Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 29



Azt mondod, régóta találkákat keresel.
És egész nap arra vársz, hogy eljöjjön az éjszaka.
Ez így nem működhet… Egyszerűen lehetetlen.
Azt mondod, már rég elfelejtettél mindenkit.
Sőt, valahogy nem is szerettél igazán senkit.
Ez így nem működhet… Egyszerűen nem.
De van bennem valami, ami feléd törekszik.
Engem senki nem szeret, rám senki nem vár.
Senki nem csókol meg és nem fogad a szívébe.
A lelkem kínlódik, a lelkem hív.
Senki, senki nem szeret. Senki, senki nem vár.
Ezért nézek most éppen rád.
És nem akarok búcsút venni.
Át foglak ma ölelni.
Meg foglak ma csókolni.
Óh, félek tőled…
Azt mondod, nem szeretnél búcsút venni.
Egyenesen azt sugallod, „Maradni akarok.”
Ez így nem működhet… Egyszerűen lehetetlen.
Azt mondod, hogy már régóta engem akarsz.
De ez valahogy hamisan hangzik.
Ez így nem működhet… Egyszerűen nem.
De van bennem valami, ami feléd törekszik.
Át foglak ma ölelni.
Meg foglak ma csókolni.


Nélküled a lelkem világtalan
És a testem, mintha nem lenne a sajátom
Nélküled csak a ködöt látom
Nélküled mindenhol víz van körülöttem
Bármerre nézek nem látom a szárazföldet
Nélküled mindenhol megtévesztést találok
Szárnyal a lelkem
Téged keresve,
Mert tudja – én ott vagyok ahol te
Nélküled szerelmem,
olyan mint egy vörös nyaklánc
ami a hóban hever.
Körülvesz a fagyos éjszaka
és szánszándékkal hideget süvít.
Hajnalodik, a lelkem nem alszik
Szárnyal a lelkem
Téged keresve
Mert tudja – én ott vagyok ahol te
Kezed karnyújtásnyira és nem tágít
Még akkor is, ha nem vagy itt
Tudom, hogy – ott vagyok ahol te
Ahol te vagy, én is ott vagyok
Ahol te vagy, én is ott vagyok.

Nem a te háborúd

Csata a hajnalban. Napfény és füst.
Szinte senki sem tudja, később milyen sors vár rá.
Holnap mi lesz majd a fiatalok fejében?
Az egyik reménykedik, a másik retteg.
[Refrén 1]
A téli bangita virágának ágai lehajlottak.
Anya mégis kihez imádkoztunk?
Hány gyermekedet fog még elragadni tőled
a háború ami nem a tiéd?
A lányok és a fiúk szülőkké váltak,
éjjelente álmaik színekkel voltak tele.
Hazug szavak kezeit csókolgatták,
Nappalaikkal fizettek a csendes éjjelekért.
[Refrén 1]
Régen oly szép volt minden,
mikor nem volt izzadság és könnyek.
Mindannak azonban semmi értelme nem volt –
Én így nem bírom, te mégis hogy vagy képes rá?!
[Refrén 2]
A téli bangita virágának ágai lehajlottak.
Anya, rosszhoz imádkoztunk!
Hány gyermekedet fog még elragadni tőled
a háború ami nem a tiéd?

Behind the words

There, behind our voices
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Or just la la la la la
There, behind our voices
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Or just la la la la la
Hear yourself in the melodies
Behind the words, behind our voices,
Feelings, cries, desires
That you can't say no no no no no
Do you hear the love hidden there
Behind the words, behind the voices,
And then afterwards when love goes away,
Love you're on my mind
You make me see, you make me blind
It is so, so
There, behind our voices
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Or just la la la la la
Rebellion and anger sometimes
Behind the words, behind the voices,
On a guitar all alone and low,
Redesigning the world.
There is also the dream of leaving,
Behind the words, behind our voices,
The distant lands that attract us
The sea, the stars,
Dream with a propeller or dream with a sail,
Going away hey hey
There, behind our voices
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Or just oh oh oh (Behind the words)
Behind our voices (There) (Behind the words)
Do you see our hearts (Behind the words)
And the torments inside (Behind the words)
Or only la la la la (Behind the words)
(Behind the words)
Do you see our hearts
And the torments inside
Behind our voices,
Behind the words
Behind our voices
Do you see


Today you’re mine
Tomorrow you’ll be for everyone
Today you’re like the Sun
And tomorrow [you’ll be] like the snow
Apparently, we’re not strangers
But neither are we family
Tell me, I wanna know
Who am I to you
Tell me, I wanna know
Who am I to you
Hey, your name, you’re name sounds familiar
To us
Hey, your name, your name is further and further
Taking away time
Today you’re accessible for all,
Tomorrow all [will be by your] feet
Why do they only live together
Tears and laughter?
You have to be there
Where [you’re] loved for words,
Go, I’ll stay here
A new one [gf?] will come
Go, I’ll stay here
A new one will come
Hey, your name, your name is so familiar
To us
Hey, your name, your name is further and further
Taking away time
Hey, your name, your name is so familiar
To us
Hey, your name, your name is further and further
Taking away time

In The Sky

Behind someone’s windows it’s just February somewhere,
On my street, it is already spring
And you spirit is overwhelmed with the heights
Because I live as if I fly
As if I fly
Every time when you’re next to me
I’m in the sky, my dear, in the sky,
My dear star, in the sky, ever since I’ve found you.
And I’m in the sky like in the worldly sky
My dear, when [I am] with you, I fly again, I fly again.
And I do not know how dusk comes
And how [my/your] album ended
Because I don’t wish for a single minute of loneliness
And I reside there as if I am capable of flying
As if I’m flying
Every time when you’re with me
I’m in the sky, my dear, in the sky,
My dear star, in the sky, ever since I’ve found you.
And I’m in the sky like in the worldly sky
My dear, when [I am] with you, I fly again, I fly again.
And when I am not being myself,
And in my head thoughts are weird,
And my soul is sad, I [tend to] remember
Your eyes and everything flips upside down
And becomes so warm.
I’m in the sky, my dear, in the sky,
My dear star, in the sky, ever since I’ve found you.
And I’m in the sky like in the worldly sky
My dear, when [I am] with you, I fly again, I fly again.
I’m in the sky, my dear, in the sky,
My dear star, in the sky, ever since I’ve found you.
And I’m in the sky like in the worldly sky
My dear, when [I am] with you I fly again, and again
I fly and again, and again
I fly and again, and again

A House Made Of Glass

You live in the house made of glass,
It is behind a window.
I want to reach it.
You live in the house made of glass
Surrounded by a wall,
I have to break it down.
You live in the house made of glass,
It’s behind a window,
I want to reach it.
You live in the house made of glass,
It’s surrounded by a wall,
I must break it down.
I want, I want to see your house,
I want, I want to see where you live.
I want, I want to see your house,
I want, I want to see where you live

Don't You Ask

Versions: #1
Don't you ask
Where I've been when you were over the moon
Where I've been when you, so innocent,
Were on cloud nine
All by yourself
Wasn't I there?
I just
Want so badly
To be there with you
I want so badly
To live in your captivity
And watch
My dreams escaping
Into your arms
Don't you ask
If I could ever fall asleep alone
I was standing there, watching the rain hiding
Everything you had ever said
All traces of you
As always

Not Enough

Versions: #1
Today I walk home alone again
People are passing by or watching from billboards
But why do I want to run away?
But why can't I walk down your way?
I'm in my deserted home again
Listening to the sounds of rain and Billy Holiday
But why do I want to run away?
And only drunken rain knows where you are
There are not-not-not enough rainless days in my spring
There were not-not-not enough not strange, warm words in my life
There is not enough you in this world. There is a wall out there:
I'm alone, and you are not.
An I don't see any traces of me in your eyes
And my key didn't fit, nor did it dare.
And only drunken rain is pouring here and there
And only drunken rain knows where you are.
There are not-not-not enough rainless days in my spring
There were not-not-not enough not strange, warm words in my life
There is not enough you in this world. There is a wall out there:
I'm alone, and you are not.
Today I walk home alone again...

When we will become ourselves

On that day, when we will become ourselves
Apricots will blossom, excess of bitterness will be erased
On that day your unbound braids like balsam
Like morning dew they'll fall once more on my face
On that day, when we will become ourselves
It will be so bright and clear, that we can even see Heaven
And sadness turns to beauty everywhere,
tired slogans will disappear and road becomes free over rainbow end
exactly on the day we become ourselves
on the day, when we will become ourselves
exactly on the day we become ourselves
the sun will appear over our heads again
On that day, we'll be like children again
and our rage in the future will remain in the sea of desires and dreams
that day will take us like hurricane it will embrace us
like the universe in which there is no suffering
On that day, somehow, words become redundant
and invisible traces from fatigue and nobody cares about names
and everything around will disappear into radiance and we will be
who we have always been again
exactly on the day we become ourselves
on the day, when we will become ourselves
exactly on the day we become ourselves
the sun will appear over our heads again
exactly on the day we become ourselves
on the day, when we will become ourselves
exactly on the day we become ourselves
love will lead us and two of us will still remain
exactly on the day we become ourselves
on the day, when we will become ourselves
exactly on the day we become ourselves
the sun will appear over our heads again
exactly on the day we become ourselves
on the day, when we will become ourselves
exactly on the day we become ourselves
love will lead us and two of us will still remain
love will lead us and two of us will still remain
and the sun will appear over our heads again

One Can't Get Closer

Everything is
so wrong.
I can't explain anything.
Either there is nothing
to breathe with in here
or I am not able to love...
It feels like the city has become empty for a moment
and unwillingly silent.
I freeze up,
striving into your lens
with all of my thoughts.
One can't get closer!
Tell me what it was.
Look straight into my eyes,
I haven't forgotten anything.
I know one can't get closer,
but I will comfort you.
Look straight into my eyes
with no regrets, with no pain.
try to surprise me.
Let's do without polite phrases.
is the feeling of guilt -
this is always the case, but today I'll pass.
One can't get closer!
Tell me what it was.
Look straight into my eyes,
I haven't forgotten anything.
I know one can't get closer,
but I will comfort you.
Look straight into my eyes
with no regrets, with no pain.
* * *
I feel sorry for
this tenderness.
It will be lost in the frame, there's nothing to do about it.
Let it be
black and white sweet lies
that will remain of us.

Let me go

I would think you were a clear day without any rain
But there are tears on your face.
I would tell you that you were not mine at all
But you can`t let me go.
I would think you were a quiet night without any stars
But there is light in your eyes.
I would tell you that you were only a dream
But you just can`t let me go.
Let me go, I beg you to let me go
Because I can`t go on anymore.
Let me go, I beg you to let me go
I don`t want to go on anymore.
I would think you were a blooming flower in the spring,
But you will never wither.
I would tell myself: she`s not mine, she`s not mine
La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la

The Street

Versions: #1
The street has conceived us
In the house of blue nights
With the fog over water
With the yellow river, hey...
In the house of blue nights
The street has been caring for us
As long as you were willing
As long as you were molding us
Out there are living lights of the disco
Or, maybe, libraries or free ideas!
Out there are living lights of the disco
Or, maybe, libraries or crazy ideas,
Or maybe not.
And when the day comes
The street will abandon us
We did dare,
We did make it without you!
The street has been hiding us
In the house of blue nights
With the fog over water
With the yellow river, hey...
Refrain x 2
Or maybe not!

At night

Versions: #2
At night
When the sun iss gone
My love in her bed, is reading and shivers
Oh, the night
Alone like this
Is a cold country
The night
How beautiful she is
She complains
See what I become
Come and hold me real tight
And let's go into the night
In our country
At night
In the sky that turns pink
Our kisses rest, sleeping pose
She tells me I understand her
A let's go back into
The night
When the sun has gone


125 miles that's raining cats and dogs
She has fun in the capital city
By the radar in the october night
It's my party on the national road
Normally, driving by night, that's not so bad
Sailing off the coast, you had to see the storm
Bypass road, the Loire is too swollen
I'm lucky, there's a gas station open
Normally, the quiet life is the canal
Toodle-oo, It's me who're here I trust you and I want to know why ?
It's laugh in her phone
Paris Notre-Dame : 93 miles
Mr. Coffee is out of order
After all, I'll be more quiet
Normally, for refueling
It's the stopover
The tape is playing Wing Cries Mary
I'm tailgating a ghost train
If I overtook it before Stone Free
that's she loves me, she lies if I loose
Normally, looseing a bet don't care me
Toodle-oo, It's me who're here I trust you but I miss you
135 mph, It's in the bag, I take her sunday in a trip
In front of me, lights of ambulance, car crash
Stop police roadblock
Normally, a wounded man, that's hurt me
In happy days, we run to love, the passage of time broke the wire, in due days, I'll make a knot...
Three buddies who're sleeping in her home
As is more she pouts
Soft light and cinnamon punch
There's a good chance she don't sleep alone
Normally, after 8 days it's great
My seat belt, I'm coming to the toll
Gatso are in strike
Maybe she's ironing
Within one hour to belive in my dreams
Normally, the end of a dream is rough
The lights, a Paradise City
Robot L come from Moon
Paris-south, Beltway-east
Robot L seek a fortune
Normally, when you hang on, you fall down
Toodle-oo, It's me who're here I trust you I was just passing by
Toodle-oo, I was just passing by
I miss you...

pushing into the sky

you lick off salt out of my lips
I play again with past time and quorums
how pain is smoothed do you know tips
pain doesn’t go with this motor roars
and for so long we hide again
thoughts among words are felt like an old scar
a touch of hand soothes the pain
as always pain wanders where words are
into the sky into the sky into the sky
memories are crowded
wind’s catching us wind’s catching us wind’s catching us
but we still without it
you lick off salt out of my lips
I let it go the past time and quorums
moment has passed feel bracing grips
the wind of spring with this motor roars
into the sky into the sky into the sky
memories are crowded
wind’s catching us wind’s catching us wind’s catching us
but we still without it

Karin Redinger

Pretty young brides
Honeymoon barely begun
Beware of travelers
See Karin Redinger
Karin Redinger
I received your flower letter
You must be asleep
Dreaming of things that are far away
Of me maybe, so it's not good
Karin Redinger
There's a hidden piece of my heart
Who stayed somewhere
On a steamboat
You had been married for two hours
You let the wind
Showing your legs smoothly
And you noticed me
Among the travelers
Karin Redinger
Stop sending me flowers
I have a wife in Paris
And you a nice husband
Let's stop this musical comedy
Your honeymoon over the water
You came early in the morning
And long live the love in boat
Asleep the little husband on the Mississippi
You were still a little bold
To bring me coffee
Karin Redinger
Please forget the steamer
This little joke
Made me cry in my bed
Fortunately not too long ah ah
Karin Redinger
Do not come to see the Sacred Heart
Leave Paris alone
You are dangerous in this city
A Frenchman is often sentimental
You let the wind
Showing your legs smoothly
And you noticed me among the travelers
Karin Redinger
Stop sending me flowers
Ten days in a crazy boat
Memories, rendezvous
It's over, love from me to you
Karin Redinger
There's already someone in my heart
This little joke
Made me cry in my bed
Let's stop this musical comedy

Cause every night

I sometimes hope
I'd find someone like that.
Someone like you,
Someone like you.
Because every night when I dream
Run time ahead.
I can not stop us, nothing
And no one is able to steal to me.
Because every night when I dream
I feel in me the fire.
What makes me want to be here
Especially for someone like you.
And in the morning I do have hope
That maybe you do not exist.,
So that they are just dreams,
To meet someone like you.
Because every night when I dream
Run time ahead.
I can not stop us, nothing
And no one is able to steal to me.
Because every night when I dream
I feel in me the fire.
What makes me want to be here
Especially for someone like you. / X2 /

Without You

My soul is blind without you
And my body is not like mine
Without you there's only mist around
Without you there's only water around
Wherever you look you can't see the ground
Without you there's a deception everywhere
My soul is flying
Seeking for you,
For it knows - I am there where you are
Without you, my love
is like a scattered necklace
of red color lying on snow.
The night is frozen around
And it blows with cold intentionally.
Dawn is coming, my soul doesn't sleep.
My soul is flying
Seeking for you,
For it knows - I am there where you are
Your hand is so close
Even when you are not here
I know that I am there where you are
I am there where you are
I am there where you are
Please don't hesitate to correct me, especially if the translation language is your native language.
With Best Regards,
© Alexander Laskavtsev

Someone like you

Versions: #2
Do you know, how hard hits the soul unforgiving rain?
As though always for me was waiting rainy day.
And how painful winter calm of our window,
Pastel soft, like your favourite Monet.
Someone like you
happens once for a lifetime
and only from haven.
Someone like you
In a lifetime only once
there is not enough repentance,
when I'm without you...
To forget it all, it seems, I wouldn't had a chance
New call drop my will count as low as can be
And worse more than a million words your glance
Forever distant, like your favourite Dali.
Someone like you
happens once for a lifetime
and only from haven.
Someone like you
In a lifetime only once
there is not enough repentance,
when I'm without you...

When you're not here

Versions: #2
The city is asleep, the head is aching
And empty hours are flying
How many times I can come here?
The world is so small
I don't know, for I don't see
And I don't hear the cars
Night scares, its alone, it runs away somewhere,
When you're not here
When you're not here...
Your water is already cold
And forgotten flowers are withering
For the last time I will watch the movie
For people without the dreams
The city is asleep, the head is aching
And I don't know, what to do with
Your photo, my coat, pour for yourself my dear
When you're not here
When you're not here...