A keresés eredménye oldal 27
Találatok száma: 948
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem
Kairóban nem tudják hány óra van most,
A nap a Ramblán már nem ugyanaz.
Franciaországban van egy koncert, az emberek szórakoznak,
Valaki hangosan énekel, valaki azt kiáltja: 'halálra velük'.
Londonban mindig esik, de ma nem fáj ez senkinek sem.
Az ég sem kegyelmez, még temetésen sem.
Nizzában a tenger piros a tűztől és a szégyentől,
Az emberek az aszfalton és vér a csatornában.
Ez a hatalmas test, amit 'Földnek' hívunk,
sebzett minden szervén, Ázsiától Angliáig.
Emberek galaxisai tűntek el az űrben
de a legfontosabb a hely az ölelésnek.
Anyák gyerekek nélkül, gyerekek apák nélkül,
fényes arcok, mint falak képek nélkül.
Néma percek, amelyeket egy hang tör meg:
'Semmit sem tettettek ellenem'.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Az én életem tovább megy
Mindenen túl, az embereken túl.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Mert minden tovább megy
A ti felesleges háborúitokon.
Vannak akik keresztet vetnek, akik szőnyegen imádkoznak,
Templomok és mecsetek, imámok és papok,
Elkülönített bejáratai ugyanannak a háznak,
Több millió ember, akik remélnek valamit.
Karok kézfejek nélkül, arcok nevek nélkül,
Cseréljünk bőrt, belül mindannyian emberek vagyunk.
Mert a mi életünk nem egy nézőpont
és nem létezik pacifista bomba.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Az én életem tovább megy
Mindenen túl, az embereken túl.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Mert minden tovább megy
A ti felesleges háborúitokon.
A ti felesleges háborúitokon.
A felhőkarcolók, a metrók összedőlnek,
az elválasztó falak, amelyeket kenyérért emeltek.
De minden terror ellen, amely elállja az utat,
a világ felkell egy kisgyerek mosolyával,
egy kisgyerek mosolyával,
egy kisgyerek mosolyával.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
Mert minden tovább megy
A ti felesleges háborúitokon.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
A ti felesleges háborúitok.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
A ti felesleges háborúitok.
Semmit sem vetettek el tőlem.
A ti felesleges háborúitok.
Semmit sem tettettek ellenem.
A ti felesleges háborúitok.
Tisztában vagyok vele, hogy nem lehet többet visszafordítani semmit
A boldogság elszáll
Mint ahogy egy buborék száll.
Be My Friend, Be My Brother
At the place where I'm going to
There were many before me.
They left a trail, left a tree,
Left a stone at my feet,
And what will I leave behind,
Will I leave anything?
I can't see my own steps!
I can't see my own steps,
And who will see them tomorrow?
Be my friend, be my brother,
Lend me a hand when I'll call out,
Be my friend, be my brother,
Lend me a hand at times of trouble,
I am your brother, don't forget it!
Be my friend, be my...
At the place where I'm going to
There were women, there were men,
And there was great love,
Will I find it?
They left me nothing
No sighs and no flowers.
They left me nothing!
They left me nothing,
But brothers and friends.
Be my friend, be my brother,
Lend me a hand when I'll call out,
Be my friend, be my brother,
Lend me a hand at times of trouble,
I am your brother, don't forget it!
Be my friend, be my brother.
At the place where I'm going to
I'm careful not to break,
Not to step, not to remember,
And I'm good when you're with me
And so are you and so are you.
I can't see my own steps!
I can't see my own steps,
And who will see them tomorrow?
Be my friend, be my brother,
Lend me a hand when I'll call out,
Be my friend, be my brother,
Lend me a hand at times of trouble,
I am your brother, don't forget it!
Be my friend, be my brother.
At the place where I'm going to...
Be My Friend, Be My Brother
At the place where I'm going to
There were many before me
They left a trail, left a tree,
Left a stone at my feet.
And what will I leave behind
Will I leave anything?
I can't see my own steps
And who will see them tomorrow?
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand when I'll call out
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand at times of trouble
I am your brother, don't forget it
Be my friend, be my brother.
At the place where I'm going to
There were women, there were men
And there was great love
Will I find it?
They left me no mark
No sighs and no flowers
They left me nothing
But brothers and friends.
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand when I'll call out
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand at times of trouble
I am your brother, don't forget it
Be my friend, be my brother.
At the place where I'm going to
I'm careful not to break
I'm careful not to step
I'm careful not to remember.
And I'm good when you're with me
And so are you and so are you
It's here to stay after I'm gone
The friendship that once was.
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand when I'll call out
Be my friend, be my brother
Lend me a hand at times of trouble
I am your brother, don't forget it
Be my friend, be my brother.
Making it through winter
While others involve themselves in love,
make unreasonable promises to one another and show off a lot,
for me the distant future is the day after tomorrow.
Petty horizon, for some obscure reason I can't see any farther.
I turn my self off
people who open their hearts to me
It's not like I found that funny, no, I don't
I believe in passion, but, without explanations, I trace my steps back
That's why I'm proud, so proud that we made it through winter.
I never had enough of you, I saw nothing of the cold.
Oh I like it, I like it, I like it, it drives me to despair.
(I'm) proud and lost at the same time.
While others picture themselves as
inventors and precursors on that matter,
I have a certification for mediocrity.
I might as well skip my turn, I had and still have other priorities.
Soon as you take my hand I am a prisonner
If you whisper (sweet words) to me
I stare into space.
I don't give a tuppenny toss about the language of love
because I reject its provisions,
for instance having a single opinion for both on all things.
That's why I'm proud, so proud that we made it through winter.
I never had enough of you, I saw nothing of the cold.
Oh I like it, I like it, I like it, it drives me to despair.
(I'm) proud and lost at the same time.
While others torment themselves in love,
negociating, arguing and lying to one another,
I break my records on a calendar
since I'm wandering with my distant future after February
And so I'm proud, so proud that we made it through winter.
I never had enough of you, I saw nothing of the cold.
Oh I like it, I like it, I like it, it drives me to despair.
(I'm) proud and lost at the same time.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
The key of success
The key of success
is to keep us sleeping
eating packed rubbish,
pulling daisy petals,
crying with the drama.
The key of success,
so they feel calm
all together,
playing Who, sir? Me, sir?
From the couch
looking at the screen
never complain,
never say enough.
It's the key of success
The key of success
The key of success
The key of success
'Do you swear with honor and patriotism
to defend us whenever they want?'
Yes, yes, yes
The key of success
is to keep us sleeping,
the key of success,
is to keep them calm.
All together
eating rubbish,
looking at the screen
crying with the drama.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Your Song
I want to tell you something
But that something won't turn into words
Why is that?
Even if I try saying that I feel you are important
I want to tell you something
But that something won't turn into words
Why is that?
Even if I try saying that I feel you are important
I want to tell you something
But that something won't turn into words
I think of this and that but something's missing
It seems like a lie so I can't say it
All of the things 'for your sake'
I have a feeling were for my sake
'To be your feelings'
To start with that was already my own subjectivity
It's not that I'm intending to be contrary
But I end up feeling a contradiction to everything
Ahh What should I say to you
I thoroughly considered
If, after all, I meet you
Anything would be okay
That was my thought
Those feelings
I've wanted to turn them into words this whole time
I've been thinking that I want to convey them to you
I want to sing something to you
But I don't understand that something well
Why is that for me?
Your existence is like that
I want to sing something to you
But that something won't become a song
I puzzle over it and line up the words, but because it seems like a lie I can't sing it
'I love you' is wrong That's true that I do, but something's not right
'Thank you' is wrong I do think that but that's not all
'Sorry' is wrong 'Bye bye' is wrong It's wrong
What should I say to you
I thoroughly considered
If, after all, I meet you
Anything would be okay
My thought
However Hey, I want to tell you Something Hey, I want to sing
In the way that you gave me these feelings
I thoroughly considered
After all, it became this kind of song
There's no solution
There's also no emotionally touching message
However, since I surely didn't fully convey it
I'll continue singing
Someday it all It all Will get to you Until that day
Happy and healthy
I'll vanish, I'll disappear
I'll find myself, you'll lose me
I'll be dispassionate for good
But maybe if you look for me
I can regret it
And even accept dating you
Because I'm happy and healthy
Very happy and healthy
Sometimes I think it's over
That you'll never like me
Sometimes yes, sometimes no
I already asked for my heart
But it only increases confusion
Sometimes no, sometimes yes
You can call that I'll not answer
I'll take revenge, I'll make you suffer
You'll see, I'll drive you crazy
I'll mistreat you to learn
But I can regret it
And even accept dating you
Because I'm happy and healthy
Very happy and healthy
Nem Olyan Bátor
Ha kacsintanék
Bent tartanád-e egy üvegben
Feküdnél az ágyban és öntenél belőlem egy pohárral?
És hagynád hogy a barátaid azt gondolják
Hogy fejlesztesz egy problémát
De mi boldogabbak vagyunk, mint ők valaha is lehetnének?
És ha nem lenne mindig
Mindig valami ami lehúz minket
Lehúz minket
Mint az, hogy mindenki azt mondja hogy mi csak szórakozunk
Akkor talán tudnálak szeretni, bébi
De talán túlságosan félek
Hogy kevesebbet kapok, mint amennyit adok
Nem vagyok olyan bátor
Nem vagyok olyan bátor
Olyan közel voltunk mindenhez, amit akartunk
Mindenhez, amink majdnem volt
Olyan közel voltunk hozzá, hogy majdnem éreztem a fájdalmat
És rettentően fájt
De mindig van valami
Mindig valami, ami megváltoztatja az utunkat
Amin megyünk
Mint az, hogy mindenki körülöttünk
Azt gondolja hogy kell hogy legyen beleszólásuk
De nincs
És talán tudnálak szeretni, bébi
De talán túlságosan félek
Hogy kevesebbet kapok, mint amennyit adok
Nem vagyok olyan bátor
Oh oh nem vagyok olyan bátor
Nem vagyok olyan bátor 3x
Oh oh nem vagyok olyan bátor
Nem vagyok olyan bátor
Nem vagyok olyan bátor
You are as radiant as a rose
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
The red wild rose has bloomed
On your carmine lips
Cornflowers are not as blue as your eyes
And in my heart
The nicest flowers cannot compare with you
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
When I first saw your face
It was so dazzling!
I thought I saw in a mirage
All the springtime flowers
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
The red wild rose has bloomed
On your carmine lips
Cornflowers are not as blue as your eyes
And in my heart
The nicest flowers cannot compare with you
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
You have got the whole range
Of the loveliest flesh-colored flowers
If you marry me
I shall forget winters
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
The red wild rose has bloomed
On your carmine lips
Cornflowers are not as blue as your eyes
And in my heart
The nicest flowers cannot compare with you
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
[Samanta & Ermali]
To whom are you passing tonight
The Faults, Faults
You the faults
You asked for it tonight
keep the faults
you keep them
Who are you passing tonight
Faults, faults
you the faults
You asked for it
Can not be forgiven, forgiven
can't be forgiven for you
What are you trying to say
why all this pretense
I could never stop you
I am tired do you hear
I don't have a problem
to tell you what I feel
Even though you are not anymore
Because you did not know
What you wanted
from me
Even I don't know now
What I wanted
from you
Come tell me now
What do you think now
tell me now
with this game where you going
I can not
Understand one like you
you don't know even love
[Samanta & Ermali:]
To whom are you passing tonight
The Faults, Faults
You the faults
You asked for it tonight
keep the faults
you keep them
Who are you passing tonight
Faults, faults
you the faults
You asked for it
Can not be forgiven, forgiven
can't be forgiven for you
You had my heart
this is a fakt
but you started with anger
No I can't forgive you
for me to come back and you to play games again
We did not know how to keep
our word not me or you
we did not know how to keep
we were not meant
for eachother
it was not fate
I cant forgive
I cant forgive you
No way
I cant forgive
Come tell me now
What do you think now
tell me now
with this game where you going
I can not
Understand one like you
you don't know even love
[Samanta & Ermali:]
To whom are you passing tonight
The Faults, Faults
You the faults
You asked for it tonight
keep the faults
you keep them
Who are you passing tonight
Faults, faults
you the faults
You asked for it
Can not be forgiven, forgiven
can't be forgiven for you
Rusty Trumpets
One nostalgic evening
Franc and Liza
Were dancing on the trapeze
In the circus Quala-bla-dala
Franc forgot Liza
Somewhere high in the air
He saw her eyes
On the floor of Quala-bla-dala
He wanted elephants to fly
And wake her, and wake her
Rusty trumpets with their music
To wake her, to wake her
Giraffes, monkeys and tigers
Are sad, as are African lions
Franc listened to trumpets
And tore up circus posters
Franc forgot Liza
Somewhere high in the air
He saw her eyes
On the floor of Quala-bla-dala
He wanted elephants to fly
And wake her, and wake her
Rusty trumpets with their music
To wake her, to wake her
Rusty trumpets
Rusty trumpets
Rusty trumpets with their music
To wake her, to wake her
That's why I was depending on the misfortune
I couldn't understand even what ''can't understand'' mean, I cried beating my heart
However, I couldn't understand myself all the more. I'm such a useless failure
If I have no past to look back over, The dull future won't come
That's why I was depending on the misfortune
Please don't blame on me Youth will be forgotten soon
Before I am killed in a blaze, I want you to watch my last moment to the end
Why on the earth the culprit has neglected such a terrible wound?
A machine that has no ability but to beg for mercy
My life always seems to make me write only hopeless stories
Good-bye, morals. Once I wait and see, I'll fall
That's why I was depending on misfortunes
I no longer expect anything on the music since it finally couldn't change anything
nor anybody. After all, it was nothing but junk
Including some kind of contradiction, with the buttons done up wrongly,
I kept on wearing the wrinkled shirt named solitude
On that days, I pretended to be tough in this way
And I've still been doing so, at the expense of neighbors
Why on the earth the culprit has been scooping out the wound in this way?
A musician who sing songs of defeat as if those were a virtue
My life always seems to make me write only hopeless stories
Good-bye, morals. Once I wait and see, I'll fall
Hey, Tokyo, would you get rid of me?
Even my ambitions are rotten
When I was born as a human, I was already going the wrong way
Even the Kami-sama※ has deserted me
That's why I was depending on the misfortune
Hey, my youth, are you still have a grudge against me?
I'm not the culprit
We know it
Versions: #2
We know what we doing
We know it
And this only for me and you
We know what we doing
We know it
We know what we doing
We know it
And this only for me and you
We know what we doing
We know it
Do you know how high, how high
You lift my feeling
Do you know how high, how high
Na na na na yeahh
If you try to be without me
You can't imagine how you going to feel
You can't replace me, no
I can tell from the way you look at me
I can't stop my self
I can't stop myself
She feels so good when Gent Fatali is near
I love the girl, she loves the boy
in the middle of the sea we exhaust our love
Hmm take it
Everything you gifted me take it
Everything you gave me take it
If you want to keep me make it
Now make it
And if you love me no one can take us apart
And if you love me we are together till the end
We know what we doing
We know it
And is only for you and I
We know what we doing
We know it
And is only for you and I
Do you know how high, how high
You lift my feeling
Do you know how high, how high
Na na na na yeahh
Hey what we going to do tonight
We make it sweet
you look amazing
no care for no one
How beautiful you look
how nice your scent
come closer there is no more time
we grew up now
from the moment I see you there is no one else for me
she looks at me and our fate is in our hands
You can't do without me so keep me close
I expect nothing else
I can't live without you
do you know how I feel
when we are together
And if you love me no one can take us apart
And if you love me we are together till the end
We know what we doing
We know it
And is only for you and I
We know what we doing
We know it
And is only for you and I
Do you know how high, how high
You lift my feeling
Do you know how high, how high
Na na na na yeahh
Lets go in Zurich
we fill the bags, we got the money
Lets go in Zurich
we fill the bags, we got the money
If You Had No Fear
If you had no fear, you would be strong
If you had no fear, you would be strong
You would maybe even be nice
If you had no fear, you would be here
If you had no fear, you would be here
You would maybe be by her side
You fall apart, everything is confusing to you
You don't wake, you just want to sleep
If I had no plan, I would be, I know
If I had no plan, I would be, I know
I would be happy that day,
When my plan doesn't work
If I didn't have defence and protection attitude
I won't let you, go away
If I didn't have an attitude, I know all that
Maybe I would let you touch me, at least
I fall apart, it's all to much for me
I won't let you go, you're guilty for everything to me
You fall apart, everything is confusing to you
You don't wake, you just want to sleep
You fall apart, everything is confusing to you
You don't wake, you just want to sleep
Floating in immensity
without a course, without strenght to fight
Watching life go by
Distracted inside your own world,
unable to give answers without ending up in terminal phase
It's the beginning of the end,
a helix world
that took away your dignity
Fear stops you from going on
You hate loneliness
You don't wanna go on like that
So many unfounded lies
(So many open wounds)
So much disgust inside you
Coming back like the phoenix that perished
at the hands of a traitor
Realizing that life is something more
You won't sink, so fly away
It broke your integrity
That shelter you can escape to
in moments of sorrow
hated you with no mercy
it hurts you for fun
to honor the others
You don't realize he'll never be able to receive
a better treatment than the one he's given out
Suffer, lying vermin,
loathsome and gutless servant of evil
Coming back like the phoenix that perished
at the hands of a traitor
Realizing that life is something more
You won't sink, so fly away
Coming back like the phoenix that perished
at the hands of a traitor
Realizing that life is something more
You won't sink,so fly away
Coming back like the phoenix that perished
at the hands of a traitor
Realizing that life is something more
You won't sink, so fly away
You won't sink! Fly away!
I hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with love and care, so it'd be great if you credited me whenever you repost them somewhere else!
Jól elvagyok az emberekkel - rövid megbeszélés? Szíves örömest!
Ebben teljes mértékben a konszern kívánságaihoz igazodom
Az irodában alszom, az üzemben élek
A túlóra-átvállaló - igencsak népszerű vagyok
Biznisz, bizniszt csinálok
Én vagyok a főnök
A karácsonyi ünnepségen leinni magam a sárga földig
Aztán táncolni egy picit az új gyakornokokkal
Azt hiszem, papírtúltengésünk van, utána kéne nézni
Bemegyek a másolószobába és nyitva hagyom az ajtót magam mögött
Jó csapatjátékos vagyok, rugalmas vagyok
Szolgálatra jelentkezem és a csizmádat nyalom
Száz év szerződési idő
Örökké munkában akarok maradni
Igent mondok, nemet gondolok
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Száz év szerződési idő
Része akarok lenni ennek a cégnek
Nem mindig könnyű, de büntetésnek lennie kell
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Elejtem a tollat, akkor valószínűleg le kell hajolnom
Ezt a nyerget felcsatolnád a hátamra, kérlek?
Kilovaglunk, hozd elő az ostort!
Csak előtte még nagyon gyorsan rendberakom az íróasztalom
Biznisz, bizniszt csinálok
Én vagyok a főnök
A vállalatban meg is kell alázkodni
Felfelé hajlongani és rugdosni lefelé
A pozitívumokat látni - a munka az életem
Utána a kollégákkal szépen, hivatalosan még emelni a poharat
A táblán áll a név, a homlokon áll az izzadság
De senki nem mondta, hogy ez könnyű lesz
Száz év szerződési idő
Örökké munkában akarok maradni
Igent mondok, nemet gondolok
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Száz év szerződési idő
Része akarok lenni ennek a cégnek
Nem mindig könnyű, de büntetésnek lennie kell
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Zárj be, alacsonyíts le, igent mondok, nemet gondolok
Olyan egyedül, mi ketten, de büntetésnek lennie kell
Hagyj időt magadnak, szabadságon vagy - a munkádat végzem
Tépd le a testemről a ruhákat, nézz rám! - Mind a tiéd
Száz év szerződési idő
Örökké munkában akarok maradni
Igent mondok, nemet gondolok
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Száz év szerződési idő
Része akarok lenni ennek a cégnek
Nem mindig könnyű, de büntetésnek lennie kell
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Zárj be, alacsonyíts le, igent mondok - nem, nem, nem
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Olyan egyedül, mi ketten, de büntetésnek lennie kell
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Hagyj időt magadnak, szabadságon vagy - a munkádat végzem
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Tépd le a testemről a ruhákat, nézz rám! - Mind a tiéd
Hadd legyek a rabszolgád!
Unravel(Advanced without rythm)
Versions: #4
Oh, Tell Me, Tell Me how work the system of this world, who is in Me?
I'm broken, I'm broken in this world, After you understand.
Breaking my breath away,
I will not unwind anymore I can not defuse anymore. FREEZE
I'm breakable, I'm unbreakable, I'm crazyable, I'm uncrazyable
Find you in
I gradually disappear from the distorted world transparently
Don't find it and me
I don't want hurt you in world whose someone drew
Remember, please remember me.
Be a positive
Infinite loneliness entangles
Innonsent funny memories is stuck
Can not move Can not move Can not move Can not move Can not move Can not move
I was changed, and now i can't change it
Two creatures who unravel will die
I'm breakable, I'm unbreakable, I'm crazyable, I'm uncrazyable
I will not defuse you.
I gradually disappear from the distorted world transparently
Don't find it and me
I don't want hurt you in world whose someone drew
Remember, please remember me.
Be a positive
Do not forget but do not forget Do not forget Do not forget
Paralyze on what has changed
A lot of 'paradise' that can not be changed
Remember,please remember me
Tell me, tell me who is in me?
Ne hagyj el így
Ne hagyj el így
nem tudom túlélni, nem tudok életben maradni
szerelmed nélkül, nem baba
Ne hagyj el így
nem tudok élni, biztosan hiányozni fog gyengéd csókod
tehát ne hagyj el így
Oh, baba, a szivem tele van szerelemmel és vágyódom utánad
gyere hát el és tedd ami kell
te elkezdetted ezt a tüzet a lelkémben
tehát nem latod égni irgalmatlanul
Tehát gyere el és elegítsd ki a szükségletemet
mert csak a te jó szerelmed felszabadít
Ne hagyj el így
Nem értem, hogy hogy állok a hatásod alatt
tehát, baba, kérlek, ne hagyj el így
Oh, baba, a szivem tele van szerelemmel és vágyódom utánad
gyere hát el és tedd ami kell
te elkezdetted ezt a tüzet a lelkémben
tehát nem latod égni irgalmatlanul
Tehát gyere el és elegítsd ki a szükségletemet
mert csak a te jó szerelmed felszabadít
Szabadíts fel, szabadíts fel, szabadíts fel, szabadíts fel, szabadíts fel
Gyere, elegíts ki, gyere, elegíts ki,
ne hagyj el így
Oh, baba, a szivem tele van szerelemmel és vágyódom utánad
gyere hát el és tedd ami kell
te elkezdetted ezt a tüzet a lelkémben
tehát nem latod égni irgalmatlanul
Tehát gyere el és elegítsd ki a szükségletemet
mert csak a te jó szerelmed felszabadít
Szabadíts fel, szabadíts fel, szabadíts fel, szabadíts fel, szabadíts fel
Eddig sem tudod, eddig sem tudod
Már nem tudok uralkodni magam
Mondd el, mondd el, hogyan működik bennem, ki ez?
Törött törött által ez a világ, mosolya nélkül
Törött azt, hogy nem tartom a levegőt
Mint ahogy az igazságot is fagy
Törik nem törik nem őrült, őrült, nem
Találni megrázta
Torz a világ tehát azt mutatják keresztül nélkül
Nem találom, hogy nem bámulni
Valaki festett a világ a sérült, vagy nem
Emlékezz rám ezt a
Élénk is
Végtelen magányos összefonódottság
Az ártatlanság nevetett a memória ragadt
Beragadt nem nem nem nem nem nem
bomlik a világ
Nem változott
A 2 tét, hogy 2 ember vesszen
Törik nem törik nem őrült, őrült, nem
A folt nem
Torz a világ tehát azt mutatják keresztül nélkül
Nem találom, hogy nem bámulni
Valakinek, hogy csak egy magányos csapda, hogy a jövőben csak, mint korábban
Emlékeztetett ez a
Élénk is
Ne felejtsd el, ne felejtsd el, ne felejtsd el, ne felejtsd el,
Nem lehet bénítani
Változás az egyetlen paradicsom
Emlékezz rám ezt a
Mondd el, mondd meg, ki van nekik?
Heaven's Light
A fond couple
Don't know the night is deep
A bright light surrounds them
Is it heaven's light?
I envy them that bright light
It's a dream to me
This ugly face
Will never be touched by heaven's light
But I saw a kind angel today
And she kissed my cheek
I think she may love me
And as I ring the bell tonight
The belfry becomes bright
Is it because of heaven's light?
Room of the Dawn
The night is already starting
With their moon paintings
In my veins, the river of your memory
Becomes married
And the distant men
Like his lips of
Dead leaves
In the room of the dawn
In the room of the dawn
You will not delay
You will not delay
Becomes married
The distant men
Like his lips of
Dead leaves
In the room of the dawn
In the room of the dawn
You will not burn me
You will not burn me
You will not forget me
You will not forget me
Under my shadow
The fire of the dawn
The ash
In the soul room
Those shadows
That will call my name
That will call my name
The sun was down
Looking for the forgottens
Of the night of the dawn
That will call my name
That will call my name
The sun was down
Looking for the forgottens
Of the door of the dawn
Good Girl, Margot
Versions: #2
Little Margot, the shepherdess
Finding a kitten in the grass -
A kitten who had just lost his mummy -
Adopted it.
She half-opened her collar
And lay it against her chest
It was all the poor thing had
For a pillow.
The cat, taking her for his mother
Started suckling straight away
Moved, Margot let him carry on
Good girl, Margot
A local fellow passing by
Finding this unusual scene
Went off to tell everyone
And the next day
When Margot undid her blouse
To give a little feed to her cat
All the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
And Margot, who was simple, but a very good girl
Presumed that it was to see her cat
That all the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
The schoolteacher and his pupils,
The mayor, the verger, the bartender,
All completely neglected their duties
To see the scene,
The postman, normally so deft,
To see the scene, delivered no more
Letters which no-one
Would have read anyway
To see the scene, God forgive them,
The altar boys ran out from church
in the middle of
the Holy Sacrifice,
The policemen, even they,
Blockheads that they are,
Let themselves be touched by the charm
Of the sight
When Margot undid her blouse
To give a little feed to her cat
All the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
And Margot, who was simple, but a very good girl
Presumed that it was to see her cat
That all the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
Even the other local women,
Deprived of their husbands and their beaux,
Accumulated rancour
Then one day drunk with rage
They armed themselves with sticks
And wildly they burned
The little cat
The shepherdess, after crying her tears,
Took a husband as consolation
And never again revealed her charms
But for him
Time passed and the memory faded
The event was forgotten
Only the old folks still told
Their grandchildren
When Margot undid her blouse
To give a little feed to her cat
All the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
And Margot, who was simple, but a very good girl
Presumed that it was to see her cat
That all the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
What we don't have at home
2, ... 2, 10
Everything started when I was crushing a fly on the glass,
When I started foaming at the mouth and fell unconscious on the piano.
I'm gonna besmirch you, without mercy, from bed to bed,
And now suck my dick (Haha), it's one of a kind.
We blew our brains out in the last year, in the worst way,
Casually dressed crickets sing to us, it's criminal.
I'm gonna tell you, what I said, I didn't say anything more,
It's all about having balls, drum and put.
We come from a world that is only ours,
Where water's made of fire, and the light is blue,
Where you still find a real friend.
Give me a little one in my bed, at the bar, two cause I'm thirsty,
Cause we have spare ammo and we don't hunt for comets.
Put your trust with trust, where you put your money,
Cause we're out in the city to make origami.
Even the whores left, cause it's fucked,
It's just an observation, cool, we don't care.
Bring another round with the remaining dignity,
We search for what we don't have at home in other places. X2
Turn the volume up on so you can jump drooling,
Wind is blowing in my pockets so hard that my balls are freezing.
Your face like a pissed up mattress laughing like a motherfucker.
Hey, senorita(Miss)! Do you suck dick?
I don't wanna cheat on my woman or to cross the line,
But I am weather-sensitive, when it rains I say fuck it.
Your brain plays in your head, it jumps as high as a ball,
Cause where we hit with our dick, God have mercy.
We stay on the streets like stray dogs, but we have pedigree,
It's never too late and we don't want to go home.
We have serious trust issues in a world easy to fool
When the long hand of the law searches for our dick.
Pour it in the glasses, brother! Maybe
We'll stay together at a drink of sincerity
Word travels fast on the streets,
Nobody dies a virgin, life fucks us all.
Even the whores left, cause it's fucked,
It's just an observation, cool, we don't care.
Bring another round with the remaining dignity,
We search for what we don't have at home in other places. X2
Igen a mennyországra
Ha táncolsz, én is táncolok
És ha nem táncolsz, én akkor is fogok
Adj esélyt a békének
Engedd, hogy a félelmed elszálljon
Figyellek téged
Figyellek téged
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Ha te mész, én maradok
Amikor vissza jössz, pontosan itt leszek
Mint a bárka a tengeren
Itt maradok a viharban is
Mert te jársz a fejemben
Te jársz a fejemben
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Ha táncolsz, én is táncolok
És ha harcolsz, én is harcolni fogok
Már nem számít, most már mindennek vége
Te jársz a fejemben
Te jársz a fejemben
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Mondj igent a mennyországra
Mondj igent rám
Figyellek téged
Figyellek téged
Figyellek téged
Figyellek téged
Mindenem amim van
Ó, ez a most vagy soha, ez nem egy üresjárat?
Mindörökké fogok maradni, bébi, mit mondhatok?
Őrülten hiányzom neked, hol aludtál tegnap este?
Senki sem ismer téged bébi, nem maradnál velem?
Mindenem amim van, amire szükségem van, és kívánok, az csak te vagy ma éjjel
Minden, amit látok, minden amit érzek, csak szorosan magamhoz ölelnélek téged
Minden ami nekem hiányzik, és minden amit álmodok, csak az édes szerelmedre vágyom
Minden, amit tudok, és mindaz, amit mondok, az soha nem lehet elég.
Szerelmem egyre erősebb, a szerelmem itt marad
Nem tudok többet várni, bébi, dobd fel ezt a napom
Ó, ma este magányos vagyok, oly magányos nélküled
Tudod, hogy te vagy számomra az egyetlen, és a szívem hűséges.
Mindenem amim van, amire szükségem van, és kívánok, az csak te vagy ma éjjel
Minden, amit látok, minden amit érzek, csak szorosan magamhoz ölelnélek téged
Minden ami nekem hiányzik, és minden amit álmodok, csak az édes szerelmedre vágyom
Minden, amit tudok, és mindaz, amit mondok, az soha nem lehet elég.
Minden ami nekem hiányzik, az te vagy, bárhová is megyek, hiányzol nekem és szükségem van rád.
You did nothing to me
In Cairo people don't know
What time is it now
Today the sun over the Rambla
Is not the same
There's a concert in France
People is having fun
Someone's singing loudly
Someone's screaming 'to death'
It always rains in London
But it doesn't hurt today
The sky doesn't make concessions
Not even at a funeral
In Nizza the sea is red
For fires and shame
Because of the people on the concrete
And the blood in the sewer
And this enormous body
That we call earth
Wounded in its organs
From Asia to England
A galaxy of people
Lost in space
But the most important one
It's the space of an hug
From childless mothers
From children without a father
From faces enlightened
Like walls without paintings
Minutes full of silence
Broken by a voice
'You did nothing to me'
You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
There are people that cross themselves
People that pray on carpets
Churches and Mosques
Imams and all the priests
Separated entries
In the same house
Billions of people
That hope for something
Handless arms
Nameless faces
Let's change our skin
We are humans deep down
'cause our lives
Are not a point of view
And it doesn't exist a
Pacifist bomb
You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
Your useless wars
Skyscrapers will fall apart
And the subways
And against all kind of terror
That inder the path
The world gets up on his feet
With a child smile
With a child smile
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
I am aware
That nothing will come back
Happiness flew
As a bubble flies away
I made love with the sea
Lying among stars
as the sun was dying
I sought a smile
on an island of caresses.
I made love with the sea
I made love with the sea
I cradled my skin to sleep
in my arms
and set my sorrows free
in her flowing tenderness
I made love with the sea
I made love with the sea
Her waves stole
a star of light,
sprinkling scales in the sky
and embelishing with silver
the froth along her sides.
And I learnt these words
so as to stop talking.
The alphabet of night
on an etheral breath
came to me and whispered I had to forget you.
I made love with the sea
I made love with the sea
Though I wouldn't fall asleep
without you around,
there, on a bed of sand,
I dreamt about your sleep.
I made love with the sea
I made love with the sea
Shall you come back tomorrow
seeking a memory,
you'll have to stay quiet.
I'll teach you at last
how to make love with the sea.
How to make love with the sea.
The sea.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Néhány srácnak mindenben van szerencséje
Egyedül a tömegben egy buszon munka után
És én csak álmodozom
A mellettem álló srácnak van egy lány a karjaiban
Az én karjaim üresek
Hogy érzed magad, amikor a melletted lévő lány
Azt mondja, hogy szeret téged?
Alávaló dolognak tűnik, hogy a szerelem ott van mindenütt
De számomra sehol nincs semmi
Néhány srácnak mindenben van szerencséje
Vannak srácok, akiknek mindig mindenük fáj
Néhány srác mindenhez kap szabadságot
Mások nem tesznek mást, csak panaszkodnak
Valaki, aki tesz egy sétát a tó mellett
Uram, hadd legyek önnel
Van, aki fél, van, aki sírva fakad
A szomorú filmekben
Tudom, hogy meghalok, ha valaha is megtudnám
Ő meg fog őrjíteni engem
Te csak álom vagy, de olyan valóságosnak, tűnsz
Én nem vagyok olyan szerencsés
Néhány srácnak mindenben van szerencséje
Vannak srácok, akiknek mindig mindenük fáj
Néhány srác mindenhez kap szabadságot
Mások nem tesznek mást, csak panaszkodnak
Minden barátomnak van egy gyűrűje az ujján
Van neki valakije
Valaki, aki törődik velük, ez nem igazságos
Nekem senkim sincsen
Az autó túlmelegedett, felhívtalak és könyörögtem
Segítség útban van
Hívtalak hogy vegyél fel, de nem fogadtad
Nem volt semmi mondanivalód
Néhány srácnak mindenben van szerencséje
Vannak srácok, akiknek mindig mindenük fáj
Néhány srác mindenhez kap szabadságot
Mások nem tesznek mást, csak panaszkodnak
De ha te itt lehetnél énvelem
Annyira boldog lennék, hogy sírni tudnék
Nagyon kedves vagy hozzám
Én csak nem hagyhatlak téged elbúcsúzni
Notarially attested
Get drunk, call me
Tired from everyone, super sad and drunk
Tell me that you miss me
I won't come back, but it's enough for me to know it
Do you snap with fingers or I should snap at you?
I'm sure that you are going crazy for me
Should I attest you something notarial,
the pain for example, because that’s what I saw from you
Do you want me to tell you something about me?
So later it doesn't look like you didn't get something
I hear that you are talking- I hate that
Are you proud that you've slept with many women?
Do you want me to buy you new toys?
Because you are childishly making me look stupid
I don't smash, I just wank
I'm very good at that, can you do the same?
Get drunk, call me
Tired from everyone, super sad and drunk
Tell me that you miss me
I won't come back, but it's enough for me to know it
Do you snap with fingers or I should snap at you?
I'm sure that you are going crazy for me
Should I attest you something notarial,
the pain for example, because that’s what I saw from you
Tell me, are playing it like a belt?
If something tightens you, you change the hole
You don't want to get to know any woman
If it gets hard, let the next one enter
Do you want me to buy you new toys?
Because you are childishly making me look stupid
I don't smash, I just wank
I'm very good at that, can you do the same?
Get drunk, call me
Tired from everyone, super sad and drunk
Tell me that you miss me
I won't come back, but it's enough for me to know it
Do you snap with fingers or I should snap at you?
I'm sure that you are going crazy for me
Should I attest you something notarial,
the pain for example, because that’s what I saw from you
Weekly Anthoropology
The authors had no ambition,
Their plots were only mediocre,
What is worse, they couldn’t win fame at all,
Their excuses were same, “It’s because I have no talent,”
They patched up coward expressions
by saying “I want to be loved.” in smile,
and drawing carelessly.
“If that’s the way,you can express none of what you want to,”
I know such a thing already,
The agitator can’t exist,
that flatters the selfishness of 70 billion loves and hates.
The plane can’t exist,
which is for watching the caprice of 70 billion people's compassion,
While We’re beat, the last episode has come,
Our treasure is over,
In fact, We had a story to express.
However, taking a look at the real,
all our works were rejected.
I dropped a tear-colored pen on the important page,
and got fed up with everything,
I crumpled “myself”, that is no longer in use
and threw it away into the drain,
The day will never come,
when 70 billion problems are solved completely.
The machine will never move at all,
that carries 70 billion discards named dreams,
We know my serial stories will be discontinued soon,
But we keep on drawing this work
and ourselves that is different from what we’d thought,
The tape will deteriorate soon,
that mends 70 billion injured hearts.
The musician will be shocked and scoffed at by the real,
that sings 70 billion people similarly.
While I’m beat, the last episode has come,
our youth is, our daily life is,
our treasure is over,
Yes, it’s over.
Sailing, sailing
I'm flying over you,
what's happening? that I
feel so lost, so happy.
Like a kiss, my prayer
say softly like this:
''shipwrecking in your arms,
sailing over you''
And your hands, sweet hands
innocent over me,
shipwrecking in your arms,
sailing over you.
And your hands, sweet hands
innocent over me,
shipwrecking in your arms,
sailing over you.
Sailing, sailing
I'm flying over you
and your hands, sweet hands
innocent over me.
I'm flying, over you,
sailing, over you.
Sailing, sailing
I'm flying over you
and your hands, sweet hands
innocent over me.
Just learning.
Where the Night Leads
Your perfume's trail beckons me
I so want to catch you
Let's follow the moonlight,
To burn together brighter than stars
Light me all night with yourself
Clear your head from all extra thoughts
Like the stars we are glowing, let's fly
And so on until morning.
Neither I nor you know beforehand
Where the night will lead us
Come on, be brave, melt the ice
Where the night leads
Cross the edge with me
And again, so that we become closer
And do not say anything.
I read your lips
Light me all night with yourself
Clear your head from all extra thoughts
Like the stars we are glowing, let's fly
And so on until morning.
Neither I nor you know beforehand
Where the night will lead us
Come on, be brave, melt the ice
Where the night leads
Where the night leads
Where the night leads
Where the night leads
Where the night leads
Neither I nor you know beforehand
Where the night will lead us
Come on, be brave, melt the ice
Where the night leads
Where the night leads
Where the night leads
Where the night leads
Where the night leads