Home or from Fès
All these rappers trash they flex cash
Coco Chanel, Béni Mellal’s coco, I was a Bouzebal
Do you want war, chico? I’m not like these rappers, trust me
What I’ve done, chico, I don’t write, I say a part of me
I start at three hundred per hour, bro, with five bandits on a Cayenne
Do you want war, chico?Take all your friends, all your gang, gang
You don’t know Baby Gang, Gang, I only talk with a gun, gun
I made myself alone, son of a bitch, let’s solve it head to head (Head to head)
Come to you, don’t challenge me, man, don’t mind me
I’m a bit sick, problematic and a bit out of mind
Do you want war, chico? I’m not like these rappers, trust me (Brrah)
What I’ve done, chico, I don’t write, I say a part of me (Pow)
I start at three hundred per hour, bro, with five bandits on a Cayenne (Gang)
Do you want war, chico?Take all your friends, all your gang, gang (Gang, gang, gang, gang)
Number one, not two, not three, not four
Not five, not six, not seven, fuck the beat
Motherfucker, what the fuck? Nik l’7la, I smoke shit
I’m clean, motherfucker, I’m from Arab, ah
You are finished, you fake, shut up, you’re a gringo
You’re a fucking baby, you’re a bad baby, ueh, ueh, ueh
I still have the Rivo in my active blood
I don’t know neither what I write, I don’t know neither what I say, ueh, ueh
I don’t know neither what I say, nor what I do
But I don’t ask for help, I know that I make do
For what I lived, I went through a lot
From selling at the corner to Montecarlo
And I always did what the fuck I wanted
I don’t give a fuck, you’re stupid
I’ve got a dark past and I don’t deny it
I’m with the real niggas, a real nigga
I’ve got a warrant, I don’t talk anymore to the police
Have you ever seen – becoming moolah?
Have you ever seen – first typing?
Never seen a maranza without his tracksuit
O son of a bitch, son of a bitch
It’s been ten years that Baby spits on you
In the ass, he fucks you, you don’t make me scared
Calze with 7alluma, and I go around f l’7ouma, Baby Gang
Do you want war, chico? I’m not like these rappers, trust me
What I’ve done, chico, I don’t write, I say a part of me
I start at three hundred per hour, bro, with five bandits on a Cayenne
Do you want war, chico? Take all your friends, all your gang, gang
Higashi has the power


Evening Calm Correspondence

If the white coupé slices through the ocean's roar,
the horizon wanes, just like that day in Chigasaki.
Though the board carrier's been removed,
your smile won't return

Uni Duni Tê

I wanted to know from my guiding star
Where my was enchanted dream
Fairy godmother, magic wand
Thats my heart daydreaming
It will take us to a magic world
Where the imagination will get in the dance
And when the light of love come
I just really want play around, the best thing is being a child
Trem da Alegria:
Uni duni duni tê, ô ô ô ô
Salamê minguê, ô ô ô ô
Sorvete colorê[1]
Enchanted dream where are you?
Uni duni duni tê, ô ô ô ô
Salamê minguê, ô ô ô ô
Sorvete colorê
Enchanted dream where are you?
The carriage will continue its journey
And the Trem da Alegria will ask for a ticket
To the direction of the love that I need
To my paradise, gorgeous landscape
The Fevers:
It will take us to a magic world
Where the imagination will get in the dance
And when the light of love come
I just really want play around, I just want to be a child
Trem da Alegria & The Fevers:
Uni duni duni tê, ô ô ô ô
Salamê minguê, ô ô ô ô
Sorvete colorê[1]
Enchanted dream where are you?
Uni duni duni tê, ô ô ô ô
Salamê minguê, ô ô ô ô
Sorvete colorê
Enchanted dream where are you?
I wanted to know from my guiding star
Where my was enchanted dream
Fairy godmother, magic wand
Thats my heart daydreaming
The Fevers:
It will take us to a magic world
Where the imagination will get in the dance
And when the light of love come
I just really want play around, the best thing is being a child
Trem da Alegria & The Fevers:
Uni duni duni tê, ô ô ô ô
Salamê minguê, ô ô ô ô
Sorvete colorê[1]
Enchanted dream, where are you?
Uni duni duni tê, ô ô ô ô
Salamê minguê, ô ô ô ô
Sorvete colorê
Enchanted dream, where are you?
  • All this three verses, it's a part of a children's counting-out rhyme, similar to 'Eeny, meeny, miny'.


The Most Hard-Working Extinguisher

The ladies next door were heating up the sauna on Saturday eve
But they haven't invited me there yet
I want to sing about this occurrence to you now
Such a shame that you haven't invited me to sing yet
The ladies next door were heating up the sauna for a bit too long
The stove was too hot, didn't I tell them
Now I'm sitting here alone at the table without my neighbours
In memory of the ladies, I raise a glass
I was taking a peek from the hillock, spying on the daughter
And fixating my eyes on her waist as she walked to the well
Flat on my stomach between blueberries and the Moon was shining on the back of my head
As the neighbour's sauna walls finally caught fire
Yeah yeah, yes it was, yeah yeah
The burning smell of human flesh
Quite a high flame from a sulphur match is crackling the corrugated roofing tiles
The smoke detector in the ceiling has melted, it didn't have new batteries installed
Now the spruce hedge on the edge of the lot has turned into a firecracker as well
Yeah yeah, yes it was, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yes it was, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yes it was, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah, yes it was, yeah yeah
If I can't get that happiness, then nobody will
The scene of the accident happened to be swallowed by a justified flame
They were luring me in, doing the smoke sauna twerk1
So I went to protect them from any nearby perverts
If I can't get happiness, then nobody will
The fire was writhing like a laser over a discoteque
The food truck2 that arrived at noon again brought the townsfolk together
The news about the charred remains of the sauna was stroking my goosebumps
The ladies next door were heating up the sauna on Saturday eve
But they haven't invited me there yet
I want to sing about this occurrence to you now
Such a shame that you haven't invited me to sing yet
The ladies next door were heating up the sauna for a bit too long
The stove was too hot, didn't I tell them
Now I'm sitting here alone at the table without my neighbours
In memory of the ladies, I raise a glass


Do What The Hell You Want!

Do what the hell you want!
You ungrateful traitor!
I've never seen an actor like you in all my born days!
How heartless you are though!
How could you live like this?
I'm so tired of lies, you're so shameless
I'm so sorry for all the years I lost
Because I resisted what happened to my heart,
My flowers withered, my gardens dried up!
Oh I swear you could be the devil's teacher!*
You cheated on me
With courage and cold blood
You extinguished our love's fire
You changed our love to another
You didn't even pity,
Whenever you say it,
When you said I love you,
There was always a trick in your words!


Rented Feelings

All the feelings are rented
All the truths were invented
They won't show that they're empty
A skill admired by plenty
Every day, it's just restarting
Everyone is just reloading
Fakes don't work, it never passes
Too bad you're one of the masses
All the feelings are rented
All the truths were invented
They won't show that they're empty
A skill admired by plenty
Every day, it's just restarting
Everyone is just reloading
Fakes don't work, it never passes
Too bad you're one of the masses
It's a shame I'm buying these feelings with a subscription
Shouldn't I stop it now before it becomes an addiction?
I did not forget how quickly you relied on me
Profiting from these feelings, your acting is the key
It won't always hurt you, it's not a big deal
It doesn't matter how big your wound is, it will heal
Is it my fault that you are not around? That's not true
Sorry, I'm afraid I have to say goodbye to you
All the feelings are rented
All the truths were invented
They won't show that they're empty
A skill admired by plenty
Every day, it's just restarting
Everyone is just reloading
Fakes don't work, it never passes
Too bad you're one of the masses
All the feelings are rented
All the truths were invented
They won't show that they're empty
A skill admired by plenty
Every day, it's just restarting
Everyone is just reloading
Fakes don't work, it never passes
Too bad you're one of the masses


What we once dreamt of

I know that we
Should've been in a different place
(I know, I know)
I've got the feeling that
Nothing's quite like it should be
In the middle of all we've had to
We forgot what we should've
It's just because
We just follow the tone
A nice melody
But then we lose faith in
In what we once dreamt of
I know that we
Should've been in a different place
(I know, I know)
But it's so insanely easy to say
When will we manage
To just let go of it all and not
Look back
It wasn't the plan
To stay behind in my own shadow
But damn how tempting it is
This isn't where I want to stay
Don't want to follow the tone
Give me a new melody
Where we still believe in
In what we once dreamt of
I know that we
Should've been in a different place
(I know, I know)
But it's so insanely easy to say
When will we manage
To just let go of it all and not
Look back
Do you think we'll manage sometime?
We said we'll always manage
What we once dreamt of
I know that we
Should've been in a different place
(I know, I know)
But it's so insanely easy to say
When will we manage
To just let go of it all and not
Look back (x2)


The friendly face of the world

Welcome to the jungle.
May a happy childhood
keeps your sanity alive.
I confess I am terrified
by the fact that you are part of the adventure.
They will make you laugh, you will be happy,
and they will make you suffer.
May you have innocence left
to sweeten your steps
and use your intuition
so as not to make the shots fatal.
May you love yourself as you are
and they will love you too
with your imperfections,
May we know how to show you
the friendly face of the world,
and embrace you between cotton wool
every night a deep sleep.
You know well that I will protect you,
but you will just have to learn
to fall and understand
that in life we all seek to love
and let ourselves be loved.
Always water your roots,
you will be sure about where you want to go,
if you know where you started from.
Don't compete, don't envy,
it is not necessary to win gold.
Be good people,
do what you feel,
and offer your shoulder.
May you never belong to anyone,
nor do you possess anyone,
and take care of people with tenderness,
the same way
that you want to be treated.
May your memory not be fragile,
your scars are
beautiful teachings
of beatings and victories.
May we know how to show you
the friendly face of the world,
and embrace you between cotton wool
every night a deep sleep.
You know well that I will protect you,
but you will just have to learn
to fall and understand
that in life we all seek to love
and let ourselves be loved.
May you never forget
that always, always
we are on time,
that despite the errors
you will be able to start from scratch,
may you value every moment,
and fall in love even with the wind,
and say frequently
'Thank you', 'I love you', 'I'm sorry',
and sing out of tune,
and dance even if you don't know,
and lean on your tribe,
and do not fall into laziness,
may your tears be
like a torrent of fresh water
that cleanse your noble soul,
and know that the stars
are eyes that remind us
that you will never be alone,
despite the greed,
despite all the hate.
You will never be alone,
trust despite everything,
trust despite everything,
trust despite everything.


From Behind the Veil of Wrath

your house catches on fire
flames rise
against the night sky
In our hearts lay
the wrath to smolder
cruel whiteness
to inspire our souls
On the night of blood
the forest is overflowing with wrath
death on the ground
woods full of demise
And to that moment
doesn't fit even a root of mercy!
When the night is darkest
praise the Death!
From the shadow of secrets
raise your rusty sword
from behind the forgotten veil
black wings with it
in your altars glow
the sacred fire burns
When the night is darkest
praise the Death!
Sacred fire burns in your altars glow!



Take care of the one who gave us the life
while the flower withers.
I remove the wounded earth,
from its seed I am reborn.
Take care of the one who gave us the life
ash that becomes a flower.
May your word resonate
through the cracks of my voice.
Everything is narrated by the wrinkle,
I feel your breath.
She walks soft, slow, deep,
enters in the room.
A pretty woman,
kind, loving,
long gray hair,
white dress, blue look.
Your breasts were mountains,
six rivers of your loins,
ninety hard winters
your strong stem could do everything.
A petal hangs on the rose,
the force of a hurricane.
The beautiful woman blows out the candle,
now you can go in peace.
Take care of the one who gave us the life
while the flower withers.
I remove the wounded earth,
from its seed I am reborn.
Take care of the one who gave us the life
ash that becomes a flower.
May your word resonate
through the cracks of my voice.
Ash that becomes a flower,
from its seed I am reborn.
Ash that becomes a flower,
from its seed I am reborn.
The fairies with white wings
give your dignity back,
my hand supports your back
until I stop hearing ticking.
Your skin is now wax,
and your little face of an elf.
The sheet that wraps
your naked girl who is already falling asleep.
You wake up to the melody,
the one that you taught me:
'Keep the family together.'
I know I loved you, I know you loved me.
I know I loved you, I know you loved me.
I know I loved you, I know you loved me.
Take care of the one who gave us the life
while the flower withers.
I remove the wounded earth,
from its seed I am reborn.
Take care of the one who gave us the life
ash that becomes a flower.
May your word resonate
through the cracks of my voice.
Take care of the one who gave us the life
while the flower withers.
I remove the wounded earth,
from its seed I am reborn.
Take care of the one who gave us the life
ash that becomes a flower.
May your word resonate
through the cracks of my voice.
Ash that becomes a flower,
from its seed I am reborn.
Ash that becomes a flower,
from its seed I am reborn.
'As I was one morning
sad and tearful
looking at the sea
I met a mulatto woman
who was showing me her apron...'
('Now you can leave in peace...')



[Verse] The mind's a construction site, highway's jammed
Didn't ask God for signs, scared they'd show up
I didn't leave, don't be afraid, did I scare you?
Here I am again, punctual with shitty jokes
Sometimes I laugh at myself 'cause my name is Teofil
Do you want me dead? Are you a necrophiliac?
Look at me, I'm a shameless one in evolution
That's why I find a question for your solution
I don't have many expectations, I'm one in a thousand
Who sees that humor's dead and comedy's alive
What the hell can these people teach us, bro?
Some circles of professors with square heads
All the posh people should be buried alive
Maybe the wind will slap you in the face and put it back the way it should be
Sometimes I argue with time and wait for it to pass
And the whole thing is that everyone leaves when they come to me
I think I should get off the bridge
I've made so many connections that I've come to a knot
Maybe one day I'll regret all the drinking
Welcome to the future, I'm the past
I appear like a bee and disappear like Potter
You're so beautiful, how much is the rent in Foster's house?
Great character, maximum of two neurons
Please, be careful not to swallow your balls
I only drink Cotnari, but I talk about Moët
And if I complimented you, directly Ctrl + Z
Everyone wears their mask in the big masquerade
If I could hear thoughts, it would be a macabre silence


To hell

[Verse 1: Sesu] Do you wanna enter my mind? Enter at your own risk
To be kidnapped by three dwarves and an executioner with a saw
I live a Romanian life trying to fuck the system
'Cause even therapy can't save Romania anymore
I entered detox, born with a stainless steel spoon
I want a Playboy calendar Orthodox Christian
I wish to sleep when I enter PrimeTime
I wish I could play Solitaire online
In our country of the blind, the one-eyed man is lame
What doesn't kill you takes you to a psychologist
You end up dead 'cause you fill yourself with kilos
You don't have shitty days 'cause you are a dipshit with days
Life takes a left, a right, dizzy on skates
Just like a giraffe who's afraid of heights
I don't have a direction I can call straight
I wander through the country looking for the perfect moonshine
[Chorus: Sesu] Look how we play theater, actors in a massacre
You get rid of one fool and another one comes, and the devil is taken to hell
Raise your hands in the air so you don't keep them down
Since the world began, the fool is attracted to the fool
The world spins, and here we go after it
I'll take a break this time, I'm already dizzy
[Verse 2: Codrin] All the epileptic bitches, please hands in the air
After I drop this verse, give me fire emojis
So they don't see us in Vegas, maybe we'll break the slot machines
So they don't see us, they're vegans, I'll turn you all into sausages
Play some hip-hop, it won't suit all of you, you don't know what's up
Don't drink with me, or you'll suck your liver with a straw (Huh?)
I abstain, talk bullshit, seven hundred, you end up in the morgue
When I put four verses together, it's called a catastrophe
Academic concerns for when I'm older
For now, it's a terrace, two beers, and a cigarette
I'm still to blame, but I don't know what the hell you keep seeing
That little one here fucks with a pack of cheese puffs
I take a shot after shot, four thousand curse words
My verse is like an onion, you cry, but still make connections
My stocks are broken by alcohol, come on, prayers
I preached from above for you to study my inactions
Gosh, how bad he spoke, the word spoke with fuck
[Chorus: Sesu] Look how we play theater, actors in a massacre
You get rid of one fool and another one comes, and the devil is taken to hell
Raise your hands in the air so you don't keep them down
Since the world began, the fool is attracted to the fool
The world spins, and here we go after it
I'll take a break this time, I'm already dizzy
[Verse 3: Sesu] I went high with rap, but it didn't really work out (Nope)
I feel more alive now that I'm dead (Yeah)
I'm drinking spritz to be able to say I'm coming on the beat
You'd like to come in, but the door says 'exit'
God doesn't walk around here 'cause we don't have highways
And the whores gather like chickens in the yard
Change yourself if you want to see any change
I run away with the answer, looking for a question
Guess who's back and fell out of bed
No one came back 'cause Sesu is still beating
I anticipated that I'd fuck you up
And now you're upset 'cause I don't remember what we talked about
A PSD priest is a dipshit in fasting
Crossing Dragnea with Dăncilă would make a stupid thief
I make a BeatBox, you make me a BeatBot
I heard you wish me harm, so take it all then
[Chorus: Sesu] Look how we play theater, actors in a massacre
You get rid of one fool and another one comes, and the devil is taken to hell
Raise your hands in the air so you don't keep them down
Since the world began, the fool is attracted to the fool
The world spins, and here we go after it
I'll take a break this time, I'm already dizzy


I said something

[Chorus: Lexi Cali] I said something, I said something, what I promised, I always did
In this wordless world, I'll remain as I am
I said something, I said something (What should I do?), what I promised, I always did
In this wordless world, I'll remain as I am
[Verse 1: Caddillac] (This year, this year) This year is new (This year is new), old problems (Old problems)
Empty words reach the ears (Do they still reach?)
Carried by the wind (Carried by the wind), they come as an oath (They come as an oath)
From the mouths of those without words (Without words)
They want shows and parades, medals and ranks (Medals and ranks)
But they have no substance, only facades (Only facades)
And money doesn't straighten them out (No, no, no)
Money only reveals the truth (Look at them, look at them)
The situation is bad, it's almost like a disease, keep your ears away from them
All sorts of unassuming people, one time they're wolves, another time they're lambs
We don't have immortality, it wasn't meant to be (It wasn't meant to be)
But what we leave behind us can last an eternity
[Chorus: Lexi Cali] I said something, I said something, what I promised, I always did
In this wordless world, I'll remain as I am
I said something, I said something (What should I do?), what I promised, I always did
In this wordless world, I'll remain as I am
[Verse 2: Uzzi] With everything I hold (It's not about praise), I'm an elephant
In any room (In any room), I'm not from the fauna
I have a covenant, they don't understand much (Aha), they think you want to take what isn't
What do I want from what you have, brother? You are here because of me
And I never want what I don't deserve (You didn't understand), mine is fair
For eyes that know how to see life principles that stand as proof
In a Romania without pride, leaders who are only about theft (Soul sold)
Without honor, with money that doesn't give value
Adapted, but unchanged, a word given is given
When you don't change terms in secret, let's clarify a fact
People like me are ahead anyway
We came naked and we even leave dressed, yeah
[Chorus: Lexi Cali] I said something, I said something, what I promised, I always did
In this wordless world, I'll remain as I am
I said something, I said something (What should I do?), what I promised, I always did
In this wordless world, I'll remain as I am
[Verse 3: Tata Vlad] We're not the same, we're not the same (We won't be the same)
Most people think dignity is in the wallet (Like in a brothel)
Their words no longer carry weight (Th-th-th-they're spineless)
Zero point, zero loyalty (Yo, brother)
(Two, four) Many things are theater (Two, four), kittens pretend to be lions
(Two, four) Their stomach burns (Two, four), honor costs next to nothing
(Two, four) Scoundrels sell stars (Two, four), everyone looks for gods
In '24, role models? Still us, we remain the same (The same)
Maybe it's a gift, maybe it's a curse (Cross, Lord)
Keeping promises is an extreme sport (It's not a minimum requirement)
Keeping promises is not trendy (We're against the current)
In our case, the mirror reflects people who truly respect themselves
[Chorus: Lexi Cali] I said something, I said something, what I promised, I always did
In this wordless world, I'll remain as I am
I said something, I said something, what I promised, I always did
In this wordless world, I'll remain as I am



I feel happy by your side
and I love the warmth
and the sweet passion
of your lips

When we were fighting in a war

When we were fighting in a war,
When we were fighting in a war,
Each thought of the loved ones from before
And I could also do the same,
And I could also do the same,
As from my pipe a blue smoke came
But I had nothing to that end,
But I had nothing to that end,
And only puffed at pipe with bitter Turkish blend
As you would lie me from the start,
As you would lie me from the start,
That someone else had got your loving heart
Await I only a bullet-true,
Await I only a bullet-true,
To quench my sadness and stop the enmity between us two
When we go fighting in a war,
When we go fighting in a war,
I'll rush my horse to meet the bullets at the fore
When we go fighting in a war,
When we go fighting in a war,
When we go fighting in a war,
When we go fighting in a war...


I Won't Tell Anyone

I look back on all of the meetings and partings
And think
Instead of being alone all my life,
I'd rather get hurt permanently
It's no fun if I can't think like that, is it?
Rather than learning from the past
I want to get close to you
I won't tell anyone about tonight
I won’t tell my friends
‘Cause I know they’re gonna worry
I won’t blame anyone else
For what happens to me
I'll take off my perfect facade with my wristwatch
And put them beside the bed
Instead of being alone all my life,
I'd rather get hurt permanently
Thinking like that is just me being selfish
Instead of reflecting on my sins
I want you to teach me
I won't tell anyone about tonight
Instead of running away from tomorrow
I'd rather be trapped in the present
There's nothing sexy about taking detours, is there?
I won’t tell my friends
‘Cause I know they’re gonna worry
I won’t blame anyone else
For what happens to me
Can you satisfy me
Boy you know what I need
I just want your body
I just want your body
I walked the one-way street lit by the moon
While humming a song I love
You have to feel things you don't want to feel, too
Or else you won't be able to feel anything anymore


I hope you don't come back

I felt soulless when you left
You left a void inside me that nothing can heal it
You don't know the damage you did to me
You failed me
I hope that what you're looking for
Is worth more than what you lose
I hope you're happy now without me
I hope you find a love
I hope they love you like I do
And I hope you don't suffer
Give me a minute to talk about it
My purpose was never to hurt your heart
I hope they don't do to you what you did to me
I hope they don't lie to you and play with your heart
I hope you find what you didn't find in me
I hope you fall in love with someone who appreciates you
I hope you're okay without me
And I hope that life can find you
That person you're trying to find
Because everything I've offered you hasn't been useful to me
I hope that very soon your memories will be nothing
I hope I can forget you
I hope I can get away
From all this torment that won't leave me alone
I hope you finally find what you're looking for
I am a love that is real and not just for a moment
If you were in my place
You'd understand that my heart can't take it anymore
I hope they don't lie to you and play with your heart
I hope they don't do to you what you did to me
I hope you find what you didn't find in me
I hope you fall in love with someone who appreciates you
I hope you're okay without me
Princess before I say bye
All I ask of fate is that she finds you someone special
Someone to show you understanding
Someone who can understand you
Cause I'm too stupid to love
I realized it too late
I know that because of me you left
I know I made you shed a lot of tears
Love, let me say the last word
I'll miss you even if you leave
I hope you're happy now without me
I hope you find a love
I hope they love you like I do
And I hope they don't make you suffer
I hope they don't do to you what you did to me.
I hope they don't lie to you and play with your heart
I hope you find what you didn't find in me
I hope you fall in love with someone who appreciates you
I hope you're okay without me


Mr. Judge

I once watched a balcony with no light,
I climbed to it along a pipe,
Just wanted to check the state of the lamp -
Suddenly who appears? the police.
Mr. Judge! Mr. Judge!
This is the truth and only the truth.
So why do you send me into a prison?
I'm not guilty, not guilty.
To a certain lady on the bus
I gave room out of politeness,
But because of overcrowd and suffocation -
I put my hand into her purse.
Mr. Judge!...
Once I met a tourist
Who wanted to invest here in something,
So I sold him a house which wasn't mine -
I didn't want him to leave with a negative attitude.
Mr. Judge!...
I had a horrible neighbor
Who didn't want to live with me in peace,
When I was chopping wood, suddenly the poor man came
To put his head under the axe.
Mr. Judge!...
Mr. Judge, don't be such a...
Why don't you trust a man?
Just not a prison, for God's sake -
I'm not guilty, not guilty.
Mr. Judge!...



You're standing motionless at the end, everything spilling over
All that's left after your sins is your true face, colorless and cynical
You keep wandering the forest of truth, cloaked in mist
On the other side of exhaustion, we found a beautiful shadow of things to come
There's a crescent moon dissolving in the exposed night sky
Fleeting and beautiful, a song of defeat
The ends of the world that we imagined in those days unfolds before your eyes
Everything is coming to an end now
Count back from the final night, tracing back all of the accumulated miscalculations
You can't go back, and it's too late for regrets, but let us go back into your memories
To those days when you traced with closed eyes the puzzles of an inescapable labyrinth
Let your tears flow until they're dry, morning will come again
Swaying in a daydream in empty time
The limits of your ideal that you imagined in those days will cover your eyes
Until your sins disappear
There's a crescent moon dissolving in the exposed night sky
Fleeting and beautiful, a song of defeat
The ends of the world that we imagined in those days unfolds before your eyes
Let your tears flow until they're dry, morning will come again
Swaying in a daydream in empty time
The limits of your ideal that you imagined in those days will cover your eyes
Until your sins disappear


My hells

May the paper be an escape for me,
the word, the rhythm and melody as a therapy


Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Minden, amit a fókuszban tudsz
Élj a pillanatnak
Nem kell megkérdőjelezned, hogy miért
Hallgasd a vírus hangját
Nem tagadhatod meg
Kelj fel és erősítsd fel
Mindent akarok
A vegyi anyag
A szer, amitől úgy érzem
Mintha sztereóban túladagolnám magam, és elveszíteném az irányítást a „létező” felett.
Nem tudom elhinni, hogy ez igazi
Egy az elme
Egy a lélek
Egyesülünk, hogy megírjuk a kódunkat
Így vérzik az üzeneted a hangon
Mert nem kell egyedül éreznünk magunkat
Indítsuk el ezt a tüzet
A szürke között
Hipnotikus egységben
És a hangjegyek között
Átadjuk a gazdatestet
És energiává válunk
Több mint egyesek és nullák
Felülírva mindent, amit tudunk
Újradefiniálom az ismeretlent magamban
Melodikus túladagolás
Hallottam benned egy jelet
az árnyékból sikoltozva
Az érzelmek összefonódnak
Egy az elme
Egy a lélek
Egyesülünk, hogy megírjuk a kódunkat
Így vérzik az üzeneted a hangon
Mert nem kell egyedül éreznünk magunkat
Egy az elme
Egy a lélek
Egyesülünk, hogy megírjuk a kódunkat
Mert a remény társaságában nem kell egyedül éreznünk magunkat


Mi vagyunk a fény

Click to see the original lyrics (German)
[Verse 1] Nem akarsz egyedül lenni
Ebben a nagy, széles világban
Velem sosem vagy egyedül
Elhagyjuk a múltat
Egy új időbe!
[Pre-Chorus] Elmerülünk az éjszakában és fénnyé válunk
A csillagok tengerében nem találnak ránk
[Chorus] Te és én az örökkévalóságban
Együtt a halálig
Senki sem állít meg minket
Mi vagyunk a fény a sötétségben
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában
Bevilágítjuk a világot
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában
[Verse 2] Az utunk a horizontig vezet
De az utunk nem ér véget
A jövő a csillagokban áll
A végtelenbe nyúlunk
Egy új korszakba!
[Bridge] A végtelenbe nyúlunk
Egy új korszakba!
A végtelenbe nyúlunk
Egy új korszakba!
[Chorus] Te és én az örökkévalóságban
Együtt a halálig
Senki sem állít meg minket
Mi vagyunk a fény a sötétségben
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában
Bevilágítjuk a világot
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában
Te és én az örökkévalóságban
Együtt a halálig
Senki sem állít meg minket
Mi vagyunk a fény a sötétségben
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában
Bevilágítjuk a világot
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában
[Bridge] Elmerülünk az éjszakában és fénnyé válunk
Elmerülünk az éjszakában és fénnyé válunk
[Chorus] Te és én az örökkévalóságban
Együtt a halálig
Senki sem állít meg minket
Mi vagyunk a fény a sötétségben
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában
Bevilágítjuk a világot
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában
Te és én az örökkévalóságban
Együtt a halálig
Senki sem állít meg minket
Mi vagyunk a fény a sötétségben
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában
Bevilágítjuk a világot
Mint egy csillag az éjszakában