Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 45

Találatok száma: 3981


Exercise Love

I really don't understand, yesterday you were so gentle
I probably made a mistake that made your eyes sore
The things girls care about are completely different from those of boys
Although I don't quite know
Believe my sincerity, hold my hand and don't step back
Let's exercise love together
Bit by bit, learn not to make you frown
Day by day, I blend into your world
I just want to exercise love with you
If I love wrongly or do wrongly, I'll do it again
Until I fill your every day with happiness
I want to be with you forever, but I feel insecure
I can't feel your feeling, it's all because you make me lose sleep
Maybe we should reconcile, for misunderstandings come from not understanding
In fact, you also have the heart to change
I'll dry my tears and give love one more chance
Let's exercise love together
I want to learn to admit my mistakes openly
I take a step back, you step forward, how harmonious
I just want to exercise love with you
If our footsteps or rhythm are wrong, we'll do it again
Never mind, we still have a lifetime to practice
They say the devil hides in every little detail
Let us be more careful no matter what
Slowly get familiar and guard everything in our hands
If possible
Let's exercise love together
Bit by bit, learn not to make you frown
Day by day, I blend into your world
I just want to exercise love with you
If I love wrongly or do wrongly, I'll do it again
Until I fill your every day with happiness
If our footsteps or rhythm are wrong, we'll do it again
Never mind, we still have a lifetime to practice


Only hindrance within my heart and my head,
Like a blade forged of blood
'If it's not him then there's no justice'
Reasons based from the wants
You're all talk, unable to stop the chaos
A mouth full of nothing but insects
Waste it all into the empty wind
So that only you shall be worshipped
Behind the glass
So what's the reason for your secret
“Do you not know?“
In the end, you're left speechless
Nevertheless, if caught, just leave them behind
Approaching, clinging, and then saying:
don't imitate the so-called 'heroics'
Carve your eyes out and
Pretend, gloriously, that you're begging
Scrutinized and now you're staring at the
Distorted point of view
Your self-image, melting right before me
And I will be the one to fix your character
Lacking, you became a nuisance
Returning with a careless neglect for adequacy
Saying goodbye
The torment repeats once more
You pulled it all back
And the progress vanished
'Slice me up piece by piece'
'And never remain in this peace'
This is my body, my blood and all of my tears
So you turned back, unable to stop the chaos
A stomach full of nothing but bees
Just sing it all into the wind
The apologies that...
Will no longer be said
Sins that we can't admit
So what's the excuse for your secrets?
In the end, you're left speechless
Bent, caught, you're left behind
Approaching, clinging, unable to ask yourself
Why you weren't enough
Remove your ears right now
Abuse, blame and wash your hands
Because 'perfect' is the only thing you ever see
In the mirror
Fathom it
We don't have to say it
At the end of the day, in sheer pride
You no longer can see your faults
From now on
Enjoy your loneliness

You Said

Take apart what's left of me
Without consensus of the free
I grind my teeth in courtesy
The stillness often tend to flee
The mocking white of brutal sin
The devil wears the angel's skin
The sirens blared an endless din
Amongst us are our fallen kin
You said, You said
That nothing ever went wrong
Discarded the love
Not even returning it
And at the sweetness of your sentiments
The black rope around the neck joined together
Don’t forget about the reddening bruise
“Don’t you know the others can see you”
Don’t think about it when they are throwing insults at you
You’re so embrassed by your wounds, You are crying all alone
Calm yourself, don’t cry anymore, and just start to pretend
Don’t show and you’ll be accepted
Hide behind a virtuous fondness, all that they can see
The layers pile, and you forgot who you're supposed to be
Take apart what's left of me
Without consensus of the free
I grind my teeth in courtesy
The stillness often tend to flee
The mocking white of brutal sin
The devil wears the angel's skin
The sirens blared an endless din
Amongst us are our fallen kin
You said, You said
That nothing ever went wrong
Discarded the love
Not even returning it
And at the sweetness of your sentiments
The black rope around the neck joined together


SOS Someday
Gather round to hear the sound of hands
Loud people with tongues
Bite your tongue, you taste blood.
I'm unconsciously looking for you again.
To the values I grew up with in the shadows.
I can't speak, I can't speak, I can't speak.
I can't even remember the ninety-nine words
Somehow I don't feel like losing
Seventeen Someday SOS
I just want to laugh at the stupid things.
The day the Earth ends is today.
Still the same
Seventeen Someday in Despair
Before it's all a mess
Please let me hear you say it.
Outside, it's summer before you know it
Watch me now... and the pile up.
I'm losing strength and it's night
I crawl into bed and safari
The three playgrounds in the deep mind that turn
A bullet that is pulled out and is lowered
Aim beyond the running heart
The first prize is for you
Seventeen Someday SOS
I just want to laugh at the stupid things.
There are so many lies, I don't want to hear them.
I can't stop now.
I don't know what to do with my life.
I'm gasping for breath, not knowing.
Seventeen Someday SOS
I just want to laugh at the stupid things.
The day the Earth ends is today.
Still the same
Seventeen Someday in Despair
Before it's all a mess
Please let me hear you say it.

Goodbye sadness

I met you
A Saturday night
And I threw at your figure
A handful of colored spices
My goal was clear
To bewitch you
While keeping
Myself and yourself free
Because the god of love
Doesn't need any more slaves
Goodbye, goodbye night
Goodbye sadness, goodbye tears
I'm not the one
You knew anymore, not the same
O fair child
Who cried so much
Goodbye, it's all over
Goodbye tears, goodbye night
And the midnight sun shone for us
Until the day arrived
Then we split up
As if already full of tomorrow's delights
And I walked alone
Guided by your shadow
I walked across the empty city
Still sparkling
From the dreamers' journey
Goodbye, goodbye night
Goodbye sadness, goodbye tears
I'm not the one
You knew anymore, not the same
O fair child
Who cried so much
Goodbye, it's all over
Goodbye tears, goodbye night.
I met you a Saturday night
And I already liked the smell of your laugh
And the midnight sun shone for us
Until the day arrived
Goodbye night
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye sadness
Goodbye tears, goodbye night
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye it's all over
Goodbye tears, goodbye night
Goodbye night


Megszállók jöttek hozzánk Ukrajnába,
Tankoszlopokkal, új egyenruhába,
De rájuk égett a hadiraktár,
Bayraktar, Bayraktar
Orosz harckocsis a bokorban pucsít,
Bocskorba szürcsöli a kibaszott scsít,
De túl forró neki a levesestál,
Bayraktar, Bayraktar
Özönlik keletről a birkasereg,
„Régi nagy birodalmat visszaszerez”
Itt a pásztorkutya neked birkanyáj,
Bayraktar, Bayraktar
Kezeikben mindig más fegyver az érv
Rakéta és szoftver, mi csatába lép
De Ukrajna ezekre válasszal vár:
Bayraktar, Bayraktar
Erővel akartak győzni a fronton,
De bosszút álltunk a sok orosz orkon,
És a banditák mára szellemek már,
Bayraktar, Bayraktar
Az orosz rendőrség szimatolgatna,
A ruszkikat helyben ugyan ki hagyta,
De a dossziék végén csak egy név áll:
Bayraktar, Bayraktar
Propagandát tolja Kremlből a mocsok,
Gondolja a világ minden szót beszop,
De most megtanul egy új szót a cár

Kikényszerített nemváltás

A félelem megvetést szül az ember szívében
Valakinek meg kell kérdezni a közös tulajdonságot,
Miért utáljuk azt, amit nem értünk?
Testbe kényszerített és intelligenciával átkozott
Lélekbe lökött, olyan áramkörrel bekötve, amilyet nem lehet irányítani
Olyan ősi hagyomány, hogy az evolúció majd megkerüli
Születésétől fogva oltott eszmék pokolian
Az élet ára – a hús megéri
Valahol ennek a szervezetnek a fejlődésében
Külön utat választottak - lehet hiba felébredt
Vannak, akik úgy érzik, ez csak egy választás volt, és az erkölcsöt használják
Hogy erősítsék a hangjukat
Ennek az igazán keresztény megtanításra
Ilyen látnivalókat mutathatunk meg
A gimp bibliailag fog megismerni téged
Emberbőrbe van kötve
Elérzékenyült, józan esze viharvert
A karjaid és lábaid a falhoz vannak kötve
Köszöntsd az új nemedet
Először kezdjük az Ön privát részeivel
Belevágunk - a heréid szétesnek
A fájdalomtól elájulsz s szét vágom a szennyeződésedet
Amíg eszméletlen vagy, én várok....
...Most ébren vagy, éppen időben, amikor bemetszést készítek
A szexuális felülvizsgálat következő lépése
Egy szelet a tengelyen és a korona körül
Burkolatlan hímvessző - húgycsö szabaddá van téve
Üdvözöljük a kényszerű nemi diszfóriához
Hogy érzi most nőnek lenni és nem férfinak?
„Természetellenes és tisztátalan!
Uram, kérlek, bocsáss meg nekik, mert nem ezt akarják
Ott vagy és hallgatsz?
Miért hagytad, hogy ez megtörténjen velem!'
Fogd be és fogadd el
Csak fogadd el az új életedet
Inkább nézd így... remek feleség leszel
S ami az új férjedet illeti...
Histerectomiát kellett végeznünk
DE sikerült megmentenünk a hímveszőét...
...és a szeméremtestére tűztük
A szövetkilökődés elkerülése érdekében
Hét napig el kell kerülnie az erekciót
Mivel mirigyeket oltottunk be, hogy csiklót készítsünk
Ezeket a műveleteket mindig eltalálják vagy kihagyják
Az önpusztító emberi parazita evolúciója
Forradalom – az emberi technológia fejlődése
A születés által adott sex szervek szét szedése
Egy megoldás – a világ túlnépesedésére
Most az élvezetes résznél – bemutatom:
Júdás új bölcsője -
A perineális átszúró készülék az ember gyümölcsét is kinyomja
Az erő kifejtésével köszörülés és tekercselés a belek és
Körülötte, mint egy fúrószár – az anatómiát zsigerivé változtatja
Reszelés, ásás és át törés a
Testen , mint egy furat – megtalálja a kiutat a
Száj hirdeti a vérzést


I saw the weather report
Streams keep increasing
Waterfall flowin down
This spring water is the best
Wet wet
Wet wet
We got Jessi on the set
(Let’s get’em wet)
We getting lit, boy I’ma make it lit
Slip into your pants, I’ma make it quick
drippin down, pull my waist with a grip
The Yuna Kim of the ice, I do the ballerina split (uh)
All my bad bitches, call the shot
Like a lit cigarette I’mma, I’mma make it hot
Turn your eyes down, when you see me on the block,
I’ll show you what it feels to be on top, follow me to the roof
See me in the whip and she going down, all around
run it, run it, touch it down to the ground
hit it from the back, hundred racks on the track let it stack
she wants me to whip it, whipt it fast holler back
Storm cloud comin through, I’m coming for the cheddah
Drink up, get wet, rain is falling
I’m good when I’m good, when I’m bad I am better
Think you got the juice? But I’m wetter, wetter, wetter
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Wetter, Wetter, Wetter
Roll up your wet sleeves
Take off your sweaty clothes
Wet net hoopin
hit the buzzer, shutters exploding
Shake (shake) shake (shake)
Till you get wet, raining all night
100 rounds of dishes
Han Seok Bong’s rice cakes
100 degrees celsius, careful of the flames tonight
Wear a raincoat on rainy days, make it rain
flooded, my wallet is flooded with 50s
Her skinny hurricane, up and down, shake it up
Butt quake, shake it till your legs give like an earthquake
Two bottles for the first round, call it early and go home
then it’s straight to the kitchen, for that cherry i’m whippin
Storm cloud comin through, I’m coming for the cheddah
Drink up, get wet, rain is falling
I’m good when I’m good, when I’m bad I am better
Think you got the juice? But I’m wetter, wetter, wetter
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Wetter, Wetter, Wetter
Storm cloud comin through, I’m coming for the cheddah
Drink up, get wet, rain is falling
I’m good when I’m good, when I’m bad I am better
If you got sweat, then shake it off
Storm cloud comin through, I’m coming for the cheddah
Drink up, get wet, rain is falling
I’m good when I’m good, when I’m bad I am better
Think you got the juice? But I’m wetter, wetter, wetter
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Wetter, Wetter, Wetter
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Spray it, spray it
Wet wet wet wet
Wetter, Wetter, Wetter

Tighten the belt

I tighten, you tighten
and he tightens the belt
And he tightens the belt.
I tighten, you tighten
and he tightens the belt,
and that's the recipe
to fix the situation.
To fix the situation.
The strength of the peseta
with this administration
that they say they hold it
and they cut the inflation.
About money things,
I want to tighten it
and I have such bad times
that I have no holes
left in the belt.
I tighten, you tighten
and he tightens the belt
And he tightens the belt.
I tighten, you tighten
and he tightens the belt,
but there are who don't tighten
and here comes the question.
And here comes the question.
To jerk off
or playing the lazy.
Everybody on the pool
or everybody on the basin.
I bear the squeeze
and I tighten as much ass I can
with the worry
that the belt breaks
and my pants fall off.
I tighten, you tighten
and he tightens the belt
And he tightens the belt.
I tighten, you tighten
and he tightens the belt,
I end up bonkers
and you more.
And you more,
with your body sick
you'll have a congestion
of thinking of the taxes
and making a declaration.
I hope and realize
we can get through it
in the same proportion
and you don't pay three thousand duros
like the one who has two.
I tighten, you tighten
and he tightens the belt
And he tightens the belt.
I tighten, you tighten
and he tightens the belt.
And I comply with respect
and lots of resignation.
And lots of resignation
I'm committed like the first
who reached to where your reach
and I quietly hope
that we collaborate.
I hope they find the way
to bring back the currencies
that crossed the borders,
and bring the Switzerland thing
that is so complicated.


Why they use you? What's wrong with you?
Why they name you in an offensive tone
like if you were some criminal?
Why people call somebody 'pig'
as a way of offending the neighbor
when who says it doesn't offend at all?
Word that contains a thousand combinations.
Sausage, butter, blood sausage,
and other productions that are so delicious.
It looks like a lie that they call you 'dirty'
because at some time you're covered of mud,
if later your four legs become ham.
Even its name is tasty for a beautiful poem.
What a fat! What a grease! What a good thing!
What an elegant touch gives anywhere!
Why your great beauty is reduced,
to the point that one feels bitter
when he sees how little is the snack?
Why is my fate only to look at you,
love you, adore you, but not to touch you
and just see you by coincidence?
If for me the problem is to buy you,
because for eating you... until I'm fed up.
Even if I get fatter... I don't care.
I say the same
my father says
'I like the pig...
even when it walks'

Cheops pyramid

Versions: #1
I'm just a slave hard at work at King Cheops pyramid
We're the ones working at the base
And we're bleeding and we're sweating to do our daily share
You don't want to be the one who loses pace
And if you've ended up down here
at the end of every spear
you can never leave, however fast you run
But the King, he is the scion of the sun.
Behind fifteen walls of stone
Behind fifteen locks and bars
the power and the riches dwell and rule
And no one gets to bother them, there is nothing but control
Their rooms and thoughts are comfortably cool
And if someone needs to die
Without ever asking why
Someone else will follow orders and comply
And the screams can not be heard from way up high
But when the night gets long
we join voices in a song
carried by the wind to those who rule
about a people long gone
that built a giant tower
reaching up to the heavens
But the higher it rose
they started to lose
the connection to the ones at the top
And the tower got so high
they were no more the same
and without that understanding
The tower could not hold
It seems like all through history
and by people of all kinds
There's always being pyramids constructed
And a few are at the top, with all the power and control
and the rest of us just do what we're instructed
But if the powers that will be
won't let anyone be free
and hold nothing but contempt for all their slaves
Their own pyramids will soon become their graves

Nephew's sevillanas

Tito Pepe, Tito Pepe,
don't be upset.
Don't be upset,
if the Betis is going down
is because there are reasons

Indian poem

I am Broken Head,
great chief of the Apaches,
brother of the Comanches
and relative of the Sioux.
Because Manitu wanted
my father Crazy Horse
sent me to this world
and my grief is deep.
Sanity and good sense are dead.
My father was right:
there are few on earth
who like Crazy Horse
there are lots of crazy.
Oh father, you are great.
Great is your wisdom.
I said I was coming
and I always obeyed.
But you have to know
that this is not how it used to be
that the earth seems to be
the Regaera's murga.
Now the white man is hairy,
and that warrior habit
of cutting the hair
would have my suspicion today
because with so much mane
there would be no prairie
to put so much hair.
When they're waging war
great birds of fire
go through the whole land,
and instead of warrior arrows
in some kind of egg
they bring a hard deal.
The indian race is great,
is brave, is restless.
But the bird of fire
drops the egg it holds
and grabs a whole tribe
and send them to hell.
It can kill a million
and the white man in his pride
calls it civilization.
But with such power
the white man is doomed,
they don't have superiority.
White man is weak,
white woman wants to rule
and that's his weakness.
White man, be careful,
as soon as you let rule
you better be ready.
The Indian race is strong.
And though there's nothing left
Manitu is happy
that until the last moment
Indian man ruled.
Indian man had a club,
Indian man was simple and clear
Indian man was manly
and rough as a quince.
White woman is confident
is being the same as the man.
And oh, father, don't be amazed
the man doesn't say a word.
And so, soon on earth
white woman will wage war
and white man the laundry.

Strawberry Milk

Strawberry milk baby
You're always on my mind
Are you that brave?
I always have a headache from drinking
Please don't cry, never mind
I'm not thinking of anything
Is it right?
Please don't interfere with my life
Look everybody, my day is mixed with my night
To stop drinking or what's more?
Perfidious people, pay the price
You're so different than me baby
Strawberry milk baby
You're always on my mind
Are you that brave?

Your Heart

By the sea shore, with my hand
I draw a picture, I draw you
Nose and mouth, eyes and ears, beneath your chin: one dot
I draw to the smile that's on the edge of your mouth but
Ah~ Ah~ There's one last thing I cannot draw
Even now I cannot know your heart
Nose and mouth, eyes and ears, beneath your chin: one dot
I draw to the smile that's on the edge of your mouth but
Ah~ Ah~ There's one last thing I cannot draw
Even now I cannot know your heart

I deserve you

Your love is a fantasy.
You are the joy of my lifetime.
Once I see you, my heart trembles.
And my pulse becomes not stable.
I got true love
At time a love became a lie.
Stay close, I want you alone
In my breath like perfume
I live for you .. I deserve you .. In my pulse I meet you
In love hug .. We don't part .. I will stay always with you
Your love taught me to forget my soul in your hands.
My eyes don't see anyone but you, and I see my world with you.
Everything inside me says I love you
My heart has found no one like you
My life is sweet when I am near you
Together forever, we will be
If I tell you about the feelings
That make me fly to the sky
I become addicted to you so much
You became the most valuable things in my life
When you came .. Near you I found .. My life completed
You are my destiny .. My heaven .. With your love I live
With you my life, my mind, and without you I would not be.
This is the first time I fall in love... and I crossed the limit of madness.

The House

It was a very funny house
It had no roof, it had no nothing
No one could enter it, no
Because the house had no floor
No one could sleep in the hammock
Because the house had no wall
No one could pee
Because there was no chamber pot there
But it was built with great care.
At fools' street, number zero
But it was built with great care.
At fools' street, number zero

Litre of Blood

Hey, bro
Nah, 'twas nothing
Rang the door, came in
Stayed the night afterwards
What do you mean 'What happened?'
Magic, magic happened, hey
I'll give up a litre of blood to be your first
And I grow deaf every time I see you with another, no, it's not working
I'd gladly take you with me, make it VIP
I wouldn't resist, you're a real rodeo, babe
How good she is, I don't reveal to anyone
I only keep her for my chambers
There, she does everything she's never done before
Rouses the very worst in me
Then she promises she'll stay overnight
Whispers in my ear until she's put me to sleep
By morning she's gone, magic stopped
I'll give up a litre of blood to be your first
And I grow deaf every time I see you with another, no, it's not working
I'd gladly take you with me, make it VIP
I wouldn't resist, you're a real rodeo, babe
Like a lost lamb, I'm all vulnerable
Beauty, everyone is weak for you
Without you, like a homeless man, I feel hunger
But I know, it'll come back to you sooner or later
Only these four walls know about the tears
Memories wilt, wilt like roses
You approached and took a piece of my soul
Not even liquor* can help anymore
I'll give up a litre of blood to be your first
And I grow deaf every time I see you with another, no, it's not working
I'd gladly take you with me, make it VIP
I wouldn't resist, you're a real rodeo, babe


Here, I'll beg on my knees until morning
Just lie that you're still my beloved
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
Never has a tear hurt me so
And you, did you ever love me like I loved you
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
We were, I know, a perfect pair
At least I thought so back then
Let my guard down too easily
Wrong path, I was young
Like in the movies, made a veela out of you, naive
And I'd give anything to bring it all back
Oh if I could wash away the sin
The snow would melt tomorrow already
When will they find a cure for sorrow
So I can love another like I loved you
Here, I'll beg on my knees until morning
Just lie that you're still my beloved
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
Never has a tear hurt me so
And you, did you ever love me like I loved you
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
Sorrow breaks a record and the heart wastes away
The pulse is slowly fading, mom call the doctor
It will take me at least a million years
To recover, recover, recover
Here, I'll beg on my knees until morning
Just lie that you're still my beloved
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
Never has a tear hurt me so
And you, did you ever love me like I loved you
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight

Christmas expenses

Christmas is coming, new year is coming
And now you'll see how much they cost
The kind of things that on those days
you have to buy, deary me!
There's no big or small budget
that bears all the Christmas thing
Because it's very complicated
and if you don't know it... you will.
The little shepherd, the scene
buying more cork for the scene
more lights that we have little
the manger, the mule and the ox are missing
And the little Pepito says
I want a Santa Claus tree
And the father happy with the birth
says in a sigh, OK!
Bring the turnkey, bring the nougats
the cookies and the marzipan
Bring the cognacs, and the anisette
And let's hear what you say after the champagne
We'll eat the twelve grapes outside
So we can dance this way
The dress and the suit too
Because in new year's eve... we must use something for the first time
The New Year's Eve party are three thousand pesetas
To hell with that, I don't care
Once a year makes no harm
And it's all the same for the father
If something misses, those bonus payments
Will be enough for twenty nephews
And with no time for you to gasp
The three wisemen come... Oh dear!
Christmas is over, party is over
And you go to sleep with no money
You go to the bank to see the balance
And the account shows a big zero.
You're go stone dead and that's not bad
What's worse is, I'm not exaggerating
A very hard to cover party is coming
It's the high...January slope.

Slow, Slow Song

If your car goes far away again, if my heart leaves again
As if pure grey gazes at the flying clouds
If you still get tired
You'll sing a slow, slow song and no longer wander
That day I look for what I miss
That night I feel so sad and drear
The lingering cold winter
Makes me start over again
Su San left Hongtong County again
Blowing away the peach blossom spring this spring should have
I start to miss
That day you quietly left
I silently close my eyes
The wind blows away the red line makes me start over again
That lady left the quiet smoke ring in my room
Drifting into your face, forcing me to miss you again
Rewind back to the moment when I breathe, the unbridled catharsis
How can I still hear?
I want to tell you
Su San leans against the window
Staring at the moonlight
No matter how she sings, she sheds tears and completely forgets
The strength when she left home that day
I quietly lean against the window
Silently staring at the roadside
As the wind wafts the scent of the flower, I completely forget
The kind of sadness when you left
That day I look for what I miss
That night I feel so sad and drear
The lingering cold winter
Makes me start over again
Su San left Hongtong County again
Blowing away the peach blossom spring this spring should have
I start to miss
That day you quietly left
I silently close my eyes
The wind blows away the red line makes me start over again
That lady left the quiet smoke ring in my room
Drifting into your face, forcing me to miss you again
Rewind back to the moment when I breathe, the unbridled catharsis
How can I still hear?
I want to tell you
Su San leans against the window
Staring at the moonlight
No matter how she sings, she sheds tears and completely forgets
The strength when she left home that day
Su San leans against the window
Staring at the moonlight
No matter how she sings, she sheds tears and completely forgets
The strength when she left home that day
I quietly lean against the window
Silently staring at the roadside
As the wind wafts the scent of the flower, I completely forget
The kind of sadness when you left
If the clock ticks again, if I mess up my makeup again
As if the moonlight stops hanging
If you leave again
You'll sing a slow, slow song and no longer yearn

If There Are Ifs

If there are 'ifs' in this world
If everything can start over again, if you say you love me again
I'm used to the familiar tenderness
Turn around, turn around, turn around
Why am I still alone?
Raindrops are falling, there are still things I can't say out
Tears keep falling, I'm used to a corner without you
I want to sing a song for you
Sing for my soul
A sky without you has no clouds
You are my everything and I really love you
After I dry my tears, I want to hear you say you love me
Thinking too much if there are 'ifs'
If you always love me, if we can last until the end
Alone, what should I be used to?
Turn around, turn around, turn around
I'm used to saying good night to myself
Raindrops are falling, there are still things I can't say out
Tears keep falling, I'm used to a corner without you
I want to sing a song for you
Sing for my soul
A sky without you has no clouds
You are my everything and I really love you
After I dry my tears, I want to hear you say you love me
I still remember the sourness and sweetness of green apples, so sour that there's no feeling beneath my heart
Dreams are too beautiful, memories are too heartbreaking, give me a little more courage
I want to sing a song for you
Sing for my soul
A sky without you has no clouds
You are my everything and I really love you
After I dry my tears, I want to hear you say 'I love you'
If there are 'ifs'
in this world
If everything can start over again
If you're still around
Please say you love me

All Happy

All happy friend's day
All happy spring day to you
Happiness will certainly be by your side
All happy sweet day
Enjoy this feeling with you
Oh oh oh oh oh
The morning sun spreads freshness
Your smile carries spring
Raindrops accompanying our brisk footsteps
Play our favorite songs on my MP3 player
It doesn't matter if the earth stops turning
There's nothing wrong with saying 'good morning' out loud
Serve a cup of chocolate with cream
It's okay to do whatever you want without worries
Let's hold umbrellas together on a rainy day
All happy friend's day
All happy sweet day
All happy spring day
All happy yeah~
All happy cheers day
Happy happy day oh oh
Happiness will certainly be by your side
Happy happiness day
The morning sun spreads freshness
Your smile carries spring
Raindrops accompanying our brisk footsteps
Play our favorite songs on my MP3 player
It doesn't matter if the earth stops turning
There's nothing wrong with saying 'good morning' out loud
Serve a cup of chocolate with cream
It's okay to do whatever you want without worries
Let's hold umbrellas together on a rainy day
All happy friend's day
All happy sweet day
All happy spring day
All happy yeah~
All happy cheers day
Happy happy day oh oh
Happiness will certainly be by your side
Happy happiness day
All happy friend's day
All happy sweet day
All happy spring day
Oh Oh Oh!
All happy cheers day
Happy happy day oh oh
A-fu will certainly be by your side
Happy happiness day
Happy happiness day

Me and You

You're my everything and I need you to know
I just can't wait for the moment because I love you so
Oh baby, you're my everything and I need you to know
I will give you all my love and you must know
Oh baby, I'm secretly waiting for you to appear
And all night (I) just wanna see your face
Waiting for you can only come true in my dreams
Missing you can only happen before dawn
Me and you lingering in love
Me and you are between white and black
Oh baby baby please don't go, take me to the end of the universe
You are my never-ending lover, let us be together forever
Oh baby baby please don't go, I don't want to let you go
You are my never-ending lover, let us be together forever
Oh baby, I'm secretly waiting for you to appear
And all night (I) just wanna see your face
Waiting for you can only come true in my dreams
Missing you can only happen before dawn
Me and you lingering in love
Me and you are between white and black
Oh baby baby please don't go, take me to the end of the universe
You are my never-ending lover, let us be together forever
Oh baby baby please don't go, I don't want to let you go
You are my never-ending lover, let us be together forever
Lost in the romantic starry sky, just me and you
You kiss me gently, just you and me
All my unrealistic ideas exist because of you, baby
A love beyond crazy should be loved without fear
Oh baby baby please don't go, take me to the end of the universe
You are my never-ending lover, let us be together forever
Oh baby baby please don't go, I don't want to let you go
You are my never-ending lover, let us be together forever
You're my everything and I need you to know
I just can't wait for the moment because I love you so
Oh baby, you're my everything and I need you to know
I will give you all my love and you must know

My Turn to Love You

I thought I have found the forest
I went so hastily that I worried about happiness
And you hid behind my back, not saying a word of grievance
If the clock can strike the past
I'll pass through several times to see clearly if I still have courage
Following my memories, pulling my emotions away
Your foreshadowing is so clear
It's my turn to love you, my turn to accompany you
I've finally found you, at least you haven't given up
It's my turn to love you, I'll always be by your side
Love keeps delaying for the sake of loving you better
Time is good at revealing the mystery at the end
Always giving a sigh before the surprise
Frustration is also a gift in return, letting me know how to cherish more
I pass by every girl just to prove that
I shouldn't have cross paths with those beauties, unless that is you
Following my memories, pulling my emotions away
Your foreshadowing is so clear
It's my turn to love you, my turn to accompany you
I've finally found you, at least you haven't given up
It's my turn to love you, I'll always be by your side
Love keeps delaying for the sake of loving you better
It's my turn to love you. Let me love you, let me accompany you
It turns out that all my willfulness is to come back and find you
It's my turn to love you, I'll always be by your side
Even if the seasons change, my love will accompany you firmly

Willing to Replace You

Even if the wind has risen
I just want to look at you
In the silence of the night, will I ask for anything more?
I can endure pain and sorrow
Only because I have you in my heart
Even on the longest road, I will never give up the memory
A shadow on the street passes proudly through the wind and rain
We've been through so much that we don't fear any dead-ends
Like a dream, like smoke


Love is a dramatic thing
It shakes the heavens and earth
Look at all the relationships that have been forged through conflict
See how exciting they are!
Love is a dramatic thing
It shakes the heavens and earth
Look at all the relationships that have been forged through conflict
See how exciting they are!
L'amour, l'amour (love, love)
L'amour, l'amour (love, love)
Have some courage, have some courage
Only then can you hope to win in love
Without courage, without courage
I urge you to save your energy and give up
Everyone wants to marry a hero
How can you love a good-for-nothing?
You should think about yourself
Can you satisfy people?
Satisfying people is easy,
You just need courage
You want to be a hero
You still have time to do so
If you still don't work hard
No woman is going to love you
Satisfying people is easy,
You just need courage
You want to be a hero
You still have time to do so
If you still don't work hard
No woman is going to love you

Rose, Rose, I Love You

Rose, rose, you are the most charming
Rose, rose, you are the most beautiful
Blooming on the branches all summer
Rose, rose, I love you
Rose, rose, how much is your affection!
Rose, rose, how thick is your affection!
Blooming in thorns all summer
Rose, rose, I love you
The heart's oath, the heart's affection
A holy light shines across the earth
The heart's oath, the heart's affection
A holy light shines across the earth
Rose, rose, how thin are your branches!
Rose, rose, how sharp are your thorns!
Today, the wind and rain came to destroy
Hurting your tender branches and delicate core
Rose, rose, how resilient is your heart!
Rose, rose, how sharp are your thorns!
Even if the wind and rain comes to destroy
It cannot destroy your intertwined branches
Rose, rose, I love you!

Little One

You are weeping,
Little girl, darling girl,
you are weary,
Little girl, darling girl.
Be sad no longer,
There is love for you
in the heart of the Father,
Little girl, darling girl.

My home, Inner Mongolia

My home is beautiful Inner Mongolia
Her soft breeze caresses her fertile plains with blooming flowers
My home is lovely Inner Mongolia
From her distant frontier comes many influential figures
Pastoral songs ring through the white clouds
Depicting multicoloured rainbows and singing of sunrise and sunset
The horseback nation dances under the blue sky
Embracing the seasons and new directions
My home, my Inner Mongolia
'How are you, how are you?'
Flying through the cloud and mist like an eagle
Soaring high and chasing dreams
My home is beautiful Inner Mongolia
Her soft breeze caresses her fertile plains with blooming flowers
My home is lovely Inner Mongolia
From her distant frontier comes many influential figures
Generations have grazed on the steppe
Braving sandstorms to bring prosperity and wealth
Generations of people have stood proudly
Opening their minds and living heroically
My home, my Inner Mongolia
'How are you, how are you?'
Flying through the cloud and mist like an eagle
Soaring high and chasing dreams
My home, my Inner Mongolia
'How are you, how are you?'
Galloping for a thousand miles like a stallion
Leaving behind glorious and legendary epics
Leaving behind glorious and legendary epics

A Lovely Rose

A lovely rose - saidi Mariam
A lovely rose - saidi Mariam
One day, I was hunting on my horse in the hills
Just when you were singing at the bottom of the hill, with a voice gentle like the clouds
I was mesmerised by your voice and I rolled down the hill
Ay-ya-ya, your voice is gentle like the clouds
A strong Kazakh youth - Ivan Dudar
A strong Kazakh youth - Ivan Dudar
Tonight, I invite you to come across the river to my house
After you feed your horse, bring your dombra
Once the moon rises, let me play the dombra's strings
Ay-ya-ya, both of us sing together under the trees

Crows, Too

I’m the black crows’ vanguard
All white, and I’ve long reached my destination
My maps are good
But my flock is at a loss
They’re being fired at over Prague
I know all the hunters by name
This is how they kill time
Self-proclaimed guardians of the homeland
Leave me here, I’ll be fine
And my flock, too
Though now they’re at a total loss
Flying around in confusion
Over the divided states
Clouds are converging
Over the flock of black crows
Clouds made of pain of unhealed wounds
Soldiers rain upon soldiers
And as the ground comes near
Each is alone under their parachute
They take out slingshots as they fly
Shooting heavy stones
In all directions
Maybe you’re also familiar
With being driven through the mud by a crowd
So fierce you forget your wellies
Leave me here, I’ll be fine
And my flock, too
Though now they’re at a total loss
Flying around in confusion
Over the divided states
But you know, I’m really not mad at the hunters
I know the weakness of the crowd
And the strength of a passionate claque1
Even I get swept up sometimes
Sometimes we, too, play
At hired assassins
But you know, I’m really not mad at the hunters
I know the weakness of the crowd
And the strength of a passionate claque
Even I get swept up sometimes
Sometimes we, too, play
At hired assassins
  • 1. claque – a group of people hired to applaud a performer or public speaker