Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 42


Even if Our Generation Gets Buried

Even if our generation gets buried1
Another flower sprouts from our souls
In every step, a star has slept in the grave
These new graves that have our trace
The beautiful lip that has sweet Farsi inside
It became bitter when it heard about this event
The clouds of universe wept constantly
But grief of the universe did not heal
Now many roses that we have put next to each other
At the spring they are our gift
Our school bag and book flap in the air
With our kite and the yarn of our rainbow
Yes, how bright the sun of my land is
With the dance of our sweet daughters' bag and book
We are people of germination. From our blood and grave
...our young and fresh bud has raised
Father's soul, where are you?23 now get up
Put our bones in the bow
  • 1. On 8 May 2021, a car bombing, followed by two more improvised explosive device (IED) blasts, occurred in front of Sayed al-Shuhada school in Dashte Barchi, a predominantly Shia Hazara area in western Kabul, Afghanistan, leaving at least 90 people dead and 240 injured. The majority of the casualties were girls between 11 and 15 years old. The attack took place in a neighborhood that has frequently been attacked by militants belonging to the regional Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province (ISIL-K) over the years.
  • 2. It refers to another attack which happened on November 2, 2020. The Taliban terrorist group attacks Kabul university. Dozens of people are killed and injured in the attack.
    A cellphone belonging to a female student is found at the scene, which is called 142 times, and when no response is received from her, her father sends her a message by this text: 'Father's soul, where are you?'
    And then this sentence and its picture become trendy

    In the Persian/Farsi dialect of Afghanistan, Father's soul [Jaane Padar] is the most romantic and shortest sentence a father uses to call his child.
  • 3. This song is about that event


I met a lady in Monterrey city
I met a lady in Monterrey city (Hey)
She was 37 and looked 26
Indian, Aztecan, my tamale will taste good in your batey
Buddy, don't be upset, calm down, pal
It's worse a devil pending to be know than the one already known
Lady, I give you medicine and I take care of you
I want to become your favorite lover
And it's because her luggage looks cool
Activate the guys, let all the boys call (Hey)
I want to know if you get me (I get you)
If you have a husband then you have to put the horns on him1
We do what whatever we need to do and then I dispatch you
And from Monterrey to the Federal District2
How tasteful the Mexicans3from the capital2
Lady, if you're going to change my diaper
Apply cream because I don't want4to peel
And from Monterrey to the Federal District
How tasteful the Mexicans from the capital
Lady, if you're going to change my diaper
Apply cream because I don't want to burn
I met a lady in Monterrey city
The Guaynaa
37 year old and I couldn't believe it
Pain Digital, Pain Digital, Pain Digital
I met a lady in Monterrey city
She was 37 years old and I couldn't believe it
(Hey, hey

At Least You Don't Forget Me

Versions: #1
Evenings are at their last rope, hello my friend sorrow.
I'm lonely, lonely again. Where are you the apple of my eyes?
Is this how one supposed to go through the pain of separation?
Understand how hard it is from my eyes, enough.
Then, come take my life, take my life so I can be saved from this!
Separation is worse than death.
I forgot about my dreams with you.
I forgot about being loved with you.
At least you, you don't forget about me please.
I forgot about hope with you.
I forgot about everything with you.
At least you, you don't forget about me.
Evenings are at their last rope, hello my friend sorrow.
I'm lonely, lonely again. Where are you the apple of my eyes?
Is this how one supposed to go through pain of separation?
Understand how hard it is from my eyes, enough.
Then, come take my life, take my life so I can be saved then!
Separation is worse than death.
I forgot my dreams with you.
I forgot about being loved with you.
At least you don't forget me please.
I forgot about hope with you.
I forgot about everything with you.
At least you, you don't forget about me.
A tiny wave hit the shores of my heart.
I should've kept quiet, I couldn't hold myself back.
All I have is a soul and if I sacrificed that for you, you wouldn't know about my love.
I have a pain that if I told you, you wouldn't be able to see the ahead of you.
Everybody left and forgot. I also forgot about everything.
At least...you.. dont forget about me.

Broken Up While in Love

Versions: #1
Those who are broken up while still in love know about separation well.
Those who are broken up while still in love live the regret.
Two hearts beat the same in far away cities,
knowing they're being waited in a far away city.
There comes a day your heart feels a burning sensation and you can't stop your hands going for writing letters.
There comes a day you'd look for me, your eyes zone out to far away places.
Summer would come and heat would rise on evenings by the coast road.
You'd look for me in every step of the way and your eyes would zone out to far away places.
Wish wind held my love,
and then wish it went over the hills and far away and touched your hair.
Those who are broken up while still in love know about separation well.
You're my soul mate.
If you forgot about me, I'd have felt it.
If you had forgotten about me, ghost of you wouldn't stand by me every morning.
I came back to see you.
It's been long time since you've been gone.
Go wherever,
but carry a picture of me in your bag and my smile on your mind.
I loved you genuinely.
I told you my love wouldn't end, it didn't.

Még egy

Ó, ó, ó, ó, ó, ó
Most az egyszer korán megyek a helyre
Hamar kiszúrtam egy gyönyörű csajszit
Úgy voltam tőle, hogy úúú, te jó ég
Azt mondta meghámozná a banánomat
Elvittem a kunyhómba
Úgy húztam le a tangája húrját mint Santana1
Kortyolj egy kis egyszer élünket!
A következő kérdésem az lesz, hogy akarod-e?
'Voulez vous' a többit tudod2
Azt mondta 'merci beaucoup'3és levetkőzött
Mindent akarok, semmivel sem kevesebbet
Megjelentem a helyen és a legjobbat újra bezsebeltem
Szereztem még egyet, egyet, egyet, egyet
Ki van zárva, hogy vissza, vissza, vissza, visszamenjek
A klubba, a partiba, nekem már megvan, amiért jöttem
Te még mindig keresel a parketten
Szereztem még egyet, egyet, egyet, egyet
Ki van zárva, hogy vissza, vissza, vissza, visszamenjek
A klubba, a partiba, nekem már megvan, amiért jöttem
Keresel a parketten, hogy még több legyen
Üres kézzel jönnek ki a pasasok a klubból
Átkozódnak, hogy ma este nincs nő
Fogtad magad és elköltötted a lakbért a semmire
Még a lerobbant Ladádat sem tudod megjavítani
Az én csajom Pradaban4virít
Lepasszolok neked egyet mert nekem sok van
Gyere ide és hadd mutatassam meg
Hogyan zsákolj sorban több éjszakán át
Csak mondd, hogy 'voulez vous', a többit tudod
Azt mondta 'merci beaucoup' és levetkőzött
Mindent akarok, semmivel sem kevesebbet
Megjelentem a helyen és a legjobbat újra bezsebeltem
Szereztem még egyet, egyet, egyet, egyet
Ki van zárva, hogy vissza, vissza, vissza, visszamenjek
A klubba, a partiba, nekem már megvan, amiért jöttem
Te még mindig keresel a parketten
Szereztem még egyet, egyet, egyet, egyet
Ki van zárva, hogy vissza, vissza, vissza, visszamenjek
A klubba, a partiba, nekem már megvan, amiért jöttem
Keresel a parketten, hogy még több legyen
Nekem olyan nehéz választani
Akkora a felhozatal
Rosszul vagyok már a sok édességtől
De azt jöhet még néhány
Hétfő, kedd, szerda, csütörtök
Péntek, szombat, vasárnap
Amikor megláttalak csajszi csak arra tudtam gondolni, hogy
Szereztem még egyet, egyet, egyet, egyet
Ki van zárva, hogy vissza, vissza, vissza, visszamenjek
A klubba, a partiba, nekem már megvan, amiért jöttem
Te még mindig keresel a parketten
Szereztem még egyet, egyet, egyet, egyet
Ki van zárva, hogy vissza, vissza, vissza, visszamenjek
A klubba, a partiba, nekem már megvan, amiért jöttem
Keresel a parketten, hogy még több legyen
Az enyém a legfajább csaj a szigeten
Jobb ha elhiszed, hogy ennek a pasinak mosolyt csal az arcára
Itt maradhatsz egész éjszaka
De azt nem kapod meg, ami az enyém
Nem, te nem, nem, nem, te nem
Nem, te nem, nem, nem, te nem
Nem, te nem, nem, nem, te nem
Nem, te nem, nem, nem, te nem
Ó, ó, ó, ó, ó, ó
  • 1. Carlos Santana (1947-) Grammy-díjas mexikói származású amerikai latin rockzenész és gitáros.
  • 2. Ez egy utalás a Lady Marmalade c. dalra, annak ez egyik sora a 'Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?' (Aludnál-e velem ma este?).
  • 3. 'Nagyon köszönöm' franciául, ebben a kontextusban talán 'nagyon szívesen'.
  • 4. Olasz divatház elsősorban luxus színvonalú ruhákat, bőrből készült kiegészítőket, cipőket és táskákat tervez és gyárt.


Látom a b-boyokat1táncolj csajszi!
Látom, ahogy lesöpröd őket a válladról
Érzem, ahogy egyre hangosabb
Már nem tudjuk sokáig a földön tartani a lábunkat
Már bezárnának, felkapcsolják a fényket, de ez nem lehet
Úgyhogy gyere velem, irány a felszállópálya!
Gyerünk táncolj!
Remegjen a föld
Hallani akarom, ahogy sikítasz a visszaszámlálással!
A visszaszámlálással
A visszaszámlálással
Szálljunk fel ma este
Vágjunk bele olyan keményen, hogy a világ utól ne érjen
Ahol nem lát
Eltűnünk és csak viszlát
Szálljunk fel ma este
Vágjunk bele olyan keményen, hogy a világ utól ne érjen
Utól nem érhet, utól nem érhet
Elhagytuk az légkört
Itt egyre forróbb, egyre vadabb
Minden hölgy úgy fest mint egy rohadt plakát
Ragadd meg a barátnőd és húzd közelebb!
Ültesd fel rá, üljön rá, hullámvasút
Megpróbálhatják ezt leállítani, de lehetetlen
Mi már felszállunk, ideje szabaddá tenni a felszállópályát
Gyerünk táncolj!
Remegjen a föld
Hallani akarom, ahogy sikítasz a visszaszámlálással!
A visszaszámlálással
A visszaszámlálással
Szálljunk fel ma este
Vágjunk bele olyan keményen, hogy a világ utól ne érjen
Ahol nem lát
Eltűnünk és csak viszlát
Szálljunk fel ma este
Vágjunk bele olyan keményen, hogy a világ utól ne érjen
Utól nem érhet, utól nem érhet
Elhagytuk az légkört
Megtaníthatlak repülni mer'
Senki nem tud minket megállítani
Megtaníthatlak repülni mer'
Gyere és csatlakozz az 'egy mérföld magasban' klubhoz2
Gyerünk táncolj!
Remegjen a föld
Hallani akarom, ahogy sikítasz a visszaszámlálással!
A visszaszámlálással
A visszaszámlálással
Szálljunk fel ma este
Vágjunk bele olyan keményen, hogy a világ utól ne érjen
Ahol nem lát
Eltűnünk és csak viszlát
Szálljunk fel ma este
Vágjunk bele olyan keményen, hogy a világ utól ne érjen
Utól nem érhet, utól nem érhet
Elhagytuk az légkört
  • 1. Breakdance-es fiúk.
  • 2. Ez egy szleng kifejezés azokra, akik egy repülőgép fedélzetén már végrehajtottak szexuális aktust valakivel.


I am going to drink because of this love
I know how many times you have
Does your heart ache when you think of me?
You didn't say yes, but you still love him
Magdalena x 4
[Verse 1: Flori Mumajesi]
Although we didn't dare to be together
We lived once again
I saw you, you saw me
Bam, bam
Although it lasted just for a moment
Our love was high, high
Even though we are hurt
To whom did you say I love you from the inside?
Who did you tell to love? You you
How can you make a life without me
Life without me
How can you make a life without me
Life without me
I am going to drink because of this love
I know how many times you have
Does your heart ache when you think of me?
He didn't say yes, but he still loves her
Magdalena x4
[Verse 2: Tayna]
He opened his eyes
When I see you with others
It's like there's no flowers
But spring goes with you
She told you I forgot
I took others
Lying is only in vain
That heart felt
I'm telling myself, telling myself
And I'm waiting
We both repeated the same mistake
I'm telling myself, telling myself
And I'm waiting
We did not know where we went wrong
[Bridge: Flori Mumajesi]
How can you make a life without me
Life without me
I am going to drink because of this love
I know how many times you have
Does your heart ache when you think of me?
You didn't say yes, but you still love him

Gerda's song

Where is a fairy tale, where is a miracle?
Where are the suddennesses?
Here the trees as everywhere
They're reflecting in the water
Everything too simple as yet
Where does the trick hide?
That one who has a short height
And at here, he isn't a giant
Everything, that was this is on behind
Everything, that will be this is on forward
What we can say, looking at the fairy tale?
You see that what you're looking at.
That one doesn't sleep if he can't sleep
The beasts have a usual guise
A coward yells when he scares
Brave guy scares himself but he silents
There is just the same duckweed on the swamp
And the trail ways as everywhere
Where is a miracle, where is a fairy tale?
Where are the suddennesses?
Here the trees as everywhere
They're reflecting in the water
Where is a fairy tale, where is a miracle?
Where are the suddennesses?


I'm spicy, it's written on my passport.
I'm taking you out of your comfort zone.
Do it like chilli, like a stinging wasp,
like a cactus. Ouch! Does it hurt?
My look is killing, killing,
on my skin - a sexy feeling
Did you start wondering who you are?
You're a hundred per cent mine!
Chorus: (x2)
The tan - Milka*, the ass - Brazilian
I make the Black Sea white.
I'm an Amazon, my boy,
I'm wild, I'm folding you in two
Pecos, Pecos, Pecos,**
After me you'll need glucose (x2)
Are you thirsty? I'm coming like Niagara!
What will we consume from the minibar?
What will we open and what will we drink?
I'm telling you that we're getting drunk!
Did you call me? Kitty-kitty!
You are in my paws, you are!
I'm turning on electricity - AC/DC
One, two - it's you, it's you!
Chorus: (x2)
The tan - Milka*, the ass - Brazilian
I make the Black Sea white.
I'm an Amazon, my boy,
I'm wild, I'm folding you in two
Pecos, Pecos, Pecos,**
After me you'll need glucose (x2)
I'm promising you heat like in Sahara
I'm setting you free like Che Guevara
I'm making you drunk like Bacardi
I'll make you go the right way like Aston Martin
Chorus: (x2)
The tan - Milka*, the ass - Brazilian
I make the Black Sea white.
I'm an Amazon, my boy,
I'm wild, I'm folding you in two

Here Here

This is my life without your love
You are my soul, without you I lost my sun
I'm used with it, my love
Give me, give me your love
I'm talking about you here, here
My heart, here, here
Do you want it, here, here
Come take it, here, here
Here, here, here, here
My heart, here, here
Do you want it, here, here
Come take it, here, here
You loved me, now no more
A charm like Moyo
It's not like it used to be
What does she have more?
Alone now Moyo
I can't forget you
You can't find like me
What does she have more?
Here, here, it's not here anymore
Here, here he doesn't love me anymore
Here, here do you remember talking day and night
I knew it you will not come back here, here
But he who laughs last, laughs longest
I'm talking about you here, here
My heart, here, here
Do you want it, here, here
Come take it, here, here
Here here, here here
My heart, here, here
Do you want it, here, here
Come take it, here, here
I can't do anything if I scream and shout
Do you say the same things to her?
If you want I can keep all mistakes
But my karma will go back around to you
And now whoever you date is my worst version
I was privilege for you, the only friend
From me to whom?
Maybe your nivel
You are my fan, she is my fan
You can't hold me out
You don't know how to treat me, here, here
I'm giving you another chance, here, here
Even you don't deserve it, here, here
My heart is singing for you, here, here
I'm talking about you here, here
My heart, here, here
Do you want it, here, here
Come take it, here, here
Here here, here here
My heart, here, here
Do you want it, here, here
Come take it, here, here
Here here, here here
My heart, here, here
Do you want it, here, here
Come take it, here, here
Here here, here here
My heart, here, here
Do you want it, here, here
Come take it, here, here

Boil My Cauldron, Boil

Boil up my cauldron, boil up
Cut crunchy the serpent
Dragon's skin
Decayed witch bone
Sorrow over sorrow
Boil my cauldron, we'll boil
Sorrow over sorrow
Boil my cauldron, boil
Sorrow over sorrow
Boil my cauldron, boil!
Boil my cauldron, boil!

My little family

I know kings
Gentle soldiers
Our fathers are stars
Without having to do cinema
I hang out with queens
Women who are shut indoors
Our mothers are superstars whom no one knows
I counted
One, to unite all of my little family
Two, for me and the love of my life
Three times, to get the whole of my town singing
And there is a lot of noise when we arrive together
Four seasons, to get to learn
Five, as the fingers of my hand are put together
Six, until the earth trembles from it
There's a lot of noise when we're are here
Tell them that we're here
I know madmen
Smarter than you
I hang out with clowns who cry about love
We've won wars

Your Eyes

Versions: #2
Your eyes are summer nights
Visions, pink poems
And fleeting love letters
From forgotten books
Who are you? the wild flowers
Are blooming as you walk
Like light, like perfume
Like a melody
You became like a ship that carries me
Like a poem for the sea sun
For promises that are mad up
In a eastern girl dreams
Who are you? the magic in your eyes
Is taking me to my wishes
As if you were a mooner
Or from a golden star
From a land where the sun of love
Dances withe the freedom
And I am travelling through life
Only have your eyes and a song


Yema, I am so afraid that the sky move away from you
Yema, it makes my heart shake in the evening when I come back
Yema, you told me that there my days would be better
Yema, oh I miss you
Yema, I see your stare again at the window when I crossed the door
The evening where I crossed the sea to join the coast
And you, you who never ceased to pray for me
Far from my eyes but not from my heart, I will retrace my steps
Yema, my memories come back and form knots in my throat
Yema, each day that God makes, I love you
Yema, don't forget I love you even far from you
Yema, I knew how to fly with my wings, it is from you that I got that
Yema, like a dream that faded in the cold,
Yema, barred from you, I try to be strong
But when night comes
I live again all through all those joyous moments
This smile set on your face
The smell of jasmine on your fingers
And I tell myself that my life's best years
Have stayed behind me
I miss you, Yema
Yema, the waves crash and separate me from you
I will set the sails to tell you, to write to you
Those words in the sand
Far from my eyes but not from my heart, I will retrace my step
Far from you...

We could have met

We could have met,
how many times you have passed by me and our eyes never locked
we were in the same places, and we could have met.
How many times you were beside me, and I didn't turn
and on the same bench, if you have stayed a little longer,
I could have sat beside you, by chance
How chances played us,
when we were crying on different pillows at the same time
and where we kneeled on the same floor
Praying that I will meet you...and you were just beside me
and to see you, for the first time,
even if you have been passing by me since ever.
How our hands missed each other
and we missed lots of chances, never paying attention to each other
and on every crossroad, life was laughing at us
How many times I leaned towards you and then withdrew back
if you would have spoken a word, laughed or murmured,
I could have heard your voice
How chances played us,
when we were crying on different pillows at the same time
and where we kneeled on the same floor
Praying that I will meet you...and you were just beside me
and to see you, for the first time,
even if you have been passing by me since ever.


To my vault heart
Love songs.
You have bring a blueness
to my dry tears.
I hanker to you for a long time now.
I said that i could forgot you but
i didnt forget neither you nor these days.
either from you or from me
there are some things that make us think
Those days were beatiful, not you.
I know,
But still,
Love songs to my vault heart.
You have bring a blueness to my dry tears.

Ring Ring

So many girls fucking around
Having sugar daddies
They think I do too
With how I’m livin’
No bitch this is my money
They didn't believe I would reach here yeah
Now they see me above like stars
Ring ring ring they call me
I don't know your number and neither you yeah
Those I had in school
Everybody doubted on me
Now my security
Don't let them take photos with me
I have someone I know
Gossiping I'm in relationship
You don't know cause if you did
You would be on top with me
And now come who is the teacher
To stand up
Me in concert
You say where is Tayna missing class
And if you want to know who are these
Who doubted on me
Uncounted mess
This is when you make fun with someone else ambitions
Everybody back stabbed me and I believed everyone
What I've not been
They used to give me different names
And now I tell them how to play
They didn't believe I would reach here yeah
Now they see me above like stars
Ring ring ring they call me
I don't know your number and neither you yeah
I was little
With a big dream
They didn't accept me
I knocked on every door
I didn't give it to them they refused me
But I still struggled
For this day they didn't believe me
And now I can say
I didn't have to go in bed with anyone to be here
That's why they talk how I reached here
They had 100 and couldn't reach here
It's very high here
That's why I can't hear you here
I'm promoting abc book in politics
Motivating friend a social topic
God is big who is on top they deserve
Cause God is big who is right a military can't break down
They didn't believe I would reach here yeah
Now they see me above like stars
Ring ring ring they call me
I don't know your number and neither you yeah
You can shoot me with your words
You can cut me with your lies
You can kill me with your hatefulness
But just like life I’ll rise!