Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 43

Találatok száma: 3981


Blue soul

My heartbeat's kept waiting for an exciting moment
And while these days are OK, that's what makes them so boring
Do I find the answer in that shining sky up
Cause in this growing darkness, I've gotta wake up now
(Blue Soul) I can hear an echoing bell in my heart
Feels like it's celebrating my confusion
I know I should keep falling in love
But the love I have stays hidden (Just Blue Soul)
I don't believe in me, I don't believe in the next day
And on the other side of joy, something's screaming out to me1
Who will tell me the way out of this maze?
In this growing crowd, I've gotta stand up right now
(Blue Soul) I can hear an echoing bell in my heart
Feels like it's celebrating my pain
I know I should keep burning up
But I'm lost in the dark (Just Blue Soul)
(Blue Soul) I can hear an echoing bell in my heart
Feels like it's celebrating my confusion
I know I should keep falling in love
But the love I have stays hidden (Just Blue Soul)
(Blue Soul) I can hear an echoing bell in my heart
Feels like it's celebrating my pain
I know I should keep burning up
But I'm lost in the dark (Just Blue Soul)
  • 1. As in she's not far from going into a dark phase

Thank You

I have heard many unpleasant words
Fortunately, I was not defeated
Actually not as bad as they said
Reality doesn't let me get down
I own a warm home
She told me how strong love is
She let the most bleak past bloom
Smiling is the best way to face life
Thank you for those punishments
Thank you for all your concerns, true and false
Thank you for those passable scars
They remind me that this is the price of growth
Thank you for your concern
Thank you, whether it is good or bad
Thank you, those who encourage me and those who despise me
I thank you all for giving me a chance to restart
Even if there is more laughter ahead
Even if the memories hurt
I won't give up my first dream
Thank you for those punishments
Thank you for all your concerns, true and false
Thank you for those passable scars
They remind me that this is the price of growth

Time for a Tear

A fragment or two, your heart cuts those past fragments
For a day or two, sometimes I still want to look back occasionally
The same insomnia, the same music keeps replaying
The same room, the same bill, one person paying it
For a year or two, there are too many nights where your supper has become your companion
Over and over again, I always feel that the door is not closed tightly
The same attractions, a photograph, a circle of friends
The same oath still doesn't wake you up
Please give me the time for a tear
And let me listen to you describing his cruel face
Those happy dreams have all become ugly, you can't see
I just want your time for a tear
Can you sit by my right?
Anyway, don't say goodbye after your heart hurts
For a year or two, there are too many nights where your supper has become your companion
Over and over again, I always feel that the door is not closed tightly
The same attractions, a photograph, a circle of friends
The same oath still doesn't wake you up
Please give me the time for a tear
And let me listen to you describing his cruel face
Those happy dreams have all become ugly, you can't see
I just want your time for a tear
Can you sit by my right?
Anyway, don't say goodbye after your heart hurts
Please give me the time for a tear
And let me listen to you describing his cruel face
Those happy dreams have all become ugly, you can't see
I just want your time for a tear
Can you sit by my right?
Anyway, don't say goodbye after your heart hurts
Anyway, it will be a sunny day after your heart hurts

Choir of the Prisoners and the People

Blessed be the day! Blessed be the hour

Sunniest Companion

In the rays of the setting sun
You recount our story together
You never forget
Let’s walk through the mist and clouds
Until you’re exhausted and can barely breathe
Until you can’t walk anymore
We’ve been so busy that we’ve
Missed so many good things
Always pushing ahead in life
I just want to enjoy
the here and now
Escape the chaos of the outside world
Your embrace
Filled with the warmth of love
I care not about anything else
You are my sunniest companion
And your smile is the most effective medicine
If the sky falls we’ll lean on each other
Please never leave me
There’s still so much I want to do
Please give me more time
I yearn to hold your hand
To reassure you that I’m by your side
To enjoy our happiness together
We’ve been so busy that we’ve
Missed so many good things
Always pushing ahead in life
I just want to enjoy
the here and now
Escape the chaos of the outside world
Your embrace
Filled with the warmth of love
I care not about anything else
You are my sunniest companion
And your smile is the most effective medicine
If the sky falls we’ll lean on each other
Look into my eyes
You will gradually realize
That our romantic fantasies
Grow still in this moment
As I turn to you
And tell you that I love
Your embrace
Filled with the warmth of love
I care not about anything else
You are my sunniest companion
And your smile is the most effective medicine
Na na na na na
Your embrace
Filled with the warmth of love
I care not about anything else
You are my sunniest companion
And your smile is the most effective medicine
If the sky falls we’ll lean on each other

A white dove

A white dove
White like snow
Has pecked me in the chest,
How it hurts!
Beyond life
I must love you,
Because love is in the soul,
And that doesn't die.
They say that sleep is death,
But I deny it,
Because when I sleep, I live,
When I don't, I die.

An angel

I met an Angel…
I met an Angel…
With earnings in her ears
And black hair.
I met an Angel…
I met an Angel…
With earnings in her ears
And black hair.
She was as fair as one could get,
fair as rum in winter.
She was from Moscow,
She had a lot of magical tricks up her sleeve.
I lost all my sense.
I met an Angel...
I met an Angel…
I met an Angel…
With earnings in her ears
And black hair.
Is it magic?!
Or is it destiny play?!
There’s a moon today
amongst the stars.
It started to drizzle,
I wanted to touch her.
It started to drizzle,
I wanted to touch her.
A beggar crossed us
And said there's nothing in love, don't fall for it.
It started to drizzle,
Her beauty could be compared to the best of flowers
And the Taj Mahal.
Her beauty could be compared to the best of flowers
And the Taj Mahal.
I entangled my fingers with hers.
I met an Angel...
I met an Angel…
I met an Angel…
With earnings in her ears
And black hair.
Is it magic?!
Or is it destiny play?!
Is it magic?!
Or is it destiny play?!
There’s a moon today
amongst the stars.
It's sin for a poet...
It's sin for a poet...
I lit up a fire from the pages
of my diary because she felt cold.
So many of my poems
vainshed into thin air.
What nothing could do to date,
Her spellbinding hair did.
As soft as bouquet
of flowers,
She slept on my shoulder
for half an hour.
I wouldn't wash my shoulder,
even if it's for seven years.
I met an Angel…
I met an Angel…
With earnings in her ears
And black hair.
It doesn't matter if someone has seen the whole world,
Or even God,
If they haven't seen you,
They haven't seen anything.
Then her train arrived
And my heart started to ache.
She hugged me before leaving,
But our necklaces got entangled.
Oh before,
She could speak,
Could spoke out the windo
And stars began to clap.
Are You Ready Sing It
One More Time!
I met an Angel…
I met an Angel…
With earnings in her ears
And black hair.
I met an Angel…
I met an Angel…
With earnings in her ears
And black hair.
I think it is a sign
That I will fall in love, once again.
I will fall in love,
Once again.
I will fall in love,
Once again.

herunterfallendes Konfetti

All das Gerede über Verliebtsein.
Ich konnte nie auf die Seite der Gruppe gelangen.
Habe nie wirklich verstanden, was es war.
Was ist schon dabei?
Oh, aber ich habe beschlossen, dass ich es versuchen sollte.
In dem Moment, als du mir die Einladung gegeben hast,
habe ich so etwas noch nie gesehen.
Sobald du die Tür öffnest, schau, ich war wie....
Oh yeah yeah kann nicht besser werden.
Oh yeah yeah wünsche, dies wäre für immer.
Denn, wenn dein Herz ruft
fühlt sich an wie Konfetti, das herunterfällt.
Und es ist ein Fest,
fühlt sich an wie ein Fest.
Denn, wenn dein Herz ruft
fühlt sich an wie Konfetti, das herunterfällt, fällt, fällt...
Und alle machen es zu einem Rave ,
sogar die Schmetterlinge können es spüren.
Dann kam das Glück mit meinem ersten Kuss.
Es war besser, als sie es jemals beschrieben haben.
Ich glaube, ich sah sogar Amor herumfliegen.
Ich konnte einen Blick erhaschen, bevor die Lichter ausgingen.
Und wenn ich mich umdrehe, um den Sternen in die Augen zu sehen,
realisiere ich...
Oh yeah yeah kann nicht besser werden.
Oh yeah yeah wünsche, dies wäre für immer.
Denn, wenn dein Herz ruft
fühlt sich an wie Konfetti, das herunterfällt.
Und es ist ein Fest,
fühlt sich an wie ein Fest.
Denn, wenn dein Herz ruft
fühlt sich an wie Konfetti, das herunter-
fällt, fällt, fällt...
Ich weiß, es ist schon spät.
Ich wünsche mir nur einen Tag mehr.
Lass die Party noch ein bisschen länger dauern.
Ich kenne die Liebe, sie kommt und geht,
aber das hier...
Ich glaube nicht, dass ich sie jemals loslassen will.
Ich wünschte, ich hätte es gewusst...
All das Gerede über Verliebtsein.
Ich konnte nie auf die Seite der Gruppe gelangen.
Jetzt verstehe ich, denn
du zeigst mir den Weg.
Oh yeah yeah kann nicht besser werden.
Oh yeah yeah wünsche, dies wäre für immer.
Denn, wenn dein Herz ruft
fühlt sich an wie Konfetti, das herunterfällt.
Und es ist ein Fest,
fühlt sich an wie ein Fest.
Denn, wenn dein Herz ruft
fühlt sich an wie Konfetti, das herunter-
fällt, fällt, fällt...
Woah fällt, fällt, fällt
Woah fällt, fällt, fällt
Denn, wenn dein Herz ruft
fühlt sich an wie Konfetti, das herunter-
fällt, fällt, fällt...
Woah fällt, fällt, fällt
Woah fällt, fällt, fällt
Denn, wenn dein Herz ruft
fühlt sich an wie Konfetti, das herunter-
fällt, fällt, fällt...

If I had only one apple

I'll cut my apple in two:
Half for me,
Half for you
I'll cut my smile in two:
Half for me,
Half for you
I'll not sahre with you my pains, but as may last breath
I'll keep it secured to the breast, until the moment of my death.

To a cold land

Red flags fly, Gorba(chev) waves on the tribune, the people look, wonder, why Gorba smiles.
But Gorba has a plan, when this parade ends, perestroika will cease.
And then we will all ride to a cold land, a cold land, a cold land. In the carriages singing an anthemn to our home land, to a cold land, to a cold land.
The official language will become russian and the center will be 'Dvigatel' and Väljane will become a dissident and Kogan will become the president and behind the shithouse, Edgar Savisaar lies across Marju Laurtistin.
And then we will all ride to a cold land, a cold land, a cold land. In the carriages singing an anthemn to our homeland, to a cold land, to a cold land.
Once again the estonian people can ride in the slaughter-carriage, there's nothing to lose, but lots to win. We will build a city there, that looms over the horizon and in Siberia we will, from the ground up, build a new Estonian country.
And then we will all ride to a cold land, a cold land, a cold land. In the carriages singing an anthemn to our homeland, to a cold land, to a cold land.

And even among the storms

And even among the storms,
The calm I have found.
Oh, you never come back
Never again will the day serene be.
Among all of my days,
This is the brightest one.
I would like to live like this,
And then, like this to die.


Elzárkózva, fagyosan
Biztonságot soha nem érezve
Dühömet soha ki nem engedve
Próbálok kitörni e rácsok mögül
De hová is mehetnék?
Itt ragadtam, egy balszerencsés életet élve, mi nem szolgálhat semmivel
Csukott ajtók mögött, egymagam az elmémben
Elvesztettem az irányítást
Kezdek megőrülni?
Ez túlmutat rajtam
Egy sötét álomban ragadtam
Én itt
Fogoly vagyok, nem szabadulhatok
A valóság elvész a homályba
Túl a határán
Sikoltok és kiáltok
Fogoly vagyok itt
Gyere értem, szabadíts fel
Árts nekem, tégy, amit csak akarsz
Szomjazom, csontokon élek
Éhségen kívül nem ismerek mást
Levegőre szomjazom
Itt ragadtam, egyre mélyebbre süllyedek
Hideg izzadsággal, lázban égve
Itt tartanak, egy dobozba zárva
És ez senkit sem érdekel
Kezdek megőrülni?
Ez túlmutat rajtam
Egy sötét álomban ragadtam
Én itt
Fogoly vagyok, nem szabadulhatok
A valóság elvész a homályba
Túl a határán
Sikoltok és kiáltok
Fogoly vagyok itt
Gyere értem, szabadíts fel
Sötét álmok
Akárhányszor lehunyom a szemem
Démonok vesznek üldözőbe
Elfáradtam, kérlek
Akárhányszor lehunyom a szemem, látom őket értem jönni
Ezek a sötét álmok
Akárhányszor lehunyom a szemem, démonok vesznek üldözőbe
Elfáradtam, kérlek
Akárhányszor lehunyom a szemem, látom őket értem jönni
Kezdek megőrülni?
Ez túlmutat rajtam
Egy sötét álomban ragadtam
Én itt
Fogoly vagyok, nem szabadulhatok
A valóság elvész a homályba
Túl a határán
Sikoltok és kiáltok
Fogoly vagyok itt
Gyere értem, szabadíts fel
Sötét álmok
Akárhányszor lehunyom a szemem
Démonok vesznek üldözőbe
Elfáradtam, kérlek
Akárhányszor lehunyom a szemem, látom őket értem jönni


Stefánia, anya, anya, Stefánia
A mező kivirágzik és elszürkül
Énekelj nekem egy altatót, anya
Hallani szeretném az otthonosságot adó szavaid
Hintáztatott, pulzust adott és talán az akaraterőmet is ő adta: mert ő elvenni nem vett, csak adott
Valószínűleg többet tudott, mint maga Salamon
A szétzúzott utakon is mindig eljutok hozzád
Nem kel fel, s nem ébreszt fel erős viharban sem
Két öklét úgy emeli mintha töltények lennének, ahogy nagyanyám is mindig tette
Nagyon jól ismert és bár nagyon fáradt volt, soha nem lehetett eltéríteni őt, csak hintáztatott ugyanúgy
Dédelgetett, dédelgetett, dédelgetett…
Stefánia, anya, anya, Stefánia
A mező kivirágzik és elszürkül
Énekelj nekem egy altatót, anya
Hallani szeretném az otthonosságot adó szavaid
Nem vagyok már pelenkás, nem, anya elég már, mintha nem érdekelne, hogy már felnőtt vagyok és saját magam kell talpra álljak
Nem vagyok már kisgyerek, de ő még mindig úgy tud leszidni mint akkor
Még mindig fiatal vagy, anyu, a csúcson vagy és ha ezt most nem értékelem, zsákutcában vagyok
Öld meg ennek a csúcsnak a legtetejét, én elégetném a csúcsot az érted érzett szeretetemmel
Dédelgetett, dédelgetett, dédelgetett…
Stefánia, anya, anya, Stefánia
A mező kivirágzik és elszürkül
Énekelj nekem egy altatót, anya
Hallani szeretném az otthonosságot adó szavaid
Stefánia, anya, anya, Stefánia
A mező kivirágzik és elszürkül
Énekelj nekem egy altatót, anya
Hallani szeretném az otthonosságot adó szavaid


Mögöttem a hegyek… miféle szomorúság van ott?
A függönyök összehúzva, a motorok nem zúgnak.
[Alyona Alyona]
Az én földjeim! A vizek között erdő van.
A bőröm fehér, de kiskorom óta, mint mindenki más, megettem én is egy maréknyi fekete földet
Átfolyik az edényeken. Csak egy ember vagyok több millió ember közül
Egyszerűen élek, lélegzem és reggelente új napra ébredek
Virágok vannak a hegyek között, amiket még nem tépett le senki
Talp nem tiporta meg őket, évszázadok óta ugyanott vannak
És mi itt vagyunk és a betonon taposunk a cipőinkkel:
Itt a sikátorokban lyukak vannak és nem csillagok
Valami gyógymódot kerestünk, amit a sebeinkre kenhetnénk
Hiszen ha minden a közelben van, akkor mégis miért fáj minden így?
A felhők ismét elkóboroltak a hófödte hegyek között,
Mindenki békét akart. Mi képesek vagyunk rá, és ők is képesek rá.
Mögöttem a hegyek… miféle szomorúság van ott?
A függönyök összehúzva, a motorok nem zúgnak.
[Oleg Psyuk]
Nem sugároz semmi antipátiát
Mintha soha egy perced sem lett volna,
Sodródj a partra, mi nem ítélkezünk.
De ez a munka még mindig csábító
Mindezek a történések valóban égetőek,
Az én új világom tisztára olyan mint maga Malibu.
Bármit is kapok, soha nem mondom, hogy nem elég,
Ezt az életet, amit kaptam, megbecsülöm és értékelem.
Felszálltam az égbe, itt az érdekeim úgysem érvényesülnek,
Bármink is volt, mindenféle kétség kezdett felmerülni róluk,
Végülis nem vezetnek sehova sem a tapasztalatok
Lesz ami lesz, úgysem mi döntjük el
Amennyi szar volt, mellette ugyanannyi jó is
De már nem zuhanunk tovább, mert mostanra a hegyeken túl vagyunk
[Bridge] x2
A zene valahogy nem ugyanaz,
Gének, hölgyek és manökenek
Ott zeneszó szól…
A zene valahogy nem ugyanaz,
Gének, hölgyek és manökenek
Ott zeneszó szól…

The color of autumn is red

Verse 1.
After your words
I don't believe already, that you get hurt,
Enough of
All your lies, it’s not love anymore,
But you and I are drowning again.
On the other hand
It was fair,
And now I still don’t believe, that we have been being together.
Don’t waste your time,
You know, it's useless.
It all started so quietly - nicely,
And on the tenth day I’m already at her apartment,
You're so beautiful.
Your eyes are so blue-blue.
It all started with one photo,
Now there're hundreds of them in my photographic film.
My God,
I can't erase them
From the memory.
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Let's dim the light, my God, how beautiful you're,
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Nothing is in vain,
Nothing is in vain,
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Let's dim the light, my God, how beautiful you're,
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Nothing is in vain,
Nothing is in vain.
Verse 2.
Yeah, I fell in love so much, like a boy,
And the last kiss on the platform is like a flare,
I miss you very much, too much,
But the smell of your perfume isn't heard anymore.
You imagine, I really love you,
It's so hard to realize it,
That i can't fall asleep next to you
And I can't wake up.
You're not well, and I'm just a musician,
You said, it's gonna be bad, but it doesn't matter,
May be, we'll try again,
After all, we were happy together on the first photo album.
And I don't know how, I don't know why,
It’s hard for me with you, seriously,
But my heart is in thrall to you,
Give me it back!
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Let's dim the light, my God, how beautiful you're,
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Nothing is in vain,
Nothing is in vain,
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Let's dim the light, my God, how beautiful you're,
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Nothing is in vain,
Nothing is in vain.
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Let's dim the light, my God, how beautiful you're,
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Nothing is in vain,
Nothing is in vain,
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Let's dim the light, my God, how beautiful you're,
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Nothing is in vain,
Nothing is in vain.
You're beautiful,
Nothing is in vain.
We wore the same color of autumn - red,
Let's dim the light, my God, how beautiful you're,
We wore the same color of autumn - red.

Servant for love

A night of struggle
On the boat in the middle of the sea
And while the sky gets whiter
You look to your empty fishing nets
But the voice that calls you
Another sea it will show you
And on the shore of every heart
Your nets you will throw
Offer your life, like Mary
At the base of the cross
And you'll be servant of every human
Servant for love
Priest of humanity
You were advancing in silence
Amongst the tears and you were hoping
That the seed scattered in front of You
Would fall on the good soil
Now your heart is celebrating
Because your wheat is almost white and ready
it ripened under the sun
You can store it in the granaries
Offer your life, like Mary
At the base of the cross
And you'll be servant of every human
Servant for love
Priest of humanity

( Pen Poove Kannil )

Pen Poove Kannil Mazha Thornnuvo
Pon Suryan Kanne Kaniyakayo
Pen Poove Kannil Mazha Thornnuvo
Pon Suryan Kanne Kaniyakayo
Pen Poove Kannil Mazha Thornnuvo
Pon Suryan Kanne Kaniyakayo
Ee Eden Thoppiliru Thooval Poleyalaye
Nee Thedum Thenkaniyiloorum Kunju Madhuram
Ina Neeyum Njanum
Puthu Koodum Choodum
Rithu Marum Neram Kanmanee
Pen Poove Kannil Mazha Thornnuvo
Pon Suryan Kanne Kaniyakayo
Oru Swarna Meenullil Thirathullum
Polenthe Priyane Kanavo Nammal Kanmoo
Oru Kunji Pravullil
Kurukumpolee Njenjil
Nirayanozhukaanamrutho Madhuvo
Uyiraake Neeye
Udalelkum Poove
Ima Thellum Maarathe Njane
Pen Poove Kannil Mazha Thornnuvo
Pon Suryan Kanne Kaniyakayo
Cheruchilla Koodonnil
Piravikkayi Nombelkaam
Thongal Chaarthaam
Idanjenjil Thaalangal
Irulil Theliyanoru Pon Thaaram
Uyiraake Neeye
Udalelkum Poove
Ima Thellum Maarathe Njane
Ee Eden Thoppiliru Thooval Poleyalaye
Nee Thedum Thenkaniyiloorum Kunju Madhuram
Ina Neeyum Njanum
Puthu Koodum Choodum
Rithu Marum Neram Kanmanee
Pen Poove Kannil Mazha Thornnuvo
Pon Suryan Kanne Kaniyakayo

Shore in the Greenest Color

Straw field and a river at the end,
the sun's shining there.
That's what I dream about.
Backpack and a bike.
Breath of hay.
Breath of hay.
Backpack and a bike.
I'm going again to that...
Shore in the greenest color,
where it was May every day.
We abandoned laughter there.
Joyfulness sank down there.
Where awaits me again...
A bike.
A distant shore...
And hay.
I had lost my way, but
I found a threshold.
And again, in front of me I have
a home.
Wooden veranda.
Aired room.
You smile at me,
while I make tea.
A bed unmade.
Breath of hay.
Breath of hay.
A bed unmade...
I'm going again to that...
don't they?)
I know a better place.
Tell me, where is it?
I know
a better place!
Tell me, tell me
where is it?
Shore in the greenest color,
where it was May every day.
We abandoned laughter there.
Joyfulness sank down there.
Where awaits me again...
A bike.
A distant shore...
And hay.
I had lost my way,
but I found a threshold.
And again, in front of me I have
a home.

The Age of God

Three religions
And one God up there in the sky
Every day, hours
They stand in line for Him
It could be
That I too will see Him in another year or two
And reasons, I've got
There's a million - a million
In the name of the last deceased
The age of God
The age of God
It's the age of God today
From here to God
From here to God
From here to God, abyss
Infinite deaths
From an abundance of fanatics, no one runs away anymore
Instead of pages
We write on tombstones
I'm not suitable
You won't enlist me any more, you hear
If there are demons
There are a million - a million
In the name of the last demon
So it's not late
Lift up your head, see a butterfly
Fly up to the moon
So, how much time has passed
How is it that my name number hasn't been erased
How long does it take?

Your Answer

Yesterday your name accidentally slipped under my door
Which your memory half-opened when passing by
They gathered to listen to the old dreams
As if trying to decipher an answer
Just finding a padlocked love
With the padlock of indifference
I need an offer from you1
Because it's time to try and give a closure2
Piling up empty words it's useless for me
I only expect concrete actions from this love
Words are gone with the wind
And the wind is always spinnng
I want to know if I can count on you
In case I decide to double down
I want to know if it was only a delusion
A mistake of our oblivion
Because if I'm going all in
I only need your answer
There is still hope for this love
And there's no way to shut it out
When in half-dark, I lose my mind over your name
And this heartless silence answers me
But your memory lightens up at night
Since missing you by my side became a habit3
Sometimes I think love is a bonfire
That dazzles us and blinds us in its glow
The instinct of survival condemn us
To this pain of feeling fire through our veins
And even if the dagger of betrayal hurts us
We keep tripping over the same stone
  • 1. Literally 'I need an offer out of your lips'.
  • 2. Literally 'Because it's time to try and pay off sums'.
  • 3. Literally 'Since missing you in my skin became a habit'.

Scarlet Rose

In your passionate look
I have seen hundreds of dreams
I have fallen in love with your beautiful face
God knows how crazy i am about you
My love, i have a pure heart
I will give my life for you
My sweet beloved
God knows that i am in love with you
A million ....million million of scarlet roses
I have as a gift for your beautiful faces
I have hundreds of bouquets for you
When will you know that i'm in love with you?
A million ....million million of scarlet roses
I have as a gift for your beautiful faces
I have hundreds of bouquets for you
When will you know that i'm in love with you?
Perfume of two flowers together
They are close to each other....
As i know you love flowers
I throw my flowers at your feet
In a bed of roses
You are falling asleep
You are my sweet dream
I hope you will know i love you?
A million...million million of scarlet roses
I have as a gift for your beautiful faces
I have hundreds of bouquets for you
When will you know that i'm in love with you?
Perfume of two flowers together
They are close to each other....
As i know you love flowers
I throw my flowers at your feet
In a bed of roses
You are falling asleep
You are my sweet dream
I hope you will know i love you?
A million...million million of scarlet roses
I have as a gift for your beautiful faces
I have hundreds of bouquets for you
When will you know that i'm in love with you?
A million...million million of scarlet roses
I have as a gift for your beautiful faces
I have hundreds of bouquets for you
When will you know that i'm in love with you?

A magic downpour

I'm walking, eating a bun with milk,
I'm laughing at the sparrows,
I'm always ready, I don' t make debts,
And I'm not afraid of anyone.
There're so few notes, and something is tough going,
And I need an occasion,
I don't scare, I'll brace myself,
And with courage we'll win.
I haven't seen my friends for a long time,
I'll get on the train and open the window.
And rainwater is playing on the wires,
The magic downpour is knocking on the roof,
And we won't know, when a star goes out in the sky,
And we won't see and hear.
I've sung a lot about what I wanted,
About what I saw and knew,
I was in heaven, I was hanging on the brink,
And suddenly I'm tired a little.
It's just what I'm, and also my song is,
The final will be the same,
And you can't understand, whether the world is bad or good,
But I didn't know another.
And, as always, my years pass
Against the background of bright paintings,
I don't care, how the movie ends,
My son will finish watching it.
And I've already made my decision,
I'll get on the train and open the window.

Let Me Connect You

Don't ask me to cry for you
Once upon a time I saw you subjugated
Your eyes fall and float in the dark
Illuminate me, I'm quite lost
And it was once, yes, just once
That I said the truth, yes, just once
Swollen in alcohol, lost at night
Dreaming of coming back, of coming back.
And I just want a little sincerity on your behalf,
and I just want a little sincerity on your behalf
Let me see you fall, let me enter your dreams,
No, no, it's not true that
You stole the final scream at the edge of the wind,
no, let me get connected.
Let me see you fall, let me enter your dreams,
No, no, it's not true that
You stole the final scream at the edge of the wind,
no, let me get connected.
Don't ask me to cry for you
Once upon a time I saw you subjugated
Your eyes fall and float in the dark
Illuminate me, I'm quite lost
And it was once, yes, just once
That I said the truth, yes, just once
Swollen in alcohol, lost at night
Dreaming of coming back, of coming back.
And I just want a little sincerity on your behalf,
and I just want a little sincerity on your behalf
Let me see you fall, let me enter your dreams,
No, no, it's not true that
You stole the final scream at the edge of the wind,
no, let me get connected.
Let me see you fall, let me enter your dreams,
No, no, it's not true that
You stole the final scream at the edge of the wind,
no, let me get connected.
(Shine on you people of the earth)
Let me see you fall, let me enter your dreams,
No, no, it's not true that
You stole the final scream at the edge of the wind,
no, let me get connected.
(Shine on you people of the earth)
Let me see you fall, let me enter your dreams,
No, no, it's not true that
You stole the final scream at the edge of the wind,
no, let me get connected.
(Shine on you people of the earth)
Let me see you fall, let me enter your dreams,
No, no, it's not true that
You stole the final scream at the edge of the wind,
no, let me get connected.
(Shine on you people of the earth)
Let me see you fall, let me enter your dreams.

Curved Eyelashes

My heart's thumping wildly, my spirit's about to burst out, this feeling's so wonderful
Oh you are smiling at me, the temperature's rising

I'll Be Fine

I'll be fine, the flowers are still fragrant
Time will pass by, the memory is really beautiful
I'm thinking of you, I'll always think of you
You're deep inside my heart, you became a secret
Don't say you love me or that you miss me
If you don't do that from the bottom of your heart
You're just forcing yourself to make me feel better
I'll feel bad if I know about it
I want you to walk away silently, don't look back
I'll clearly understand what you want
You don't need to force yourself to comfort me or tell me strange reasons
Even until now I'm deeply in love with you
It doesn't matter if it's love or friendship
That is the happiness I want
I know it's bitter
Even until now I'm deeply in love with you
It doesn't matter if it's love or friendship
That is the happiness I want
I know it's bitter
Don't say you love me or that you miss me
If you don't do that from the bottom of your heart
You're just forcing yourself to make me feel better
I'll feel bad if I know about it
I want you to walk away silently, don't look back
I'll clearly understand what you want
You don't need to force yourself to comfort me or tell me strange reasons
Even until now I'm deeply in love with you
It doesn't matter if it's love or friendship
That is the happiness I want
I know it's bitter
Even until now I'm deeply in love with you
It doesn't matter if it's love or friendship
That is the happiness I want
I know it's bitter
I'll be fine, the flowers are still fragrant
Time will pass by, the memory is really beautiful
I'm thinking of you, I'll always think of you
You're deep inside my heart, you became a secret
Even until now I'm deeply in love with you
It doesn't matter if it's love or friendship
That is the happiness I want
I know it's bitter
Even until now I'm deeply in love with you
It doesn't matter if it's love or friendship
That is the happiness I want
I know it's bitter
I want to give you a blessing in the distance
I know it's bitter

Heavenly Spirit of Love

In the hide-and-seek of love
Whose face will appear on my palm?
Love does not lie
Counting the number of strokes, who will be Mr. Right?
Seeking for a copper coin at the Lover's Temple
To refill myself with the strength of love
The propitious star is shining
Love is coming soon
Looking at the future with sincerity
The fortune teller of happiness
I'm pulling Yue Lao's red thread of fate
I won't be lonely even when I'm far away
Heavenly spirit of love
Earthly spirit of love
Drive away all bad weather
Just let love come in an instant
Adorn me with lots of good mood
Heavenly spirit of love
Earthly spirit of love
Call on all good luck
Just let love come in an instant
I'm destined to love you
In the hide-and-seek of love
Whose face will appear on my palm?
Love does not lie
Counting the number of strokes, who will be Mr. Right?
Seeking for a copper coin at the Lover's Temple
To refill myself with the strength of love
The propitious star is shining
Love is coming soon
Looking at the future with sincerity
The fortune teller of happiness
I'm pulling Yue Lao's red thread of fate
I won't be lonely even when I'm far away
Heavenly spirit of love
Earthly spirit of love
Drive away all bad weather
Just let love come in an instant
Adorn me with lots of good mood
Heavenly spirit of love
Earthly spirit of love
Call on all good luck
Just let love come in an instant
I'm destined to love you
Looking at the future with sincerity
The fortune teller of happiness
I'm pulling Yue Lao's red thread of fate
I won't be lonely even when I'm far away
Heavenly spirit of love
Earthly spirit of love
Drive away all bad weather
Just let love come in an instant
Adorn me with lots of good mood
Heavenly spirit of love
Earthly spirit of love
Call on all good luck
Just let love come in an instant
I'm destined to love you
Heavenly spirit of love
Earthly spirit of love
Drive away all bad weather
Just let love come in an instant
Adorn me with lots of good mood
Heavenly spirit of love
Earthly spirit of love
Call on all good luck
Just let love come in an instant
I'm destined to love you

A quatrain in summer

Born a might ‘mong men
in death, second t’none
Xiang Yu is missed still
T’die than homeward run

The Quiet Sea That Summer

At the time, we were together every day
We were so happy, so much so that we didn't need distance,
We were greedy, we wanted the whole whole's attention
We were much too young, joys and sorrows
felt like an act, full of dramatics.
Today, I see you go like I did in the past
That summer, you and I hid
under this vast and quiet sea
Even until the end, we still were
brimming with hope and anticipation for the world
This winter, you're already not here,
and I emptied out a space in my heart
I'm so happy to have met you, I finally understand
that memories tend to be more exciting than reality
At the time, we were together every day
We were so happy, so much so that we didn't need distance,
We were greedy, we wanted the whole whole's attention
We were much too young, joys and sorrows
felt like an act, full of dramatics.
Today, I see you go like I did in the past
That summer, you and I hid
under this vast and quiet sea
Even until the end, we still were
brimming with hope and anticipation for the world
This winter, you're already not here,
and I emptied out a space in my heart
I'm so happy to have met you, I finally understand
that memories tend to be more exciting than reality
I still remember that we worked hard together,
and all those promises we made together
Now I treat the past as a kind of lesson
even though it isn't so easy
That summer, you and I hid
under this vast and quiet sea
Even until the end, we still were
brimming with hope and anticipation for the world
This winter, you're already not here,
and I emptied out a space in my heart
I'm so happy to have met you, I finally understand
that memories tend to be more exciting than reality
The future, I look forward to the future.

A tune of dreaminess (Last night rain sparsed, gust blew)

Last night rain sparsed, gust blew.
Deep sleep cured not drunk fr’brew
Asked curtain furler
she quothed ‘blooms grew as new’
You knew?
You knew?
Green leaves thrived

A tune of dreaminess (At dusk, stream-side abode)

At dusk, stream-side abode
Too drunk to know home’s road
had fun


The couple sitting behind me in the coffee shop,
have been sitting together for the whole afternoon.
From exchanging gifts to sitting with their shoulders together
Talking from one topic to another topic
I did not purposely pay attention,
I just accidentally overheard
I accidentally lifted my head up and saw
the reflection on the glass
Watching him wipe away the teardrop from the corner of her eye
The girl on the boy’s shoulder showed a sweet smile
Aiya yi ai ai ai ai
Aiya yi ai ai ai ai
Aiya yi ai ai ai ai
Aiya yi ai and that is simple love
The couple sitting behind me in the coffee shop,
have been sitting together for the whole afternoon.
From exchanging gifts to sitting with their shoulders together
Talking from one topic to another topic
I did not purposely pay attention,
I just accidentally overheard
I accidentally lifted my head up and saw
the reflection on the glass
Watching him wipe away the teardrop from the corner of her eye
The girl on the boy’s shoulder showed a sweet smile
Aiya yi ai ai ai ai
Aiya yi ai ai ai ai
Aiya yi ai ai ai ai
Aiya yi ai and that is simple love
Staying in the coffee shop doing nothing
And the little bean sprout of love grows inch by inch
With you staying with me and me staying with you just simply loving
Like sticky candy’s stickiness
Aiya yi ai ai ai ai
Aiya yi ai ai ai ai
Aiya yi ai ai ai ai
Aiya yi ai and that is simple love


Yesterday, when I passed in front of the doorway
I've spotted my friend, Benő Fazekas
I was about to say hello to him
But then I've realized that he's in the process of romancing a hot woman
He came up to me this morning, completely devastated
And asked for three cold, stirred Bambis1with lemon
Then the poor guy spoke with a sad tone but with much wisdom:
'My friend! The worst thing in the world is female virtue'2
Oh my, Benő, all the deceitful women are playing tricks on you!
How long it'll take for you to grow up?
Benő, Benő, Benő, think about that also
That if you really consider it, you are not a typical Adonis!3
Benő had a date with Gizi, his neighbor
And he offered her a fine cigarette in the doorway
He tried to hug her, but Gizi has disappointed him
As his arms were getting near her waist, he immediately got slapped twice
He asked with his face red: 'Do you happen to have a boyfriend already?'
To which Gizi has replied: 'Yes, Sandokan, the Malaysian.'4
Oh my, Benő, every deceitful woman is playing a trick on you!
How long it'll take for you to grow up?
Benő, Benő, Benő, think about that also
That if you really consider it, you are not a typical Adonis!3
Benő, Benő, Benő, every deceitful woman is playing a trick on you!
How long it'll take for you to grow up?
Benő, Benő, Benő, think about that also
That if you really consider it, you are not a typical Adonis!3
  • 1. A Hungarian soft drink from old times, it's not available anymore.
  • 2. I think what he means is that the he tried to get laid with that woman he was seen with in the gateway but she held on to her virtue and didn't go to bed with him.
  • 4.