Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 58

Találatok száma: 100455



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Hopp, hopp
Clyde basszusgitározik,
Mesterien és átszellemülten
A verandán, mezítláb
Nyomatva a basszust és énekel.
A nyomorúság társaságra vágyik,
Vén kutyája üvölt,
Csörgődob a farkához kötve,
Hallod, hogy morog, hallod, hogy vonyít,
Jody, kicsim, pénzt szerzett,
Hallod, hogy kiabál az út mentén.
Hagy azt a bolond Clyde-ot, van más dolgunk!
A vén dög énekel.
Nem mozdul. Meg se rezzen.
Clyde egy centit sem mozdul.
A verandán mezítláb
Nyomatva a basszust és énekel.
Hopp, hopp.
Clyde basszusgitározik,
Mesterien és átszellemülten
A verandán, mezítláb
Nyomatva a basszust és énekel.


Fekete bárány

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Szeretve egy leányzót, a télidő virágát,
Proli gyerekek, vidéki berkekben,
Hányszor jutott át a szív a darálón,
Bárhová nézel, kínos figyelmeztetés vár.
Idegen szavait, szerelmes dalt énekelve,
A csikorgó őrlőgép, soha nem vele szemben.
A Gonosz temploma, Gyarlók temploma,
Nem tudják, mily nyomorultan él.
Későesti célozgatás, hangnem kísértése.
„A fekete báránnyal élj, élj velem!
Őrület, áldás azoknak, kik téged gyűlölni születtek,
A szerelem zsarátnokában izzva, oly kegyetlen.
Vonyítva éjjel az éjféli napkorongért.
Embereket tálalva, örök éjre ítélve téged.
Az elveszett dalért, idegen szavaiért,
A csikorgó daráló, soha nem vele szemben…
A Gonosz temploma, Gyarlók temploma,
Nem tudják, mily nyomorultan él.
Későesti célozgatás, hangnem kísértése.
„A fekete báránnyal élj, élj velem!”
A Gonosz temploma, Gyarlók temploma,
Nem tudják, mily nyomorultan él.
Későesti célozgatás, hangnem kísértése.
„A fekete báránnyal élj, élj velem!”
A Gonosz temploma, Gyarlók temploma,
Nem tudják, mily nyomorultan él.
Későesti célozgatás, hangnem kísértése.
„A fekete báránnyal élj, élj velem!”


Terial, a Sólyom

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tárd ki szárnyad,
S repülj el velem, én őrszemem!
Légy vezérem!
A Szellemállat, téren és időn át.
Terial a szélben született,
Nézz át a felhőn s töröld el az esőt!
Terial a sólyom jégből.
Fényt visz a sötétségbe, mert a kegyből kiestem.
Mondd meg most,
Megbocsájtasz gyilkosságomért?
A szent ember,
A főterv járulékos vesztesége.
Terial a szélben született,
Nézz át a felhőn s töröld el az esőt!
Terial a sólyom jégből.
Fényt visz a sötétségbe, mert a kegyből kiestem.
Te áttetszően ősvilági,
Sors szent védelmezője,
Vezess, elvesztem a bosszúmban!
Ugyanazok leszünk, olyanok,
Mint egy ébredés az égben.
Terial a szélben született,
Nézz át a felhőn s mosd el az esőt!
Terial a sólyom jégből.
Oltsd ki az árnyakat,é s vigyázz rám,
Bukott varázslóra.
Terial a szélben született,
Nézz át a felhőn s mosd el az esőt!
Terial a sólyom jégből.
Fényt visz a sötétségbe, mert a kegyből kiestem.


A Szél az Eső és a Hold

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ragyogó szemeid
Sírni láttam.
A hősök a szerelemért
Ölelik át a kínt.
Kiszámíthatatlan Sors,
Árnyék közted s köztem.
A Szél leszek, hogy simogassam bőröd,
Eső leszek, hogy elmossam könnyeid,
A Hold leszek, fényt adva legsötétebb éjeden.
Így nem leszel egyedül.
Patak lassan folyik,
Könny arcodon.
Visszatérek, ígérem!
Ma éjjel, Kedves, tied vagyok
Apró kezed kezemben,
A szavaknál sokkal többet mondanak.
A Szél leszek, hogy simogassam bőröd,
Eső leszek, hogy elmossam könnyeid,
A Hold leszek, fényt adva legsötétebb éjeden.
Így nem leszel egyedül soha többé!
Az első hó előtt itt leszek,
Sorsom feljajdul,
E harcot érted nyerem meg.
A Szél leszek, hogy simogassam bőröd,
Eső leszek, hogy elmossam könnyeid,
A Hold leszek, fényt adva legsötétebb éjeden.
Így nem leszel egyedül soha többé!
Az első hó előtt itt leszek,
Sorsom feljajdul,
E harcot érted nyerem meg.


Mérgező Hold

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Amikor minden hasadó hajnalon
Lélegezni egyre nehezebb,
S minden hang figyelmeztetés.
Ha álomba tudnám láncolni magam.
Ahogy rég oly boldog voltam.
Mi éltemet irányította.
Csak eltűnő körvonal vagyok,
S farkasként üvöltök éjszaka.
De végtelen nagy csend van.
(hova menjek, senki sem akarja a szívem)
Útmutatásért kiáltok.
(senki sem akarja a szívemet)
Mérgező hold,
Érzem, a szívem megfagy.
A világ egy sír.
Ments meg, van valaki ott kinn?
Vigyél el mérgező hold!
Én egész életemben vártam,
Készen állok rád
Ments meg, van valaki ott kinn?
Vigyél el mérgező Hold!
Mérgező Hold.
Élet egy haldokló gyertya,
Viharral szembenézve.
Ha egyszer hibázol, fojtogat,
Mert naponta vívunk háborút,
(Nézz rám most)
Ingó árnyék vagyok csak.
(Lehúz engem)
Táncolva a falakon.
(senkit sem érdekel)
Próbálok mintát alkotni.
(senki sincs a közelben)
Megtaláltam a kiutat korábban.
De végtelen nagy csend van.
(hova menjek, senki sem akarja a szívem)
Útmutatásért kiáltok.
(senki sem akarja a szívemet)
Mérgező hold,
Érzem, a szívem megfagy.
A világ egy sír.
Ments meg, van valaki ott kinn?
Vigyél el mérgező hold!
Én egész életemben vártam,
Készen állok rád
Ments meg, van valaki ott kinn?
Vigyél el mérgező hold!
Mérgező Hold.
Ó, mérgező Hold.


The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin/Late Lament

Nights in white satin, never reaching the end,
Letters I've written, never meaning to send.
Beauty I'd always missed with these eyes before.
Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore.
'Cos I love you, yes I love you,
oh how I love you.
Gazing at people, some hand in hand,
Just what I'm going through they can't understand.
Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be, you will be in the end.
And I love you, yes I love you,
Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.
Nights in white satin, never reaching the end,
Letters I've written, never meaning to send.
Beauty I've always missed, with these eyes before.
Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore.
'Cos I love you, yes I love you,
Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.
'Cos I love you, yes I love you,
Oh how I love you, oh how I love you.
Late Lament
Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
Watch lights fade from every room.
Bedsitter people look back and lament,
Another day's useless energy spent.
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one.
Lonely man cries for love and has none.
New mother picks up and suckles her son.
Senior citizens wish they were young.
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight.
Red is grey and yellow white,
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion.


Szöul (milyen gyönyörű város)

Click to see the original lyrics (Korean)
Valaki nevet
Miközben valaki sír
Ebben a városban én mosolyogni fogok
El fogom érni?
Össze fog törni?
Aggódás helyett inkább tovább futok
Szöul sosem alszik
Egyre csak lopja el az emberek álmait
Egyre csak gyűlik bennem
A remény, amit meg akarok védeni
De nem fogsz felébreszteni engem
Semmire sem mész azzal, ha megrázod a vállam
Nem tudok felébredni
Míg ez az álom véget nem ér
Milyen gyönyörű város
Minden ragyog, mintha el lenne varázsolva
A fényekkel együtt
Táncolok (álmodok)
A nyüzsgő utcákon
Míg mindenki rám nem néz
Vég nélkül
Igen, ez akarok lenni
Igen, itt akarok lenni
Szöul sosem fárad el
De kimerít engem
Folyton elvesztem miatta a reményt
Hogy túl tudok jutni ezen
De nem fogsz felébreszteni engem
Semmire sem mész azzal, ha megrázod a vállam
Nem tudok felébredni
Míg ez az álom véget nem ér
Milyen gyönyörű város
Minden ragyog, mintha el lenne varázsolva
A fényekkel együtt
Táncolok (álmodok)
A nyüzsgő utcákon
Míg mindenki rám nem néz
Vég nélkül
Sosem fogom abbahagyni a táncot (sosem fogom abbahagyni a táncot)
Sosem fogom abbahagyni az éneklést (sosem fogom abbahagyni az éneklést)
Sosem fogom abbahagyni az álmodozást (álmodozást)
Míg a város meg nem hall engem (a város meg nem hall engem)
Míg a város meg nem lát engem (a város meg nem lát engem)
Míg a városnak szüksége nem lesz rám
Csak figyelj
Milyen gyönyörű város
A fényekkel együtt
Táncolok (álmodok)
A nyüzsgő utcákon
Míg mindenki rám nem néz
Vég nélkül


Ideje ragyogni

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Ideje, hogy a csillagfénynél is fényesebben ragyogjunk
Egy, kettő, három, gyerünk!
Ezen a helyen, ahol ragyogni szeretnék
Több csillag van a földön, mint az égen
Vajon képes lennék felforgatni a világukat?
Egy pillanatra megijedtem, de ennek ellenére fellelkesítettem magam
Egy olyan világban, ahol nem létezik varázslat
Próbálj bűbájt bocsátani rám, mert mindjárt elhalványulok
Azt mondjuk, legyünk magabiztosak, ne bizonytalanodjunk el, menni fog
Igen, ez nem kitaláció
A valóság áll az utcafény árnyéka mögött, még így is, apránként érezni kezdem
Ez az érzés egyre fényesebb lesz, és felépíti a magabiztosságomat
Egy nap majd megtöltöm vele ezt a helyet
Ne bizonytalanítson el a kimerítő szél mikor kétségek gyötörnek
Ideje ragyogni, rendben van
A következő szint felé tartunk
Hogy azzá váljunk, akik mindig is lenni akartunk
Ne hagyd, hogy azok a negatív szavak és kétkedő szívek
Megtévesszenek, ne veszítsd el ezt a szenvedélyt
Még az idő múlásával se
Veszítsd el a ragyogásodat
Egyesek ragaszkodnak az álmukhoz, míg mások elengedik az álmukat
Ezen a ponton vagy nyersz vagy veszítesz
Lassan felépítem a magabiztosságomat
Egy nap majd megtöltöm vele ezt a helyet
Ne bizonytalanítson el a kimerítő szél mikor kétségek gyötörnek
Ideje ragyogni, rendben van
A következő szint felé tartunk
Hogy azzá váljunk, akik mindig is lenni akartunk
Ideje, hogy a csillagfénynél is fényesebben ragyogjunk, hű hű
Ideje, hogy a holdfénynél is erősebben ragyogjunk, hű hű
Még mindig gyenge a fényem, és talán jelentéktelen vagyok
De amíg tovább álmodok, sosem fogok elhalványulni
Túllépek a mán és a elindulok a jövő felé
Hogy azzá váljunk, akik mindig is lenni akartunk
Ne hagyd, hogy azok a negatív szavak és kétkedő szívek
Megtévesszenek, ne veszítsd el ezt a szenvedélyt
Még az idő múlásával se
Veszítsd el a ragyogásodat



Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knocking on your heart
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knocking on your heart
가만가만히 들여다보는 건
마음에 안 들어 (nope)
까만 밤하늘 수놓은 별처럼
콕 콕 마음에 박혀
세상에 눈을 뜬 후로
Hard for me to control
끌리는 마음이 So I feel special
눈이 마주치면
Come a little closer
Come closer come closer
이제 깨어나
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knocking on your heart
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knocking on your heart
날 위로 더 위로 올려 이 순간
Come over the moonlight
Starry-eyed, Get me high 바로 오늘 밤
Knock Knock Knocking on your heart
매일 주시하며 살지 마 굳이 어때
많고 적고 별 차이 알아도 No 상관없지
솔직히 살아도 돼 그래 자연스럽게
똑똑하면 잘해봐
세상에 눈을 뜬 후로
Hard for me to control
끌리는 마음이 So I feel special
눈이 마주치면
Come a little closer
Come closer come closer
이제 깨어나
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knocking on your heart
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knocking on your heart
날 위로 더 위로 올려 이 순간
Come over the moonlight
Starry-eyed, Get me high 바로 오늘 밤
Knock Knock Knocking on your heart
더 이상 기다리게는 하지 마
두드리면 깨질 걸 널 아니까
이 밤이 더디게 더디게 가
Come a little closer
La la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
All I wanna do
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knocking on your heart
날 위로 더 위로 올려 이 순간
Come over the moonlight
Starry-eyed, Get me high 바로 오늘 밤
Knock Knock Knocking on your heart
Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock
Knock Knock


Nem egyedül mennék

Click to see the original lyrics (Slovenian)
Valamit tisztázzunk, nem tartozom ide.
Mondd, van innen valami kiút?
Forgok, nektek játszok.
Hagyjatok, hogy elrepüljek és újra egyből lezuhanjak.
Elszállnék ebből a világból,
Valahova, ahol több a remény.
Ahová a Hold megy nappal,
De nem egyedül mennék.
Elszállnék ebből a világból,
Valahova, ahol több a remény.
De nem egyedül mennék,
Nem, nem egyedül mennék.
(mennék, nem mennék)
Nem, nem
Nem, nem, nem egyedül mennék
Nem, nem
Nem,nem, nem egyedül mennék,
Nem, nem
Nem, nem, nem egyedül mennék
Nem, nem
Nem, nem, nem egyedül mennék.
(mennék, nem mennék)
Nem, nem, nem egyedül mennék.
(mennék, nem mennék)
Elszállnék ebből a világból,
Valahova, ahol több a remény.
Ahová a Hold megy nappal,
De nem egyedül mennék.
Elszállnék ebből a világból,
Valahova, ahol több a remény.
Ahová a Hold megy nappal,
De nem egyedül mennék.
Nem, nem egyedül mennék.
Nem egyedül mennék,
Nem, nem egyedül mennék,
Nem mennék,
Nem, nem egyedül mennék.


Flower Rhythm

새벽 끝에 입을 맞춰
피어나는 작은 꽃잎
사계 끝에 들려오는 기적의 violin
Let me show you how we dance
꽃이 핀다 더욱 대담하게
Can you feel it? 가까이 (Ooh-ooh)
휘 하고 불어오는 바람처럼 서둘러, baby
Should be my flower, take me to higher
Oh, when you call my name
꽃이 되어 네게 다가와
I'll give you all my love all day
내 작은 눈짓에
꽃이 되려 살짝 깨어나
I'll give you all my love all day, yeah
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na
Flower makes the time, makes the vibe
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na
Flower makes the time, makes the vibe
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na
너의 맘을 노래하듯
흩날리며 눈을 떠, yeah
Oh, I don't wanna fall down, no
꿈결 같은 지금 감싸안은 비밀
하늘에 수 놓인 mystical sway
네 맘도 열리게 해 (Ooh-ooh)
휘, 다시 태어날 때 모든 것이 완벽해, baby
Should be my flower, take me to higher
Oh, when you call my name
꽃이 되어 네게 다가와
I'll give you all my love all day
내 작은 눈짓에
꽃이 되려 살짝 깨어나
I'll give you all my love all day, yeah
Ooh-ooh-ooh, yeah
빛을 삼켜버린 꿈
가득하게 안겨줄게
When you need it
Your dreams will come alive
Oh, when you call my name
꽃이 되어 네게 다가와
I'll give you all my love all day
내 작은 눈짓에
꽃이 되려 살짝 깨어나
I'll give you all my love all day, yeah
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na
Flower makes the time, makes the vibe
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na
Flower makes the time, makes the vibe
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na


Song of Mount Paektu

The cherry blossoms bloom for His Majesty

Song of Yalu River

The moonlight
leaking through the birch treetops

May nobody sleep

It's the story of a love
If you saw it you would know that there's none like it (ah-ah)
It made me understand
Everything good, everything evil (ah-ah)
It taught me to feel that the sun
Showed off and only came up for me
But it's crazy when I am in the dark
Blocking the clocks
Trolling the reflections alone
Don't fall asleep if our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep
Our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep if our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep
Our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep if our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep
Don't fall asleep if our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep
Our star is trembling
If our star is trembling
It was the story of a love
Checked, lived, there's none like it
It made me understand
Everything good, everything evil
And at the end I knew that the sun
Neither came up nor burned only for me
But by now I am not sure
And I hope you don't get angry if I count your sheep alone
Don't fall asleep if our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep
Our star is trembling
And at the end I knew that the sun
Neither came up nor burned only for me
But by now I am not sure
And I hope you don't get angry if I count your sheep alone
Don't fall asleep if our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep
Our star is trembling
May nobody sleep, our star is trembling
May nobody sleep
Our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep if our star is trembling
Don't fall asleep
Our star is trembling
May nobody sleep, our star is trembling
May nobody sleep
May nobody sleep



The skylark weaving its way through a lifetime of hardships and drudgery was locked away in that trinket box
Coming into existence and eventually disappearing, forbidden from finding happiness
Flocking together and being forced apart, completely helpless
People are at the mercy of fate
You, who perpetuates within the revolving cycle
Wherever your travels take you...
Past that azure interlude, following the path shown on the compass
I move towards my destination, towards you, enticed by the memories of our intertwining love
For the flower buds that will bloom on the day the tips of two separate branches meet
Once again, a curse and a prayer, for peace
Guided by the moonlight, his heart goes on
Coming into existence and eventually disappearing He swallows that empty trinket box
Over time, even those fabricated facades became reality
For the body that has been torn apart by pain
You, who perpetuates within the revolving cycle
Unite the voices reaching out to you
A prayer for the shadows that have left their traces on that crooked beaten path
I move towards my destination, towards you, but all I find are memories I still can't quite remember
To the flower buds that will bloom on the day the tips of two separate branches meet
I dedicate this nameless fairy tale
Past that azure interlude, following the path shown on the compass
I move towards my destination, towards you, enticed by the memories of our intertwining love
For the vibrant flower that finally blossoms as two branches entwine and blend their colors
Sound once more the songs of jubilation
Once again, a curse and a prayer, for peace


Invite me to dance

Making fun of sorrow
Baby turn up the bass
She's the flame and I'm the gas
Parlez vous francais?
What do the girls think?
I don't feel like doing anything
Right now I just want to dance
You got me sick and this sickness won't go away
You're hot just like the sun but your heart is cold
Your voice is driving me insane even when you don't say anything
I like you just because you don't like me back
You're not from here, you're surely from outer space
You're moving like a Rolex, while I'm just a Casio
I would come talk to you but I'm just too shy
I start trembling just by watching you dance like that, wo!
Just shut up and invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
Just shut up and invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
Just shut up and invite me to dance
Because I love it way too much how you always string me along
Just shut up and invite me to dance
Invite me to dance, invite me, invite me to
Invite me to
Invite me to
Pull me by my shirt, come on
Bite my lip, wait
You're hot baby, what's wrong?
Parlez vous francais?
What do the girls think?
I don't feel like doing anything
Right now I just want to dance
You got me sick and this sickness won't go away
You're hot just like the sun but your heart is cold
Your voice is driving me insane even when you don't say anything
I like you just because you don't like me back
You're not from here, you're surely from outer space
You're moving like a Rolex, while I'm just a Casio
I would come talk to you but I'm just too shy
I start trembling just by watching you dance like that, wo!
Just shut up and invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
Just shut up and invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
Just shut up and invite me to dance
Because I love it way too much how you always string me along
Just shut up and invite me to dance
Invite me to dance, invite me, invite me to
Invite me to
Invite me to
No no no no no no no
We'll do only what you want
I cannot see you, there's too much smoke here
We can talk more on the way there
So no no no no no no no no
We'll do only what you want
I want just one night, nothing more
You know I only want to
Just shut up and invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
Just shut up and invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
And invite me to dance
Just shut up and invite me to dance
Because I love it way too much how you always string me along
Just shut up and invite me to dance
Invite me to dance, invite me, invite me to
Invite me to
Invite me to
Invite me to
Invite me to


Drops of True Desire

o cascading droplets,
flow on towards tomorrow
and at the river’s beginnings,
with a faint timbre
as i embrace the sorrow,
my dreams babble again
a lone ray
sparkling, sparkling, sparkling
my heart is the only place i belong
alone... alone... even so,
i search for the sky
my eyes closed towards thick clouds,
i pray for evaporation
flowers, trees, earth as well
are momentarily colored in
a lone ray
sparkling, sparkling, sparkling
a heart-connecting light
alone... alone... someday,
i’ll arrive at love
sparkling, sparkling, sparkling
like pure water
alone... alone... even so,
i’ll continue to go around
ah, only through pain can it go away
even if the pain exists now
if there’s a wish,
the future will connect together
a rainbow will arch over


That's the truth

Don't be deceived
For Magnífico is not the king he claims to be
He's even more evil than I suspected
My wish brought Star here
And this is not what I expected or intended
And I don't regret that it happened
Now you can see
How's he like in all his facets
By blaming me for the wishes to disappear
And that's not true, in fact
There's no way for me to end this alone
If we don't do it, who will?
If we don't fight, he'll succeed
He won't be able to
Now I know the truth
He's willing to do anything and more
You know he won't stop me
That's my plan
Now I know the truth
Enough, yes
Come with me because I'm so (yes!) fed up (yes!)
They'll hear our footsteps 'dun dun dun dun' (Yes!)
We are going to catch him by surprise
With the revolution that's already starting
Yes, he won't be able to ignore us (uh-huh)
We are a great rival
We are more than that (more)
That's the truth
That's the truth
We may fulfill with our mission
And we won't lack courage
Actually (more)
That's the truth
That's the truth
I wonder if he senses
Our forceful rhythm
Today my shyness is going to end
Now, now, now, now!
We will trample him
He took away our self-esteem
He underestimate us, we're so much more than that
I've seen so many evil, I can't handle it anymore
The king cares about his throne
And nothing else (else)
Now I know the truth
That's the truth
There's no kindness inside him
And it won't deceive me
The non-existent love
Now we know
The whole
The whole
That's the truth


My last name is Shi

My last name is Shi, whenever you want we can meet.
My last name is Shi, my handwriting is nice like a galloping horse.
My last name is Shi. I care about my handwriting as it brings value and fame.
My last name is Shi, I am a person without vision of the future and living up to my name shamelessly.
Shi, without fear of wind or sand. Shi, everyone praises you.
Shi, the stars protect her. Shi, the most talented among people.
Shi, keep moving all the way. Shi, destined to win in life.
Shi, can calm the wind and rain. Shi, sail to become famous.
My last name is Cao, I am free, fair and brave.
My last name is Cao, the solitude and tranquility of the sea are my sketches.
My surname is Cao, wearing a battle suit, I take command holding a spear.
My last name is Cao. The enemy cries in sorrow. The armed services are defeated and flee.



We come to blow it up
Know, it will be on top
We're gonna tear apart
All who emulates K-pop
Like this can do only we
Nah, we ain't flexing, dear
Even 'fore debut
Under phone case our cards had been.
For all who try bore in comments
I feel for don't have brainpower...
We do what we want, can't stop us
To getting on your nervses, not sorry
Listen to this treck, tremblling the body
It really seems not to be any combecks
Excuse, we have no time tonight
We're knitting sweaters, Oh My God
Excuse, we have no time tonight
Even for nap
Excuse, we have no time tonight
We're knitting sweaters, Oh My God
Excuse, we have no time tonight
Even for nap
I dare say, don`t let the hope die
For comeback who lies ahead
But it's unlikely.
Or probably start a solo career
And construct offical label
Excuse, we have no time tonight
We're knitting sweaters, Oh My God
Excuse, we have no time tonight
Even for nap
Excuse, we have no time tonight
We're knitting sweaters, Oh My God
Excuse, we have no time tonight
Even for nap



It seems that we became a hope by saying 'I'll forget'
Two souls, one cliff, it seems we gave up
We have started to wander through ruined vineyards
We were wasted in the strong thunderstorms
Fate has set its sadness free and we have been scattered
We have started to burn in dark places
We've laughed, we've cried and we've embraced the soul
We've accepted spending a thousand years at the same table
We have started shed our leaves in this transitory life
It seems that we left for good
Fate has set its sadness free and we were burned
Two souls, we have left this world


Pauli (intro)

I am ready for the beginning day
Will meet friends soon too
Waves his hand, Pauli
Spins around, Pauli
Let's all dance
Let's jump up to the ceiling
Run to your father, Pauli
Let him spin you, Pauli
Mom will give you a kiss
The baby is laughing
Waves his hand, Pauli
Spins around, Pauli
Let's all dance
Let's jump up to the ceiling
With you, he comes to play, Pauli
[With you,] spending time, Pauli
The friends are allowed to come to dance too


If you knew

How I like to watch high
In the clouds to draw,
I think of your shape,
And so I empty my mind.
I want to get out of my deadlock
I want the best for myself,
To do and maybe once I'll get by,
Whatever's negative, I wanna change it,
And all the rest I'll forget.
If you only knew how much I love you,
I always think of you wherever I go,
And if you're afraid it might change something,
And if you get hurt, don't be afraid,
I'll be here for you, just know that,
I'll always be here for you.
Look at me, look into my eyes,
See what you see, see and tell me if I can,
If I can go on loving you
I ask for your grace to walk again.
If you only knew how much I love you,
I always think of you wherever I go,
And if you're afraid it might change something,
And if you get hurt, don't be afraid,
I'll be here for you, just know that,
I'll always be here for you.


The dark night

Man carrying,
Sit with me.
Let us be silent, let us
Into this dark night see.
Throw off your back
The oak chest
And take a breather.
To the dark night we will glue
our human eyes together.
Talk is hard. Load heavy.
Bread like stone to bite.
Talk for nothing. Two stones
In the dark night.


Looking up at the Sky

As the blue sky melts into the evening sun,
I watched the dyed clouds with you.
What words I should have used
to convey my feelings, I wonder?
Your serene heartbeat resounds on my back,
overlapping with the time passing by.
Now, looking up at the sky,
I feel the want to protect you.
In order to continue seeing that smile,
I want to live on.
The sea waves' lullaby carried by the wind
swayed your hair, catching your scent.
Touching, our tender lips
softly said, 'I love you.'
Your warmth that envelops my back
opens up a door previously closed.
Now, looking up at the sky,
I can't stop these tears from spilling.
Why does my chest ache like so,
even though it's so full with affection?
The finger that traces my tear stains
connects the two trails.
Now, looking up at the sky,
I feel the want to protect you.
In order to continue seeing that smile,
I want to live on.
Under this sky,
if I can weave dreams with you,
I'm no longer afraid
because I've learned what it means to love.
Now, looking up at the sky,
I feel the want to protect you.
In order to continue seeing that smile,
I want to live on.


Each of Us

I will leave, my darling,
And I think I will forget our love.
My star will brighten
The thrill of flight and longing.
Each of us goes on his own way,
We will find regrets in our thoughts,
Each of us will love again
Or will suffer like this forever.
We don't know if we'll be happy,
We don't know if we'll be more loved.
We will always, always have a star
Which will light love in its path.
There will always be breakups
And our love from now on will be just smoke.
My dear, don't ask
What was my love, don't ask...
Each of us goes on his own way,
We will find regrets in our thoughts,
Each of us will love again
Or will suffer like this forever.
We don't know if we'll be happy,
We don't know if we'll be more loved.
We will always, always have a star
Which will light love in its path.
Each of us goes on his own way,
We will find regrets in our thoughts,
Each of us will love again
Or will suffer like this forever.
We don't know if we'll be happy,
We don't know if we'll be more loved.
We will always, always have a star
Which will light love in its path,
In its path, in its path...


My Darling

My darling,
You're the prince of the stars
And of the summer nights.
My darling,
You bring me the morning star
On the verge of evening.
My darling,
Your love enchanted me
And I know you gathered
Only love,
And you bring with you
The fire from a star
In my life.
The flower of longing
And the secret of the game
It's all I ever want.
My darling, my darling, my darling...
My darling,
You're the blaze of heart
That burns in frozen nights.
My darling,
Only you give me my serenity
And sprinkles of life.
My darling,
Your love enchanted me
And I know you gathered
Only love,
And you bring with you
The fire from a star
In my life.
The flower of longing
And the secret of the game
It's all I ever want.
My darling, my darling, my darling...
My darling, my darling, my darling...


Everything is fine

Day started with you
But I'm saving the best part for last
Morning is opening my mind
But only night is forcing me to breakdown
Circle is closed with you
All my secrets disappear
What else would we need now
A voice speaks from the depths
Everything is fine, everything is with us
Everything is fine, everything is with us
Tell me where and I'll come walking on my hands
For each wound there is a cure
For each story there is an end
For each door there is a key
But only love opens them all


Sally Was A Good Old Girl

Sally used to carry my books to school
Sally was a good old girl
Helped me with my homework 'cause I was a fool
'Cause Sally was a good old girl.
If you wanted just a kiss or a little bitty squeeze
She was always willing to do her best to please
Yeah, girls were made to love and not made to tease
Sally was a good old girl.
Yeah, Sally was a good ole girl
Sally was a good old girl
No matter what the request
She gave it her best
Sally was a good old girl.
Oh well, Sally's folks were poor but she helped all she could
Sally was a good old girl
Hardest working girl in the neighborhood
Sally was a good old girl.
Well, she walked up and down the street all day
Selling neck ties to the one's who'd pay
If they couldn't afford it then she'd give them away
'Cause Sally was a good old girl.
Yeah, Sally was a good ole girl
Sally was a good old girl
No matter what the request
She gave it her best
Sally was a good old girl.
Well, Sally was a good ole girl
Sally was a good old girl
No matter what the request
She gave it her best
Sally was a good old girl.
Well, Sally was a favorite with all of the men
'Cause Sally was a good old girl
All of the ladies despised her then
'Cause Sally was a good old girl.
Well, the women talked about her
but Sally didn't care
She kept on a workin' and a doin' her share
She wound up married to a millionare
Sally was a good old girl.
Yeah, Sally was a good old girl
Sally was a good old girl
No matter what the request
She gave it her best
Sally was a good old girl.
Well, Sally was a good old girl
Sally was a good old girl
No matter what the request
She gave it her best
Sally was a good old girl...


A star lit up

The bright sky shook
A star lit up
All was bright and shining
A star lit up
Those who didn't believe in it have come to see
The great battle is over
So sing the song
Blow the horn
A star lit up
Only one thing matters - a brave heart
A star lit up
Don't be afraid to go when your heart calls
A star lit up
Look within, you see it's there
Don't wait for a miracle
You will be alright
Wherever you go
So forget your troubles and your woes
The night sky, the beautiful night sky
With a new light
It's not a falling star,
It's not a passing star
Look, a star has lit up the sky


I Won't Forgive Your Gaze

Yes, I was running like a child
Who believes in joys
And I was hoping that on your beloved face
I would see happiness.
That's why
I won't forgive your aloof gaze.
I was running towards you, I was running
I was bringing tenderness and sunshine,
I couldn't pretend,I had no hidden thoughts.
That's why
I won't forgive your surprised gaze
And the song you hummed softly.
A gaze hurts,
A word spoken randomly
Echoes in the silence of the heart, yes.
A gaze hurts,
A word spoken randomly
Echoes in the silence of the heart.
Yes, you ask me now amazed
Which star upset me.
How strange is your question,
It's not about a star.
You know well,
I won't forgive your aloof gaze.
I was running towards you, I was running
I was bringing tenderness and sunshine,
I couldn't pretend,I had no hidden thoughts.
That's why
I won't forgive your surprised gaze
And the song you hummed softly.
A gaze hurts,
A word spoken randomly
Echoes in the silence of the heart, yes.
A gaze hurts,
A word spoken randomly
Echoes in the silence of the heart.
I won't forgive your aloof gaze.
I was running towards you, I was running
I was bringing tenderness and sunshine,
I couldn't pretend,I had no hidden thoughts.
That's why
I won't forgive your surprised gaze
And the song you hummed softly.
A gaze hurts,
A word spoken randomly
Echoes in the silence of the heart, yes.
A gaze hurts,
A word spoken randomly
Echoes in the silence of the heart.



That will make a lawyer, maybe a notary
Family tradition, on the father's side
If he has problems getting to college
He will still go, there are baccalaureate boxes
Rebellious period between fifteen and eighteen
He will say bad words, he will smoke pot
Acting out: a friend of his mother
He will like docksides and Mark Knopfler
A neighbour's sister, flash, we love each other, we get married
Car, a three-quarter child, ride a carriage
Mistresses, several, no pleasure without embarassment
Divorce, quarantine, for the same by younger
Only lives, not the best, not the worst
Downs, ups, cries, sobs, fires, desires
Time that we thought we had captured
But what was left to write?
Lives where we will have had little, so little to choose
He will be a rap singer, a basketball player
A boxer, a sprinter, a G.I., maybe
If he doesn't have the spark, dead or a drug dealer
Nothing else on the menu of his neighbourhood, his sister
Probably mother at fifteenn classic
You escape the police, not the statistics
Another street child, born to an unknown father
Who of course, understand? We continue
Only lives, not the best, not the worst
Downs, ups, cries, sobs, fires, desires
Time that we thought we had captured
But what was left to write?
Lives where we will have had little, so little to choose
Time that we thought we had captured
But what was left to write?
Lives where we will have had little, so little to choose
Real forgetfulness, false memories
Bloodshed, and heart and pain and laughter and pleasure
Games that we thought we would play
Which weren't scheduled?
Lives where we will have had little, so little to write
Time that we thought we had captured
But what was left to write?
Lives where we will have had little, so little to choose