Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 57

Találatok száma: 100455



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A bűntudatom és a szégyenem
Mindig alábecsülnek, mindig ugyanazt érzem
És az arcom és a lelkem
Mindig elgyengítenek, mindig ellenőrzés alatt vannak
De a leghosszabb órák az életedben
Azok, melyeken csak várod, hogy megtudd, igazad volt-e
Ezért én várok, de könyörgöm, hogy ne legyen igazam,
Mert úgy vélem, tudom, mi folyik itt
Tehát, hogy tisztázzam
Az egyetlen akarat az enyém
Azt teszem, amit akarok, és egyedül maradok
Érinthetetlen és szennyezett lesz minden döntésemtől
Szenvedni fogok életem végéig
De mindig meg fogom találni, hogyan éljem túl
Nem vagyok egy kudarc, de tudom, milyen az
Vagy tetszik nekem, vagy nem tetszik, vagy meghalok
Maradj, nem mindig tudod, hányadán állsz
Amíg csak rá nem jössz, hogy nem fogsz elfutni
Valami énbennem olyan érzés,
Mint ként lélegezni be
Az életem elveszett
És bűnös vagyok a legtöbbeknek, de néhányaknak bölcs
És az isteneim hamisak
Talán nincs igazam, de jobb vagyok nálad
És a leghosszabb órák az életemben
Azok voltak, melyeken csak vártam, hogy megtudjam, igazam volt-e
Így biztonságban vagyok, csak egy kicsit kívül
Nevetni fogok, amikor élve eltemetnek
Maradj, nem mindig tudod, hányadán állsz
Amíg csak rá nem jössz, hogy nem fogsz elfutni
Valami énbennem olyan érzés,
Mint ként lélegezni be
Mint ként lélegezni be
Mint ként lélegezni be
Maradj, nem mindig tudod, hányadán állsz
Amíg csak rá nem jössz, hogy nem fogsz elfutni
Valami énbennem olyan érzés,
Mint ként lélegezni be, mint ként lélegezni be
Maradj, nem mindig tudod, hányadán állsz
(Nem mindig tudod, hányadán állsz)
Amíg csak rá nem jössz, hogy nem fogsz elfutni
Valami énbennem olyan érzés,
(Valami énbennem olyan érzés)
Mint ként lélegezni be, mint ként lélegezni be
Mint ként lélegezni be
Mint ként lélegezni be
Mint ként lélegezni be
Mint ként lélegezni be



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Te csak a fantáziafiúm vagy
Én találtalak ki, a játékszerem vagy,
Rád találtam, mint álomra a fejemben
A szemeid, mint egy misztikus álom,
A legmélyebb kék, amit valaha láttam
Paul Newman és James Dean keveréke vagy
Mondd meg, miért! Mondd meg, miért!
Miért vagy ilyen valóságos, mikor álmodom?
Nem tudod, hogy szembe kell néznem a valósággal?
Kérlek, a szeretőm legyél, és ne a játékszerem!
Kell, hogy igazi légy,
Ne csak egy fantázia!
Meg akarlak fogni és érezni!
Gyere, és lépj be az életembe!
Annyival nehezebb túlélnem
A szerelmed nélkül!
Gyere és vigyél el az örökkévalóságba!
Tudom, egy nap találkozni fogunk,
Fantáziafiú, érzem a meleged,
Meg akarlak szorítani, incselkedni veled, a karjaimban tartani
ondd meg, miért! Mondd meg, miért!
Miért vagy ilyen valóságos, mikor álmodom?
Nem tudod, hogy szembe kell néznem a valósággal?
Kérlek, a szeretőm legyél, és ne a játékszerem!
Kell, hogy igazi légy,
Ne csak egy fantázia!
Meg akarlak fogni és érezni!
Gyere, és lépj be az életembe!
Annyival nehezebb túlélnem
A szerelmed nélkül!
Gyere és vigyél el az örökkévalóságba!
Kérlek, a szeretőm legyél, és ne a játékszerem!
Kell, hogy igazi légy,
Ne csak egy fantázia!
Meg akarlak fogni és érezni!
Gyere, és lépj be az életembe!
Annyival nehezebb túlélnem
A szerelmed nélkül!
Gyere és vigyél el az örökkévalóságba!


Mennyi a hal

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A hajsza jobb, mint a fogás
Átalakítjuk a dalokat
Kell a támogatásotok!
Hogyha visszanyerted a lélegzeted
Ez a második fejezet első oldala
Visszakérlek a ritmus támadáshoz
Lemegyek a tánctérre, mint egy mániákus
Visszakérlek a ritmus támadáshoz
Menj le és adj bele mindent!
Visszakérlek a ritmus támadáshoz
Lemegyek a tánctérre, mint egy mániákus
Visszakérlek, szóval tisztítsd meg az edényt
Apropó, mennyi a hal?
Mennyi a hal?
Itt jövünk, itt jövünk
Megint mi jövünk!
Napsütés a levegőben!
Megszegjük a szabályokat
Ignoráld a gépezetet
Sosem fogod ezt megállítani
A hajsza jobb, mint a fogás!
Visszakérlek a ritmus támadáshoz
Lemegyek a tánctérre, mint egy mániákus
Visszakérlek a ritmus támadáshoz
Menj le és adj bele mindent!
Visszakérlek a ritmus támadáshoz
Lemegyek a tánctérre, mint egy mániákus
Visszakérlek, szóval tisztítsd meg az edényt
Apropó, mennyi a hal?
Mennyi a hal?
Napsütés a levegőben!
Gyerünk! Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Mindenki! Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Igen! Igen!
Mennyi a hal?
Mennyi a hal?
Gyerünk, gyerünk



The bridges by the river, my house and your neighbourhood,
the towers being risen and the ones that were demolished.
I was waiting for you beneath the arcades
and now I keep listening to you in my dreams.
I had sworn to myself not to miss her,
I was trying to run away from the past.
always in my memory,
Loves and hatreds, who ends up winning?
There are a thousand farewells I haven't gotten over.
Flower offerings, up there in your arms,
we're immortal even though we leave.
Warrior princess, even though you've changed,
I still love you after so many years.
always in my memory,
always in my memory,
the streets of Zaragoza.
we're immortal even though we leave.
always in my memory,
the streets of Zaragoza.


Done Fighting

We are done fighting, we are done fighting,
Yet our triumph has bitter taste.
Things will get better while time is passing,
While coming home without haste.
Things will get better while time is passing,
While coming home without haste.
And we'll be dancing for hours and hours,
We will be dancing till feet are sore.
The way we fought for the land of ours -
Nobody else could have ever fought.
The way we fought for the land of ours -
Nobody else could have ever fought.
We are done fighting, we are done fighting,
But our triumph has bitter taste.
Things will get better while time is passing,
While coming home without haste.
Things will get better while time is passing,
While coming home without haste.



Your white synapses
Wake up one by one
Jerusalem flows out into the air
And builds itself up
It’ll make you dream once more, just once more…

If you don’t wanna stop and stand still,

You need something like LSD
L… S… D!
The Star of David guides you,
Not letting you look back
A crowd of people with their mouths shut,
A black entropy

It’ll make you dream once more, just once more…

If you don’t wanna stop and stand still,

You need something like LSD
L… S… D!
Everybody lives in the shadows, getting their hands dirty
There’s nobody anywhere who’ll help fulfill your wishes

I need something like LSD
Everybody lives in the shadows, getting their hands dirty
There’s nobody anywhere who’ll help fulfill your wishes
Everybody lives in the shadows, getting their hands dirty
There’s nobody anywhere who’ll help fulfill your wishes
I need something like LSD


my room is my world

The temperature gradually drops
In between September, October
By the window, the globe sits there, grazed
The hoodie that was in the attic
My favorite GAP hoodie
It has a similar smell to last year
My room is my world
My room is my world
My room is my world
If I were to be able to use magic
And I could go anywhere, right now
I wonder where I'd want to go
If I were to be able to use magic
And I were to rewind time,
I wonder what I'd do over again
I opened my Mac for the first time in a while
And listened to Radwimps for no particular reason,
Old memories flashed back in my head
If I lie down on this cramped bed
And play this orange guitar,
Right now, this room is the center of the universe
My room is my world
My room is my world
My room is my world
My room is my world
My room is my world
My room is my world
My room is my world


And in Springtime You'll Leave

There's not a swallow in the sky
to tell the sun to shine.
There's not a leaf in the garden
among the roses that you adore.
Listen to the wind in the fir trees,
like a lament it comes and goes
and look at the ice on the river
that still doesn't run to the sea.
Tell me why you want to leave,
winter still is here for us.
Stay, love, let's love one another
and in springtime you'll leave.
There's a fire here just for us,
it'd go out without you,
our winter will pass
and in springtime you'll leave.
The snow still covers the world,
that world that already awaits you,
the gray sky stops time
and you can be next to me.
Tell me why you want to leave,
winter still is here for us.
Stay, love, let's love one another
and in springtime you'll leave.
As long as you're here, I know I'll ask
but if one day you'll leave me,
life will stop in me
if in springtime you'll leave,
if you'll leave.


My World

My day began in you,
my night will come to me from you.
A smile and I'll smile,
one gesture from you and I'll cry.
You gave me my strength
every time that you believed in me.
You gave me what
the world never gave to me.
My world began in you,
my world will end with you
and if you leave me
in a moment I will die.
You gave me what
the world never gave me.
My world began in you,
my world will end with you
and if you leave me
in such a moment
everything for me
will end with you.


None of You

None of you speaks to me about her,
tells me the truth.
At this point what good is your pity
if nothing will remain for me?
If one of you has loved like this
then you'll understand,
If you hear me, my love,
return to me, here to me.
I love you too much,
I no longer live without you.
I don't cry for myself,
I cry for her,
no one will understand
like me.
None of you, none of you
tells me the truth.
If someone else is with her, what does it matter?
I know that later I'll forgive her.
Love, why do you no longer think about me?
And it's all over now.
Where are you?
Who are you with?
If you hear me, my love,
return to me, here to me.
I love you too much,
I no longer live without you.
I don't cry for myself,
I cry for her,
no one will understand
like me.
If one of you has loved like this
then you'll understand,
If you hear me, my love,
return to me, here to me.
I love you too much,
I no longer live without you.
I don't cry for myself,
I cry for her,
no one will understand
like me,
like me,
like me.


Pink Cherry Trees

Pink cherry trees in springtime
like the lips of my love,
the kisses of the first evening
I still remember.
In love, I awaited her,
caressing the flowering branches,
then I held her gently
here on my heart.
Under the cherry trees that day
we swore like this
to love one another even more
and never break up.
That promise of love
with the scent of flowers
made us dream so much
and sigh.
Pink cherry trees and white veils,
a harmony of our love,
the happiest springtime
of our hearts.
No, no, you can't forget
what love was in life.
No, no, you can't lie
when the heart knows it never lies.
Under the cherry trees that day
we swore like this
to love one another even more
and never break up.
That promise of love
with the scent of flowers
made us dream so much
and sigh.
Pink cherry trees all in bloom
in summer will give you fruit.
Will it be so with our love?
Who knows, who knows?


But Kiss Me

No, don't say who you are but kiss me (kiss me),
I'll never know it but kiss me (kiss me).
Remain in the shadows as you wish,
in the shadows everything will end.
I won't see you again but hold me (hold me),
I won't seek you out but dream of me (dream of me).
The star that falls will pull down with it
a sin without love.
This is an affair like many
that then life will dissolve,
It pleases but vanishes with its nothingness
due to its very fragility.
No, don't say who you are but kiss me (kiss me),
I'll never know it but kiss me (kiss me).
Remain here one more time, no one will see us.
Kiss me and I'll kiss you like this.
Kiss me and I'll kiss you like this.
(Kiss me, kiss me,
kiss me, kiss me,
kiss me),


No One

No one, I swear to you no one,
not even fate can separate us
because this love that heaven gives us
will live forever.
No one, I swear to you no one
can give me in the gift of a lifetime
the infinite joy that I feel with you,
with you alone.
It's you, most sweet love,
only you, past and future,
all my world begins with you,
ends with you.
No one, I swear to you no one,
not even fate can separate us
because this love will light up



There's something about you
that goes straight to the heart,
you're likable.
It's a certain I don't know what,
a heat wave,
you're likable.
You don't make me think
of nights of passion
but of clear skies,
of swallows in flight.
And you carry me back up
into my castles in the air,
likable, likable,
you're likable.
(There's something about you
that goes straight to the heart,
you're likable.)
(You call me youth,
you call me first love,
you're likable.)
You don't make me think
of nights of passion
but of clear skies,
of swallows in flight.
And you carry me back up
into my castles in the air,
likable, likable,
you're likable.


A Kiss at Midnight

Don't trust a kiss at midnight,
if there's a moon, don't trust yourself
because, because the moon at midnight
always manages to make you fall in love.
Don't trust yourself with matchmaker stars
that invite you to want to love one another.
If the moon is watching,
don't let youself be fascinated, don't trust yourself.
But how will I do it (without loving more)?
But how will I do it (without kissing)?
But how will I not be tempted?
Moon, moon, you, don't look at me,
moon, moon, you, no, don't be nosy,
moon, moon, you, don't be a lookout.
Don't trust yourself with matchmaker stars
that invite you to want to love one another.
Midnight to love, midnight to dream,
to fantasize.


The Frog

There was once a frog in a green velvet frock
Ribbit-ribbit, ribbit-ribbit
There was once a frog in a green velvet frock
That liked to relax on a big river rock
Its house is build of the purest reed
Ribbit-ribbit, ribbit-ribbit
Its house is build of the purest reed
As for doors or windows - there's no any need
From the river to shore, and, after that, back
Ribbit-ribbit, ribbit-ribbit
From the shore in the river, and, after that, back
It leaps and it croaks - there is nothing to lack
A stork has arrived, as tall as it goes
Ribbit-ribbit, ribbit-ribbit
A stork has arrived, as tall as it goes
With legs like sticks and a very long nose
It grabbed the frog in the green velvet rock
To prepare a feast for its fellow flock
There was once a frog in a green velvet frock,
That liked to relax on a big river rock
Ribbit-ribbit, ribbit-ribbit


I'm a Bad Girl

Don't spoil my mood, I'm a precious one
What a pity that nobody understands me
My heart is tender, my tongue is sharp
My eyes are the enemy of the envious
Don't spoil my mood, I'm a precious one
What a pity that nobody understands me
My heart is tender, my tongue is sharp
My eyes are the enemy of the envious
Those who know me know that I'm a bad girl
I'm merciless towards my beloveds and friends
Those who know me know that I'm a bad girl
I'm merciless towards my beloveds and friends
You're bad, you're bad, how bad you are
How pleasant you are, how bad you are
I don't care at all
Anyone who meddles with my life
I say 'no big deal', laugh, and go on
Such laughing suits me
I don't care at all
Anyone who meddles with my life
I say 'no big deal', laugh, and go on
Such laughing suits me
Those who know me know that I'm a bad girl
I'm merciless towards my beloveds and friends
Those who know me know that I'm a bad girl
I'm merciless towards my beloveds and friends
You're bad, you're bad, how bad you are
How pleasant you are, how bad you are
You're bad, you're bad, how bad you are
You are pleasant, how bad you are
Those who know me know that I'm a bad girl
I'm merciless towards my beloveds and friends
Those who know me know that I'm a bad girl
I'm merciless towards my beloveds and friends
You're bad, you're bad, how bad you are
How pleasant you are, how bad you are
You're bad, you're bad, how bad you are
How pleasant you are, how bad you are


A Thousand Names of Mine

If thus far I hadn't a name
From now on, let me have not just one:
However many days, however many years I've got
Let me have just as many names!
Call me differently when the sun shines
Then differently again in starlight
Differently in the morning, differently at noon
Differently in summer, differently in winter
Differently when flowers bloom
Differently when we're trekking in the leaves
Differently when the meadow is soaked
Differently when frost twinkles
Differently when the wind soars
Differently when there's a rainbow!
One time, call me Lilac
Other times, call me Violet
The third time, call me Morning Glory
Tell me a name, tell me a hundred
Not even a hundred: ten times a hundred!
For if thus far I hadn't a name:
Let me have not just one
Let me have a thousand!
From now on, let me have a thousand names!


Ita Kiss

Tell me what you like about me
If you ask that so suddenly, I won't get to think of anything
That's so mean!! And you call yourself my boyfriend?
Do I need a reason to love you?
Where should we go for our date tomorrow?
You want to buy something matching?
What'll we do about dinner? Wanna eat at a restaurant?
I already booked two seats for the one you wanted to try
He's a little bit quiet, but...
She's a little bit loud, but...
That's just one more part that I like!
Keep spoiling me, pretty please?
Of course
I love you!
Totally love you!
Are we silly?
We totally are
But even so!
I love you!
So embarrasing...
Let's kiss instead!
Hold on!
Why do you keep staring at her?
She's got that bag you said you want
You remember that? That makes me so happy...
Look forward to it a bit longer
His face when he's with his friends...
Her face when she focuses...
That kind of expression I love, too!
It's okay to let me spoil you sometimes, too!
No way
I love you!
Really love you!
This is real bad
We're so cringy (lol)
But even so!
I love you
We really are
The happiest
I love you...
Totally love you...
Are we silly?
We totally are
But even so...
I love you
So embarrasing...
Let's kiss instead...
I love you!
Really love you!
This is real bad
We're so cringy (lol)
But even so!
I love you
We really are
The happiest


Amal the Hero

In a village full of love and hope
Rests on the mountain
Wakes up to the song of the birds in the morning
And the flutter of their wings
Our hearts fly
As if they were birds
To spread joy
Our hearts fly
As if they were birds
To spread joy
In a village protected by work and passion
And cooperation of the little ones
In a village that grows by the river of love
And in the bottom of the heart
Our hearts fly
As if they were birds
To spread joy
Our hearts fly
as if they were birds
To spread joy


Little Maruko

Maruko, Maruko, Maruko
My name is Little Maruko
Welcome my dear friends
Maruko, Maruko
My stories, my dears, are truly exciting
And it gets better with you
Come on, come on, come on, let's have fun
We will go, my friends, through experiences
That will teach us and educate us come on, come on
We live in joy
Messing around all the time
That will amuse us and entertain us
Maruko, Maruko, Maruko
My name is Little Maruko
Welcome my dear friends
Maruko, Maruko
My stories, my dears, are truly exciting
And it gets better with you


My Brother and I

Passion pushes me to see her
Mother is an unforgettable memory.
A pure ghost
From the scum of the days, I stay
Mother.. Mother.. Mother
Her whispers are purer than a flute
She lives in my heart
Her words have become my stars
She light my path
'Don't forget your brother
Take care of him
Don't forget your brother'
What if life stole from us
A kind, generous heart
We won't give up to pain
We won't give up to pain.
'Don't forget your brother
Take care of him
Don't forget your brother'


When will my life begin (Reprise)

Look how near it is, I'm almost there
Look how big it is, I don't know if I'll can
Just one little step more, I must try it
What do I do? No! I'm doing it!
I can smell the grass, like I've always dreamed to
I can feel the breeze, I'll run after it
I finally feel free, for the very first time
I can go walking, running, dancing, jumping
Bouncing, hopping, flying, shouting
My chest is bursting and at last feeling
My life begins here


My life begins like this

I'm so near of that external world
I'm going to that big world, I won't dare to
Here I am, I have to do it at last
What if... No! I'll do it!
The lawn and gr The lawn and grass are just like I imagined them to be
The breeze blows and goes, I'll travel with it
This is feeling free, for the very first time
And I'm running, playing, dancing, I follow the path
Jumping, tying, releasing, my heart beating
I splash and I'm spinning and at last I feel it
My life begins like this!


My Father's Song

I asked the streets and buildings
And fulfill my wish
For I have an agreement with spring
That yearning surpasses parting
And to meet my father who woke up in my heart
And the song dances in our hearts
And fulfill the wish
I love my father as much as a child
For papa's letters
And kindness and love
So my heart, take me to any path
that shortens my painful journey


Little Maruko - Season 2 - Ending Theme

My world, I wonder how long...
Will it stay like a painting drawn using my imagination
Peaceful, no matter what...
but happy and bright on the day of meeting...
With friends
I spend my life on a high journey
As long as we're together, I don't mind the trouble
And my tale ...
Continues to tell what it likes
Spreading hope ...
in our hearts like light
Towards our dreams, together we'll go tirelessly
With love... and heart... and purity
My world, I wonder how long...
Will it stay like a painting drawn using my imagination
Peaceful, no matter what...
but happy and bright on the day of meeting...
With friends


High Is My Ego

Look at my handsome face, watch my performance
Savvy is my forte, I'm super smart
High is my ego and rich of the rich
In my hand is my guitar, and I like to sing
Watch me...
Learn to sing from me
Watch me and memorize this performance
Watch me, learn from me to sing
Watch me, learn from me to sing


Forgetting You Is Hard

Forgetting you is hard, impossible
In the heart is sorrow and question
Why do our lives seem like shadows
Gliding and disappearing in the sand
Our longing can't be cured by words
When we parted it was full of dark
Life has passed like fantasy
And our farewells are unbearable


Candy kicks

Baby lose my way? Like an unbreakable spell was cast
I lose my way... Paralyzed in a maze I can't get out of
It's not like I'm smiling at just anyone
But without a doubt, I'm expecting something today
That won't do. I don't believe that, I just... can't be honest
Baby Baby Baby, I know
Baby Baby Baby, what's important is now
Baby Baby Baby, I know
Baby Baby Baby, what's important is music, so
1・2・3, stand up when I tell you
Baby you love me? I cant ask, so it's fine to stay like this
It's messy, it's starting to spin inside my head
Yesterday too, in the end you were with someone til morning
But when you cut off the conversation is scarier than anything
That won't do. Don't say that, I just... feel lonely
Baby Baby Baby, you know
Baby Baby Baby, what's important is ourselves
Baby Baby Baby, you know
Baby Baby Baby, what's important is music, so
1・2・3, start moving when I tell you
Baby lose my way, it's not an unbreakable spell, but...
Baby Baby Baby, I know
Baby Baby Baby, what's important is now
Baby Baby Baby, I know
Baby Baby Baby, what's important is music, so
Baby Baby Baby, you know
Baby Baby Baby, what's important is ourselves
Baby Baby Baby, you know
Baby Baby Baby, what's important is music, so
1・2・3, it's alright when I tell you
Baby lose my way, it's not an unbreakable spell


Tangled once again

Rapunzel: A new life is awakening before my eyes
And is as beautiful and sweet as I dreamed it to be
Today I'm free and wild at a time and l long to discover things
Nothing can stop me anymore
I am aware of the weight of the traditions
There are obligations I won't be able to evade
New rules I must obey, the list isn't small
But nevertheless I'm happy
Now the bows, corset and pompom
And names that I have to remember
I mustn't complain, I'm finally ready
Tangled again, once again here
Frederic: And now that I can hug at last
I'll never disappoint you
I'll protect you of many dangers
Tangled again, once again here
Eugene: Life is going to smile for us
Our dreams will be granted
Why not doing the things well? With Rapunzel and moi
I'll give her my heart today
I'll swear to love her forever
And I'll seal it with this ring
I now can see a lucky life
She'll soon be Mrs. Fitzhernert
Okay, it's not big deal, but listen to this
She'll soon be the princess Fitzhernert
Rapunzel and Eugene: A life is awakening before my eyes
Our tale is about to have a happy ending
Eugene: Is where I want to be
Rapunzel: This is my home
Eugene: Happy and with no fear
Rapunzel: With new obligations that must be worked in
Rapunzel and Eugene: And now that the dream is going to become true
Now that there's no turning back
Now we reached at last to the end
Tangled again, once again here
Rapunzel: And now that the dream is going to become true
Why do I feel there's something wrong?
Is this the tale that I've always dreamed of?
Tangled again, once again here



Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
I dreamed to travel in USA, avoid it
Your eyes don’t tell the truth
Life didn’t give me what I deserved
For that I took, never asked for charity
Because life gives to who doesn’t deserve
Rich people say that money doesn’t bring happiness
Then leave all your inheritance
So maybe I’ll buy a Cadillac
I have eyes behind Fatima’s hand
You’re beautiful, but your soul is dirty
I don’t know anymore what thinks about, neither what imagines about
But what I imagine it marginalizes me from everything
It was time to make a point
What I promised I destroyed it
I’ve never wanted, but I was forced, I had to do it
It’s for how they raised me
Let’s do it before I go on the stage
To the devil every mistakes I do
I know but I’m a dickhead
Adrenaline, a-a-adrenaline
A-adrenaline, ra-pah-pah, you’re the first, uh
Your pawn, ra-pah-pah, little girl, ah
With cold blood I fill the lack of affection
Tip tap in the bed, tic-tac of time
A-adrenaline, ra-pah-pah, you’re the first, uh
Your pawn, ra-pah-pah, little girl
It’s a jungle of emotions where I’ve lost myself
Adrenaline, a-a-adrenaline
I don’t dig, you have the shovel
Subhuman with a Submariner
Bro I crash him like Jannik Sinner
Like grams in stripes
For the street no fashion
I have the laurel, Fred Perry
I come alone, but I have irons
If you have fake pandoro by Ferri
On Pandora I speed up in two winds
I hope the blue man doesn’t stop us
The family you choose
Mine looks like the Shelby
Believe me, in this market
I entered without the invite, I stuffed myself
She lost the appetite, I bought her it again
Eh, what have I become?
Let’s do it before I go on the stage
To the devil every mistakes I do
I know but I’m a dickhead
Adrenaline, a-a-adrenaline
A-adrenaline, ra-pah-pah, you’re the first, uh
Your pawn, ra-pah-pah, little girl, ah
With cold blood I fill the lack of affection
Tip tap in the bed, tic-tac of time
A-adrenaline, ra-pah-pah, you’re the first, uh
Your pawn, ra-pah-pah, little girl
It’s a jungle of emotions where I’ve lost myself
Adrenaline, a-a-adrenaline


Fekete rózsa

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A nagyra nőt cukornád közt
Éldegélt egy szegény ember meg a dominikai tyúkja
És egy különös nevű rózsa.
Szóval, mikor először oly könnyen kísértésbe estem,
Csak álltam a zuhogó esőben
Remegő kézzel és egy üveg ginnel,
Meg a különös nevű rózsával.
Biza, először az ördög kísértett meg,
Másodszor már magamtól estem kísértésbe.
Uram, könyörülj e segítség nélküli fickón
És segíts elfelednem azt a fekete rózsát.
Mikor az ördög megalkotta azt a nőt,
Uram, rendkívüli lett,
Azonnal ilyenné vált,
Neked pedig minden nap új bolondot kell teremtened.
Megalázva és mocskosan
A szégyen sötétebb oldalán
Rajtakaptam egy cukornádvágó munkást egy üveg ginnel
És egy különös nevű rozsával.
Biza, először az ördög kísértett meg,
Másodszor már magamtól estem kísértésbe.
Uram, könyörülj e segítség nélküli fickón
És segíts elfelednem azt a fekete rózsát.
Biza, először az ördög kísértett meg,
Másodszor már magamtól estem kísértésbe.
Uram, könyörülj e segítség nélküli fickón
És segíts elfelednem azt a fekete rózsát.