Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 93


Die Ballade von Fredrik Akare und Cecilia Lind

Versions: #2
From Öckerö threshing floor, sound accordion and bass
the full moon is shining as if made of glass.
There dances Fredrik Åkare, dancing chin to chin (1)
with the young maiden, Cecilia Lind
She dances, eyes closed, so near to him
He leads and she follows, according to his whim
He leads and she follows, as light as the wind
But why are you blushing, Cecilia Lind..
Do tell, was it 'cause Fredrik Åkare said:
Your smell is so good, and your dancing so dab
Your bosom so round, and your waste is so thin
And you are so beautiful, Cecilia Lind
The dance has now ended and where could they go?
Cause they live so close to each other, you know..
Then they stopped at her porch, and Cecilia grinned
Oh give me a kiss, said Cecilia Lind
Shame on you, Fredrik, so old and senile
Cecilia Lind she is almost a child
Pure as a flower, like a doe sniffs the wind
Soon I'll be 17, said Cecilia Lind
The stars they keep wandring', have forgotten the two
And Fredrik is old, but the moon is so new
Yes, Fredrik is old, but who cares with lights dimmed
Oh, kiss me again, said Cecilia Lind
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth,
and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

come, fit into my chest (my heart)

I would hold your hands,
Even if the sky is destroyed on me,
I would relieve your wounds but,
this love is forbidden to us,
We salute to the trouble,
we didnt say ouch to the burning,
even if we burn we swore,
to keep silent, saying it is our fate
my love, your eyes are worried,
my love, your longing is so hard,
You are entrusted to me,
come, fit into my chest (my heart)

Coconut Deodorizer

Dad, I don't have the flu
Gimme the deodorizer
That brings bad luck
It's the coconut deodorizer
It gets you high when you inhale it
Here's the deodorizer!
If you don't inhale
You can't dance here
Here's the deodorizer
If you don't inhale
You can't dance here
Hear the tuim

The Ballad of the Four Daltons

Come in and listen to a new adventure
One about a cocky and brave guy
About Lucky Luke, the man of the law in the west
And how he put the Daltons under arrest
So therefor, crooks, be careful
When Luke and Jolly Jumper
Take care of it all in their way
Especially when it's about the Dalton brothers
You see, the Daltons are a horrible crowd
Peaceful people were more than tired
Of the criminal acts that they committed
Now, they're surveyed by the hard gaze of the law
But the Daltons don't wish to stay
In the mess they've ended up in
They take care of the issue in their way
And this is the ballad of the four Daltons
And hear about the devilish deal
The Daltons offered Lucky Luke for nine sharp shots
They thought money could get them everything
That murder would be possible as long as it was payed for
But be careful, crooks, take care
Luke and Jolly Jumper are always on guard
They take care of it all in their way
Especially when it's about the Dalton brothers
Now observe the juice grass of the prairie
The brook sways among the hay of the flowers1
Now, let's following the gurgling stream
But promise me that you'll all be bloody careful
'Cause the crooks must take care
For Lucky Luke is out hunting
He'll take care of it all in his own way
And this is the ballad of the four Daltons
He was a horseman, now he's a corpse
Inconsolable desert, no one heard his screaming
And the horse was his only friend
But none of them survived in the desert
But Luke and Jolly take care
For they're both always very on guard
They take care of it all in their way
Especially when it's about the Dalton brothers
You see, the gold fever can make people so crazy
That they forget the gold also may bring qualms
A dream of riches and clattering gold
May end up with a premature death in moist soil
But be careful, crooks, take care
Luke and Jolly Jumper are always on guard
They take care of it all in their way
Especially when it's about the Dalton brothers
But uncle Henry wasn't so bad
His money went to people who needed them
So this thing caused something good
And the children thank him every single day
The morale of my ballad must be
That the all of you must be honorable
Otherwise you'll get out of shape
Like when Henry Dalton was hanged
When Lucky Luke locked the brothers up
He was certain that he could keep them in2
'Cause Ratata was guarding the door of the jail
As he had done it so many times before
So therefor, crooks, be careful
For Ratata and Luke are always on guard
They take care of it all in their way
And this was the ballad of the four Daltons
This was the ballad of the four Daltons
  • 1. Not really sure if it's meant to be 'hæs,' but I can't hear what else it should be.
  • 2. Not sure if this sentence is transcribed correctly, though it may also just be an expression I'm not very familiar with.
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

The Dalton Ballad (Swedish Version)

I will sing about a new adventure
About lucky luke and his heroic deeds
As soon as he leads his horse towards the prairire
The crook flees for he shows no mercy
Without pardon, he's now stopped
The latest escapade of the dalton brothers
Taking them home first, a woesome platoon
The dalton ballad, what a messed up ballad
And the vengeance of the dalton brothers is here
People can sleep calmly in the night again
They aren't working without troubles here
Can't laze around when rantanplan is nearby
But under the vigilant gaze of the dog
The brothers dream of a new feat
With the help of their heinous tricks
The dalton ballad, what a messed up ballad
In the dark of night, by the fire you see
The dalton brothers explain their plan
And lucky luke just listens and smiles
Making a plan but not of the same kind
And the white moon is wry to the contract
The creatures of night sound their serenades
A shameful bargain is agreed
The dalton ballad, what a messed up ballad
The prairire blooms here, so thriving and green
Flowing water gives life to everything
A garden of eden, fantastically beautiful
The artist finds motifs everywhere
But without water in the desert next door
No trace of life, no not even a leaf
The heat as in a giant stove
The dalton ballad, what a messed up ballad
A rider rode forward in full galopp
Soon he was standing like a sculpture
The parking guard gets covered in dust
He took a peaceful rest during worktime
But nothing stops the brother's hatred
Onward now goes this brigade of vengeance
In the desert without water and food
The dalton ballad, what a messed up ballad
Were gold looms mankind gets weak
Like a magnet, it seems infallible
If someone becomes rich from a find someday
Others loose their hope pretty soon, though
From every corner of the world
Opportunists show up in an endless line
A weariless and patient squadron
The dalton ballad, what a messed up ballad
Here we see the last minute of freedom
The brothers once more go behind (prison) walls
And lucky succeeded in the end after all
The homeless children get a scantuary here
Although uncle henry was a sly dog
Perhaps even so he would be quite happy
To see his foundation flourish and how
The dalton ballad became a nice ballad
We've reached the end of this ballad
The dalton brothers are behind lock and key
They're dreaming of the next daring feat
To get out and escape their verdict
If one demands that a crime will succeed
The rules for the crooks are the same as last year
That if one doesn't want to get in trouble
Always be the first to draw your gun
Always be the first to draw your gun..
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.

Ripple Black Sea

The Black Sea is misty
It leans against clouds
The children of the sea
Are rebellious and blue
Black Sea you are dark
May you ceaselessly ripple
Don’t separate anyone
Lovers should be together
For the sake/love of the Black Sea
My rose I’ve become bewildered
If only I drowned
for one teardrop of yours
Ripple Black Sea
Ripple distressingly
You have separated from your beloved one
Sit down and feel sorry for yourself


You have no clue
That I'm waiting for you alone
dreaming of your blue eyes
I place covers over my head
You don't know why it's wrong
to cheat on a woman that way
you just lie sweetly, calmly
you're missing some gene for conscience
I had in my life
a love of a favourite
I know I've loved
a traitor and a bandit
nobody cares, nobody cares
Why does
a certain cheater
swear to honour and honesty
He's afraid it's a penalty
for certain expulsion
you don't have my confidence
I bet
you will pretend
not to envy my new love
I won't even say hello
when we meet
I swear I loved you
I burned for you
Those like me won't kneel
because I was born that way
I bet
you will pretend
not to envy my new love
I won't even say hello
when we meet
I swear I loved you
I burned for you
Those like me won't kneel
because I was born that way
I bet
you will pretend
not to envy my new love
I won't even say hello
when we meet
I swear I loved you
I burned for you
Those like me won't kneel
because I was born that way

Az éjszakák Brazíliában

(Neda és Matea)
Az éjszakák Brazíliában gyorsan eltelnek
Ha álmos vagy,nem vagy nekem való
Forog a Föld,a színes labda
Nem megyünk haza korán*
Nem fázom,de nincs is melegem
Majd' kiugrok a bőrömből**
Sosem vagyok szomorú,eh,ez a mottóm
Várj meg,megyek,és mindent hátrahagyok
Nem érzem rosszul magam,de jól sem
Túl sokat dolgozom,a napom túl sokáig tart
Itt a reggel fehér,a tenger kék
Itt vagy, és én is itt akarok lenni
(Neda és Matea)
Az éjszakák Brazíliában gyorsan eltelnek
Ha álmos vagy,nem vagy nekem való
Forog a Föld,a színes labda
Nem megyünk haza korán*
Az éjszakák Brazíliában gyorsan eltelnek
Ha álmos vagy,nem vagy nekem való
Forog a Föld,a színes labda
Nem jövünk vissza korán**
Nem fázom,de nincs is melegem
Majd' kiugrok a bőrömből**
Sosem vagyok szomorú,eh,ez a mottóm
Várj meg,megyek,és mindent hátrahagyok
(Neda és Matea)
Ref. ×2

I became an ash

My hope is exhausted, it is over
My hope is going without looking after itself
I don't wanna say (it)
They told it, I burned, I became an ash
I don't wanna say (it)
They told it, I burned, I became an ash
Sometimes appear, sometimes disappear
You made me had troubles
Your glance to my eyes
I don't know where my heart is
According to what I understand and hear, you love somebody
Somewhere in that city which I know from the maps

Endless/Blind Love

There are fifty stars in the sky, all fifty of them are visible
There are fifty stars in the sky, all fifty of them are visible
You can tell from the eyes of those who has a secret love
You can tell from the eyes of those who has endless love
Na na na na na na na na
The troubled bird is in its nest, but neither water nor food in it
The troubled bird is in its nest, but neither water nor food in it
Am I destined to see my beloved every once in a year
Am I destined to see my beloved every once in a year
Ohhh ooooo oh oooo ooo
The sun rises from the oak tree and lover has turned right around the corner
The sun rises from the oak tree and lover has turned right around the corner
She has taken her complexion from a rose and her scent from violets
She has taken her complexion from a rose and her scent from violets
Pray my beloved lets turn into birds and fly
Pray my beloved lets turn into birds and fly
My beloved you say yes and lets run away from here
My beloved say yes and lets away from here

Do not persecute (to me), Black Sea!

Do not persecute (to me), Black Sea!
Do not wound my heart
Is it easy to get..?
.. my cordial breath?
Do not persecute (to me), Black Sea!
Give my love back to me,
Give my breath back to me.

The Day Will Come

I looked at the road that my love traveled
For a long time my eyes were filled again
Your face came to my mind
Take the tears from my eyes, the day will come when you will dry them
Write this down so you remember, if you go you forget
The harbor’s ships pulled up their anchors and will go
Who saw my tears, who will know
Take the tears from my eyes, the day will come when you will dry them
Write this down so you remember, if you go you forget

I wish I was a rock and mist

I wish I was a rock, on top of Kaçkar (Mountain)
I wish I was a mist, in the hovel of the mountains
The painful voice of Tulum that coming from far away
The clouds, to the county of clouds
I wish I was a sea foam, in the Fırtına Stream
I would leak, I would reach to the Black Sea
All hail to one of my heart
The clouds, to the county of clouds

Foreign lands/people

Ah mountains, the snowy mountains
Will not come? My destiny?
When the foreigners says ''my love'' (to her)
My throat would burn (My heart would burn)
O forests, the forests
The written edicts
I tried to find the cures for my troubles
No snow on the lowland
High mountains would see the snow
The loved one of foreigners would come
The disagreeable foreigners can't break the writing on my forehead (my destiny)
If trees became pencil,
They can't write my troubles
May this touch your heart
My love! my words..
When the foreigners says ''my love'' (to her)
My throat would burn (My heart would burn)
Because of your love
I tell, bitterly
I tried to find
There is no medicine for my trouble

Nincs szerelem fájdalom nélkül

Hé, az én életemet
Csak ez tartja fenn
hogy mi együtt vagyunk
Hé, de fáj ez nekem
Ahogyan te szeretsz engem
hetente csak egyetlen egyszer
Nincs szerelem fájdalom nélkül
Nézd nézd, hová vezettél engem
Hosszúak a nappalaim, rövidek az éjszakáim
Nélküled nekem nincs oltalmam
Hosszúak a nappalaim, rövidek az éjszakáim
Nélküled nekem nincs oltalmam
Hé, én veled mindenre képes vagyok
belebetegszik a szívem
ha te nem vagy velem
Hé, de én nem tehetem azt,
hogy csak akkor szeresselek
hetente csak egyetlen egyszer

You tell all Black Sea

The mist of your mounstains does not allow a free passage
Waves surge but don't give anything back
My breath is forbidden, the fire inside me won't subside
You tell all Black Sea, my breath is not enough (to tell)
You tell all Black Sea
You tell all Black Sea

Cadenced Blues

Dear mr. president,
I want to ask you something
Dear mr. president,
I want to ask you something
You were elected twice,
tell me: where's the silence?
Dear mr. president,
if you don't know, that's ok
Dear mr. president,
if you don't know, that's ok
We're so peaceful, oh dear,
only if you smile a little.
Dear mr. president,
the entyre country is in festival
Dear mr. president,
the entyre country is in festival
Start again the Daciada(1)
and guide as to the Channel(2)...

I became someone's.

I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love(nearest meaning, it doesn't exactly mean this).
Couldn't I have met you earlier than this?
At least now that you've found me, hold on to me tightly before i get lost again.
(I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love.)
To your eyes I'm useless even now,
what else do I need to become a monk of love*.
In your laugh, I can hear the sound of flowers blossoming.(meaning you have such a tender laugh).
I demand you set right my loneliness right away!
Whatever I may say, I know you're cleverer than me, hide a kiss for me in your lips, before i try & steal it.
(I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love.)
I have dreamt on and gotten spoilt, without even your knowledge/without asking what you think, and since you've given it wings, my heart flies!!
I've to tell you about the things that surprise me one by one, when you listen to me telling them, just look at me intently and that's enough! might i become sane in (your?) company? Save a demand (one that only I can fulfill) from me before I (playfully) drive you crazy!
(I became someone's before knowing.
How do I become familiar before we make love.)
*-yogi is someone who is a master at yoga. Yoga isn't just the physical exercise. It's also used in other contexts.

Love or madness

Winter and summer
I am with you
no one is not like you and me
I'm dreaming you awake, I'm little weird
Well I'm not normal
That I can't be anymore without you
heaven decided
I don't know is this love or madness
Chorus (2x)
It's so good to us, that's it
it's really good to us together
what is mine that is yours, it's written
little by little we are arguing
little by little we are making things better
but we live one for each other
And at day and at night
I want with you
I don't care for other boys
when you aren't close to me, like toxicated
I'm crying for hours
That I can't be anymore without you
heaven decided
I don't know is this love or madness

Where the wild maggots grub

[Part 1]
This is all against all, everyone with everybody
Open closed for everyone - but not everyone, everyone
First that come, last that leave
Recorded laugher, scene for scene
This is Neverland baby - nobody becomes old
Everyone sends, no connection, are alone together
There shit becomes to gold, sauna-bath, hottest vapor
Live eternally, thank corpses! [he says the same which means 'thank god!' just with corpses]
Throw my phone in the Spree [a lake in Germany]
Never wanna know and see you anymore
No meetings, text messages nor e-mail!
Let me alone, I want my life back
We are the plague, we are the swarm
Never replete, guzzle ourselves into the grave
Sleep at day, wake up in the night
Never replete, never replete, never replete, never
We are the plague, we are the swarm
Anonym participants
Sleep at day, wake up in the night
Never replete, replete, replete!
[part 2]
We can nothing, except for doing nothing, but this pretty good
More fast food, supplies, fresh blood
Just being cheap, expensive than ever
The 40s are the teens today (euphoria)
This is Springbreak baby, everyone fucked
With more faces than Jaquen H'Ghar, turn with the wind
Live the movie, all together, everyone for oneself
Laughing on the sinking ship
Throw my phone in the Spree [a lake in Germany]
Never wanna know and see you anymore
No meetings, text messages nor e-mail!
Let me alone, I want my life back
We are the plague, we are the swarm
Never replete, guzzle ourselves into the grave
Sleep at day, wake up in the night
Never replete, never replete, never replete, never
We are the plague, we are the swarm
Anonym participants
Sleep at day, wake up in the night
Never replete, replete, replete!
All that I want, is to not be a part of you (no)
Just don't fit into the circle
Party, until the bubble bursts or nasal septum rips (fine (?))
There I like to stay alone
There I like to stay alone
There I like to stay alone
There I like to stay alone
There I like to stay alone

Samba em Preludio

Versions: #3
I without you have no more reason
because, without you, I can't even cry
I'm a flame without light, a garden without moonlight
a moonlight without love, a love without giving myself
And, without you, I'm so indifferent
a boat without sea, a field without flowers
sadness which goes, sadness which comes.
Without you, my love, I am nobody!
Ah, what a nostalgia,
what a will to see reborn our life!
Come back, my darling,
my arms are crave your ones,
your arms crave mine
I feel so lonesome,
my eyes are tired of looking glum
Come to the life
Without you, my love, I am nobody!
Without you, my love, I am nobody!

Song of Absent Love

¹Oh, woman
Thou who createst love
Here I am so alone
In the immense shade
Of thy absence
Woman, song
Nocturnal flower of goodbye
Come kill me with love
With love in thy arms
²My love is so much
So much for thee
That there is no greater pain
Than what I experienced
The pain of this separation
Listening to my own heart
Beat every minute in vain
Of thy absence
²Oh, I wish I could
Give myself entirely to thee
Oh, I wish I could have
The time I have lost
Oh, I wish
To be the air
That at least
Rub thy lips
And kiss thee
One more goodbye
Gabriel Moreira© This is an original translation, I have put time and effort into it, please contact me before using it elsewhere. - Esta es una traducción original, por favor pedir permiso para usarlo.

Old comrades

Old comrades on the march through the country
Holding a friendship faithful and true.
Whether in need or in great danger
Always together they hold all anew .
During an attack, we will them give blow for blow,
Glory and honor, bring us victory,
Come, comrades, fresh and supplied,
This is our marching music (song).
During manoevers, the whole regiment
Took quarters in the nearest village house out there.
And we were flirting at our lodgings,
With all the girls and the landlord's daughter.
Laughing joking, laughing joking, today yes today
Unknown tomorrow is the whole regiment's fate and it's fortune
That, comrades, is the warrior's bitter lot
So take the glass in hand and say 'Cheers'.
Old Wine gives courage and strength,
In which lies the true lifeblood.
And this old heart does stay young
with all the powerful memories.
Whether in joy, whether in need,
We'll remain faithful unto death.
Drink from one and give some more
And let's be all, old comrades.
Even if we're old, the heart does stay young,
Let's all revel in the memories.
Drink up and pour a round
And let's be all, old comrades.

I Once Did Have A Comrade

I once did have a comrade,
You would find no better one .
The drum called us to battle,
And he did march there beside me ,
In perfect pace and stride.
A bullet came a-flying,
Is it my turn - is it yours?
And then it swept your life away,
There he lies, here at my feet, just
As if it were a part of me.
He reaches out his hand to me,
As I'm about to reload.
'I cannot hold onto your hand now,
May you rest there in eternal life
O My good comrade.'

He was a Friend of Mine

He was a friend of mine
His years cut short for me
The bullet that was mine
He gladly took, for me.
The bullet that was mine
He gladly took, for me.
We gaze, we seek, we ask
What is this all about
They tell us it's the task
For them, there is no doubt.
They tell us it's the task
For them, there is no doubt.
Again, we face sure hell
They say, no other way
For this my friend, we fell
We faced no other day.
For this my friend, we fall
and face no other day.
Zwei Kameraden

Devils may take you, you young boys

Devils may have taken you, you young boys,
when you didn’t invite me to dance,
I would have danced, gave something to the dulcimer
and kiss you all.
What my mom suffered this night,
so she just somehow ingratiated to you,
she baked three portions of flour on cake for you boys,
so I just danced.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!

Hey, you Black Sea!

Its you, black sea!
Its filled but never overflow!
Never do it, my love!
The doer ones never lived!
Hey, ruined hill!
You played with my heart!
I will go but,
You are like basket* on my back! (I cant go without you)

The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side

I have someone, but I've been watching you
My heart says yes, but my mind says no
I've been attracted to you for a really long time
That's why I'm restless
At night I dream about
waking up with you.
Oooh, oooh
It's good when you're in love, but it gets boring
Adrenaline kicks in, it won't let my conscience win
They won't know that we're together
We'll do it discreetly, you obviously want that.
People say that the grass is always greener on the other side
it's easy to find the reason for that.
In my relationship everything goes well
I'm searching for some chaos to keep it in order
I've been attracted to you for a really long time
That's why I'm restless
At night I dream about
waking up with you.

Bánat (Sad)

Induljunk a békesség felé
Krisztus nevében, Amen!
Igaz hitet találunk az
angyalok és gyerekek között.
Feltárul az értelem dicső kapuja
és kinyílik az örökkévalóság ajtaja
és eljön a dicsőség királya.
Aki a dicsőség királya?
Mondd Sade!
Add nekem Sade!
Békét teremtünk
Krisztus nevében, Amen.
Mondd Sade,
mit keresel?
A hamisság becsületességét,
A bűn tisztaságát.
Mondd Sade miért a gonosz evangélium?
Mi a vallásod? Hol a hűséged?
Ha istennel szembeszállsz, (úgy) emberrel szállsz szembe!
Mondd Sade miért öröm a szenvedély?
Öröm szeretet nélkül?
Nincs többé érzelem a hitben?
Ördög, vagy istenség vagy Sade?
Mondd Sade,
Adj nekem Sade
Mondd Sade,
Adj nekem Sade
Krisztus nevében, Amen!