Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 14

Találatok száma: 967


Volunteer Firefighter

I'm a volunteer firefighter
I have a pump on my trailer
Where's fire, smoke I quickly go spray it.
I'm a real firefighter
I have a helmet on my head
With ironed dress, I look clean.
If you have a young firefighter at home
Bed is always nice and warm
That's why when you will be choosing
you'll choose a real firefighter.
When siren sounds, we all instantly gather
Neighboring village is on fire, commander gives an order
Car goes at full power, siren is turned on
In an instant one two three fire is no more.
Our beloved patron, that's saint Florian
To him in honor and glory the firefighting status
For 130 years we are firefighters, we now celebrate an anniversary.

After the beloved (by God, do not prolong your absence)

By God, do not prolong your absence.
For life is never sweet without you.
Does my eyelid taste sleep
if the night makes long your sleeplessness?
Fulfil your promise, for I
am fulfilling your promise in love.
And protect our affection for I
will, for all my life, love you.
If I spent my life searching,
I would never see an equal in your beauty.
If I saw the tree branch sleeping,
I would not see your figure (even) in the branch.
If I saw the plush fields,
I would not see in the roses your cheeks.
Every good or beauty
crosses me, then it exists within you.

Years what The living don't forget

Nineteen forty-one - forty-five
Years what the living don't forget,
Holy duty to banish the beastly enemy
Will be said.
Those were terror years of the fire and war,
Years what the living don't forget.
The party has united people
Into a single powerful allied united force
And filled our angry souls
With confidence to win.
Blood for blood! Live for live! Furious attack,
This is preserved in my eyes!
Motherland's cry and groan
Was like heard by my ears.

Golden Days

Now, time is in the transition of eras.
Even when I go to unsurprising directions.
Now, this town has become a city of tragedy.
Do you understand? The answer...
No one knows it.
In the cloudless sky, there’s a gold colored crack.
I weave between the trembling people and fall.
I get swallowed by the raging seas and even when I tremble a little...
I’m okay, I hold my breath.
With sarcastic experiences and dripping blood. I’m just trying to stitch together my dying words.
The excitement of my teens and tons of my memories.
Are just futile.
Let’s steal the setting sun’s soft sound.
I’ll get my hands on a new body.
Neglect your talents.
And envy love.
We, who run modest actions.
We exhaled.
In your clear proximity, there are gold colored days.
In the flickering street lights, crawl on the ground, now I say goodbye.
There’s a leaning shadow in the sunlit windowpane.
Look at it, it’s being filled now.

Frankie és Johnny

Frankie1és Johnny szeretők voltak
Öregem, hogy azok ketten mennyire tudták szeretni egymást!
Ígéretet tettek, hogy egymást imádni fogják
Amíg csak csillag van az égen
Az a pasi volt a nő párja
De nem a becsület útját járta
Először is egy lusta alak volt
A munka gondolatára csak grimaszolt
A nő bankja meg elveszítette az eszét
És sosem utasította vissza a férfi kölcsönfelvételét
A bolondja volt a nő
És a férfi tudta, hogyan játssza meg őt
[Milyen vontatott!2]
Lesasszéztak a bálterembe
Ahova csak kísérővel szokás menni
Egy hely, ahova kizárólag úgy jöhetsz, ahogy vagy
És a vendégek be voltak tépve
Mindenki felöntött a garatra
Ahogy arra talán magadtól is rájöttél
Forrón és fülledten telt az este
És ettől Frankie-nek erőtlen lett a teste
Csókot nyomott a férfi homlokára
Aztán gyorsan visszavonulót fújt
Mert, ahogy gondolhatjátok
Be kellett púderoznia az orrát
Akkor jött egy Nelly nevű baba
Egy különc nő, hencegnék a hipsterek
Öregem, olyan költők mint Byron és Shelley
A legmagasabb jelzőkkel illeték volna ezt a csajszit
Öcsém, ez a bige úgy nyomult
Mintha ő lenne a női Don Juan3
Lányok, lányok, hölgyek!
Ilyen civakodást még sosem láttatok!
Ez a Frankie keményen küzdött a manusáért
Ütött minden szögből
Öregem, olyan volt mint valami nagyszabású bokszmeccs
Valaki megszólaltatta a ring gongját
De a pasika nem tudta megmenteni Nellt
Frankie előkapott egy pisztolyt
És mindenki rohant a kijárathoz
Elkezdte szétlőni a kristályt
Öcsém, rendesen durrogtatott azzal az ágyúval
És mikor az utolsót lőtte
Azt hallotta-e Johnny?
Nem, nem hallotta4
Öregem, micsoda nő volt!
Ó, hogy mennyire szenvedett ez a Frankie!
Mint a zápor, úgy hullottak a könnyei
A seriff, aki eljött, hogy megbilincselje
A platina láncos bilincset elővette
És nem tudta senki
Hogy ki tartóztat le kit
Most mindenki meghajol, aki elmegy mellette
Frankie a várost magának megnyerte
Öregem, most csúcson van az erkölcs
Ha megcsal a pasi, simán csak lődd le!
Ő volt a párja
De nem a becsület útját járta
Itt egy gondolat, nektek megfontolásra
Ha szeretni akarsz, muszáj, hogy becsület útját járjad!
Van kérdés?
  • 1. Frankie itt egy nő neve.
  • 2. Vagy 'Milyen unalmas!'
    Érdekesség: Az 1956-os Találkozzunk Las Vegasban c. filmben, ennél a résznél a férfi szó szerint húzza a nőt a földön.
  • 3. Kitalált figura, egy spanyol származású kicsapongó életmódot folytató férfi, akinek nők elcsábítása a célja.
  • 4. Mert Frankie Johnny-t lőtte le az utolsó lövéssel.

Mutasd ki a szerelmed!

Ígéretek és szerelmi csalódások
Nekem több jutott belőlük, mint ami jár
Belefáradtam már, hogy szerelmet adjak
És sehova se jussak, sehova se jussak
Olyan régóta nem érintettem már a vágytól égő kezed
Én kockára teszem a szerelmemet1, remélem megérted
Ó bébi, ha akarsz engem, ki kell mutatnod a szerelmed nekem!
Szavakat olyan könnyű mondani de a szerelmet ki kell mutatni!
De a szerelmet ki kell mutatni!
Belefáradtam már, hogy egyéjszakás kalandokba keveredjek
Ami nekem kell, az az, hogy valaki mindig ott legyen
Ne ígérd nekem a világot, egy világot, ami már amúgy is az enyém
Ezúttal hívj fel, bébi, a tettek hangosabban beszélnek mint a szavak
Ha odaadást keresel, fordulj hozzám!
Gyere el a szíveddel a kezedben!
Gyere, a szerelmem garantált
Úgyhogy bébi, ha akarsz engem, ki kell mutatnod a szerelmed nekem!
Szavakat olyan könnyű mondani de a szerelmet ki kell mutatni!
Adj rá okot, hogy szeressek!
De ki kell mutatnod a szerelmet!
  • 1. Nem egy embert tesz kockára, hanem az érzést veszélyezteti, amit érez.

I want to display my carnival block in the streets

There are those who say that I slept with my bonnet
That I lost my mouth, that ran away from the fight
That I felt from the twig and that I saw no exit
That I was frightened when the quarrel started
There are those who say that I don’t know anything
That I belong to nothing and that I don’t apologise
That I’m not guilty, but I faltered
And Durango Kid almost caught me
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I, myself, would like this and that
One more kilo of that, one less of this
This is what I need or it’s nothing related to this
I just want everybody in this Carnival
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
There are those who say that I slept with my bonnet
That I lost my mouth, that ran away from the fight
That I felt from the twig and that I saw no exit
That I was frightened when the quarrel started
There are those who say that I don’t know anything
That I belong to nothing and that I don’t apologise
That I’m not guilty, but I faltered
And Durango Kid almost caught me
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I want to display my carnival block in the street

O Boys, O Girls

I have two friends
who are dear to my heart
the first one is still single
running after beauties
and the second one is married to
the one he fell in love with years ago
and what's got them together is
that they're both liars
o boys, o girls
what is it about this life?
let's stay happy
my heart is fed up, I swear
from people nagging about
whether we're married or not
we'd regret both
love you baby, baby
this is all just an act
and the sketchy relationships
are plenty
he's kidding himself
the one who tells you that he understands
come on, let's sing
why would you care about details?
o boys, o girls
what is it about this life?
let's stay happy
my heart is fed up, I swear
from people nagging about
whether we're married or not
we'd regret both

The Death poem

The Drums hasten the men’s passing away.
The fall wind's gusting, the sun is going to down in the twilight
They say, to the otherworld, no saloons on the way
Then, where shall I rest tonight?

I can't hurt you

Versions: #1
One day you'll understand why I left so suddenly and silently
and what kind of a battle I fought in the cause of giving you up.
You know when winter comes and you can't find a drop of sunshine..
You can't touch the flowers that stand by the end of endless cliffs.
Every new day, one more page of my life is being ripped.
My hope is agonizing at the throes of the ruins of my heart.
I have pain in my hands, I can't hold your hands, I can't, I can't hurt you.
Black frost is on all the ways that lead you to me, don't approach, I can't, I can't hurt you.
I can't make you a partner of my dark nights, I can't, I can't hurt you.

We Liars

A woman as only you know to be,
Gripped by your errors, you can no longer live.
You are afraid of losing even to me,
Me who has done everything to make you trust me.
We liars... Liars who?
You're blaspheming and don't know it.
So high, so great
We have never been.
We liars... Liars who?
Maybe everyone around us,
Those who confused honesty
With conceit and vileness.
Believing in what you do is easy, after all
Harder is doing what you believe in
You’ve never paid with useless words
Now you don't owe anything to the past.
We liars... Liars who?
You're blaspheming and don't know it.
So high, so great
We have never been.
We liars... Liars who?
Maybe everyone around us,
Those who confused honesty
With conceit and vileness.
Believing in what you do is easy, after all
Harder is doing what you believe in
You’ve never paid with useless words
Now you don't owe anything to the past.

It Doesn't Get Easier

You ask me if I'm carrying worries
Just leave me alone to decompress
I'm hating loneliness and the entire universe
And it doesn't get easier on myself
Black, white, life has no color
My kind hearted soul had left
Became black, eyelids dried shut
To those who left
The eyes you enchanted are ruined
My walls spoke to me, answering my pain
Your palms that healed and taught
Left without saying good bye
We drew a life, left incomplete
Hearts that loved us turned
Left us orphans in this country
Autumn leaves unchanging in color
Same place and starting from zero
Repeating past mistakes
Where's the person who swore not to leave
Today absent as if they never were
Alone in my days to come
Seeing a lonely unaccompanied road
The night is my companion in my cries
Where're the stars filling my sky
When life gets hard
My sword is in the heart and hand
Sorry for the part of me that longs, it will get better
It's a cruel obsession burning me out
I want to see myself
How will I leave this life
My life is not enough for me
Silence fell
I'm simple, not perfect
Opposite of those around me
All your good deeds are in my soul
I am not ungrateful
Same place and starting from zero
Repeating past mistakes
Where's the person who swore not to leave
Today absent as if they never were

On our planet death meets every creature...

On our planet death meets every creature,
But man is sentenced to a harsher fate:
To know of his demise is in his nature -
To face the warrant signed on his birth date.
But though he knows that life's a brief endeavor,
He lives like this - in spite of all that's grim, -
As if he aims to live and live forever
And the entire earth belongs to him.


Homokból építünk házakat,
Nagy, merész, fényűző kastélyokat
De amikor eljött a reggel,
mindet elfújta a szél
Állomásokat, síneket és vonatokat építettél,
én pedig messzi kalandokra vágytam és repülőkre
De mégis a parton maradtunk
Bőrönd bepakolva egy kísértetnek
Bármikor elrepülhetünk, amikor csak akarod
Titkokat temettem el a dűnékben
Szerelmes dalt énekeltél a holdnak
És amikor ránk virradt
még mindig ugyanúgy hangzott
Állomásokat, síneket és vonatokat építettél
Rejtőztünk mint gyufaszálak dobozokban és barlangokban
Borral és sárga fénnyel teli
Hajók az éjben
Levehetek bármit amit csak akarsz
Most látlak a parton
Téged, aki mindenkinél jobban ismer
Bármikor visszajöhetnék amikor csak akarod

I am always close to you

My wings are spread
Open, large and wide
I am on my own
On a way, made by you, for me
Mama, I am always close to you
I feel your tears, every time I go
But I am you
I carry your love with me
We are the story of one1
(Instrumental guitar lick by Marcel)
Daddy, I am always close to you
I feel your tears, every time I go
But I am you
I carry your love with me
You are forever in me
You learnt me to be me, you live in me
All this for you2
All this for you
All this for you
Your wings were fine
Protected me from sorrow and pain
You have the heart of a true friend
I miss you already, even though you are still here
Mama, I am always close to you
I feel your tears, every time I go
But I am you
I carry your love with me
We are the story of one1
Daddy, I am always close to you
I feel your tears, every time I go
But I am you
I carry your love with me
You are forever in me
  • This is a line from the original song. Literally Jij zit voor altijd in mij means Forever you are in me
  • 2. Again, a line from the original song, more literally you can translate this phrase to This is for you

Sugar Shuffle

O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
It seems like a blizzard's coming, No one can come, Sugar Shuffle
It's as if it comes to kiss the cloudy glass panes, Sugar Shuffle
The endless waves of hot air
I'm searching for your back, hey, hey,
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
Even this morning, I was searching for our news broadcast,
Hey, hey, hey, hey
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
It must be the dream I saw at 18:00 *[1], Sugar Shuffle
I can't love even those moments anymore, Sugar Shuffle
With an expired passport,
I will travel with you for eternity
Hey, hey, hey, hey
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle
O-o-o do the Sugar Shuffle

Good omens

You're talking, I'm silent,
I want to hear only you,
I try to find the happy features
In all with you.
You see, the rocket is flying, like a star,
And it's a good omen.1
Up half the sky is in golden colours,
And it's also a good omen,
The lake is covered in fog,
And it's a good omen too,
Love has found us
In accordance with all omens.
Your hear, there's the steamers rot call somewhere,
And it's a good omen,
The birds began to sing before the dawn,
And it's also a good omen,
The summer is sonorous, like a string,
And it's a good omen too,
Love is coming
Towards you and me.
I'm talking, you're silent,
You'll understand the shyness and forgive the courage,
And then you'll add many good omens
Back at me.
The lake is covered in fog,
And it's a good omen too,
Love has founds us
In accordance with all omens.
  • 1. Why is this good?

Tell Me

When sunset glows darkness follows
The day passes and
that's how the world is. That is
how it fleetingly leaves
I can't get rid of your image
My heart is turned toward you
After time passes, will I be all right?
I desperately hope
my bitter sadness will pass too.
If it were possible
even today will I be able to bear
the feeling of longing for you?
How much more will it hurt?
Will I be able to look at you?
This world must end.
Will this sad longing also end?
Tell me.
After time passes, I'm told I will be all right.
It's going to be erased and
the clouds in the moonlight
tell me so.
I can't stop the tears from flowing
Will I be able to bear it?
How much more will it hurt?
Will I be able to look at you?
This world must end.
Will this sad longing also end?
Tell me.

Song of Destiny

A long lonely night
Letting out ragged breaths
A young star and you and I
Longing withou somewhere to lean
Sadly in the darkness
That star which lost it's light
A sob kisses me
Fading farther away
My image is erased from your memory
Again the season soundlessly
burns the traces of your youthful days
I can't return again to those days
which brilliantly shone
a long time ago
I haven't heard from him
who left on a distant path
Emitting a shril cry in the grey sky the goose
flew away indifferently
If there is a miraculous moment
that once by chance
we encounter each other again
A small dream and you and I
will walk this path together
Again the season soundlessly
burns the traces of your youthful days
I can't return again to those days
which brilliantly shone
a long time ago
Now on the cliff of time
Again on the edge of destiny
I can't return again to those days
which brilliantly shone
a long time ago.
I can't return again to those days
The wind is blowing again

Angular Stones

They say this is how the world is
But it's not only today that things don't go my way
Like a rolling stone that rolls here and there on the ground
Covered with wounds, I'm on my path again today
I am an angular stone, I do not stop
The stone keeps rolling
Although I have many sharp angles
The stone rolls on
Where will I go tomorrow?
Even if I lose my way and collapse, I get up again
I live this life only once, don't be afraid
Sometimes it doesn't involve me
But that's how life is when you live without having to worry.
I am an angular stone, I do not stop
The stone keeps rolling
Although I have many sharp angles
The stone rolls on
Where will I go tomorrow?
They say this is how the world is
But it's not only today that things don't go my way
The stone keeps rolling
Although I have many sharp angles
The stone rolls on
Where else should I go tomorrow?

Fully beautiful

A bunch of faded Flame Grass
fills my heart in no time
I can't hold and look at them
I only sigh and yearn
I will cut a day out
among the difficult days of my life
and fill it with someone's gentle breath
when I try to cope
This life is beautiful too.
I'm fairly certain it is.
Because I've heard
your voice calling me.
The longing which comes and goes
randomly in the moonlight
is endless like the river's water
The edge of my sleeve is folded just on time.
I will cut a day out
among the difficult days of my life
and fill it with someone's gentle breath
when I try to cope
This life is beautiful too.
I'm fairly certain it is.
Because I've heard
your voice calling me.

Long Night

On a night darkness swallows the light
On a long silent night
Even the moonlight is hidden behind the clouds
Wandering here and there
Hovering again with no direction
I'm a lonely roamer who has lost his way
At the boundary of the place where wishes stop
I will wait for your arrival.
I will dream of a tomorrow where nothing happens
The word which you and I shared
Every word which lost its color
One by one surrounds m
At the boundary of the place where wishes stop
I will wait for your arrival.
I will dream of a tomorrow where nothing happens
Hmm hmm ...
I hope you will relax in anticipation
of remaining at that boundary this time
On a night when even the wind sleeps silently
On a night darkness swallows the light
On a long silent night
On a night when even the moon falls asleep behind the clouds
On a night when even the wind sleeps silently

Beautiful Flower

Silver river as beautiful as a flower
Constant east wind
Sweetly and gently infused with
The breath of the man I long for
Alone in the middle of the world
when it makes me lonely
In your lover's arms
you dream of being in his embrace
In the rapids colored white
While the eye's light which breaks into spots
hovers there I linger
Like the day you stole me
we look at each other indifferently
but we don't release our clasped hands
Silver river as beautiful as a flower
Constant east wind
Sweetly and gently infused with
The breath of the man I long for
In the rapids colored white
While the eye's light which breaks into spots
hovers there I linger
La la la
La la la
Le'ts not let go
of our two clasped hands

Ba Wu's Song

Please listen to me for a second
Retrace your path and come here.
What are you struggling with?
Are you leaving, are you leaving?
Are you leaving me?
You can't leave and come back again
You pass by one curve, two curves on the road
Winter leaves and a new spring is coming
Spin round and round in the same place
Are you leaving, are you leaving?
Are you leaving me?
You can't leave and come back again
Eheradiya, it flows.
Gently flowing along the river it flows.
Eheradiya, it flows
It is us, it's our life flowing
Please listen to me for a second
Retrace your path and come here.
What are you struggling with?
Are you leaving, are you leaving?
Are you leaving me?
You can't leave and come back again
You pass by one curve, two curves on the road
Winter leaves and a new spring is coming
Spin round and round in the same place
Are you leaving, are you leaving?
Are you leaving me?
You can't leave and come back again
Please listen to me for a second
Retrace your path and come here.
Spin round and round in the same place

Just For One Day

Words you don't mean
pile up like bits of dust
My heart has nowhere to rest for a while
Words you don't mean
Unable to say anything
I absent-mindedly close my eyes
Just for one day
take me far away there
You'll never regret it
Meaningless looks and gestures
between you and me
and heavy breathing
gradually grows louder
As if nothing happened
we two close our eyes and turn back
Just for one day
take me far away there
You will never regret it
Wake me up even for a day
Everything we did together
cannot be erased
Perhaps you also like me
will dream of another world.
Take me. To where
you and I dreamed together
for just one day
take me (take me)
Far away (far away)
You'll never regret it.
Wake me up even for a day
Everything we did together
cannot be erased

Falling Star

The memory of that day
etched in my memory, the moment
the still unfamiliar day begin
even without knowing any reason why and
uneasy times pass by
When your sleep, which is full of anxious thoughts
and still carried on the wind, is interrupted
In the still dark night
lost in giddy thoughts, I can't fall asleep
The star is setting
The memory which shined
frigid and solitary fades away.
It is blowing.
In my cold heart
you who warmly shined, blow.
The star is setting.
The star is setting.
I've become accustomed and wash away
the painful memory of that day
which soaked through the hem of my clothes
and the dull pain in the still deepening shadow
which left only a scar which marked me.
On routine days
if I fall asleep accidentallly
sitll early at night
my heart will rest easy in the warmth of your breath.
The star is setting
The memory which shined
frigid and solitary fades away.
It is blowing.
In my cold heart
you who warmly shined, blow.
The star is setting.
The star is setting.

Higgy önmagadban

Ott legbelül,
hol senki sem ismer
Ott van az út
valódi önmagadhoz
Higgy önmagadban,
higgy abban 'mit csinálsz
Semmi sincs hiába
minden jóra fordul
Higgy a lángoló szivedben
Higgy a tiszta elmédben
Higgy benne, és igy lesz igaz
Már készen várt
a szívedben
Higgy magadban, nem vagy túlértékelve
A keresett erö, ott volt mindig benned
Tárd ki hát az ajtót, nézd, szabad vagy már
Ha hiszel önmagadban
Ha hiszel önmagadban
Ha hiszel önmagadban, rendben lesz, hidd el hát ezt nekem
Higgy a saját erödben
Hidd, hogy még többet elérsz
Próbáld hát még egyszer
Hidd el, hidd el
s akkor, s akkor
magától eljön majd 'mit keresel
mert te akarod, nem azért mert én mondom
Légy hü magadhoz, és az álmaidhoz
Higgy, igen, magadban
ha hiszel önmagadban
igazán magadban
akkor hiszek én is benned


At night, it's like everything is at home - the sisters
Things are white, variegated, and red shades exist.
The day is calm and then the night is dark
Silently, put me in a pile too.
Reassure yourself with millions of others
And embrace through the coming. Have thoughts,
Is it too much for me to play with light?
Am I different than the world?
The surrounding mood - whether she does not understand
Is my face still the same? Decide.
Doesn’t she lie like a bitch, or an object?
Is there a humbleness in your hands?
And you? You are not illuminated by me
Her hands are like her knees,
Which are the same in the evening, right before the sun
And it all branches into starry darkness.
The roads branch into starry darkness.

I Miss You So Much That It Makes Me Feel Lonely

The slight drizzle remains since you have left.
I am listening to the rain till the morning, without falling asleep.
My eyes are flooded with my wordless tears.
It is the memory that sobs at my mind secretly.
After feeling pain and after thinking, things slowly become clear.
The calmness it appears is deceiving you and me.
I have given my smiles to you and I have also promised to give you my blessings.
But I have forgotten to ask who else would shelter my heart.
*When you were hesitating for me and him,
I shouldn't have just waited for you to decide.
If wilfully I had hugged you in my arms tightly,
Perhaps I would not have lost you.
#Oh! Oh! Oh!
I miss you so much that it makes me feel lonely.
I miss you so much that it breaks my heart.
I just want to yell loudly to the sky that I love you.
I hate myself having said less than a millionth of love.
But now who else could I talk to? Who else would ever listen?
Oh! Oh! Oh!
I miss you so much that it makes me feel lonely.
I miss you so much that it breaks my heart.
I just want to yell loudly to a distant place that I love you.
I should not have suppressed myself when I was deeply falling in love with you.
Hesitation, even a little, has made our lives filled with regrets.
Repeat * # #

My condition

My condition... Oh my condition
I complain to whom, I complain to who I am?!
After your absence, my dear, oh my dear
You're gone, and all your longings are gone with you
My heart as well burn
After your absence, my dear, oh my dear
I ask the night about you
Where is my love are ?!
After you, I am lost look like a stranger
You are my eyes that I see through

A Hold feljön

Az éj királynöje eljön
A véres hold feljön
Ha besétálok majd igy,
ilyen tartással
Tudnod kell majd,
hogy utánad jövök
Elfuthatsz, rejtözhetsz
Meg vagy babonázva
Elmédben én már
bálványozott vagyok
Piszkos játék -
Nem esetem!
Reményvesztés -
Nem esetem!
Írigykedni -
Nem esetem!
Ha van mondanivalód
Mondd a szemembe!
Az éj királynöje eljön
A véres hold feljön
(Légy hát készen a )
Pa rá rá
Pa rá rá
Pa rá rá pa
Pa rá rá pa-rádéra
Fénylek majd, égek majd
Meghozom a szenvedélyt
Hadd érintsem sorsod
Vezetlek, irányítlak
Ittlétem emlékeztet,
Hogy jó helyen vagy
Piszkos játék -
Nem esetem!
Reményvesztés -
Nem esetem!
Írigykedni -
Nem esetem!
Ha van mondanivalód
Mondd a szemembe!
Szabályaim, a te szabályaid
Nö vagyok és uralkodó
Szabályaim, a te szabályaid
Csak igaz szerelmet fogadok el
Szabályaim, a te szabályaid
Nö vagyok és uralkodó
Ha van mondanivalód
Mondd a szemembe!
Szabályaim, a te szabályaid
Légy hát készen a parádéra
Szabályaim, a te szabályaid
Nincs bocsánat, ha már késö
Szabályaim, a te szabályaid
Mindenki követi utam
Ha van mondanivalód
Mondd a szemembe!
Az éj királynöje eljön
A véres hold feljön
(Légy hát készen a )
Pa rá rá
Pa rá rá
Pa rá rá pa
Pa rá rá pa-rádéra

You're not There

I come from class,
I wanna see you.
I call you, you're not there.
I go outside.
I don't know what to do.
I go around, I walk, you're not there.
I see my friend, I ask for you.
'No idea,' she says, you're not there.
I tear my stockings, more than another time.
Heels, very tall, I don't know.
I try again, I call you again.
Your mom tells me, 'no, he's not here.'
I try again, I call you again.
Your mom tells me, 'no, he's not here.'
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
I come back and you go, my house again.
Problems assured, you're not there.
I work, I study, I try to be
your girlfriend, your friend, you're not there.
People say, 'let it be.'
Nobody understands, I don't know.
And when you get bored,
you don't know what to do.
You call me, tell me, 'how's it going?'
I try again, I call you again.
Your mom tells me, 'no, he's not here.'
I try again, I call you again.
Your mom tells me, 'no, he's not here.'
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You want to see me.
That you miss me, I don't know.
We go to the park, a walk, I don't know.
It's not a big deal either, I don't know.
You don't have time, yeah, I know.
I don't want to make you, you see.
I'm sick of you, I don't know what to do.
If you come back again, I don't know.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
You're not there, you're not there, and I want to see you.
(You're not there, you're not there)