Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 8

Találatok száma: 361


Fear of Loving You

Fear of loving you in a place so fragile like the world
Bad from loving you in this place of imperfection
Where everything shatters for us and grows silent
Where everything lies to us and separates us.
May no star burn your profile
May no god remember your name
May not the wind even pass where you pass.
For you I shall create a pure day
Free like the wind and repeated
Like the blossoming of the ordered waves.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.


When my body rots and I am dead
The garden will continue, the sky and the sea,
And just like today the four seasons
Will dance at my doorstep.
Other people in April will pass through the same orchard
Through which I have passed through so many times,
There will be long sunsets upon the sea,
Other people will love the things which I have loved.
It will be the same shine the same party,
It will be the same garden at my doorstep.
And the golden hair of the forest
As if I wasn't dead.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Che Guevara

The prudence of the intelligent and the boldness of the fools was raised against you
The indecision of the complicated and the shortsightedness
Of those who confuse revolution with retaliation
From poster to poster your image hovers in the society of consumption
Like how Christ in blood hovers over organized absentmindedness of the churches
In front of your visage
There meditates the youth at night in his room
When he seeks to emerge from a world that is rotting
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.


In a waterless desert
In a moonless night
In a nameless country
Or in a naked land
No matter how great the despair
No absence is deeper than yours.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

I shall return

I shall return to the poem like to the fatherland to home
Like to the ancient childhood that I lost due to my carelessness
To search obstinately the substance of everything
And to scream with passion under a thousand lit lights.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

There are women who bring the sea in their eyes

There are women who bring the sea in their eyes
Not by the color
But rather by the vastness of the soul
And they bring the poem in their fingers and in their smiles
They remain outside of time
As if the tide had never taken them
From the beach where they were happy.
There are women who bring the sea in their eyes
through the greatness of the immensity of the soul
through the infinite way in which they encompass things and Men...
There are women who are the tide in all nights of evenings...
and calm
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

To pass with you through the desert of the world

To pass with you through the desert of the world
To face together the terror of death
To see the truth, to lose fear
Beside your steps I walked
For you I left my kingdom my secret
My quick night my silence
My round pearl and its east
My mirror my life my image
And I abandoned the gardens of paradise
There outside in the unveiled light of the hard day
Without the mirrors I saw that I was naked
And the wasteland1 was called time
Because of this with your gestures you dressed me
And I learned to live in full wind.
  • 1. field, but considering the desert of the world image, wasteland fits better here
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Helena Lanari's Poem

I like to hear Brazilian Portuguese
Where the words recuperate their total substance
Concrete like neat fruits like birds
I like to hear the word with all of its syllables
Without losing even the fifth of a vowel
When Helena Lanari said 'coconut tree'
The coconut tree became much more plantlike
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

The cicadas

With the fire of the sky the calm falls
On the white wall the shadows are straight
The light persecutes each thing until
To the most extreme limit of the visible
The cicadas are more audible than the sea
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

My cat and I

Versions: #2
My cat and I like to look out of a window,
Makes no difference if streets are sunny or dark.
I will pour him milk, but for myself I'll take wine,
After all, if cats drink wine, the result is quite stark.
And we drink, because, frankly, we do quite like it.
Cat will snack on some fish, I'll smoke since I didn't quit.
And look, the snow is now melting - spring has arrived
But the one who comes to me - she is not my wife:
Just the word 'wife' to the very bone leaves me chilled
And cat is hissing - long are memories of strife.
Then, the windows change, and from the windows - the views.
We know that anywhere, we'll have enough of milk and wine,
That everywhere, we will have enough freedom and long nights,
And we are fine that the cat is mine, but I belong to no one.
We felt both cold and sweltering heat - the world is small,
We exchanged compartment walls for the apartment's walls,
What is ahead? Oh, should the answer be known at all,
We would close the curtains, turn on the lights, have a ball!...
But life is short, and once more, the moon is sorrowful,
Touch a fallen star - and hand is burned by fire!...
At times I tell myself: 'Try to forget, let it heal,
Don't feel sorry for yourself - pity the cat that can't drink wine!
Don't feel sorry for yourself - pity the cat that can't drink wine!
My cat and I like to look out of a window...
My cat and I like to look out of a window...
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


Andrew Dala

Kövesd az ösvényt
Oda, ahol senki sem járt még
Ne fordulj meg
Míg el nem éred a végét
Keresztül a tengeren
És túl a messzi földeken
A világ vár
Szóval ne tervezz semmit
Hát itt vagy
Hát itt vagy
Minden lépésed
Ezer kilométerre visz téged
Meg fogod találni a peremet
A hajnalhasadáson túl
És hagyd magad mögött
Akit szeretsz
A párnákat az ágyadon
Hát itt vagy
Hát itt vagy
Amit otthonodnak hívsz
Csak egy emlékdoboz
Örökké elveszett
De elég jó, hogy megtartsd
Mert nem tudhatod
Mit tartogat a holnap számodra
Egy újabb ösvényt
Vagy csak egy pillantást az igazságról
Hát itt vagy
Hát itt vagy
Van egy hely az út végén
Ahol az életünk aranyszínű, tiszta fénnyé változik
Ahol a múlt csak az idő csillanása
És a világ alapból jó
Ez nem végleges búcsú
Csak egy 'viszontlátásra'

Csakis téged szeretlek

Túl hosszú ideig
Te és én nem voltunk egyedül
Többet nem kérek fényt
Szoval te leszek a Napom
Ugyanazok vagyunk itt
Határozottak, szabadok
Mostantól beszélj hozzám
Ha keresed a szavaidat
Probáld ezt: Én még mindig szeretlek
Mond, hogy te
Sem akarnál többet kérni ennél
Te vagy az egyetlen
Akit ok nélkül
És tudtam, de
Ma van az a nap
Amit vártam
Te vagy a törödés és a türelem
Mindig magunkról álmodtam
Ugyanazok vagyunk itt
Határozottak, szabadok
Csak kövess engem
Ha keresed a szavaidat
Probáld ezt: Én még mindig szeretlek
Mond, hogy te
Sem akarnál többet kérni ennél
Te vagy az egyetlen
Akit ok nélkül
Probáld ezt: Én még mindig szeretlek
Mond, hogy te
Sem akarnál többet kérni ennél
Te vagy az egyetlen
Akit ok nélkül
Ez az egyetlen alkalom
Mikor egyedül leszek

Zuhanyj rám

Azt gondoltam előbb vagy utóbb,
A fény megvilágit
Lejön és útat mutat a szeretethez
De nem tudom mi a megfelelő számomra,
Nem látom tisztán.
Már régóta itt vagyok és nem akarok tovább várni
Repülj, mint egy ágyúgolyó, egyenesem a lelkembe
Tépj darabokra
És csináld azt, hogy egésznek érezzem magam
Hajlandó vagyok harcolni érte,
És cipelem a súlyát
De minden lépéssel
Megkérdőjelezem mi is az igazság
Zuhanj rám
Nyitott karokkal
Ess rám
Onnan, ahol vagy
Ess rám
Minden fényeddel
Minden fényeddel
Minden fényeddel
Hamarosan megvilágit a fény
Mindig kövesd, hadd vezessen
Ne add fel,
Légy ovatós, ne veszítsd el magad
A múltad értelmet ad neked
Szeretném, ha hinnél magadban, igen
Minden lépésben itt vagy
Egy végtelen utazás
Mosolyogni fogok
Mindig velem leszel
Zuhanj rám
Figyelj rám
Zuhanj rám
Ess rám
Ameddig csak akarsz
Ameddig csak akarsz
Ameddig csak akarsz
Ameddig csak akarsz
Becsukom a szemem
És mindenhol téged látlak
Olyan, mintha téged lélegeznélek a levegőből
Zuhanj rám
Figyelj rám
Zuhanj rám
Ess rám
Minden fényeddel
Minden fényeddel
Minden fényeddel

Örökre hozzád tartozom

Jó estét, régi boldogság, régi szerelem
Tudd,hogy mindig együtt volt a szívünk*
Minden porcikám emlékszik az érintésedre
ugyanazok az őrültségeink ,hát ugyanazok a vágásaink.
Mert a bőrünk ismeri egymást, és lélek lelket el nem árul
Másokat egy pillanat alatt elhagyok**,hogy visszatérjek hozzád a legvégén.
Hogy elfogadd hiányosságaimat***,hogy megint visszaadd a szárnyaimat.
Tudd, hogy ugyanazok a sebek kötnek össze minket, nélküled nem tudok élni****
Örökre hozzád tartozom...
Ezerszer elárultuk egymást,
Ezerszer visszatértünk egymáshoz,
Kiégtünk az ajkaktól,amik nekünk csak számok voltak
Amikor másé vagy,még jobban az enyém vagy
Mert a bőrünk ismeri egymást, és lélek lelket el nem árul
Másokat egy pillanat alatt elhagyok**,hogy visszatérjek hozzád a legvégén.
Hogy elfogadd hiányosságaimat***,hogy megint visszaadd a szárnyaimat.
Tudd, hogy ugyanazok a sebek kötnek össze minket, nélküled nem tudok élni****
Örökre hozzád tartozom... x2

I belong you forever

Good evening, old happiness,old love
Know that we always had the same heart
Every part of my body remembers your touch
We have the same madness so we have the same cuts
Because our skin know each other
And soul doesn't let soul
I let others for a minute
to return to you
(To you) who doesn't care about my faults, to you,who give me back my wings
Know that the same wounds connect us
I'm not alive without you
I belong you forever...
Thousands of times we betrayed each other
Thousands of times we returned to each other
We're tired of lips which are only numbers to us
When you are others, you're more mine
Because our skin know each other
And soul doesn't let soul
I let others for a minute
to return to you
(To you) who doesn't care about my faults, to you,who give me back my wings
Know that the same wounds connect us
I'm not alive without you
I belong you forever...

Other People

In a new attack of vanity
You ended up sharing everything about your sorrow with the entire world
Oh, that hope was crazy, and it's game over
But your tiny heart is still racing
But who should you be? (Try being like someone who's a little more)
Here he is with Keld Heick
Here he is with Lou Reed in New York
But you could draw a straight line from Father Blicher1 to my family
My nature's characterized like that, mute as the rock, silent as the tree
Share and like if you think I look like Michael Falch or Justin Bieber
Staring down at a screen, whispering, 'Take me, lift me, hold me, love me
Hell is other people'
Please be merciful to these young men
And forgive them, for they know not what they are saying
They'll write anything to see themselves
At the top of a several kilometers long commentary track
Let's leave (There's nothing here for us to bring along)
Spread your prejudices out, stitch them together into a parachute
Take the leap into your dream and see if it'll work
If we're to stand here as the world is ending, let me die as an influencer
All this pop makes me sore and bitter, save me, Henrik, Jens, and Hilmer2
I'm not a confident media madman like Eva Selsing and Mikael Jalving3
Just a man with a dream who thinks, 'Who can afford real enemies?
Hell is other people'
  • 1. Steen Steensen Blicher, a famous Danish priest, author, and poet
  • 2. The members of the band Love Shop
  • 3. Debaters known for writing for different papers
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

The World Is On Fire

The moon is glowing in the sky and I am burning with love
A fire that consumes itself as does my heart
My spirit crys out so grieviously
There is no peace on such a woeful night
My world is on fire, and my heart is ablaze
She thirsts for water, and I thirst for love
To whom will I sing this, my song
If there is no one who will appear on the balcony?
The time goes on but there is no dawn
The sun shines no more because she does not come back
The time goes on but there is no dawn
The sun shines no more because she does not come back
My world is on fire, and my heart is ablaze
She thirsts for water, and I thirst for love
To whom will I sing this, my song
If there is no one who will appear?
The moon is glowing in the sky and I am burning with love

Mama, you were right

Mama, you were right
I didn't go through life straight
People talked behind my back
And how they talked, how they talked.
So many words were said, mama
Mama, you were right
I've made a lot of mistakes
There were the highs and the lows
But I was always true to myself
Sorry I haven't turned out to be the man
You dreamed i would be
But try to understand that I can't start over
Sorry that I haven't become stronger
Sorry that I haven't become kinder
Life turned out to be more difficult
The pain turned out to be more painful
Mama, you were right
You taught me to be kind
But that was yesterday
Now time has moved on, and it has changed me drastically
Mama, you were right
Maybe it would be easier for me to go with the flow
But I've chosen to ride the storms because I can't live differently.
Sorry I haven't turned out to be the man
You dreamed i would be
But try to understand that I can't start over
Sorry that I haven't become stronger
Sorry that I haven't become kinder
Life turned out to be more difficult
The pain turned out to be more painful

The fairest who is now asleep

The fairest who is now asleep
la la la, la la la, la la la
bears a name that gives fright
liberty, liberty, liberty
The fairest who is now asleep
la la la, la la la, la la la
bears a name that gives fright
liberty, liberty, liberty

Snow falls on the beach

Unknown singer, tell me, what is your song about?
What are you laughing about? What are you feeling sorrow about?
How far from each other we are!
I hear your voice from a black disk.
Chorus 2
The snow falls on the beach and the leaves fly…
What a wizard mirage, a sweep of a magic brush…
This is the dance of stars, the bridge of a volatile rainbow.
This is the bridge from heart to heart, from heart to heart…
Chorus 2
Translator, translate the words to the language of the night,
To the dialect of a cloud or grass on the meadow.
What are you waiting for, translator?
I see confusion in your eyes.
You haven’t the skill to do it, you can’t. But I can.
Chorus 2
Chorus 2

Call her

The heart has numbered beats
But you waste them
On foreign hearts and then you recognize
That you actually love me
You tell me all that you don't tell anyone
Luck or misfortune?
We ignite the ash, we set our feelings
On fire once more
Uh, I wouldn't have wanted to feel something like this
I want you and the thought that you, today
Belong to someone else
Call her, from today, just her
Or I'll call her now to talk a little
With a glass of wine
Call her, from today, just her
Or I'll call her to tell her that you're good to love
But we didn't fit together
The heart has numbered beats
You taught me
That love comes to a soul which was
Abandoned, sometime
And foreign hearts sing to us in a choir
Stories which seem false
She swears, she doesn't steal, she's just looking for a dance
For one night, waltz steps
Uh, I wouldn't have wanted to feel something like this
I want you and the thought that you, today
Belong to someone else
Call her, from today, just her
Or I'll call her now to talk a little
With a glass of wine
Call her, from today, just her
Or I'll call her to tell her that you're good to love
But we didn't fit together
The heart has numbered beats
Loved one night and then thrown
By you and foreign hearts stolen
My heart with numbered beats
Call her, from today, just her
Or I'll call her now to talk a little
With a glass of wine
Call her, from today, just her
Or I'll call her to tell her that you're good to love
But we didn't fit together
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Parázslik a föld

Parázslik a hold az égen,
Vele ég a szerelmünk is.
E tűzzel felemésztettük egymást,
Közös szivünket.
Tiszta lelkem sír, megsebesült.
Nincs béke számomra , ha fájdalmas az éjszaka.
Parázslik a föld és vele ég a szívem is.
Míg ő vízre szomjazik,
Én a szerelmére szomjazom.
Kinek fogom énekelni a dalom,
Ha nincs aki kilépjen az erkélyre?
Az idő múlik,
De már nincs hajnal.
A nap sem süt többé,
Ha ő nem tér vissza.
Az idő múlik,
De már nincs hajnal.
A nap sem süt többé,
Ha ő nem tér vissza.
Parázslik a föld és vele ég a szívem is.
Míg ő vízre szomjazik,
Én a szerelmére szomjazom.
Kinek fogom énekelni a dalom,
Ha senki se jön elő?
Parázslik a hold az égen és vele ég a szerelmünk is.

FC Bayern örökké az első ámú

Ez egy nagyon-nagyon út volt,
a kezdetektől többet akartunk,
a játék nehéz, de mi ott vagyunk,
csak a siker számít számunkra.
FC Bayern örökké az első számú,
nyugodtan hívhatsz minket világbajnoknak,
FC Bayern örökké az első számú,
sokkal jobbak vagyunk,mint a többiek.
A végsőkig beleadunk mindent,
Más szóba se jöhet,
A nagy esély, a győztes kapja a kupát,
számunkra az első hely a cél.
FC Bayern örökké az első számú,
nyugodtan hívhatsz minket világbajnoknak,
FC Bayern örökké az első számú,
sokkal jobbak vagyunk,mint a többiek.
Jól tudod, történeltem írunk,
A csapat egyszer, és mostantól
Együtt soha sem bukunk el,
amikor veletek egymás mellett állunk.
FC Bayern örökké az első számú,
nyugodtan hívhatsz minket világbajnoknak,
FC Bayern örökké az első számú,
senki sem jobb,mint...
FC Bayern örökké az első számú,
nyugodtan hívhatsz minket világbajnoknak,
FC Bayern...

My country has gone mad

Versions: #2
While we are born, we don't choose where and when
And for eternity we couldn't tear the thread.
Yet to another war my country went,
And I couldn't stop that.
To some the power and pleasure,
To some a pauper bag and prison bed,
And I don't have the strength to overcome the pain:
My country has gone mad,
And I can't help it just the same.
And what can we do, and what should we think,
If everything is now a mess , opinions are split.
There is no need to grow halos and wings
We just need not to be a shit.
One thing though, and I'm sure of it
The time to choose is nigh.
But if you decided not to be a shit
It's easy to live and die.
It's easy to live and die.
And live, and not die.

Impure Honey

It's almost night, where will you be?
Good angel, I am
Here in a slow silence
Paying for freedom
Your voice grows within me
I'm sitting on the floor
And liberating my weight
I search for those who aren't there
Within my 'because'
But I no longer have a heart
What there is now
Is a bore
Impure honey
Without you
Even the moon drifts up there
Mirror of the city
In an ageless time
It's hard to live
All that dies is what will flower
Again next spring
Now, what I know
I do not know
I immerse myself in you
Drinking the love I drown in
It's impure honey
Without you
And only what flowers lives
You're a dream, a pure weightless body
Always one more
Beside me
And I live in you
It's pure honey
If you love me, love
I'll save myself
You are my prayer
And I will finally climb back up to you
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word' but at least it will be pretty

Another's clothes

An unfamiliar word
Sits strangely in my mouth
Tastes new
Tastes like something else
Like wearing another's clothes
Wearing borrowed feathers
Feels new
Feels unknown
Another day
In another life
I will stand without you
Without you
Your face was so like home
Your hands fit so well
The words you used were so familiar
But it's been too long now
For me to remember it completely
For me to remember it
For me to remember it

Paris by night

It's midnight, the whole Paris
Buys itself the streets, opens itself to the Moon
In the whole Paris, on the asphalt
Joy mixes with foam.
It's my revenge, my lucky day,
Sure, I'm going to break my chains
And I'm looking for you
Tonight, we'll be King and Queen.
Paris by night
Enlightens our eyes
Into the infinite
The date of our history
Paris by night, yes, that's true life
All the lovers will go to the ball
Paris by night dazzles us
All those diamonds are my stars
It's midnight and I bet
Party isn't over yet
This city is classy, there, I'm hugging you
And our eyes shine brightly
I'm breaking the ice with audacity
This is my declaration
I'm shouting 'I love you', I'm unleashing
And I'm making my own revolution
Oh, oh oh
Oh oh oh
Metallic city, love is being carried away
Under this rain of light
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Paris by night

I love you

My good thought, unspoken
Has stopped in your heart
You gently touched my hand
You caught my gaze
Just don't say anything
I know that you'd like
To ignite a little star in my hair
Come with me, somewhere
Where we can dream
I love you, I'm yours
I want you, only
The love stays, it warms
My heart
Only your love makes me float
When I'm by your side, I feel like I'm going insane
You give me power when I'm on the ground
You know to make me fly, laugh, sing
It's simple, it's good
When I'm next to you
I love you, I'm yours
I want you, only
The love stays, it warms
My heart
All my dreams come true slowly
I touched the sky with you today, in flight
It's simple, it's good
When I'm next to you
I love you, I'm yours
I want you, only
The love stays, it warms
My heart
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

On the way

Different scenery, we still play the same role,
You leave in a hurry, nothing's random
You say that both of us would have messed up
You want us both to share the blame
And contemplating negative infinity
You bring a war zone
You told me that it'd hurt a bit
That it would hurt and it would pass
But you left so calmly
You, man with a heart of stone
A good sign, another way
Shows up in the morning, which should change my life
I feel how the scales tip
On the way, on the way, on the way
I get lost with you in my soul, how can I stop
I can't be the way you want me to be, but I keep on messing up
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

It's just fine

It's just, it's just fine
It's all just fine
I was troublesome, you tried to take care of me, it often went wrong
I do understand why you yelled at me when I was being a brat although I was scared
Being a parent must be a hard thing to do, especially when it's to someone like me
I know I still have much to learn, the more I know about myself, the more I know about you
And when you're no longer here, I'll miss you
And when you're no longer here, I'll miss you
It's just, it's just fine
It's all just fine
You were the hard father, mother was the soft mother, that's typical
But back at your speech at my confirmation, you cried so much
Being a parent must be a hard thing to do, especially when it's to someone like me
I know I still have much to learn, the more I know about myself, the more I know about you
I know you did the best you could
And when you're no longer here, I'll miss you
It's just, it's just fine
It's all just fine
It's just, it's just fine
It's all just fine
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

But there is only one of you for me

Versions: #2
There are millions of stars
Our city, it has a thousand lanterns
There is a lot of good and money in the world
But there is only one of you for me
There are more than a thousand kisses left to give us
And relationships that can be broken
I know there is happiness and pain
For me, there is only you
Just the thought,
That I could lose you again,
That another man,
you his calls!
It makes me sad,
Because you are the complement for me
How would be the world for me without you?
Many flowers glow in the garden
There are many ladies, that wait
Joy and pain exist always,
But there is only one of you for me
Just the thought,
That I could lose you again,
That another man,
you his calls!
It makes me sad,
Because you are the complement for me
How would be the world for me without you?
There are seven Earth's wonders
A thousand boats sail over the seas
There is a lot of good and money in the world
But there is only one of you for me
Just the thought,
That I could lose you again,
That another man,
you his calls!
It makes me sad,
Because you are the complement for me
How would be the world for me without you?
But you, there is only one of you for me


Üdvözöllek a sötétségben,
a szívtelenek otthonában.
Oh, 14 éves korom óta meg akartam halni.
minden szóra amit mondtál, és
néha azon gondolkodtam, hogy jobb lenne halottnak lenni.
Utálj, szeress,
gyűlölködj csak.
Oh drágám, Boldog Új Évet,
egyedül megyek,
idén nincsen félelem.
Bassza meg, meg fogom tenni.
Hallom a szirénákat,
ahogy áttörnek a égbolton, oh drágám,
minden kibaszott kegyetlenségen.
Eddig vakon szaladtam, de most tisztán látlak,
most hallhatom, hogy ah-ah-ah-ah.
Hallhatom, hogy ah-ah-ah-ah.
Itt a táskám,
amiben eddig mindig meghátráltam,
megtartottam a falaimat, hogy ne omoljanak össze.
Utoljára mondtam el,
a hazugságokon kersztül, amiket rímekbe szedek,
most a ragadozó válik áldozattá.
Utálj, szeress,
gyűlölködj csak.
Oh drágám, Boldog Új Évet,
egyedül megyek,
idén nincsen félelem.
Bassza meg, meg fogom tenni.
Hallom a szirénákat,
ahogy áttörnek a égbolton, oh drágám,
minden kibaszott kegyetlenségen.
Eddig vakon szaladtam, de most tisztán látlak,
most hallhatom, hogy ah-ah-ah-ah.
Hallhatom, hogy ah-ah-ah-ah.
Utálj, szeress,
gyűlölködj csak.
Oh drágám, Boldog Új Évet,
egyedül megyek,
idén nincsen félelem.
Hallom a szirénákat,
ahogy áttörnek a égbolton, oh drágám,
minden kibaszott kegyetlenségen.
Eddig vakon szaladtam, de most tisztán látlak.
Most hallhatom a szirénákat,
ahogy áttörnek a égbolton, oh drágám,
minden kibaszott kegyetlenségen.
Eddig vakon szaladtam, de most tisztán látlak.
Most, hogy már hallhatom...
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