Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 39

Találatok száma: 100942



Click to see the original lyrics (Korean)

Talán olyanok vagyunk, mint az északi- és déli-sark
A rutinunk, az ízlésünk, minden különbözik
Még mindig nem tudom, az ellentétek miért vonzzák egymást
Tényleg nem tudom felfogni
Érthetetlen számomra
A mindig kedves gesztusaid között
Megőrzöm a magabiztos hozzáállásomat
Hogy lehetünk ennyire különbözőek?
Mindenben egymás ellentétei vagyunk
Tökéletes ellentétek (Mi a baj?)

Hogy lehet
Hogy ennyire különbözünk
Mégis izgalmas az egész?

Nagyon különös
Oh egek, teljesen sokkolt
Erre nincs magyarázat
Miért ver olyan hevesen a szívem, amikor meglátlak?
Mint egy mágnes, a szívem, a szívem, a szívem hozzád húz
Igazán elképesztő
Oh egek, nem tudom
Bármiről legyen szó, nagyon különbözünk
De minden alkalommal, amikor meglátlak, a szívem nagyot dobban
Teljesen különböző, minden nap sokkol
De nem érdekel

Hűha oh hűha hűha hűha
Hűha oh hűha hűha hűha
Hűha oh hűha hűha hűha

A filmek, amiket szeretünk
A zene, amit hallgatunk
Még az MBTI típusaink is
Hogy lehet minden ennyire különböző?
Tökéletes ellentétek vagyunk
Minden nap sokkol
De azért szórakoztató, nem?
Vonz valami (tetszik)

Hogy lehet
Hogy ennyire különbözünk
Mégis izgalmas az egész? (Miért vagyok ennyire izgatott?)

Nagyon különös
Oh egek, teljesen sokkolt
Erre nincs magyarázat
Miért ver olyan hevesen a szívem, amikor meglátlak?
Mint egy mágnes, a szívem, a szívem, a szívem hozzád húz
Igazán elképesztő
Oh egek, nem tudom
Bármiről legyen szó, nagyon különbözünk
De minden alkalommal, amikor meglátlak, a szívem nagyot dobban
Teljesen különböző, minden nap sokkol
De nem érdekel

Hűha oh hűha hűha hűha
Hűha oh hűha hűha hűha
Hűha oh hűha hűha hűha
Hűha hűha

Én, aki mindig cinikus vagyok, nevetek
Te, akinek gyengéd a szíve, sírsz
Mit számít, hogy ellentétek vagyunk?
Sosem engedlek el

Nagyon különös
Oh egek, teljesen sokkolt
Erre nincs magyarázat
Miért ver olyan hevesen a szívem, amikor meglátlak?
Mint egy mágnes, a szívem, a szívem, a szívem hozzád húz
Igazán elképesztő
Oh egek, nem tudom
Bármiről legyen szó, nagyon különbözünk
De minden alkalommal, amikor meglátlak, a szívem nagyot dobban
Teljesen különböző, minden nap sokkol
De nem érdekel


Új nő

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Spanish)

Most kezdem
Ütöm, ütöm, meg akarom repeszteni ezt a falat
Ütöm, ütöm, visszhangozni akarok a termekben
Megállok, új arc, vadiúj nap
Uh, Lalisa, ROSALÍA

Magamba szívom, teljesen új
A gyökerénél
Kivirágzok, igen

Lilából arany
A fájdalom ismét jött és ment
Átsétáltam azon a tűzön
Ismét felfedezem

Kezdjük, mikor annyira jó vagyok
Ribi, jobb, ha kitérsz az utamból
Felpörgetem az ah-ah-ah-ah-aurámat
Az elmémre fókuszálok
Nem sietem el
Új nő vagyok, nő
Ribi, jobb, ha kitérsz az utamból
Felpörgetem az ah-ah-ah-ah-aurámat
Az elmémre fókuszálok
Nem sietem el
Új nő vagyok, nő

Arc, szemek, test, őrülj meg
Akarod ezt?
Új nő vagyok, nő
Szemek, nekem csak az elme számít
Akarod ezt?
Új nő vagyok, nő

(Uh uh mmh)
Kérkedhetek mindennel, ami vagyok
Nem azzal, amim van, azt mindig megkapom
És az energiáim kifogástalanok, kerülöm a feltűnést (már ki is estél)
Az éneklés az életem, nem azért éneklek, hogy éljek, tisztának születtem, igen
A jövőmben egyetlen időszak sem fog rosszul teljesíteni
Ribi, ROSALÍA vagyok, csak azt tudom, hogyan kell tökéletesnek lenni
Csillagos éjszaka, hát legyen
Hajnalig, hadd legyen így

Lilából arany
A fájdalom ismét jött és ment
Átsétáltam azon a tűzön
Ismét felfedezem

Nem szórakozok, biztosan sikerülni fog
Felpörgetem az ah-ah-ah-ah-aurámat
Fókuszálok, semmi sem zavar meg
Új nő vagyok, nő
Biztosan sikerülni fog
Felpörgetem az ah-ah-ah-ah-aurámat
Fókuszálok, semmi sem zavar meg
Új nő vagyok, nő

Arc, szemek, test, őrülj meg
Akarod ezt?
Új nő vagyok, nő
Szemek, nekem csak az elme számít
Akarod ezt?
Új nő vagyok, nő

Add ide, add ide, alfa vagyok, aha
Add ide, minél nagyobb, annál jobb, ugh
Megetetem veled a virágot, ami a ruhám ujjából nőtt ki
Egy rózsa csókja, rózsa, mi, micsoda ebéd
Szar, ha nincs szerencséd, de legalább erősebbé tesz
Próbálod elmondani, hogy szenvedsz
Oh, ne hibáztasd anyádat
Emelkedj felül, egy új határon török át
Új nő vagyok, nő

Moonlit Floor

Ooh la-la-la
Ooh la-la-la

I'ma need to hear you say it out loud
'Cause I love it when my name slips out your mouth
Love it when your eyes caress my body (Oh-oh)
Right before you lace your kisses on me (Bonjour, ooh)

Green-eyed French boy got me trippin'
How your skin is always soft
How your kisses always hit
How you know just where to
Green-eyed French boy got me trippin'
On that accent off your lips
How your tongue do all those tricks?
How you know just where to

Kiss me under the Paris twilight
Kiss me out on the moonlit floor
Kiss me under the Paris twilight (Ah-ah)
So kiss me

Cute fit in the whip to the flight to the sky
Never down, baby, check my stats
Truth is, I wasn't tryna meet nobody
Baby, I was there to get my bag
But when I saw you I was like, 'I like that'
Wasn't tryna break, baby, I fought back
But when I heard you say, 'Bonjour, bébé'
I was like, 'Damn'

Green-eyed French boy got me trippin'
How your skin is always soft (Ah-ah)
How your kisses always hit
How you know just where to
Green-eyed French boy got me trippin'
On that accent off your lips
How your tongue do all those tricks?
How you know just where to

Kiss me under the Paris twilight
Kiss me out on the moonlit floor
Kiss me under the Paris twilight (Ah-ah)
So kiss me

Ooh, them French boys got me trippin' (Ooh la-la-la)
Ooh, them French boys got me trippin' (Ooh la-la-la)
Ooh, them French boys got me trippin' (Ooh la-la-la)
Ooh, them French boys got me trippin' (La-la)

Kiss me under the Paris twilight
Kiss me out on the moonlit floor
Kiss me under the Paris twilight
So kiss me

Kicsit hangosabban

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Szerethetlek egy kicsit hangosabban,
Mondhatnám, hogy nem vagyok boldog nélküled,
Azt hiszem, félek, ó, félek, hogy elmenekülsz,
Amikor elkezdelek hangosabban szeretni.

Tudok hideg lenni, elérhetetlen,
Azt mondod, nehéz elhinni,
Minden a fejemben van, és semmi, amit mondasz, nem jut el hozzám.
(Oh-oh, oh, oh-oh, oh)

Szóval ha úgy érzed, hogy halványulunk,
Elegem van a várakozásból,
Milliónyi szót láttam, kiabálva minden sort, amit ismersz.

De szerethetlek egy kicsit hangosabban,
Mondhatnám, hogy nem vagyok boldog nélküled,
Azt hiszem, félek, ó, félek, hogy elmenekülsz,
Amikor elkezdelek hangosabban szeretni, egy kicsit hangosabban.

Megcsókolhatnálak egy kicsit erősebben,
Megfognám a kezed, hogy tudd, akarlak,
Azt hiszem, félek, ó, félek, hogy elmenekülsz,
Amikor elkezdelek hangosabban szeretni, egy kicsit hangosabban.

Ez az érzés már túl régi, visszatartott,
Talán itt az idő, hogy megmutassam,
Olyan sok szeretet van bennem, mint egy láng, ami bennem ég.
(Oh-oh, oh, oh-oh, oh)

Szóval ha úgy érzed, hogy halványulunk (úgy érzed),
Elegem van a várakozásból,
Milliónyi szót láttam, kiabálva minden sort, amit ismersz.

De szerethetlek egy kicsit hangosabban,
Mondhatnám, hogy nem vagyok boldog nélküled,
Azt hiszem, félek, ó, félek, hogy elmenekülsz,
Amikor elkezdelek hangosabban szeretni, egy kicsit hangosabban.

Megcsókolhatnálak egy kicsit erősebben,
Megfognám a kezed, hogy tudd, akarlak,
Azt hiszem, félek, ó, félek, hogy elmenekülsz,
Amikor elkezdelek hangosabban szeretni, egy kicsit hangosabban.


Click to see the original lyrics (English)

A holdfényes órákon vajon mit szőttél?
Alkottál, vagy vártál, s csapdába ejtetted az óvatlan legyet,
Szárazra szívva?
Honnan vetted a hátadra azt a kis keresztet,
Egy életre megjelölve, tű a szénakazalban,
Te dőzsre kész güriző állat?

Fond csak el hálódnak finom ezüstselymét
A remekműveden!
Vágd el a fonalat, ha végeztél a friss holtakkal,
És szőj egy újat!

Pókselyem, begubózva el nem énekelt csodákban,
Mozdulatlan keresi az ellopott pillanatokat.
Tovafordulva, rejtélyes játék.
Érzelem nélkül választ életet, míg vár.
Elvágva a fonalat, újabb halált teremt,
Pókselyem, gyönyörű fonás.

Fond csak el hálódnak finom ezüstselymét
A remekműveden!
Vágd el a fonalat, ha végeztél a friss holtakkal,
És szőj egy újat!
Fond csak el hálódnak finom ezüstselymét
A remekműveden!
Vágd el a fonalat, ha végeztél a friss holtakkal,
És szőj egy újat!
Pördülj hát, fond csak el, pörögj hát, fond csak el,
Pördülj hát, fond csak el, pörögj hát, fond csak el,
Pördülj hát, fond csak el, pörögj hát, fond csak el,
Pördülj hát, fond csak el, pörögj hát, fond csak el, (Ó, jöjj, fond csak el!)
Pördülj hát, fond csak el, pörögj hát, fond csak el,
Pördülj hát, fond csak el, pörögj hát, fond csak el,
Pördülj hát, gyere, fond csak el!

Fond csak el hálódnak finom ezüstselymét
Vágd el a fonalat,
És szőj egy újat!
Fond csak el hálódnak finom ezüstselymét
A remekműveden!
Vágd el a fonalat, ha végeztél a friss holtakkal,
És szőj egy újat!
Fond csak el hálódnak finom ezüstselymét
A remekműveden!
Vágd el a fonalat, ha végeztél a friss holtakkal,
És szőj egy újat!

Pördülj hát, fond csak el, pörögj hát, fond csak el,
Pördülj hát, fond csak el, pörögj hát, fond csak el!

Full Auto

Hop like this
Tam-tam-tam-tam-tam, yeah-yeah-yo, yo
Uh, yo, uh, da-da-da, uh
Tam-tam-tam-tam-tam-tam-tam-tam-tam-tam, uh, a-a-yeah
Fight fire with fire

[Verse 1]
Money, bitches, and cars, just kidding, motherfucker!
I’m crazy, I’m crazy, unchained, jumped from many balconies
I humbly bow to my Desktop ‘cause it's full of icons
I’m flipping money too, coins, gentlemen
Because, why are they round? They’re easy to spin
I don’t have manele in my headphones, no Inna, no Maluma
Back then I wanted to be exactly how I am now
Whether you're born on a pillow, in a test tube, or on a saddle
It's not your fault you're born dumb, but it's your fault you die that way
I speak with a connotative sense, vomitive conditional
I’ve puked my liver, now I keep it as decoration
When I feel like going for a walk, I hop in the Big Wagon
I’ve been beaten in the head by fate, I’ve been beaten in the head by the sun
My dear, don’t get me wrong, I mean well for you
But you didn’t just play with marbles with the MC
A few years ago, you were playing with Kinder Surprise toys
But lately, you've had Tinder surprises inside you

Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo)
Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo)
Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo)
Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo)

[Verse 2]
I drank Coca-Cola and took a shit over there
I was walking against traffic and people were avoiding me
Careful, when I leave, I’m probably not coming back
No problem since Wednesday’s Ciuc beer, Thursday’s Tuborg
I feel like killing myself when I hear people talking nonsense
“It’s what's inside that counts,” but what am I, a computer, huh?
Hello everyone, my name’s Codrin
I ripped my jeans myself, I didn’t buy them from a store
They want air conditioning but pull on automatic doors
They don’t want my broth ‘cause they say they already have tomatoes
Whatever happens to me, I take it as an advantage
Like a pilgrim shopping at Mecca Image
The coin dropped for me just like the Sphinx lost its nose
Like she fell on my dick like Nyx's stun
Right now I’m on page two of the alphabet book
I’m not the only alcoholic, I’ve got two wasps in my glass
Yo, yo!

Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo)
Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo)
Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo)
Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo, yo) Full Auto (Yo)

Uh, and then the moral of the story is don’t hit your knee on the door and, and don’t drink the chickens’ water


The Past, Stomped

I come determined
To take your love out of my life
It is very clear to me
That it is no longer in your plans to return

With a hope
I was still clinging to this love
I couldn't get used to the idea
That this is over forever

Alone I waited for you
And not even a phone call from you
To calm my suffering a little

How many times I talked to you and you left me in a state of shock
Of rage and jealousy I felt like dying

The past trodden
There is no sadness or bitterness to stop me from going on
I'm worth too much to be crying and humiliating myself for you

Your love is already in the past and the past is gone
My time has come
To be happy

I know that your memory at some point
Will try to make me faint
But my stance is a firm hand
I also have the pride of a woman

He who does not value what he has now
Later he may regret it
You didn't see the door that I left open
And that for you I'm going to close

The past has been trodden
There's no sadness or bitterness to keep me from going on
I'm worth too much to be crying and humiliating myself for you

Your love is already in the past and the past is gone
My time has come
To be happy

Your love is past and bygones are bygones and bygones are bygones
My time has come
To be happy


Apologies in advance

Everyone, throw your pots of leftovers on the floor
Today we dance, all the dead, hands in the air
BAZOOKA 2168, I hear you

Zero lyrics, someone else's style, rented cars
No one wants to do anything on their own elbows anymore
Everyone sharpens their little teeth, but they haven't trimmed their sheep's wool
I'm waiting for you to wake me up when you've woken up too
Zero lyrics, someone else's style, rented cars
No one wants to do anything on their own elbows anymore
Everyone sharpens their little teeth, but they haven't trimmed their sheep's wool
I'm waiting for you to wake me up when you've woken up too

[Verse 1]
Not many have the honor of being misunderstood
Let's drink to ourselves, my brothers, 'cause we don’t drink often
I can't understand anything, I want the complete picture
How does an example of a recipe fool you?
I analyze tomorrow and what's under the lid
I hate my own species, would've been better off as a tree
I'm a sacred acre, bring the sack, come with me
Am I an alcoholic or a patriot 'cause I applaud the Great Union?
I kiss the priest's daughter, the priest kisses my hand
I run like hell through the bells, I've lost my direction
And my lesson was that the retina isn't loyal
Don't act tough or I'll get mad, Ballin' Baller, money in the illness
I’ll say a few words to piss you off
I have no hope, half the country listens to manele
Fuck your Mrs. mom! That's the grand plan
If you hit shuffle, next thing you'll hear is Florin Salam

Zero lyrics, someone else's style, rented cars
No one wants to do anything on their own elbows anymore
Everyone sharpens their little teeth, but they haven't trimmed their sheep's wool
I'm waiting for you to wake me up when you've woken up too
Zero lyrics, someone else's style, rented cars
No one wants to do anything on their own elbows anymore
Everyone sharpens their little teeth, but they haven't trimmed their sheep's wool
I'm waiting for you to wake me up when you've woken up too

[Verse 2]
I stopped shouting at a deaf god (What?)
I dress baggy, but keep my smile short (What?)
Even if I were a cannibal, I still wouldn’t taste the narrow-minded
And I say this even at the wrong end of the youth
All LGBT in skirts, and I take the liberty
To declare the profession of the century: 'Reality Denied'
God put his hand on your head and yanked off your wig
I stay behind, crack open a beer, and blast BAZOOKA
I’ll invite you for a coffee if your zodiac allows it
And tear you into five pieces, Exodia smite you
Don't feel neglected, I’ll take you all one by one to dance
Let me open my first beer and apologize in advance
When you turned on the music, I started and just kept going
So many clones in music, even Star Wars hasn't seen this many

How did this verse start? I had a verse, so, well, just listen to the chorus

Zero lyrics, someone else's style, rented cars
No one wants to do anything on their own elbows anymore
Everyone sharpens their little teeth, but they haven't trimmed their sheep's wool
I'm waiting for you to wake me up when you've woken up too
Zero lyrics, someone else's style, rented cars
No one wants to do anything on their own elbows anymore
Everyone sharpens their little teeth, but they haven't trimmed their sheep's wool
I'm waiting for you to wake me up when you've woken up too


How much I want

I want to be the cause*
Of your laugh and your kisses
I want to be the verse
A poem in your story

I want to be the cause*
Of your touches and your stars
I want to be your dream
And whisper an 'I love you' to you

I want for your eyes
To look at me for one second
As nobody but me
Can want you and love you

I want to be the cause*
Of your breaths, of your prayers
To spend the whole night
Tangled in your body

I want to be the cause*
Of your breaths, of your prayers
To spend the whole night
Tangled in your body

To love you like nobody else
Has wanted to love in this world
To adore your heart
With deep memories

I want for your eyes
To look at me for one second
As nobody but me
Can want you and love you

I want for your eyes
To look at me for one second
As nobody but me
Can want you and love you

How much do I want
Ay! To give you my love, I want
To give you my heart
My soul and my whole life

How much do I want
Ay! To give you my love, I want
To give you my heart
My soul and my whole life

How I want to be able
To give you my life
Everything I have
Here inside
Is all very sincere
All for you
Pure feelings

How much do I want
Ay! To give you my love, I want
To give you my heart
My soul and my whole life

I want to be the cause*
Of your laugh and your kisses
Your breaths and your prayers
Beautiful girl
Come here
Without regret

How much do I want
Ay! To give you my love, I want (how much do I want)
To give you my heart (my heart)
My soul and my whole life


With my crew

[Verse 1: ECHO]
I was born dead drunk, still waiting to wake up
I was born butt naked, still drinking to warm up
I’m lucky, suck my dick! I can keep this up all year
The cops caught me dead drunk and the luck hit me
I sing about alcohol, now mourn me at the gates
What the fuck should I sing about when you’re all wasted?
Nod your head, nod your dick, fire up the mic
You sing in clubs for euros, and at the station by the platform
I break into your house, I’m no thief, I’m a spy
And I order you to hand me a beer while I play the accordion
I’ve got a friend who's moving up, but he’s struggling on the trombone
One’s in your mom’s bedroom, going hard on the xylophone
I pop the cork, cap every bottle in front of me
Grab the mic, next day hungover and full of nausea
Whether it’s a hobby or work, you can call it what you want
During lunch break, I’ll leave you all jobless!

[Chorus: Bizi]
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke

[Verse 2: Ronin]
I’m like a god on the street, like Acan by the still
A magician at drinking, I finish everything and disappear
'Cause I’ve inherited a gift that would make me a millionaire
But more like a collector, I’ve got a drawer full of bottle caps
Writer like Bukowski, drunkard like him
‘Cause writers who don’t drink aren’t real writers at all
Your jeans are riding up your ass, doing legal shit in the hood?
You broke your nose and you’re tough? I’ll smash your head with a crowbar
Today, the voice in my head is talking to the other one
The bet’s already made: who gets who drunk?
I’ll face the consequences, the bill
But as long as we’ve got homies, life’s wonderful
Options are everywhere, you just gotta know what you want
The most important thing, always, is when you drink
You need to have full control over the bottle's syrup
And these are some of the lessons I missed with my boys

[Chorus: Bizi]
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke

[Verse 3: Skip]
You only talk to me in liters and about when we’re drinking
We want to do this, so we do whatever we want
We’ve got problems with the music and with the system
But if you get a hatchet in your hand, you’ll surely signal me!
I like popping bottles and I like capping them
My liver’s pissed again, what the fuck should I do?
I’ve got a beer prisoner waiting to be opened
And some pissed-off people in the park waiting for me to get dressed!
Pour it in the mug, go hard, one spills, another pours
This is a big party disguised as a funeral
The mug is like the situation, I think it’s tipping over
Feels like we’re all playing poker, we’ve got the king and queen
I drink from Monday till… Next year
Dead drunk, full of powder, always on the floor like a rug
I get up with one red eye and walk like the Terminator
Cheers, what the fuck, life’s easy anyway

[Chorus: Bizi]
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke

[Verse 4: Bizi]
Ever since I was a kid, they kept trying to teach me
How to say “woof-woof,” but I hit the hops instead
I grew up nice like in those dragon cartoons
With the Wizard of Barley, many blondes aren’t women
Every man has a great passion for blondes
Curved screens for football matches, they go crazy with a guardian
And they carry too many words to escape the catacombs
Forced by circumstances: the field’s mined with bombs!
I don’t drink beer from a mug like you
I savor it with protein shakes
Watch how philanthropic beer makes me, brother
I saw I’ve got two hands, so one of them’s for you
The most selfish one around, you come first, you get some
That’s why we call you Cappuccino, first one to get wasted
Emissions over the allowed limit, clench your cheeks
When your legs are gone, where do you think you’ll go?

[Chorus: Bizi]
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke

[Verse 5: Codrin & ECHO]
I’ve got money to pay, I’m admin, not for anything else
Bring the bottle, bring another, bring the bottle, bring the chisel
We won’t miss you at all if you’re on Parasinus
How the hell, we still gather up and still end up in the red?
I’ve arrived, take my keys, I’m done, this depresses me
What the hell did you do, you didn’t even have a car?
I’m crawling on the floor, making the crippled cross themselves
It’s fine, no problem, archaeologists will find me
I’m walking on pins, may there be three more Geneses
You’ll still find me at the bar, we’ll see what happens next
I bang my head against mattresses, good boys from Scorsese
Our situation’s got slim chances of getting fixed
I’ve realized I’m good for nothing, and it’s no benefit
My arm has done bad things, that’s why it’s badly judged
Good genetic material from the Dacians, come on, drink!
I throw my hands in the air, let whoever wants catch them!

[Chorus: Bizi]
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke
I’m at the bar with my crew where we always drink
And we gather some ideas on how to end up broke



[Verse 1: ECHO & Codrin]
Good, good evening, glad to be here
Did you think I was gone? I thought you were dead
How the fuck did I not think of it?
That I've been drinking since your mom was born, and I still haven't burst
Some people talk bad about me, come on, how's that possible?
'Cause when I drink, I become a decent guy?
Take my crown, take my flowers, and keep them for yourself
I'm sorry I never got to know myself better
Phew, God, so much beer, phew, God, so many women!
I've been drinking for seven years and two hours, and I’m still going
You can't handle my rap, you guys are carbon copies
If you didn’t get the message, don’t worry, I’ll catch you
I get messages every day: 'I'm depressed, help!'
That’s not my problem, that’s surely their problem
I wasn’t born at home, I fell straight from the clouds
To sprinkle these good tracks on these kids born out of wedlock

[Chorus: Codrin & ECHO]
If we donate our blood to you, you'll get drunk and then die
Jet plane, drink with us or fly away
We perfectly represent any collection of diseases
If you don’t hear the chorus, we’ll sing it twice for you
If we donate our blood to you, you'll get drunk and then die
Jet plane, drink with us or fly away
We perfectly represent any collection of diseases
If you don’t hear the chorus, we’ll sing it twice for you

[Verse 2: Codrin]
My re-re-record skips when I run my-my-my-my mouth
In arguments with all the idiots dropping their pens
I cut the branch from under my feet or maybe, who knows
I cut off my legs like Jack the Ripper
Oh, excuse me, prison, I had a slip-up
What? Sing softer? You sleep harder
I’ve got about sixteen voices in my head, and they all say, 'Go!'
I have issues with plurals 'cause I haven’t had many
I went to a psychologist, solved two of his problems
You make crap games, we play Black Deserts
If you understand my text, great if not, still great
But what am I? Light green, to yell at you?
If I have to talk to you, I’ve got nothing to listen to
You were on your own dick, now you're on someone else's!
Let's listen to the fool, if he’s got something to say
But he's got more than me, with an extra chromosome!
Lyrically, lyrically, to go against me? Nah, stay calm
Two verses, and I’ll make you wish Herodotus was your father
Dude, you’re chocolate, we’re two marmots
And then, if you die, you’ll see Don Quixote
And I feel like jumping out the window
'Cause the bums are asking me for a buck, and I don’t have one
And I have no excuse 'cause last night I drank
More than I had, but also more than I wanted
My head’s empty, my pocket the same
Oh man, does that suck? Nah, not at all
Nietzsche's faith, my wallet
And my liver’s too dead, Codrin, you’re a fool

[Bridge: Codrin]
But I really am a fool, I swear!

[Chorus: Codrin & ECHO]
If we donate our blood to you, you'll get drunk and then die
Jet plane, drink with us or fly away
We perfectly represent any collection of diseases
If you don’t hear the chorus, we’ll sing it twice for you
If we donate our blood to you, you'll get drunk and then die
Jet plane, drink with us or fly away
We perfectly represent any collection of diseases
If you don’t hear the chorus, we’ll sing it twice for you


Pirulin Pirulon

Pirulino got wasted
At nosy Aquilino's house
Pirulino got wasted
At nosy Aquilino's house

A dog came to the patio and bit him
And ripped his only trousers
A dog came to the patio and bit him
And ripped his only trousers

Pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers
Pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers

Pirulino pirulino pirulino pirulin
Pirulino pirulino pirulino pirulon, pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers
Pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers

Pirulino got wasted
At nosy Aquilino's house
Pirulino got wasted
At nosy Aquilino's house

A dog came to the patio and bit him
And ripped his only trousers
A dog came to the patio and bit him
And ripped his only trousers

Pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers
Pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers

Pirulino pirulino pirulino pirulin
Pirulino pirulino pirulino pirulon, pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers
Pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers

Pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers
Pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers

Pirulino pirulino pirulino pirulin
Pirulino pirulino pirulino pirulon, pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers
Pirulin pin pon pirulin pin pon
His only shirt and his only trousers



What did I say I’d say?
I was supposed to say something at the start to make it more interesting
Yeah, this is it, be satisfied with what you got (BAZOOKA Records!)
God, fuck me!

[Verse 1]
You gotta guess the next place I’ll piss
They used to call me death's head, now I'm headlining
Should I throw flowers at your head or, or spare change?
You can’t see your zodiac sign in the sky 'cause I’m on the roof
I’ll split myself in three and we’ll all fuck you at once
I unload in them like an automatic weapon
Sounds kinda gay? Let me rephrase that, guys, yeah?
Messing up from the start, like a game from Bethesda
I’ll be popping wheelies with my car until retirement
Oh God, how I’ll look at it with ellipsis marks
I’m dangerous, but I swear on my own mouth
I’m such a fat mobster that I don’t have a knife, I have a spoon!
Occupation? Uh, uh, uh, future corpse
If you can’t sleep tonight, man, it’s not your bed’s fault!
We’re giving it to you or not, and it’s not even snowing outside
What's up with this guy, a door in the back? Is it a scandal or is it a joke? I’m saying

[Chorus: Codrin & ECHO]
Scram! And now what? Scram! Yeah, then what?
Scram! And then how? Scram! This is freestyle, not an album!
Scram! And now what? Scram! Yeah, then what?
Scram! And then how? Scram! This is freestyle, not an album!

[Verse 2]
I need nothing but a pen to spit you some verses
I don’t work among aisles, I don’t set prices or price tags
I’ve got attack plans the size of a Minerva army
Funny, you’re not going anywhere, sitting in wormholes!
What should I compare myself to? And why should I weigh it up?
What pharaohs? My curses last as long as I live
Just like pyramids, I want a proportional coffin in the ground
I should sell at Mega, with these bags under my eyes!
I’m hustling for every penny, fighting like a lion
The race against time, yeah, but I’m ahead of my own time
Don’t feed the animals, 'cause we’ll cause harm, I swear!
And I’ve got tribal habits just like your tattoo
Yo, one, one, one, two, three
I take your mom and choke you with her bun
Two of my stanzas hit like two trains
What the fuck! Are you like lunch, at least two courses? I’m saying

[Chorus: Codrin & ECHO]
Scram! And now what? Scram! Yeah, then what?
Scram! And then how? Scram! This is freestyle, not an album!
Scram! And now what? Scram! Yeah, then what?
Scram! And then how? Scram! This is freestyle, not an album!


pitch / tar

Shit in my soul, ashes behind my shoulders
Staring at the ceiling — seeing only murk
Viscous as tar, a lonely guardian
Soaked the talent with the quietness of losses
Don't care about the lamp light (I'm in a dark, in a dark one)
Run behind the mirrors (in a dark)
Seeing only murk

Tugging at my sleeve, like a faithful dog
What can it give but black tears
It soaked up dreams, swallowed them and wiped them away
An endlessly close and black one

Like tar
It is all just a series
Like some- like some tar
Of the undescribable thoughts
Pitch black
Memory as acid
Like some- like some tar
Quietly coming out of [my] mouth

I remember the losses, though they're far away
Everything is burning, and you can't get to the river
Demons taking both hands
Praying to God to keep me safe

I am no saint but a lost slave
Behind the shadow of a pen
I've lost a lot and wanted to die
(Only to die, only to die)

Shit in my soul, ashes behind my shoulders
Staring at the ceiling — seeing only murk
Viscous as tar, a lonely guardian
Soaked the talent with the quietness of losses
Don't care about the lamp light (I'm in a dark, in a dark one)
Run behind the mirrors (in a dark)

Viscous as tar, a lonely guardian (it is all just a series)
The talent soaked with the quietness of losses (of the undescribable thoughts)
Don't care about the lamp light (memory as acid)
(I'm in a dark, in a dark one)
Run behind the mirrors (quietly coming out of [my] mouth)
(In a dark, in a dark one)


Pedro The Arrogant*

A very arrogant, hot and handsome guy
Who falls in love very quickly, that is Pedro The Arrogant*
He picks up even a chair, his long hair is very cool
He puts on his cowboy boots and celebrates the wonders

Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)
Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)
Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)
Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)

Dancing the Pirulino** the guy is a pro
The party gets lit when Pedro goes onto the dance floor
There isn't anyone who can fight him, he isn't lazy
Smile from ear to ear, it's Pedro the Arrogant*

Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)
Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)
Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)
Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)

All the girls want him, the men discriminate against him
But even the earth itself trembles when Pedro walks
There is no one who can plot against him
He always gets himself into problems
But his speed is such that even the day doesn't fly

Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)
Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)
Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)
Smiling from ear to ear, (It's Pedro The Arrogant*)


April 23rd

I had always contemplated
Since an April 23rd
The day that we crossed paths
The day that I was born

I came close to you to speak to you
And get you to know me
I didn't speak with words
And I ended up becoming your friend

It's pained me so much
Not being able to confess to you
All my delusion
It's pained me so much not being able
To be honest with you about everything

I've seen your eyes cry
For someone who doesn't love you
I've been your solace
Even though it hurts my heart

Ay! Friend
I wish you could understand
That I've always been there
That every day that passes
I fall in love with you more and more

It's pained me so much not being able
To confess all my delusion to you
It's pained me so much not being able
To be honest with you about everything

It's pained me so much not being able
To confess all my delusion to you
It's pained me so much not being able
To be honest with you about everything

It's pained me so much not being able
To confess all my delusion to you
It's hard for me to say
What I feel for you
I would die for you

It's pained me so much not being able
To confess all my delusion to you
I can't anymore
I can't anymore
You are my friend but I love you

It's pained me so much not being able
To confess all my delusion to you
I promise
To love you forever
My whole life
My friend

It's pained me so much not being able
To confess all my delusion to you
It's pained me so much not being able
To be honest with you about everything


Go already

I should have never
Trusted a guy like you to lie
Words and promises that you won't keep (won't keep)

Since you don't want to keep them
I have to be clever
And know what you want

Go already
I can't stand your lies anymore
Go and look for
Another idiot who will believe you more

Go already
I can't stand your lies anymore
Go and look for
Another idiot who will believe you more

I'm the other one who will give you more
I know, daddy, you'll like it
I'll take you to the floor
And every night we'll have fun

You are for me
I'm your coin so don't beg anymore
Stay here as you're the type, you'll forget it
You'll forget her
You'll forget her through me

Go already
I can't stand your lies anymore
Go and look for
Another idiot who will believe you more

Go already
I can't stand your lies anymore
Go and look for
Another idiot who will believe you more


Life is a paradise of lies

A whole day has passed
And you haven't lied yet
What is this mystery?
It confuses and saddens me
Of every strange invention of yours
I have a bit of a cruel need
I want endless fairy tales
Tasty as honey

Life is a paradise of lies
Yours, mine
That give us a warm anxiety
They are stars shining on the paths
Perfumed, enchanted
And far from the dark reality
'I love only you
I will never leave you
But if I miss you
Everything is over for me'
Life is a paradise of lies
Colored caravels
Rocking in happiness

The lie of the morning
And then the one of sunset
It is our medicine
Melted in every story of yours
It has the poisonous languor
Of an ancient Stradivarius
Everything that is not true
Everything that is imaginary

Life is a paradise of lies
Colored caravels
Rocking in happiness

A sweet firmament of lies
On the paths of love
Will always light up trails!


Out of spite

How nice would be it
If the love that you have today
Lasts forever
That destiny smiles at you
And you have good luck

So neither sorry
Nor disappointments
Can ever bitter your life

So that you don't feel
The pain that leaves
A wound in the soul

I don't wish to see you
Defeated and sad
Crying out of spite

Neither do I want
People to repay you badly
For what you've done with me

May you not suffer as I have
For the cruel disappointments
Because I don't want for you to feel
How much betrayals hurt

May you not suffer as I have
This cruel resentment
Because you may die
When you feel what I feel

I don't wish to see you
Defeated and sad
Crying out of spite

Neither do I want
People to repay you badly
For what you've done with me

May you not suffer as I have
For the cruel disappointments
Because I don't want for you to feel
How much betrayals hurt

May you not suffer as I have
This cruel resentment
Because you may die
When you feel what I feel


Among the Raindrops

How many days have passed
Since we've last sat down like such
In front of empty plans
Living in a screen illumination

In one moment of
Uncertainty, a taste of loneliness
Taking an unnecessary step

Walking among the raindrops
Because I wanted to try
I didn't keep faith
But maybe making mistakes is allowed
Regretting actions
Behind closed doors

And you keep giving
Like you know everything
And to me it's the hardest
That you don't want to ask

Scared of losing everything there is now
How good it is now
When will the fear pass

Walking among the raindrops
Because I wanted to try
I didn't keep faith
But maybe making mistakes is allowed
Regretting actions
Behind closed doors

Walking among the raindrops
Because I wanted to try
I'm flying without mercy
But maybe making mistakes is allowed
Regretting actions (Regretting actions)
Behind closed doors

Walking among the raindrops
Because I wanted to try
I'm flying without mercy
But maybe making mistakes is allowed
Behind closed doors


The Boss

Whilst you love me
I'll walk with you
It doesn't matter if on the road
I take out a beautiful mare
Wanting to have a rider
Well they'll have to deal with me

I'm very good to good people
Bad people, don't challenge me
To defend what is mine
I'll fight over my luck just because
I haven't done anything bad to anybody
But if I have to, I will

I'm not scared of an out of control horse
That wildly runs through life without thinking
It's going to have to find another pen
Because this is mine and I'm not thinking about leaving it

Here, I am the boss
The others get in line for me
They have their children with me
That are their glory and luck
And whilst they are with me
I'll fight death

I'm not scared of an out of control horse
That wildly runs through life without thinking
It's going to have to find another pen
Because this is mine and I'm not thinking about leaving it
It's going to have to find another pen
Because this is mine and I'm not thinking about leaving it


A Sign of Light Rain

Through the glass, waves of umbrellas swaying on the street corner
Glancing sideways at the chatter of lovers
My awkward stare as you look slightly downwards
I already understand the meaning behind what you began to say

An encounter, then a separation, that is love's path
All of which is determined by one fateful event
And now this moment, tainted by sadness
I shed a few tears, and then put on airs

As the city in the rain grows blurry, our hazy hearts overlap
My leftover lemon tea is a pale shade of amber
A minor dispute becomes a major rainstorm
Our bond that was torn apart, will never be the same

An encounter, then a separation, that is love's path
Storing everything away in the album of my heart
Upon reflection, it was a sign of light rain
And in time, the rain simmers down the feeling of love

Storing everything away in the album of my heart
Upon reflection, it was a sign of light rain
And in time, the rain simmers down the feeling of love


The Student's Forest

Cutting through the early afternoon wind, my usual friends, woh
Dashing on our bicycles under the arch of treetops

My gray blazer turning inside out, ringing the bicycle bell
Trading innocent jokes in the sunlight

Yes, that's right
I was always, nonchalantly, following after you
And you would never fail to laugh and turn around, before my eyes

Without confessing my feelings, we parted. That was March, woh
Even now, the student's forest knows one's sentiment of love

If only I had murmured my love for you, the familiar sky, woh
Vividly pulls at my heartstrings, School Days

A path I haven't pedaled in a while continues on, as I
Carry heartache along with faint dreams from those days

Yes, that's right
My gaze noticed your back
In my notebook, I only jotted down things about you

I try calling out your name, alone. It's now July, woh
The student's forest will someday find a new love
Will find it


Lorelei In Love

You were reading poems by Heine
When suddenly you looked up, and closed the book
While gazing at me with a grin
You pointed at me and said
You are the beautiful maiden, Lorelei
And I am a boatman
Crossing the Rhine in my boat
Though afraid, I am in love with you
Young souls shall not regret falling in love

Whenever you are combing that long hair
Whenever you are humming that song of old
I am there, as you whisper while
Looking into the mirror
You lead men astray, Lorelei
I am a boatman who has gone made with love
As I sink beneath the waves
Though afraid, I am in love with you
Young souls shall not regret falling in love
Though afraid, I am in love with you
Young souls shall not regret falling in love


You Are My Only Accepted Prayer

Shawty, your eyes are like flames
It burns me up, I turn into the ash for you
It is like nothing has meaning without you
My face never smiles if you are not by my side
Shawty, your eyes are like flames, flames
It is like nothing has meaning without you
My face never smiles if you are not by my side

If you are not by my side, I don't want to think
Cause not a minute passes without you
I'm trapped in your heaven, I don't want to be saved
I don't commit a sin, I always pray
Yeah, I've always prayed, you are my only accepted prayer
You are the most beautiful feelings in my heart
I'm not scared of darkness if you are at my light
I don't get soaked if you are by my side
You saved me from troubles, let's do whatever you say
My steps don't stop running to you
Like I'm goofy, your love has driven me crazy
This castle never fall, just keep smiling

Never let a tear fall to the ground
Hold my hands, don't leave me in an emptiness
Shawty, everything is beautiful with you
Let me love

Shawty, your eyes are like flames
It burns me up, I turn into the ash for you
It is like nothing has meaning without you
My face never smiles if you are not by my side
Shawty, your eyes are like flames, flames
It is like nothing has meaning without you
My face never smiles if you are not by my side

Shawty, your eyes are like flames
It burns me up, I turn into the ash for you
It is like nothing has meaning without you
My face never smiles if you are not by my side


Holy Night Gift

The cold winter fairy tale I heard when I was little
I don't need a present
Please give me your smile

This heavy atmosphere doesn't suit the glittering streets
We've been busy lately
and the two of us are starting to miss each other

I'm sorry I can't be honest with you
Even though I always love you so much

Pure white snow suddenly stops on long eyelashes
You looked down, but you looked up at the gift the sky gave you
A warm light lights up in the bitter loneliness
Don't let the warmth disappear
We gently held hands

Walking along the tree-lined avenue through this third winter
If Christmas has passed
This year is already over

I wish we were together forever
I wonder if you are the same

The cotton-like snow brings silence
I grabbed the gift in my pocket as if checking it
I know it's a little bit too formal for a holy night
But I feel like I can tell you all my feelings now

Like pure white snow, I'll give it to you honestly
I swear to the gift the sky gave me, these once-only words
Share your loneliness and light the light of kindness
I hope you will nod
We'll always hold hands together


Seaside sketch

Colorful parasols are blooming sparsely in the distance
The sky divided by the breakwater is a cool light blue

Loneliness creeps up on me in a gentle breeze
I can never grasp the sun swaying in the waves

Summer is coming to an end, and I still can't tell you anything
I tell myself we're just friends, and I keep my distance so we don't break apart

Like bubbles, expectations float and then burst
Once the fireworks burn out, they are buried in the sand and sleep

I remember the profile of you staring at him that day
It's so beautiful that even the scenery that looks like a picture postcard is obscured

In the summer sunshine, so that you wouldn't know my confused heart
Even if I remained silent and closed my eyelids, I couldn't erase the afterimage of you

Summer is ending, somewhere I'm refusing to change
Remaining bound by this unbreakable feeling, I move on to the next season


For the last time

Everything reminds me of you, and you're nowhere.
Only the world around us that saw us both together is left,
For the last time.

A room with a balcony and a window, is bright right now,
As clear as day, the one who saw us both together,
For the last time.

The time will pass, and you will forget everything that happened,
with you and I, with you and I.
No, I won't wait for you but know that I loved you
For the last time, for the last time,
for the last time, for the last time.

Days will pass, I don't know, how many winters and how many years.
Maybe, I could be happy with someone else,
Or maybe, not.

Let nothing last forever under the moon,
But not for an hour,
I won't forget the day when you were with me,
For the last time.

Refrain x2

For the last time...


The Little Star

Seeing the little star in that little country, it's just a little moment but it...
.deeply impressed me in the faraway room in the faraway town
Lovers beautiful encounter, the joyful singing of children,
...world's wonders, future premonitions dreamed by someone

Including the star too, it's all for you the pure white snow...
...covers the pavement, the roofs and everything...
...are my gifts to you sent from the sky
So sweet right? Sounds like a fairy tale but I really mean it

I want to feel loved in the loving arms of someone I love but...
...why is something supposed to be natural become unnatural in this ever changing season? Even for...
...the sleeping kitten, the wobbly old crow, the cactus,
, the mole who got lost, the smart dolphin every living beings

I want to get to know you...
...as I embrace my wavering feelings
Including the star too, and of he countless snowflakes falling,
I name one of the snowflakes...
...and send them to you from the sky, they're my gifts for you
So sweet right? This moment feels like we're actually talking

Including the star too, it's all for you the pure white snow...
...falling on the pavement, the roofs and on my palm
My heart is calling out to you from inside
I believe the snow also falls onto your palm
That is my gift to you sent from the sky
So sweet right? Sounds like a fairy tale but I really mean it

I want to get to know you...
...as I embrace my wavering feelings
Including the star too, and of he countless snowflakes falling,
I name one of the snowflakes...
...and send them to you from the sky, they're my gifts for you
So sweet right? This moment feels like we're actually talking


Wheresoe’er I roam

Wheresoe’er I roam thro’ valleys dreary,
Over mountains, or in pathless wood,
Ever with me is a Friend to cheer me,
Warning, comforting as none else could.
’Tis the Shepherd, who once dying, bleeding,
Still through all eternity shall live
Following His flock, protecting, feeding,
He the tend’rest care doth give
Following His flock, protecting, feeding,
He the tend’rest care doth give.

All my needs eternally supplying,
All in all to me that Friend shall be
Ev’rything for which my heart is sighing,
He perceives, and helps me lovingly.
Tho’ I often feel forsaken, lonely,
He is ever near, for He did say:
I am with you alway, and this only
Gives me courage on my way
I am with you alway, and this only
Gives me courage on my way.



Piercèd Heart, with love o’erflowing, guide me,
Help me through life’s desert find my way,
Let my faith, no matter what betide me,
Find assurance in Thy wounds for aye.
To Thy bosom — for this life is fleeting —
Take me, wash my garments in Thy blood,
And arising may I, at Thy meeting,
Cry with joy, My Lord and God!
And arising may I, at Thy meeting,
Cry with joy, My Lord and God!


To forget we loved each other

How much time
Is needed anymore
How many days
How many loves
To forget
That we loved each other

How many empty places without you
And memories
That must be destroyed
To forget
That we loved each other

How many times
To say your name
For it to
No longer be your name

I will have
To live without you
All my life
But what is a life
To forget
That we loved each other

I will have
To live without you
All my life
But what is a life
To forget
That we loved each other


For two like us

On tiptoes (mhm-mhm)
I wanted to tell you that

For two like us
There aren't fairytales
Two like us
Will you stop crying? (Come on, stop it)
For two like us
Say hi to your parents for me
And, you know, if you looked into my eyes
You'd never be able to leave, ai-ai-ai-ai

But one like me
Has to run (mhm)
To feel alive
And one like you (you)
Is happy with the little things
A note on the fridge (mhm)
Now that I'm not there
You feel tiny
And the bed feels giant
But you know
Come on, you know

For two like us
Who love each other a lot
Who love each other peculiarly
We grew up together
Between two like us
There's no one who wins or one who loses
There's one who lies and one who admits
We can't pretend it was nothing, it was nothing, it was nothing, no
We can't pretend it was nothing, no
If you want, I'll swear it to you
If you want, I'll scream it to you
Even under the flood
There's no one like us

It's good to see you after a little
You wait for me between people in line
You were always the older one
With the self-esteem problem
We have a job, a home, a past
That we don't know anymore
I see you and I'm in the mood to ask you
If you want to get back together

But you know me and you know
That one like me
Doesn't go backwards anymore
Instead she moves forward over shards of glass
I turn and I see you
And if I think about it, I smile
Because you understand it (But what do you understand?)
That it's not good for me to be near you anymore
You know it anyway
You know it anyway

That two like us
Who love each other a lot
Who love each other peculiarly
We grew up together
Between two like us
There's no one who wins or loses
There's one who lies and one who admits
We can't pretend it was nothing, it was nothing, it was nothing, no
We can't pretend it was nothing, no
If you want, I'll swear it to you (Oh)
If you want, I'll scream it to you (Oh)
Even under the flood
There's no one like us

There's no one like us, no
And I swear to you
Yeah, I swear to you
There's nothing