Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 88

Találatok száma: 100455


I Don't Understand Sunday

I lifted the window,
I'm another stranger,
I search among the people for
something that I lost.
I hear the slow footsteps
of families and yawns
and the radio turned on
in the house above me.
I don't understand
I think about nothing.
I'm alone in the street,
Sunday is over,
alone among the people
who believe they are having fun.
I see yellow lamps,
now you crowd me with tearful eyes
like my silent thoughts
inside of me.
but I don't smile on Sunday,
there's no Sunday inside of me.
I don't understand Sunday.
I don't understand
I think about nothing.
I'm alone in the street,
Sunday is over,
alone among the people
who believe they are having fun.
I see yellow lamps,
now you crowd me with tearful eyes
like my silent thoughts
inside of me.
but I don't smile on Sunday,
there's no Sunday inside of me.
I don't understand Sunday,
la-la-la-la la-la-la-la la-la-la.


Our Concert

Wherever you are,
if you'll listen,
next to you
you'll find me.
You'll see the gaze
that spoke for me
and my hand
that yours sought out.
Wherever you are,
if you'll listen,
next to you
you'll find me.
And you'll find
a bit of me
in a concert
dedicated to you.
And you'll find
a bit of me
in a concert
dedicated to you.
Wherever you are,
wherever you are,
where you'll be,
you'll see me again next to you.



come here, spend the weekend and go back to city
miss you
of love with the scent of high quality bush
i take my boots of, my hat, the buckle to drive you crazy
on the roof of your mouth, today everything is zen
because this night the moon is all ours
under the hat fit you too
come and end my peace in the countryside
on the roof of your mouth, today everything is zen
because this night the moon is ours
under the hat fit you too
Come and end my peace in the countryside
(ooh-ooh-ooh) the quiet is over
(ooh-ooh-ooh) the quiet is over
fell into his own snare
squeezed my arm
was wobbly legged
and still in bed, gave me a hug
she grew up wearing boots, bro
i grew up shoeless
I play in all field
but was on your field that I scored a goal
It's because I leave in my car at three
And I only get there at six
My life was good, maybe
Look what you did
Today I can't last a month
Without you in a plaid blanket
It's just that I take away your shyness
Your clothes and French perfume
Our affair is to last forever
You don't have a vacation with your ex, right? ahn
so hold on or freak out
got dust on my Panamera
Who sees life from afar
they think we're taking it as a joke
the kid from Ceilândia arrived
on the farm and bought several oxen
just to have the most beautiful view
the brunette's kiss and a saddled horse
I take my boots of, my hat, the buckle to drive you crazy
on the roof of your mouth, today everything is zen
because this night the moon is all ours
under the hat fit you too
come and end my peace in the countryside
on the roof of your mouth, today everything is zen
because this night the moon is all ours
under the hat fit you too
come and ecome and end my peace in the countrysidend my peace in the countryside
(ooh-ooh-ooh) the quiet is over
(ooh-ooh-ooh) the quiet is over


Come out come out

Come out come out come out come out
Girls and see soldiers in the town
Be not be not ne not be not
Be not afraid of a brave soldier, an army man


Tell me Marina

We grew up together between the blocks of the suburbs
We searched the world together
We looked for the roads of life together
On all dusty paths
You knew, that I secretly loved you
You knew all along
Along with my childhood years, I lost you
When you said: 'I won't be here anymore'
Tell me, Marina, why don't you know me anymore?
Tell me, Marina, why do you turn your gaze away?
In the name of my and your youth, tell me, why?
Tell me, Marina, why don't you know me anymore?
Tell me, Marina, why do you turn your gaze away?
In the name of my and your youth, tell me, why?
We grew up together between the blocks of the suburbs
We searched the world together
We looked for the roads of life together
On all dusty paths
You knew, that I secretly loved you
You knew all along
Along with my childhood years, I lost you
When you said: 'I won't be here anymore'
Tell me, Marina, why don't you know me anymore?
Tell me, Marina, why do you turn your gaze away?
In the name of my and your youth, tell me, why?
Tell me, Marina, why don't you know me anymore?
Tell me, Marina, why do you turn your gaze away?
In the name of my and your youth, tell me, why?
In the name of my and your youth, tell me, why?



At home, your perfume still making me feel high
(Making me feel high)
Keep that smile, it looks good on you
(Keep it, it looks good on you)
Look how fast time flies
(Time flies)
I can't find you, where are you at?
(Where are you at?)
I played and lost, zemer, zemer, yeah*
These nights that I stooped so low
Whoever I gave myself away to, it's not their fault
I became for them what you are to me
Away, now you're away
In someone else's arms
Giving our love away to a stranger
Away, now I'm away
In someone else's arms
And both our hearts are broken
Looking for something to fill the void
Drinking every day, stooping even lower
I tried but it's hard, my heart only wants you
Lying to these other girls
And you're away
Two bodies connected like one
On dirty sheets
I'm keeping my heart for you, yeah yeah
We live in a cycle
I almost loved you
I almost blew my brains out
But I'm blowing my brains out writing bars
Written on my body like tattoos
The plans we made before
We reached a dead end
I'm looking for you, looking for you to save myself
Away, now you're away
In someone else's arms
Giving our love away to a stranger
Away, now I'm away
In someone else's arms
And both our hearts are broken
'Cause even though you're away
We can't escape these mind games
So what if I'm away every night
I can still smell your lingering perfume
'Cause even though you're away
We can't escape these mind games
So what if I'm away every night
I can still smell your lingering perfume
Away, now you're away
In someone else's arms
Giving our love away to a stranger
Away, now I'm away
In someone else's arms
And both our hearts are broken
We don't look at the stars together anymore
Now that you're in someone else's arms
Now that you're going around
Now that you're sleeping around
Making mistakes, looking around
Replacing me with someone else


You said

You can't leave your ego behind
You think you're strong but you bend easily
You treated me like a princess, don't deny it
But you tell keep telling everyone you never loved me
You said at nights you only want me
In hardship you only look for me
You said you call me endlessly every night
'Cause only bad boys know how to love like that
You break me when you look around
And if we ever break up, my heart will break too
You always said nobody compares to me
And if you pretend you forgot, I still remember
You said at nights you only want me
In hardship you only look for me
You said you call me endlessly every night
Because only bad boys know how to love like that


Father Christmas was killed

Father Christmas was killed
The kindergarten is bombed out
Children are buried by the house
'The Russian World' — that's what they coyly call Hell
In the society of patched-up scumbags
And fire came from all the barrels
Rockets fall, mines explode
Like a vampire, the king of slaves latched onto
The body of unsubmissive Ukraine
'Goida!' shouted the lisping devil
'Blood!' the orcs took up the slogan
In the temple of death the 'spiritually bonded' stargazer
Banged the patriotic Komsomol girl
The world won't bend to those
Who play at elections with thieves
Non-resistance is a grave sin
Slavery or fight, decide for yourself
Nazis are born in battle
At peace, without weapons, they are mere serfs
A prophetic dream came to me at night:
Ukraine's armed forces stick a pitchfork in that dickhead's ass


Fekete péntek

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bulizni akarok, szórakozni,
S boldognak lenni, megmutatnád, hogy kell csinálni?
Oly gyönyörű vagy, olyan, mint a nap,
S örökké nézhetném, míg mindenkire ráragyogsz.
Fekete péntek van, kis fekete taxiban
Megfogod kezem, s gyengéden tartod a középső ülésen.
Minden a fejemben, s a lelkemben van,
Oly önző vagyok, s te oly kedves.
Minden a fejemben, nem kapok levegőt,
A tükörbe nézek, mi történt énvelem?
Jobb testet akarok, jobb bőrt akarok,
Tökéletesnek lenni, mint a többi barátod.
Oly gyönyörű vagy, olyan, mint a szél,
Mindig, hogyha hozzám érsz, adrenalint érzek.
Fekete péntek van, itt a hét vége.
Megfogod a kezem, és gyengéden az arcodhoz tartod.
Minden a fejemben, a lelkemben van,
Sötétséget látom ott, ahol te a fényt.
Minden a fejemben van, kiben bízzak?
Azt hittem, szeretsz, mi történik velünk?
Mi történik velünk?



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Amikor táncolsz,
Fantasztikus vagy!
Minden, mibe öltözöl,
Trillákkal s pörgetésekkel
Csinálsz művészetet.
Alig várom, hogy a
Show kezdődjön.
Bárki láthatja:
Arra születtél, hogy táncolj nekem!
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet,
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom,
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet!
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet.
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom,
Nem fogadok el nemet válaszként!
Minden show-n
Itt vagyok,
Egy lépés sincs,
Mit nem ismerek,
Testedet ismerem,
Kicsi s ügyes,
Táncolj a táncos
Bárki láthatja:
Arra születtél, hogy táncolj nekem!
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet,
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom,
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet.
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet,
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom,
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet.
Bárki láthatja:
Arra születtél, hogy táncolj nekem!
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet,
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom,
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet.
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet,
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom,
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet.
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet,
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom,
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet.
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet,
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom,
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet.
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet,
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom,
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet.
Válaszként nem fogadok el nemet,
Te vagy az én balett-táncosom!


Fekete Péntek

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bulizni akarok és szórakozni
Boldog lenni, megmutatnád ezt hogyan kell?
Olyan szép vagy, oly szép, mint a nap
Örökké tudnám nézni, ahogy ragyogsz mindenkire
Fekete Péntek van egy kis fekete taxiban
Megfogod a kezem és gyengéden tartod a középsö ülésen
Az egészet csak képzelem, csak képzelem
Olyan önzö vagyok, és te oly kedves
Az egészet csak képzelem, alig lélegzem
Tükörbe nézek, mi történt velem?
Egy jobb testre vágyom, egy szebb bōrre
Tökéletes akarok lenni, mind az összes barátod
Olyan elragadó vagy, mint a szél
Mindig ha megérintesz, érzem az adrenalint
Fekete Péntek van, hétvége
Megfogod a kezem és lágyan arcodhoz szorítod
Az egészet csak képzelem, csak képzelem
Sötétséget látok, ahol te a fényt
Az egészet csak képzelem, kiben bízzam
Azt gondoltam szeretsz, mi történik velünk?
Záró refrén:
Mi történik velünk?


Der weiße Stoff

Der weiße Stoff
Am Fenster
Innen von außen getrennt
Nur Plastik
Uraltes Plankton
Sinkt sterbend
Zum tiefsten
Feste Formen
Verflüssigen sich
Sublimiert zu
Ich will ihn abnehmen
Den Vorhang
Will ihn reinigen
Doch er
Vom Licht



If I should see your eyes again,
I know how far their look would go —
Back to a morning in the park
With sapphire shadows on the snow.
Or back to oak trees in the spring
When you unloosed my hair and kissed
The head that lay against your knees
In the leaf shadow's amethyst.
And still another shining place
We would remember — how the dun
Wild mountain held us on its crest
One diamond morning white with sun.
But I will turn my eyes from you
As women turn to put away
The jewels they have worn at night
And cannot wear in sober day.


Újra feltalálni a kiutad

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tizenkettedik és Hyde egy vasárnapon
Értékesnek érezzük magunkat
És nem vagyunk mások, mint legyőzhetetlenek
Megint elkezdődik, érzed?
Eláll tőle a lélegzeted
Ne mondd azt, hogy legyőzhetetlenek vagyunk
Körbe-körbe jár
Nem vagy vonzó, nem vagy kifizetődő
Félrevezetlek, félrevezetlek téged
Mindannyian akarunk, akarunk valakik lenni
Most csak keressük a kijáratot
Így csináltam volna a dolgokat
Neki a falnak, neki a falnak
A faladhoz állítottál
Így csináltam volna a dolgokat
Neki a falnak, neki a falnak
A faladhoz állítottál
Te és én egy hétfőn
A hazugságok, amiket mondtak nekünk
Itt fogunk mindketten elzsibbadni
Megint összetörted a szívem
Most elhalványulsz, átlépted a határt
Átlépted a határt
Mindannyian akarunk, akarunk valakik lenni
Most csak keressük a kijáratot
Így csináltam volna a dolgokat
Neki a falnak, neki a falnak
A faladhoz állítottál
Így csináltam volna a dolgokat
Neki a falnak, neki a falnak
A faladhoz állítottál
Nyúlni egy kézért, ami nincs itt
De te nem vagy ott
Nem vagy
Így csináltam volna ezt
Neki a faladnak, neki a faladnak
Így kellett volna tennünk
Amikor egy falhoz vagyunk állítva
Neki a falnak
Így csináltam volna ezt
Neki a falnak, neki a falnak
A faladhoz állítottál
Így csináltam volna ezt
Neki a falnak, neki a falnak
A faladhoz állítottál



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Egy nyári estén
Alkut kötöttünk

Adieu Cemetery

The ultimate end
They all end
And you will remain sad
Ugly creature
They never want you
So much effort
Just to see them dying
Inside the grave all together
You will live alone on earth
Drop the bomb, say adieu
To the little cemetery
It is ridiculous
You have won
But who will give you an award?
Wherever you look at
A cemetery
I hope the cockroaches
Will build a monument to you
Inside the grave all together
Loneliness on the top
Drop the bomb, say adieu
To the little cemetery
Maybe it is mum's fault
Maybe it is dad's fault
Oh little man
Didn't they hug you a bit?



[Chorus: Basaa] We are all like the Leaning Tower of Pisa
No one is right, everyone makes mistakes, cues in
Some say I'm a boy, but you can call me the joker
You mix words as if you're a barista
You back off, you realize it's risky
Flow from OLX and beat bought at a discount
There's nothing I can do, I can do, brother, you're a star
I don't argue with you, I don't even pay attention to you
[Verse 1: Basa] At least I can't sit still, I have things to do
Is it just me or is everyone in a hurry?
I'm so chill that I'm too lazy to drink water
I'm waiting for a better life because this one is a rip-off
Okay, you know I can't be fake
I haven't even tried to try
Everything I say on tracks is either a joke or lame
If you have something against me, you have to prove
That you have something in you and you can't stop
You need to know who you are
To make music, to grow
And you will succeed
[Chorus: Basaa] We are all like the Leaning Tower of Pisa
No one is right, everyone makes mistakes, cues in
Some say I'm a boy, but you can call me the joker
You mix words as if you're a barista
You back off, you realize it's risky
Flow from OLX and beat bought at a discount
There's nothing I can do, I can do, brother, you're a star
I don't argue with you, I don't even pay attention to you
[Verse 2: Basaa] If talent were sold by the kilogram (ey)
I swear, I would have been a millionaire by now (ey)
But hard work beats talent
Take advantage of the moment
And then you get cash, throw cash out the window (ey, ey)
Oh, I'm in a different era, a different atmosphere
On another planet, another hemisphere
Greenhouse effect in the speakers
Way too hype although I'm the only one on stage
The only one on stage, alone every day, why should I be embarrassed?
I really like to spend a lot of time with myself, it helps me get rid of migraines
I like simple things, you're more glamorous
[Bridge: Exploit] Okay, you're cool, make your talent work with effort
Keep working hard
Only one problem, who are you working for?
That you can't go out anymore, not to cry in jail
[Verse 3: Exploit] I realize I was very naive (yeah)
But I'm not anymore, I rely a lot on instinct (yeah)
I don't trust anyone because everyone lies (yeah)
I have a circle of friends that's getting smaller and smaller (yeah)
I've never been with anyone for profit
I don't ask for help even if I'm injured
Life passed by too quickly, I didn't rush
I love my homies even if I don't always make time for them
Listen to the music, feel what I want to convey
Read between the lines, I really don't want to explain them
I have many voices in my head that make me hesitate
I have many voices around me: 'Are you sure you wanna quit?'
Maybe what I'm saying isn't catchy, but at least I've lived them
I've always been agitated, helping others, jumping in
They compromised me, thoughts that closed me so easily
There's more to say but I have no space left to write
[Chorus: Basaa] We are all like the Leaning Tower of Pisa
No one is right, everyone makes mistakes, cues in
Some say I'm a boy, but you can call me the joker
You mix words as if you're a barista
You back off, you realize it's risky
Flow from OLX and beat bought at a discount
I can't do anything to you, brother, you're a star
I don't argue with you, I don't even pay attention to you



[Chorus: Exploit] Karma, a siphon makes us pay
Street, if the police are coming, bye-bye
Na-na, explained to fools, nada
Karma, a siphon makes us pay
Street, if the police are coming, bye-bye
Na-na, explained to fools, nada
[Verse 1: Exploit] I remained loyal even when my dignity was trampled
I didn't say a word to prove that it's possible
I don't believe in love, give me loyalty
Lost for a few days, I pray I'm wrong
I let too many, nah, ruin my mood
Now you just keep apologizing, afraid of the consequences
There are too many of us, 47 make their entrance
Solving, not salvation, you have no honor
[Chorus: Exploit] Karma, a siphon makes us pay
Street, if the police are coming, bye-bye
Na-na, explained to fools, nada
Karma, a siphon makes us pay
Street, if the police are coming, bye-bye
Na-na, explained to fools, nada
[Verse 2: Zenk] Tick tock, ring light
Bro, bro, they want clout
All the barefoot ones act high and mighty, calm down
Until karma strikes, it's a countdown
[Chorus: Exploit] Karma, a siphon makes us pay
The street, if the guard comes, bye-bye
Na-na, explained to fools, nothing
Karma, a siphon makes us pay
The street, if the guard comes, bye-bye
Na-na, explained to fools, nothing
[Verse 3: Zenk] Okay, I don't consume anything anymore but I'm still stupid
I don't know what to say or what to believe anymore
It compensates a lot that I'm up to date
If you betrayed me, I can't forgive anymore (torture)
I sit and meditate in a chair on the balcony
Whiskey in a glass but I don't like it with cola
I put root beer in it and savor the aroma
And roll an allgreen one, you'd think it's arugula
Call me El Patron, hahahahaha
[Chorus: Exploit] Karma, a siphon makes us pay
Street, if the police are coming, bye-bye
Na-na, explained to fools, nada
Karma, a siphon makes us pay
Street, if the police are coming, bye-bye
Na-na, explained to fools, nada


The Monster

The words I told you that I will never bear
Are these words that you told me yesterday
I was shocked a bit that you know them by heart
I was shocked a bit that I also know them
Your tight hug is a tight noose
And your kisses have a bitter taste
I wonder how this monster
Is the most beautiful girl I have seen!
But I adore her!
Oh I die for her!
That's why I am digging my own grave!
That's why I am digging my own grave!
But I adore her!
Oh I die for her!
So why does she kill me?
So why does she kill me?
But I adore her!
Oh I die for her!
That's why I am digging my own grave!
That's why I am digging my own grave!
But I adore her!
Oh I die for her!
So why does she kill me?
So why does she kill me?


Footballer's Wife

I will never be a wife of a football player
It's not about the obstacles
Like height or beauty
It's about the causes of ego
Football player it's a difficult profession, relentless ball kicking
Trainings, groupings, working hard towards good scores
A girlfriend needs to applaude the whole day and sit in the tribune
Watch how he is training
Or wait in the house til he's back
She frames the diplomas
Puts the medals from place to place
The cups are dusted and arranged by
The footballer's wife
Finally! I've been waiting so much, how was it? Go on with the story
I scored an incredible goal, I did like this, he blocked me like this, then I did like this and goal!
Yes? I washed all of your shoelaces from your trainers
They're drying up on the balcony, cuz you know...
And I've found a new way of washing the tear stains
She sometimes buys shoes on Allegro*
Maybe they will go for the new iPad's premier
She listens how the fridge is cracking
How the dust is accumulating in the body curves
She can't expect any tenderness also
When he comes back tired from the training
Her beauty gets run-down
Her cans full of disappointments hang down
Footballer's wife
Footballer's wife



[Chorus: Zenk] Who asked you? Who, who asked you? (Who)
Who asked you? Who, who asked you? (Tell me who)
Who asked you? Who, who asked you?
Who asked you? Who, who asked you?
(I want to do it a little like this
I want to do it a little like this
Who asked you?
[Verse 1: Tripp] I heard you want to say how much money you actually make
I have a question, tell me who asked you?
I can feel how eager you are to say that you're high
I have another question, tell me who asked you?
Who asked you? Who asked you?
Who asked you? Who asked you?
Who asked you? Who asked you?
Tell me, bro, who the fuck asked you?
[Verse 2: Exploit] Trained, 365 days, I've smoked
Big sums, crypto, I've multiplied them
Really, bro, tell me who asked you?
Morning is a spliff and at night I fall asleep with a blunt
Trap, trap, trap, already above, level up
Psilocybin level, I'm to be calcified
I keep going, going, going, 24/7 I puff
There's just one thing I don't understand
Bro, who asked?
[Verse 3: COXE] I'm in Brestei in slippers, I stab you and put you to sleep
General crap, you hand out envelopes, I hand out bags

An hour in a grey day

Clean laundry, and
A record without sound
So much noise I can't hear anymore
An hour in a grey day
Or a piece of it
A sun streak on the tv
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
Clean laundry
Up in an apartment
I don't wanna look down
Had to go a little faster
I think it's too late, and
It's ticking, the time is going
It's five, I wanna go home
to myself, minutes, maybe hours
So you don't need to try anymore now
It's totally fine to just go
Got a taxi and another
Waiting for me now
Clean laundry, and
A record without sound
So much noise I can't hear anymore
An hour in a grey day
Or a piece of it
A sun streak on the tv
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
Clean laundry
Clean laundry, and
A record without sound
So much noise I can't hear anymore
An hour in a grey day
Or a piece of it
A sun streak on the tv
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
Clean laundry
A record without sound
So much noise I can't hear anymore
An hour in a grey day
Or a piece of it
A sun streak on the tv
No one's watching it
No one's watching it
Clean laundry, and
A record without sound
Man, there's so much noise I can't hear anymore
An hour in a grey day
Or a piece of a day
A sun streak on the tv, but
No one's watching it
An hour in a grey day
Or a piece of it
A sun streak on the tv, but
No one's watching it
An hour in a grey day
Or a piece of it
A sun streak on the tv, but
No one's watching it
An hour in a grey day
Or a piece of it
A sun streak on the tv, but
No one's watching it


A man and a coconut banjo

An old man in his wooden boat
In emergency at open sea
Lost his sense of direction
And sailed into an eye of storm
Vanished for years, never came back
Nobody missed him
But the guy was safe and sound
On a secret island he had found
There the man happily
Played his coconut banjo
A baboon next to him
Which liked to hit the rhythm
(Iron, oooh!)
The duo of jungle, no mercy
(Singing, oooh!)
And mesmerizes the whole island
(Playing, oooh!)
The duo of jungle, kicking all to peat
This won't remain a shooting star!
In the evening, in his hut
Laying on his bamboo bed
The home sickness came back
The coconut banjo is playing again
The baboon heard it
Singing, he came in
The man wasn't sad
At all anymore
(Iron, oooh!)
The duo of jungle, no mercy
(Singing, oooh!)
And mesmerizes the whole island
(Playing, oooh!)
The duo of jungle, kicking all to peat
This won't remain a shooting star!
A hundred years later
The banjo still plays
A pirate found it
A very familiar one
'Yea, it's me! Dude is playing guitar quite well! Wait, what cock straw is that? Fast fingers, but look ya all this: I raise stakes, yeah! The chorus one more time, ya all aboard!'
(Iron, oooh!) (Rocking!)
The duo of jungle, no mercy
(Singing, oooh!) (Singing!)
And mesmerizes the whole island
(Playing, oooh!) (Playing!)
The duo of jungle, kicking all to peat
This won't remain a shooting star! (Stars...)
'Yea, where's my banjo....wait, where am I? Hahaha....'


The Oriole

I do remember myself as a barefoot kid on the water when
my boat was rocked by the waves
A loose braid girl was
touching my lips with hers
A loose braid girl was
touching my lips with hers
I'm gonna hold the girl to my lips and tell her about both misfortune and luck
Scare away the oriole in the raspberry field burst into laugh with happiness and tears
Scare away the oriole in the raspberry field burst into laugh with happiness and tears
The oriole in the raspberry field sings over the reeds yearning
How come was I born poor?
Who and how will explain this to me?
How come was I born poor?
Who and how will explain this to me?
I'm gonna hold the branches to my chest
and tell about youth and luck
Scare away the oriole from the raspberry field burst into laugh with happiness and tears
Scare away the oriole from the raspberry field burst into laugh with happiness and tears



Ah. ah
I'm okay with the deep night
come, everything is fine
Borrowing your color that was warm
Beyond that, dense worries
I want to empty it all out
When I look at you without a single cloud
When I face you without leaving a single cloud
Yeah, I feel brave
And I will never be the same
You paint my love
A dream come true
generously all
my sky blue for you
As much as it colors you
a new view
with colors you never imagined
Blend and turn vermilion
All colors turn
All colors turn
All colors turn vermilion
your light that caught my eye
for the amount of time it was elevated.
I can see the glow
Hot and shining
I want to protect your eyes
in my arms
The rain that soaked me like it was passing by
In the warmth of your touch
I've bloomed into a little rainbow
You paint my love
It's a dream come true
Be generous
my sky blue for you
As much as it colors you
a new view
with colors you never imagined
Blend and turn vermilion
All colors turn
All colors turn
All colors turn vermilion
Sunrise, I'll give you all
Color me I'll be yours
Everywhere you look
The whole world is you
The most perfect
sunset sky blue
As much as it colors you
A new view (new view)
In colors you never imagined
Blend and turn vermilion
Like a night sky that creeps in
You forget to breathe
Hold me deep and feel you
I can't take my eyes off you for a second with you
Into your world I fell
Blend and turn vermilion
All colors turn
All colors turn
All colors turn vermilion
All colors turn
All colors turn
All colors turn vermilion



Ah, it's like I can't move at all
I'm making eyes like a robot
My heart is rusted
My arm is hanging down loosely
I've always operated with this heart
the motor has gone cold
what I remember when I push undo and go back
is a loop that's the negative of uncontrolled, the days with you
the error sound blares, ah, the power source is failing
even though there was love there
I can power my rusty heart
I warm my cold chest
the noise in my head goes away, but even so
I understand who I want to hold close
I know to the point that it breaks me down
Ah the system that feels happiness
doesn't start up when you're not here
I've become a hunk of junk
you can only point out the things that are damaged
in the world that's like an eyesight test
everybody seems okay and unbroken
what I remember when I push undo and go back
are my true thoughts filled with noise, a distorted 'help me'
with this old style sensor, I wasn't able to notice
the signal you gave me
I can power my rusty heart
I replace my sensors
my words of love are filled with noise, but even so
I understand what I want to consider important
I know to the point that it breaks me down
brought back to life on my own
our best memory
even if I'm turned off, I don't stop
the tears are overflowing
my body temperature is rising, ah
I can power my rusty heart
I warm up my cold chest
my two eyes have nothing but tears, but even so
I understand where it is I would like to go
I know to the point that it breaks me down
I'll move forward as a worn-out robot


Homegrown song

The sweet song was born one day
Under the beautiful Italian sky,
But now the singers scream also in Naples
No one sings 'Michelemmà'
'Funiculì, funiculà'
They say: 'It’s old stuff, of another age'
But in me a voice sings:
'Good morning, homegrown song
Good morning, youth song
Please keep me company
Like you used to, with your old tune
Bring back those dreams I loved so much
Remind me of the love I no longer have
Awaken in me that heart that I left
To die with you, song of youth'
Bring back those dreams I loved so much
Remind me of the love I no longer have
Awaken in me that heart that I left
To die with you, song of youth'


Cold Heart

I've tried everything to make you stay by my side
And nothing has worked for me
I think your heart is colder than ice cream
And that's why I'm leaving your love aside
I don't understand what happened
If one day it did work
But it deteriorated
And our planet of love was hit by meteors and it was over
As if it were a mist that the wind blew away with time
And never ever came back
You know it hurt me
I even think it changed me
My love
How much I miss you
But this way at least you don't hurt me
I don't hurt you, and it sounds strange
If we love each other and we don't know how to be quiet together both of us.
No, no-no-no-no
And that's what Jasiel Nunez sounds like
Compa Danny
Just like that, compa Jasi
I've tried everything to get you to stay by my side
And nothing has worked for me
I think your heart is colder than ice cream
And that's why I'm leaving your love aside
I don't understand what happened
If one day it did work
But it deteriorated
And our planet of love was hit by meteors and it's over
As if it were a mist that the wind blew away with the time
And never ever came back
You know it hurt me
I even think it changed me
My love
How I miss you, oh-oh
But this way at least you don't hurt me
I don't hurt you, and it sounds strange
If we love each other and we don't know how to be quiet together both of us
No, no-no-no-no


Freesia Boy

The terrace on the pavement
Isn't it a dream?
You're folding your arms there
The yellow freesia
Swinging by the window
Hey, don't disappear after I call out to you
I was lonely
Without a phone call
We just part after a quarrel
And now it's spring break
Until then
You were just a classmate
In this feeling
I feel troubled about myself
You are so stubborn
You are so tricky
If you don't like me more than myself
I won't like it
Please don't notice
Just a bit more
I want to keep watching you here
My heart is swaying
The yellow freesia
Hey, I really love your smiling face
Freesia Boy
Thinking about giving up
While passing the time
I even can't speak 'I want to see you'
I am really timid
You know that
For our thing
Are you indifferent?
Or you just not care at all? That's terrible
The terrace on the pavement
Isn't it a dream?
You're standing here, waving hands
The yellow freesia
Swinging by the window
Please gently catch me as I run up to you
Freesia Boy
The terrace on the pavement
Isn't it a dream?
You're standing here, waving hands
The yellow freesia
Swinging by the window
Please gently catch me as I run into your embrace
Freesia Boy


Hide me from the hole

If you behaved bad
They will send you here
Where there are spikes, more pain
Narrow that you won't be able to sit
And if you could
There are spikes on the bottom
Neither the attempt to do
When you are there
In atrocious confinement
And the blind darkness has already left you
You are going to scream
Without knowing if your howl was heard
Or it is in your mind
And your voice dies


Night Clubbing

Being alone and sleepless
Do you want to have fun at night with me?
Before morning comes, let's light up our heart
Let's gaze and dancing just for tonight!
Wow Wow
Show me your black dream
Worrying won't get us anywhere
Gimme your charming face
Laugh more freely!
Night clubbing
Let's do night clubbing
Hey come on
Hey come on, you too
You can dance
You can dance, come on
The neon light are hiding a mysterious power
You felt it too
If you messed up, I'll figure it out
So don't panic, have a thrilling dancing
Wow Wow
Show me, Oh, your nervous tears
This is not cool
Gimme your energetic face
Don't add any parentheses
Night clubbing
Let's do night clubbing
Hey come on
Hey come on, you too
You can dance
You can dance, come on
Wow Wow
Show me, Oh, your blue air
Don't grow up by hugging
Gimme your charming face
I am always praying
Night clubbing
Let's do night clubbing
I love you
I love you, really
Can love me
Can love me
We're friends


bad habit

The last time I saw you, baby
It was at the door of your house
You were saying goodbye to me
This time, yes, yes
I faked a smile
So you could see that I'm fine
I just knew that it wouldn't be enough
To sit and wait
What a bad habit
To act as if nothing had happened
When we both know
That things are being talked about
Everything we repeat
Over and over again
Makes me not see
The end of the tunnel
The last time I saw you, baby
Was in your bed, in your arms
I wanted to pretend
That I could live without you
I knew I was lying to me
That it was going to hurt me more
But I couldn't resist your little look, your little look
What a bad habit
To act as if nothing had happened
When we both know
That things are being talked about
Everything we repeat
Over and over again
Makes me not see
The end of the tunnel
The last time I saw you, baby
No pude evitarlo, no pude evitarlo
Me estabas mirando de arriba abajo
Esos grandes ojos verdes me recordaron
No pude resistirme, no, no pude resistirme
Lo que quieras, sólo ven y tómalo
Siempre estaré aquí, sé que está mal decirlo
Pero no puedo ayudar, pero estoy aquí para quedarme
Después de todas las veces que me jodiste
No puedo evitar seguir regresando por meses
What a bad habit
To act as if nothing had happened
When we both know
That things are being talked about
Everything we repeat
Over and over again
Makes me not see
The end of the tunnel
Everything we repeat
Over and over again
Makes this bad habit continue.