Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 18

Találatok száma: 757



Verze 1:Dua Lipa
Beléd esni, baby
Amikor veled vagyok, az még az elektormossághoz sem hasonlítható
ooh , baby
A lelkemet is feladom érted
És most belátom
[Pre-Chorus: Dua Lipa]
Éreztesd velem, nagyon erős érzés ez
Tudom , hogy élvezted.
Szóval engedd, hogy aggódhassak érted
Máshogy foglak szeretni
Adok neked elektromosságot
Majd én megadom neked
[Chorus: Dua Lipa]
És ha én lennék az
Nem változtatnálak meg
és nem állítanám meg a világot számodra
Tudod hogy , hogy azt akarom, hogy hagyd, és sosem ereszt majd el az érzés
A szerelemben nincs plafon, ezt nem tudom megcáfolni
ha én lennék az
Nem változtatnálak meg
és nem állítanám meg a világot számodra
Tudod hogy , hogy azt akarom, hogy hagyd, és sosem ereszt majd el az érzés
A szerelemben nincs plafon, ezt nem tudom megcáfolni
[Verse 2: Dua Lipa]
Az utóbbi időben mindenben téged látlak
Mintha az álmomból ébrednék, az álmomban.
Élénken látom az arcod
Nem tudom hogy mit csinálok
Ha bennem látod az egyetlen barátodat
Keserédes lennék
[Pre-Chorus: Dua Lipa]
Éreztesd velem, nagyon erős érzés ez
Tudom , hogy élvezted.
Szóval engedd, hogy aggódhassak érted
Máshogy foglak szeretni
Adok neked elektromosságot
Majd én megadom neked
[Chorus: Dua Lipa]
És ha én lennék az
Nem változtatnálak meg
és nem állítanám meg a világot számodra
Tudod hogy , hogy azt akarom, hogy hagyd, és sosem ereszt majd el az érzés
A szerelemben nincs plafon, ezt nem tudom megcáfolni
ha én lennék az
Nem változtatnálak meg
és nem állítanám meg a világot számodra
Tudod hogy , hogy azt akarom, hogy hagyd, és sosem ereszt majd el az érzés
A szerelemben nincs plafon, ezt nem tudom megcáfolni
[Bridge: Dua Lipa]
Érzem az elektromosságot,baby
olyan elektromos,baby
Tudni akarja, Tudni akarja
Szerintem kész vagyok,baby
Szerintem most kész vagyok
Elektormosság, beléd esni..
Érzem az elektormosságot,baby,
olyabn elektromos,baby
Tudni akarja, Tudni akarja
Szerintem kész vagyok,baby
Szerintem most kész vagyok
Elektormosság, beléd esni..
[Chorus: Dua Lipa]
És ha én lennék az
Nem változtatnálak meg
és nem állítanám meg a világot számodra
Tudod hogy , hogy azt akarom, hogy hagyd, és sosem ereszt majd el az érzés
A szerelemben nincs plafon, ezt nem tudom megcáfolni
ha én lennék az
Nem változtatnálak meg
és nem állítanám meg a világot számodra
Tudod hogy , hogy azt akarom, hogy hagyd, és sosem ereszt majd el az érzés
A szerelemben nincs plafon, ezt nem tudom megcáfolni
[Outro: Dua Lipa]
Érzem az elektromosságot,baby
olyan elektromos,baby
Tudni akarja, Tudni akarja
Szerintem kész vagyok,baby
Szerintem most kész vagyok
Érzem az elektromosságot,baby
olyan elektromos,baby
Tudni akarja, Tudni akarja
Szerintem kész vagyok,baby
Szerintem most kész vagyok

Nem szeretlek többé

Nem szeretlek többé
Már jó ideje így van, ebben biztos vagyok
Elhagytál engem egy másik lányért
Itt hagytál engem egy letört világban
Ott hagytál engem az utcán fekve
Ott hagytál megfagyni
A testem porrá vált
Nem tudtam kijutni a lyukból
Magányos voltam, teljesen egyedül
Amikor a telefonom csörgött, nem voltam ott
Amikor a szüleim hívtak, csak ültem, és bámultam
Reméltem, hogy az életem, melyet átverhetek
Leveszi rólam az arcát ennek a magányos világnak
Engedd, hogy beleforduljak és beleforduljak a szeretetedbe, a szeretetedbe, a szeretetedbe
Rég volt már
És nem szeretlek többé
Nem szeretlek többé
Elsétáltál tőlem
Hirtelen, és szabad lettél
Bolond voltam
Többet adtam, hogy rendben tartsam a dolgokat
De ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómnál
Ez az, amit kértem volna
Nem szeretlek többé
Nem szeretlek többé, nem szeretlek többé
Elhagytál, itt hagytál egy kalitkában
A védelmem csak a düh volt
Nem szeretlek többé
Nem szeretlek többé
Ha felbukkantál volna, ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómban
(Nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek)
Ha felbukkantál volna, ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómban
(Nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek)
Ha felbukkantál volna, ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómban
(Nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek)
Ha felbukkantál volna, ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómban
(Nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek)

Nem vagyunk egyedül

Ez a vágy, hogy megváltoztassam a valóságot,
hogy érezzem, még élek
És meg fogok keresni mindent, ami olyan, mint én
Akiknek van még több álmuk van...több álmuk
Egy könyvben, amit még soha senki sem olvasott,
olvasom az élet utasításait,
még ha tudom is, hogy majd őket fogom követni,
Azt teszem, amit érzek...
A távolságon túl, nem vagyunk egyedül
ugyanannak az emberiségnek a fiai
Lelkek utazva, keresve az igazikat,
a bátorság nem hiányzik
Túljut bármilyen ideológia határain
az érzelem, amely egyesül egy nagyszerű ötletben
Van egy másik létező világ
És azt keresem, és én is azt akarom, és én is, mint te
A fehéren hagyott oldalakon
Adjunk helyet minden álmunknak
Eros: a jövőt soha senki nem fogja ellopni
a kezeink közül...
A távolságon túl, nem vagyunk egyedül
ugyanannak az emberiségnek a fiai
Zavart lelkek, bebörtönzött szívek
ugyanazzal a gondolattal a szabadságról...szabadságról
A távolságon túl, nem vagyunk egyedül
A bizonytalanság nem fog minket megállítani
Túljut a határokon, a földrajzot nem ismeri az érzelem, ami egyesül egy nagy ötletben
A távolságon túl, nem vagyunk egyedül, mindig keresve az igazságot
Utazó lelkek, bebörtönzött szívek, a szabadságnak ugyanazon gondolatával
Van egy másik létező világ, és azt keresem veled
Én is veled
És te velem

After The Dream

Listen, Sweet Mary,
Restore, I beg, my pleasantness.
Ah! Yes, be the guiding star of my path,
To come with you, sweet will be death for me.
Listen, Hail Mary,
His sorrow, his sad accents, let him hear the mercy of your heart.
To you who is blessed among women, Mary,
My prayer flies, pure it rises to you.
Listen, Saint Mary,
Restore, I pray, my calmness.
Let all souls who cry take refuge in her arms.
Ah! Break, Mary, the trap that prevents you.
Listen, Sweet Mary,
His sorrow, his sad accents, let him hear the mercy of your heart.


Mondtam neked valami biztonságosat
Valamit, amit sosem mondtam még azelőtt
És én, én, én, nem tudom levenni rólad a kezemet
Míg te ébren fekszel
Beterítve az egész tegnap estével
Szárnyalok, szárnyalok, szárnyalok, sosem kapott még meg senki úgy, mint te
Csak magamnak akarlak téged
Ne hagyj el senkiért sem
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy angyal sem tud visszacsábítani
És ahol vagyok, az forróbb, mint a pokol
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy óda a fiúhoz, akit szeretek
Fiú, meghalok azért, hogy gondoskodjak rólad
Az enyém, enyém, enyém vagy, mondd, kinek tartozom ezért
És ahogy telnek a napok
Többek leszünk, mint átvészelők
És idővel, idővel, idővel, építeni fogunk egy otthont kettőnknek
Csak magamnak akarlak téged
Ne hagyj el senkiért sem
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy angyal sem tud visszacsábítani
És ahol vagyok, az forróbb, mint a pokol
Veled egy állat vagyok
Minden rendben van a mezőn
Mikor a párom mellett fekszem
Bébi, te vagy az
Bébi, te vagy az
Csak odaút, mint egy nyíl
Minden kiterítve, mint egy tarot pakli
Bébi, te vagy az
Bébi, te vagy az
Csak magamnak akarlak téged
Ne hagyj el senkiért sem
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy angyal sem tud visszacsábítani
És ahol vagyok, az forróbb, mint a pokol
Veled egy állat vagyok
Veled egy állat vagyok

Scars remain

I thought you were joking
When you told that, man
Somebody must've put a curse on us
I thought it was crap
Just a story
Old wives chatter
The cry of the weaklings
Now already 37 days I'm here alone
I cant forgive everything
That you hurt(me) and that you don't fight for us
I don't know what would be right
Pain can be swallowed
But the scars remain
There are many memories
Paths that we walked together
I want to go off to somewhere
Where there is no us
Hundred kilometers an hour
On a narrow gravel road
Nobody forces(me) to do anything
Nobody waits ahead
Now already 37 days, I'm here alone
I cant forgive everything
That you hurt(me) and that you don't fight for us
I don't know what would be right
Pain can be swallowed
But the scars remain

Picking Betel Nuts

Bunches of betel nuts at the top of tall trees
Who will climb up first, who will taste them first?
Who will climb up first, who will I pack them for?
Young man gathers betel nuts
Young girl holds the basket and looks up
I lower my head and think about it again
He is both beautiful and strong
Who could be greater than him?
I hurry back and call to my man
High wooded mountains, long running stream
The sun is already setting
That returning bird is singing
Telling me to hurry up and go home

The [Proper] Time for This Will Come

Versions: #2
He knows me for two days only
And he already wants to take a walk
And insists on his [proposition]
Not tomorrow, but today
And in the park, in the shade of the trees
He’d like to kiss me
Slow down, boy, don’t hurry
The [proper] time for this will come
The time will come, the time will come
For the walks in a summer night
But first come into [my] house
Talk with me about the future
Bring me flowers once
Twice, thrice
And the bon-bons too, sometimes
It should suffice you
That we spend time together
Before the dusk comes with its melody
He’d like again to embrace me with [his] arm
The [proper] time for this will come
The time will come, the time will come
For the walks in a summer night
But first make sure, my love
That you appeal to my mom
Drop by me once
Twice, thrice
Have a chat with [my] father about anything you want
Don’t shake your head impatiently
That’s the order of things
He brings bouquets every day
There are no words for mom
He kisses me in the most sweet manner
So I ask him again
After how many [days]
The wedding will realize our dreams
And he replied with a smile:
The [proper] time for this will come
The time will come, the time will come
For spending the life together
But first be careful
I must get to know your character
I must check once
Twice, thrice
If you really love me
If you cook the way I like
If you’ll find the time for everything
So undergo the test of fire
And forego the thoughts about an imminent wedding
The [proper] time for this will come
The time will come, the time will come
For the shine of the golden rings
But first convince me
That you’ll care for me afterwards
I must check once,
Twice, thrice
If you really love me
Don’t shake your head impatiently
That’s the order of things
How awfully he torments me
He knows me after all, he’s surely aware [that I love him]

Last cigarette

1.The night comes, the fog falls
but i will wait, i will wait.
My soul search trace,
i expect favourite woman.
The taxi stops close to me.
Why aren't you into him?
Chorus: (2x)
I burn cigarette, last cigarette.
I burn with her, our love.
2.Cigarette smoke, poisonous smoke.
My tears will hide now,
cloudy sadness in my breasts.
It will shrink by memories.
Why did i broke the flower away for you
and i throw them in the ash?
Chorus: (2x) x (2x)
I burn cigarette, last cigarette.
I burn with her, our love.

I don't give a damn

Rolling in my bed until hitting the wall, I hear you with my back
You're leaving as I expected
You're collecting memories that say 'Not all was bad'
You put them in your bag worrying
If you go, I wish you happiness
If you feel like returning, do it anytime
Let me at least cool down a little
And go while I pretend to be asleep
Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah
Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah
Holding a bourbon bottle I stand near the window late at night
I can see you wandering
For some reason, saying goodbye feels so boring
So I bid you farewell with a soft 'Bye'
It's not that I enjoyed bothering you
It's just that I was embarassed to say that it was love
Even if it's night, I'm gonna play a loud record
I'll have fun until the morning with my one man show
Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah
Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah
Even if it's night, I'm gonna play a loud record
I'll have fun until the morning with my one man show
Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah
Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Nothing would happen to you
Don't say that to me
These tears I'll keep on shedding
are coming from you
Love made us tired, it was hard
I think it's enough, my heart is tired
Has swallowed the pain, held the fire
Would it end if it'd suffer for a century
I've become I've become I've become
I've become a dervish I've become
I've burn I've burn
I'm not myself, I'm died down

A láz aj aj

Honnan tudnád
Mert ott voltam
Jah az a szar megy
Készülve jöttem
Lassú gurulásra raktam
A várakozás lassan nő
Deviált válaszfal fújó lyuk
Cukor rúd ko ko
Aj, Aj, add a dro-t az utamba
Vagy nincs út, huszonnégy most 25-8
Azt hittem tudtad
Öngyilkos sáv
Baszd meg
Megfogom a csomagom, mi a nevem
A blokk körül voltam
Szlengel a lógó szemétláda
Fizess poros barlangba
Nem veszünk börtöntöltelékeket
Nincs menekvés mosó agy horog
Semmi amit mondok
Aj, Aj, tudod mit mondok
Megvannak a gyémántok, karcol
Oldalazni, elvesztegetem az életem
Változtatott állapotban azok
Megvannak a gyémántok, karcol
Oldalazni, elvesztegetem az életem
Változtatott állapotban azok
Megvan a láz
Kivégzést permetezni boszorkány köröm vág rajtuk keresztül
Vág rajtuk keresztül
Alagutak elvesztenek
Minden kapcsolatot mindennel amit csinálok
Ááá, tömeges zavarodottság
Nem tudom megcsinálni...

I've been crazy about you

My heart is burning as I'm lovin' you, like a candle, what about you?
I've been your butterfly*
Lovin' you made me the crazy now I am, like a bewildered, what about you?
I've been crazy about you
Verse 1 (Perviz)
I've been your myth like a vibrant guy,
I've been crazy about you
Mecnun & kerem** have been crazy too,
Have been myths
My heart is burning as I'm lovin' you, like a candle, what about you?
I've been your butterfly*
Lovin' you made me the crazy now I am, like a bewildered, what about you?
I've been crazy about you
Verse 2 (Turkan)
First you had been my companiont,
Had been mine
And l've been your homemate like a companion,
I've been crazy about you
My heart is burning as I'm lovin' you, like a candle, what about you?
I've been your butterfly*
Lovin' you made me the crazy now I am, like a bewildered, what about you?
I've been crazy about you

A peasant's creed

The vast expanses, the skies, peaks and plains,
the sun spreading warm daylight,
green fir trees covering the mountain
are all Your work, O divine Maker!
As a lowly mortal facing the sublime work,
as the sun goes down on the horizon,
my voice raises from the abyss
towards You, towards You, God almighty.
I believe in You, O Master of Nature,
who sows life and fertility all around.
God Almighty who created man,
I trust in Your greatness, in Your kindness.
When the time is right, I throw by the handful
In the furrows dug by the plough
the clean wheat that will grow thick stalks :
ears are soon to come out of this seed.
And should hail or storm fall
upon my harvest like a plague,
I won't turn my back to heavens,
but raise my head and beseech the Most High.

Mysterious Mystery

Mysterious mystery, life is good to me. I calculated all.
Mysterious mystery, life is good to me. I calculated all.
It is so very special...It is so very beautiful...I never looked back.
But when you pass by in front of me in pain, I couldn't escape.
But when you go far away, I couln't stay behind.
There was no opportunity, I am out of time to grow a little bit more.
I couldn't rule the roast, my voice was not enough to anyone when I was little.
Once you told me 'You will understand when you grow up', I wonder if I couldn't grow up yet?
You know the times we played games at the park, I guess I am still at that park.
Mysterious mystery... Mysterious mystery... Did you find what you looked for?
Mysterious mystery... Mysterious mystery.. Did you scared at far away?
Mysterious mystery... Mysterious mystery..
Believe me, I tried to come after you. But far away is far.
I ran, I got tired. I thought about walking. I was going to be late anyway.
But when you pass by in front of me in pain, I couldn't escape.
But when you go far away, I couln't stay behind.
Mysterious mystery... Mysterious mystery... Did you find what you looked for?
Mysterious mystery... Mysterious mystery.. Did you scared at far away?
Mysterious mystery... Mysterious mystery..
Once you told me 'You will understand when you grow up', I wonder if I couldn't grow up yet?
You know the times we played games at the park, I guess I am still at that park.


1.Is it a sinful to dream strangers?
Is it a sinful to flirting with them at dream at least?
Is it a sinful to take me off the stacks of stars
and my leg to take me off in me on their dreams.
Chorus: (2x)
It is a sin, it is a sin
and should i be scared?
It is a sin, it is a sin
to transgression with one of them?
2.It is a sinful to found the real man?
It is a sinful to fall in love with him suddenly?
It is a sinful my body to burn in the passion
about we can't stay in captivity at love?
Chorus: (2x) x (4x)
It is a sin, it is a sin
and should i be scared?
It is a sin, it is a sin
to transgression with one of them?

I think about you

When I wake up and at every moment
When I search and I don't find you
Every time I regret
When the wind brings your voice
I think of you, I think of you
When I'm calm
When I'm asleep
Every time I drink wine
And even I have no reason
If I'm fine
Or I'm hurt
I think of you, I think of you
I think about you
Because I don't find the answers
I would like you to know
Everytime that
I think about you
I think about you
Because since you miss me
They left me so many nights
So much love to deliver
I think about you
Because to this story
I would like to give another end
I think about you
Because even though I'm going to the end of the world
You always go in my luggage
And you show up over there
And to be honest
Sometimes because I can
And because I feel that way
I think about you
Sometimes I think about you, many times without thinking
Although I confess you that I like to think
That you also think of me, my love
I think about you
Because since you miss me
They left me so many nights
So much love to deliver
I think about you
Because to this story
I would like to give another end
I think about you
Because even though I'm going to the end of the world
You always go in my luggage
And you show up over there
And to be honest
Sometimes because I can
And because I feel that way
I think about you x3

Anantham Silks Diwali Ad

0:06 - 0:08 - First song, then you get laddu
0:09 - 0:10 - So for a laddu, a song ah?
0:11 - 0:12 - No, a song for a laddu.
0:21 - 0:30 - Beautiful cloth, is there any flower equal to this cloth in the city?
0:31 - 0:35 - Diwali celebration with new, new dresses with Anantham silks
0:36 - 0:40 - Diwali celebration with colourful dresses with Anantham silks
0:42 - 0:46 - With beautiful dresses, dance, sing and enjoy
0:47 - 0:53 - With beautiful dresses, happy Diwali celebration, Anantham silks, Ramanathapuram, Kumbakonam, Thanjavur

My endless love

How can I go back?
Shake off my bane?
I would run to him at once,
Derek could be with me here.
He is my endless love,
remains in my heart.
And I dream of being with him here,
in my lovely fantasies.
My endless love that remains in my soul.
When I close my eyes, I still see her.
As sure as the sun penetrating the dark every day.
Every night I look for our constellation.
My endless love!
My endless love!
My desire of the long past dreams!
My desire of the long past dreams!
Derek and Odette:
In my heart there's still the most splendid throne for you.
My endless love!
My faithful oath!
When the warmth of my palm desires to warm your hand.
My endless love!
The greatest love of all!
You still are my longed-for love.

A Chat With Happiness

Happiness out of the blue
Knocked upon my door
Are you joking? Happiness?
Why now and what is this for?
Rain and snow, bitter tears
A budget that's stretched too thin...
All these years, all these years
Where the heck you’ve been?
All of a sudden, the creaking of the door
Announced to me what I was living for
Long daunting years, heated arguments with Fate,
And now YOU arrive so fashionably late...
Freezing my gut and swimming across the stream
Had not lowered my self-esteem!
Subjecting myself to the high and the low extremes -
All that for this ultimate dream!
You had come, you came true
Just like that - unspoken
I was cursed without you
But now the spell is broken
Those who wait upon the Lord
Will walk and will not faint
And receive and afford
The wings with no restraint!
E.T. (Eva Trussell) aka Vesper Lynd

Aren't we

You are for me
You are everything to me
Now I am suffering, I don't know how to call it
I lost myself after you
I lost myself after you alive
I faded, I didn't protect my heart
I loved you just the way you were (aaa)
I didn't change you (aaa)
I still loved you (aaa)
I don't have tears anymore, I wiped them today
At night how do you sleep
I don't know how you sleep
I don't know where you are
Why aren't we together anymore
Why aren't we
Do you have the other one
My heart feels it
Why aren't we together anymore
Why aren't we together anymore
Tell me do you have another one
Where are you hiding her
Do you have another one
My heart feels it
Where are we
We aren't anymore
You killed my heart, you're a murderer
You didn't feel
You didn't mean any word
You only lied with the words you said
I loved you just the way you were(aaa)
I didn't change you(aaa)
I still loved you (aaa)
I don't have tears anymore ,I wiped them today
At night how do you sleep
I don't know how do you sleep
I don't know where you are
Why aren't we together anymore
Why aren't we

Bowsette - JamFiction #1

Who is the BEST WAIFU ? It's BOWSER !
Who is the BEST WAIFU ? It's BOWSER !
Without even spitting fire, I put the Web in heat
Suitors are queueing up, I'm the Queen of Hearts
More desirable than Peach, more borderline than a nun
Born from the strip of an inspired twitter user,
I've blown up with japanese artists
I've raised an army of perverts,
obsessed with Maid Dragon and Monster Musume
On DeviantArt and Pixiv, every day is crazy
A ball of princesses that's driving you nuts
Boosette, Chompette, Pirahnette Plant,
Goombette, Bloopette and Bullet Bilette
Chorus: (x2)
I'm done being a kidnapper
I'm a huge hit now with plumbers
In the Kingdom I used to spread terror
Now I stalk you on Twitter
Rule 63: For any given character
There will be an opposit-gender counterpart of them
My poor Jr. is lost in this mess
Have I always been a princess deep inside ?
My army is growing, but back already among the furries
No need a crown for them to find me sexy
I already have the Super Crown of September memes
You hear me Bongo Cat ? No one's listening to you anymore !
I've been around for two weeks, don't forget me already
Keep believing in me and my reign will last
The internet trends fade out so fast
But will you forget your princess in her dungeon already ?
I'll never get the Nintendo Official seal
But if you make me grow, I'll light up the sky !
Chorus (x2)
Gather yourselves, my followers
For my new reign of terror !
In the Kingdom I used to spread terror
Now I stalk you on Twitter
In the Kingdom I used to spread terror
Now I stalk you on Twitter

God of the Autumn

Rains of the autumn washed the streets
I walked through the fog in searching of you
Day after day, night after night
With the winds of the autumn - lost the hope
Between the falling leaves searched the eyes
Believing didn't stayed, I want to be the God
Between the falling leaves searched the eyes
Believing didn't stayed, I want to be the God
That like the God - in infinity of persons I would exist
Throughout the world would wander at one time.
That would in every bus to drive
That would in every crowd to explore
When to the swimming boat of the autumn dream you would ascend
In the grey, dreary stop.

Habit of you

Versions: #2
Habit of You
Darling, you make my mouth water
Putting on costumes, taking our clothes off
Wet with sweat of how much we kiss
of all the crazy things we imagine
We make love by telepathy
On the ground, in the sea on the moon
In the melody
Habit of you, of how much we kiss
of all the crazy things we imagine
Nothing better than doing nothing
Just to lay down and roll with you
Nothing better than doing nothing
Just to lay down and roll with you
Darling, you make my mouth water
Putting on costumes, taking our clothes off
Wet with sweat of how much we kiss
of all the crazy things we imagine
We make love by telepathy
On the ground, in the sea on the moon
In the melody
Habit of you, of how much we kiss
of all the crazy things we imagine
Nothing better than doing nothing
Just to lay down and roll with you
Nothing better than doing nothing
Just to lay down and roll with you
Darling, you make my mouth water
Roll roll roll roll with you
Roll roll roll roll with you


The blowing wind becomes faint
My blackened burnt lips are becoming frozen together
When a sadness that makes me unable to speak approaches
The invisible pain pierces through me in the dark
My sky inside of me that I can’t love anymore
Even if I hope that you stay a little longer if I beg
Because I can’t just leave like this even though I try to find my scattered pieces
I must not be able to, because my light is becoming clouded
My sky inside of me that makes me unable to love you anymore
Even if I hope that you stay a little longer if I beg
Even though I want to one of your memories forever
You’re forgetting now
Your breath that is steadily getting further away to a place I cannot reach
In the end you make my soul that has left for heaven cry

Take care of me

I'm walking alone,
hope no longer protects me,
and in this maze
the edge of the abyss is only a gap away,
but please, take care of me,
for another half century!
I'm not brave,
when life is a battlefield,
but in this battle
only you can be a refuge.
I'm sorry, but I regret
that I buried it deep.
I'm sorry, but I see it,
and so I no longer lose it again.
Please, take care of me,
for another half century!
And if I'm afraid, take care of me,
if the world consumes (me/you, the hungarian is the same for both)!
I don't know, where tomorrow is.
I can't know the password of the years.
I don't know that our clock
Will go through how many revolutions,
But here's a minute, please take it,
so I'll never be alone again!

I miss that time

Cold wind blows like today
I remember the you on the lonely days
You that I loved so much is not with me any more
So we're moving apart
I couldn't keep you
My heart is not moving
After you left me
I miss myself who loved you and felt happy with you
I miss myself who struggled with loving you
When I walk along like today, I look back days I was indifferent
Those indifferent wind and lights on the stress are nostalgia
I don't remember you in my arms
Even though I close my eyes and try to remember out memories,
Now the memories are dim
: our memories.
I miss myself who loved you and felt happy with you
I miss myself who struggled with loving you
Will my heart pounding if we encounter each other after a while?
Will I forget you
As you look for love
How could I forget
I was happy I loved you
I miss you
It was painful and painful
I miss you
I miss you
It was painful and painful
I miss you

Salvadoro Dali

Necrophilic lights illuminates
Those hands, which is touching you
As moon cold tongue
Hey, by the maidens are crossbreeded piscies.
Demented look's voyages
Never dreamed dreams
Where everyone will find their bones
To Salvadoro Dali Dream of Venus.
Salvadoro Dali, Dream of Venus, Dream of Venus
Salvadoro Dali, Dream of Venus, Dream of Venus
Salvadoro Dali, Dream of Venus, Dream of Venus
Salvadoro Dali, Dream of Venus, Dream of Venus
Unseen costume of Venus
Untasted bitterness of lips
Closed in the sink moans
And everywhere the wolfs, not the humans.
While the coast of the dreams still far
You just only thinking it, not dreaming
If Dali wants to stay in the mountains
Let's succumb to the friendship of devil.

There is life

Look into my eyes
There isn't anything to hide
I will never be ready as you want
All this rain is burning my soul
Give me another day I won't stop
We'll do together this trip
Everything makes sense and belongs to us
There is life, you know, again
Love is renewed
We'll restart together
There isn't just only one direction
for us
for us
I feel warm sun
and if you will be my energy
I won't stop
We'll do together this trip
Everything makes sense and belongs to us
There is life, you know, again
Love is renewed
We will build it together
There isn't just only one direction
If you have a dream and it doesn't end
or everything is true
ours is a bet
between two fires which come together
I'd swear that another life in two is possible
There is life, you know, again
Love is renewed
We'll restart together
There isn't just only one direction
for us
There is life
There is life
There is life

Under the whipping of the sun

Under the whipping of the sun
Summer is bleeding
While the afternoon punishes
The sadness of the ranches.
Lying under the cebil
The human is a thin dog
That carries bones above
Through a path of vultures.
Look at the smoke, sir
That the people blow off their side
Like the coal furnace
Their fire is covered up.
At the shore of the Salí
The moon sleeps early
Because at the cane nights
Bitter dreams are sharpened.
Moon of popular demonstration
With the ingenuities closed
In the trapiches of the soul
Tucumán becomes a guarapo.

Dreams, dreams, scatter and leave

O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
Ask my eyelid a question
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
In this world, who is a relative to me, when
there is someone related split up and changes the way
In this world, who is a relative to me, when
there is someone related split up and changes the way
Due to love, I forgot my senses, I forgot myself
I suffer by losing my thinking and forgetting my way
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
Even if life is gone, the love that does not leave
Even if the time separates us, the sadness which does not disappear
Even if life is gone, the love that does not leave
Even if the time separates us, the sadness which does not disappear
Is it a plan which is written by fate? who knows?
I don't have vision in spite of having eyes, where will I go?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
O dreams, O dreams, scatter and leave away
Ask my eyelid a question
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?
why did you forget me?

Eternal Friendship

These stars are flickering overhead, entire night sky is full of colors,
colors of moments we sit next to each other.
Best friends, see each other as brothers,
sit and talk all night long on the doorstep
the doorstep of numerous happy and sad memories....
Smile on the lips (everytime), meeting and chatting (everytime), remains in us so much joys......un-unforgettable
One day we're apart (remember!) Memories fade away (remember!)
Realize that we need each other whenever happy or sad...
You are my best friend ever in all over the world.
You and my way, you and my way, you and me are always here.
You are my best friend ever in all over the world
Since long time ago, long ago. Let's wish our friendship will last forever.
These stars are flickering overhead, entire night sky is full of colors,
colors of moments we sit next to each other.
Best friends, see each other as brothers,
sit and talk all night long on the doorstep
the doorstep of numerous happy and sad memories....
Smile on the lips (everytime), meeting and chatting (everytime), remains in us so much joys......un-unforgettable
One day we're apart (remember!) Memories fade away (remember!)
Realize that we need each other whenever happy or sad...
You are my best friend ever in all over the world.
You and my way, you and my way, you and me are always here.
You are my best friend ever in all over the world
Since long time ago, long ago. Let's wish our friendship will last forever.
Friendship forever. Friendship forever. Best friend forever love.
Friendship forever. Friendship forever. Best friend forever love.
Friendship forever. Friendship forever. Best friend forever love.