Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 54

Találatok száma: 3173


Everything's fine

[1st verse]
People love me, hate me, I'm ordering pizza
Alarm set at six o'clock, we're heading to Jerozolimskie*
We'll talk for three hours then I'll head home
During the weekend I'll clear few thousands for playing for teens
People say 'What a life he has!' when they see me now
Fuck... you have no idea how little I need
How much it hurts me when I come back no one asks
They ask about collabs and the release of my new album
It hurts me that I cannot express the feeling through words
Everything's fine but something's hiding inside me and wants to scream
It's a fucking loneliness
And it's not about friendships, what I have on my mind is someone who
will be the second letter of my 'me'
someone who will make me feel less alone
someone who will make me want to fight for myself
'cause I fucking want this and I'm able - I promise
All in all, everything's fine, everything's fine
But I want to be a step closer, one step closer
I'm missing something, I don't know what
I mean, I do... too bad, fuck it
All in all, everything's fine, everything's fine
But I want to be a step closer, one step closer
I'm missing something, I don't know what
I mean, I do... too bad, fuck it
[2nd verse]
I meet new people, I don't get to know them**
I have a problem with myself, I don't blame fate for it
All these chicks I wanted once slide into my DMs, he he
No need to get involved in cheap crap***
Homie arranges lines****, he asks if I want some - IDK
What I really want is to call you
There are no waves*****, fuck you're not here either
But you show up in my mind, every time I try to fall asleep
Some shit's playing in the background, MJ Cole and some techno
And then Oddział Zamknięty, Solar
I got a DM - she's asking if we'll bang... quite upsetting
I'm not into it
Maybe I'm just a naive sucker
All the feelings are stored inside me
I don't feel close to the people I love
Because no one really gets me
Open sea, one person and a lifeboat
All in all, everything's fine, everything's fine
But I want to be a step closer, one step closer
I'm missing something, I don't know what
I mean, I do... too bad, fuck it
All in all, everything's fine, everything's fine
But I want to be a step closer, one step closer
I'm missing something, I don't know what
I mean, I do... too bad, fuck it

A Child Called Happiness

A child called happiness
Has been missing for some time
Has clear bright eyes
Her tresses as long as our dreams
Please let us know
In case you have news
Our address is:
From Persian Gulf
To the Caspian Sea 1
  • 1. Persian Gulf and the Caspian sea mark the northern and southern borders of Iran. Basically it means all of Iran, and makes the (figurative) parents all Iranians

I couldn't forget your name

Versions: #1
I waited a lot but you have no fault.
I didn't ask around, I couldn't forget your name.
I couldn't find a solution, my heart's in pieces.
I don't know what my end will be.
I couldn't escape your love either,
I fought it, I couldn't succeed.
If you were going to fade away, if you were going to leave,
why did you enter my heart, woman?

Overcome the heartbreak

I will overcome the heartbreak1
I regain faith in myself
After fear comes the being
That discovers its power
How a nest is emptied
My longings were drained
The senses became clouded
The colours faded
The roads were closed
And you don't live here any more
I will overcome the heartbreak
Because a flower is growing in me
With aromas and with a breeze
With respect for life
A smile accompanies me
I come home, I come back to me
I will overcome the heartbreak
I regain faith in myself
After fear comes the being
That discovers its power
And that embraces its soul
Forgives itself and is reborn
I don't seek oblivion
Just overcoming heartbreak
(I'm going to fly high to demolish your entire house)
(Bad vibes to heartbreak)
(I bring a backpack full of flow)
(From rhythm, from kisses of peace and love)
Because today I believe and trust
That in my wounded heart and pride
They are the light with which I guide myself
They are my strength, my motive, I will raise my voice
To dance with life
I will overcome the heartbreak
I regain faith in myself
After fear comes the being
That discovers its power
And that embraces its soul
Forgives itself and is reborn
I don't seek oblivion
Just overcoming heartbreak
  • 1. It can also mean 'indifference', 'dislike', 'unkindness' 'coldness' and other things.


I'm crying over a cartoon, perhaps, I'm a good man
Still got a bit of love left under my thick skin
I don't like people, they're too presumptuous,
They've committed too much, too much idiocy
I'm a white bear, just yesterday I wanted to die,
See you, death, see you, northern lights
I don't like people, they're too presumptuous,
They've committed too much, too much wrong
I won't be here tomorrow and only songs will remain
And only stupid, stupid little songs will remain
I'm a white bear, just yesterday I wanted to die,
See you, death, see you, northern lights
I was dying in a dream again, oh this sweet pain,
If I forget to wake up, if I forget to wake up,
Just bring alcohol,
I was dying in a dream again,
I was dying in a dream again
If I forget to wake up


This is space
and this is the earth
On top of the earth, a special
geographic area lies
the nordic countries
All these countries are in the top
of several national mensurations
like in quality of life
Thus, all the countries are good
but the question remains
What are you talking about
There's no doubt
That we're the best
All the way from Oslo
Up to Nordkapp we're
We have firth's and oil money
Can buy much more than
What we need
Even though you fought well
We're the best
It's awesome!
Eh, shut up
Buy a sausage
and take it easy
[Excuse me?
What are you saying?]
That the appendix of the north
Dares to speak is incredible
[Spit out the potato]
It's easy to fight
When we talk different languages
But we all know that it's true
That WE are the best country in the north [x2]
We've got JAS, IKEA, we've got
Zlatan and music export
You have watery beer and plastic sausages
And you have 'winter sports'
[We've got so much more than that, my friend]
[And you can't forget Legoland!]
Nah, you've slurred enough*
We've been the best since start
It's obvious!
Wait, wait! You've got to be kidding!
Finland is the country with the most competent people
The Norwegian smells of fish, the swede is crazy
Denmark is Germany's
Hi-ho! Bang bang!
but your all out of the game
When we talk different languages
But we all know that it's true
That WE are the best country in the north
It's such a shame we always fight
When our languages are almost the same
So let's take each other's hands
Because we're almost the same country
Because we're almost the same country


Far on the other side of the sky,
a lone star is twinkling.
To come across you
is without a doubt my destiny.
Because everyone is lonely,
everyone tries to nestle close to someone.
I can hear your voice as it fills up
the loneliness somewhere in my heart.
This beginning is not a fortuitous accident.
We're already bonded to each other.
If our bond has nothing but hardships,
then let's replace them with memories.
I will not let go of your held hand,
no matter what kind of fate tries to separate us.
I won't leave you by yourself. I'll always stay by you.
The star of hope is watching over us.
Do not let go of my held hand,
for I want you to always stay close to me.
I want my voice to be
the warmth in your heart.
The same old days
have been casually passing on.
But now I'm finally realizing
that this is precisely what happiness is.
No matter when, no matter where,
as long as I'm with you...
I will not let go of your held hand,
no matter what kind of fate tries to separate us.
I won't leave you by yourself. I'll always stay by you.
The star of hope is watching over us.
Do not let go of my held hand,
for I want you to always stay close to me.
I want my voice to be
the warmth in your heart.

Csak te

Csak te gyógyítasz meg, csak te
A sebemre új bőrt növesztesz
Csak te hatolsz be a testembe
És áramként futsz rajtam végig
A lelkemhez beszélsz.
Csak látni akarom
Valahányszor rád nézek
Hogyan nevetnek a szemeim
A tükreim közül melyek törnek össze
Minden egyes szótag
Minden sejtem te vagy
A törékeny darabjaim
Tőled részegednek le
Csak szeretnék élni…
Oltsd el a lámpát
A szerelmem meztelen
Az égboltom másik fele
Mindig te voltál.
Csak te gyógyítasz meg, csak te
A sebemre új bőrt növesztesz
Csak te hatolsz be a testembe
És áramként futsz rajtam végig
A lelkemhez beszélsz.
Bárhogyan jössz is, akarlak
Bármit mondasz, hallgatok
A te száladon függök
Az életben minden meg van írva
És talán érted születtem
Csak te létezel, csak te…
Mit mondhatnál, mit mondhatnék
Amikor istennek érezlek
És nem hiszek semmiben
És imádtam ezt
Így tudok élni
De még én is csodálkozom
Hogyan képes a kimondatlanból
Remény táplálkozni
Csak szeretnék élni…
Oltsd el a lámpát
A szerelmem meztelen
Az égboltom másik fele
Mindig te voltál.
Csak te gyógyítasz meg, csak te
A sebemre új bőrt növesztesz
Csak te hatolsz be a testembe
És áramként futsz rajtam végig
A lelkemhez beszélsz.
Bárhogyan jössz is, akarlak
Bármit mondasz, hallgatok
A te száladon függök
Az életben minden meg van írva
És talán érted születtem
Csak te létezel, csak te…


Let's [wriggle-squiggle] eat Mozuku!


Free like wind over the water
like fruit that has been separated from the branch
free like the rain from heaven
and like a winged bird.
Free, perhaps a child's dream
wandering between all the contradictions
free, like a winding path
when will my heart be?
Because a person that is born for freedom
ponders within confining walls
because a person that is born free for freedom
composes for oneself songs
Within confining walls
sings many songs
and takes off for freedom
Free like the expanse of the ocean
and like a leap of thought
a happy and spontaneous dance
and the sound of love.
Because a person that is born for freedom...

What Happened

What happened, i'm good with it
may whatever is left be good for me
what happened, i'm good with it
may there be a place for rest
And sometimes it comes from here
it's only my heart
What happened
no, i'm not afraid
of losing myself one more time
what happened
how i come and go
to a place where i once was
What happened , i'm good with it
i want to live well with whatever is left
what happened in this moment
the great noise in the silence has ended
And sometimes it comes from here
it's only my heart
What happened
no, i'm not afraid
of losing myself one more time
what happened
how i come and go
to a place where i once was
May whatever is left be good for me

Csillogásod s kegyed

Gyönyörü lány
még csak észre sem veszed,
hogy néhányan
az őrültségedet nézik
és nem látnak egyebet
csak csillogást s kegyet.

A lány, aki valaha voltam

Minden igyekezetem ellenére
vannak mégis napok, mikor azt kivánom
bárcsak visszatérhetnék
ahhoz a lányhoz, aki valaha voltam
és elmondjam neki,
mely utaktól óvakodjon.
De ha megtettem volna
valószinü nem lennék
az a lány, aki most vagyok,
és én túl büszke vagyok reá,
hogy megkockáztassak, akárcsak egy darabkát
is elvenni az utjából.

The Scent of the Hair

O wise ones, think of a chain
The scent of a hair drove me crazy1
I tell my secret with every stranger
That a friend 2(the beloved) drove me crazy
O muslims, help me
Some black eyes3drove me crazy
I threw myself into the fire fearlessly
A quick-tempered one drove me crazy
I leave the Masjid al-Haram4saying Talbiyah5
The attraction of a place6 drove me crazy
I don't know what wine house or mosque are
Some eyes and eyebrows drove me crazy
O wise ones, think of a chain
The scent of a hair drove me insane
An ambergris-hair7drove me crazy
A jasmin-scent8 drove me crazy
O wise ones, think of a chain
The scent of a hair drove me insane
  • 1. You'll need a chain to tie me, because I've got crazy
  • 2. Stranger and friend are antonym and this is an oxymoron, a figure of speech
  • 3. Lit. Means 'indian child' and It might refers to blackness of eyes
  • 4. Great Mosque of Mecca
  • 5. A Muslim prayer invoked by the pilgrims as a conviction that they intend to perform the Hajj only for the glory of Allah. The poet is saying that his God is his beloved and he says Talbiyah while he'sgoing to his beloved's place
  • 6. The place where the beloved lives
  • 7. Refers to the good smell or blackness of the hair
  • 8. Refers to the good scent of the beloved

Blessed Are You

Blessed are you people, blessed are you,
who have the love,
blessed are you, who can dream!
I don't now, I don't now
if one day I'll be able
to forget what I feel for you.
I still heard with you
the words of love,
which I can no longer forget,
but which you can say.
And therefore blessed are you,
blessed are you, blessed are you,
who talk about love!
Blessed are you, blessed are you,
who have the love,
blessed are you, who can dream!
I don't now, I don't now
if one day I'll be able
to forget what I feel for you.
I envy you people, I envy you,
because you have everything,
everything I don't have
and that I will never find again.
And therefore blessed are you,
blessed are you, blessed are you
who have the love!
Blessed are you, blessed are you, blessed are you!

Fear is only temporary, regret is forever

You should not be afraid
Of the way the wind may blow
Fear is only temporary
Regret is forever
So don’t be so anxious

The net

Seeking fulfillment in a lifetime
find a meaning that justifies this tireness
on the verge of oblivion made of prejudices
kiss the vices in the mouth, falling into the abyss
the abyss of the mind are rivers of pure water
go with the flow, manage fear
fear of what you really don't know
we are not fish but we remain
Every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we confess
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we fall in love
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
and we get pissed
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
but who is the fisherman?
who is the fisherman?
you are the fisherman
Spend time floating in a bubble
understand phrases that are victims of copy paste
let yourself go to virtual emotions
and be loyal with special graphics
become curious about each other's life
to increase your followers and make the leap
showing a face that you basically do not know
run away like fish and stay
Every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we confess
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we fall in love
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
and we get pissed
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
but who is the fisherman?
who is the fisherman?
you are the fisherman
One Hare Krishna may be enough
with a podium
to connect with your slightly better side
to wake up suddenly in the shadow of the last sun
and understand that you are your fisherman (fisherman)
and don't run away like a fish
and don't run away like a fish
and stay, stay, stay, ay, ay
Every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we confess
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
we fall in love
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
and we get pissed
every day in the net
every day in the net
every day in the net
but who is the fisherman?
who is the fisherman?
you are the fisherman

A Summer Night’s Dream

I couldn't sleep for long yesterday.
I got up, opened the window...
The quiet night tormented me and burned me,
intoxicated by the scent of flowers
Only suddenly, bushes rustled under the window,
I flung it open, the curtain rustling.
Then a young man flew in to me, his face bright
as if by moonlight.
The doors to my room were opened,
their columns opening behind them


Versions: #1
We are just two light who burn for the same fire,
Who love the same things and know the same pain.
Oh where have you been all those wonderful years?
I thought that, in order to find you, I would drive around the whole world.
Now you levitate out of nothing into my twisted life.
And you feel like as if you have always been there.
It seems that near you there is neither space nor time,
and heaviness yields to weightlessness.
With you, with you, with you
I feel ultra-light.
With you, with you, with you
I feel ultra-light.
You draw your favorite comic-heroes with two fingers
onto the night sky and onto the most distant rocks.
We drink vodka tonic, share the last cigarette
And obsessively run races in the waves
A firework in the distance paints colors into the night,
And you look over to me as if I had made it for you.
With you, with you, with you
I feel ultra-light.
With you, with you, with you
I feel ultra-light.
I wouldn't mind freezing the seconds,
In order to not lose your weightlessness.
(It stays forever, forever so light, so light)
I wouldn't mind freezing the seconds,
In order to not lose your weightlessness.
(It stays forever, forever so light, so light)
With you, with you
I feel ultra-light.
With you, with you, with you
I feel ultra-light.
With you, with you
I feel ultra-light.
With you, with you, with you
I feel ultra-light.

The Homeland is Death

Versions: #1
Whoever is faster is right,
Whoever is roughest is living,
Whoever’s left is a saint,
Is it really necessary to live this way?
It's useless trying to love without hurting,
It's hopeless trying not to do evil,
Remembering yourself gradually in a dream,
Awakening in your memories...
Death, there's lots of room for the dead
Death, there's lots of room for the living
This is the meeting place for those who wandered
Barefoot on diamond rye.
This homeland is death
The homeland is death
Whatever doesn’t lead to death is a lie.
Whoever doesn't know will live,
Whoever knows gets a knife in the back,
Is it really necessary to live this way?
It's useless trying to love without hurting,
It's hopeless trying not to do evil,
Remembering yourself gradually in a dream,
Awakening in your memories...
Death, there's lots of room for the dead
Death, there's lots of room for the living
This is the meeting place for those who wandered
Barefoot on diamond rye.
This homeland is death
The homeland is death

I know it

I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
Ah, I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
Pretty gal
Beautiful, but she’s not normal
I’ve gone to her apartment
She’s blocking my phone1
Pretty gal isn't normal
She will make you a scandal
I know, I know, I know
Because you
Are driving me crazy2
Because you
Why are you changing number?
Because you
Have taken sleep away from me
Because you
Have gone too far3
I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
Ah, I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
Ah, I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
We’ve become a story
There’s no one who doesn’t know
How many times you and I broke up
You’re making it to me so that I beat you
Why are you not telling me
What I’ve done, what I’ve done, what I’ve done?
Because you
Are driving me crazy2
Because you
Why are you changing number?
Because you
Have taken sleep away from me
Because you
Have gone too far3
I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
Ah, I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
Ah, I know it,
Ah, I know what you were
The year won’t pass for us
Without me and you breaking up
I want it I want it I want it
I want it but I can’t [do] it to you4
I want it I want it I want it
How much I am suffering for you
I want it I want it I want it
I want it but I can’t [do] it to you4
I want it I want it I want it
How much I am suffering for you
  • 1. I.e. preventing me from calling/texting her.
  • Lit. «Are coming into my brain».
  • Lit. «Are 'qet'ing the 'funi' to him/her/it», waiting to know what those two words mean.
  • Perhaps 'I want it, I can't without you'.

Deep red

I will put on a deep red lipstick
and i will throw to the fire the useless* words.
I will never again be the feast of nobody
I'm swearing to the sky that hugs me so many years now.
My heart, my sweet body, a new journey is beginning.
We will become one, i've already seen it, with what deserves us.
I will put on a deep red lipstick because time does not scare me.
I'm swearing to the sky that hugs me so many years now.


Grandpa, about to die, told me:
Grandson, watch over me, for I'm coming
To that well-lighted house where
My father is waiting for me.
I have already done my workday,
I always worked since early morning
And now that the sun is going down
It’s a warning for my return journey.
Grandson, I was strong in the morning,
But now my strength is fading,
All at once, I fell hoary and tired
Of spending time thinking.
Come on, grandson, hold my hand
Because it’s getting darker and darker

Gorgeous Rose

The light never fails in your eyes
The door of the heart has no key
You’re as lovely as a flowering plant, you,
Jewel of my land
Jewel of my land
I lie down at night hoping to dream of you
I look for you during the day to caress you
The sun that’s shining above is beautiful, but you
You’re shining even more
You’re shining even more
Gorgeous rose in a blooming garden
Insular beauty, superb enchantment
With a graceful face
I wish I were Leonardo to portray you
Or the poet Dante to magnify you
The voice of a singer welcomes me because you
You are the queen of love
You are the queen of love
Gorgeous rose in a blooming garden
Insular beauty, superb enchantment
With a graceful face (x3)

Learning (To Be Without You)

Before you there was no deep wound
The freedom of a wave that goes
My life always played on the edges
How can you believe in half?
Tell me what is this pain that goes down
Inside me, till my soul
Tell me why it is always the same question
The only one which has no answers
And your eyes, like lighthouses in the night, follow me
And they get bigger little by little
As I try to run away, to rip out your heart
To hide your name from the things I will do
But how to learn how to be without you, waiting
A breeze that takes farther
But where to go to look for another life, a sign
That doesn't make me think of you
I cross my deserts, still with uncertain steps
Stepping on my memories of you till they all become dust...
It's hard to learn how to be without you
And always look for something to do where there's none
And pass every night when I can find you
As I can't leave everything as it is
But I must learn to be without you,
A breeze that takes farther
But what will come after you...
The same question...
Till the soul...

I'm dancing

If we leave it dancing
It'll be easier than talking
You dance with any blond
And I let myself go
I drink your Coca-Cola
I leave you an empty glass
And I keep on dancing alone
Or with any of my suitors
I'm dancing
With teeth and nails I defend myself
And over there in the world
Which is dark like the deepest ocean when
I'm dancing
Like a sleepwalker that will never wake up
Because dancing
Like Brazil I hide from sadness
After all, everyone wears their mask
And tonight I finally set myself free from you
Oh how slow is this tragic tango
After all, everyone wears their mask
And tonight I finally set myself free from you
- - -
You look at me intently
Come with me to dance
The night is young while dancing
Tomorrow we will see
I'm dancing
With teeth and nails I defend myself
And my heart is beating to the beat of the music
And over there in the world
Which is dark like the deepest ocean when
I'm dancing
Like a sleepwalker that will never wake up
Because dancing
Like Brazil I hide from sadness
After all, everyone wears their mask
And tonight I finally set myself free from you
Oh how slow is this tragic tango
After all, everyone wears their mask
And tonight I finally set myself free from you... dancing
Na na na na na...
And tonight I finally set myself free from you... dancing

The First Sunday

This is the first Sunday
in which you don't go out with me,
a useless Sunday
that passes without you.
Alone, alone behind the windows,
I look at the gray, gray sky.
It looks sad, so sad,
like me.
I cry my first tears,
I feel my first pain,
and while everyone smiles,
I feel a void in my heart.
Come back soon, I'll wait for you
to forget with you
these tears of the first Sunday
in which you don't go out with me.
Come back soon, I'll wait for you
to forget with you
these tears of the first Sunday
in which you don't go out with me.
La la la la la...
With me.


[Verse 1]
Practically you're a fallen star
I'm arctic, freezing in oblivion*
But without you I'm lost
I'm cold, light up the candles
Silence**, my heart, and listen
It's not a lost cause, at most it's still a battle
Silence, my heart, and beat
Don't search for your righteousness, keep beating for another night
It's as if you're not seeing because of smoke anymore
It smokes from your ashtray full of cigars
You put out the last, three attempts
I know, we've burned each other, with too much healing
[Verse 2]
I learned to walk barefoot
On shards of glass, among heartache
And after every fight
I'll return to hugs
Silence, my heart, and listen
It's not a lost cause, at most it's still a battle
Silence, my heart, and beat
Don't search for your righteousness, keep beating for another night
It's as if you're not seeing because of smoke anymore
It smokes from your ashtray full of cigars
You put out the last, three attempts
I know, we've burned each other, with too much healing


You don't need to look down
I know that that lioness comes empowered
Because you are valuable just the way you are
That strength, girl1, the best you have
And don't care what they say about you
That's what we are for, we will take care of you every day
Look in the mirror, the most beautiful thing
You don't need anyone, you are the owner of your life
You are powerful
The greatest goddess
You are brave
You are beautiful
We are powerful
Let everyone listen
Let them know2 that we are proud
Don't compare yourself and don't criticize yourself
Change that face, I don't want you sad
Put on the crown and come out of hiding
Here we are all to applaud you
And don't care what they say about you
That's what we are for, we will take care of you every day
Look in the mirror, the most beautiful thing
You don't need anyone, you are the owner of your life
You are powerful
The greatest goddess
You are brave
You are beautiful
We are powerful
Let everyone listen
Let them know that we are proud
(You are powerful)
(The greatest goddess)
(You are brave)
(You are beautiful)
(We are powerful)
(Let everyone listen)
(Let them know that we are proud)
You are powerful
The greatest goddess
You are brave
You are beautiful
We are powerful
Let everyone listen
Let them know that we are proud (proud)
Let everyone listen
Let them know that we are proud
The greatest goddess
You are brave
You are beautiful
  • 1. Mami is a Spanish slang term variously used to refer to a mommy, attractive woman, female romantic partner, or close female friend.
  • 2. Or 'so they will know'.

Budapest during the summer

Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
I bounce from home, take the elevator down, heading for the street
The plains of Pest and the bumps of Buda await me1
I don't need a bag and sandals are considered cringe this year
Let's eat an ice cream at the Oktogon2
And then get a move on but keep it cool
Hungarian girls never disappoint us
It's all quality chassis, it's all nicely shaped airbags
I'm inviting a couple more pals
Meeting at the Nyugati3at the rotating clock
Slightly bubbly is better than fully carbonated
It smells like pee under every bridge
Hey, I've got no moolah on me! Wait up!
Don't fret it if you've got zilch, because
There are lots of squares, lots of parks and lots of gardens here
And for open-air parties you don't need cash
BKV4is free! Yeaaah...
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
When the summer comes, the concrete melts
The railway platform is full by the train that's headed for Balaton5
I'm turning back, I'm going to stay in Pest
If I play basketball all day, I can hold onto some cash
The air is steaming around the Déli6
But in the subway the draft will cool me down
I'm cooked alive on the street while being half naked
How can he take it in leather pants and snake skin boots?
We inflate the small pool at the gas station
It just barely holds together if two of us sit in it
We drink beers while the ball is bouncing
We are about to drown under the sunflower seed shells7
But when the night comes, the turf is ours
We keep throwing the ball until dawn and we rap in freestyle
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Three people are saying that and this is my vote also
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
There is no freer, there is no free-e-er place!
There is no freer, there is no free-e-er place!
There is no freer, there is no free-e-er place!
This is Budapest, this is Budapest
There's a real festival vibe everywhere
If you're looking for activities, check out the real menu!
We're setting out from the Blaha8and we'll go to the Pala9at ten
We are gawping at uncovered breasts from the bridge
And once we've dabbled in the water and had some beach food
We saunter home but we stop along to way at our breakdancing bros at the Jászai10
Then we're headed for the Kálvin11with the car
Because during the summer, the traffic doesn't suck, not even with a car
The music is fully cranked up, the elbow is out the window
After a couple of phone calls, lots of pals wait for me
At the crowded terrace, my body is vibrating already
And we're brainstorming at the bar, where else we should go
There's a sexy chick galore at the parties
Dancing on the dance floor, finishing it on the bed
And during the summer that's how it goes every day because
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Give it over to me now, let me bend the words!
But just carefully, I don't want to tear down the brains!
There's no time for a high five, dinner gets skipped today
The numerous storefronts of Budapest are winking at you
Well, the way I ride, is not the way to ride
I'm pedaling so hard, the concrete almost parts
What I like about Pest is that there're plenty of spaces
Where you can wake up under a chair
And if I still have a modicum of energy
Maybe it's a bad decision, a mistake for sure
I go and I ride my bike to a new party
Even if I'm not up for getting hooked up anymore
Huh, but eventually I warm up within a minute
I put a lock on the bike and I'm already making moves on the dance floor
And I get wild, I'm knocking down glasses too, I bet
Now this is what I like about Budapest during the summer
It's not the rain, not the wind, not the steam, not the sleet
Not the typhoon, not the ice, not the holy month of Christmas
But the light, the streets, the smell of the sweat of the chicks
Everybody in Budapest knows, that during the summer you should never go home from a party
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Buda-Budapest is much more free during the summer
  • 1. Budapest, the capital of Hungary is cut in half in the middle by the river Danube.
    The left side is Pest and it's a more or less level area, while the right side, Buda, has hills and mountains.
  • 2. One of Pest's major intersections.
  • 3. 'The Western'. One of the three main railway terminals in Budapest.
  • 4. The main public transport operator in Budapest. It's not free to ride BKV vehicles, unless you're older then 65.
  • 5. Hungary's biggest lake.
  • 6. 'The Southern'. One of the three main railway terminals in Budapest.
  • 7. There are people who eat sunflower seeds in public places and they might let the empty shells fall under them and gather into a pile.
  • 8. The Blaha Lujza tér metro station is a station of the M2 (East-West) line of the Budapest Metro.
  • 9. An open-air bath on Margaret Island, Budapest.
  • 10. The Jászai Mari square is at the left foot of the Margaret Bridge.
  • 11. Kálvin tér is a square in Budapest.

I lit a match

I lit a match
And it gave out fire
And I wanted to take
Fire for the cigarette from the match
But the match dropped
And went onto the carpet
And it almost burnt a hole in the carpet
Yes, I know what can happen
When you are not careful with fire
And compared to getting a cigarette lit
The carpet is way too expensive
And from the carpet - oh god
The fire could have spread to the whole house
Und who knows what else could have happened
There would have been a fire in the quarter
And the fire department would have had to come
The sirens would have been heard on the streets
And they would have taken the hose from the truck
And they would have sprayed water
And it would have not been enough
And the whole city would have burnt, and no one could be safe from it
And people would have run around
And feared for their fortunes
They would have thought that someone started it on purpose
They would have taken a rifle in their anger
Everyone would have shouted: 'Whose fault is this?'
The whole country in a turmoil
And they would have shot the ministers at the lectern
The UN would have intervened
And also the UN opposers
To restore peace in Switzerland
Both would have come with tanks
This would gradually spread
To Europe, Africa
It would have been a new world war and humanity wouldn't be anymore
I lit a match
And it gave out fire
And I wanted to take
Fire for the cigarette from the match
But the match dropped
And went onto the carpet
Thank god that I took it instantly from it


Mi volt ez?
Csókot akartál lopni?
Hol voltál
Mikor engem ebbe belerángattál?
Az árnyakban
Elveszett a fény
De nekünk ez van
És tudom, hogy fájni tud
Hogy jól tegyük, amit kell
Olyan törékeny vagyok mikor rám találsz
És törékenyen meghagyom
Az arcunkat
Egy erősebb napra
A visszaemlékezésem
Sok mindenre
Mindig fájni fog
De ez nem ritka dolog
Az árnyakban
Az árnyakban
Számít-e az
Hogy mit tudok megérteni?
Mindig te leszel az
Aki azt a kezet elengedi
Szomorú vagyok
A dolgok miatt, amiket mondasz
A szavaid
Nekem mindig fájni fognak
Az utunkon
Hogy hová tartozol
Bajban kevernek engem
Mikor viseled a glóriádat
Hagyd, hogy azok az éjszakák
Csak a tieid legyenek!
Emlékezz a fájásra!
Emlékezz a sebekre!
Az árnyakban
Az árnyakban