Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 72


Az éjszaka hívása

Click to see the original lyrics (Japanese)
Íme az éjszakai sétálók himnusza
Ragyogjon ránk a holdfény
Hagyd, hogy a kék fény elkábítsa a szemünket
Az utca két oldalán reklámtáblák világítanak
Ez az éjszakai sétálók hímnusza
Élvezzük ki az éjszakát
Vérvörös szemek
Ez az altatódal a felnőtteknek szól
Tudod, ez egy mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, és
Folytatnom kell a táncot
Gyerünk, amíg az összes démon távol van
Mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, igen
Tudod, ez egy mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, és
Folytatnom kell a táncot
Gyerünk, amíg az összes démon távol van
Mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, igen
Kölyökkorom óta szeretem az éjszakát
Utáltam kilenc előtt lefeküdni
Nem csak én vagyok így
Bárcsak többet tudnék rólad
Korán kelő, vagy inkább későn kelő vagyok?
Hadd legyek szemtanúja annak, ami mélyebb és sötétebb
Fejtsd el a napot
Késő este, 12-től 2-ig
Amikor először léptem meg
14 voltam, és elősőre beleszereltem
Én csak élvezem és kész
De akkor minden lépés, minden mozdulat teljesen új dolognak tűnt
A megjelenésed és a szagod
Sápadt bőröd illik az éjszakához
Azon kaptam, hogy elcsábítottál
És eljátszottad az éjszakai sétálok himnuszát
Megmutattad a meztelen bőröd
Megengedted, hogy kortyoljak egy italt, amit soha életemben nem ittam
Elloptam apám cigarettáját és rágyújtottam
Rengeteg dolog van, amit nem szabad megtennem
Rengeteg dolog van, amit nem szabad tudnom
Az éjszaka oldala fényesebb mint a nappalé
Mindig is ilyen bolond voltál, és ezért imádlak
Íme az éjszakai sétálók himnusza
Ragyogjon ránk a holdfény
Hagyd, hogy a kék fény elkábítsa a szemünket
Az utca két oldalán reklámtáblák világítanak
Az éjszakai sétálók hímnusza
Élvezzük ki az éjszakát
Vérvörös szemek
Ez az altatódal a felnőtteknek szól
Tudod, ez egy mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, és
Folytatnom kell a táncot
Gyerünk, amíg az összes démon távol van
Mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, igen
Tudod, ez egy mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, és
Folytatnom kell a táncot
Gyerünk, amíg az összes démon távol van
Mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, igen
Hivatalosan is a felnőttek közé tartozom
ÉmagaÉrezzát szabadnak, az aki egész éjszaka kint marad
Amíg nem találkoztam veled nem ismertem a vágyat
Hagyd, hogy a kék fény megvilágítsa félhomályos, sötét szobámat
Csökkent látás, kevesebb állóképesség
Ez a te hibád, bár nem akarom beismerni
Ne hagyd, hogy felébredjek
A nappali alvás híve vagyok
Minden éjjel kiélezem a fiatalságomat
Mint egy Succubus vagy egy Incubus
A közeljövőben leisszuk magunkat
Elvittél szombaton a legjobb buliba
Én nem az átlagos társadalomba tartozom
Mindezek ellenére soha nem hibáztat senki
Soha nem kérsz semmit
Te más vagy, mint valami zavaró napfény
De te sem teszed jóvá a vétkemet
Nem bírok nem találkozni veled
A mai napig sem
Ha a mai nap nem ér véget
A holnap nem kezdődik el
Íme az éjszakai sétálók himnusza
Ragyogjon ránk a holdfény
Hagyd, hogy a kék fény elkábítsa a szemünket
Az utca két oldalán reklámtáblák világítanak
Az éjszakai sétálók himnusza
Élvezzük ki az éjszakát
Vérvörös szemek
Ez az altatódal a felnőtteknek szól
Tudod, ez egy mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, és
Folytatnom kell a táncot
Gyerünk, amíg az összes démon távol van
Mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, igen
Tudod, ez egy mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, és
Folytatnom kell a táncot
Gyerünk, amíg az összes démon távol van
Mozgalmas éjszaka lesz, igen

Blue Skies of the Future

It rains, it stops. It shines, it gets dark.
The sky isn’t blue because of anyone
Time doesn’t wait for anyone
And you, can only live your own life
You wander, you linger. You are eager, you love deeply.
From the chaos that is youth
Distill an answer that you’ve longed for
And yet, are you still willing to craze over love
The answer will come to light tomorrow
If you and me were to look back
You’ll see two playful kids
In love as if there was no more future, no more tomorrow
If you and me could start again
Would we still be as courageous as before
Let the azure sky, which has no regrets
Embellish our boundless future
People come and go, some stayed, like you did
How many loops must we go through
Before reaching the shore that is happiness
Before this life hasn’t been in vain
Ordinary but exciting

She Argued With Him For Hours

She argued with him for hours
She was nearly on the verge of tears
Everything happened so quick
She felt a need to tell
They sat the two of them in the living room
He slowly pulled the drapes
Immediately also turned off the lights
He was drunk, he was drunk
Yes, he didn't feel any resistance
Intelligent and sensitive
They were both born as cancers
It's dangerous, it's dengerous
It all went so smoothly
They were in the middle of the game
Yes him and her, and her and him
La li la li, La li la lo
She said find a way, I want you
She said find a way, I want you
He had to try his best
Suddenly the phone rang
He immediately picked up and apologized
Said he had to get going
Very hasty, very hasty
They put off everything for tomorrow
A reasonable hour not late
The phone remained indifferent
It didn't feel, it was indifferent
He didn't know how to behave
He mocked everyone
But he worked very hard
He was a practitioner, an authorized practitioner!
He changed the number in his phone
That he won't be bothered tomorrow
The business became sensitive
He already felt, it's dirty business!
She said find a way, or else I'll find you
She said find a way, or else I'll find you
He had to be careful
She didn't get the right treatment
She had a Mediterranean temper
She only wanted to get revenge
The rough up the guy a bit
After a short meeting at the bank
She replaced her car with a tank
She ammunition from a base
It's just a prank, it's just a prank
A rustle filled the air
A cannon shell penetrated the hall
And exploded into the wall
A quick death, a bright future
The police sent a rescue force
To check the meaning of the blast
He disappeared in the flame
Yes that is the power of love!
She said find a way, or else I'll find you
She said find a way, I want you
There's no sun or rain, there's only shade


When all is fine, the old man says :
'Someday every bonfire will blow out,
And the winds will carry the ashes off,
However, while the fire still brazens,
Everyone holds onto it's warmth,
Whether for bitter seasons or cold months.'
When nights grow old, they barely light a flame,
Gathering strength and firewood,
They waste not, sparing the forest.
But sometimes there be a fellow,
He'll get it all wrong,
And his fire will reach the heavens.
And all is not fine, yet it isn't over,
The light of day hasn't faded yet,
And not everyone regrets the great fire, and God protects me.
He who was wise would save his fire,
He accepted he could not warm others,
until a warmer season,
But without pain he survived until a warmer day.
Yet you were wrong, you let it all go in an instant,
And within an hour it all burned out,
And yet in this hour, we were all warm inside.
And all is not fine, yet it isn't over,
The light of day hasn't faded yet,
And not everyone regrets the great fire, and God protects me.

The King

In a cabin forest.
She lives alone.
She did not know.
It is an ivory flower.
Three horsemen.
In the forest riders.
She is being sought.
To take him.
The kings son is in love.
In a princess with gold hair.
Not a children’s story.
The kings son is in love.
In a princess with gold hair.
Like a children’s story.
She picked flowers.
She made her tea.
She did not know.
She was being sought.
Three horsemen.
In the forest riders.
She is being sought.
It is an ivory flower.
The kings son is in love.


The increasing movement yet again borders on madness
A passing young woman emphasises her body
A mother crossing a road with a child who has yet to see
How the blue skies have been extinguished, how a strom rises up
And I am asking myself,
if God is jesting,
whom should we pray to
to sleep quietly?
A passing thought leaves me exposed
It's funny, I believed maybe I could fly
And I am asking myself,
if God is jesting,
whom should we pray to
to sleep quietly?
And I am asking myself,
if God is jesting,
whom should we pray to
I'm sailing towards the imagination
I've always desired things
I have never had
(I'm) waking up, you are beside me
And all the fear disappears

Conversation on the train

Versions: #1
Debates on the train it's the one and only thing,
When there are no drinks for the bloke
The bottle is empty, but the train is rolling,
And you just dying to talk.
And the two start to argue, for real, without constraint
The wheels rumble, our sleep is gone.
One kept repeating:' Our life is a train'.
Another said:' It's a platform' .
One man asserted: ' Our way ahead is clear',
Another guy objected: ' I doubt that'.
One kept saying:'Like, we are engineers'
'We are passengers' another guy said.
One said: 'For us freedom is the best reward:
We're driving the train where we need '.
Another guy said:' Oh, please,don't act the lord.
We'll get off the same way we seat in it'.
And the first one shouted:'For many years
The road is open for us guys' .
The second one said:' not so many, I fear-
It all depends on the ticket price'.
And the first one shouted:' Wherever we want, we go
And we can, if need be, turn the other way'.
The second one answered:' The train is not a crow,
It's only goes, where the tracks are laid'
And both got off somewhere near Taganrog
Among the endless fields.
And each went his own way through the early fog,
And the train went where it always will

Graduation photograph

I felt sad when I opened the fur cover
That person of the graduation photograph puts tender eyes
When I noticed him in the city, I couldn't say anything
Because his face in the graduation photograph was the same
The crowd drags me away and changes me
You scold me sometimes from afar
Now I only see from the train the road that went
Under the shaking willows for us to talk
Don't forget your way of live of that time
You're part of my youth
The crowd drags me away and changes me
You scold me sometimes from afar
You're part of my youth

The Bath Song

Don't listen to that grouch!
come, friends!
and doesn't it hurt to get wet, Doc?
won't it shrink your beard?
do we get in?
should we wash where we can't see?
no, no, calmly, do as I do.
Without fear, begin
and don't be alarmed,
roll up your sleeves,
it'll make it much easier.
Scoop up a lot of water,
then soak in it and do:
brr, brr, brr.
Grab the soap
and without hesitation,
with a lot lather
you must wet your face.
And with the water in your hands
you must breathe in, let out:
brr, brr, brr.
Wet and rub
wash and clean,
and slosh too.
Perhaps you feel cool
and humid,
but you'll have fun
in the novelty.
You mustn't even forget
your nose,
and you'll feel
very clean and happy.
Pack of babies,
you'll make me sick
if you do: brr, brr, brr.
Rub real hard,
there's no denying
what a beauty it'll seem
after drying.
Because if you wash your body,
you'll have a clean soul if you do:
brr, brr, brr.