A keresés eredménye oldal 5
Találatok száma: 290
I Hug Somebody
Versions: #1
Rumours much
But there is no value to it
Is the dream of tomorrow
Enough for today?
It gets to me
Lies to my way
My scars are from yesterday
They're mad to tomorrow
Rumours much
But there is no value to it,
Is the dream of tomorrow
Enough for today?
It gets to me
Lies to my way
My scars are from yesterday
They're mad to tomorrow
I hug somebody
It reminds deeply
What's the point of being offended
The spring fades away
Collect the beautiful one
It revives you just then you thought you're dead
Certainly, the lover one to be loved
That's the hate, as hate as
Over and over again
I hug somebody
It reminds deeply
What's the point of being offended
The spring fades away
Collect the beautiful one
It revives you just then you thought you're dead
Certainly, the lover one to be loved
That's the hate, as hate as
There is the pain
When you look under of the surface
Something that hurts waist of ant
When no one knows
The person who shows sympathy
To the offensive one
There are a few things of everyone
Inside of them
There is the pain
When you look under of the surface
Something that hurts waist of ant
When no one knows
The person who shows sympathy
To the offensive one
There are a few things
of everyone
Rumours much
But there is no value to it
Is the dream of tomorrow
Enough for today?
It gets to me
Lies to my way
My scars are from yesterday
They're mad to tomorrow
I hug somebody
It reminds deeply
What's the point of being offended
The spring fades away
Collect the beautiful one
It revives you just then you thought you're dead
Certainly, the lover one to be loved
That's the hate, as hate as
There is the pain
When you look under of the surface
Something that hurts when no one knows
The person who shows sympathy
To the offensive one
There are a few things of everyone
There is the pain
When you look under of the surface
Something that hurts waist of ant
When no one knows
The person who shows sympathy
To the offensive one
There are a few things of everyone
Inside of them
There is the pain
When you look under of the surface
Something that hurts when no one knows
The person who shows sympathy
To the offensive one
There are a few things of everyone
Inside of them
Until tomorrow on the moon with you!
Until tomorrow on the moon with you!
The ancient dream will come true!
Until tomorrow on the moon with you!
Wouldn't that be marvellous?
A golden chariot is coming
And floats up with us
A dream from our childhood days
And you were already in it!
Planets danced roundel
For it plays for us and for them
the wind on a thousand violins
the space symphony!
Until tomorrow
The earth floats in darkness
now as a point of light high in space
a point of light in the twinkling
on the Christmas tree in the sky.
Our cloud horses chase
past star after star
and silently the chariot carries us
into the realm of night, us both...
The wind will quietly place
a lace veil around you
Leaning very close to me
you slumber towards the day.
And in the first morning light
I kiss you now and then
even if the sun does not quite understand
what I am doing!
Megköszönöm minden reggel,
hogy visszaadod nekem a lelkem.
Megköszönöm a ruhát,
melyet rám adtál,
hogy ne fázzak, mert Te óvsz engem.
Megköszönöm minden reggel,
hogy megláthatom a fényt.
Megköszönöm a kenyeret,
amit az asztalra teszel,
hogy ne éhezzek, s ne fájjon semmi.
Minden mosolyt is megköszönök Neked,
tudásomat és dalaimat,
melyeket énekelve szentelek Neked,
hiszen tudom, hogy ismersz.
Kiáltom neved, igent mondok Neked!
Tiéd a szívem, az életem és a hálám.
Örök Istennek, Örökkévalónak nevezlek.
Megköszönöm minden reggel,
hogy erőt, apát és anyát adtál nekem.
Köszönöm az esőt, amit földjeimre hullatsz.
Vigyázva szeretteimre, életet kaptam Tőled.
My Country
My friends, my friends
Are far from my country
My country, my country
Is far from my friends
Round here
We are alone in the world when the season finished oh, oh, oh
My friends
At the end of summer came back to Paris oh, oh, oh
Take me dancing
Dancing it's what's-his-name
Hold me all against you
Take me dancing
I don't want to think about that anymore
Tomorrow does not exist
My friends, my friends
Are far from my country
My country, my country
Is far from my friends
My friends, my friends
Are far from my country
My country, my country
Is far from my friends
My friend, my friend
Even far from me, you will stay my friend
My friend, my friend
You distance yourself from me, yeah
My friend, my friend
Even far from me, you will stay my friend
My friend, my friend
You distance yourself from me, yeah
But you don't know, no, you don't know it, an ocean which separates us
When I will see you again, I don't know
I have my nose in shit so I don't feel you anymore*
It's true that I am not gifted, I dream of you on a cosy bed
To see you again one day, that's my wish
I have nightmares and I wake up in a cold sweat
My friends, my friends
Are far from my country
My country, my country
Is far from my friends
My friends, my friends
Are far from my country
My country, my country
Is far from my friends
My friends, my friends (my friends, my friends)
Are far from my country (are far from my country)
My country, my country (my country, my country)
Is far from my friends (is far from my friends)
My friends, my friends (my friends, my friends)
Are far from my country (are far from my country)
My country, my country (my country, my country)
Is far from my friends (is far from my friends)
I hear laughter and voices ah, ah, ah
Of a world where I am not ah, ah, ah
I want to fly there ah, ah, ah
I feel so alone sometimes
My friends, my friends (my friends, my friends)
Are far from my country (are far from my country)
My country, my country (my country, my country)
Is far from my friends (is far from my friends)
My friends, my friends (my friends, my friends)
Are far from my country (are far from my country)
My country, my country (my country, my country)
Is far from my friends (is far from my friends)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
My friends, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
My country, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
My friends, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
My country, oh
Mr. Murphy
Right when I poured arak into my cup
I spilled a bit from the story that we had then
and Nati tells me to count to three
impulsivity is not good
and this is how I have lived for years
watch I am sending
throwing my troubles in a hot air balloon
that will take them from here
and then a gust came in
Mr. Murphy is sitting down on my armchair
showing pictures of you from some party
And you are dancing laughing without counting your pain
how you remember by heart a lot of songs
I know that I was a bit of weight on the heart
but in the end it strengthens the muscles
I put on tefillin every morning and pray very hard
for good for you and that I will have some good too
So I took a taxi to south Tel-Aviv and the price is in the clouds
but nothing hurts anymore
someone on the street said it's all good
even in a cardboard box you can sleep diagonally
and then a gust came in
Mr. Murphy is sitting down on my armchair
showing pictures of you from some party
And you are dancing laughing without counting your pain
how you remember by heart a lot of songs
I know that I was a bit of weight on the heart
but in the end it strengthens the muscles
I put on tefillin every morning and pray very hard
for good for you and that I will have some good too
Suddenly you passed in a car
I waved and gave you a kiss
you gave it back and disappeared after a minute
And you are dancing laughing without counting your pain
how you remember by heart a lot of songs
I know that I was a bit of weight on the heart
but in the end it strengthens the muscles
I put on tefillin every morning and pray very hard
for good for you and that I will have some good too
For good for you and if not then it's good too
Soha Nem Tűnünk El
Mindenünk oda lett
Meg kellett lakolnunk
Igen, mindenünk oda lett
Meg kellett lakolnunk
Ami hiányzott benned leltem
A tüzed falta fel a gyűlöletem
Nem szoktam a múltat siratni, de
Mindent feladnék hogy ölelj még
Mert mindenünk oda lett
Meg kellett lakolnunk
Van egy festmény rajta két arc
Bukott angyalok kik szerettek és veszítettek,
Időtlen szenvedély volt ez,
és a végén mi fizettük meg az árát
A szépségről azt - tudom
Soha nem tűnik el
Amit velem tettél - tudom
Mondtad mit mondanod kell
De a szépségről tudom:
Soha nem tűnik el
Soha nem tűnik el
Soha nem tűnik el
Látom a szemeidet, tudom figyelsz,
Mint egy szellem ott vagy mindenütt.
A démonod vagyok sosem eresztelek,
Vas lélek dühből és félelemből
Az egyetlen ami mindent megváltoztatott
A bűn mely bukásba taszított
A szépségről azt - tudom
Soha nem tűnik el
Amit velem tettél - tudom
Mondtad mit mondanod kell.
De a szépségről azt - tudom
Soha nem tűnik el
Teszem a dolgom - tudom
Valahogy utamra lelek
De a szépségről tudom
Soha nem tűnik el
És én teszem a dolgom
Soha nem tűnünk el
Soha nem tűnünk el
Soha nem tűnünk el
Soha nem tűnünk el
Egyenesen A Szívből Jövő
Versions: #1
Elkezdhetnék álmodozni, de sosem ér véget
Amíg nem vagy itt, addig akár tetethetjük is
Álmodoztam eddig
Egyenesen a szívemből jött
Te azt mondod könnyű, de ki mondhatná meg
Hogy így is tudjuk-e tartani
De könnyebb, ha
Egyenesen a szívemből jött
Add nekem egyenesen a szívedből
Mondd, hogy újrakezdhetjük
Tudod, hogy sosem mennék el
Amíg tudom, hogy
Egyenesen a szívedből jön
Találkozunk valamikor máskor az utcán
És minden szavunk olyan idegenül hat majd
Én álmodoztam
Egyenesen a szívemből jött
Add nekem egyenesen a szívedből
Mondd, hogy újrakezdhetjük
Tudod, hogy sosem mennék el
Amíg tudom, hogy
Egyenesen a szívedből jön
Add nekem egyenesen a szívedből
Mondd, hogy újrakezdhetjük
Tudod, hogy sosem mennék el
Amíg tudom, hogy
Egyenesen a szívedből jön
Hull a hó
Versions: #1
Tombe la neige
(Traduction de francais en hongrois par moi-méme)
Hull a hó…
Nem jössz ma este már…
A szívem gyászba öltözött.
Ezernyi könnycsepp hull alá,
S e selymes fehér lepel leng mindenen.
Az ágon egy madár zokogja bánatát.
Nem jössz ma este már…
Süvít a fájdalom…
A hó csak hulldogál…
Kiáltó némaság.
Hull csak egyre hull…
Nem jössz ma este már…
A szél havat kavar.
Hiányod fehéren vakít.
A világ rideg:óriás magány,
Lázító hideg némaság.
Nem jössz ma este már…
Süvölt a fájdalom szele.
A hó egyre csak szakad…
Talán… csak illanó varázs.
Salvatore ADAMO:Tombe la neige
(selon mon interpretation )
A hó csak hull…
Nem jössz ma este már…
A szívem gyászba öltözött.
Ezernyi könnycsepp hull alá,
S e selymes fehér lepel mindent beborít.
Az ágon egy madár sírja bánatát.
Nem jössz ma este már…
Süvít a fájdalom…
Hull… csak hull a hó ,szitál…
Kiáltó némaság.
Hull…csak hulldogál…
Nem jössz ma este már…
A szél havat kavar.
Hiányod fehéren vakít.
A világ rideg:óriás MAGÁNY.
Lázító hideg némaság.
Nem jössz ma este már…
Sajgó fájásom süvölt…
A hó hull,szitál,hulldogál…
Mind talán illanó varázs.
Hiszel a tündérmesékben,
Melyekben a hős
Magával visz lóháton
Szeretem az olyan türténeteket is,
Melyekben a hercegnő
Minden alkalommal beleszeret a hősbe
De sosem fogok hazudni neked
Nem vagyok hős,
Csak egy férfi, aki előtted esett el
Nem hordok koronát
És tudod,
Nincsen trónom se
Én csakis a legjobbat nyújtom neked
Talán nem vagyok herceg,
De te a hercegnőm vagy
Emlékszel még a mesére,
Arra, amelyben a hősnek
Le kellett győznie a sárkányt
Hogy megmenthesse
A hercegnőt a toronyból
És biztonságba helyezhesse
De nem vagyok többre képes,
Mint hogy neked adom a szerelmemet
És hogy megmutatom, hogy a pasid vagyok
Nem hordok koronát
És tudod,
Nincsen trónom se
Én csakis a legjobbat nyújtom neked
Talán nem vagyok herceg,
De te a hercegnőm vagy
Harcolni fogok a gonoszokkal és biztonsgot nyújtok neked
És a puszta kezemmel építek kastélyt neked
A szívem és a lelkem,
Az életem hozom eléd
Nem hordok koronát
És tudod,
Nincsen trónom se
Nem hordok koronát
És tudod,
Nincsen trónom se
És tudom,
Én csakis a legjobbat nyújtom neked
Talán nem vagyok herceg,
De te a hercegnőm vagy
Talán nem vagyok herceg,
De te a hercegnőm vagy
Do you believe in fairytales
In which the hero
Takes you away on his horse
I also like stories
In which the princess
Falls for the hero every time
But I will never lie to you
I'm not a hero
Just a man fallen in front of you
You know,
I wear no crown
And you know,
I have no throne
And I know
I give you only my best
I might be no prince
But you are my princess
Do you remember the story
In which the hero
Had to defeat the dragon
So that he could save
The princess from the tower
And bring her safety
But I can't do more
Than giving you my love
And showing that you I'm your man
You know,
I wear no crown
And you know,
I have no throne
And I know
I give you only my best
I might be no prince
But you are my princess
I will fight the evil and bring safety to you
And build castle for you with my bare hands
I will my heart and soul,
My life in front of you bring
You know,
I wear no crown
And you know,
I have no throne
You know,
I wear no crown
And you know,
I have no throne
And I know
I give you only my best
I might be no prince
But you are my princess
I might be no prince
But you are my princess
'wee-woo's around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
'wee-woo's around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
Whore life fucks me while clothed, me bent over
she's with a machinegun on my pussy, i laugh but she doesn't
i laugh about it, how is it
that i got knocked up by bad luck? I'll smoke a cig so she'll be born crooked
Slightly disgusting story of a lady
especially when nothing in her life makes her pretty
Sometimes you're either the bitch or the pretty knave
when you never shot, but hoped for an end or for your own end
'wee-woo's around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
'wee-woo's around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
I point the finger at her but she sucks it, snorts from the straw
calls her friends and starts a fight
I slip on a peel, she laughs at me
while my face is peeled, then laughs at me, laughs at me
Sometimes I laugh and I don't understand why, yah
Sometimes I live and I don't understand if I'm breathing, yah
Sometimes I slip and I don't understand that I'm walking, yah
not on solid ground but on a thread, yah
Sometimes I sleep on a bed of cornflowers, yeah
Sometimes I die on a bed that is not mine, ah
Sometimes I dream that this whore goes away, yah
but in the end she's my whore
And time again, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
'wee-woo's around, bro, for who?
Is Sam around or is he at Spi's?
Life clicks on my clit, eh
she knows I like it when she presses the finger, eh
Mama, mama
You're a curse, curse
Do you love me or do you not, 'mama'
I don't understand nada
Mama, mama
Don't leave me on the street, street
Kiss me calmly, calmly
Until you get tired of me
Come let's make memories together
And pretend that the past is dead
The time we spent apart is gone
We have always been together
Ever since mankind existed
Ever since love existed
Come let's make memories together
And pretend that the past is dead
The time we spent apart is gone
If I had one more day to live
And the night took my breath away
My soul will always be with you
Listening to you
Our journey will never end
If I had one more day to live
And the night took my breath away
My soul will always be with you
Listening to you
Our journey will never end
Let’s not thinking of what’s to come
And pretend that this life is forever
Let’s live this moment together
Nothing can tear us apart
We fell hopelessly in love
And we’re sharing every breath of air
If I had one more day to live
And the night took my breath away
My soul will always be with you
Listening to you
Our journey will never end
If I had one more day to live
And the night took my breath away
My soul will always be with you
Listening to you
Our journey will never end
Come let's make memories together
And pretend that the past is dead
The time we spent apart is gone
A Truth
If one of us was doing the right thing,
Now the road in front of us wouldn't be blocked.
The mistakes were traps and both of us were birds,
Now you can't quench the thirst with foreign kisses.
A solution should be found now or never
Because both of us have gotten tired.
We should agree now or never before it's too late.
A solution should be found now or never
Because both of us have gotten tired.
We should agree now or never before it's too late.
Too late for the two of us.
If one of us could tell
A big truth without hiding,
The hand you're holding would be a hope
Then the roads would open for us again.
A solution should be found now or never
Because both of us have gotten tired.
We should agree now or never before it's too late.
A solution should be found now or never
Because both of us have gotten tired.
We should agree now or never before it's too late.
Too late for the two of us.
The bad song
What's with the snow inside my thoughts,
despite being in midst of summer ?
Why do I have these shadows on my steps ?
The bad song will explain this to you.
Within my music, the whites and the blacks
responded singing about hope.
But harmony isn't always the means to life.
Sweet dreaming is no longer permitted.
The bad song taught me that.
The bad song
has come so as to give me its la scale.
The bad song
takes you away when we don't wait.
Having fear for my dreams or even for black,
I no longer want to sing so as not to see anything.
I open the eyes which are too tight for me.
I'll sell some air once more.
The bad song
takes you away when we don't wait.
The earth is round, like an apple.
But there is flora, but there are people.
And, if it's not that late already,
we should repair the damage done.
The bad song will tell you that.
The bad song
has come so as to give me its la scale.
The bad song
takes you away when we don't wait.
A Fény Elhalványul
Viszlát, barátaim
A fény elhalványul
Egy újabb nap telt el
Viszlát barátaim
Viszlát, ez nem a vége
Mi magasabbra fogunk szállni
Mint eddig valaha tettük
Nem megyek el, nem
Semmiért sem
A hazaúszásért
Mert mindig így volt, valahol a közötte
A fény elhalványul
És könnyű meglátni, a reményt az álmainkban
Ezért ne hagyd, hogy túl sokáig aludjak
Mert én, nem akarok semmiről lemaradni, veled
Mi magasabbra fogunk szállni
Mint eddig valaha tettük
Nem megyek el, nem
Semmiért sem
A hazaúszásért
Mi magasabbra fogunk szállni
Mint eddig valaha tettük
Nem megyek el, nem
Semmiért sem
A hazaúszásért
Mert mindig így volt, valahol a közötte
A fény elhalványul
És könnyű meglátni, a reményt az álmainkban
Jó éjt, barátaim
Holnap újrakezdődik
Az első sugaraknál
eggyógyítom a szíved
Tudom, hogy szomorú vagy
Tudom, mert a szemeid elárulják,
Hogy mélyen benned hideg a tél
Semmi sem fájdalmasabb, mint
Ragaszkodni a fájdalomhoz
Tudom, hogy szomorú vagy
Tudom, de hagyd itt a bánatod nekem
Én megragasztom a szived
Olyan lesz, mint régen
Darabonként számolom a darabjaid
Újból felépítelek
Malavita, it's the name they gave me based of where I'm from
Malavita, that my parents forgive me, once again
There are 2 schools, here you get lost or you fly
There are 2 schools, one of war, one of alcohol
I didn't choose to be born or to grow up here, in the weed and the bad life
I try to get lost but everything is written, Malavita
I didn't choose to be born or to die here
In the weed and the bad life
It's only when I dream that the world is pretty, Malavita
Malavita, Malavita, Malavita,
Malavita, Malavita, Malavita
Yeah it's Remy
We didn't choose the rain, we didn't choose the nice weather
My dreams become more and more important
And then not a cat in the neighborhood, only the GP purrs
I make bad choices and I remember my parents weren't wrong
We won't last a longtime
My empty bags, not far from the slides
Too much in the neighborhood, we lose the habit of expressing ourselves eloquently
Times are tough, little brother won't go on vacation
I hurt when I think about it
My questions are unanswered, too late when I ask them
All my life waiting but waiting for what, you have two legs, two arms, well yeah
I found reasons to avoid tears, found questions to forget the dramas
I hurt when I think about it
I didn't choose to be born or to grow up here, in the weed and the bad life
I try to get lost but everything is written, Malavita
I didn't choose to be born or to die here
In the weed and the bad life
It's only when I dream that the world is pretty, Malavita
Malavita, Malavita, Malavita,
Malavita, Malavita, Malavita
Little man
You don't even have 10 candles*
Your fists clenched with rage
I see your red eyes
It's a lot for your age
You worry
And you stare at me
The bad guys, the good guys
How is courage born?
What do we do, what do we say
To a child that is growing up
We say the truth
The pitfalls and the beauty
Little man, little man, don't be scared
Everyone, everyone makes mistakes
Little man, Little man
Everyone, everyone has a heart
Little man, little man, don't be scared
Everyone, everyone makes mistakes
Little man, little man
Everyone, everyone has their share of happiness
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
It hits on the inside
It feels like a firecracker
You want to know the names
of these strange feelings
You look for a reason
The end of the story
who are these little idiots
who wanted a fight?
What do we do, what do we say
To a child that is growing up
We say the truth
The pitfalls and the beauty
Little man, little man, don't be scared
Everyone, everyone makes mistakes
Little man, Little man
Everyone, everyone has a heart
Little man, little man, don't be scared
Everyone, everyone makes mistakes
Little man, little man
Everyone, everyone has their share of happiness
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
Little man, little man, don't be scared
Everyone, everyone makes mistakes
Little man, Little man
Everyone, everyone has a heart
Little man, little man, don't be scared
Everyone, everyone makes mistakes
Little man, little man
Everyone, everyone has their share of happiness
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
(Little man,Little man, man, man)
Little man
Ó, ez olyan gyönyörűnek néz ki
Feküdjünk le és számoljuk a csillagokat az ezüst hold alatt
Nincs semmi, ami miatt aggódnod kéne, vagy bármi, ami zavarna
Mert most csak én és te vagyunk itt ma este
Hirtelen rémülten felébredek tágra nyílt szemekkel
Azt kívánom, bárcsak itt lennél, de ez csak egy álom volt
Egy jámbor ábránd
A tervem darabjaira hullik
Egy ágy, most dolgoznom kell, de a fejem segítségért kiált
Mikor behunyom a szemem, a történetünkben a hősöd vagyok
Örökké az ingujjamon fogom hordani a szived
Mert mikor ábrándozom, mindig csak rólad fantáziálok
Fogd meg a kezem, és vigyél kart kartbaöltve
És hagyjuk hátra minden félelmünket
Felettünk az ég, tele ékszerekkel, amik csak neked ragyognak
A gyémánt legszebb őre
Tudom, hogy hangosan álmodozom, bárcsak megértenéd,
Milyen szép is vagy a Hold fényében
Egy jámbor ábránd
A tervem darabjaira hullik
Egy ágy, most dolgoznom kell, de a fejem segítségért kiált
Mikor behunyom a szemem, a történetünkben a hősöd vagyok
Örökké az ingujjamon fogom hordani a szived
Mert mikor ábrándozom, mindig csak rólad fantáziálok
Minden édes ábrándomban együtt vagyunk
És azon gondolkozom, tudja-e egyáltalán, hogy létezem?
Egy jámbor ábránd
A tervem darabjaira hullik
Egy ágy, most dolgoznom kell, de a fejem segítségért kiált
Mikor behunyom a szemem, a történetünkben a hősöd vagyok
Örökké az ingujjamon fogom hordani a szived
Mert mikor ábrándozom, mindig csak rólad fantáziálok
It's All I Have
I would build a castle with my bare hands
I would be a Superman for you
Then I come behind you, just let me trust you and give you my love and hold you tight
It's all I have (have)
To give to you
It's all I have (have)
To share with you
You say it's just what you're looking for in a man
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To give to you
Remember what I said to you
You deserve more than what I can give to you
Then I come behind you, you want to build up a future
Together with someone who can hold you tight
It's all I have (have)
To give to you
It's all I have (have)
To share with you
You say it's just what you're looking for in a man
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To give to you
I would give my everything
To you
You're just looking for someone
To hold you
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To share with you
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To share with you
You say it's just what you're looking for in a man
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To give to you
It's all I have
To give to you
There's Someone
There is someone we desire
We cannot forget him / her
whatever he / she does to us
Deep in our hearts
is a feeling stronger than us
that controls us
When we love so much
we become afraid of change
and we criticize the little things
When jealousy kills us
we forget many things
Blind love is dangerous
There is someone we desire
We cannot forget him / her
whatever he / she does to us
Deep in our hearts
is a feeling stronger than us
that controls us
The one who loved you when things were easy
and abandoned you when the going got tough
will return tomorrow
and you will no longer want it
There is someone we desire
We cannot forget him / her
whatever he / she does to us
Deep in our hearts
is a feeling stronger than us
that controls us
I'll turn next week to Alice
Alice called me, crying hard
she said bad luck sticks on her
Poor Alice!
We are divorced
but what does this change
she just needs a man again in her house
'fuck off
and go home to your Alice!'
Ooh, now I'm racing to the hair stylist
because I need a new hair style
I don't eat and I don't drink
that's good for your shape
and I scrub my neck
because I'm going to Alice next week!
I sew my sock
it has holes like cheese
i also stop smoking
because Alice would be mad
Ah, how I'm already looking forward
because I'm going to Alice next week
She says she needs me like bread
like an elephant stamps on a gold fish, which then is dead
oh hu hu hu, poor Alice!
The door squeaks
the toilet is clogged
the gas stove is leaking
the tap is dripping
ah, and she needs me so much -
tells me Alice
Huuuh, now I'm racing to the hair stylist
because I need a new hair style
I don't eat and I don't drink
that's good for your shape
and I scrub my neck
because I'm going to Alice next week!
I sew my sock
it has holes like cheese
i also stop smoking
because Alice would be mad
Ah, how I'm already looking forward
because I'm going to Alice next week
Suddenly, something comes up to my mind:
Am I Alices message boy?
The hanswurscht of Alice?
Today, I'm running to her and bringing her stuff
one morning, she tells me 'good bye!'
yo, I stay at home. I do not make it to Alice!
Yo, I am not her woof woof
who comes when she whistles after him!
Yo, I am not her moron
who walks like a clown!
Yo, I am not a ox
and turn to Alice next week!
Because I'm not allowed to smoke anymore
and there's water instead of beer!
and she also can't cook
I'm just allowed to work like an ox!
Nah, I am not dumb
And turn to Alice next week!
Nah, I am not dumb
And turn to Alice next week!
I have my eyes closed now
and donť know which way to go in the dark
I'm just seeking the right direction
recently it seems to me that I'm just drowning
We only wanted more and more and more and more
And our bodies ain't enough, not that, not that
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
When the vultures arrive to a bit lower
You hammer down the last cross to my grave
When you will go to wash away my blood of your hands
You have what you wanted
Now you can move on to the next
We only wanted more and more and more and more
Then you don't feel the shards in your hands, not that, not that
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
That deamons you have inside
you can't bind them down, you have to live with them
you are wandering and don't know which way to go
So I only wish you to find your peace
That deamons you have inside
you can't bind them down, you have to live with them
you are wandering and don't know which way to go
So I only wish you to find your peace
That deamons you have inside
you can't bind them down, you have to live with them
you are wandering and don't know which way to go
So I only wish you to find your peace
Oh, it's so nice outside
Come, let's lay down and count the stars under the silver moon
And you don't have anything to worry about, not a thing which bothers
Because it's only me and you tonight
I suddenly wake up frightened with widely open eyes
I wish you were here but it was just a dream
Such a pious daydream
My plans melt away piece to piece
A place to sleep I have to work but my head is screaming for help
When I close my eyes, in our stories I am your hero
Forever I carry your heart on my sleeve,
Because when I daydream, I always fantasize about you only
And then you take my hand and carry it folded
And we leave all our fears behind
There's a space above full of jewels which shine for you only
The diamond's most beautiful guard
I know I'm dreaming aloud, if only you could understand
How beautiful you look in the light of the moon
Such a pious daydream
My plans melt away piece to piece
A place to sleep I have to work but my head is screaming for help
When I close my eyes, in our stories I am your hero
Forever I carry your heart on my sleeve,
Because when I daydream, I always fantasize about you only
In every dear daydream we are always together
I wonder if she herself knows that I even exist
Such a pious daydream
My plans melt away piece to piece
A place to sleep I have to work but my head is screaming for help
When I close my eyes, in our stories I am your hero
Forever I carry your heart on my sleeve,
Because when I daydream, I always fantasize about you only
Deers are better than humans
Deers are better than humans,
Sven, love is independent
A standalone word is a feeling
What are you waiting for?
Well, Kristof, don’t miss your aim
Come, lay next to me
So tight to my stomach
I will whisper in your ears
What you really feel inside me
Is still by me
Only me, your heart and you
I want to get close to you, come, lay here
I must tell you, I want to have you forever
Do you feel my heartbeat?
It knocks like a hammer,
Which builds love
In the shape of you
Do you feel my heartbeat?
This is the sound of a melody
Like how I see you
My symphony of love for you
Just give me a chance
Ah then we'd make such a beautiful balance
If you could feel what I feel now
If you feel next to me, you will also say that
Do you feel my heartbeat?
It knocks like a hammer,
Which builds love in your shape
Do you feel my heartbeat?
This is the sound of a melody
Like how I see you
My symphony of love for you
In the shape of you
In the shape of you
In the shape of you
In the shape of you
Do you feel my heartbeat?
It knocks like a hammer,
Which builds love
In your shape
Do you feel my heartbeat?
This is the sound of a melody
Like how I see you
My symphony of love for you
For you only
For you only
There's nothing what cuts like the words spoken in the moment which makes you sad
I wish I could fix everything every day, get every moment better
When the old feeling of pain is hanging in the air again
It breaks me again, every sore, every tear
Every time time time when I misunderstood you
Because this cis consuming me (consuming me)
It's shearing me (shearing me)
I'm begging, forgive me
It breaks through me every time, every tear
Every sore sore sore which falls on your chest
I will do the right thing and heal you
Please, forgive me
I wish I could always keep my mouth shut when we fight
Because I'm in love with you so much, I regret everything I said when we argue
I wish I could bring everything back to the begin
It breaks me again, every sore, every tear
Every time time time when I misunderstood you
Because this cis consuming me (consuming me)
It's shearing me (shearing me)
I'm begging, forgive me
It breaks through me every time, every tear
Every sore sore sore which falls on your chest
I will do the right thing and heal you
Please, forgive me
Because it's heavy, here inside me, heavy, here inside me
Because it's heavy, here inside me, heavy, here inside me
Because it breaks my heart, Yes, it's heavy, here inside me, heavy, here inside me
Because it breaks my heart, Yes, it's heavy, here inside me, heavy, here inside me
Because it breaks my heart
It breaks me again, every sore, every tear
Every time time time when I misunderstood you
Because this cis consuming me (consuming me)
It's shearing me (shearing me)
I'm begging, forgive me
It breaks through me every time, every tear
Every sore sore sore which falls on your chest
I will do the right thing and heal you
Please, forgive me
Itt állsz előttem
Mit mondhatnék
Hogy ennyire szerelmes lehetk beléd?
Azok után, amin már túlvagyunk
Erősebbek lettünk
De továbbra is azon gondolkozom,
Működni fog ez köztünk?
Minden, amit megérintenek az ajkaid,
Minden, amiről a szíved ki tud mondani,
Számomra mindez
Arannyá, arannyá, arannyá, arannyá válik
Sosem túl késő,
Ezt mondtad
Nekünk kell rájönnünk,
Hogy mit akar a szívünk
Aztán rájöttem
Hogy én csak por vagyok,
Mert nélküled
Elhalványul a fényem
Minden, amit megérintenek az ajkaid,
Minden, amiről a szíved ki tud mondani,
Számomra mindez
Arannyá, arannyá, arannyá, arannyá válik
Minden, amit megérintenek az ajkaid,
Minden, amiről a szíved ki tud mondani,
Számomra mindez
Arannyá, arannyá, arannyá, arannyá válik
Itt megállok
Aranyat kaptam tőled
Megtaláltam a kincsem
Arany arany arany arany vagy
A szerelmed megfizethetetlen
Nem lehet megvenni, sem bérbe venni
Úgy vigyázom rá, mint az aranyra, aranyra, aranyra, aranyra
Minden, amire ráteszed a kezed
Minden, ami a testedhez ér
Minden, amit megérintenek az ajkaid,
Minden, amiről a szíved ki tud mondani,
Számomra mindez
Arannyá, arannyá, arannyá, arannyá válik
Itt megállok
Aranyat kaptam tőled
Megtaláltam a kincsem
Arany arany arany arany vagy
You stand here in front of me
What can I say
Is it possible,
That I can love you so much
Everything, what we're already through,
Made us stronger,
But I keep wondering,
if our thing would work
Everything your lips touch,
Everything your heart can speak,
Turn to
Gold gold gold gold for me
It's never too late,
That's what you said
We must find,
What our hearts want
And then I realized,
I am dust only,
Because without you
My light fades
Everything, what your lips touch,
Everything, what your heart can speak,
Turn to
Gold gold gold gold for me
Everything, what your lips touch,
Everything, what your heart can speak,
Turn to
Gold gold gold gold for me
I stop here
I have got gold
I have found treasure
You are
Gold gold gold gold
For me
Your love is priceless
Never to buy or to rent
I look after it like gold gold gold gold
Everywhere you tkae your hand
Everything you touch
Everything, what your lips touch,
Everything, what your heart can speak,
Turn to
Gold gold gold gold for me
I stop here
I have got gold
I have found treasure
You are
Gold gold gold gold
For me
I know that you deserve
A Steel Man
Like Clark Kent
Who will just
Carry the world on his shoulders
Someone who can fly and say to you
I will knock out your feet under you
You are you are my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
Your heart is safe by me
I am your Superman
I fight for you my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
I'm coming to save you, can you believe me?
I am your Superman
Call me how you want
Even Superman
I know exactly what I want to be
The plaster for your
Pain and fears
Who can guard over
Your heart
A real man who can say to you
I will knock out your feet under you
You are you are my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
Your heart is safe by me
I am your Superman
I fight for you my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
I'm coming to save you, can you believe me?
I am your Superman
Call me how you want
Even Superman
I am never afraid
Of the darkness
There is nothing
What you should be scared of
Sleep calmly
Because I love you
I will knock out your feet under you
You are you are my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
Your heart is safe by me
I am your Superman
I fight for you my Lois Lane
I am your Superman
I'm coming to save you, can you believe me?
I am your Superman
Call me how you want
Even Superman
A Man Among Men
There's a man who works wonders in his world
While many gives up before making a halfway
While many looks like a man yet made of straw
It's the man among men who blusters for real
I've met a young men, just as kind as it should be
Only the chief deserves such respect
There are two-faced men, shameless chameleons
Ignorants of honour, disgrace to the world
While some rat his own brother out and call himself a man
It's the man among men who sacrifices himself for a fellow
There are men making the troubles, though stand out
Cover his all tracks up and blow hot and cold
There are common men and also outstanding ones
I know a man whose blood is worth bottling
It's the man among men who you can always ask a favor of
Who doesn't kneel down before no one but God
Being a man is in one's self, much of it is a virtue
It's a great responsibility to be a chief for the society
A vágyakozás könnyei úgy égetnek,
Miközben rólad álmodom
Jobb lesz ez valamikor?
Mert nélküled az élet zavaros
Ezért behunyom a szemem, és arról álmodom, hogy az enyém leszel
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
Emlékezz arra, amikor még az enyém voltál
Amikor az életünk még tökéletes volt, beleillett az álomországba
Néha egy kicsit álmodozz rólam,
Arról, hogy egymáséi leszünk az álomországban
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
Látod már, mit akarok neked mutatni,
Amikor a tökéletességről
Álmodunk az otthonunkban?
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A felhőnkön körözünk
Tarts meg, gyógyítsd meg a sebeim
A vágyakozás könnyei úgy égetnek