Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 43

Találatok száma: 100455


Ha téged kérdeznek

Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)
Ha van néhány olyan barát, aki szeret,
s egy kicsitt is aggódik azért, hogy is vagyok
Bár előttem esküdnének meg
Bár előttem esküdnének meg
Hogy Neked soha senki, egyetlen szót sem mond
Arról, hogy Temiattad már teljesen az enyészeté vagyok.
Mert, mikor egyetlen egyszer, felőlem kérdeztek Téged,
Azt mondtad: várjatok csak, hogy is hívják, ki is ő?
Mintha nem is ismernél, mintha töröltél volna minden emléket,
Vagy mintha csak saját magad volna fontos, mert csupán ez a fő,
Mintha meg sem születtem volna, mintha soha sem ért volna össze a szánk,
Mintha nem mutattam volna meg soha, milyen is a Mennyország.
E sok idegen ember között, akik az utcákon járnak,
Ki lesz majd az, aki rólam suttogva beszél?
Hadd mondják csak, mondják csak el az egész világnak,
Hadd tudja meg a világ, eztán mit bánom én,
hogy a könnyeim között fuldoklom, s adom át magam a sorvadásnak,
Csak az nem lehet, hogy Tenéked bárki majd egyszer erről mesél!


Nem állhatom, hogy meg ne érintselek

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tudod jól, nem állhatom meg, hogy ne legyek körülötted,
Mert tudod, még mindig szeretlek.
És kezeim megteszik,
Mit agyam diktál nekik.
Egyszerűen nem tudom megállni, hogy meg ne érintselek.
Mert ez olyan, mintha a pokolból feltekintenék a mennyországba.
Egy ideig micsoda gyönyörű élményekben volt részünk.
Számomra olyan vagy, mint egy kisbaba,
Egyszerűen nem tudom megállni, hogy meg ne érintselek.
Te, nő, elérted hogy a bennem lakozó férfi
Úgy reszkessen, ahogy te is szoktál.
Azt hiszem, ez csak egy a millió érv közül:
Egyszerűen nem tudom megállni, hogy meg ne érintselek.
Mert ez olyan, mintha a pokolból feltekintenék a mennyországba.
Egy ideig micsoda gyönyörű élményekben volt részünk.
Számomra olyan vagy, mint egy kisbaba,
Egyszerűen nem tudom megállni, hogy meg ne érintselek.


Intro (A Butterfly’s Signal)

Girls' night
It's a choice, not a chance
That determines your destiny
우리들의 작은 날게 듯이
네에게 닿기를 바라


Too late to call an ambulance

He did not leave a note, they usually leave.
He did not even clean his room.
The reek of alcohol in the room
And you know, a peculiar smell of blood.
He lies on the floor, probably fell off the chair.
I immediately understood everything, as soon as I saw his face.
Pale, even white.
Through slightly parted lips
Appeared his yellow teeth,
It’s all over. There’s nothing here to do.
For nothing you circle him, trying to help.
No need to shout, I have a headache because of your screams.
He just got tired of being a bastard.
Do not try to return life,
Which emerged from a huge cut on his arm.
Too late to call an ambulance,
It's all over with him,
Too late to call the ambulance.


Véres Orr

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Az öklöd feltartva, egy reakciót tudnál kiváltani
Senki sem fog velem kibaszni (kibaszni)
A viselkedésedből meg tudom mondani
És ebben mind a ketten egyetérthetünk
Soha nem éreztem magam ilyen mélyen
De szeretem azt, ahogy kinézek, egen
Ezzel a vérző orral
Nézd, mennyi ütésedbe került
Összekeverem a fájdalmat egy kis elégedettséggel
Ugyanolyannak tűnik számomra mindkettő
Csak megpróbálok a cselekvés elébe menni
És ebben mind a ketten egyetérthetünk
Soha nem éreztem magam ilyen mélyen
De szeretem azt, ahogy kinézek, egen
Ezzel a vérző orral
Nézd, mennyi ütésedbe került
Itt megyek, ezen a törött úton
A mosolyom áttűnik ezen a vérző orron keresztül is
Mégis, megyek (óó)
Mégis, megyek (óó)
Egen, megyek (óó)
Mosolygok, de vér van a tükörképemben
Erőszak van a költészetben (költészetben)
Amikor ennek vége, nincs megváltás
Legalábbis neked és nekem
Soha nem éreztem magam ilyen mélyen
De szeretem azt, ahogy kinézek, egen
Ezzel a vérző orral
Nézd, mennyi ütésedbe került
Itt megyek, ezen a törött úton
A mosolyom áttűnik ezen a vérző orron keresztül is
Mégis, megyek (óó)
Mégis, megyek (óó)
Egen, megyek (óó)
A szavak olyanok, mint az erőszak
Ma megtöröm a csendet
Ez egy búcsú is lehetne, kölyök
Látsz engem, amikor lecsukod a szemhéjaid?
Ma hozok magammal támogatást
Ököl feltartva, gyerünk közelebb
Nem lesz olyan kemény az életed
Kelj fel, mert már eleget tettünk
Itt fekszünk
A végső óráinkban, mint a haldokló virágok
Az ár, amit fizetünk
Amíg olyan hatalomért küzdesz, amire az egod éhezik (az egod éhezik)
Itt megyek, ezen a törött úton
A mosolyom áttűnik ezen a vérző orron keresztül is
Mégis, megyek (óó)
Mégis, megyek (óó)
Egen, megyek (óó)
A szavak olyanok, mint az erőszak
Ma megtöröm a csendet
Ez egy búcsú is lehetne, kölyök
Látsz engem, amikor lecsukod a szemhéjaid?



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Káosz, káosz, káosz, káosz
Káosz, káosz, káosz, káosz
Bombák csapódnak a kifutópályára, az óceánok túláradnak
Biztosra tudom, hogy egy nap téged is lent látlak majd
Egy napon vigaszt fogok találni, te pedig kaszálhatod, amit elvetettél
Véres Vasárnapként látlak, szóval széttörheted a lelkemet
Csukd be a szemed
Elvakítva a tűztől az égen
Félrevezetve a törzstől
Feláldozva a Legyek Urának
Senki sem menthet meg
Senki sem menthet meg
A káosz rád vár
Nem látom a holnapot
Mert lehet, hogy ma meghalok
Bánatomban éneklem
Egy mosollyal az arcomon
Ó-ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó-ó-ó-ó
Nem látom a holnapot
Meghaltunk vagy még élünk?
Amikor a vak vezet világtalant, akkor -
Káosz, káosz, káosz, káosz
Káosz, káosz (a vak vezet világtalant, akkor -)
Káosz, káosz, káosz, káosz
Káosz, káosz, káosz, káosz
Ha! Belül meghaltam az erőszak markától
Ne merd lecsukni a szemhéjaid
Megtörve téged, csak hogy megtörjön a csend
Hallod? (Túl csendes)
Vér az utcákon, de a szívem hidegen ver
Olyan titkokat tudok, amiket más nem
Halál felülről, halál alulról
Próbáltam futni, de nem enged el
Minden, mit valaha szerettem, felégetik alattam
Egy újabb sír a szép kis szolgáknak, de te kurvára nem fogsz engem eltemetni
Én vagyok az Alfa, az Omega, találkozz a készítőddel
Ti mind csak üres lelkek vagytok és én vagyok a kibaszott megmentőtök.
Senki sem menthet meg
A káosz rád vár
Nem látom a holnapot
Mert lehet, hogy ma meghalok
Bánatomban éneklem
Egy mosollyal az arcomon
Ó-ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó-ó-ó-ó
Nem látom a holnapot
Meghaltunk vagy még élünk?
A vak vezet világtalant a káoszban
Ó-ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó-ó-ó-ó
A vak vezet világtalant a káoszban
Ó-ó-ó-ó, ó-ó-ó-ó-ó-ó
Káosz, káosz, káosz, káosz
Káosz, káosz (a vak vezet világtalant, akkor -)
Káosz, káosz, káosz, káosz
Káosz, káosz, káosz, káosz


Forest fairy

I watch the stars
They shine in the dark
Silently I sigh
Something's bothering me
I sit on a stump
Someone cound comfort me
Then something snaps above me
On top of the tree I see a forest fairy
A golden cape on her shoulder
Now also I float in the clouds
She's so cute
On top of the tree I see a forest fairy
With her magic she fades my worries
In mornings she dances on branch
And warms up her wings
Drinks her rain milkshake, brushes her hair
And tests her magic wand
Oh my, the fairy dust can
Make a lovely tickle
It saves a boring day
On top of the tree I see a forest fairy
A golden cape on her shoulder
Now also I float in the clouds
She's so cute
On top of the tree I see a forest fairy
With her magic she fades my worries
My toe got wet as I stepped on a puddle
All the candies flew to bushes
I grabbed a rose
I got stung on thumb
Oh, the fairy dust can
Heal the wounds
It lifts the mouthwashes into laughter
On top of the tree I see a forest fairy
A golden cape on her shoulder
Now also I float in the clouds
She's so cute
On top of the tree I see a forest fairy
With her magic she fades my worries
I know it



Food fuel tool that ol'
Instinct never worked better
As the black eyes go
Run away, run and dash
Faster than you have ever done
Quick, dawn is breaking
Nobody cannot be survived
Shh... you, you think you're so special
Then get it like a beast
Get it like a dang tiger
Armed loaded baked with the NT
Good to go gasoline diesel
Ain't a picky eater, I'm good to go
Enemies, allies run all over the system
Missing data 404, never found it
Seems like it's a possibility
Feel like I'ma win this game again
See these flawless perfect victories
Come joy witness abnormality
Seems like it's a possibility
Feel like I'ma win this game again
See these flawless perfect victories
Come, joy, witness the most reality
Run away, run and dash
Faster than you have ever
And dash faster than you have ever
You think you're so special
Get it like a beast
Get it like a dang tiger
Get it like a beast
Get it like a
Armed loaded baked with the NT
Good to go gasoline diesel
Ain't a picky eater, I'm good to go
Enemies, allies run all over the system
Missing data 404
Run away, run and dash
Faster than you have ever
And dash faster than you have ever
Get it like a


He's a Poet

He said to me: 'I will love you for life!'
(Us too!)
That I was the only one that mattered to him!
(Us too!)
He told me: 'You are the prettiest!'
(Us too!)
That he dreamed of me day and night
(Us too!)
He's a poet,
He gives me for my birthday
Some little flowers
Filled with lots of joy
(Always believe it!
Love is beautiful!)
Y'all can say whatever you want,
He loves me and I know it!
Y'all can always sneer,
He is the boy I love and I like him!
He told me: 'I have to go on a trip!'
(Us too!)
'But I'll write you ten-page letters'
(Us too!)
He left, he didn't write to me
(Not to us either!)
I pray to heaven that he does not have any trouble
(And neither do you!)
He's a poet,
He gives me for my birthday
Some little flowers
Filled with lots of joy
(Always believe it!
Love is beautiful!)
Y'all can say whatever you want,
He loves me and I know it!
Y'all can always sneer,
He is the boy I love and I like him!
When you meet a boy
As wonderful, as good-looking as that one
You keep him in your house
Being careful not to let him fly away!
Last night, by chance I met him
(So did we!)
It was my best friend he was hugging!
(We had warned you!)
I tried to warn that poor girl
(So did we!)
She told me: 'Honey, you didn't understand anything!'
(That's life!)
She told me: 'You sure know that...
He's a poet,
He gives me for my birthday
Some little flowers
Filled with lots of joy'
(Always believe it!
Love is beautiful!)
You can say whatever you want
He loves me and that's just fine!
Yes, you can always sneer,
He is the boy I love and I like him!
And I like him!
And I like him!
And I like him!
And I like him!


Ah! one who can calmly wait

Ah! one who can calmly wait
Never had a tender heart:
Carried by a love whose Laws
Reign over my life,
I have come before the Dawn to these Woods
To see Sylvie.
I languish in this charming hope

Every happiness in the world

Every happiness in the world
Every pleasure in the world
It's there, in your arms
In the sweetness of your voice
As the sun floods
My heart with all of you
Lost in the blue
In the blue of your eyes
I saw my memories flee
As a summer rain
Your smile was there
It took away every part
Of the wilted days
Every happiness in the world
Every pleasure in the world
It's there, in your arms
In the sweetness of your voice
While our hearts stay in tune
Always, always you
Always you...


Shake it, girl

Bad Gyal
A favela thing1
Drives me crazy
When Friday comes he's already calling me (Bad Gyal)
He sees me and I know he gets excited
When I move it, he gets behind me
Drives me crazy
When Friday comes he's already calling me
He sees me, and I know he gets excited (Turns me on)
When I move it, he gets behind me
You havе me hooked2
Getting closеr to me
It’s happening
You’re turning me on3
If I don't dance with you, you get upset
I’ll nail this ass to you like a splinter
If we hook up, he'll imagine me in the chapel4(Work, work, work, work, work, work, work)
In the club, he tells me: 'Shake it'5, girl'
'Shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl'
I don’t want love, but make love to me passionately
Today is your chance, take advantage while I’m indecent
Rub on my body and I’ll squeeze you like a snake
Tonight the club is hot
Because I’m so fucking fine
Dance with me, don’t argue with me
I just want to hear how this ass pleases you
Pull my hair, let’s see if you can handle it
Drives me crazy
When Friday comes he's already calling me
He sees me and I know he gets excited
When I move it, he gets behind me
You havе me hooked
Getting closеr to me
It’s happening
You’re turning me on
If I don't dance with you, you get upset (Upset)
I’ll nail this ass to you like a splinter
If we hook up, he'll imagine me in the chapel
In the club, he tells me: 'Shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl' (Shake it, girl)
'Shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl'
You get closer, you don’t leave
Hand on knee, ass back
I know no one has ever done all this to you (Uh-uh-uh)
Look at what you’ll get to touch later
Since he saw me, all the others are unnecessary (They’re unnecessary)
Hand on knee, ass back (Ass back)
Before you speak, I already know what you’ll say
Tonight you’ll undress me
Drives me crazy
When Friday comes he's already calling me
He sees me and I know he gets excited
When I move it, he gets behind me
You havе me hooked
Getting closеr to me
It’s happening
You’re turning me on
If I don't dance with you, you get upset
I’ll nail this ass to you like a splinter
If we hook up, he'll imagine me in the chapel (Work, work, work, work, work, work, work)
In the club, he tells me: 'Shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl', 'shake it, girl'
'Shake it, girl'
“Shake it, girl”
Bad Gyal
Shake, shake
“Shake it, girl”
Bad Gyal
Shake, shake
“Shake it, girl”
  • 1. The Bregafunk style. represented by people like Gabriel do Borel who's one of the producers of the song, arises from the Brazilian favelas. Despite being recognized and sampled internationally by prominent artists today, it is a marginalized genre in Brazil.
  • 2. The original line literally says 'connecting' but it's meant in an idiomatic way, describing the speaker being attached or hooked to the guy.
  • 3. Literally says 'heating me up'.
  • 4. 'Pego' technically means to stick, but it can be used to describe hooking up with someone.
  • 5. 'Bota' comes from 'botar' which means to bounce, so anything from 'Bounce it', 'Drop it', 'Throw it back' would work here, the point is the guy telling her to shake her butt.


Sage about Brave Godvin

Once upon in the past, on that high mounts
where stars and lakes are
A young lad lived there in his father's house
And didn't want to move out
He didn't work nor help
Just was sitting near furnace
That's nothing but there is more
He ate a lot and farted all time
And his kind father said
It's time to say goodbye
'I'm tired of you a lot,
Fatty bearded yound man'
But before leave the house
Son turned back and glanced at his dwell
And he pissed into father's armours
And went his way
And he didn't forget to fart for a goodbye
Godvin,Godvin, brave hero
Godvin,Godvin, rescuer of princeses
Spit on mage and smirk on elf
Burp, fart and vomit!
He ran on a forest road
Towards woods' lights
And he found a tavern in woods
And he looked inside
Separatly the mob, where is aroma of shit
The Gnome princess was sitting alone
He offered a bit of wine her
And rented a room for a night
He unleashed his dick in front of gnome
And spited on her breasts
And he has fucked rougly her for a 5 minutes
And then he went his way
And he didn't forget to fart for a goodbye
Godvin,Godvin, brave hero
Godvin,Godvin, rescuer of princeses
Fucked a gnome for a good sake
(or maybe to prevail the evil)
And glorious hero decided to visit the father's house
after he done so much deeds
He ran bravely on forest road
Just a bit shitted under the bush
He put off his boots as he came to house
He decided to go in by his toes
He cleant his father's armour silently
And came to furnace to rest
And he didn't forget to fart in the end
Godvin,Godvin, brave hero
Hello, sad and kind father!
Your fat bearded son
is going to marry a princess
The child won't be higher than sheep
This will be funny as fuck


You're Giving Me Your Hand [Still Holding My Hand] (Croatian)

I thought I would never escape
From that sad story
The way was foggy
And I didn't know where to go
From all this darkness
But suddenly the night went away
And the black darkness disappeared
The sun was shining everywhere
You appear next to me
All my misery disappeared
Because you’re giving me your hand now
I thought that (I thought that)
I'll live like this forever (I'll live like this forever)
Be alone
And it seemed to me (It seemed to me)
That every day I'll be (I'll be)
Sadder and sadder (Sadder and sadder)
But suddenly the night went away (But suddenly the night went away)
And the black darkness disappeared
The sun was shining everywhere
You appear next to me
All my misery disappeared
Because you’re giving me your hand now
You’re giving me your hand now
And my world is changing
All my misery disappeared
Every day my happiness is greater
You are here to drive away my fear
You'll soften my every fall
If I need you, I know
That you’re here
And you're giving me your hand now
You’re giving me your hand now
(And you break down all the obstacles) You break down all the obstacles
You carry peace and harmony
I reveal my secrets to you
You're giving me your hand now (I'll grow up)
And my world is changing (And I'll be awesome)
All my misery disappeared (And I'll be better)
Every day my happiness is greater
You're giving me your hand now
And my world is changing
All my misery disappeared
Every day my happiness is greater
You're giving me your hand now


Come, bride

Please wrap my empty soul in a tallit, ho, Lord
And sing aloud: come bride,
Ho, my fair wife, lit the candles
Bring the Halla bread for Kidush.
The night has already blessed its Shabbat candles
The moon is ready for Kidush.
Today I wish to come home,
And kiss the Mezuza at the door.
Please, ho Lord, wrap our bodies in a tallit
And sing aloud: come bride,
Our fair women will lit the candles
While we bless you with the Halla bread.
Please wrap my empty soul in a tallit, my holy one
And sing aloud: come bride,
Ho, my fair wife, lit the candles
Bring the Halla bread for the Kidush.
Seven are the days, the days of the week
And seven are the candles of the Menora
Whoever has lit the Menora in his soul
He would pour the oil to its stems.
Please, Lord, wrap our bodies in a tallit
And sing aloud: Come bride,
Our fair wives will lit the candles
While we bless you with the Halla bread.


For fear of losing me

I know you secretly look through my phone
when you think I'm sleeping
You nervously smoke cigarettes on the balcony
and you wonder who she is
She will destroy us,
she sleeps next to me every night
Only she'll break us up,
but that 'she' is actually you.
For fear of losing me,
you're losing me, losing me
For fear of losing me,
you're losing me, losing me
If I'm going to leave for another,
it will be because of the other one in you
Night after night you are silent and I ask you
if everything is okay
The woman in the shadow is only you -
a shadow of your insecurities
Open your eyes, open your eyes -
and you and she will go.
For fear of losing me
you're losing me, losing me
For fear of losing me
you're losing me, losing me
There is love and fear
Fear turns us to dust
It can be light,
it can be easy -
please just trust me
There is no other one by my side
and there won't be
The one between us is only you
For fear of losing me
you lose me you lose me
For fear of losing me
you lose me you lose me


You do not attract me at all with your charming appeals

You do not attract me at all with your charming appeals,
Beautiful places where so many happy Lovers
Find sweet adventures:
Ah! I do not think at all of seeking pleasures,
And I come beneath your dark shadows only
To nurture my sorrows, and to hide my sighs.


The Hills of Georgia

The hills of Georgia are adorned with evening's gloom

It's time, my friend, it's time!

It’s time, my friend, it’s time — the heart cries out for slumber —
The days are flying by, and every moment plunders
A tiny piece of life, and vainly, you and I
Endeavor so to live, but in a wink we die.
There is no bliss on Earth, but there is will and solace

Average day

You're very happy, sleeping
Hmm, under the duvet, nice and warm
Ah, it feels good but beware
Sun is on the horizon
What is it?
You're up early and you moan
Oh no, let's go for an average day
It's race from 6 AM, it's normal
You need to shave, it's normal
You raise your head in front of the mirror
You look at your face, looking like Santa Claus
Ouch, it cuts, it hurts
We continue with the breakfast
Super light corn flakes
Don't burn your fingers into the toaster
Strong espresso, it feels good
Tie knot, not good with my hands
Too tight, it makes me look hung-up
But not enough tight makes me look scruffy
Forget it, it'll be polo-neck jumper
Wet cobblestone, chocka tube
But it doesn't matter, I can take a breather
Well, if you can call it take a breather
(Don't push, you're stepping on my foot
Well, I'm already arrived at my station?
Let me get off!)
Wait no, everyone gets off
Well, a strike, it's been a while
Them who have no risk to lose their job
Who don't care whether you can work or not
Freezing rain, soaked mac
You're running late, you have to run
The minute hand is moving fast on your watch face
Laces undone, you've got no time
Phew, elevator puts your heart at rest
Jazzy, funky background music
Some seconds of respite
Already over, there you go again
Clock on, pick up the mail
Take a look at the schedule
Busy day, bad plan for you
Phone and female switchboard operator
Trade unionists petitions
Punch in the nose
No time to talk
With the General Workers' Confederation minnows
Here we are, already 8:00 PM
No time to dinner
You spend your time making profits
But you don't have time to enjoy it
No sun anymore, it has set
You haven't seen it since this morning
You run without looking around you*
You run, you run towards (your) death


Mova Maisi (May will come)

May will come, may will come with your peachy cheeks
May with blossoms of your color and odor
May will come, but you won't wait for me
And I don't know what will happen to me
May will come, but you won't wait for me
And I don't know what will happen to me
Your arrival, just like sunrise
Heard your glories in a tale
Nor spring can help me, it won't change me
Without you, may won't be the same
And in a month of rose bloom, instead of feast
This deserted heart will drown in a gloom
Your arrival, just like sunrise
Heard your glories in a tale


As long as it is

Shadows hit the station window
Lava hits the wave's edge
The hooves of a horse clatter
Even your hoof slips
When I wake up, I fall into emptiness
I remain in darkness with no escape route
Though it's dark, still, you're not alone
You're not alone
Are the waves endless?
Is life eternal?
Or is there life after death?
You see the light shining but still, you can't escape
You can't escape
Steps quicken
Your hands turn silver
Growing paler all the while
It stops every person in their tracks
It doesn't do it to be mean
Life is destined this way
Heading towards the unknown
Are the waves endless?
Is life eternal?
Or is there life after death?
You see the light shining but still, you can't escape
You can't escape
Do you think how it would be harder
To be another person, it's more mournful
Like a gingerbread being crushed
Buried in pieces
Life is just long enough for you
What about me?
Are the waves endless?
Is life eternal?
Or is there life after death?
You see the light shining but still, you can't escape
You can't escape
You can't escape
Are you still trying to resist
It's your time to go
My voice is hoarse by then
Let's finish this properly
No need to hurry
I'll take you away, towards the end
towards the endless life beyond the border
Are the waves endless?
Is life eternal?
Or is there life after death?
You see the light shining but still, you can't escape
You can't escape
Darkness only imprisons


The moon and the stars

Only the moon and the stars know about our night.
Only the moon and stars know.
There, where the sun laughs at the sea,
you made the best dream come true.
Like a beautiful mermaid
you caught me in your net.
The looks said it all
a seductive smile filled the heart.
With you, I had one wish:
that I could hold you forever
Only the moon and the stars know about our night.
Only the moon and the stars know how nice it was for us.
That's when you stole my heart and got lost somewhere.
Only the moon and the stars know how nice it was for us.
But the dark night took you with it
and left me a memory that still lives.
Do you remember that night too?
are you happy with someone else now?
Do you remember that night too?
and do you wish it happened again?
Only the moon and the stars know about our night.
Only the moon and the stars know how nice it was for us.
That's when you stole my heart and got lost somewhere.
Only the moon and the stars know how nice it was for us.
It's summer again and I hope to meet you.
I'll wait in the old place, maybe you'll come back this year.
Yes, only the moon and stars know!
Oh yes, only the moon and the stars know!
That's when you stole my heart and got lost somewhere.
Only the moon and the stars know how nice it was for us.


You Are Never Going to Leave Me

You promised that You’re never gonna leave me,
Not for a moment left alone am I,
You are the power that forever holds me,
I know You'll be with me until I die.
You are the power that forever holds me,
I know You'll be with me until I die.
You're never going to forget my name,
You cross with me through mountains and the sea,
I'll never taste death with its grimmer game,
With You on my side forever I will be.
I'll never taste death with its grimmer game,
With You on my side forever I will be.
With You, I walk my path in every morning,
With You, I watch the sky throughout the night,
When You rebuke, I feel Your loving warning,
And when You're happy I'll rest in Your delight.
When You rebuke, I feel Your loving warning,
And when You're happy I'll rest in Your delight.
You're never going to forget my name,
You shine in me forever like a star,
You filled my soul with hope's heavenly flame,
My King, My Friend, My Savior, Lord You are!
You filled my soul with hope's heavenly flame,
My King, My Friend, My Savior, Lord You are!


Do not think about it

Tonight the smooth carpet of white ice covers the mountain.
I arrive at the empire of loneliness.
The silent darkness creates a border wall
and I think I'm inside that wall.
The cold wind screams like my blood.
I cannot silence it. I try but it defeats me.
Stop them from coming closer! It's forbidden to come closer.
You have to represent the nobility! Honour them and be happy!
Forget your strength! Hide your strength...
But now they know!
Do not think about it! Do not think about it!
They know and you cannot hide it any more!
Do not think about it! Do not think about it!
The door must remain closed and locked forever!
I don't care!
Their rumours are not a problem for me.
Let the cold wind storm...
I am the lady of coldness


[Chorus] I hope that it's a dream, where we are together
And nobody in the middle of our conflicts
We got it back, why do I focus on the repetition
Of it all, of all I saw before, what did I see til now ?
'Let's stay stangers', I'll text you at midnight
In my head so many problems, and even loneliness
The smoke from my cigarettes doesn't bring me tears anymore
Fly up on mental stairs, when will be growth?
[Verse] I'm back in my room, all alone, something hurts inside
No more 'sorry', goodbye (Bye-Bye)
I'm still the same to you, like a ghost
Nothing has changed, but why didn't you amend, you too ? (You too)
Don't kill my vibe (Vibe)
So tired of losing myself again and searching (Yeah)
Enough of trying to push me away again? (Again)
Enough playing with me, wanted to be with you, but you lost it all
[Chorus] I hope that it's a dream, where we are together
And nobody in the middle of our conflicts
We got it back, why do I focus on the repetition
Of it all, of all I saw before, what did I see til now ?
'Let's stay stangers', I'll text you at midnight
In my head so many problems, and even loneliness
The smoke from my cigarettes doesn't bring me tears anymore
Fly up on mental stairs, when will be growth?


Ti Ra Ra

Hard days don't stay
Trust me, they'll leave
And time will come for us so we can return
Better than before
The times that we once feared
Are the only thing that can stop us
Come let's sing loudly
Come let's sing loudly
Ti Ra Ra
Ti Ra Ra
Ti Ra Ri Ra Ri Ra Ra
Ti Ra Ri Ra Ri Ra Ra
Ti Ra Ra
Let your dreams get bigger
You will make it, for sure
Don't regret a thing, and remember
Tomorrow is a new day
Stay worthy in this world
The light in your heart, don't turn it off
Come let's sing loudly
Come let's sing loudly
Ti Ra Ra
Ti Ra Ra
Ti Ra Ri Ra Ri Ra Ra
Ti Ra Ri Ra Ri Ra Ra
Ti Ra Ra


A szerelem rágógumija

Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)
Kitöröltelek a telefonom névjegyzékéből,
a neved helyét mindig befeketítettem,
meguntam az arcod látványát,
akármerre megyek, a nyomomban vagy
Ó, ó, túl messzire mentél,
a türelmemet túlfeszítetted,
rágógumiként odaragadtál hozzám,
de már elvesztetted az ízed
Óh, elég, ó, ó, elég,
Vajon a szerelem rágógumija vagy?
Elváltunk, nem tudtam elmondani neked,
Menekültem, menekültem, de nem szabadultam meg,
Sehogyan sem tudtál kitörölni az agyadból,
Untattál, nem szálltál le a nyakamról
A szerelem rágógumija vagy?
Elvesztetted az ízed, elvesztetted (ó, elég, túl messzire mentél, elég)...
Elvesztetted az ízed, elvesztetted (ó, elég, túl messzire mentél, elég)...
Elvesztetted az ízed, elvesztetted (ó, elég, túl messzire mentél, elég)...
Elvesztetted az ízed, elvesztetted (ó, elég, túl messzire mentél, elég)...
A szerelem rágógumija vagy?
Elváltunk, nem tudtam elmondani neked,
Menekültem, menekültem, de nem szabadultam meg,
Sehogyan sem tudtál kitörölni az agyadból,
Untattál, nem szálltál le a nyakamról
A szerelem rágógumija vagy? 3x
a szerelem rágógumija vagy?


Ha sikerülne

Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)
Nincs bennem végső szándék,
én ilyen vagyok
A bűneimet megvallani nem
célom, hadd mondjam el...
Mit tettem, Istenem?
A szerelmed mélyére zuhantam, s ott ragadtam!
Naszreddin Hodzsaként
a szívekbe keményítőt raktam
[Refrén:] Ha sikerülne, ha sikerülne,
Ha sikerülne, akkor segítene a szerelem
Ha sikerülne, ha sikerülne
Ha sikerülne és valaki szembejönne?
Nincs bennem végső szándék,
én ilyen vagyok
A bűneimet megvallani nem
célom, hadd mondjam el...
Mit tettem, Istenem?
A szerelmed mélyére zuhantam, s ott ragadtam!
Naszreddin Hodzsaként
a szívekbe keményítőt raktam
[Refrén:] Ha sikerülne, ha sikerülne,
Ha sikerülne, akkor segítene a szerelem
Ha sikerülne, ha sikerülne
Ha sikerülne és valaki szembejönne?
Ha sikerülne...
Ha sikerülne...
[Refrén:] Ha sikerülne, ha sikerülne,
Ha sikerülne, akkor segítene a szerelem
Ha sikerülne, ha sikerülne
Ha sikerülne és valaki szembejönne?


Bang Bang

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[1. versszak: Charlie Scene] Darabokra estem szét, mert már így is törött voltam
A szavak csak jönnek, de aztán kimondatlanok maradnak
A magányos utat járod, az egyetlen utat, amit választottál
Minden pillanat elvéve és minden másodperc ellopva
Nem bírom ki, de nem fogok mindent ellengedni, amit tartok
Amikor érzed te is, remélem te is megerősíted ezt az érzelmet
Az álmaid tova suhannak, mert mindig nyitva vannak a szemeid
Az élet olyan, mint egy puska, nem csak ez van megtöltve
[Kórus: Danny & Funny Man] És az életed egy pillanaton belül véget érhet
Annál jobban rohan, minél jobban próbálsz bele kapaszkodni
Semmi baj, mer’ mindenki tudja
Az élet olyan, mint egy ravasz meghúzása, mint egy golyó
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
[2. versszak: J-Dog] A napok rövidülnek, végtelen rendellenesség
A kínban úszva, az épész a határon van
Nincs idő meggondolni, hogy miért, miért nem félek meghalni
A bűneim kielégülnek, szóval kinek van búcsút mondani ideje?
Minden alkalommal, amikor elvesztem az irányítást, veszítek egy kis darabot a lelkemből
Túl késő, hogy elkezdjek felkapaszkodni e gödör tetejére, szóval gyerünk, menjünk
Nincs idő igazságot tenni, az élet folytatja a rohanást
Nehéz életben maradni, de legalább tudod, hogy kurvára megpróbáltam
[Kórus: Danny & Funny Man] És az életed egy pillanaton belül véget érhet
Annál jobban rohan, minél jobban próbálsz bele kapaszkodni
Semmi baj, mer’ mindenki tudja
Az élet olyan, mint egy ravasz meghúzása, mint egy golyó
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
[Híd: Danny] Nem élsz mindaddig, amíg nem tudod, hogy meghalhatsz
Sétálnod kell, mielőtt repülni próbálsz
Soha nem tudhatod, hogy mi az igaz az életben, amíg nem éled meg
Soha nem látod jönni, csak mint egy golyót
[3. verszak: Johnny 3 Tears] Néha az igazság fáj belül
Csodálkoztál már valaha, hogy miért?
Szólj, ha idő van, hogy lerántsam
Átrángatlak ezen a golyón
Akarod tudni, milyen repülni?
Vegyél magadnak valami szép kis életet
Szólj, ha idő van, hogy lerántsam
Átrángatlak ezen a golyón
Akarsz élni, mielőtt meghalsz?
Adj be magadnak valami szép kis életet
Szólj, ha idő van, hogy lerántsam
Átrángatlak ezen a golyón
[Kórus: Danny & Funny Man] És az életed egy pillanaton belül véget érhet
Annál jobban rohan, minél jobban próbálsz bele kapaszkodni
Semmi baj, mer’ mindenki tudja
Az élet olyan, mint egy ravasz meghúzása, mint egy golyó
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang