A keresés eredménye oldal 9
Találatok száma: 290
I have returned
I returned, from the journey, again, to your house
The flowers have blossomed again in my heart because of your smell
This wanderer is happily and silently putting his head on your shoulder
And is filling his eyes and your grail with wine of happiness
Tonight, again this crazy heart man is heaving
Sadness is just behind the door waiting
Your memory and you being far away is burining me
I am leaving but my heart is tearing to pieces
This rubbled heart is singing coldly and sad
Tonight, again this crazy heart man is heaving
I returned, from the journey, again, to your house
The flowers have blossomed again in my heart because of your smell
This wanderer is happily and silently putting his head on your shoulder
And is filling his eyes and your grail with wine of happiness
Tonight, again this crazy heart man is heaving
Sadness is just behind the door waiting
Your memory and you being far away is burining me
I am leaving but my heart is tearing to pieces
Take me Away
Take me away from this world,
away from the lands of sadness,
to your world as a prisoner
It doesn't matter if it's willfully
or if you steal me.
And make your love my life and destiny
You are the one who is called my big love
Oh my heart's darling,
my soul and my eyes
You are the first and last of lovers
My sweetest days and years I gift to you
Just you name it
and all your wishes will come true
I would gather up the stars and the moon with my hands
I'd turn the passion to silk in your hands
I don't want anything in life but you
so you'd make me happy
I don't want but you
Even if there are many out there other than you.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Mercy (Eurovízió Verzió)
Versions: #2
Ma reggel születtem,
a nevem Mercy,
a tenger közepén,
mely elválaszt két országot.
Hosszú út volt és Anya rálépett.
A szíve alatt hordott, nyolc és fél hónapig.
Oh igen, nyolc és fél hónapig.
Elhagytuk az otthonunkat, melyet háború tépázott.
Persze igaza volt, nem volt mit vesztenünk.
Oh nem, csupán az életünket.
Ma reggel születtem,
a nevem Mercy.
Ők kezet nyújtottak nekem,
és életben vagyok.
Én vagyok az összes gyerek,
akiket a tenger magához szólított.
Százezer évig fogok élni,
a nevem Mercy.
És ott, a szemünk előtt, ott volt az ellenség,
a kék végtelenség, talán végtelen,
de igen, tudtuk az árát.
A hullámból kiemelkedve, egy segítő hajó
visszaadta az esélyt a túlélésre.
Ott sírtam fel először.
Ma reggel születtem,
a nevem Mercy.
Ők kezet nyújtottak nekem,
és életben vagyok.
Én vagyok az összes gyerek,
akiket a tenger magához szólított.
Százezer évig fogok élni,
a nevem Mercy.
Ma reggel születtem,
a nevem Mercy.
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm.
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm.
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm.
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
A Love That Hurts
There is a kind of love that hurts, tears you down
and suffocates you bit by bit
And at many time
One can find in harshness a lot of causes for happiness
And what's stranger, when we give others
without thinking and unconditionally
the feeling of [appreciation] of what we give is lost
when too much is given..
We make mistakes and fear possesses us
and it turns into an obsession
And there is no embrace that can hold us
And replace the embrace of those closest to us
And that which has been built up and watered
is now thrown up in the air
It's an old page in the past already
And will be forgotten as usual..
What are we even looking for
when our story is already settled
These are eyes that are bidding each other farewell
These are hearts of defeated people..
There are so many people like us in life
And the endings are repeated
The endings are repeated..
We make mistakes and fear possesses us
and it turns into an obsession
And there is no embrace that can hold us
And replace the embrace of those closest to us
And that which has built up and watered
is now thrown up in the air
It's an old page in the past already
And will be forgotten as usual..
And that which has been built up and watered
is now thrown up in the air
It's an old page in the past already
And will be forgotten as usual..
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Arabs on paper
is this our Jerusalem
that they announced as the capital of the enemies
or is it another Jerusalem
just the same name
you, Arabs on paper
we need a microscope
to see your Arab spirit
you, Arabs on paper
did you announce in her funeral
your innocence?
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها
Two Crazy People
Let's run far away
Give me just a few minutes
To remember the places
Of when we were kids
We weren't afraid to live
We had no overdrafts, no troubles
Without hanging up our hopes
Like laundry on ropes
Like two crazy people on the beach
We saved moments in our hearts, we drank in the view
And you were beautiful like a flower that's illegal to pick
I just wanted to pick you
I wanted to pick
Like two crazy people
Let's run far away
From memories and disappointments
That we wanted to let go then
We almost gave up on ourselves
We'll run far away from the routine
Like back then when we settled
For the simple kind of happiness
Like two crazy people on the beach
We saved moments in our hearts, we drank in the view
And you were beautiful like a flower that's illegal to pick
I just wanted to pick you
I wanted to pick
Like two crazy people
Unbearable Man
I became an unbearable man again
Sleeplees, moody, imprecatory
Like swearing rough
Like beating a wild animal
Working that day
Then I'm singing a lazy folk song like a cigarette butt in my mouth
Then I'm laying from morning to evening tomorrow
And it makes me angry fully
The hate and mercy that I feel against myself
I became an unbearable man again
Sleeplees, moody, imprecatory
I'm wrong like always I am
It's impossible that reason gone away
The thing that I've done is shame, disgrace
But I can't help it.
I envy you.
Versions: #2
I was born this morning
My name is Mercy
In the middle of the sea
Between two countries, Mercy
It was a long way and Mom took it
She had me in the skin, eight and a half months
Oh yes, eight and a half months
We left the house, it was the war
Sure she was right, there was nothing to lose
Oh no, except life
I was born this morning
My name is Mercy
I was handed a hand
And I'm alive
I am all these children
That the sea has taken
I will live a hundred thousand years
My name is Mercy
And there before our eyes there was the enemy
A blue immensity may be infinite
But yes, we knew the price
Emerging from a wave, a friendly ship
Restored our chance to our survival
This is where I pushed my first cry
I was born this morning
My name is Mercy
I was handed a hand
And I'm alive
I am all these children
That the sea has taken
I will live a hundred thousand years
My name is Mercy
I was born this morning
My name is Mercy
Thank you, thank you, I'm fine thank you
Thank you, thank you, I'm fine thank you
Thank you, thank you, I'm fine thank you
Thank you, thank you, I'm fine thank you
No, madam, I have not been in Paris
You would like to have close acquaintance
And trying the right approach indeed?
No madam, I have not been in Paris
And Shakespeare only threatened to read.
No, madam, I have not been in Paris
And Shakespeare was too lazy to read.
Of Russo, of Spinoza and Kant
I, believe me, heard from you, I swear
And about this boulevard on Montmartre,
Believe me, I have not been there.
And about this boulevard on Montmartre,
Believe me, I have not been there.
And what for these clever speeches?
And bending for me the neck in an arch
And why are your legs on my shoulders,
I can get hernia to lift so much.
And why are your legs on my shoulders,
I can get hernia to lift so much.
I have been disgusted with myself,
But with you I'm disgusted threefold.
You won't see any prospects in love,
And you'll burn in the fire of hell.
You won't see any prospects in love,
And you'll burn in the fire of hell.
You would like to have close acquaintance
And trying the right approach indeed?
No madam, I have not been in Paris
And Shakespeare only threatened to read.
No madam, I have not been in Paris
And Shakespeare was too lazy to read.
Ma reggel születtem
Mercy-nek hívnak
A tenger közepén
Két ország között, Mercy
Hosszú út volt és Anya nekifogott
A bőre alatt voltam, nyolc és fél hónapos
Oh igen, nyolc és fél hónapos
Elmentünk otthonról, háború volt
Biztosan igaza volt, nem veszthettünk semmit
Oh nem, csak az életünket
Ma reggel születtem
Mercy-nek hívnak
Kinyújtották nekem kezeiket
És életben vagyok
Én vagyok minden gyerek
Akiket elvett a tenger
Százezer évet fogok élni
Mercy-nek hívnak
És ott, a szemeink előtt volt az ellenség
Egy hatalmas kékség, lehet végtelen
Persze, tudtuk mi az ára
Egy hullám mögül előbukkant, egy barátságos hajó
Visszaadta nekünk az esélyt, hogy túléljük
Ott sírtam fel először
Ma reggel születtem
Mercy-nek hívnak
Kinyújtották nekem kezeiket
És életben vagyok
Én vagyok minden gyerek
Akiket elvett a tenger
Százezer évet fogok élni
Mercy-nek hívnak
Ma reggel születtem
Mercy-nek hívnak
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm
Köszönöm, köszönöm, jól vagyok köszönöm
Why did I give my heart to you
Why did I give my heart to you, if you were going to break it?
And what did I do that turned your gaze away from me?
My heart and soul are busy with you and I look left to right
So the enemies don't know that it's you my attention is with
When others leave my sight, they leave my heart too
But you are so settled in my heart that you are the life in my body
Adam's Sons
Versions: #5
Humans are the limbs of one body,
and are from the same essence in their creation.
When the conditions of the time hurt one of these parts,
other parts will suffer from discomfort/restlessness, as well.
If you are indifferent about the misery of others,
it is not deserving to call you a human being.
Ma este te nem fogsz jönni
Hull a hó
Ez a selymes vonulás
Szívemet feketébe öltözteti
Ágon madárt, elfáradva
Gyolcsfehér könnybe lábadva
Bűbájt siratni készteti
Szűkölök lemondón:
Te már nem jössz el ma este
Hull a hó
Egykedvűn körhintázó vattacsomó
Te, ma este nem jössz
Esik a hó
Reménytelenségtől falfehér minden
Ez a szomorú bizonyosság
A hideg és a távollét
Ez az iszonyatos csend
Törtfehér magányra döbbent
Kilátástalanul, hiába várlak
Riogatnak vészjósló árnyak
Esik tovább a hó
Fapofa körhintaló takaró
(És hull a hó tovább...
...kilóg a körhintalóláb)
So I Went There
You probably don't remember that Tuesday
Nachalat Binyamin, I'll never forget it
You wanted to buy a necklace from my stall
That's when I first met you
Light blue eyes, you told you're originally from
The South
You moved to Sheinkin, you have a degree
In Management and in Language
And how you came into my life
You've exposed all my secrets that very night
You asked me to meet your parents
So I went there, came back, driven by madness
I catch a train, go southwards to Dimona
What you do to me, what you do to me
You probably don't remember that Friday
You packed a suitcase and said
It feels different here and you went back
To the neighborhood
You grew up in
And how you don't understand
You backed me into a corner, I don't have any other
So I went there, came back, driven by madness
I catch a train, go southwards to Dimona
What you do to me, what you do to me
We talked about a wedding, I wanted a hall
In Bat Yam
And you wanted Be'er Sheva
You wanted Be'er Sheva so much
So I went there, came back, driven by madness
I catch a train, go southwards to Dimona
What you do to me, what you do to me
A red rose
[Ludmiła Szretterówna:]
A red rose
and my heart along with this rose,
oh the most beautiful lady,
I'm laying at your feet.
May the fragrance of this rose
confess my love to you.
May it tell you
that I will love you until I go to my grave.
The rose will never reveal
who adores you so much.
You're shining like a star, so proudly
that I don't have enough courage.
Today I'm laying a red rose
along with my heart
at your feet
as a sign of my love .
[Adam Aston:]
A red rose
and my heart along with this rose,
oh the most beautiful lady,
I'm laying at your feet.
May the fragrance of this rose
confess my love to you.
May it tell you
that I will love you until I go to my grave.
The rose will never reveal
who adores you so much.
You're shining like a star, so proudly
that I don't have enough courage.
Today I'm laying a red rose
along with my heart
at your feet
as a sign of my love.
You, love and spring
You and love and spring.
On a bench, prince May sat down.
In the heart, there's a happy song.
On the lips, there are marks of kisses.
Branches are trembling like a loom.
On the head, a flower of jasmine fell down.
You and love and spring
are my everything, they're my world.
In the 'European' such a fuss
Who suddenly entered there
Did Mr. Wieniawa come?
Or Mistinguett
It's Mr Nicodemus
In passing
He was just there
And in his direction
Look the eyes of women
Nicodemus, Nicodemus
You have movie beauty
You have distinction and sex appeal
And a sporty style
Nicodemus, Nicodemus
Don't compare yourself even to Bodo
With you, Bodo and Igo Sym
They are also just whoever
Who is athletic like you
Who has such a height
Who is so photogenic
Directly unbelievable
Nicodemus, Nicodemus
You have movie beauty
You can make a career too
If only you want to
So to 'Cinema' authentic
The announcement he gave
Am I photogenic?
I would like to know
Before a week passes
In the picture
He saw himself
And right underneath
Mr. Nikodem
He read it there
He got three offers at once
To movie pictures
So that they could film immediately
He gave five thousand
But something is delaying
And he is waiting
A few years pass
Today Mr Nicodemus
Stroking his beard,
Sings to his granddaughters
Dolu Gülümseme
Eğer üzgünüm dersem
Yalan söyleyen sadece ben olurum
Kollarımda olduğun zaman
Önemsiz olduğumu hissediyorum
Hiç bu kadar tatmin olmuş hissetmedim
Her şey yerli yerinde duruyor ama
Biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var sanırım
Ve evet hayatımı değiştirdi biliyorum ama
Açıkçası atlatabilecek miyiz bilmiyorum
Dolu bir gülümseme
Boş bir bardak
Ve son bir dans
Ele ele yürürken
Tek istediğim sensin
Ve sen yokken evet
Gittiğini fark etmem bile
Zar zor devam ediyoruz
Her şey yerli yerinde duruyor ama
Biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var sanırım
Ve evet hayatımı değiştirdi biliyorum ama
Açıkçası atlatabilecek miyiz bilmiyorum
Bana seni istetiyorsun bebeğim
Bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun?
Hal bebeğim istiyorum
Bellli bir tür karmaşa
Bana seni istetiyorsun bebeğim
Bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun, bunu hissedemiyor musun?
Hal bebeğim istiyorum
Bellli bir tür karmaşa
Her şey yerli yerinde duruyor ama
Biraz daha zamana ihtiyacım var sanırım
Ve evet hayatımı değiştirdi biliyorum ama
Açıkçası atlatabilecek miyiz bilmiyorum
Dolu bir gülümseme
Boş bir bardak
Ve son bir dans
Malvagio Di Notte
La vita mi passò davanti
Labbra come lame di rasoi e pugnali nei tuoi occhi
Tesoro, il tuo amore è un crimine
Pericolo di giorno, ma di notte sei malvagio
La vita mi passò davanti
Bombe sopra Broadway, fuoco nel cielo
Tesoro, il tuo amore è un crimine
Pericolo di giorno, ma di notte sei malvagio
Pericolo di giorno, ma di notte sei malvagio
Bombe sopra Broadway, fuoco nel cielo
[Strofa 1]
Ti illumini come la luna piena
Sì, ho sentito che eri il più cattivo in giro
Fai funzionare tutto come se non ci fossero regole
Piccolo criminale, chiamo la polizia
Tienimi al guinzaglio stanotte
Non c'è nessun posto in cui posso nascondermi
Ci vediamo dall'altra parte
[Strofa 2]
So che il tuo cuore è freddo
Come un angelo caduto che cammina nel tuo sogno
Credo tu sia un anima perduta
Ma quando la luna appare, ti trasformi in una bestia
[Pre-ritornello] + [Ritornello]
Bombe sopra Broadway, fuoco nel cielo
Kaba Ticaret
[Kıta 1]
Geri vermelisin
Karma bir atış atmak için
Tüm isteklerinin olması için vermelisin
Kaba ticaret
Öğüt değil sadece söylemek istiyorum
İnsanları satacaksan satın alma
Öğüt değil sadece söylemek istiyorum yapıyorum
Kaba ticaret
Daima gururunu bırakacaksın
Ama ben asla bu sürüşü bırakmayacağım
Daima bırakacaksın
[Kıta 2]
Babacığım çok günahkar yetiştirdi
Çizginin çok ince olduğunu öğretti
Tüm çizgileri korunan kutsal haçın arasında ben
Kaba Ticaret
Tüm aslanları sayman gerek
Yalancıların parçaları süre tutarken
Gereken tüm yalanı söyledin say
Sadece önce bitti
Silâhtaki dumanı içine çek
Bir vuruş yapar gibi ve çalıştır
Sadece önce bitti
Silâhtaki dumanı içine çek
Elveszett csillagok
Kérlek, ne csak a fiút lásd,
aki csak az álmait kergeti
Kérlek lásd,
hogy nyúlok egy láthatatlan alak felé.
Fogd a kezem,
s együtt meglátjuk hol ébredünk holnap
A legjobb tervek is
néha csak egy éjszakáig tartanak ki
Én lennék
az átkozott Ámor, ki a nyilát követeli
Hát részegedjünk meg könnyeinktől
És Isten, mondd miért
vesztegetjük el a fiatalságot
Itt a vadászidény, s a bárányok már menekülnek
Keressük a jelentést
De mind elveszett csillagok vagyunk, világítani akarunk?
Kik vagyunk?
Csak egy porszem a galaxisban?
Jaj nekem.
Ha nem vigyázunk minden valóságos lesz.
Nem mered
elengedni a legjobb emlékeket mert bánatot hoznak
láttam egy oroszlánt megcsókolni a szarvast
Merj változtatni,
s talán egy teljesen új véget kapsz
Táncolunk saját könnyeinkben.
És Isten, mondd miért
vesztegetjük el a fiatalságot
Itt a vadászidény, s a bárányok már menekülnek
Keressük a jelentést
De mind elveszett csillagok vagyunk, világítani akarunk?
Azt hittem, láttalak odakint sírni
Azt hittem, a nevemet mondtad
Azt hittem láttalak odakint sírni
O, Mindig ugyan az
És Isten, mondd miért
vesztegetjük el a fiatalságot
Itt a vadászidény, s a bárányok már menekülnek
Keressük a jelentést
De mind elveszett csillagok vagyunk, világítani akarunk?
Azt hittem, láttalak odakint sírni
Azt hittem, a nevemet mondtad
Azt hittem láttalak odakint sírni
De mind elveszett csillagok vagyunk, világítani akarunk?
De mind elveszett csillagok vagyunk, világítani akarunk?
Dana Kósa
I got depressed
Don't ask me whats the matter and i drink and get drunk
I am not taking care of myself, i take pills in order to laugh
Don't ask me where I'm going, besides what do you care?
Since you are the reason, it doesnt matter to you...
I got depressed and in deep melancholy
And its all because of your absence
I am depressed, i dont sleep at nights anymore
Since the time you left, my life is empty...
The night wont pass, the rememberance of you is burning me
You love hurts and your bitter kiss
Soon the sunrise will come and i have nowhere to go
Since you are the reason that I wander like a mad man...
I Only Love You
Maybe this time
It's not me anymore
That you hurt
Maybe there's no more
Me in this world
You are an angel
At night when the longing comes
Every time I try
To forget you
There's always you there
Saying to me
That I am there in your life
It's not that I want to create distant
Nor do I hate...
It's not my intention
To hurt you
It's not my style
It's true
I only love you
But it's not my destiny
To be with you
Every steps of mine
End here
Allow me to go
At night when the longing comes
Every time I try
To forget you
There's always you there
Saying to me
That I am there in your life
It's not that I want to create distant
Nor do I hate...
It's not my intention
To hurt you
It's not my style
It's true
I only love you
But it's not my destiny
To be with you
Every steps of mine
End here
Allow me to go
Allow me to go
Allow me to go
I was born to love you
I spend difficult days
From the hour you have left
The breaking up has killed me
The loneliness kills me
The breaking up has killed me
The loneliness kills me
I was born to love you
You were born to hate me
I was born to return
You were born to be indifferent
I spend difficult hours
I don't sleep in the nights
I perish in the memories
The thoughts hurt me
I perish in the memories
The thoughts hurt me
I was lulled with the thought about you tonight as well
I still remember every your word
I still remember how your eyes are filling with tears
When they meet the hour of parting
You have gone away, like swallow in the autumn
And I still can not believe it
That you are recollection for me now
And I am waiting like crazy for the spring to come
I have never imagined that you could think
About another embrace and simply pretended with me
I have never imagined myself
Without you, whom I love you like my God
Csak téged akarlak
Nem vágyok gyémántokra, sem aranyra
Nem akarok sem divatos lenni sem cool
Nem akarok nyomulni vadul.
Drágám, mikor minden szétporlad,
Csak téged akarlak.
Nem vitatkozom, harcolni is utálok
Mi több, ágyban nem politizálok.
Mondtam már korábban de megismétlem
Utoljára engedj még be, nyiss ajtót... kérem.
Csak téged akarlak, csak téged áhítlak
Mindenki más csak hullócsillag.
Csak te kellesz, nem kell a vagy-vagy
Ha elutasítod a szerelmet, bolond vagy.
A kemény fémet is a rozsda szétmarja
Kapcsolatunkat masszívan összezavarja
a se szerelem, se szakítás.
Így kellene legyen, ez nem vitás.
Nővér vagy orvos szükségtelen, hatástalan
Vényre sincs szükségem, kedves
Általuk csak rosszabbul érezném magam.
Nincs sem biztosításunk sem engedélyünk
Ahova mi megyünk oda jegyre sincs szükségünk
Te vagy az én biztosításom, a földön és az égben
Mondtam már korábban de ha kell megismétlem
Még utoljára engedj be, nyisd kapud: kérem
Csak téged akarlak, csak téged áhítlak
Mindenki más csak hullócsillag
Csak te kellesz.
Bolond vagy, ha elutasítod a szerelmet,
A rozsda kemény fémet is ernyeszt
Kapcsolatunkat masszívan összezavarja
a se szerelem, se szakítás kavarja.
Így kellene legyen, ez nem vitás:
Szerelem vagy szakítás.
Close to You
You promised to return by the end of December
I waited for you and once again you didn't come
It rains heavily, autumn leaves are falling
If only you knew what is love
When you're far away from me
Nothing seems right
And when you touch, everything is different
I want to be close to you
I'm excited by the sight of your face
I can't go on any longer without you
How I love you so
Only with you I feel different
I smile when you laugh
Because of you I bloom
I never forget who you are to me
Another year had passed with me believing
That you'll return to be my only one
We'll sit together and talk about a way
Were we'll walk together to the end of the world
When you're far away from me
Nothing seems right
And when you touch, everything is different
I want to be close to you…
Then the sunshine will come
When happiness has left you
Then don't pursue it
And when a game is lost
Then don't take it too hard
There are still dark clouds over your house
But tomorrow everything will look different
Then the sunshine will come
Shining right into your heart
And then everything, everything will be all right
Wipe away your tears and believe me:
A new happines is on its way to you.
Then the sunshine will come
And you won't be left alone
For it brings you a new love
That will make you endlessly happy
By day and night
Open the door and let the sunshine in
Open the door and let the sunshine in
As long as the earth turns
It has always been that way:
Nowhere else is
a lifelong happiness to be found
And are the heavens today still gray above you
The next morning it will turn again to blue
Then the sunshine will come
Shining right into your heart
And then everything, everything will be all right
Wipe away your tears and believe me:
A new happines is on its way to you.
Then the sunshine will come
And you won't be left alone
For it brings you a new love
That will make you endlessly happy
By day and night
Open the door and let the sunshine in
Then the sunshine will come
Shining right into your heart
And then everything, everything will be all right
Wipe away your tears and believe me:
A new happines is on its way to you.
Then the sunshine will come
And you won't be left alone
For it brings you a new love
That will make you endlessly happy
By day and night
Open the door and let the sunshine in
Open the door and let the sunshine in
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!
Sipur Yashan- Old Story
Old story,
A city on the other site of the sea,
it was alone and shining,
far from here,
how we wrote our names in blood,
in a covenant of youth do you remember,
we kissed softly smearing in innocence,
we embraced every day moments of simplicity,
the sun shone only more on us,
we swore forever to always remain,
summer's over how will i return home,
i write you,
my beautiful eyed love i write in the meanwhile,
you're the fire I'm the water,
a bird without wings,
i only dream of you,
every one of my distant nights is your,
and how the time plays tricks,
like an arrow in an injured heart,
it crawls and it goes,
certainly it doesn't know,
how much is longing is kindled when the soul is sad,
at the end of the rainy season i will return to you,
i write you..
Old story of a letter that's across the sea,
you wrote 'i can't manage',
so far away don't be upset i hope you'll forgive,
far away love hurts me,
and how the longing drives the imagination mad,
understand my love there's not sense here,
two children in a world so big,
and one summer that cries out to me with a voice,
the hearts burns i write a letter to you,
and i don't send it...
My beautiful eyed love i write in the meanwhile,
you're the fire I'm the water,
a bird without wings,
i only dream of you,
every distant nights of mine is always yours,
and how the time plays tricks
like an arrow in an injured heart,
it crawls and it goes,
certainly it doesn't know,
how much the longing ignites,
when the soul is sad,
.. old story of a dream of a wistful summer..
My beautiful eyed love i write in the meanwhile,
you're the fire I'm the water,
a bird without wings,
i only dream of you,
every distant nights of mine is always yours,
and how the time plays tricks,
like an arrow in a wounded heart,
it crawls and it goes,
certainly it doesn't know,
how much the longing ignites,
when the soul is sad...
old story of a dream of a wistful summer.
Madam don't like
Madam don’t like the guitar at all
Madam don’t like the guitar at all
Madam don’t like it but no problem
We’ll play the guitar anyway
It’s not Madam who’s in charge after all
Madam don’t like the bass either
Madam don’t like the bass either
Madam don’t like the low frequencies
We wonder what Madam’s thinking
For us, without the bass, we’re lost
Madam don’t like the drums I believe
Madam don’t like the drums I believe
Madam’s going to have to get used to it
And learn that nothing can replace
A good beat like this one
Madam don’t like the piano
Madam don’t even like the piano
I find Madam really difficult
We’ve got the best pianist in town
One does wonder what Madam needs
Madam don’t like the accordion
Madam don’t like the accordion
We don’t give a damn what madam likes
Or doesn’t like, he’ll play anyway
Us, it’s what we like
Madam don’t like what we play
Madam don’t like what we play
Madam says that it’s load of nonsense
That it’s played out of tune, that it’s played loud
So in advance Madam, sorry… Sorry…
Madam says that it’s load of nonsense
That it’s played out of tune, that it’s played loud
So in advance Madam, sorry… Sorry…
act like a real man
You're too late do not apologize...
Even if you are aware of your mistakes
I'm finished
How many years have passed
The price of my sins
I'm paying them now
I am standing up like a mountain...
I loved you like a man
I took my sin without thinking
What vows i have destroy for you
I don't deserve what you did
How am I supposed to be a grown up?
I wouldn't see ahead, I wouldn't.
I have studied all through the years, I have.
Studying wore me down, I got tired.
I wouldn't know my name, I wouldn't.
I searched for it, in every city, I did.
I ran, I went uphill and down dale, I roamed.
For whom?
For what?
Everyone got ahead of their games
Well, but how am I supposed to be a grown up?
Only you, the World has begrudged me.
The Good have lost this war
Fine, but how am I supposed to be a grown up?
Would being mean bring you back?
I did not like the school, I did not.
I have studied all through the years, I have.
Studying wore me down, I got tired.
I did not know the game, I did not.
I have tried in every way, I have tried.
Trying didn't help, I've been defeated.
For whom?
For what?
Everyone got ahead of their games
Well, but how am I supposed to be a grown up?
Only you, the World has begrudged me.
The Good have lost this war
Fine, but how am I supposed to be a grown up?
Would being mean bring you back?