Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 24

Találatok száma: 769


Burnt witch

On my knees, in front of the altar,
I stand, my breast blazing with fire.
The inverted cross of Lucifer
Is hanging on the wall.
You left me for the world beyond,
It's a shame that you aren't next to me.
You're blazing now without me,
In the hot fire of Hell.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she burnt down in the flames.1
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she was burnt on the bonfire.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
These sanctimonious folks2 shall, in a thorny crown,
Soon be hanging on the cross.
They shall hang with broken ribs,
Death to the inquisitors, death!
You were the queen of the night,
But they sharpened their swords.
You were burnt by the inquisitors on the bonfire.
Know that you shall be avenged.
And I'll be helped in this by Satan,
All of the priests shall hang
On the bloody cross.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she was burnt on the bonfire.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
These sanctimonious folks shall, in a thorny crown,
Soon be hanging on the cross.
All the inquisitors shall be retching blood.
Death to the inquisitors, death!
Every day without you is Hell,
But you are not coming back,
Without you, my dear, I cannot fall asleep.
Know that I shall soon come to you,
We shall shortly meet in Hell,
The sharp sacrificial knife,
I shall thrust into my sinful breast.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she was burnt on the bonfire.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
These sanctimonious folks shall, in a thorny crown,
Soon be hanging on the cross.
They shall hang with broken ribs,
Death to the inquisitors, death!
  • 1. в огне - in the fire, but I wanted to avoid repeating bon_fire_ and fire.
  • 2. Святоша originally meant an extremely devout follower of religion, a holier-than-thou person. Nowadays, it also means hypocrite. 'Sanctimonious' captures both meanings, but it doesn't have a corresponding noun, so I had to use two words.

LT → İstekler → İngilizce, Kazakça → Alau → Welcome To Kazakhstan Please translate Welcome To Kazakhstan Şarkıcı: Alau Albüm: Single(2016) Şarkı: Welcome To Kazakhstan İstek: Kazakça → İngilizce BalkanTranslate1 kullanıcısı tarafından Cmt, 18/02/2017 -

The shines, smiling eyes,
The girl - beautiful, sweet words.
Do you have, a like my homeland?
Elders - radiant face, glorious character,
Heart - sincere, sound - harmonious,
See you, you?
Do you have, a like my homeland?
The roses shines,
The nightingales sing
The rivers, the lakes,
Daylight is embrace
Mountains in the sky
The sky is caressing,
I have met many years in this place,
Many fates have met.
You are welcome to Kazakhstan,
Our homeland calls you.
You are welcome to Kazakhstan,
Everything that's interesting there.
You are welcome to Kazakhstan,
It gives fame to the world.
Open the lap to you
Kazakhstan welcomes you.
You will love the lyrics
You will really respect the ability
Do you have, a like my homeland?
In his homeland, he will play and laugh,
The spaces will be new, shining
See you, you ?!
Do you have, a like my homeland?
The roses shines,
The nightingales sing
The rivers, the lakes,
Daylight is embrace
Mountains in the sky
The sky is caressing,
I have met many years in this place,
Many fates have met.
You are welcome to Kazakhstan,
Our homeland calls you.
You are welcome to Kazakhstan,
Everything that's interesting there.
You are welcome to Kazakhstan,
It gives fame to the world.
Open the lap to you
Kazakhstan welcomes you.

Like Before

If he came back, what would I do?
What would my first reaction be?
Would I turn my back on him?
Would I wonder whether he still loves me
Or, else, would I simply bid him farewell?
If he came back, what would I do?
Seeing him smile, nobody could say 'no'
I would crave his mouth just as much,
For it used to drive me crazy
And then, I would make sweet love to him.
Like before,
When we were friends, when we were lovers.
Like before,
When love travelled across my skin.
Like before
He took me in and then, broke my heart.
Like before,
When he would make love to me all day long.
Like before,
When he would awaken this great passion in me.
Like before
He crossed that door and said goodbye...
If he came back, what would I do?
I never managed to get over him...
He is deeply ingrained in my desires,
He is still deep in my soul
Since, for him, I became a volcano and a hurricane.
Like before...
Like before...
Ooh! Like before...
Like before...


You made plans for a date,
At six o'clock, it was all like a dream.
I spent the whole day ironing my outfit,
To look like a host of the program 'Vzglyad.'
I put on my jacket and tied my tie,
And elegantly combed my hair.
And while I was waiting for you and dreaming about love,
Some grey-winged pigeon crapped on me.
A pigeon, a pigeon, a-a-a!
Right from above, a-a-a!
On my head, a-a-a!
On my jacket, a-a-a!
I grabbed a brick and flung it into the pigeon,
But I didn't hit it - he suddenly slipped away,
I took out a mirror and didn't recognize myself,
With its droppings, the pigeon give me a greeting from above.
What a nightmare, what a bastard of a pigeon.
He sh*t on my beautiful outfit.
Stinking bird excrement dripped from my ears,
How can I appear before you now, 'cause I didn't expect:
A pigeon, a pigeon, a-a-a!
Right from above, a-a-a!
On my head, a-a-a!
On my jacket, a-a-a!
I hopped back at a gallop,
To wash my jacket, it stunk horribly.
After washing the sh*t from my ears I could only think of how,
We can't go to the movies, all thanks to some nasty little bird.
And you waited for me for a whole hour,
Cursing me, you went home in a vicious mood.
But I'm not guilty because that pigeon, the bastard,
Pooped on me from above, and was probably glad that:
Above me, above me, a-a-a!
Right from above, a-a-a!
On my head, a-a-a!
On my jacket, a-a-a!

She told me yesterday

There, where these days will be left
Like an untouched, first snow
I'll build a monastery of two lonely hearts
There, from the window will be seen the world
But in the window will be seen the light
Inhabited island, closer there is none
And further there is none...
She told me yesterday
That this world isn't all that bad
Something in it isn't right, and this is stronger
She'll never be mine
She told me yesterday
That it's not necessary to change anything
The earth under me and the summer above her
She'll never be mine
No matter how thing this thread is
Turns out, there isn't one stronger
And the paths aren't changed, like the orbits of the planets
There, from the window will be seen the world
But in the window will be seen the light
Inhabited island, closer there is none
And further there is none...
She told me yesterday
That this world isn't all that bad
Something in it isn't right, and this is stronger
She'll never be mine
She told me yesterday
That it's not necessary to change anything
The earth under me and the summer above her
She'll just never be mine
She told me yesterday
That this world isn't all that bad
Something in it isn't right, and this is stronger
She'll never be mine
She told me yesterday
That it's not necessary to change anything
The earth under me and the summer above her
She'll just never be mine...


Because ninety [year]*
Is just slowly passing away,
Down below my window
United divisions are singing.
Peonies* are blooming,
But it smells like blood.
God, forgive them,
They probably don't know what are they doing...
Because ninety [year]*
Is just slowly passing away,
Down below my window
Red dianthuses* leave (they go away)
From here, to Bleiburg*,
Way of the Cross* and heavy steps.
Oh God, forgive them,
They probably don't know what are they doing...
Is just slowly passing away,
Down below my window
United divisions are singing.

Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

Szerelmes üzenet

Egy szerelmes üzenetet akarok neked adni, kevés szóval
A titok egy szívben lakozik, egy szív ami tudja
Hogy megértettem talán a hiba nem benned volt
És a vonzerőddel, amivel megfogtál, egyre jobban akarlak.
Meghallgattam a zajt s a csendet, ami az idővel beszél
Arcoddal álmodtam és hogy a szemeiddel megmosolyogtatsz picit.
Mennyi nosztalgia köt hozzád
De soha, soha sem voltál meg nekem
Mélyem sosem, Édes szerelmem, érzékenyen, higgy nekem
Soha, soha sem voltál meg nekem
Ami fáj, azt nem hallod többé már
Bármi is lesz, ez a szerelmes üzenet neked.
Hogy a tengertől kiszáradt kezeimmel eltakarom a pillantásomat
És a szív dűnéit megmászva magasabbra kerültem
Hogy láttam az éjszakák beszennyezték a fantáziámat
Hisz én összezavartan és elveszetten egyedül voltam.
De soha, soha sem voltál meg nekem
Mélyem sosem, Édes szerelmem, érzékenyen, higgy nekem
Soha, tényleg soha, soha sem voltál meg nekem
Lelkem, tudod hogy ott leszek
Vigyél el engem ezzel a szerelmes üzenettel
De soha, soha sem voltál meg nekem
Soha, tényleg soha, soha sem voltál meg nekem
Mélyem sosem, Édes szerelmem
Hagyd hogy csak egy szerelmes üzenet legyen.
Szerelmes üzenet
Bárhova mégy mindig
Bárhova mész is majd.

You wanted to tell me something

Autumn coloured like fire the wood,
Grey rain drumming dreary,
And with every day now more understood,
That love didn't came forever
Leaves must fall, raindrops must dance,
The bygone summer won't come back
You wanted to tell me something
Or I simply imagine all this?
The leaves still burning bright,
But already marked by winter,
Yellow leaves are telling us,
That separations do happens in the world
And you can't impose anything,
Avoiding straight answers,
You wanted to tell me something
Or I simply imagine all this?
It's impossible to impose love,
The music had stopped, the song is sung,
You wanted to tell me something,
Or I simply imagine all this?

Not even a single tear (Rascal)

If you leave
I will be so disappointed!
You know that I love you.
This heart of mine cannot go on like this:
You know that I won't wait for you.
Not even for one more single night, you rascal
I shall allow you
To deceive me again with your twisted games.
Not even a single tear, you rascal
I will shed again
In silence.
You stabbed me in the heart...
I don't believe you anymore
You, who killed all the hopes
Of my baffled soul.
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back.
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back
I know that you will kneel before me
Begging for a kiss
You'll implore, you'll ask for forgiveness
But now we can't go back.
Bridge + Chorus
Lala-eh, lala-eh oh...
Lala-eh, lala-eh oh...
You stabbed me in the heart...
I don't believe you anymore
You, who killed all the hopes
Of my baffled soul.
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back
Today, we've reached the time to say goodbye
Don't you ever come back.
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back
Go-go goodby-by goodbye by-by
Don't you ever come back


Versions: #1#2#3
Should not be revealed to anyone what's between you and me
As long as our glances are our way of communication
Listen carefully! I communicate with my lips closed
Reply me with a glance which is the way of communication between you and me
It's been a while and none has witnessed a man in love
Now the world is looking closely at you and me
Although none could unveil our secret love
Still the song of our love has reached everywhere

Clear, Bright Eyes

I love to gaze into your clear eyes,
Why are they now hiding a secret?
Have our finest days passed us by?
Will that May of ours ever return?
These clear, bright eyes.
I see them in the radiance of the day,
Don't reproach me,
Wherever there's joy, there must also be tears.
These clear, bright eyes.
I see them in the radiance of the day,
Don't reproach me,
Wherever there's joy, there must also be tears.
Call my name in a quiet voice,
Perhaps your tenderness has left me for another.
Spin us around again, song of youth,
Even though our May has passed like white smoke.
These clear, bright eyes.
I see them in the radiance of the day,
Don't reproach me,
Wherever there's joy, there must also be tears.
These clear, bright eyes.
I see them in the radiance of the day,
Don't reproach me,
Wherever there's joy, there must also be tears.
Keep in mind that I love you, just like the first day we met.
It seems that I will not figure out your secret.
And it has cast a shadow in the midst of our love.
Will that May of ours ever return?
These clear, bright eyes.
I see them in the radiance of the day,
Don't reproach me,
Wherever there's joy, there must also be tears.
These clear, bright eyes.
I see them in the radiance of the day,
Don't reproach me,
Wherever there's joy, there must also be tears.

Between the river and the reason

Oh Lisboa from my song
I feel you close
In a charm, hand in hand
In Lisboa, in my heart
I feel you close
Between the river and the reason
In a rushed pace in the future
in a tumult, what has been said
And will be said
A writteen words generation
In a challenge that Tejo will keep.
Who will determine what's right or wrong?
In the emotion of the unravelling of your sheets
How much water flows in your riverbend
To bring you forever in my chest
To bring you forever in my chest
To bring you, Oh Lisboa, in my chest!
Hope you like it


Ou-onah-ney-nah, ou-onah-ney-nah
Ou-onah-ney-nah, ou-onah-ney-nah
It's hard to stay sober
I don't feel like sleeping, there are the days
There are the days
This club is burning like a volcano
It's like I'm tied to this bar
Just like I'm tied
Don't look at me, I don't have anything to give
When I'm (acting) bad, I'm (I feel) good then
Kiss, kiss, it'll go through quickly
(What, what)
This heart has stopped to beat long ago
And let every glass crack
City is burning, city is burning
Everything's burning, night's burning
I don't know for myself
But I need you
Promills make head blurred
Mind won't let
Lips are on the border
You've got everything that makes me burning
Be alive today, leave regrets for tomorrow
And maybe we'll end up
At any dead end*
I have everything you're missing
Be alive today, leave regrets for tomorrow
This bar is my base
That moon is first phase
Your kisses – pure plague (infection)
You're spinning around the bar
This night is crazy like plakan*
Ou-onah-ney-nah, ou-onah-ney-nah
Dangerous like kamikaze
I'm too bad
Be my punishment
Ou-onah-ney-nah, ou-onah-ney-nah
Expensive like Monaco
You're shining like Monte Carlo
Just strongly, I spend (money) like Pablo
It's not easy with you, it goes like that
I take you from here, let everyone sees us
Today you're mine, tomorrow maybe someone's else
But the crazier you get the better you're for me
Tonight I'm drinking and I know I shouldn't
Because of you I fly to the sky like kamikaze
Don't look at me, I don't have anything to give
When I'm (acting) bad, I'm (I feel) good then
Kiss, kiss, it'll go through quickly
(What, what)
This heart has stopped to beat long ago
And let every glass crack
City is burning, city is burning
Everything's burning, night's burning
Just strongly, we just go forward strongly
Promills make head blurred
Mind won't let
Lips are on the border
You've got everything that makes me burning
Be alive today, leave regrets for tomorrow
And maybe we'll end up
At any dead end*
I have everything you're missing
Be alive today, leave regrets for tomorrow
This bar is my base
That moon is first phase
Your kisses – pure plague (infection)
Ou-onah-ney-nah, ou-onah-ney-nah
Ou-onah-ney-nah, ou-onah-ney-nah
I don't know for myself
But I need you
This bar is my base
That moon is first phase
Your kisses – pure plague (infection)
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

A mother's heart

For me, my mother you aged
bit by bit you nutured me
and I forgot it all, ah!
and I pushed you aside
and I forgot it all, ah!
and I pushed you aside
For a woman, I closed the door on you
I said harsh words to you my mother
and when she left me too,
you came back as before
and showed me love and solace
I behaved ungrateful, my mother
for a heart that I loved
my mother, how could you
ah! Forgive me
my mother, how could you
ah! Forgive me
for a woman, I closed the door on you
I said harsh words to you, my mother
and when she left me too
you came back as before
and showed me love and solace

Unhappy man

Unhappy man*
get used to the fact
that in this life
few will be your joys
more will be your disasters
and countless griefs
Tears don't solve anything
So reluctantly take
the pain** that hits you
Make room in your heart
to fit your worries
drink the bitterness like wine
in the society of lies
we all live in anticipation
you, get used to it too
**incidents which bear pain.

If you look at my chest

If you look at my chest
you'll see the scars
and if only you could look deeper
at my bitter heart
that's become a wreck
For a woman I lost
every hope and joy
my poor palaces
with my eyes I saw death
countless times
They tell me to deny her
and abandon her
but how can I do this
since I live her madly
oh how can I forget her

Nameless One

Loneliness of spending a night alone, though I can make it an excuse, the words I use to hurt you just sound empty, nevertheless
When you have a heart with a hole, and muddy water is poured in through it, you’ve got to spit it all out, even if it’s so painful
When you’re out of luck, you can’t get anything right
When you think nothing will work, even success can fail
Coming in through the curtains, the morning sun rushes me
It’s time to leave now, oh well I guess I might as well
Nameless me and nameless you, it’s us who can never be somebody
Totally burned out and drifted to this town, we have just passed each other
Though it happened too quickly to call it an encounter
Can you please give a name to a damaged way of life like this?
Even if someone spoke badly about you, it’s alright, because your way of life cannot be labeled good or bad
Standing at the crossroads of life, you can be torn between choices but the choice to say that it’s wrong is the worst kind of all.
When you’re out of luck, it’s easy to lay the blame on others
But you blame it all on yourself because you’re just too kind
Standing on a platform, you’re even suppressing a sigh
And making yourself suffocate, that is just very you
Nameless me and nameless you, it’s us who can never be somebody
Totally burned out and drifted to this town, we have just passed each other
Though it was not special enough to call it a destiny
We are going to give a name, to a damaged way of life like that
Shedding a secret tear, the frustration of hiding it, the sadness destined to remain nameless, author unknown
It soars up by the wind blowing through buildings and piles in a corner of an alley. Maybe we can forget about it as if it never existed
Our nameless sadness ought to be celebrated now
Our nameless sadness is waiting to be found by you
Nameless me and nameless you, it’s us who can never be somebody
Totally burned out and drifted to this town, we have just passed each other
Though it was too trivial to call it inevitable
Now is the time to call each other’s name, the name of this damaged way of life
Nameless one

I'll find a talking baglama

I'll find a talking* baglama
like a crying person
so I can hit its cords
and it'll tell my pain
My baglama will cast away
the wither of my heart
There's not enough room for the pain
in my defiant heart
my baglama remains
as my last solace
My baglama will cast away
the wither of my heart
I'll find a talking* baglama
to make him my friend
since no one feels me
i'll die with him
My baglama will cast away
the wither of my heart
*talking/ nagging/

When a person gets drunk

When a person gets drunk
nobody should judge him
because who knows what ache
he hides in his heart
Some get drunk out of joy
and other out of sorrow
and I, because of my love
who is missing from my size
Everyone gets drunk and forgets
but I, I remember her
and as long as she's away
I'll be consistently intoxicated
Some get drunk out of joy
and other out of sorrow
and I, out of my love
who is missing from my size

I'm a lost body

I am a lost body
a dissapaited substance
missing from my housee
and far from my home town
I'm tumbling downhill deeper everyday
For you, heartless woman I'm slowly dying
for you I became a lost body
Like the black night birds
I live in darkness
salvation for me no longer exists
My finalé will be pain
and catastrophe
For you, heartless woman I'm slowly dying
for you I became a lost body
Life's twigs whip me with no pity
but I don't pity my lost body
I'm just crying for* a mother, who I've made deeply bitter*
*with the connotation of feeling deep regret and sadness
**+ worried, having been made so upset with the result of weakness and helplessness

love hurts me

you're still in my mind .. love's still hurting me
and you're still closer than my fantasy
I hope to getting back together
you don't think of me , you don't miss me
my tears are so tired ., and can't find the cure
my babe where are you ? you forgot me.
It is okay for you to make me cry!
i miss you ,talk to me and tell me what happened
you don't think of me , you don't miss me
my tears are so tired ., and can't find the cure
you're still in my mind ..love's still hurting me
and you're still closer than my fantasy
I hope to getting back together
when your eyes went away , my heart and my soul left me
and you don't know that when you're away i'm falling down

Annyira gyönyörű

A szerelmed hangokat ad,
olyanokat akár az óceáné.
A szerelmed kezet nyújt,
mely begyógyítja a sebeket.
A szerelmed hozzápréselődött a szívemhez,
oly halkan-halkan s nem engedett.
A szerelmed visszavitt a gyerekkorba,
és megadott mandent ami hiányzott belőle.
A szerelmed annyira gyönyörű,
a szerelmed az összes erős ütem,
a szerelmed az egyetlen fényem.
A szerelmed annyira gyönyörű,
a szerelmed annyira gyönyörű.
A szerelmed az összes erős ütem,
a szerelmed vezet be ide,
de a szerelmed annyira gyönyörű. (x2)
A szerelmed engedte az elzártságot,
megbocsájtja a könnyeket, legyőzi az idegeneket,
megbocsájtja a fájdalmat, felismeri a kockázatokat.
A szerelmed lecsillapított mindent bennem,
megérinti a testem,
megváltoztatta a bőröm illatát.
A szerelmed egy egész,
mely két teljesen különböző darabból épül fel.
A szerelmed annyira gyönyörű,
a szerelmed az összes erős ütem,
a szerelmed az egyetlen fényem.
A szerelmed annyira gyönyörű,
a szerelmed annyira gyönyörű.
A szerelmed az összes erős ütem,
a szerelmed vezet be ide,
de a szerelmed annyira gyönyörű. (x2)
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

So Beautiful

Versions: #1#2#3
Your love was creating the sounds
Resembling surging waves of the ocean.
Your love was holding out hands
That could've healed up wounds.
Your love was cuddling close to heart
So quietly in silence and wouldn't let go.
Your love would bring back to early days,
Bestowed with what had been missing.
Your love is so beautiful,
Your love's strong in measures.
Your love is my sheer luminary,
Your love is so beautiful.
Your love is so beautiful,
Your love's strong in measures,
Your love would drive me insane, but
Your love is so beautiful.
Your love would let come near,
Pardoned screamings, strained nerves,
Atoned for pain, acknowledged risks,
Your love did reconcile all things in me.
Your love, by merely touching the body,
Would change time into the skin odor.
Your love was completed
With two halves that differed so widely.
Your love is so beautiful,
Your love's strong in measures,
Your love is my sheer luminary,
Your love is so beautiful.
Your love is so beautiful,
Your love's strong in measures,
Your love would drive me insane, but
Your love is so beautiful.

Know Who You Are

(Ou mata e matagi)
I have crossed the horizon to find you
(Ou loto mamaina toa)
I know your name
(Manatu atu)
They have stolen the heart from inside you
(Taku pelepele)
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
You know who you are

A bottle of vodka

A bottle of vodka has been thrown on the corniche
You and I are dancing crazily in the street
cool air disturbs a soldier in the army
I'm wondering that although the cool air,we don't feel cold
You and I are officially crazy
in a crazy world we live
You and I are also a song
in ears with handsfree
So,if we dance a long time,i will tell what i feel
A bottle of vodka has been thrown on the corniche
You and I are dancing crazily in the street
cool air disturbs a soldier in the army
I'm wondering that although the cool air,we don't feel cold
there are some papers in the street
and the air is swinging them.
I'm a lover,what can i do
and I'm not feeling comfortable
you are my world,so say it directly to me


Fill my insides with YAMAZAKI
burn the lazy organs and brain inside
I don't do drunks or the things you command me to do
a mannequin-like ROLE MODEL you do this instead YO
I drink a glass so that the old bastards will roll their pupils
a dying WORLDWIDE walk
you guys, even if you die and wake up again
it's an impossible mission
we are still young,every night pouring
a bizarre mark and a strange
colored alcohol, take them away from here
I am YAMAZAKI,my style is revived
oh, thank you
in our living room ALCOHOL COLLECTION
hey one more drink YAMAZAKI
because of the scent
spreading to the blood vessels DANGER
a hot VIBE get up get up
if you loosen up go to hell
If this night passes by
I can't be of sound mind
Yongguk guk guk
cheers ,eers,eers
I am YAMAZAKI, my style is revived
oh, thank you
Yongguk guk guk
cheers ,eers,eers
I am YAMAZAKI, my style is revived
oh, thank you
My tough bald brothers drink a glass
to my sexy noonas' drink two glasses
never save up on good alcohol
this is what my grandfather said
take out one more bottle and drink up, Yamazaki
the start is humble, the end is prosperous
you will become the real me and I will become the real you
all the guys with a lot of fear turn into gangsters
but what's important in this?
wake up tomorrow again
and drink warriors, AY
don't think of something else, right now
enjoy this moment, like a playboy
to the the killer FRUITS and french CHEEEEEEEZ
because of the scent
spreading to the blood vessels DANGER
a hot VIBE get up get up
if you loosen up go to hell
If this night passes by
I can't be of sound mind
cheers ,eers,eers
I am YAMAZAKI, my style is revived
oh, thank you
The devils is stuck on
the dark red soul
open the curtain and hide, look at another side of me
almost every one of my senses and realization is burned
evil isn't for know-it alls
the place I lose
crime and punishment wake, my throat is dry
as I approach, a glass of Yamazaki
with one glass of it my throat is soaked
cheers ,eers,eers
I am YAMAZAKI, my style is revived
oh, thank you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Shakespear's novel

On the mountain high
On the canvas full height profile
Silence and peace
You're tired of friends,
You're tired of worms,
That brings only pain
Ran through the grass-
Nature scent like a dew
Body, born of a sin,
Draws your gaze
Maybe you have sinned
Only deep in your heart
Or sweetly loved
Her every night (x 6)
You ether fly to paradise,
Or drowned in banality,
Or laughed for a kaif
Along the road of white stupidity
You were looking for love,
Filling the void,
That stage role
Gained warmth
You have bathed in your love
In your sinful love
Turned around and gone,
Intertwined your roads
You're to the north- he is to the south
Here is Shakespeare's novel
You''re writing letters to him
He is suffering- I'm singing (X 6)
You have bathed in your love
In your sinful love
Turned around and gone,
Intertwined your roads
You're to the north- he is to the south
Here is Shakespeare's novel
You''re writing letters to him
He is suffering- I'm singing (X 6)
Sergey Lazarev - Laki Strendzher (Лаки Стрэнджер) dalszöveg fordítás

Szerencsés idegen

Nem tudom levenni a szemem rólad,
már fél órája hogy csak téged nézlek.
Pont előttem ülsz,
és nem érdekel hogy mások mit gondolnak rólunk.
Nem számít hogy ki hozott el ide,
mert én foglak majd magammal vinni.
Szemtől-szemben, és én teljesen benne vagyok,
de miért szeretlek ennyire, szeretlek ennyire?
Próbálom megérteni ezt a dolgot,
de egyszerűen nem tudlak megfejteni.
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Magyarázd el a játékod szabályaid,
(mert) úgy tűnik nem értem.
Kit kellene hívnom? Kit kellene kérdeznem?
Nincsenek válaszok.
Hogyan tudok szembeszállni egy ekkora kihívással?
Olyan vagy mint egy feladat, lehetetlen megfejteni.
Mit kellene elosztani, és mit kellene sokszorozni?
Egy rejtély vagy.
Szemtől-szemben, és én teljesen benne vagyok,
de miért szeretlek ennyire, szeretlek ennyire?
Próbálom megérteni ezt a dolgot,
de egyszerűen nem tudlak megfejteni.
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
Szerencsés-szerencsés idegen!
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
Sergey Lazarev - Lucky Stranger dalszöveg fordítás

Szerencsés idegen

Egy szellem vagyok egy üres házban (yeah)
Egy dal vagyok egy üres elmében (yeah)
Te rám nézel én rád,
Nézni próbálsz, mozogni próbálsz
Most egy kicsit közelebb (most közelebb)
Itt állok, még mindig itt állok
Hangot tudok kiadni, éreztetni tudom veled
Amilyen hosszú ideig a fény körbevesz
De ha táncolsz velem, táncolsz velem
Találni fogok egy mozdulatot oh yeah, mozdulatot oh yeah,
És ha beszélsz hozzám, beszélsz hozzám
Találni fogok egy ritmust oh yeah, ritmust oh yeah,
Te vagy az én…
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Egy, kettő, három, gyerünk!
Csillag vagyok a felhős égen (yeah)
Én vagyok az igazság, ha hazudsz (yeah)
Itt állok, még mindig itt állok
Hangot tudok kiadni, éreztetni tudom veled
Amilyen hosszú ideig a fény körbevesz
De ha táncolsz velem, táncolsz velem
Találni fogok egy mozdulatot oh yeah, mozdulatot oh yeah,
És ha beszélsz hozzám, beszélsz hozzám
Találni fogok egy ritmust oh yeah, ritmust oh yeah,
Te vagy az én…
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Egy, kettő, három, gyerünk!
Táncolj velem, táncolj velem (hey, hey!)
Mozogj oh yeah, mozogj oh yeah (hey, hey)
Szólj hozzám, szólj hozzám (hey, hey)
Táncolj oh yeah, táncolj oh yeah (hey, hey)
De ha táncolsz velem, táncolsz velem
Találni fogok egy mozdulatot oh yeah, mozdulatot oh yeah,
És ha beszélsz hozzám, beszélsz hozzám
Találni fogok egy ritmust oh yeah, ritmust oh yeah,
Te vagy az én…
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Szerencsés, szerencsés idegenem
Egy, kettő, három, gyerünk!
Translated by Sergey Lazarev Hungary team (Official Fan Club in Hungary)
Violetta (OST) - Abrázame y verás dalszöveg fordítás

Ölelj át és néz rám

Versions: #1#2
Ne mondd el, mire gondolsz
azt hiszem tudom
Csak nézz rám egy pillanatra
és én megfejtem
Mennyire nehéz volt szeretni egymást
és az akaratunkra bízzuk
És az út végén
újra találkozunk
A szemeidben nincsenek titkok
képes vagyok látni
Mindig van az a szó
amitől jól érzem magam
Mennyire nehéz volt szeretni egymást
és azzá válik amit akartunk
Ha ez a szerelem igazi
bármi megtörténhet
Maradj velem
lépésről lépésre az úton
Boldoggá teszlek
és ez a félelem tilos
Ölelj át és lásd
rád van szükségem
És nem találom a módját hogy azt mondjam,
hogy te adsz fényt az életembe
Amióta megláttalak
Most fogd meg a kezem
nem szeretnék várni
Érezzük a szárnyainkal a szelet
És jól érzem ez szerelem
ha melletem vagy
És milyen csodálatos rád nézni
és ölelj át ismét
Maradj velem
lépésről lépésre az úton
Boldoggá teszlek
és ez a félelem tilos
Ölelj át és lásd
rád van szükségem
És nem találom a módját hogy azt mondjam,
hogy te adsz fényt az életembe
Amióta megláttalak
Maradj velem
lépésről lépésre az úton
Boldoggá teszlek
és ez a félelem tilos
Ölelj át és lásd
rád van szükségem
És nem találom a módját hogy azt mondjam,
hogy te adsz fényt az életembe
És te adsz energiát
hogy te adsz fényt az életembe
Hiszen megláttalak
Hiszen megláttalak
hiszen megláttalak
Ofra Haza - You dalszöveg fordítás


Az élet alkonyán,
és jelet hagytál
Az élet alkonyán,
mi maradt belőled,
miután belegabalyodtál
a hazugságok hálójába.
csak érted,
csak a szerelmedért
csak a szerelmedért.
Úgy játszottál,
mint egy olyan férfi,
aki gyógyírt keres
a fájdalmára.
Úgy játszottál,
újra és újra,
bolondság – őrület,
a szerelem legmélyebb bugyra.
csak érted,
csak a szerelmedért
csak a szerelmedért.
csak érted,
csak érted,
csak érted,
csak érted,
csak érted,
csak érted,
csak a szerelmedért
csak a szerelmedért.