A keresés eredménye oldal 5
Találatok száma: 204
Ismerj meg rabszolgaként
Ne királyként
ne követelj jogdíjat (Apuci)
Ismerj meg kicsiként
Ne amikor nagy vagyok
El fogok bukni (Ne hívj cukorfalatnak)
Hiányoztál tegnap
Még akkor is, ha azt állítottad, hogy nem ez a te utad
Nincs több játszma
Minden láncot lerázok
Nem maradhatunk folyton ugyanazok (Nem maradhatunk ugyanazok)
Fimile, ne hívj cukorfalatnak
Ne játssz a tűzzel
Ne drámázz
A legjobb barátom szeretője
Ha nincs lóvé
Nem kedveskedik
Elhagyná apucit
Tarts meg, amikor vak vagyok
Ne akkor, amikor látok
Látom a végzetemet( Látom a végzetem)
Tudom, nem sok, amim van
Elég kellene legyen a szerelmem
Szerintem többet akartál (több és több pénzt)
Hívtál tegnap
Láttam, de figyelmen kívül hagytam
Ez a gyűlölet nem kerülhet napvilágra
Otthagytál a placcon
Hátat fordítottál
Mélyre kerültem (mélyen érzem magam)
Filime, ne hívj cukorborsónak
Ne játsz a tűzzel
Ne drámázz
A legjobb barátom szeretője
Ha nincs lóvé
Nem túl kedves
Elhagyná apucit
A bill
The masks were dropped
mess and a fight
The mystery of worlds
Kyiv swallows a smog
No extra words
death is counting a haul
The masks were dropped
mess and a fight
The war of the worlds
Kyiv swallows a smog
And at the gunpoint are
souls, so naked till the pain
The posts and tweets are oozing with bile and pus
Who does manage whom? - let us make paranoia
Thus it's easier, the Jewish people are guilty of everything:
Obama, Putin, Adolf, well and personally you
Yours 'today' is yesterday's day in Langley
Sir Louis Cypher prefers Bently always
Big Ben rang five times, above the Mausoleum is nine o'clock
On the temple is a grey-haired strand - do not trust anyone!
Crypto-reptiloids manage geopolitics
It's bullshit to pour Indian man a fire-water
To give every poor man a copper coin for each eye
Even in Hell, the ones sell the natural gas for boiling the cauldrons
Stigmatawill bleed,
an icon will cry in a hermitage
I wanted to quiet, old-testament Jonah
There are some variants: to the sky, under the ground, or to the jail
While we wait for a continue, someone writes a scenario
El commandante Yarosh!
Red-black wings
Fire fury, winter Guerrilla
The wind repeats fiercely:
'The moratorium for the fear!'
'The heaven hundred'
Stands on its patrol confront
It's a little bit of blood, it's a little bit
it will spill more
Sacrificial, scarlet,
it will charge a bill!
It's a little bit of blood, it's a little bit
it will spill more
Scarlet rivers will gush out,
They will charge a bill
The center of the city,
a heart has split up,
The seams of the barricades
A swing set of the blind fate
The freedom call
a deadbolt is cracking
The center of the city,
a heart has split up,
The seams of the barricades
A swing set of the blind fate
The desired thing is close
you're one step of a goal
The plot is banal: a mother buries her son,
The widow and children howl, somewhere the ones hiss: 'cattle.'
It will hardly be better, it will definitely be more fun!
The plot is familiar: a mother eats her children
Someone like Priest Gapon
but someone is undercover like a condom
Randomly you have been used, you will learn later
Or historians will think up, push a trigger!
This is a lesson of a small motoric, do learn my son!
And here in the prologue is a pain! And in the epilogue is a pain!
And in the obituary is main sense! The stupid naked king.
He lost his face and he would have lost his head
If he hadn't lost himself here, since his youth.
A splinter in the hypochondrium and the streets are crowded
And all want to grab the tits of freedom-bitch
To mix milk with blood in the name of life
Look, a red lough will splash out of a throat now!
El commandant Yarosh!
Red-black wings
Fire fury, winter Guerrilla
The wind repeats fiercely:
'The moratorium for the fear!'
'The heaven hundred'
Stands on its patrol confront
El commandant Yarosh!
It's a little bit of blood, it's a little bit it will spill more
Sacrificial, scarlet, it will charge a bill!
'The heaven hundred' stands on its patrol confront
It's a little bit of blood, it's a little bit it will spill more
Scarlet rivers will gush out, but who will pay a bill?
Csipetnyi bors, csipetnyi só
Csipetnyi bors, csipetnyi só
Csipetnyi szerelem, csipetnyi méz
És ha mindezt összekevered
Elmondhatod, hogy megtörtént végre
Minden nap elsétált mellettem
Azt sem tudta, hogy létezem
Nem tudhatta, hogy a szerelmem
Tőle nem messze virágzott
A környékbeli boszorkánynál
Beszélhettem róla végül
Hosszasan, hosszasan nézett rám
Majd ezt válaszolta:
'Csipetnyi bors, csipetnyi só'
'Csipetnyi szerelem, csipetnyi méz'
'És ha mindezt összekevered'
'Elmondhatod, hogy megtörtént végre'
Minden további nélkül követtem
A nekem adott tanácsait
Hogy elnyerjem ennek a jóképű fiúnak a szerelmét
Mindent meg akartam próbálni
Vettem egy üveg brandyt
Százhuszonegy fokosat
És miközben erősen rá gondoltam
Bölcsen hozzáadtam egy
Csipetnyi borsot, csipetnyi sót
Csipetnyi szerelmet, csipetnyi mézet
És mikor minden összekeveredett
Történt, aminek történnie kellett
Tom topo tom tom tom to tom...
Tom topo tom tom tom to tom...
Egy szép napon eljött hozzám
A mama hívta meg
Megitattam vele a gyógyteámat
És azóta minden megváltozott
Szeretem őt, ő is szeret engem, szeretjük egymást
Mint egy tündérmesében
Hogy egy fiú belédszeressen
Csak adj neki egy
Csipetnyi borsot, csipetnyi sót
Csipetnyi szerelmet, csipetnyi mézet
Csipetnyi borsot, csipetnyi sót
The happiest country in the world
The stone sled gets heavier but to bear it I do have strength
Restrictions will end and quarantine shit
Restaurants were closed and the tangle of debt gets bigger
The people's coffers precipitate but the homeland is the most beloved
I put residual toilet paper on the walls of the out house
Moonshine in the moonlight, I do a gig for the horses’ hays
Finland is (will be) the happiest country in the world
The whole midsummer it rains but the recession is beaten
Black is the colour of tar, humor and mämmi
Also Koskenkorva (* refers to ”salmiakkikossu”), but the sauna is warm!
Tears of Teppo of Numminen are drying out
Let’s pilgrimage to the statue of Litmanen
Finland is (will be) the happiest country in the world
For as long as there is beer available
For as long as there is beer available
The economic curves in decline and out of Viagra
Homeschool from a zoo, an empty piggy bank
When you open the garage, it smells a bit like moonshine
I disinfect the divorce papers with spirit
But it is not all that bad though
Own happinness still, the left handy is working
Finland, Finland, la-la-la
For as long as there is beer available
Swamp, hoe and Joe (* refering to an important book where swamp is turned into a field)
I am like a single-use plastic bag
I guess it would be better to get a pair of reusable sacks
But in the name of the ancestors, I will find a way
And in a short while they will do that research again
That's exactly how it is!
Numerous Rivers and Numerous Moutains
Numerous rivers and numerous moutains
The army is marching to the frontline
To fight wholeheartedly
And don't worry about what's going on in the base areas
Don't worry about it
Be assured, don't worry
The real gold isn't afraid of the trial of fire
Even with the noose, knife and axe in front of me
They can't move my heart for even a bit
Be assured, don't worry
Remember these words in your heart
Don't be afraid of storms or waves
Don't be afraid of difficulties or try to escape
Wholeheartedly work
For the victory to come
The wind will stop, the clouds will disappear
The Shansi clique bandits will be destroyed
Wait until the day of victory
We will meet again then
Versions: #1
Olyan szavakat is kiejtünk a szánkon, melyeket nem gondolunk komolyan
Annyit kiabáltunk, hogy végül hang nélkül maradtunk
Az élet most szétválaszt minket
Az idõ nem hozza helyre a szilánkokra tört szíveket...
A szilánkokra tört szíveket...
Néha akaratunk ellenére is bántjuk egymást
És egyedül találjuk magunkat egy hosszú folyosón
Imádkozunk azért, hogy visszapörgethessük az idõt
Addig a pillanatig, mielõtt elpusztítanánk a reményt
Ma este, a magányom és én
Csak rólad beszélünk
Mindketten várjuk, hogy visszatérj
Mikor csak a szemeid tartanak vissza engem (a haláltól)
Ma este, a magányom és én
Elképesztõ mennyire reszketünk
A csenddel táplálkozom és minden nyomaszt
Megtartom a látszatot, de semmi sem hoz nyugalmat
Mikor a zokogások felváltották az örömet
Mikor túl sokszor bocsátottunk meg egymásnak
Álmodozunk, s egy szebb jelent rajzolunk, mint ami ezelõtt volt
Hogy ott éljünk, ahol a szerelem a király
Nem a kezed van a hajamban,
Csak a szeszélyes szél az
Ki messzire fújja emlékeinket
És aki ellopja tõlem mosolyodat
Nem te vagy az ajtó mögött
Csak a szél az, ki messzire visz téged
A csend nem hazudik
Jimmy and Maria
Maria fell in love with a guy from 8th grade
A boy called Jimmy, one of those guys you shouldn't fuck with
He was everyone's worst enemy, but became her boyfriend
'Cause when they were alone, it was someone very different she got to know
'Cause he was sweet and nice and always wanted what was best for her
Messing up those who looked at her whenever they were at a party
And she sat at the back of his moped when they left the place
Only heard him saying he loved her through smoke and noise
Then they grew up and moved to the city together
Jimmy was out on the street while she was keeping the duvet warm
She just wanted to graduate high school
But Jimmy insisted that she should stay at home
Unfortunately, it had to wait, she didn't have time now anyway
She had gotten pregnant, everything was pushed to the side
And one day, he suddenly came home to her
Saying that they would never have to worry about money again
He had something big going on which couldn't go wrong
Something about a lot of money was everything he told her
He promised that he would take care of her and their children
And he whispered quietly to her before he disappeared through the door
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
But Jimmy didn't come back home
Instead, an officer came
Ransacking her stuff
Messed the entire apartment
So that you'd think he owned it, threw all the things around in it
And suddenly, her phone rang
It was Jimmy, he was in detention at the station
'Cause they'd fucked up and everything had gone wrong
Now he was facing three years in prison, would get out after two and a half
So now Maria went around at home, waiting for him
Thought of him whenever she heard a certain song
Cried herself to sleep - started to feel weak
Who wants to celebrate a birthday in a visiting room?
There she sat with a long face, looking down at the table
She had so fucking much to say, but couldn't find the words
He took her hand in his own, whispering to her
With a tear rolling down his cheek
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
But Jimmy didn't come back home
Instead, an officer came
Quietly into her home to inform her
That Jimmy had passed away that night just before five
There was another inmate who said he had snitched on him
So he found him to stab him eight times
She couldn't believe her own ears, slumped to the ground in the door frame
Started to cry alone, 'cause what was she supposed do now?
Who would take care of her, and who would hold her tight?
Everything she loved in this world was fucking gone
She was cold, felt empty on the inside
'Cause now he was no longer there to comfort her, saying
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
Absinthial Haze
Versions: #1
She’s not into songs, or the wine to sup
The war like a hound is on our path
She is laid-up
In astral dance of star-crossed souls
In graceful hands our spacious world
Has been cooling off.
The star constellations appear to distort
The train-wrecks of people go down the slope
He’s way too old
On those lips so often kissed
And in the springtime garden is
A cross and wreath
Her face to the wall as she lies asleep
He’s dumb in the kitchen for heavy drinks
Absinthe of dreams. Absinthe of haze
A smashed down boat, abandoned peer
A mermaid on stones is singing grief
It’s self-repeat
It’s self-deceit
An angel can have nor a tail nor horns
A horse never falls for the swishing thong
A bridge to burn
The ravenous riders show themselves
The fruit get rotten, the eyes get sore
From violet haze
This sign is engraved on a rusty key
Thy heart will be where thy treasure is
Someone cognized
The fire is out, hush rules your home
With only angels singing for
The final time
Her face to the wall as she lies asleep
He’s dumb in the kitchen for heavy drinks
Absinthe of dreams.
Absinthe of haze
A smashed down boat, abandoned peer
A mermaid on stones is singing grief
It’s self-repeat
It’s self-deceit
It’s self-repeat
It’s self-deceit
Absinthe of haze
Absinthe of dreams
My Fortress
It seems it all ended, stopped in its tracks and went no further.
But there's something new even in the brittle pages of an old book.
Facing the wind head on, time heals all wounds.
But, what's there for me to do sitting on the sidelines? I'm always on top.
I bite off a piece and spit it out, not looking where.
Hands blackened with soot, while thinking it's chocolate.
But, when cornered in quicksand, an ox can break through a wall.
We all have such a wall. I, like a stone, can change my river's flow.
And you're stronger than everyone thinks .
Ask your grandfather, how the people lived after the war.
You can't lose faith. Stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground.
From the middle of a swamp, you can reach dry land.
Let them whistle and tug on your shirt behind you.
The burden is heavy, and it's hard to breathe.
Don't give up. Don't bow down.
You'll find a new destiny to replace your old one.
My fortress will eventually become as hard as stone.
My fortress is my body under these clothes.
My fortress is faith, love and hope.
My fortress will collapse if its foundation cracks.
My fortress is this body under my clothes.
My fortress is faith, love and hope.
If you've blown a gasket, and your block's run dry,
you can blame everything on the blacks and of course the Jews.
It's easier to break a jaw or a nose
than stop cooking dope on that spoon.
You can listen to rap that tells the truth, while waling on a punching bag.
or you can listen but not hear, by beating yourself around the ears.
It's rare to find someone with a healthy mind and body.
But a soul can fly, and flesh locks you in a prison cell.
Such dirt sticks with us, if you don't take a rag and wipe it off.
Biting like a dog won't save you from the inevitable rocking-chair.
Yes, I'm well aware that I don't know much.
On your way to God, there's no faster way than the one-legged.
Let conscious be your guide, sounds beautiful.
But some people's conscious let's them rape when they're young.
If you look you'll see that crackers are more delicious than hunger.
So, don't give up, or you'll just get beat down.
[Chorus] x2
To Meet The Sun
The mistress of the industry puts on her throat my cast-iron heel,
every word of your mouth must be proportional to the bucks.
Getting into the emotion of productivity raises the scale,
on Friday, people should forget about working at our fun ball!
You must like, make a strong like in the village,
calculate and shoot down the whole life of the same strike,
bang on the string, which everyone in himself must have pulled,
Happy New Years Eve Sale, this is not art, this is porn.
Come on, as it was yesterday, you believe the former foundations,
Here the filing is necessary, as was then in Alcotester and Posyolkovyh.
You thought we were an entertainment center, throwing a coin and dancing,
Your disco is covered, bro, will remain our true.
You twist the mouse wheel, and interrupt the plastic crust,
but on the other hand, there are all those who trouble you with this news.
You are disappointed again and here you know nothing.
Come on, for ignition, we need only your dissipated comment.
This huge city seems empty to us.
We strike sparks on the plates.
This huge city suddenly cooled down for you.
You kindle the fire, and we will come to the smoke!
We were buried and wanted to forget the names.
but they did not know that we were seeds.
Mama winter blessed us (gray).
we sprout through the asphalt (virgin).
Sun rising (we all)
straighten shoulders (we all).
Sun rising (we all)
straighten shoulders.
We will straighten the shoulders!
Doll Masha, doll Dasha ... doll Chucky.
I Kuklachev, tied the cats, twist nunchuck.
Poplar fluff, heat, July, prevail.
Brother, Mother, do not grieve, take off the underside.
I do not Shainsky, we do not write songs for children.
Farewell, I loved you so much, your Promet.
All life is like a labyrinth, then I am Tesy, then Minotaur.
On the bookshelf, Obitel, My age, Vienna, Laurel.
We will not teach you, what am I teaching you slouching?
Don't forget, people, always have a choice, two chairs.
Between the viper and the toad, Odysseus, Scylla, Charybdis.
Well, what are you doing like a woman? Don't be scared, be strong, jump!
Above your feet from the earth, above the roof, above the sky,
right, left, This is all just for consumption.
Above your feet from the earth, above the roof, above the sky,
right, left, This is all just for consumption.
We were buried and wanted to forget the names.
but they did not know that we were seeds.
Mama winter blessed us (gray).
we sprout through the asphalt (virgin).
Sun rising (we all).
Shall straighten (we all).
Sun rising (we all).
Straighten placards.
We will straighten the shoulders!
Lyudmila (Людмила)
You're so stupidly in love -
He turned out to be scum,
As the girl in hysterics fought,
Climbed onto the window sill naked.
Shouted - that rushes down,
Shouted: “I beg you, come back!”,
And you laughed like this:
'Haha, Foolish, naive weakling, haha!'
They all need a mother, a nurse,
And you want Lyalka, look -
There are either half-days or alkobydlo,
You're in the juice - it's so insulting.
Being a fish in an iron can,
Burn like tank crews in a tank
And who will come to set you free?
You're Mallory Knox, where is Mickey Bandit?
After all, you need an alpha male,
Hard as a drunken father.
And to fight you like a goat
And you were afraid of him like a thunderstorm.
Little girl sitting in the closet
And this puppy pissed, well.
You are a strong woman in the sawmill,
They have bitches, you have a piggy bank.
Just drive them crazy
Just achieve yourself,
The relationship is a prison
Full of alien shit.
At the commemoration you danced and howled:
“Loved me! Loved! Killed! Killed! ”
At the commemoration, you danced and howled
She loved, she loved, wolf-Lyudmila.
Loved! Loved! Killed! Killed!
Loved, loved you bitch Lyudmila.
Mom, We Are All Seriously Ill
The new message on earth is cracked,
The ancient serpent again deceived a woman.
Boil the blood, the heart burns with a flame
I will be the original magma, lava,
A burning head in his personal logbook
A falling star that was not expected anywhere.
If the sky today does not give me rain,
That even the stones of Palestine are cracked with thirst.
A day will be late
An hour later it will be late
In a moment the Earth will cover with fire.
If the keys do not fit the door,
Then knock the door down.
Mom, we are all seriously ill
Mom, I know we all went crazy.
A day will be late
An hour later it will be late
In a moment the Earth will cover with fire.
Mom, we are all seriously ill
Mom, I know we all went crazy.
A day will be late
An hour later it will be late
In a moment the Earth will cover with fire.
Steel beaks of plastic birds
Torn the flesh, promised Paradise, tore the liver.
While the son of man broke five loaves,
We destroyed the world, broke our foreheads, crippled ourselves.
You must be strong, be independent,
Fight, otherwise, why should you be?
And the cost of phrases, what fools say,
Equal to zero when only the strength of the hand is important.
A day will be late
An hour later it will be late
In a moment the Earth will cover with fire.
If the keys do not fit the door
Then knock down the doors with your shoulder,
Mom, we are all seriously ill
Mom, I know we all went crazy.
A day will be late
An hour later it will be late
In a moment the Earth will cover with fire.
Mom, we are all seriously ill
Mom, I know we all went crazy.
A day will be late
An hour later it will be late
In a moment the Earth will cover with fire.
Mom, we are all seriously ill
Mom, I know we all went crazy,
Mom, we are all seriously ill
Mom, I know we all went crazy,
Everyone is seriously ill
Mom, I know we all went crazy.
Front Line
On television, this war will not be illuminated,
Although even gunpowder draws from the windows of buildings,
We just did not say that in the forty-fifth
The flag over the Reichstag became a red rag for the bull.
Today we are rags, and the golden calf is hooves
Backing up squeezes juice with loans.
We splash bile, humorous bitch
Request him for the prices to be lowered.
And we could consume and spend
Buying in debt as long as you have enough money to rent,
To show everything we do not have
That we are not the ones who are the ones we do not know
We are conquered from within, not from outside
Without the help of the weapon is much worse
And the nuclear charge is not needed in my country
It was looted, trampled, disassembled
Change morals, propagandize, lie
And here they look, broken from the inside,
They are blinded by shop windows, stoned
And if they are not killed, they are definitely wounded.
Who made it right that we shame and shame
What are our ideals are pinned to
And the ES Latin is crossed twice
Makes this world more choke
From time immemorial, people squeaked because of the good
Sincere, loving to destroy yourself
Shot forced time to run fast
Having built the pyramids from slave truths
The third eye is already among us, be vigilant
Do not miss the age of a person, do not be a spectator
Remember, worse bombs are propaganda
Take your brains, do not forget about the main thing.
One strip, a strip on the CD a year later
It is easy to throw a loved one when it is not before
Two strips on the test - it's a fly
In the ninth grade, this is an abortion
Three strips on the wrist is a scream for help
It will help, no, such as you do
Strips merge into one line
Bold, deep, long
The front line inside my country
Inside my city, inside such as you
Which side will I choose?
Or maybe I have a line
Vector from point A to point B
Transfer thoughts from me to you.
The time on the timer is twenty-five seventeen
The electorate's heads are supposed to blow up.
From time immemorial, people squeaked because of the good
Sincere, loving to destroy yourself
Shot forced time to run fast
Having built the pyramids from slave truths
The third eye is already among us, be vigilant
Do not miss the age of a person, do not be a spectator
Remember, worse bombs are propaganda
Take your brains, do not forget about the main thing.
She's Not Like Everybody Else
She doesn't smoke socially, she simply doesn't smoke.
Groupies who mingle with stars at the clubs and bars
envy her, and her clean sheets.
Every day they hate her more and more.
She doesn't take selfies on the beach or in her bedroom,
She doesn't stay in contact, isn't glued to Instagram,
and won't dance at all, to the latest songs.
Not that she doesn't care, she simply couldn't care less.
She's not like everybody else.
She's a (butterfly) flying to the moon in Spring.
She drinks tea, as (hot) as a dream, on the balcony.
She dreams of a son, upon a sapphire throne.
She's defiantly old-fashioned.
In her eyes, the universe's stars burn out in blazing (glory).
Her friends laugh at her, and family doesn't understand.
But, she'll wait for the one who can change everything. A man who's wiser than an (owl) and ('slower' than a snail) . Her heart told her that it's time to jump into the (unknown) ,
into another person's life, with her love, without rubbing it in your face. But for you, her joy seems like a sad story.
She is not like everybody else.
She's a (butterfly) flying to the moon in Spring,
She drinks tea, sweet as a dream, on the balcony.
And it is a shame the world doesn't understand at all.
She dreams of her son on a sapphire throne.
I was looking for Christ among crooked mirrors
Where the bark burns in the fires
Where the lips all silent about miracles
Where that star is a memory in the eyes
I didn't see God, didn't see his light
Although the road led there, and there was someone's footprint on it
Next to mine. Someone's feet were walking
Desert winds, and footprints like the way to me
It was painful. Staggering like I was drunk
Enough for me. Water? No, this is weed again
No strength to go and there is no way
There are only one footprints - are mine
My faith was fading and so far from home
- I was always there - like a growl of thunder
- And the footprints? You've left me there!
- It was me who carried you in my arms.
Come out and stand on the mountain before him
And there, in the open space, see
How gusts of wind blows out the lights
And how it angers the sea. It burns.
Raw earth under your bare feet
You need a voice, you need an answer
You'll hear him
When everything becomes calm and the dawn comes up
I didn't want, I promise, it comes out
His noddle became a cherry dumpling
Juice dripped to the floor, stained the sneakers
This is just my 90s
I'm lying on the bathroom floor
So nice that it’s already bad - it's weird
Slides on the eyelids I rolled my eyes
We're on the carousel with moms like kids
The ferris wheel carries to the clouds
For what you did, the lawyer can't defend you
Worms will eat us, devils will fry us,
But I was forgiven, I was given another chance
And I would be entirely wrong
If I wanted to not remember all these things
And didn't say who stopped the wheel
I was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ
Come out and stand on the mountain before him
And there, in the open space, see
How gusts of wind blows out the lights
And how it angers the sea. It burns.
Raw earth under your bare feet
You need a voice, you need an answer
You'll hear him
When everything becomes calm and the dawn comes up
The sunflower bowed its head, blazing sunset,
last whisper ' I will not forgive', the heat of burning homestead.
With the swing of the saber the milk of breast feeding mother
was mixed with the blood of baby, and the father.
This land is alive- bones, muscles, nerves,
the steel 'Tigers* and 'Panthers'1 took a chunk of her.
And those fields over the river still not plowed,
on them like a grass towards haven was risen grandpa Pavel.
The plant was bristling with the smokestacks, the peasant was grinding socket,
And suddenly on radio all-clear, signal- call Cthulhu.
Ivan burst with laughter-' be cursed the *marked one' 2
and choked on vodka, dehumanized, undone.
And after golden finger rings and rings made with blue tattoo
were dripping saliva and pawed the beautiful widow,
the eyes were blinded by rolexes, glitter of tooth crown,
but suddenly their matchmakers the grandchildren of Felix 3 send around
Life either beautiful, or in vain, or poor to some,
in short, everything in chocolate-
it's so good, you feel like vomit ...
By the way, what will happen next?
It's so good...
It's so good, you feel like vomit ...
Did you expect a better outcome?
Autumn is over, in the kitchen the flies are dead,
Bendigo walking through the forest- against the ground hit your head.
Like a Morse code, for us will blink the garland,
the first will freeze the most daring, the quickest one.
And how many times for you it should've been the end,
and you still do not die- what a good man.
And it seems that all the base was mowed down,
but silly woman giving and giving birth to a new one.
And if there is no war, we create the war for ourselves,
neither coast nor bottom, for the people- the country can go to hell.
And here again, either on prison bunk, or on the street lamp in the city,
the next passionary nullify morality.
And for the time being I'm simply a commentator,
but also someone's brother, husband, dad- commutator.
One day this chain on me will end,
and we we'll see each other through the breech-sight, my friend.
Life either beautiful, or in vain, or poor to some,
in short, everything in chocolate-
it's so good, you feel like vomit ...
By the way, what will happen next?
It's so good...
It's so good, you feel like vomit ...
Did you expect a better outcome?
They Killed Spiderman
Usual dead night in the Bronx
In the club they're playing a blues piece by the Stones
Shady individuals in the bar's balconi
Filled with whiskey and margaritas
All of a sudden, the door goes 'slam'!
The squinter/one-eyed man enters with news
It's a reliable whisper that
The cannons have gone 'bang'!
They killed Spiderman
No one knows who did it
Maybe someone from the bad part of town
Maybe the advertisers
They killed Spiderman
No one even knows why
He must have done wrong
To some coffee industry
At the police station
The chief says what's the big deal?
What has happened won't stop us
Crime won't win
But there's panic in the streets
No one leaves their house
No one wants trouble
And to all the appeals for calm on the TV
Who believes anymore?
They killed Spiderman
No one knows who did it
Maybe someone from the bad part of town
Maybe the advertisers
They killed Spiderman
No one even knows why
He must had done wrong
To some coffee industry
Down in the streets gangs can be seen
Made up of stressed accountants in double breasted suits
If I don't sell you out, you'll sell me out
For a few bucks or maybe more
The faces of Vogue are legends to us
Too-beautiful actors are out only heroes
But him
Yes, he was a star
But he won't come back
They killed Spiderman
No one knows who did it
Maybe someone from the bad part of town
Maybe the advertisers
They killed Spiderman
No one even knows why
He must have done wrong
To some coffee industry
They killed Spiderman
No one knows who did it
Maybe someone from the bad part of town
Maybe the advertisers
They killed Spiderman
No one even knows why
He must have done wrong
To some coffee industry
You left
You were the one who knew all of my scars when I was with you
You memorize with your hands, every wound and its location
You left and the nostalgic love has stopped you
From falsely loving another heart with lies
When you left, no tears have dropped from my eyes
I assured my folks you’d come back to me as I was irreplaceable
In my understanding of love, your apology is hard to accept
I’m you soul, I’m your heart, I’m your everything
It differs between leaving me while your heart still belongs to me
Or to be with me but with no feelings at all
Even if you left, apologies don’t do me any good
You’re the one at fault and you lost your chance
When you left, no tears have dropped from my eyes
I assured my folks you’d come back to me as I was irreplaceable
In my understanding of love, your apology is hard to accept
I’m you soul, I’m your heart, I’m your everything
I Am
With you I could pick up fragments of dreams
Despite the pain and sadness of my heart
We can make the future
glow brighter
If we try now,
we can forever remember our love.
It's simpler than you think,
but even if you wanted to you wouldn't be able to say it
Everything I always hid
in my pockets is making me suffer.
I wish I could tell you how I feel
They tell me time heals all wounds,
but I doubt it's the truth.
24 hours thinking about you
dependant on my watch
always believing in you
and your words which make me suffer
Incapable of keeping it still,
time passes
We should dedicate
some time to just remember
If we don't accept everything ended
when we miss it it'll just hurt
It costs so much to accept it
I'll lose you with pain and struggle
If renouncing all these dreams
means I can stay at your side
then it's time to start anew
But our love will be hard to forget
Like the shadow of a bird
that flies through the blue skies
we'll walk
together always towards freedom
Our eyes can contemplate
the light of better days
Our hearts will always remember
this grand love
24 hours thinking about you
dependant on my watch
always believing in you
and your words which make me suffer
Incapable of keeping it still,
time passes
We should dedicate
some time to just remember
With you I could pick up fragments of dreams
Despite the pain and sadness of my heart
We can make the future
glow brighter
If we try now,
we can forever remember our love.
Ping Pong
One (man) you throw, one (man) you catch
You play each day with both loves
Ping pong
One you send away, one you send back
Your hand a racket, hearts above the net
Ping pong
They returned one night
From enemies, allies
The game just started for you
You won the first set
In four others you were penalized
Go play now Ping pong, Ping pong
You wanted players in two roles
You took the role of the ball
Go play now Ping pong, Ping pong
OK, I get beaten(?). Continue, only get beaten(?)
You don't give me your mark(?) because I sleep with pain needlessly
I remember that night(?) when you [mrrive skejën?]
I should have let go of the thread because I got involved in her quarrels
She wants with begging me with sliding, take hers (???)
I don't like the faithlessness, your quarrels, nor Versailles(?)
Come now devour me? because I have no one to blame
Your teachings(?) are killing me, something the rackets aren't doing
You want it with begging? but my Pumas (shoes) aren't driving?
In the end [ki me hup ama t’lutna mos kaj?]
I am here to here to beg, don't stick me in a glacier
On the sure road looking out for the police
Don't speak softly and don't become angry
Take it easy because there are only two serves left
You wanted to play the game with two knives? here I come
I shot with my heart and you returned it with bombshells?
You won the first set
In four others you were penalized
Go play now Ping pong, Ping pong
You wanted players in two roles
You took the role of the ball
Go play now Ping pong, Ping pong
She no longer eats, she no longer drinks
She begs them to forgive her, to forgive her
She wanted two and now she has no one
The game she started, she does not know to stop, to stop
You held them in your hands like dolls 'King Kong'
Your heart in their hands 'Ping pong'
You won the first battle
Now get ready for the real war
Lady Bond played a double game
[Ma e krista?], she is not satisfied until [krisma?] is known?
until [krisma?] is known?
Marinka, listen, dear Marinka ...
Marinka, listen, dear Marinka,
You, the most near to me and my better half, -
If however torn apart, then - one to hundred -
A second won't achieve that.
Marinka, listen, dear Marinka,
You are lovely like a picture of a kid
Who will now answer - what will be then?
You, only you, you can - and nodody else!
Marinka, listen, dear Marinka,
Far away like a fairy-tale from Meterlinka
You are my blue bird afar, -
Only it's a pity - they found her in the paradise!
Marinka, listen, dear Marinka,
Mysterious like the dwelling of the Inka,
Come with me! Let's go somewhere, -
I don't mind where to, but we'll find it.
The poet - and the word don't get older -
It's said: 'Russia, Leta, Lorelei', -
Russia - you and Leta, where the dreams are
But there is no Lorelei. You - that is you.
Hug me tight
It’s the first time I feel this feeling
The first time I feel that I’m simply in love
Without any care to the world around me or to what the people say
Hug me tight, let’s forget about this land
Forget about the people, all the people, and only think about each other
Take me away and don’t leave me, my heart is lonely
Take me and go, let’s go, wherever you want to go
Steal me and leave, steal me from my family, my friends
Take me from everyone’s eyes
Be along side me, when I’m near you my youth is getting brighter
I never feel enough with you, I’m never bored
Мy dear friend Larissa, I’d like to tell the truth,
You are like bright bisectrix, dividing world by two.
Some days are with you, darling, but others are alone,
And then I think of something quite different at all
Larissa wants romance – she says to me,
Larissa wants to Thailand trip.
To have a rest we can with money bills.
For love the talent need.
To have a rest we can with money bills.
For love the talent need.
You are like skillful actress on the stage of life
You feel sometimes a boredom to play a silly part.
The boredom is like grayness of cold autumn rain,
It is like fuss and care when days look like one day.
Larissa wants romance – she says to me,
Larissa wants to USA trip.
To have a rest we can with money bills.
For love the soul need.
To have a rest we can with money bills.
For love the soul need.
Мy dear friend Larissa, I’d like to tell the truth,
You are like bright bisectrix, dividing world by two.
So let appear flowers of joy and happy life
In your half of my being when you come in to mine.
Larissa wants romance – she says to me.
Larissa wants to Paris trip.
To have a rest we can with money bills.
For love all life is need.
To have a rest we can with money bills.
For love all life is need.
Grief? Don't Bother!
Never mind, I'll obey till the end of time,
For no one can escape from the fate.
And who needs listless fate? That would be a crime.
Eh, there's no love, but you'll live either way.
Eh, grief? Don't bother!
For I gather
I must scoop out sea of life.
Heart, be quiet...
Higher, higher
Silver cups of sweet red wine!
Let the tireless guitar sing without shame,
Let the string after string weep and knell.
My brain's stupefied, your drunken eyes're to blame,
And your tune and your laughter's dark spell.
Eh, grief? Don't bother!
For I gather
I must scoop out sea of life.
Heart, be quiet...
Higher, higher
Silver cups of sweet red wine!
Heart, be quiet...
Higher, higher
Silver cups of sweet red wine!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
You’re confident
And you’re confident that you know everything about love
More than anything any lover that has loved and will come to love ever knew
And you’re confident that you know everything about love
More than anything any lover that has loved and will come to love ever knew
And you believe you understand me and understand me better than I do myself
You tell me you know what I want and me myself I don’t know myself
And you believe you understand me and understand me better than I do myself
You tell me you know what I want and me myself I don’t know myself
An innocent demon
Your eyes so full of wonder
I have followed what my fate has been telling
Your heart an innocent warrior
And I was looking for you
There's a task for you
Without your heart, you have become a demon
My dearest one
In order to hide fear inside you
And your deep thoughts
What I can see is not you
Let your mask drop down
(Boy)friend, you don't exist.
You don't call me because I don't pick up.
You don't visit me because I don't ask you to come.
I've always refused to learn your address.
(Girl)friend, you don't matter,
you don't have an opinion, I don't know what you like.
Whenever I run into you it's always a hold-up, and I find it hard to do sober.
Where is it that it's going to be? Who is it that's going to be there?
I don't even know what to wear.
I'm not in the mood to make myself over.
Because, (boy)friend, I don't know what's going on, but it's like this.
I very much like my house and myself.
My mess, my filth, my way of getting things done.
(Girl)friend, do you know what that is, to love yourself?
But the night comes,
makes me shut up.
Everyone is out there
and I am without anyone.
And once again, (boy)friend,
I want to talk to you, no, sorry
I want to hear you.
And now I miss what is tackiest in you,
and the joy of knowing that it's losing myself in you.
It's always late, friend,
that I see that what I love in you is what I hate in me.
if i translate poorly i can just hope that encourages someone to tell me better!
The world es mi familia
Señoras y señores,
Buenas tardes, buenas noches
I want to tell you the power
Of songs' language
Just speaking in a song
Gives me so much cheerfulness
Each note, a word
In people's heart
Plunking my guitar,
This world es mi familia
Each sound spread in the air,
And the world es mi familia
Each note a w...
The heart is sad because of the unkindness,
Inside my heart, sorrow is hiding,
The abode of the heart is collapsed for you,
Why the way of the world is like this,
Ameneh*, your eyes are my cup of wine,
Ameneh, your frown is my pain and agony,
My life has been set on fire because of you,
Your love has not left my heart,
Ameneh, my heart beats for you,
Ameneh, do not be huffed, because my heart will be broken,
My life has been set on fire because of you,
Your love has not left my heart,
The heart is charmed by your secret,
Because of its need for you,
Your coquetry has stolen my senses,
Heigh to your coquetry,
Ameneh, your name is my trouble and disaster,
Ameneh, without you, the heart is the trouble of my life,
My life has been set on fire because of you,
Your love has not left my heart.
Thank you do much!*
I am a female but I'd like to play the part of a man
One day is enough for me to understand your mind
I am a mantis but you understood 'lover'
And if you give me your back it's not that convenient
I'm a mantis, I'm not like you
I do not pretend to be tough if than I have to do it all by myself
If I were a man I could understand your sighs
But I'm a female and for you I just have to su...
And shut up for a moment, if you want I'll take care of it
I do not know why but you just can not say 'Goodbye'
Like every mantis I know what I have to do
First I charm you and then I can eat you
I give up...
You are so free that: 'Next please!'
From today, who is here is here, I am getting undress at nine
I want to be your widow ... mantis
You are the good and I am the treacherous ... mantis
I am a female, praying mantis
Without sin I can not be your bride
And not just men like to always do that
But for you that hole in the cement is ok too
A man has his woman, he wants at least a thousand more
The woman has three thousand men around but she wants the most stupid
As a true man you want your space but who knows why
Of so many spaces you really want to be inside me
And shut up for a moment! With you I become a monster
Then you complain that you preferred me before... and no!
My eyes are up here, I say it, you're an asshole
It is not an offence but an added value
You are harmless ...
You want to be the dragon and you're afraid of the fire
From today, who is here is here, I am getting undress at nine
I want to make your widow ... mantis
You are the good and I am the treacherous ... mantis
Far from light years, there is no solution here
If I were a man I would die of performance anxiety
While you touch me you already feel like the ideal male
I only just think self-fertilization!
I give up...
You are so free that: 'Next please!'
From today, who is here is here, I am getting undress at nine
I want to make your widow ... mantis
You are the good and I am the treacherous ... mantis
in two it is love in three is a party
it has been four years that i love you
And I have never told you about Zeman
So you forgot that we play
With the ball and not with the chain
it has been ten seasons that i love you
And one more that I have remained without you
you said 'do not act like a real man'
if we are together there must be a cliche
Pereperepere pe pe
Pereperepere pe pe
And there are those who leave, there are those who remain
Pe pereperepere pe pe
Pereperepere pe pe
In two it is love, in three it is a party
i have dreamed about you for 13 days
if i was american you would bring bad luck
But too many weapons at the supermarket,
Too many customs checks
For someone who blows his mind on the moon
but you don't know how beautiful was that dream
Of a world with a clean mess
Without sellers and priests, debt collectors and exegetes
or idiots convinced that they have understood
the formula of intercourse
the monster behind the success
the 7 small differences between bad and good
but all those who really do things
nobody who explains them
more songs, less pain in the ass
Pereperepere pe pe
Pereperepere pe pe
And there are those who are crazy, there are those who are healthy
Pereperepere pe pe
Pereperepere pe pe
i love you but you are vegan*
Pe pereperepere pe pe
Pereperepere pere pe pe
and there are those who are red ,there are those who are green
Pe pereperepere pe pe
Pereperepere pere pe pe
In life I have always rooted for those who lose
Tell me again
Versions: #5
--- 1 ---
Tell me again that you love me
In a hug take me to the stars
I give my sweet passion for a kiss
And the ice in the hearts will break.
--- R ---
Let's make the night seem endless
And the day to get us embraced
May the day find us in a hug
and may this night never end
--- 2 ---
Look at me again with warm eyes
Is enough to steal my heart
With one sigh you can give me life
Let's make a celebration from love.
--- R ---
Let's make the night seem endless
And the day to get us embraced
May the day find us in a hug
and may this night never end