Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 87

Találatok száma: 100455


Le jour le plus froid du monde

On dit que je suis né le jour le plus froid du monde.
On dit que je suis né avec le cœur gelé.
On dirait même qu'on m'a porté à bout de ventre
en haut de la colline qui surplombe la ville...
et ses clochers !
Là haut vivait dans une drôle de maison,
une sage femme dite folle par tous les habitants.
Alors qu'elle passait son temps à réparer les gens,
les perdus, les cassés, avec ou sans papier.
Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant,
Oh Madeleine qui adorait.
Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant...
reparer les gens !
Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant,
Oh Madeleine qui adorait.
Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant...
reparer les gens !
Comme elle m'a installé sur la table de la cuisine,
j'ai cru un instant qu'elle voulait me dévorer.
Me prendrait-elle pour une poulet grlllé,
que l'on aurait oublié de tuer ?
Elle me découpait la peau de la poitrine.
Ses grands ciseaux crantés plantés entre mes os,
elle a glissé une horloge dans mes débris glacés
en lieux et place de mon petit coeur gelé.
Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant.
Oh Madeleine qui adorait .
Oh Madelaine qui aimait tant.
Oh Madeleine qui adorait.
Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant...
reparer les gens...
Elle m'a dit : Mon petit, y a trois choses que jamais,
Oh grand jamais tu ne devras oublier.
Premièrement ne touche pas à tes aiguilles,
deuxièment ta colère tu devras maitriser.
Et surtout ne jamais oublier quoi qu'il arrive,
ne jamais se laisser tomber amoureux.
Car alors pour toujours, à l'horloge de ton cœur
la grande aiguille des heures transpercera ta peau,
explosera l'horloge, imploseront tes os,
la mécanique du cœur
sera brisée de nouveau.

Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant,
Oh Madeleine qui adorait.
Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant...
reparer les gens!
Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant,
Oh Madeleine qui adorait.
Oh Madeleine qui aimait tant...
reparer les gens !
Oh Madeleine...
Oh Madeleine...
Oh Madeleine...


Time to Wake Up

The sun shines through my window
The shadows dance along
The birds all play outside
As they sing their song
Time to wake up, time to wake up
Time to catch the day!
Time to wake up, time to wake up
It’s a brand new day!
First I stretch my arms
And then I do my toes
Then I lift my legs
Right up until my ears
Time to wake up, time to wake up
Time to catch the day!
Time to wake up, time to wake up
It’s a brand new day!
I jump out of my bed
I dress myself in clothes
Then I brush my teeth
And I put on my shoes
Time to wake up, what time? Time to wake up
Time to catch the day!
Time to wake up, time to wake up
It’s a brand new day!
I greet my siblings hello, good morning!
My dog and my kittens
Then I eat my breakfast,
And my parents give me kisses.
Time to wake up, time to wake up
Time to catch the day!
Time to wake up, time to wake up
It’s a brand new day!
Time to wake up, it's a brand new day! Time to wake up
Time to catch the day! Greetings to all!
Time to wake up, time to wake up
It’s a brand new day!



When it was quiet you talked to me
When it got dark, you poured your heart
I know you've been fortune-telling on me for a long time
I know you've been waiting, now you got what you wanted
I won't go out
I don't leave the house
My love got me dizzy
And I can't get any sleep
I won't go out
I don't leave the house
There's my love waiting for me there
(hop hop hop)
Disappeared behind the mountains
(hop hop hop)
A forest song sounded
(hop hop hop)
The dryad danced for me
As it got dark she took me away
She took me where my mother didn't see us
The water was added and time stood still
I hear your voices in my head
Oh, you loved me, you destroyed me
I won't go out
I don't leave the house
There's my love waiting for me there
I won't go out
I don't leave the house
There's my love waiting for me there
(hop hop hop)
Disappeared behind the mountains
(hop hop hop)
A forest song sounded
(hop hop hop)
The dryad danced for me
As it got dark she took me away
The grass rustled, the winds hummed
She appeared like a light in the midst of darkness
Oh, you are stubborn and wayward
Bitter like wormwood and beautiful like flowers


Crescent Aventure

If the love of summer must end
Tonight is a great crescent night for that
Ah, without knowing anything about parting
I want to left myself to the shore
Baby, I remember your profile seen through the glass
Resting your chin on your hand with a vacant smile
Lady, you sent a wink
Baby, on a solo journey, tracing the ring on your ring finger
Lady, I noticed
You were aware of the dramatic ending
If the love of summer must end
Tonight is a great crescent night for that
Ah, without knowing anything about parting
I want to left myself to the shore
Now, I can't put my feelings into words
I conceal them amidst the crashing waves
Ah, from the fingers you wave goodbye with
Another summer slips away
Baby, do you want to forget
The ending of the past outing?
You faced the see breeze with eye closed
Lady, you threw a kiss
Baby, as tomorrow comes
Someone will come here again
Everyone would embrace the drama
Lady, and then take part
Now, I can't put my feelings into words
I conceal them amidst the crashing waves
Ah, from the fingers you wave goodbye with
Another summer slips away
If the love of summer must end
Tonight is a great crescent night for that
Ah, without knowing anything about parting
I want to left myself to the shore


I mistook you

I mistook you
For someone who's my entire life
For someone who, like a caress,
Shares in my peace
I mistook you
In those fog-shrouded streets
My mood was the image of a pond
At the moment of the ducks' migration
I fell ill under the rain
When did you start leaving?
I opened my fist to see you in my hand
You flew away like a butterfly
I opened my fist to see you in my hand
You flew away like a butterfly
I mistook you
For someone who's my entire life
For someone who, like a caress,
Shares in my peace
I mistook you
Like a branch from a cold cliff
That did not save me from the fall and
Kept cracking and made me more wounded
I fell ill under the rain
When did you start leaving?
I opened my fist to see you in my hand
You flew away like a butterfly
I opened my fist to see you in my hand
You flew away like a butterfly


Blooming For Their Return

All of the tears---the pain---that ripped from my heart
Will grow a world
Orchard fields of truth, anemone, and almond
Will bloom for their return
All that we have been through
We also have made mistakes along the way
But we learned in the end
That we can't alone
All that we have known
It turns out that we didn't know
And how is it that from our happy day
We do not have a poor moment
All of the tears---the pain---that ripped from my heart
Will grow a world
Orchard fields of truth, anemone, and almond
Will bloom for their return
Eighth morning assembly
Where time stood still
Foxes destroyed a vineyard
They took the body but not the figure
And then during the shock
We multiplied goodness, we increased kindness
Both iron and a sword
And prayers in the synagogue
Until all of the tears---the pain---that ripped from my heart
Will not return empty
Orchard fields of truth
A harmonica and a piano will play their arrival
Adopt us today
Bless us today
Raise us today
Ask for a favor
Honor us today
Heart us today
Rescue us today
Rescue us from all the evil
Have mercy on us today
Look over our soldiers
Return our captives
Find us comfort..
All of the tears---the pain---that burned my heart
Will grow a world
Orchard fields of truth, anemone, and almond
Now bloom for their return


Dear young friends

The last days of the passing year are coming.
This year was difficult for the fraternal peoples.
As you know, in this year
We had to live through war.
But ahead are new frontiers,
But ahead is new life.
There will be many great victories,
There would be the rise of a new world.
Dear young friends,
I greet you all of you with the New year.
I send you my warm greetings,
Warriors of the light, good and freedom.
It wasn't easy for us to go
On unknown road,
But we look forward with confidence,
Success and happiness the new year will bring.
Ahead are new frontiers,
Ahead is new life.
There would many great victories,
There would be the rise of new world.
Dear young friends,
I greet you all of you with the New year.
I send you my warm greetings,
Warriors of the light, good and freedom.



When it was quiet, you talk with me,
When it got dark, you opened me your heart,
I know, you've been telling fortunes about me very long time,
I know, you've been waiting, now you got, what you wanted.
I won't do for a walk,
I don't leave the house,
My sweetie circled me,
And I can't sleep.
I won't go for a walk,
I don't leave the house,
My sweetie is waiting for me there.
Hop, hop, hop,
We've been beyomd the mountains,
Hop, hop, hop,
The forest song was heard,
Hop, hop, hop,
The mermaid danced for me,
When it got dark, she took me with her.
She led me, where my mother didn't sse us,
She finished drinking water and stopped time around,
I hear your voice in my head,
Oh, you loved me, you destroyed me.
I won't go for a walk,
I don't leave the house,
My sweetie circled me,
And I can't sleep.
I won't do for a walk,
I don't leave the house,
My sweetie is waiting for me there.
Hop, hop, hop,
We've been beyomd the mountains,
Hop, hop, hop,
The forest song was heard,
Hop, hop, hop,
The mermaid danced for me,
When it got dark, she took me with her.
She rustled like grass, she buzzed like a wind,
She came to me as a light in the darkness,
Oh, you're rebellious, you're wayward,
Bitter like wormwood and beautiful like flowers.


Cutlets with Mash

Hi, boss
Boss, hello
Here it's warm, cutlets for lunch
Hurry! Boss, how are you?
Here is good, warm and bright
Hurry! We have cutlets now
With pasta?
No, with mash!
You hurry! We have now cutlets
With mash, with mash
Chess, a TV
We sit, glue boxes
But, go. Be well!
We will meet at lunch
Hurry! We have cutlets now
With pasta?
No, with mash!
You hurry! We have cutlets now
With mash, with mash


World of Miracles

Come and you will see the world,
Beautiful, colorful, spreading
Come and take a moment
With your heart, be guided
Come and you will see the earth,
I know you're looking to know her
Nothing more to look forward to,
Tonight, let the stars carry you
World of miracles
Thus feel the beauty below you
This is your journey, you may decide
Should we reach the sky
World of miracles,
To fly through it for a while without a voice
And this beautiful dream I want to fulfill,
You're the only way to reach the sky, you know
(With you I can climb to heaven I know)
Yes you can float,
Flying without bird wings
He who saw the world from above,
Has his image in the heart
The land of miracles,
(It belongs to us, so look)
So feel the beauty below
(Hold your breath, climb to the sky)
This is your journey, you may decide
Whether I touch the stars
Where I'll fly today, ('Land of Miracles')
Tonight is my night (Tonight you're free [?])
So enjoy every moment
The earth is disappearing in the distance, and today I know
That only with you can I climb to the stars
World of miracles,
A night full of stars
So fly to the heights,
Just fly with me
And be guided


Strange Wine

While gazing at the shore
I catch snippets of conversation between fellow guests I don't know
The visitors have already left
Idling in a small hotel by the sea
Brushed by the dull scenery outside the window,
The forlorn rustle of a stray bird, and the tepid wine
I am just a fleeting passenger for two nights
The messenger that binds us is the sigh amidst the sound of waves
Ironically, you have departed
Now, the cloudy sky has faded, revealing a clear blue
I lamented over such a dark sea
Frowned by the window in the afternoon
I forgot to ask your name, in an instant,
I peeked only at your signature during the morning room service.
I am a fleeting passenger of a strange love
The strange wine tastes as blank as you
I am a fleeting passenger of love
The strange wine tastes as blank as you
Now I toast to the sea alone
I shade myself, drunk down the strange wine


Night reveals

Version 5
Monkess! May your darkness cloak me
all you mountains, cold and blue!
Blood-like drips the darkish dew


I cannot understand the outdated hatred
Someone can feel for an offender, enemy.
While able to hit back, I never felt elated.
Freedom from bitterness is always dear to me.
I feel impassive love for all in equal manner,
I will be all with you while you are here, with me,
But if you move away - oblivion drops like manna
On my translucent mind, my thoughts are free to flee.
And if, by chance, your fate is filling you with anger,
Come, go ahead, deride me, slap me in the face:
You cannot stain my inner, everlasting candour,
Reflection on your deed won't occupy my days.
I have indifferent love alike for everybody,
The kind of love one feels for clouds or for waves.
And yet for me there is some pain of soul and body,
Depression from whose hateful power nothing saves.
When I'm in love, insanely, to the point of sickness,
When my beloved can subjugate my life, in whole,
I cannot help but hate her, and to end this weakness
I will extinguish her, at least within my soul.


You Sleep

I'm homeless, helpless
My voice and my heart were cut off
From the land of happy fairy tales
Shoes and toys left on the ground
Clean and luminous faces remained on the ground
Games and happiness played with coy fingers
It remained in half and barren hearts..
And disappeared from your short, dark life
Lost relatives, friends and neighbors
Brotherhood, faith and values of humanity
You sleep, ah little refugee, you sleep
It's already in the ox's ear, don't be ashamed
And disgrace and shame are condemned
Maybe the cold earth will embrace you
Because it's hotter than people's face
And it is soft, with the stones that you hold in your chest
From stony people
You sleep, ah little refugee, you sleep!
This is a bad dream in life's sleep
What should I do? They cut the fabric short for you.ü
They cut off life
They left it unfinished
From movement, game and desire..


Between us

Between us on this night
There is Love, song
Night perches at my doorstep,
and we stay awake throughout its course.
There are secrets between us.
You know my sorrows.
Please visit that dwelling
and ask him not to forget me.
In the shadow of the old house
Who falls asleep on the road
Who falls asleep all the time
Perhaps the lover will arrive tomorrow,
Passing by like a stranger
Without remembering what had happened.
There are secrets between us.
You know my sorrows.
Please visit that dwelling
and ask him not to forget me.
In the shadow of the old house
Who falls asleep on the road
Who falls asleep all the time
Perhaps the lover will arrive tomorrow,
Passing by like a stranger
Without remembering what had happened.
Tomorrow, these days will pass.
I will search within myself.
I will find nothing but memories.
In my mind and my heart.


Vova is a dick

A huge informational truck
Is slowly rolling around the country with no success
It's going around the country, not noticing anyone
Everybody who interrupts it is simply knocked over
Behind the wheel there's a simple person
Who collects the lands* and is not even sentenced
But why did it all went fucked-up?
Everybody knows the truth that
Vova is a dick, olololoh
You won't hear it at the cinema
Vova is a dick, olololoh
His time is already up
There is the fascist army in Ukraine
They eat children and destroy the cities
Whoever is Russian-speaking is facing the wall
And they'll soon ignite nuclear war
Lord Jesus, save Ukraine
The fierce Bandera followers** shoot their own guys there
They kill people and they don't care
Everywhere there you can read that
Vova is a dick, olololoh
You won't hear it at the cinema
Vova is a dick, olololoh
His time is already up
That car is going around the cities
It records the news here and there
We will kindly tell the Bandera's junta
'No!', 'Bravo Vova!' and we'll finish the line
In our country everything is great, guys!
You just need to take care of your little brother***
We will put there our military forces
No more USA, we save Ukraine
Vova is a dick, olololoh
You won't hear it at the cinema
Vova is a dick, olololoh
His time is already up
Vova is a dick, olololoh
You won't hear it at the cinema
Vova is a dick, olololoh
His time is already up
Vova is a dick, olololoh
You won't hear it at the cinema
Vova is a dick, olololoh
His time is already up


Dusk in winter

Darkish skies are metal-clad.
In the evening crows are flying
hunger-mad and nearly dying
over parks, sallow and sad.
In the clouds a beam, death cold


My Utopia
is just like you said
when I finally reached it
the sound rose and fell
Because you are the way you are
I came to like you
Because you are the way you are
I'll leave this place
is life really this hard
I was thinking it was a bit simpler than that
everyone is making a calm face
I'm sure we'll manage
it really is unbearable
My Utopia
is just like you said
when I finally reach it
the color will fade once again
Your Utopia
I passed through it
I said those days were like that
and you cried
until we get there, until we get there
when we can go there, we'll fall into a long sleep
look forward, look up, because we've walked here
we've trampled over it all
no matter how much time passed until now, we won't reach it
will I be smiling over there?
long, long before you whom I see before my eyes
is a Utopia that does not exist
there are contradictions
scattered throughout the things you say
those are spilled fragments of your love
I'll gather them
from out of the trash can
the pieces of the Utopia
which I destroyed
My Utopia
is just like you said
when I finally reached it
the sound rose and fell
Your Utopia
I passed through it
when we can't return to those days
you smiled


The Silence of Summer

Like a young boy
I want to become the wind brushing against your cheek
Without any fear, just as the rain clears up...
I start to wear new white shoes
The silence of joyful summer
Seven drops of tears from boys and girls
Being wounded is not a strategy
It's simply because of the passing time
To us, lonely amidst the city
The cicada's cry is too painful to be understood
If you escape the forest of white sheets
You'll understand why you and I are different
Right after you wake up
You put your innocence to the mirror
The season's breeze adorns our summer
And then our love has ended
'Let's go on a trip...', you muttered
To search for our dream once more
To seek out a town unknown to anyone
To search for a new love


Claudio Villa a mezza voce (Stornelli amorosi - Part I)

My destiny is written in your heart
Even if you're poisoning my life
Even if you're poisoning my life
I want to stay close to you
For your red and fragrant mouth
I would gladly give my life
I would gladly give my life
To be able to say to the whole world: 'I have kissed it'
If you were queen and I king
I would give you crates full of pearls of the east
I would give you crates full of pearls of the east
In exchange for your charming love


Claudio Villa a mezza voce (Stornelli amorosi - Part II)

The sun and the moon are beautiful things
Even the sirens are beautiful
Even the sirens are beautiful
But none are as beautiful as you
Forgive my sighs and my laments
But my heart lives only of songs
But my heart lives only of songs
And I sing our love to the four winds
Ever since your love kindled my heart
I have been growing violets, lilies and roses
I have been growing violets, lilies and roses
At the end of the month I will marry you



Look, what? Saying that you're the only one who lost in this world
He's having a hard time again oh no, no
The more you do that, the more you forget it for a while and warm up
(Hey) I'm always annoyed and tired again, again
(Hey, hey) I'm always frustrated with my worries
(Hey) Throw away all the heavy luggage you always carry
I'm so upset, I'm so upset
I'm a good talker, I'm a good talker. My body will follow
I'm so upset, I'm so upset
Take off your mask and show yourself
Dump, dump, shake it with all your might
Burn, burn as hard as you can, throw in your worries
Sometimes dump, dump, sometimes burn, burn
A little more dump, dump, get hotter
A little more burn, burn, burst as much as you want
Sometimes dump, dump, sometimes burn, burn
Get your, get your, get your hands
Get your, get your, get your hands
Get your, get your, get your, get your
Get your, get your hands up
(Hey) I'm always walking again and again without a break
(Hey, hey) An unrelenting push
(Hey) Now stand for a moment and throw all your heavy luggage
Just say it, just say it
I'm good at talking, good at talking, I could build a house with my words
Just say it, just say it
Take off your mask and show yourself
Dump, dump, shake it with all your might
Burn, burn as hard as you can, throw in your worries
Sometimes dump, dump, sometimes burn, burn
A little more dump, dump, get hotter
A little more burn, burn, burst as much as you want
Sometimes dump, dump, sometimes burn, burn
Get your, get your, get your
Get your, get your, get your
Get your, get your, get your
Get your, get your
(Hey) get your, get your
Get your, get your, get your
(Hey, hey) get your, get your, get your, get your
Get your, get your
Dump, dump, shake it with all your might
Burn, burn as hard as you can, throw in your worries
Sometimes dump, dump, sometimes burn, burn
A little more dump, dump, get hotter
A little more burn, burn, burst as much as you want
Sometimes dump, dump, sometimes burn, burn
Shake it
Throw in your worries
Get hot
Pop it as much as you want
Sometimes dump, sometimes dump, sometimes burn, burn



I'm tricked by your sweet whispers
I'm just being deceived by fascinating temptations
I fall down, I break down
With the black hands hidden behind the smile
Oh-woah-oh, oh-woah-oh
You come to me wearing a white mask
It's driving me crazy
I fall down, I break down
The black eyes hidden behind your smile
Oh-woah-oh, oh-woah-oh
I don't believe your smile
I don't believe your no more
I'm alone, lonely, lonely, lonely
I pray, pray, that true love will come
I don't believe your smile
I don't believe your no more
I'm alone, lonely, lonely, lonely
I pray that true love will come, c-c-c-come
I'm tricked by your sweet whispers
I'm just being deceived by fascinating temptations
I fall down, I break down
With the black hands hidden behind the smile
Oh-woah-oh, oh-woah-oh
I don't believe your smile
I don't believe your no more
I'm alone, lonely, lonely, lonely
I pray that true love will come, c-c-c-come
You saw all of the funny monster
I can't believe your sweet words
I'm alone and alone, there's no need for me
To listen to your tiring words, just skip now
I'm pretentious no
No need for two words, go
I don't have any affection left for you
Don't reach out, get out now, uh
Now get up and shake it off
Even if you fall into the dirt sometimes
It's okay, I can laugh because I'm me
Oh-oh-oh no one, no-oh-oh no one
I don't believe your smile
I don't believe your no more
I'm alone, lonely, lonely, lonely
I pray, pray, that true love will come
I don't believe your smile
I don't believe your no more
I'm alone, lonely, lonely, lonely
I pray that true love will come, c-c-c-come
You come to me wearing a white mask
It's driving me crazy
I fall down, I break down
The black eyes hidden behind your smile
Oh no, no



Your thought is a straight line
My thought goes in a spiral
And it's hard to connect, and It doesn't always work out, but
Tonight it seems like a shame to me that we won't sleep together
Go to the party
I really don't feel like being there
Go with your friends
I'll go to sleep early
You seem to be having a lot of fun
I can't wait anymore for everyone to go already
And you'll let me give all I have to give you
It's true that I'm squished, but I want you
Go to the party
I really don't feel like being there
Go with your friends
I will just sit here
And wait until I'll be cool like them
And wait until you'll come back and take interest in me as well


Hail, Frank Lloyd Wright

Hail, Frank Lloyd Wright,
sorry to say that you are no longer here.
If there's someone who will live,
it's you.
I remember, Frank Lloyd Wright,
all the nights lying awake together with you
and never again will he laugh
like this with me.
Architects go, others will discover
what you already knew
but they won't know how to
think with such intensity.
Architects go, others will discover
what you already knew
but they won't have
true originality.
Hail, Frank Lloyd Wright,
sorry to say that you are no longer here.
If there's someone who will live,
it's you.
It's known it's you,
na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na,
it's you,
na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na...


Letter to Virginia

I'm writing to you, Virginia,
while sifting
through the burning sands, I'll search for
the one who is going to give me peace.
While you, Virginia,
will gaze at the snow,
the sun will burn among the palms
my heart.
But why leave
your purpose, my life?
Who will stop me,
who will save me from longing?
Only you, Virginia,
will live for my heart
and I'll write only to you:
'I'll return'.
How great is the sea
while a dream follows the heart,
I write and think of you
while around me the sun dies away.
Only you, Virginia,
will live for my heart
and I'll write only to you:
'I'll return'.



Dorina, Dorina,
you were only a simple sweetheart
but there were many dreams in your heart
and you loved me only for love.
Dorina, Dorina,
heart of a woman and face of a child,
on a lime tree on Valentine's Day still is written
that name next to a pierced heart.
But in a flash the beauty will flee,
she leaves no trace, no kiss or caress,
you were my youth
and too soon you ran away.
Dorina, Dorina,
your memory walks beside me,
don't go away, no longer leave,
first smile of my youth.
You were my youth
and too soon you ran away.
Dorina, Dorina,
your memory walks beside me,
don't go away, no longer leave,
first smile of my youth,
first smile of my youth.


Happy Days

You're leaving
and I don't know why
this love of ours
is over.
Happy days
but you need trust
and now I don't know why
you no longer love me.
An entire past
runs together
and I won't know what it was
that changed you.
I search
in those memories
to glimpse you
next to me.
All of life
in a moment,
I'd be happy always
if I had you again here with me.
And now I understand,
but it doesn't matter,
even for me time will pass
and the sun will shine again.
Why am I still
looking far away?
A new love
will return to me, yes!
Why am I still
looking far away?
A new love
will return to me, yes!
Why am I still
looking far away?
A new love
will return to me, yes!


...But in Evening

(But in evening, but in evening,
tell me please)
day by day
I love you more.
When in the evening
I take you by the hand
and we walk
close, close,—
—this love,
this love
is going to change
life for me.
When later
I must leave,
day by day
I miss you more.
But in evening, but in evening,
tell me please
if the sadness disappears
from my heart.
But in evening, but in evening,
tell me please
and love
makes reality change.
When in the evening
I take you by the hand,
I feel I love you
more and more every time.
But in evening, but in evening,
tell me please
day by day
I love you more,


A Misstep

You made a misstep
and you know that can't be,
a love
never hides the truth.
You should have told me right away
who I was to you,
a friend
who perhaps one day will console you.
Everything that he knows
is that you never loved me and at least he made
a tune for us now
that I'm mad about you.
You made a misstep
but always remember that
a love
never hides the truth,
a love
never hides the truth.
You made a misstep
and you know that can't be,
a love
never hides the truth.
You should have told me right away
who I was to you,
a friend
who perhaps one day will console you.
Everything that he knows
is that you never loved me and at least he made
a tune for us now
that I'm mad about you.
You made a misstep
but always remember that
a love
never hides the truth,
a love
never hides the truth.


Come comfort

Days, days of summer
And there is no peace at home
Scorching sun
Days, days of summer
Don't leave¹ me
Days, days of impulse
And there is no peace in the land²
Scorching sun, the soil is boiling
Days, days of summer
Don't leave me
Come comfort
Come comfort
Come comfort
Come comfort
Come comfort
Come comfort
Come comfort
Come comfort
Days, summer days
There is no peace at home
Scorching sun
Days, summer days
Don't leave me
Let us rest (come comfort)³
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)
Let us rest (come comfort)


A.A.A. Adorable Sought

A thousand, three thousand,
I have done ten thousand experiments,
I have made a hundred thousand dates
but they all told me no.
Nothing, always nothing,
I really have exceptionally bad luck
but now I have an original brainstorm:
the notice in the newspaper roughly like this.
A.A.A.A.A. adorable sought,
A.A.A.A.A. of a sweet nature,
give postal references.
I request someone beautiful of medium height
who knows how to kiss a babe.
A.A.A.A.A. adorable sought,
A.A.A.A.A. to marry right away,
as long as you love me and I already know
that A.A.A.A.A. I'll know how to adore her.
The next day came,
I found in the morning among the mail
the letter with inside the answer
that clearly told me yes.
I read happily,
she wrote with nice penmanship:
'I come to speak to her with the below'
and the autobiography goes roughly like this.
A.A.A.A.A. adorable she offered,
A.A.A.A.A. sweet in nature
beautiful, casual, intelligent,
of tall stature with a slight defect but I know how to kiss a babe.
A.A.A.A.A. adorable she offered,
A.A.A.A.A. to marry immediately as well
as long as you love me and I already know
that A.A.A.A.A. I'll know how to adore him.
We found ourselves there A.A.A.A.A. at the entrance to a cinema,
me with the flower here, she with the book of fairy tales,
shyly holding hands, we left like this:
far away, together, searching for love.