A keresés eredménye oldal 8
Találatok száma: 547
Ha űrhajós lennék
A levegőben lebegnék
És egy törött szív
Valaki másé lenne ott lent
Én lennék a közepe
A magányos univerzumomnak
De csak egy ember vagyok
És a föld felé zuhanok
Ha űrhajós lennék
Madártávlatból figyelnék
A világ körül keringenék
És mindig visszatérnék hozzád
A lebegő kastélyomban
A csillagok megsimítanák a vállam
De csak egy ember vagyok
És a sötétben sodródok
Fent vagyok az űrben, ember!
Fent az űrben, ember!
Átkutattam az univerzumot
Lementem pár fekete lyukba
Nincs semmi csak űr, ember!
És haza akarok menni
Ha űrhajós lennék
A műholdakkal beszélnék
A navigációs rendszereim
Más élet után kutatnának
De ott lennék én, és csak arra gondolnék
Amit hátra hagytam
Mert csak egy ember vagyok
A való világgal a fejemben
Fent vagyok az űrben, ember!
Fent az űrben, ember!
Átkutattam az univerzumot
Lementem pár fekete lyukba
Nincs semmi csak űr, ember!
És haza akarok menni
A gravitáció folyton lehúz
De amíg te a földön vagy, én is lent maradok
Lent maradok, lent maradok
Fent vagyok az űrben, ember!
Fent az űrben, ember!
Átkutattam az univerzumot
Lementem pár fekete lyukba
Nincs semmi csak űr, ember!
Oh, a rossz helyen vagyok, ember!
Semmi csak, semmi csak, semmi csak űr, ember!
Semmi csak, semmi csak, semmi csak űr, ember!
Átkutattam az univerzumot
Lementem pár fekete lyukba
Nincs semmi csak űr, ember...
És haza akarok menni
Bukott angyal
Versions: #1
Késő este hallom a sírást
Hallok mindent, miközben próbálok elaludni
Amikor a téged körülvevő szeretet haldoklik
Hogy maradsz ilyen erős?
Hogy titkoltad el mindezt idáig?
Hogyan vehetném el a fájdalmad?
Hogyan menthetnék meg
Egy bukott angyalt a sötétben
Sosem hittem volna, hogy ilyen mélyre zuhansz
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Bukott angyal
Mindent az én érdekemben teszel
Elhiteted velem, hogy rendbe jövök
Mégis, annyi kérdésem van
Hogy maradsz ilyen erős?
Hogy titkoltad el mindezt idáig?
Hogyan vehetném el a fájdalmad?
Hogyan menthetnék meg
Egy bukott angyalt a sötétben
Sosem hittem volna, hogy ilyen mélyre zuhansz
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Bukott angyal, nyugodtan lélegezz fel
Nem kell egyedül lenned
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Végig melletted voltam
Mikor ismét megjártad a poklot oda-vissza
Végig melletted voltam
Mikor ismét megjártad a poklot oda-vissza
És nem, nem tudtam megmenteni egy bukott angyalt
Egy bukott angyalt a sötétben
Sosem hittem volna, hogy ilyen mélyre zuhansz
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Bukott angyal, nyugodtan lélegezz fel
Nem kell egyedül lenned
Bukott angyal, hunyd be szemed
Ma este nem hagylak lezuhanni
Bukott angyal
Csodás kegyelmed
Csodás kegyelmed éneklem,
mely megmenti lelkemet,
bűnös voltam én és elveszett,
sötétben eltévelyedett.
A szívem nagy félelemmel telt,
de félelmem már elszállt:
mily drága volt az a nagy váltság,
mely ma itt énrám szállt.
Rablánc lehullt:
szabaddá lettem,
mert Krisztus úr
s király lett bennem,
és irgalma
oly áradó,
mint nagy folyó,
oly tisztító.
Az Úr hűséges énhozzám,
Benne reménykedem,
osztályrészem és pajzsom ő nekem,
míg tart az életem.
A föld elporlad, mint a hó,
s a nap sem ragyog már,
de az Úr, ki szólt: Jöjj, én szolgám! -
örökre enyém már,
örökre enyém már,
örökre enyém már.
Rablánc lehullt:
szabaddá lettem,
mert Krisztus úr
s király lett bennem,
és irgalma
oly áradó,
mint nagy folyó,
oly tisztító.
Rablánc lehullt:
szabaddá lettem,
mert Krisztus úr
s király lett bennem,
és irgalma
oly áradó,
mint nagy folyó,
oly tisztító.
Verseny a tengerig
Szabadon tartjuk a királyságot
Ahogy a Főherceg meghal a harci kürt megszólal
Az életünk soha nem lesz ugyanolyan
Egy fegyver csövén át nézzük a világot
Most, hogy a háború elérkezett és a csata elkezdődött
Kétségbeestünk és a
A harcidobokhoz indulunk amíg el nem készülnek
Vezesd az utat, követni fogunk a harcba, tartani fogjuk a frontot, nem fogunk eltévedni
A királyért és az Országért elárasztjuk a folyót
A Yser-i állásunk lesz a cél a tengerig tartó versenyben
Belgium utólsó része szabad, egy ezüst fogaskerék a háborús gépezetben, 1914 októbere
Amint az ellenség elvonul elindulunk északra
Semmit sem fogunk hagyni nekik
A szabadságnak ára van amit Belgium fiai fizetnek még
Elvehetik városaink meghódíthatják földjeinket
Megvédjük nemzetünket és a koronát
Igényt tartunk függetlenségünkre fegyvereinkel
A dicsőséghez vagy az ítéletnaphoz vezető útról semmiért nem térünk le
A királyért és az Országért elárasztjuk a folyót
A Yser-i állásunk lesz a cél a tengerig tartó versenyben
Belgium utólsó része szabad, egy ezüst fogaskerék a háborús gépezetben, 1914 októbere
Nézd a királyt és a katonát
Egymás mellett harcolnak
Nézd a királyt és a katonát
Egymás mellett harcolnak
Felülmúlta parancsnokait
Elfoglalta az utólsó állást Flanders-ben
Nézd a királyunk és a katonát
Egymás mellett harcolnak
Hogy Belgium utólsó része szabad maradjon
A dicsőséghez vagy az ítéletnaphoz vezető útról semmiért nem térünk le
A királyért és az Országért elárasztjuk a folyót
A Yser-i állásunk lesz a cél a tengerig tartó versenyben
Belgium utólsó része szabad, egy ezüst fogaskerék a háborús gépezetben, 1914 októbere
A királyért és az Országért elárasztjuk a folyót
A Yser-i állásunk lesz a cél a tengerig tartó versenyben
Szabadok vagyunk
A királyért és az Országért
Elárasztjuk a folyót
Országunk már nem veszt el semmit, a frontot mindenáron meg kell tartani
Goodbye, Mum
Goodbye, mum, but I’ll be back.
Goodbye, mum, don’t look at me this way.
It’s not true what people tell you sometimes.
I’ll be back one day like a bird returning to its nest.
Goodbye, mum, I will write.
I will never forget your words.
In the buzz of the city I’ll hear your calling,
In the buzz of the city, night after night, day after day.
When will I come back? Today I really don’t know yet.
I’ll be searching for my own way, for my chances.
The sound of the wind will bring my name to you.
Sunshine will warm you up with my happiness.
Goodbye, mum, time doesn’t wait.
Goodbye, mum, it’s already dawning.
Maybe somewhere far away I’ll find my own star,
But nobody can ever replace you.
Ode IV.viii
The snow dissolved, no more is seen
A folyó
Ó, jó Uram
Ragadd meg ezt a lelket
Fektess a folyó mélyére
Az ördög eljött, hogy hazavezessen
Fektess a mélybe
A folyó mélyére
Ó, jó Uram
Ragadd meg ezt a kezet
Ments meg az akasztástól
Halld hát a hírét
Viseld el jóságomat
Fektess az árnyak közé
Eljő a gonosz, ha a nevemen szólítasz
A rossz, támadjon hát fel
A folyó homokja majd tisztára mos
A folyó nem szárad ki
Ó, jó Uram
Halld meg bánatom
Vér folyik a völgyben
Szabadíts meg az aggodalomtól
Az ördög keze lesújt rám
Zsigerelj ki a síromig
A folyó zúgása majd átsegít
A folyó, amit megmenthet
Ó, jó Uram, ragadd meg ezt a lelket
Fektess a folyó mélyére
Az ördög eljött, hogy hazavezessen
Fektess a mélybe
A folyó -
Ó, jó Uram, ragadd meg ezt a lelket
Fektess a folyó mélyére
Ó, jó Uram, ragadd meg ezt a lelket
Fektess a folyó mélyére
Ó, jó Uram, ragadd meg ezt a lelket
Fektess a folyó mélyére
Az ördög eljött, hogy hazavezessen
Fektess a mélybe
Ó, jó Uram, ragadd meg ezt a lelket
Fektess a folyó mélyére
Az ördög eljött, hogy hazavezessen
Fektess a mélybe
A folyó mélyére
Ó, jó Uram, ragadd meg ezt a lelket
Fektess a folyó mélyére
A folyó mélyére
Az ördög eljött, hogy hazavezessen
Fektess a mélybe
A folyó mélyére
Love is a dramatic thing
It shakes the heavens and earth
Look at all the relationships that have been forged through conflict
See how exciting they are!
Love is a dramatic thing
It shakes the heavens and earth
Look at all the relationships that have been forged through conflict
See how exciting they are!
L'amour, l'amour (love, love)
L'amour, l'amour (love, love)
Have some courage, have some courage
Only then can you hope to win in love
Without courage, without courage
I urge you to save your energy and give up
Everyone wants to marry a hero
How can you love a good-for-nothing?
You should think about yourself
Can you satisfy people?
Satisfying people is easy,
You just need courage
You want to be a hero
You still have time to do so
If you still don't work hard
No woman is going to love you
Satisfying people is easy,
You just need courage
You want to be a hero
You still have time to do so
If you still don't work hard
No woman is going to love you
Keep Your Fridge Full
You like it when your day peppers you with ashes
I like having my day ended by trashmen
By their noise
Yeah, by their noise
You like it when your day peppers you with ashes
And the soul sits unfolded on the plate, giving off labour-camp vibes
I carry myself, my slave, self-nigger
Stop slumping, and stop carrying that stuff around
Stop slumping
Each seeks their own
A place to hammer themselves in
Each seeks their own
I’m not dark, I’m soft and wearing a nice sweater
I’m a thrift shop for all my families
I keep my fridge full
No longer communicating with the neighbors, contemplating
I keep my fridge full
Stop slumping, and stop carrying that stuff around
Stop slumping
Each seeks their own
A place to hammer themselves in
Each seeks their own
They're lying to you, love
I need your like the air I breathe
Drunk again, I'm writing you messages
And then I delete them, but it's too late
I'm hurting again the night after
I spit on my pride feed into the vanity
I regret it, but it's too late
Like a king without his crown
I swear on ever moment without you
Everyone wants me, just not you
Like adding salt to the wound
When I see you smiling
Passing by me with him
They're lying to you, my love, they're lying to you, my dear
They're all just bad wine, but loneliness doesn't choose
They're lying to you, my love, all these years
It's too late now to tell you 'I love you'
I fell again, and I'd give my soul
To pay my sins and turn back time
Just to be yours, but it's too late
You're entering into my dreams like a chill to the bone
My lips move to say 'sorry'
And 'stay', but it's too late
Like a king without his crown
I swear on ever moment without you
Everyone wants me, just not you
Like adding salt to the wound
When I see you smiling
Passing by me with him
They're lying to you, my love, they're lying to you, my dear
They're all just bad wine, but loneliness doesn't choose
They're lying to you, my love, all these years
It's too late now to tell you 'I love you'
They're lying to you, my love, they're lying to you, my dear
They're all just bad wine, but loneliness doesn't choose
They're lying to you, my love, all these years
It's too late now to tell you 'I love you'
It's too late now to tell you 'I love you'
Your eyes, oh Leno
Versions: #1
Your eyes, oh Leno , are as Edessa cherries
Give them to me, so that I eat them!
Desire, oh Leno, my desire to pass
Love, my love, love to come out
Your face, oh Leno, is as а Florina bun
Give it to me, so that I eat it!
Desire, oh Leno, my desire to pass
Love, my love, love to come out
Your mouth, oh Leno, is as a Kastoria jewel box
Give it to me, so that I open it!
Desire, oh Leno, my desire to pass
Love, my love, love to come out
Your body, oh Leno, is so thin and tall
Give it to me, so that I embrace it!
Desire, oh Leno, my desire to pass
Love, my love, love to come out
The Merchant of Zafra
To my father, Don Alejo
And to my mother, doña Juana
And for the pleasure of godparents
They call me Leonarda
I have reached 15 years
With a gift from my house
They arranged to marry me
With a Zafra merchant
And I have answered them
That they do not treat me at all
That I am very small and girl
Very small and girl
And I have my eyes on
And given to my soul
In the most bizarre waiter
What walks the Watchtower
The merchant who knew
He left Zafra one night
To kill my love
According to the intention he wore
And I, as a wounded lioness
And I, as a brave lioness
I put on a men's dress
I walked out the false door
With my light horse
That ran that flew
I circled the city
And I couldn't find anything
At last I came to find him
At the door of my house
I gave him a shot in the chest
That he gave his soul to God
From there I went to Badajoz
Without recognizing advantage
And I took 14 English
That they were enraptured of me
That they see me so brave
By captain they named me
The regiment is walking
That walks to Zafra
I have requested accommodation
To stay in my house
Spending a day eating
The landlady looked at me
What are you looking at me, boss
What are you looking at my face?
What do you want to look at you
That I look him in the face?
Those two beautiful eyes
They are from my daughter Leonarda
Raise my mother
Lift up the beloved mother
Tell me, don Alonso
Don Alonso, where to stop?
Don Alonso got into
Preacher in La Mata
Seven years I served the King
Seven without being in the field
Seven I have to get into a nun
To the Santa Clara convent
The regiment is walking
They walk to take her
To put her in a convent
Between shots and discharges
The regiment is walking
They walk to take her
To put her in a convent
Between shots and discharges
Xinxërfile, xinxërfile
O what beauty you have on your head
The rainbow thrown on your shoulders
O you lip flower, how you have broken me!
O how the place got filled with ginger
Like the chirps in the woods
The one who awoke my songs
Like a shoot-up above her [girl] friends [she] went
O how the place got filled with ginger
Like the chirps in the woods
The one who awoke my songs
Like a shoot-up above her [girl] friends went
The forelocks on the adorned forehead
The boreas** blows them [when you're] in the field
The braids embroidered like the [corn] cob
Have you dyed them in the moon?
The forelocks on the adorned forehead
You boreas blows them [when you're] in the field
The braids embroidered like the [corn] cob
Have you dyed them in the moon?
Ah, I was listening when you started singing
the song*** [together] with your [girl] friends
On those sweet summer nights
No, the song didn't suit you without me
Ah, I was listening when you started singing
the song*** [together] with your [girl] friends
On those sweet summer nights
The song didn't suit you without me
Xinxërfile, xinxërfile
Xinxërfile, xinxërfile
Since carnations and roses
Since carnations and roses
have lived in the same garden,
hatred, jealousy and spite
have never ended.
If you, rose, be a rose,
run away from the carnation, run away!
When I was a rose
I was lost to a carnation.
Years, how to detain you
Day, here's another day flew by
The leaf on the birch turned completely yellow,
The night covers my house with darkness
And until the morning announces the end.
Years, why are you flying so fast,
Years, take your time, wait a little,
Years, I know that I won't get any younger,
But at least tell me how to detain you.
Life, another year has flown by
Life, here I am one year older,
Life, sometimes we forget the bad
Life, we remember the good only with you.
Years, I ask you, you tell me,
Years, well, where are you, where are you flying,
Years, I know that I won't get any younger,
Years, tell us, at least, how to detain you.
Life, there is nothing, life, I blame you for,
Life, I do not regret anything, not at all,
Life, and when you're done running
Life, I will say - Thank you.
Life, you left me more than once
Life returned, keeping love,
Life, so keep your speed running
I can't keep up with you forever.
Years, I ask you, you tell me
Years, well, where are you, where are you flying,
Years, I know that I won't get any younger,
Years, tell us, at least, how to detain you.
Two warring gestapos lived in the center of Drohobycz,
The first had his own Loew, the second had his own Schulz.
Loew ran a workshop in the town and he named himself a dentist,
At night the brothel was there, where the first Gestapo visited.
Whereas Bruno Schulz painted, he liked poems and discussions,
Another Gestapo had him, that was just interpersonal relations.
On the bad nights, on the bad nights, he made his girls available to the Loew leaderships.
In a sea of tears, in a sea of tears, Bruno Schulz abstracted Petrarca for the SS.
It was an introduction, it concerned a live that always somehow flies
And allows you not to spot the death.
It was an introduction, it concerned a live that always somehow flies
And allows you not to spot the death.
There was a message from Truskawiec that supposedly something had started,
And in the nearby Drohobycz they fenced the ghetto.
And soon two peepers disputed a little again
And the other one, the one from Schulz slaughtered Loew in a day's work.
When the first one found out that they had killed Loew him,
Soon he caught up Schulz in the city and shot him off the other another.
And now, and now,
Schulz dances like in the world's best ballet.
This noise, a gong in the theater, some blackness and my father's eyesight and maybe a horse ...
And now, and now Schulz dances like in the world's best ballet...
The old-time theater, the old days, the old loss,
In the times of war, each carries its own weight.
After all, art is more important than biography.
Coincidence? But still...
If your benefactor has an enemy
And destroy his favorite...
Check if it's not time to start to packing up
And and looking for your place.
Check if it's not time to start to packing up
And and looking for new place.
Like Bruno Schulz in those years,
Like Bruno Schulz, even if it would be only that another world,
Still on the way to be, to live with a suitcase...
Like Bruno Schulz in those years,
Like Bruno Schulz, even if it would be only that another world,
Still on the way to be, to live with a suitcase...
Like Bruno Schulz in those years,
Like Bruno Schulz, even if it would be only that another world,
Still on the way to be, to live with a suitcase...
Heart of a person
Let's go home now, we did all work to do today.
Let's go home , it's getting tired now.
Let's go home, getting hungry
Let's go home, I am very exhausted.
How come every step to home
every step feels heavy
but let's go home
Heart of a person is so difficult, difficult
But tonight just sleep well, sleep well
let's sleep, it's too late
just sleep, today was also long
just sleep, there is no more power to think
just sleep, tomorrow will be long
How come every time I blink inside blanket
every time I blink
sleepiness is shaking off, but let's just sleep
Heart of a person is so difficult, difficult
But tonight, let's just sleep, sleep well
Heart of a person is so difficult, difficult
But tonight, let's just sleep, sleep well
Chasing Love
You always walk on the edge of my view
May you lead me
Sometimes it's dangerous
It's a close call, you just keep wandering around
Getting used to it from behind
Like a sunset, I set my heart on fire
I'm drunk by the scent of the wind, it drives me crazy
I'm a fool in love
Where are you headed, Only You
only you only you on my mind
You're the only one I have, Only you
only you only you in my eyes
If I hear you breathing heavily
I can run to you and hug you
My body follows, chasing you
You drift away again, you're so complicated
because of you
My heart is ahead of myself
It's not close
so complicated
so complicated
I'll always look at you the same way
You can't see it
But I'll always protect you, I'm behide you
I hope you're on a good path
If you hear my heavy breathing
Could you turn around for once?
My body follows, chasing you
You drift away again, you're so complicated
because of you
My heart is ahead of myself
It's not close
so complicated
so complicated
so complicated
If I turn the other way around
And I see you at the end of a long road
I'll walk all the way toward you
I won't stop, I can't stop
My body follows, chasing you
You drift away again, you're so complicated
because of you
My heart is ahead of myself
It's not close
so complicated
so complicated
(Keep runnin around
won’t you make up your mind)
so complicated
so complicated
so complicated
Peonies from Kosovo
The peony of Millis walked into my dream
Smelling it, it seems like a painful return to the room where I was born
My room was silent, no one was there
Only the scent of the roses!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I am it!
It came into my dreams, when it was born in front of the house
Now only peonies guard the home!
There is only one flower left that can smell
Millis nurtured it and kept it from turning white!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They're part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!
*Polo Boy Shawty on the track, so i'm killin it!*
Don't even think about playing with me, you'll definitely lose
I leave, run away, since I'm only playing with you like a PSP
I click on the X, I click on the O, and then after - on the triangle
You call me again
Don't even think about playing with me, you'll definitely lose
I leave, run away, since I'm only playing with you like a PSP
I click on the X, I click on the O, and then after - on the triangle
You call me again
Don't play with me baby, I'm not a PSP
I know that we'll oversleep today
Lightning won't become a star, you're not that cool
But I'm hitting on the stars, I'm replacing them
Huh? Wait? My Ramona Flowers
I'm your Pilgrim (ey!)
I beat all of your exes
Then why am I still alone? (ha!)
On me is Vetma today (ya!)
Fuck all your brands (ya!)
I remember I dressed you in Gosha (wow!)
Bought the entirety of Express (ya!)
Who are our opponents? (ey!)
They're just a bunch of girls (ya!)
And I can tell you (ya!)
I beat all of them
Don't even think about playing with me, you'll definitely lose
I leave, run away, since I'm only playing with you like a PSP
I click on the X, I click on the O, and then after - on the triangle
You call me again
Don't even think about playing with me, you'll definitely lose
I leave, run away, since I'm only playing with you like a PSP
I click on the X, I click on the O, and then after - on the triangle
You call me again
A blue face
We can run, we can more
Time will not reach us here
The blue dreams - the screen doesn't lie
It's better than the real world
Finally I have you
You're so beautifully shy
I know only you
Do you feel that way too, do you feel better?
You are like a night moth
You barely know me
It doesn't hurt at all
We can't sleep
You ask and you got it
I fall down in the moutains
I look for the colours of our stars
I can have them - they're all blue
Remember us well
Is is already daylight?
The of the plot
Look for me in the same dreams