Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 55

Találatok száma: 100455



Free, I want to live
like the swallow
who doesn't want to return
to its nest.
Free, I want to go away,
free, don't seek me out
and remember the memories
thrown into the depths of the sea.
Run, my beauty,
happy on the sea,
never restrain your love.
Sail, sail,
glide, glide
with the wind, go
towards freedom.
I want to live,
it's fantastic,
(free, free, free, free, free,
free, free, I want to live.)
It's fantastic,
it's life
that calls to me!
(Free, free, free).


It Rains (Bye-Bye, Little Love)

Bye, bye, little love, another kiss (bye)
and then forever I'll lose you (bye).
Like a fairy tale, love passes,
once upon a time, then it's no longer there.
What is it that trembles on your face?
Is it rain or tears? Tell me what it is.
I'd like to find new words
but while it rains, I cry with you.
(Bye, bye, little love, another kiss
and then forever I'll lose you).
Like a fairy tale, love passes,
once upon a time, then it's no longer there.
Bye, bye, little love, don't turn around,
I can't tell you: 'Stay one more time.'
I'd like to find new words
but it rains, rains on our love.


Another Kiss

give me another kiss,
tell me that your love
is great and infinite.
dream clinging to me,
you know that like you
I've never kissed anyone.
The world,
you know,
beautiful as ever
is here between my arms.
give me another kiss,
give me your love
for eternity.
I dreamed this moment,
a thousand stars embroider the entire sky.
The moment most yearned for
lived in my thoughts.
give me another kiss,
tell me that your love
is great and infinite.
dream clinging to me,
you know that like you
I've never kissed anyone.
The world,
you know,
beautiful as ever
is here between my arms.
give me another kiss,
give me your love
for eternity.
The world,
you know,
beautiful as ever
is here between my arms.
give me another kiss,
give me your love
for eternity.


귀를 막아봐도 (Closed Ear)

I'm tossing and turning at night. Close my eyes and think about something else.
I can't even sleep, so I just sigh.
I'm standing in front of the house alone because I'm frustrated.
I'll wait for you in case I can see you.
In the alley where there is no one
I didn't hear your footprints.
I'm mistaken if it's you again today.
I'm just thinking about it.
Even if you cover your ears, you can hear more voices.
A lot of memories of the day I couldn't even do well.
We who loved us with more tears.
It was really good at that time.
Put your traces away in the corner of the room.
I'm trying to erase the memories we had together.
Leaning on me and laughing
You still look like that.
I think it's still a little hard to stay without you.
Even if you cover your ears, you can hear more voices.
A lot of memories of the day I didn't even do well.
We who loved us with more tears.
I guess I can't take back the day that was really good.
It's time for me to walk alone on the dark road.
Now I'm getting used to it.
At that time, I passed the place without you again.
Even if I close my eyes, my thoughts get bigger.
A lot of memories of the day I couldn't even do well.
We were with tears again.
I miss that time when it was so good.


The song of Ushimado

Look down from the hill
The sea glistening in the sun
You can see the ferry to Maejima Island
The sea is calm and relaxing
I want to be a bird, I want to be the wind, I want to be a bird
I'm talking with friends about nothing
Look down from the top of the mountain
Olive groves full of green
Where is the line between the sea and the sky
The sea is calm and relaxing
I want to stay like this, like this, like this
I want to stay like this, like this, like this
I want to stay like this, like this, like this
I want to stay like this
Talking with friends about nothing
I want to keep our singing voice echoing
Our voice
Our voice
Our voice


Youth is like a Firework

Forgot school material? No, we will become nerds!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We will become nerds!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We will become nerds!
Like birds high in the heavens' dome,
We long for freedom!
Much grief and suffering ...
There's no time left for them!
It may seem strange...
This can only be love!
Ich follow my goal ...
Not much is lacking anymore!
In search of possibilities
It only helps if I break through!
Spin off! Spin off! School everyday life!
Nonsensical rules restrict life!
Kick the door in -- leave the bird cage!
Pubertary lunacy -- nothing makes more sense!
A festival of sloth! Now is our time!
At the end of this classroom I see a light -- it indicates
Us the way that leads us from this battlefield.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We will become nerds!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We will become nerds!
Attack... attack on the junior high!
We will become nerds!


My songs were only for him

What do I want to get the Muse's protection for anymore?
To clench my heart so it accepts its new loves, faiths and joys,
supposedly it's meant to be and also exquisite!
It has been long since the star of my gaze would shine its rays at both the divine and earthly.
Oh, I did not hold the unholy lyre of passions,
my songs were only for him.
And I would sing the sorrow of my unblemished soul
in grateful tears
and all the joy of my song was
that my voice would be recieved by him one night, in front of his meager hearth.
And as I'd once read his joy in his eyes,
what glory can I call more precious?
At our seperation the verses, like swallows, would bring him the message
that I love him doubly from afar.
Now no echo, none at all, is left from my voice,
heart-wrenching when a night's darkness came to full.
But everyone was frightened
and I still believe honestly that I knocked on Hades' heavy door.
So why should I accept the Muse's call?
Inside me the faith in the divine and earthly sneers.
An unholy lyre of passions does not suit me.
My songs, they were only for him.



I wake in the relentless dawn of the drunks
I see you through the window glass
asleep in the shadow of the past
Athens, who talks about revolution
Athens, you school play
Athens of acquitted murderers
Athens of the sold out
Athens of eternal opponents
Athens of persuation by truncheons
Athens, European by force
Athens with flags and mirafioris
Athens, unwillingly eastern
Athens, crazy lot of junk
Athens of the northern suburbs
Athens of cafés
Athens of strong crushes and dishes
Athes of lonely deaths
Athens of ancient myths
Of shot down verses
Athens, everything third hand
Athens, dark in the middle of the day
Athens, forgotten out of the plan
Athens, [you're] impressed
What do I sing for you


Earth, Wind & Fire

Earth, Wind and Fire
Earth, Wind and Fire
What’s all this confusion, doubt over me
Don’t think too hard, just say yes
I can let everything go
But not this time
He’s just playing games
You’re my darling right?
Are you teasing me
Burning me to a crisp
You can send me to space with a single breath
I feel so bad
Baby baby
Ready or not
Baby baby
Make me feel so groovy
You ain't just a girlfriend
That’s not enough, you
You’re my Earth, Wind and Fire
My Earth, Wind and Fire
What’s all this confusion, doubt over me
Don’t think too hard, just say yes
Baby boo my sweetie darling,
think I love you more
Baby boo my sweetie darling,
think I love you more
Baby boo my sweetie darling, think I love you
Baby boo my sweetie darling, think I love you
Don’t know what you know
My manners in the way I talk
Manners maketh man
Etiquette comes naturally to me
Call me a gentleman
Yeah yeah yeah yes I’m
Cheesy greasy fresh breezy
Baby boo my sweetie darling,
think I love you more
The sky wasn’t high enough, now look at me
I think I love you more than I thought, pride
What even is that
You are my fire, my wind, my flower
Earth, fire, wind, I need you more above all
Baby baby
Ready or not
Baby baby
Make me feel so high
You ain't just a girlfriend
That’s not enough, you
You’re my Earth, Wind and Fire
My Earth, Wind and Fire
What’s all this confusion, doubt over me
Don’t think too hard just say yes
Baby, hold up, stop
My lady, you’re my whole world
So hear me, I call for you, all out of breath
You’re my Earth, Wind and Fire
My Earth, Wind and Fire
What’s all this confusion, doubt over me
Don’t think too hard, just say yes
Baby boo my sweetie darling,
think I love you more
Baby boo my sweetie darling,
think I love you more
Baby boo my sweetie darling, think I love you
Baby boo my sweetie darling, think I love you
Don’t know what you know


Traffic Jam

You’re going a 100 miles per hour
It doesn’t seem this will be an obstacle
But you’ve forgotten that once again
That nobody even cares
All thanks to your fuckin’ nonsense
Your writing’s already on the wall
And the memory
Its already taken over all your room
And the streets outside feed your drunk
So whats still open?
Well if it is, then it’s billions
Going back won’t do you no good now
The sad full moon
Of solitude
And who cares anymore?
If it ain’t around now
Have you already gotten lost?
How little time you’ve suffered this map
The route’s already been lost
Well when did you leave?
How long have you been without your bed?
Thinking about never coming back.
The sad full moon
Of solitude
And who cares anymore?
If it ain’t around now
A traffic jam…


Pornó angyali

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A szobám szaga, mint a romlott étel
És asszem az enyém is
Nehezebb itt jónak lenni
Mint éhezni majd meghalni
Odaadnám Sátánnak a testemet
Ha csak a lelkemet megtarthatnám
De már nem igazán találom a határt
A kettő között
Megint hullik a hajam
És nem nagyon érdekel
Próbálom felkavarni a tudatomat,
Hogy nem is volt ott soha
Az újjaid mélyen bennem
Olyanok mint újjak lenn a torkomon
Minden rendben van a Mennyben
De soha sem fogom megtudni
Mutass be kádakban áldozatot
És piszkold össze a takarókat
Áztasd minden ruhámat szentelt vízben
És folytsd őket meg, mint egy bőgő fiút
Folytsd őket meg, mint egy bőgő leányt
Imátkozz az éjszakában a pornó angyalaihoz
Szögek a csuklóikban és térdük a földön
Nagy tavak tele ondóval, mindenkiből kivonva


Kérlek egyél

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bárcsak szerethetnélek annyira, hogy megadhassam amire szükséged van
Bárcsak lehetnék számodra a kéz, mely etet
Mert tudom, hogy tudsz addig éhezni
Míg meg nem szereted
Csontok trónján ülve
Bámulni azt a hideg ételni
Nem a tested az, mit szeretek
De az a héj amiben vagy
És te megölöd, megölöd
Az egyetlen részed, melyet megérinthetek
Nem a tested az, mire szükségem van
De az alszik mellettem
És te megölöd, megölöd,
Kérlek egyél.
Bárcsak meggyőzhetnélek, hogy mindent megérdemelsz
Minden kanál és falat, bármi amit csak enni akarsz
Mert tudom, hogy tudsz addig éhezni,
Míg meg nem halsz
Vannak már eltűnt részeid,
Melyeket sosem tudok újraéleszteni
Nem a tested az, mit szeretek
De az a héj amiben vagy
És te megölöd, megölöd
Az egyetlen részed, melyet megérinthetek
Nem a tested az, mire szükségem van
De az alszik mellettem
És te megölöd, megölöd,
Kérlek egyél.


Rossz ember

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bárcsak ne kellett volna meghalnia
De rossz ember volt
Mit kezdjek ezekkel a könnyekkel, melyeket sírtam
Ez a rossz ember miatt?
Átírtam a szerelmes történetet, mit a testemen hagyott
Valaki más kezeivel
Még mindig sírok, de nem sajnálom
Nem, egyáltalán nem érdekel
Mostmár kimostam őt a ruháimból
Tudom, hogy mennie kellett, mennie kellett
És tudod, ő is ugyanezt mondaná
Bárcsak ne kellett volna meghalnia
De rossz ember volt
Mondhatnám, hogy nem szeretem
Te tudod. hogy hazudnék
Nem jelenti azt, hogy nem ítélem el
És az istenbe is, tudja miért engedtem el
Kimostam őt a ruháimból
Tudom, hogy mennie kellett, mennie kellett
És tudod, ő is ugyanezt mondaná
Bárcsak ne kellett volna meghalnia
De rossz ember volt
Mit kezdjek ezekkel a könnyekkel, melyeket sírtam
Ez a rossz ember miatt?



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Túrós, mint a tej a nyári melegben, a bőröm megpuhult
A fejem megromlott
A szívem egy veszett kutyaként próbálja beléddöfni fogait
Azt hitted fényt láttál, de csak erdőtüzek volt, ahogy élve felfalnak
A végtagjaim holtak és szárazok
A mellkasom földet és gyomokat ringat
Üres vagyok belül
És én sosem foglak tudni szeretni
Még ha próbálnám se
És lefekszem melléd
De attól tartok, egy holttest meleg lenne az enyémhez képest
Mert meddő vagyok belül
Meddő vagyok belül
Próbáltál szeretkezni az üres méhembe
Próbáltál megtömni, mint egy babát a darabjaiddal
De mind kifolyik a kilazult varrataimból
Szétszedtem magamat, és elvágtam a zsinórjaimat
És kikapartam a maradékot az éhes beleimből
Összegyűjtöttem szemétkupacokba
Hogy zsákba kössem
Elsűllyesszem a tóban
És elássam őket a szomorú hibáim legalján
És én sosem foglak tudni szeretni
Még ha próbálnám se
És lefekszem melléd
De attól tartok, egy holttest meleg lenne az enyémhez képest, Mert meddő vagyok belül
Meddő vagyok belül


Mi van vele

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Sétáltunk a parton, mily holdvilágos éjszaka,
a kezébe fogta a kezem, megcsókolt és azt mondta:
'Veled akarom leélni az életem, a feleségemnek akarlak'.
Aztán arra gondoltam...
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor hazudtál nekem?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor azt mondtad senkinek sem kellenék?
Mi van a sok szarsággal, amit velem tettél?
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amit üvöltöttél velem?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor sírtam? Nem is öleltél
Mi van azokkal a dolgokkal?
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Szünetet tartottam, és mély levegőt vettem,
a szemembe nézett ahogy azt mondta:
'Tudom, hogy nem mondtam semmi rosszat',
de volt bátorságom hozzá, de aztán arra gondoltam...
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor hazudtál nekem?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor azt mondtad senkinek sem kellenék?
Mi van a sok szarsággal, amit velem tettél?
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amit üvöltöttél velem?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor sírtam? Nem is öleltél
Mi van azokkal a dolgokkal?
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor felpofoztál?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor folytattad, amikor azt mondtam: 'Kérlek ne tovább'?
Mi van azokkal a dolgokkal?
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor megaláztál?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor azt mondtad nem dugtad meg?
Csak szimplán leszopott, uh.
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Nem akarom nyomorúságban élni az életem,
ne mondd, hogy azért csináltad, mert szeretsz.
Nem hiszem el, elegem van a megtévesztő játékokból,
azon agyalva, merre jártál, nem akarok ezen gondolkodni.
A szívem zakatolt, de eljött az idő,
hogy ne engedjem a suttogó szívem irányítani tovább.
Yeah, és ne hagyjam, hogy megmondja az üvöltő elmémnek mit tegyen,
egyenesen a szemébe néztem és azt mondtam:
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor hazudtál nekem?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor azt mondtad senkinek sem kellenék?
Mi van a sok szarsággal, amit velem tettél?
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amit üvöltöttél velem?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor sírtam? Nem is öleltél
Mi van azokkal a dolgokkal?
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor felpofoztál?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor folytattad, amikor azt mondtam:
'Kérlek ne tovább'?
Mi van azokkal a dolgokkal?
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor megaláztál?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor azt mondtad nem dugtad meg?
Csak szimplán leszopott (Oh)
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor hazudtál nekem?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor azt mondtad senkinek sem kellenék? (Emlékszem)
Mi van a sok szarsággal, amit velem tettél?
Mi van vele, mi van vele? (Oh)
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amit üvöltöttél velem? (Emlékszem)
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor sírtam? Nem is öleltél (Nem is öleltél)
Mi van azokkal a dolgokkal?
Mi van vele, mi van vele?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor megaláztál?
Mi van az alkalmakkal, amikor azt mondtad nem dugtad meg?
Csak szimplán leszopott, uh.
Mi van vele, mi van vele?


Meeting by chance

On the water's surface painted by the night, a silvery road drawn by the moon
Someday, I will cross over it. We'll meet again, without a doubt.
In the depths of deaf ears, the embers of voices still linger
Keeping an unforgettable fever, I quietly burn the present time away
A silent beast that doesn't seem to miss the company of anyone
Within its territory, it's nothing but a breathing mass.
Why do you make me feel so alone? Why does it feel like we've never been apart?
The hole you pierced through my heart insists I have to live a future without you
If I can't bring my tears across with me, at least let me cry like a kid for now
Because when the dawn arrives to greet the starry sky, I'll choose the future connected by my past
I close my eyes to the faint breeze and never wake up from my dreams
Seeing off countless fleeting moments, all I do is keep my own company here
Falling on deaf ears, the embers of voices sting me
As if to wake those dozing eyes, I scrub away my tired present and smile
Be by my side, be by my side, under the morning that seems like someone else's problem
Don't disappear, don't disappear, show me there's something here
Be by my side, be by my side, under the sun that's gonna freeze me solid
Don't erase me, hold me tight
A silent beast that roars, laughing at others
Refusing to give up its life, it's nothing but a breathing mass
If I could meet you again, I want to tell you 'thank you', but where is the meaning born from that?
Goodbye, beyond that, on this wavering path, I insist on searching for it in the future you're not in.
Why do you make me feel so alone? Why does it feel like we've never been apart?
Because when the dawn arrives to greet the starry sky, I'll choose the future connected by my past
Because my tears will come along with me
The hole forever through my heart insists that, yes, I have to live a future without you
Be by my side, be by my side, under the morning that seems like someone else's problem
Don't disappear, don't disappear, show me there's something here
Be by my side, be by my side, under the sun that's gonna freeze me solid
Don't erase me, hold me tight, someday I'll make it over there
We'll meet again, without a doubt.


Lord, hear my prayer

CD 3, 142nd Psalm: Lord, hear my prayer (Psalm 143 KJV) Lord Hear My Prayer
1. Lord, hear my prayer, hear my prayer for Thy truth

Psalm 50 (Psalm 51 KJV)

CD 5, 1. Have mercy on me, O God, by Thy great mercy (lovingkindness), and because of Thy many goodnesses, cleanse me of mine iniquity.
2. Most of all, wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and from my sin,
3. For I know mine iniquity (transgression) and my sin is always before me.
4. Against Thee alone I have sinned, and I have done evil before Thee, that Thou mayest be righteous when Thou judgest, and victorious when Thou judgest.
5. For behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and in sin did my mother bear me.
6. Because Thou hast revealed the truth to me, Thine unknown and secret wisdom.
7. Sprinkle me with hyssop and I shall be clean, wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
8. Let me hear joy and gladness, and my weak bones will rejoice.
9. Turn away Thy face from my sins and blot out all mine iniquities.
10. Create a pure-clean heart in me, God, and a truly renewed spirit in me.
11. Do not cast me away from Thy face and do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me.
12. Restore my joy, save me and strengthen me with Thy mighty Spirit.
13. I will teach the wicked to walk in Thy ways, and the wicked will turn unto Thee.
14. Deliver me from (having shed) blood, O God, God of my salvation, and my tongue will rejoice in Thy righteousness.
15. Lord, open my mouth and my mouth will declare Thy praise

First and Third Odes or Songs

CD 6, Choir: Glorious Forerunner, pray for us.
First Ode or Song
Melody: Crossing the water...
After thou appeared to John the hermit/ anchorite, glorious, through thine icon thou gave us a healing spring, that is why we sing to thee, Baptist of Christ.
The most honourable one, Prophet, Forerunner of Christ and a preacher in hell. Ever from the faithful children, through the icon thou art gloriously successful.
He lived in an angelic body, a brave servant of God was crowned with glory. Deliver us from our troubles, thou who called thyself great before the Lord.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos
Great is the mystery, most glorious, how a Virgin gives birth and remains incorruptible, standing before her with trepidation and may we glorify the Brideless.
Third Ode or Song
Melody: in the firmament (the heavens)...
Rushing towards thee joyfully, the hermit Jovan called: my fortress and protection, give me a blessing. Thus, the faithful come to thee now, Oh Lord, be our support.
Glorious John, thou wanted to teem out rivers of grace, that's why thou announced thy icon to us, Holy One. We always faithfully come towards it, comfort in having thee, Forerunner the greatest.
Looking at thy face/ icon, we sing songs of praise to thee, like unworthy children, we place our hope in thee. Baptist of Christ, who heals all kinds of infirmities, banish all mental torments from us.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos
Having motherly boldness towards the Lord. Virgin Mary, pray unceasingly for us, because we suffer from infirmities. Thou liftest us up and givest us a warm protection, Rejoicing Mother of God.
Save thy servants from misery, Baptist, because we all turn to thee for God's sake, as to an indestructible rampart and protection.
Look with kindness, Virgin Mary Mother of God, heal my angry bodily anguish and heal the sickness of my soul.


Blow up every limit

Something has happened within me
My old self feels wrong
I don’t want to play along the rules of someone else’s game anymore
No time to vacillate
Now it’s time to take position
I’m standing on the tip of the branch
I close my eyes and take a run-up
I take a leap and blow up every limit
If the world is heavy, then blow up every limit
I refuse to be pushed down
I’ve had enough of obstacles and the narrow views of other people
I cannot change everything, but I aim high, I can see the skies
I spent so much time chasing after a love I’ve never received
Turns out that love is worthless
I’d rather leave and blow up every limit
Life’s short, so I’ll blow up every limit
I refuse to be pushed down
Boundless, together we’re limitless
Together we’ll be unbeatable, you and I
I know dreams can come true
If we’re together
No one can defeat us
A winning team that blows up every limit
Because you and I can blow up every limit
And never be pushed down
If you want to find me, turn your eyes to the west
And as they told me, everyone should dare flying out
Maybe I’m flying alone
But I’m flying strong and free
If they want to take me down, they’ll taste my magic
And see how I can twist every limit
Break the laws of gravity, I’m blowing up every limit
I’ll fly around, so everyone can see
That no wizard anywhere
And no one anywhere else
Can ever push me down again
Look at the wicked witch
Take her

Never again
No grief for the wicked
So she must be forced down



Litany 1 (of fervent supplication)

CD 7, Priest: Have mercy on us, God, by thy great grace, we pray to Thee, hear us and have mercy on us.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for (all) pious-godly and orthodox Christians.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for our Most-reverend Metropolitan (Archbishop) (name).
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for our Most-reverend Father Igumen (abbot)
(name) and for all of our Brotherhood in Christ.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for this Holy monastery (or: city, or village), for mercy, life, peace, salvation, visiting forgiveness and absolution from sins and good progress of God's servants (names, if any), all pious Christians, brothers (or: sisters) of this holy monastery and of all worshipers, who come to it with faith.
Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for the people standing here, hoping for great and rich mercy from Thee, for all brothers and for all Christians.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest: for thou art a merciful and Human-loving God, We bring Thee glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, now and always and forever (unto the ages of ages).
Choir: Amen.


Sessional Hymn: A Warm prayer, great advocate

CD 8 Tone 2 Melody: Above looking for...
We have gained thee by warm prayer, Saint, brave protector and great advocate. We sing diligently to thee, Baptist: hurry and deliver us from misery, we who praise thee with faith and love.


Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Odes or Songs

Melody: I heard it, Lord...
CD 9, Fourth Ode or Song To the childless, Forerunner, what do they ask of thee, thou blessest them with births, therefore thou art also glorified by them.
Thou hast called the sons of Adam to repentance, accept our contrition, although we have no worthy fruit. (See Luke 3:8 KJV)
Here the whole monastery calls out and speaks of thee, the miracles are countless, John, given to us through the icon.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos:
The helmsman gave birth to our salvation, Mariam, therefore the heavenly hosts watched the miracle with trepidation.
Fifth Ode or Song:
Melody: Enlighten us, Lord...
Pray for us for the forgiveness of sins, thou who received a heavenly blessing, to heal from us from all weaknesses.
Warmth abundant in thee we recognized, chanting, intoxicated by the graceful currents.
The one who received baptism for us, through thy reverend hand, made thee the greatest of those born.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos:
We praise thee loudly, Queen, because the Prophet greeted thee and danced in thy mother's womb.
Sixth Song or Ode
Melody: I will pour out a prayer unto the Lord...
Thy house has become right famous, great John, Forerunner of God, and it bears witness to thee faithfully, because it is built on a rock, always praising, with the icon called Bigorska.
Venerating the truthful icon, and in sorrow we ask for help. Baptist, look at us and encourage us soon, thee who showed thyself brave, scorning the sin of Herod.
The newlyweds sing to thee with joy, because they were given by thee, and they have spoken about thee faithfully, announcing the miracles. Oh. Most Blessed One, protect them from miseries too.
Virgin Mary Mother of God Theotokos:
A pillar of fire and the brightest star thou art Most Holy for us in the darkness. Thou gave birth to the everlasting Sun, who illuminated us with light, Lady Mary, we exalt thee with gladness.
Save thy servants from sorrow, Baptist, why through God, we resort to thee, as to an indestructible rampart and protection. Pure one, who through the word, inexplicably gave birth to the Word in the last days. Beseech Him, as the possessor of motherly boldness.


Galaxy Cyclone Braiger

[Dialogue] 'Evil laughter echoes
in the shadow of the stars in the night sky
Burdening the whole galaxy
with the tears of people from star to star
Galaxy Cyclone Braiger
Call it and they will come at once!'
J9, J9, Merciless
Even the outlaws of
Asteroid Belt tremble
Cosmo Rangers J9
Running through the void of space
Brai-Thunder Brai-Thunder
Flying about the light of stars
from a thousand hundred light years, Brai-Star
Spreading Plasma
The Wolf's Mark
This is, this is
Galaxy Cyclone, Galaxy Cyclone
J9, J9, Fearless
as long as the evil rages
Even the outlaws run from them
Cosmo Rangers J9
The pride machine of Super Police
Brai-Thunder, Brai-Thunder
They don't mind for their lives, just take off
to somewhere far away riding the Brai-Star
Spreading Plasma
The Wolf's Mark
This is, this is
Galaxy Cyclone, Galaxy Cyclone
Braiger, Braiger


Litany 2 (of fervent supplication)

Priest. Have mercy on us, God, by Thy great mercy. We beg thee, hear us and have mercy.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest. Let us pray for godly and Orthodox Christians.
Choir: Lord, have mercy). (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for our Most reverend Metropolitan (name).
Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)
Priest: Let us pray for our Most Reverend Father Igumen (abbot) (name) and for all our brotherhood in Christ.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest. Let us pray for this Holy monastery (or: city, or village), for mercy, life, peace, salvation, visiting forgiveness and absolution from sins and good progress of God's servants (names, if any), all pious Christians, brothers (or: sisters) of this holy monastery and of all worshipers, who come to it with faith.
Choir: Lord, have mercy (three times)
Priest. Let us pray for all the people standing here, awaiting great and rich mercy from Thee, for all brothers and for all Christians.
Choir: Lord, have mercy. (three times)
Priest. for thou art a merciful and Human-loving God, We bring Thee glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, now and always and forever (unto the ages of ages).
Choir: Amen


Kondakion: Protection and Intercessor for Christians Then the kondakion, tone 6

Unfailing protection and intercessor for Christians, and for us the warmest prayer-maker, do not look down on the prayerful voices of sinners, but Forerunner, hear us, and help us, who warmly cry unto thee: hurry, O Baptist, and hurry to help us, preacher of Christ. John all-glorified.



The golden strings that I'm entangled in are now
Digging into my skin, leaving a repulsive mark behind
Dozing off in a pain that won't reach,
That's the result of giving myself to my dreams...
Even my body, even my heart, they're all things that I own
So please, hey, be gentle to me, or I might break inside
Please forgive me, please forgive me, though I may be weak
As I collapse inside the darkness that covers me
Though I tried to match my hair and my eyes' colors,
Reflecting in the mirror was something else, something I'll never unite with
The lukewarm contract that flows by
Is now stealing all the colors from my world...
If my body, if my heart, they are all made from scratch,
I wonder if, hey, it would be okay to not cry as much
Please notice it, please notice it, I'm standing here right now
As I squirm inside the darkness that covers me
Even my body, even my heart, they're all things that I own
So please, hey, be gentle to me, or I might break inside
Please forgive me, please forgive me, though I may be weak
As I collapse inside the darkness that covers me



Maybe it’s autumn
That makes me melancholy
It’s raining hard
Ninetta mia
It’s almost October and it feels like winter
Cold days, bitter nights
Spent waiting for you
To write me
Even one word
Even one word
And what do you do?
Are you cheerful or melancholy these days?
Do you ever think of me?
Are you coming back or not coming back?
And yes, you’re right, stay away
It’s been a whole year
And you haven’t written me a word
One, just one
Yeah, it’s still you!
Yeah, it’s still you!
And you haven’t written me a word
One, just one
Yeah, it’s still you!
Yeah, it’s still you!


Prokimenon and straight away Tone 6

CD 12, And thou, child, shalt be called a prophet of the Most High. Verse: For thou shalt go before the face of the Lord, to prepare His way (see Luke 1:76)


Two Letters 2

Don't remind me about love -
I do not believe you,
Your hankey-pankey in the past
Was for me enough!
Listen, fabric with lavsan
Is at the pick of fashion,
If you want, I'll it for you,
It's good for dressing up.
As for vodka - I didn't drink
Even a drop so far,
I save money on my food,
Even soup I don't eat.
It's because I want to buy
A pretty blouse for you,
I love you, my silly girl,
This will be my gift.
I was in a ballet, where
The men are groping the girls,
All the girls are very lean,
In white slipper shod.
I write this letter and the tears
From my sad eyes flow,
My sweet, do not let men grab you,
I'll soon be back home.
Our bull on the exhibit
Is on of the best,
While he first got in the group
Of defective bulls.
But the chumps who were judging
Quickly changed their minds,
Now, award on his chest, he stands
In stud-bulls group.
Say to the chairman of kolkhoz
To fix my house's roof,
And remind him to command
For hay to cut the grass,
If he won't, I won't make 'dates'
For the kolkhoz cows,
This may spoil my champion bull,
Shouldn't even bother to ask.
Let them fix the leaking roof,
The grain shouldn't rot, should it?
You should treat Pashka as a traitor,
If he bothers you.
If you flirt with the agronomist,
I'll pull out your legs,
You can stroll one time with chairman,
If he invites you.
Now good bye, I go to shop
In the Central Store.
It's like the store in our village,
But more glass, doors and space.
You may bore me if you wear
Your sheep-skin half-coat
And your very modest dress
On which the patterns fade.
There a cultural park located
Along the river shore,
I walk in the park and spit
Only in the urns.
But you'll hardly understand it
Behind your rustic stove,
Because you are an uncultured and unlearned
Village girl.


On The Last Shore

Dad stands at the shore and waits for the storm, holding a gun
Mom holds little sister in her arms as the sky glows a strange red in the evening
The last time I heard from my brother was when his letter from abroad came
He said he's fine but the situation looks damn bad there as well
We're playing hide and seek
We're hiding on the last shore
And there's no-one looking for us anymore, this is an empty, endless game
And only the wind whispers: 'Come out, come out wherever you are'
Uncle has kind of lost his mind, he sits in the shed, crying and laughing
Sometimes blaming Satan, and sometimes God, saying 'us sinners are being punished'
It's strangely quiet next door, they've had their blinds shut for a week now
Dad told us not to visit, he said: 'They've done what they've done, it's their business
It's their business'
We're playing hide and seek
We're hiding on the last shore
And there's no-one looking for us anymore, this is an empty, endless game
And only the wind whispers: 'Come out, come out wherever you are'
I'm only seven years old but I still understand something
When the TV isn't working and I heard the newscaster cry on the radio
They're talking about some kind of cloud that's on its way here
Little sister asked: 'How many days 'til Christmas?'
And I saw dad wiping his eyes, wiping his eyes
We're playing hide and seek
We're hiding on the last shore
And there's no-one looking for us anymore, this is an empty, endless game
And only the wind whispers: 'Come out, come out wherever you are'


Beautiful Dreamer

Beautiful dreamers, awoken from their sleep
those birds that were waiting, unto every of their nod.
'for I may fly no more,' 'I would flight, but could not'
and, the sky is blue there, where there they be.
they betake themselves to long journey's route,
the birds laden with their pain and woe.
'should we thus return?' 'no, there is no way back',
where is the sky now? it is not there, where there they be.
the old streets in my memories, more distant than a dreamy apparition
forget it now, forget it now...
forgot it now...and then they have forgotten, the past in which they were once to be.
returning from their down-going trip to the land of dead,
again go the same birds,
'Wouldn't I like to fly?' 'If only I could, fly away'.
is it because this is their last?
wandering as they go, the birds lost on their way home,
drenched by their own tears, the same birds.
'should we then go home?' 'no, there is no way going back home.'
it is because this is their last.
how would I not like to see the old streets in my memories, even as apparition in a dream?
now, please forget it