A keresés eredménye oldal 17
Találatok száma: 1082
Ma éjjel a háztetőn, mi vagyunk sziluett a horizonton
Hullócsillagokat gyűjtünk, kívánságokkal telik a csupor
Minden szív teljesen ébren, magányosan
Arról álmodik, hogy hol lehetünk
Fuss olyan gyorsan
Hogy a szél se érjen a nyomunkba!
A sarkunkban van
Lemegy a nap
Mikor fiatal vagy
Semmi sem tart örökké mert
Nem kapsz többet
Csak egy esélyt, hogy
Kitörj és hátrányból nyerj
Az egész végig egy verseny volt az idővel
Az idő nem vár, mi elmegyünk
S valahol megtaláljuk a végtelent
Megtaláljuk a végtelent
Szíveket törünk össze szórakozásból
Bármit megteszünk, hogy veszélyesnek érezhessük magunkat
Bármerre járunk, a múltunk árnyékai maradnak utánunk
Nem halunk meg fiatalon, de két végéről égetjük a gyertyát
Fuss olyan gyorsan
Hogy a szél se érjen a nyomunkba!
A sarkunkban van
Lemegy a nap
Mikor fiatal vagy
Semmi sem tart örökké mert
Nem kapsz többet
Csak egy esélyt, hogy
Kitörj és hátrányból nyerj
Az egész végig egy verseny volt az idővel
Az idő nem vár, mi elmegyünk
S valahol megtaláljuk a végtelent
Megtaláljuk a végtelent
A végtelent
Törj ki és hátrányból nyerj!
Az egész végig egy verseny volt az idővel
Az idő nem vár, mi elmegyünk
S valahol megtaláljuk a végtelent
Törj ki és hátrányból nyerj!
Az egész végig egy verseny volt az idővel
Az idő nem vár, mi elmegyünk
S valahol megtaláljuk a végtelent
S valahol megtaláljuk a végtelent
Megtaláljuk a végtelent
What you're gonna do to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me
Tell me what you're gonna go to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me
The purple walls vibrate, labyrinths of words, dripping saliva
It comes down here, on your back
My hands are origami of a black panther, morphine
The alcoholic sedative runs, it melts between our lips
Slowly, slowly, slowly
Bare skin, brush against me, consume all the beats of my racing heart
If I feel like my head is empty
Your shadow tattooed on my body discovers me, it explores me
The atomic sedative flows, it melts between our lips
Slowly, slowly, slowly
What you're gonna do to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me
It's s-starting it's s-starting it's s-starting to
It's s-starting it's s-starting it's s-starting to
It's s-starting it's s-starting it's s-starting to
It's s-starting it's s-starting it's s-starting to please me, but what will you—
Untangle my veins if they pulse at 200 BPM
Curl up the flow of time 'cause the night is short
Your mouth on mine, effortless and contorted choreography
The erotic sedative flows, it melts between our lips
Slowly, slowly, slowly
Stitch me onto your goosebumps, shivers travel down the neck, collapse
Revive my heart, your mouth on mine, a grapefruit and raspberry anesthesia
(Listen to how this fizzes)
Dream of me until the moment everything finishes
Dream of me until the moment the night ends
What you're gonna do to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me
Tell me what you're gonna go to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me what you're gonna do to me, tell me
It's s-starting it's s-starting it's s-starting to
It's s-starting it's s-starting it's s-starting to
It's s-starting it's s-starting it's s-starting to
It's s-starting it's s-starting it's s-starting to please me, but what are you gonna do to me?
The pleasure is starting but what are you gonna do to me?
It's giving me pleasure but what are you—
You're sending me into orbit, reverie
I wanna hear what you're gonna do to me
Man, who are you, where do you
come from? Do you know?
Where are you going, what is your fate?
Can you figure it out?
For what purpose were you conceived?
Why did you come on this Earth?
What do you live for?
What mission do you fulfill?
You are great and you are tiny,
You are everything and you are nothing,
You are bad, but you are also so good,
You are wise and you are also so crazy.
You spend your whole life
Tired in non sense fighting,
In troubles, doing hard work,
To gather, to gather treasures…
And finally, your time is up,
You leave this Earth, poor like you came.
And hence the deep mystery of life …
Life is just a dream …
Antifascist Basque Country
I'm not from here and
I don't have a 'Basque' last name
Nor fertile blood,
as someone once said
But I happily learned
the language here
and I am immersed
in Basque society
Because my colors
and my origins
have no importance
in this land
Uoioioi, uaiaiai,
An anti-racist Basque Country
Uoioioi, uaiaiai,
Antifascist ska
I proudly wear
my Afro-Basque identity
and I understand
the Basque tribes' unity
But for all the oppressed
peoples of the world
there is a different reality
and the same fight
So let's start a worldwide* revolution
To completely destroy
banks and capital
You people from this world
stole everything
and now you will
give us life back
In the Third World
It’s impossible to live
Since you’ve drowned us
we don't even have any air
So we're going to your house
to take a breath
in order to come back to a new world
This is life, it shows no mercy
Struggle day and night
It's all in vain even if you cry about it.
This is life, it shows no mercy.
The game isn't being fair.
Fate is not smiling at us.
This is life, it shows no mercy.
Pain, sorrow and stuff come and go.
You stand up and sometimes you fall back down.
One day you climb down, you climb up the next.
It has no end, the race won't be over.
This is life, it shows no mercy.
This is life, it shows no mercy.
Pain, sorrow and stuff come and go.
You stand up and sometimes you fall back down.
One day you climb down, you climb up the next.
It has no end, the race won't be over.
This is life, it shows no mercy.
This is life, it shows no mercy.
This is life, it shows no mercy to you.
Versions: #1
I’ve been willing to talk to you
Do you know that Zeca has died?
Due to fights that he has had with the law
I know that you don’t care about the fact
Of being a mulatto, capoeira kid
Lost im the world dying of love
I’m the one who speaks on behalf of that one
Who bears a standard in the catwalk
And is named after a flower in the slum
I just beg you to take care
Things aren’t good for you
This way you will kill Rosinha with pain
In the blood there is healing, in the blood of Jesus
In the blood there is shelter, in the blood of Jesus
He dispelled the darkness, He, the light that became flesh
In sorrow and distress He remains with you at all times
In the blood there is loyalty, in the blood of Jesus
In the blood there is shelter, in the blood of Jesus
In the blood there is healing, in the blood of Jesus
Death became a morsel of victory the devil is ashamed today
All the bonds of the grave have been broken the Trinity is victorious today
In the blood there is endurance, in the blood of Jesus
In the blood there is shelter, in the blood of Jesus
In the blood there is healing, in the blood of Jesus
In the blood there is shelter, in the blood of Jesus
In Jesus' blood there is loyalty
In Jesus' blood there is endurance
In Jesus' blood there is healing
In Jesus' blood
The lonely Moon
In this star evening
Nobody is, only my guitar and me
To play about sad it's easier
When the Moon shines in the sky
I'm kinda lost my speech
The strings sing instead of me
Music can heal
But there are exceptions
I would sing about happy
But the string whispers to me sad
There are a lot of stars in the sky
But the Moon is so lonely
I would sing about happy
But the string whispers to me sad
There are a lot of stars in the sky
But the Moon is so lonely
Do fly in!
Again a night has come
And it broke into my window
Without any knock
With the black-white fire
It's my thrill!
A thrill, when to spite for all troubles
My sleepy guitar
Sings me before bedtime
I know, this feeling is known for you
When suddenly emptiness became in your soul
In sadness, art origins
Do know
Play, guitar, play!
I would sing about happy
But the string whispers to me sad
There are a lot of stars in the sky
But the Moon is so lonely
I would sing about happy
But the string whispers to me sad
There are a lot of stars in the sky
But the Moon is so lonely, so lonely the Moon
Veled a fejemben
Folyamatosan visszatartod
Tartod magad a folyamatossághoz
Nem engeded magad többet elvenni de azért csak csak szívsz
Nyilvánvaló, hogy zavart vagy
Csak szövetséget akarsz
Hallod tőlük, amit láttál
Hallod tőlük, amit láttál
Hallod tőlük, amit láttál
Hallod tőlük, amit láttál
Ó, szentelt, szentelt víz önti el a lelket
Összeszeded az összes embert, akit szeretsz, hogy énekeljenek neked
Akkor is ha dúdolásnál többre nem hajlandók
Ragaszkodsz egy dalhoz, hogy meglásd őket
Mikor igazán rosszul, rosszul, rosszul vagy a szerelemtől
Lelépsz a szívükkel
Hogy magadban formáld őket
Akkor is ha ők maradnak a futásnál
Megtartod a lelküket a hitben
Amíg kell, kell, kell neked a szerelem
Mikor elbuktál a férfiak jöttek keresni
Kővé válva, ahogy te sírtál az eséstől
Mikor elbuktál a férfiak jöttek keresni
Nyelveken szólva, mindannyian megkaptuk a hívást
Menj, vársz, hogy megöleld a zátonyt, gyűlölöd a gondolatot, tűrhetően vagy
Olyan sötétnektűnsz a síráshoz
Ó, mi készen állunk, édes
Megvan minden képességem
Minden szerelmünket magadnak adtad
Minden, amit tanítottál nekem, édes
Sosem számított igazán, tényleg
Ez mind a szerelmünk érted
Veled a fejemben
Veled a fejemben
Veled a fejemben
Mikor elbuktál a férfiak jöttek keresni
Kővé válva, ahogy te sírtál az eséstől
Mikor elbuktál a férfiak jöttek keresni
Nyelveken szólva, mindannyian megkaptuk a hívást
Ó, mi készen állunk, édes
Megvan minden képességem
Minden szerelmünket magadnak adtad
Minden, amit tanítottál nekem, édes
Sosem számított igazán, tényleg
Ez mind a szerelmünk érted
Remélem, hogy készen állok, édes
Megvan minden képességem
Minden szerelmünket magadnak adtad
Minden, amit tanítottál nekem, édes
Sosem számított igazán, tényleg
Ez mind a szerelmünk érted
Az örökkévalóságból mit
Fuss, fuss, fussál el, oly elveszett, elveszett, sose jövök
Haza, gördülve, gördülve le az úton
Nem, nem, sose jövök vissza
Szerelem pulzál az ereimben
A mi szerelmünk, remélem még nem késő
Ez az út, ez a teher, ez a szerep
Én rég benne vagyok, én rég benne vagyok, én rég benne vagyok
(Mit nem értesz abból)
(Hogy örökkévalóság?)
Maradhatnék, maradhatnék, maradhatnék, ha ezt akarod, akarod, akarod
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
És mehetnénk, mehetnénk, mehetnénk
És sose néznék vissza a mára
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
Fuss, fuss, fussál el, oly elveszett, elveszett, sose jövök
Haza, gördülve, gördülve le az úton
Nem, nem, sose jövök vissza
Szerelem pulzál az ereimben
A mi szerelmünk, remélem még nem késő
Ez az út, ez a teher, ez a szerep
Én rég benne vagyok, én rég benne vagyok, én rég benne vagyok
(Mit nem értesz abból)
(Hogy örökkévalóság?)
Maradhatnék, maradhatnék, maradhatnék, ha ezt akarod, akarod, akarod
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
És mehetnénk, mehetnénk, mehetnénk
És sose néznék vissza a mára
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Képzeld el az örökkévalóságot, nem tűnik olyan nehéznek
Azt mondják semmi sem tart örökké
Be kell bizonyítanunk, hogy tévednek
Maradhatnék, maradhatnék, maradhatnék, ha ezt akarnád, akarnád, akarnád
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
És mehetnénk, mehetnénk, mehetnénk
És sose néznék vissza a mára
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
Rain of Regret
I maintain this frozen loneliness with one hand
And bite my lips in the phone booth
If the dry automatic voice gently says
“This phone cannot be used” then it’s
downpouring rain
Why, oh why
Are we separated by time now
Why, is my heart dismayed
Years ago
By the love I turned my back on
Why am I choked with tears
My heart
“Too late at this point it’s making want to die”
You say from the other side of the lighter's flame
You avoided my eyes that were swollen by tears
Here at the hotel’s window at the amusement park too
Is this downpouring rain
Why, oh why
Are we separated by time now
Why, is my heart dismayed
Years ago
By the love I turned my back on
Why am I choked with tears
My heart
The town of rain is carrying
A boat of my memories to the dark sea
Why, oh why
Are we separated by time now
Why, is my heart dismayed
Years ago
By the love I turned my back on
Why am I choked with tears
My heart
Why!? Oh why
Is solitude continuing to call your
Name admits all the darkness
Years ago
Why am I choked with tears
By the love I turned my back on
My heart
Why, oh why
Are we separated by time now
Why, is my heart dismayed
Years ago
By the love I turned my back on
Why am I choked with tears
My heart
Why, oh why
Are we separated by time now...
There are those who see the invisible
There are those who do the impossible
After all something comes to say
That it's okay
We go through so many things
And get wet in every rain
The courage we didn't even know but we have
I know things are not easy
Come and go, so incomprehensible
And maybe it's good that it's like this
That we sing, scream
Cry and fight
But then dance and love life
These things we don't understand
Where it comes from
There are those who see the invisible
There are those who do the impossible
After all something comes to say
That it's okay
We go through so many things
And get wet in every rain
The courage we didn't even know but we have
I know things are not easy
Come and go, so incomprehensible
And maybe it's good that it's like this
We sing, scream
Cry and fight
But then dance and love life
These things that we don't even understand
Where it comes from
And it's okay that things are not easy
Come and go, so incomprehensible
And maybe it's good that it's like this
That we sing, fight
Cry and scream
But then dance and love life
These things that we don't even understand
Where it comes from
There are those who see the invisible
There are those who do the impossible
After all something comes to say
That it's okay
Movie Scene
That's right I'm not normal
But you know I manage well throughout the day
The times I went wrong
It was because I believed in someone else
So it's okay
I'd rather walk in love and falling than without love
I don't waste a second anymore
Afraid of the world
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it
That's right I'm not normal
But you know I manage well throughout the day
The times I went wrong
It was because I believed in someone else
So it's okay
I'd rather walk in love and falling than without love
I don't waste a second anymore
Afraid of the world
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it
Whatever it takes
I live my life like a movie scene
No matter what
I think it's all worth it
Moon phases
Tell me about the phases of the moon
I wanna know the name of the street
That takes me home, I get lost so much
That's why I never look back so much
Tell me about the things in life
I want to know your point of view
From the living room window you don't see me in distress
And without coordinates a star visits
I thought the moon was a big planet
After all it changes over our heads
I thought life was no longer sure
After all it changes for the new beauties
Tell me about the phases of the moon
I wanna know the name of the street
That takes me home, I get lost so much
That's why I never look back too much
Tell me about the things in life
I want to know your point of view
In the living room window you don't see me in distress
And without coordinates a star visits
You'll see
Sometimes it gets complicated
It wasn't supposed to be this way
Love doesn't go wrong
You'll see
I see your insecurity
It wasn't supposed to exist
Love doesn't go wrong
You'll see
Come dance with me
Don't say no
The love that gives meaning
To the tum tum tum of the heart
I made an old rock
To convince you
It seems a little bit
Little by little you'll see
I see your insecurity
It wasn't supposed to exist
Love doesn't see the wrong side
You'll see
Come dance with me
Don't say no
The love that gives meaning
To the tum tum tum of the heart
I made an old rock
To convince you
It seems a little bit
Little by little you'll see
Come dance with me
Don't say no
The love that gives meaning
To the tum tum tum of the heart
I made an old rock
To convince you
It seems a little bit
Little by little you'll see
I like the bright mornings
You like the starry nights
We’re so different
Like putting one ice cube in an americano
Our first encounter was lukewarm
We’re so different, let me tell you, we’ll never get close
That’ll never happen, I bet, you know
You seem so uptight
I’m not the only one who thinks this
You know this too
This isn’t a dream
It really wasn’t
But what? Why am I thinking about you?
You’ve come into my head
Even the way you look at me
Can’t take my eyes off you
We’re so different, let me tell you, we’ll never get close
That’ll never happen, I bet, you know
You seemed so uptight
But I’m imagining
You becoming mine
You and I, we didn’t know each other
Our different hearts became the same hearts
I can feel it, one by one
I want to see you from closer
We’re so similar, let me tell you, we’ll be getting closer forever
Did you ever think this would happen? I bet you know
You’re so cute
I’m not the only one who thinks this
Imagine it
Sakura Rising
I see you
I stray off course in a whirlpool of information
That's spreading in a lonely room
Weight it on the scales
Nothing can stop what we started
Imagination / Your light
Crosses boundaries, an intimate / Shining from the bright side
Connection outrageously / I feel like I'm in endless night
Cannot be controlled
But nothing can stop what we started
Battling in the midst / No lies
Of confusion and conflict / We are all the same kind
It's not a matter of good and evil, it's not defeat / It's time to stand and fight this together
Stand up now
Nothing can keep us apart
In the front line / This time
Just sing for you who fights / We're fighting on the front lines
We just sing for you, for the sake of tomorrow / And even if we can't be together
Leave a mark in this era
Nothing can keep us apart
SAKURA bloom, fleetingly
Into the sky of tears
SAKURA bloom, soar / SAKURA bloom
We will find our way again / gently falling, find our way again
Mutually / Bright white
Make the next move boldly / I don't want to see you die
Even the language barrier / It feels the same in every language
Is etched in our cells
Nothing can stop what we started
The plan / This time
The friendship that connects us / Let me into your mind
The existence that will change the world / We don't have to stay down forever
Course correction
Nothing can keep us apart
SAKURA bloom, over the sea / SAKURA bloom
Don't give in / To reach you
SAKURA bloom, soar / SAKURA bloom
We will find our way again / gently falling, find our way again
I will find you again / I will find you again
I will find you again
Nothing can keep us apart
Éjjel felébredtem
Hallottam a sodródó akkordokat
Elvezettek engem
A felvidéki fjordokhoz
Felhők felett
Egy hegycsúcson
Ott ült
És beszélni kezdett
Vulkán ember
Megkapta az olvadó szívem
Vulkánvédő ember
Egy időtlen hősnek is kell a szerelem
Vulkán ember
(Vulkán ember)
A vidék örzője
(ilyen ember)
Vulkánvédő ember
Egy időtlen hősnek is kell a szerelem
És én szeretlek
In your eyes
In your eyes, so much anxiety, a wave of endless chitchats
In your eyes, so much anxiety, a wave of endless chitchats
In your heart, of choked breaths,In your heart, of choked breaths
Countless obstructions
In your eyes, so much anxiety, a wave of endless chitchats
In your eyes, so much anxiety, a wave of endless chitchats
So much imagination, wonderful speculation,dances in feelings, in feelings
So much imagination, wonderful speculation,dances in feelings, in feelings
Every minute, passes by touching me,every minute, it passes by touching
Filling my life with thrill
In your eyes, so much anxiety, a wave of endless chitchats
In your eyes, so much anxiety, a wave of endless chitchats
What I've got, of all the rare specimens, by the grace of God, by his grace
What I've got, of all the rare specimens, by the grace of God, by his grace
You're the rarest of all, You're the rarest
There's no doubt in it
In your eyes, so much anxiety, a wave of endless chitchats
In your eyes, so much anxiety, a wave of endless chitchats
I like
Our eyes' dates
Without words
We tell each other everything
Because empty promises are lighter than full ones
Our picnic in the storm
Chased all the butterflies away
Is the night still truly long, if the day took everything?
We're drawing exes and ohs
Into drenched diamonds
The rain blurs everything
And no one's winning
It's both of our moves
Against ourselves
I like you
With eyes, washed out with rain
I see you
Exactly as you are
We cut the pink curtain between each other
Our picnic in the storm
Chased all the butterflies away
When you're not in love, you can fly
We're drawing exes and ohs
Into drenched diamonds
The rain blurs everything
And our suit is winning
Hugs, kisses
Me against you
Let Me Put Down My Head On A Dune
Let me put down my head on a dune
let the muses thunder a bit
let me rest on every foothold
give the honor to the IDF
Let me put down my head on a dune...
Wars, we have a plenty
and troubles here - not lacking any
so between the missiles and rockets
let me catch a 'relax' in the shade
so let me, let me...
Let me put down my head on a dune...
The pen rips the paper
when i dream about you
and a tear of longing
shines in my eye
(play it Gingi)
Let me put down my head on a dune...
Don't say among the tank corps
in the artillery battalions
that 'the gang' is enjoying themselves here
you will wake up the neighbors again
(Yaso Viktor)
Let me put down my head on a dune...
Every time I stamp
steadily on asphalt roads,
I just hope to survive
by and as myself.
Seeing those duplicitous hearts,
counting the countless nights
Romantic Jūsan lake in Tsugaru
A Tsugaru legend, when I hear a shamisen
My heart creaks as if it's a joke of the wind
A storm among the falling snow
Yearning, a woman cries
Yearning, bells ring
Tosa's harbor is romance harbor
Eeeeeeee... Jūsan lake in Tsugaru
Wind falls by the Iwaki river and pierces my skin
It runs through the water surface and breaks my heart
Seasons accumulate and my loving gets stronger
Yearning, a woman cries
Yearning, bells ring
Tosa's breeze is Iwaki river's breeze
Eeeeeeee... Jūsan lake in Tsugaru
Our destinies are separated
My reproaches withered with the tears
When snow falls and wind blows
Yearning, a woman cries
Yearning, bells ring
Tosa's oceanic noise is Japan sea's noise
Eeeeeeee... Jūsan lake in Tsugaru
Years, please
stay a little more, don't go
Don't take with you what's not yours,
leave what's ours!
Years, your law is ours too
You're living for a moment, we're living for a lifetime
Years, your law is ours too
You're living for a moment, we're living for a lifetime
If I could, I'd keep you
forever with me
I won't let you go
I won't let you fly
Years, your law is ours too
You're living for a moment, we're living for a lifetime
Years, your law is ours too
You're living for a moment, we're living for a lifetime
Try to Praise the Mutilated World
Try to praise the mutilated world.
Remember June's long days,
and wild strawberries, drops of rosé wine.
The nettles that methodically overgrow
the abandoned homesteads of exiles.
You must praise the mutilated world.
You watched the stylish yachts and ships
You appeared out of nowhere, unexpected
Romance was something
I was about to give up on
Then, everything started to go my way
I don't know what to do with myself
'Cuz you've wrapped me up in your charms
But you never tell me you love me
Not even once
Whom you've been with, your history of love
I play it cool but I'm jealous even of your past
Tell me in secret
Without putting down the book you're reading
You light up a cigarette
You might not be different from any other men
But you are that special someone to me
All my friends say that I've changed
Before I know it
I'm playing into your hands
Whom you've been with, your history of love
It's not like me to let your past bother me
Whom you've met, what kind of love you've shared
Tonight, I want to know, so let's take our time
Tonight, I feel
A little bit jealous of your past
Don't know what I mean to you
Don't know what I mean to you
Don't know what I mean to you
Don't know what I mean to you
O, Time
O, Time, pause for a few moments.
O, Time, have a little Mercy!
Dedicate me Moments of happiness.
And after that, you can take the rest of my life, take my youth and both my eyes.
O, Time, be Gentle with me, be Gentle with my lover, my perfect Soulmate.
With its joy, its peace of mind, with my reverie, with what occupies my mind.
With its sentiments and feelings, with every Thought that occurs, its Imagination.
O, Time, have Mercy on the Beloved ones Who are still in the Springtime of their youth.
O, Time, give them a few minutes before you pass by and leave.
In which they tasteful the world with happiness and ecstasy from the joyful winery.
O, Time, you come during the finale, you come ignorant of the introduction.
O, Time, you come and flow
All Alone
I'm almost going to achieve
That, my dependence on that love,
Will be nothing more than a reminiscence
Of an awful memory... So it seems!
I've almost learned
To live just as I am.
More alone than ever
But happy, for once!
I'm ready to tear away
Your shadow from my being
And thus, once anf for all,
I will learn to love myself.
Don't you decide to come back,
Because this time I'm going to tell you...
I'm going to tell you, to your face,
What I never dared to say...
I prefer to be all alone,
Rather than have you here, as you were.
All alone!
Without delusions, spurious fantasies...
All alone!
For at least, in this way, I'm not deceived
And I don't flounder, nor do I drown
In your sea of betrayals... All alone!
Just as I always was, in reality.
All alone!
I've seen that I can definitely survive!
All alone!
Because I always know on whom I can realy
And I don't need to cry,
Nor learn how to love for the both of us... I prefer to be all alone!
I'm almost going to achieve
Being able to fall asleep, without you in here
I Thank Heaven
It's been thirty years,
Many dreams and plans
That today, I will share with you all.
Many crazy things
And bitter moments...
Seeing both love and suffering!
This little tune is,
Of my life,
The main theme.
But the way in which I always give my all,
Oh! That will be just the same!
This begging soul
Isn't any different:
From a girl to a woman
That always gave her all,
From the deepest
And best parts of her being.
And if today, success
Is more than I could ask for,
I also want that...
And, for every step that still I climb,
I sing with greater faith!
For all this time I've lived through
Both weeping and smiling,
I thank Heaven!
For these wrinkles on my face,
Of both love and displeasure,
I thank Heaven! For everything I have,
For looking in the mirror
And feeling proud of myself!
For everything I'm feeling
I pause for a moment
And I thank Heaven! It's been thirty years
Of losses and pain
The Snow March
Marching in the snow, stepping on ice
We can't even tell road from river
The horses are beaten, but we can't leave them
Just what is this place? It's all enemy country
Oh well, if we breathe a little bravery
I'll only ask for little: two of your cigarettes
Dried fish that won't cook becomes our half-boiled meals
It's not long before we're living half-boiled days
For this cold that can't be endured, a bonfire
Surely it will smoke, chaps! The green wood smoulders
Putting on a bitter face, a skilful speech
The 'sour' thing here's a pickled plum
The clothes we wear are our carefree beds
We cover under our overcoats on knapsack pillows
With the warmth of our backs, the snow thaws
Soaking wet our millet-husk bedding
In bivouacs that won't tie, there are dreams
That the moon peeks into, coldly
Because we came here offering our lives
With a death resolution, even as we charge shouting
If the fortunes of war so wish, we must die in battle
The donated padded clothes, entwined in duty
Slowly, slowly, fasten upon our necks
Anyhow, the intention wasn't to let us return alive
Tell me why you’re sitting there
Throwing glances not hurting
Waiting for a whistle that will save
You were a champion but you won’t win
Surrounded by a million friends
Getting kisses from strangers
Come closer, come closer
You won’t notice how
I? am looking for a victim
You? don’t have much time left
I want a pose of class
You didn’t understand where we’re going into
You climbed up high, you fell down low
You won’t go in with me in peace
I don’t need anybody that’ll buy me
A flight for two to a place that you desire because
Money doesn’t buy love
Mom always told me
Find yourself someone who will understand
You are the diamond of the country
You don’t need
Mom always told me
You don’t need
Diamond of the country
You don’t need
Mom always told me
You don’t need
Diamond of the country
Don’t get it wrong
There isn’t anyone from a million people
I don’t buy cheap sentences from high school
And flowers don’t excite me
Quoting these in songs
Yes thanks, that’s how we say
I just threw on some clothes
And my girls are here so bye
We went to the mountains
I don’t need anybody that’ll buy me
A flight for two to a place that you desire because
Money doesn’t buy love
Mom always told me
Find yourself someone who will understand
You are the diamond of the country
You don’t need
Mom always told me
You don’t need
Diamond of the country
You don’t need
Mom always told me
You don’t need
Diamond of the country
For all the girls that compromise on less
From one to million
You’re a strong independent woman
Thank you for the truth
Don’t wait for a knight to come
On the white horse, no, you are priceless
Diamond of the country, I can’t see it from the rain
Take your crown that’s fallen
You don’t need
Mom always told me
You don’t need
Diamond of the country
You don’t need
Mom always told me
You don’t need
Diamond of the country
You Can Do What Nobody Else Can
Call me when you need me
In this chasm between the centuries
So we could go for our dreams together
Alone on the crossroads of the worlds
And give me signs obvious enough
Give me strength and bravery,
You can do what nobody else can
Show me that the game is a gift,
Which we never ever have lost,
An important, very important thing
Which we fell in love with straight away
And give me signs obvious enough
Give me strength and bravery,
You can do what nobody else can
Convince me that life is beautiful,
Against all the rules and laws,
Go out in the world with me,
These are the days of high fidelity.
And give me signs obvious enough
Give me strength and bravery,
You can do what nobody else can
May the bells toll for the champions,
Give me strength and bravery,
You can do what nobody else can