Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 104

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Vadnak születtünk

Indítsd be a motorod
Megyünk egyenesen az országútra
Kalandot keresünk
És bármi is kerül az utunkba
Édesem, hagyd megtörténni
Adj a világnak egy szerelmes ölelést
Süsd el most az összes fegyvered
És kirobbanunk az űrbe
Szeretem a füstöt és a villámlást
Heavy metal villám
Száguldunk a széllel
Alávetem magam az érzésnek
Édesem, hagyd megtörténni
Adj a világnak egy szerelmes ölelést
Süsd el most az összes fegyvered
És kirobbanunk az űrbe
Mint egy igazi természet gyermeke
Vadnak születtünk
Olyan magasra mászhatunk
Soha nem akarok meghalni
Vadnak születtünk
Vadnak születtünk

Love makes noise

You say that the journey for us ends somewhere here,
And that you're leaving me here to guess where to go without even looking at me.
You're declaring that we're separating, I can't believe it.
My heart is wondering if this dream life is ending,
How it could happen,
But this absolute silence in response to logical questions
Will always silence love.
Love makes noise when it leaves, and it scares the heart like a child
The silence of separation is deafening,
Loneliness makes such a fuss.
Love makes noise when it leaves, it loudly shuts the door behind it
And it scares the heart, that doesn't believe how much it wants to tell her of loneliness.
You're leaving, and for a moment,
All the words I lived by became memories.
I asked 'why',
They passed by my mind,
And went searching for answers.
My heart is wondering if this dream life is ending,
How it could happen,
But this absolute silence in response to logical questions
Will always silence love.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Love wavelets

If God really exists in this world
I want to die embraced by you
Ah, there's a small boat on a lake
Kiss me tenderly
It repeats like wavelets
If you hate me
I want you to leave me quietly
Ah, there's a small boat on a lake
If I think of farewell, tears overflow
It repeats like wavelets
No matter how far you leave
I'm your hometown
Ah, there's a small boat on a lake
Remember me everytime
It repeats like wavelets
Like wavelets
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Like a boomerang

I feel booms and bangs
Agitating my wounded heart
Love, like a boomerang,
Comes back to me from past days
Crying the crazy tears
Of a body I had given you.
I have on the tip of my tongue
Your name, almost erased
Bending like a boomerang
My mind rejected it
From my memory, because the binge
And your love tired it out.
I feel booms and bangs
Agitating my wounded heart
Love, like a boomerang,
Comes back to me from past days
Loving each other like crazy
Like two madmen.
Know that this bloodless heart
Could someday stop
If, like a boomerang,
You don't come back to get me
Little by little, I falter,
Victim of your cruelty.
I feel booms and bangs
Agitating my wounded heart
Love, like a boomerang,
Comes back to me from past days
Loving you like a madman
Ready for you to damn myself.
You, being part of the gang
Of my past lovers
Be wary of that boomerang
Which could make you pay
For all that crazy torture
You've put me through.
I feel booms and bangs
Agitating my wounded heart
Love, like a boomerang,
Comes back to me from past days
It's a crazy story
A silly story
My reason wobbles and sways
It is ready to capsize
Under the boomerang hitting
With chained flashbacks
And if one day I shoot myself
It's to you that I'll owe it.
I feel booms and bangs
Agitating my wounded heart
Love, like a boomerang,
Comes back to me from past days
Crying the crazy tears
Of a body I had given you

Én Még Mindig...

Ki vagy te most?
Még mindig ugyanaz vagy,
Vagy változtál valamennyit?
Mit csinálsz
Ebben a pillanatban mikor rád gondolok?
És mikor visszanézek
Mennyire fiatalok és ostobák voltunk
Emlékszel arra?
Nem számít mennyire harcolok ellene
Nem tagadhatom
Egyszerűen nem tudlak elengedni téged
Nekem még mindig szükségem van rád
Én még mindig törődöm veled
Ahogy a dolgok végződtek, és amiket mondtunk
Én még mindig érezlek
Mintha pont melletted lennék
De még mindig nem halottam felőled
Most nézz rám
Továbblépés helyett, nem akarom észrevenni
Hogy mindig visszatérek ide
Igen, megragadtam ennél a pillanatnál
Ami nem tartott sokáig (sokáig)
Próbáltam harcolni ellene
Nem tagadhatom
Te nem is tudod, hogy
Nekem még mindig szükségem van rád
Én még mindig törődöm veled
Ahogy a dolgok végződtek, és amiket mondtunk
Én még mindig érezlek
Mintha pont melletted lennék
De még mindig nem halottam felőled
Nem nem
Bárcsak megtalálnálak téged
Ahogyan te megtaláltál engem
És akkor én
Sosem engednélek el téged
Ahogy a dolgok végződtek, és amiket mondtunk (igen)
Én még mindig érezlek (Én még mindig érezlek)
Mintha pont melletted lennék (mintha pont melletted lennék)
De még mindig nem (mindig nem) halottam felőled


Your kiss was on my lips
a refreshing sweetness.
Your loving mouth gave me
the sensation of living water and black blackberries1
Tired I lied down upon the lawns
with your arm lying, for support.
And I your kiss silenced me between my lips,
like a ripe fruit from the jungle
or a washed pebble from the stream.
I am thirsty, once again, my beloved.
Give me your fresh kiss like a
little stone from the river.
  • 1. this is redundant because in Spanish the word for blackberry does not contain 'black'


Love is fragrant like a bouquet of roses.
Through loving, all the sprintimes are possessed.
Eros brings in his quiver the odorous flowers
of all the umbras and all the meadows.
When he comes to my bed he brings the aroma of estuaries,
of savage corollas and juicy clovers.
Ardent outpourings of goldfinch nests,
hidden in the segments of the leafy ceibo tree!
All my young flesh impregnates itself with that essence!
Perfume of flowery and wild springtimes
stay in my brown skin of blazing transparency
perfumes of broom plants, of lilies and wisteria.
Love reaches my bed crossing long eras
And anoints my skin with fresh countryside essences.

All Black

The remedy was not enough
A rescript to my thought
I will not return
Will not return back
I have no strenght left
I'm exhausted
Hear me oh cruel
I will not return back
Till they calm
Don't be afraid, flower
Look, it will be all ok
These streams flow
And block my way
My trouble has no cure, my fate is all black
My angel has no hare*
I got sick of tis thirst, I'm bone-dry
There is no drop of rain
Today it's calmer
But still
I will not return
Will not return back
My peace is lost
I'll find it on the way
I will not return
Will not return back

Savage root

The vision of that cart of wheat
which crossed, grinding and heavy,
sowing the straight path with spikes
has remained nailed in my eyes.
Don't pretend now that you laugh!
You don't know in which deep memories
I am preoccupied!
From the depths of my soul rises
a flavor of Surinam cherry to my lips.
My dark epidermis still has
unknown fragrances of laid wheat ready for threshing.
Oh, I would like to take you with me
to sleep one night in the countryside
and in your arms remain until daylight
beneath the rustling rooftop of a tree!
I am the same savage girl
which years ago you brought to your side.

Get away from me

who fill everything with joy and youth,
and sees ghosts in the night of reflected light,
and hears the perfumed song of the blue,
get away from me.
Don't stay to look at
the dead boughs of the rosebush,
which wither away without blossoming,
look at the landscape of love
which is the reason to dream and to love...
who have already fought against all wickedness,
have my hands so dismissed from tightening
that I can't even hold you,
get away from me.
In your life I will be the best
of the mist of yesterday
when you come to forget me,
like how the best verse is the one
which we cannot remember.

I can't be happy

I can't be happy,
I can't forget you.
I feel that I've lost you,
and that makes me think.
I have renounced you
ardent with passion,
you can't have
consciousness and heart.
Today now that law and reason
separate us,
if souls spoke
in their conversation,
ours would say
the things of lovers.
I can't be happy,
I can't forget you.

Sleep little black girl

Mama the little black girl's feet
Stick out of the crib
And the black woman Merced1 doesn't know what to do anymore
Sleep little black girl
Because I'm going to buy a new little crib
Which will have fine moldings2 and bells
If you go to sleep I'll bring you back a ripe3 mamey
And if you don't go to sleep I'll bring you a babalawo4
Which will give you a good spanking.
Sleep little black girl
Because I'm going to buy a new little crib
Which will have fine moldings and bells
If you go to sleep I'll bring you back a ripe mamey
And if you don't go to sleep I'll bring you a babalawo
Sleep little black girl
Because I'm going to buy a new little crib
Which will have fine moldings and bells
  • 1. mercy
  • 2. literally a specific type of columnar molding design
  • 3. literally very colored
  • 4. spiritual priest in santería


Bohemian, in the cabarets of the city
You seek happiness
In your own illusion
Bohemian, Bohemia resumes
In the wine, the love, the jealousy,
Perfume, disillusion.
Bohemian, oh sultan, why do you want
To love so many women,
If you only have one heart?
Bohemian, think about life for a moment
And see that inconstant love
Only brings in the end, loneliness.
Bohemian, you stay in the road, in nights of moonlight,
Sleepless and singing
In the illusion of vicious kisses
And sinful caresses,
Bohemian, you live dreaming of happiness
But you are unhappy
You live, bohemian, smiling and singing
But your laughter doesn't speak of your suffering.

On A Picket Fence

On a picket fence I's sitting
Absolutely in the nude.
Grief has come to me, unwitting:
Lost my innocence, I'm screwed!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Szív nélkül születtem

Egy angyal volnék?
Nem tudom mit értesz ez alatt.
Mindent elveszek
és sosem adom majd vissza.
Nem érzek sajnálatot
amikor sírsz.
Mindig amikor elkezded,
arra várok, hogy a könnyeid felszáradjanak.
Nem érdekel,
és soha nem is fog,
éppen ezért vagyok olyan,
mint egy keserű pirula.
Nem érdekel,
hogy a csend hogyan gyilkol,
ez vagyok én.
Nem, nem születtem szív nélkül,
nem mindig voltam ilyen.
Nem, néztem ahogyan megtörsz,
nem, most pedig engem hibáztatsz.
Nem, nem ezekkel a sebekkel születtem
és ezek azok amik ilyenné tettek.
Nem, tudnál engem okolni?
Egy rémálom vagyok,
és pontosan tudom mit értesz ez alatt.
Képtelen vagyok felébredni
a félelmetes álmaimból.
Nem érdekel,
és soha nem is fog,
éppen ezért vagyok olyan,
mint egy keserű pirula.
Nem érdekel,
hogy a csend hogyan gyilkol,
ez vagyok én.
Nem, nem születtem szív nélkül,
nem mindig voltam ilyen.
Nem, néztem ahogyan megtörsz,
nem, most pedig engem hibáztatsz.
Nem, nem ezekkel a sebekkel születtem
és ezek azok amik ilyenné tettek.
Nem, tudnál engem okolni?
Nem így születtem,
de a sérült emberek másokat bántanak.
Inkább vagyok szívtelen,
minthogy más törje darabokra a szívem.
Nem, nem születtem szív nélkül,
nem mindig voltam ilyen.
Nem, néztem ahogyan megtörsz,
nem, most pedig engem hibáztatsz.
Nem, nem ezekkel a sebekkel születtem
és ezek azok amik ilyenné tettek.
Nem, tudnál engem okolni?
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Sunday in Lisboa

There's no Sunday without sun
Say the people and no without reason
Because it always appears
On Sundays in Lisboa
Desert streets or almost
Passes a couple holding hands
It's on Sunday that she
Walks with her boyfriend
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa
There are walks in the boulevard
There is chirping from sparrows
That are an anthem to life itself
To hearts side by side
A song that is sang
And at night is heard the fado
On Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa, it's Sunday in Lisboa


My heart is yearning,
I don’t care about the sound of money 1
Only a sailor can comfort me
Cause he is precocious as gold
Olè, pretty girls
You know by now
That only a sailor can comfort us
The one that glances through the waves
My heart is yearning,
I don’t care about the sound of money
Only a sailor can comfort me
Cause he is precocious as gold
My heart is yearning,
I don’t care about the sound of money
Only a sailor can comfort me
Cause he is precocious as gold
  • 1. Ни к чему мне денег звон

My lovely brave sailor

My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
Come all you pretty maidens
no matter who you are,
you all that love a gallant sailor
who dwells in the seas.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


You Love Me So Much That You're Wounding Me

I can hear you through the fiber cement:
You could at least close the door...
I don't know what to do!
If it were not because I can hear you moaning
And you make me, once again, all wet...
Your profile cuts into my vision,
Framed by the door:
I know that the moment has already arrived
For me to be your valet stand!

I can hear you through the fiber cement,
Murmuring obscene phrases...
I don't know what to do!
If it were not because once you're finished, you'll come
With your head down, laughing, to make me your accomplice...
Your profile cuts into my vision,
Framed by the door:
I know that the moment has already arrived
For me to be your valet stand!

Your profile cuts into my vision,
Framed by the door:
I know that the moment has already arrived
For me to be your valet stand!


You got a call from God

It's not that I'm lazy to sing today,
Just nothing left to sing with:
Vocal cords are dissonant and my soul with
Empty phrases weighed down.
Better that on this festive day,
We light a candle - to God,
Let us recall that it is now two years
Since Heavens are keeping us safe!
Maples are weeping the tears of yellow leaves -
Summer is over, it just rushed by.
I remain unabashedly yours:
To whom else can I belong?
Fate's final bill at times is paid
With the cost of a pistol,
And Devil has hunters 1 lined-up
Thirsting to kill those in flight.
You got a call from God -
Take down the number!
Oh, just wait a bit,
I am still alive.
Let me this kingdom
Drink to its fullest.
Too bad there isn't a medicine
Against the lead's hit!
It's not that I'm lazy to sing today,
It is just that I'm tired to live,
And without love, you can't birth a line,
No matter how you might try.
For some reason, in my kitchen, you find
That leaves are more often burned,
To dismay the calls come way too often
From the Heavens above.
You got a call from God -
Bells are tolling - ringtone
Oh, just wait a bit,
I am still alive.
This means that foolish bullet
Hasn't found her Sagitarius 2
As there isn't a tincture
Against the lead's hit...
Bird falls down to the earth,
Slain through the throat,
And I, my sick soul,
Drown in vodka.
Sort of, all is Russian,
So why are you so bitter?
... Simply said, Volodya's gone
And there's no more Igor....
It's not that I'm lazy to sing today...
  • 1. play on words охотников as in hunters as well as willing people
  • 2. Стрелец is a zodiac sign or a person who shoots
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


Your streets

You breathe kerosene to
Fly higher, to
Love more beautifully
Freedom in depths
Twisting truth
Weighing your dreams
Cloud 9 or
Are they lying lost on the 9th floor
Of the neighbourhood?
Died in novels
Streets of the oasis
Your face so sublime
The dirt is your friend
Days are not a measurement
Time is only a question of the weather
When will there be new weed
No room for failing
Those are your streets
Black on gold
Gold on black
Those are the streets of your city
Black on gold
Gold on black
Those are the streets of your city
Hated by the closest ones
Grabbed by the fears
A thousand demons
Want to guide you
Prayers are silent
Living in the storm
Looking for a blessing
Doing bold things
The medicine
Those whores never love
Love how
They love themselves
Never ever if only
We walk to Utopia
Chronic insomnia
Tell the night
Shoot sleep
Carrying tired feet through the night
Sweet greetings that keep me on the go
Cool breezes that hit me and wake me up
Bad cruising through your streets
Black on gold
Gold on black
Those are the streets of your city
Black on gold
Gold on black
Those are the streets of your city

The weather

You enjoy the weather
You enjoy the weather
You enjoy the weather, yeah
You enjoy the weather
You enjoy, you enjoy, you enjoy the weather
I am not better
No, I am much worse
But you enjoy, you enjoy, you enjoy the weather
Clouds in the sky
You on the island
Me in the city
My highlight orange juice
You enjoy the weather, yeah
You enjoy the weather
You enjoy, you enjoy, you enjoy the weather
You post a few pictures
Write comments
On the right side on the photo
I see a stranger's hair
You enjoy the weather, yeah
I enjoy thunderstorms
Tropical rain
Spanish pepper, of course
You enjoy the weather, yeah
You enjoy the weather
You enjoy, you enjoy, you enjoy the weather
You're lying on the sea
I'm lying on my bed
I think we both
Tasted too much salt
You got a sunstroke
I got a deeper stroke
You get sunscreen
I get Sambuca
Go, enjoy the weather
Here it's raining
Here is silence
With you there's life
Enjoy the view
From above
Enjoy the view
That you have without me
You enjoy the weather, yeah
You enjoy the weather
You enjoy, you enjoy, you enjoy the weather
You enjoy the weather, you have to enjoy it
You have to lie there now with all our depths/downs
You have to dive now
Now you need the roaring of the sea
You cannot use more
Smoking some spliffs, getting a little drunk
Being drunk and believing in nothing
Come on, wipe your eyes
Go outside
Cruise next to the cliffs
And take a few breaks
Don't forget me, I won't forget you in a thousand
years the way we are the way we were what we have
Look at us
All the things we could have
Sometimes I wonder, how could I hurt you?
That's why you shouldn't mention me in your sentences
I am not worth it, I couldn't appreciate you
Put me in your book with your exes
Down a few shots, love, it's time to relax
You enjoy the weather, yeah
You enjoy the weather
You enjoy, you enjoy, you enjoy the weather
You're there somewhere between LA and Tel Aviv
I hang here somewhere between Munich and Vienna
You're there somewhere between LA and Tel Aviv
I hang here somewhere between Munich and Vienna
You're there somewhere between Düsseldorf, Cologne and Berlin
I still hang here between Munich and Vienna
And you enjoy, you enjoy, you enjoy the weather
I enjoy I enjoy, I enjoy thunderstorms


I cant sleep peacefully,
It leads to sin when I drink,
I give-I make cash to cash out,
Body, white, it waits for me, it glows, like Colombia.
We make a show,
You talked about me, now everybody is like me,
Everybodys like “wow”
You spit on me, now everybody is like me.
Right player, unfair game. What they say, doesn’t bother me. O mama mia, in a city of crime, only she complains.
Nights I work, then I sleep during the day, because I opened yesterday like a neckline.
But I have a gift, yeah, and its a plan, yeah.
My gang, dirty, moisture like Vandam, yeah.
We shine like gold, yeah, we are the strength, yeah!
Dirty money and crime,
Sluts and casinos, thats what the Balkans are serving me,
how can I be normal?
I pack the club, while you speak, light the kush so you burn it, all thats left is your jealousy.
I’ve been through everything, yeah yeah, stop playing, don’t play.
I take out a gram yeah yeah, she takes off my belt, takes off my belt.
I have no shame, yeah yeah, everything is high, everything is high.
Full lungs, and Dirty Sprite.
I cant sleep peacefully,
It leads to sin when I drink,
I give-I make cash to cash out,
Body, white, it waits for me, it glows, like Colombia.
We make a show,
You talked about me, now everybody is like me,
Everybodys like “wow”
You spit on me, now everybody is like me.
Houses and cars bought on loans, and starlet elites,
this is Balkan, nobodys at fault, but everyones faulty,
for dirty business, theres no limit, false alibi,
now everyone who is popular, bro, they sold their property.
I’ve been through everything, yeah, yeah, stop playing,
Summers we’re at sea, winters we ski on the gram, yeah, yeah, here it isn’t like Paradise, MVP like Mike (Jordan), yeah, we play until the end.
Soul black like Ghana,
ganja from Tirana,
When the bullets celebrate, everyone has to know us.
From Belgrade, a white lady, at night to two locations,
in Sofia I pull up my car in Skopje my gang waits for me.
Everyone wants to ride this train,
If the game is a whore, I’m Macro,
Tonny Sosa, Toni drinks, me in the nose.
Here they love us like Broz.
I cant sleep peacefully,
It leads to sin when I drink,
I give-I make cash to cash out,
Body, white, it waits for me, it glows, like Colombia.
We make a show,
You talked about me, now everybody is like me,
Everybodys like “wow”
You spit on me, now everybody is like me.

White night

What does she think of me? Not even god knows.
What does she think, when we are next to eachother naked?
When in a new pose (yeah) awaits a new dose
like Casanova, I’m not letting you go home.
The movie is always HD, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The whole hood is on their feet, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Same story (yeah) different nights (yeah)
Theres no roses, she just rolls flowers in the blunt.
Clothes are on the floor (yeah), they look better there.
We have a whole night ahead of us, to watch it go up and down.
Alcohol and white night, so you move up and down,
Give me, give me, a new move, kill me with every look.
She says “Hi”, I tell her “Ho”,
Baby pimp my ride, so that there is flow
Leave them alone, not even they know, how that looks like in doggy (yeah)
We pour full, speeds up our pulse, I have the best team Chicago Bulls
Oh my, we are so high, she gave me head, so that theres a good vibe.


150 reasons for your death cretin
Same reasons for you to listen, don’t change the topic
What the fuck is wrong with you, what are you doing with your life
You’re only part of the problem, that’s the greatest embarrassment
Shutting your mouth, asshole, you can barely breath
Is the biggest achievement in life that you can sign your own name
How much can you understand me, how much do others know
While others fuck you in the ass, you’ll just dive in your tears
Brother, buy a gun, brother, buy good bullets
Kill at least one guy, don’t search for exceptions
Either way, you fucked around, you lived enough
Keeping your mouth shut your entire life, that’s when you fucked yourself
For me to draw for you on paper, what should be in your thing
Keep to yourself, fuck them all until they leave you alone
Brother, buy a gun, brother, buy good bullets
Kill at least one guy, don’t search for exceptions
They’re all the same story, all the same scheme
Another mask, no daily bread, 100 problems
Who gives a fuck about you, shut up, let them stick their hard on in you
Then kill your brother because someone else is angering you
With problems like that, I know there are no solutions
Not even 100 of us have shit, we need to prepare
Brother, raise your hand, brother, scream at the top of your lungs
Brother, there’s no battle, brother, there’s no helping you, that’s called
Don’t run from your problems, squeeze the shit in your hand
Let it in and fuck the shit’s mother
Don’t go around the shit, don’t let it grope you
You live between shit in a country with musty air
Open the windows, borther, let’s throw out the morons
Let’s build barricades so they don’t infect our children
Who benefits from this story, who am I carrying to the top of the cock
All those who are afraid of Dr. Ivica Pasalica
What's with the small man, what happened here?
Who fucked with whom, what originated here?
Brother, raise your hand, brother, scream at the top of your lungs
Brother, there’s no battle, brother, there’s no helping you, that’s called
You cross yourself, you look around, you choose within the mass
With crossed arms, you’re recognized by your voice
You’re just the same within this bunch of cretins
Here, no one’s clean, I know there’s no solution for us
I draw you a gun, you think I’m threatening you with death
I draw you a bomb, you think I’ll demolish your house
There’s only one feeling when you’re a part of all this
I don’t want to be here, here you have no freedom
But should you pull the trigger, they’re all there and in some way, related to you
If there was more of me, I would be for the use of methods
Use only bullets, bombs, Kalashnikovs, be a scoundrel
Palle alone in the world, be free or be no one
And what the fuck do I need when I all I have is to watch terrible people
When awful things are all you have to read, the only way to fuck is terribly
Brother, raise your hand, brother, scream at the top of your lungs
Brother, there’s no battle, brother, there’s no helping you, that’s called

August, A Certain Person, Moonlight

I don’t need anything.
My heart was noisy, my breath caught whenever I walked
I ran from my first part time job
In my music and my life, whatever it was
Unpleasant things just kept increasing
A certain august, moonlight, I took off on my bike
The bridge at Higashi-Fushimi Station, Kodaira, Fujimi Street, and the shopping district
The night wind tickled at my nose, this pain in my heart must have been just my imagination
I understood that, I pretended to understand.
The worst, it’s the worst
Everything about me is the worst
I wanted that shape of you to remain
I suppose I’ll have to do something about these memories
The worst, it’s the worst
I can’t help that I felt good
It’s the worst but these lyrics themselves are
If my life would have ended at twenty seven then rock and roll saved me
I’m done thinking about it! I would have died any case
You don’t need anything either
My heart was noisy
My throat was laughably dry.
I sold my heart for the first time
Because of a heart attack or my pride, whatever it was
Maybe even because of those unpleasant things I lowered my head.
A certain august, I rode down that scene,
Stockholm’s open air stalls, Kiruna, Gamla Stan
Only you closed off your heart
The blueness of this sky must have been just my imagination
Smiling, with that smiling face remaining
It’s the worst, it’s so arrogant, the greed that you and everyone else has.
Dramatic songs and love, hey, it can’t be helped that they’re absurd.
I understood, I understood
Your life, it’s yours
This is the worst but I’ll still shout it
It has to be, it surely has to be
That they play rock and roll over in the that world
And not hymns
After all there is no god
None of them care, neither crimes nor errors nor criminals nor suicides nor wars or minorities
It’s the worst, it’s the worst, this separation is just arrogance
I’d like to bow to you
That’s the same as deception, Elma!
The worst, the worst it was lovely there was no way around it
I want to grieve on this dramatic night
The worst, it’s the worst, words are so tedious
Your life was my moonlight
Isn’t that something people commonly say?
The worst, it’s the worst, I couldn’t help but laugh
It’s the worst, lyrics for the sake of their sound
If my life would have ended at twenty seven then rock and roll saved me
I’m done thinking about it! I would have died in any case
The present, love, the past, dreams, memories, humming, thin eyes, night mist,
Gentleness, suffering, bouquets of flowers, melancholy, that summer, this song,
Hypocrisy, night wind, lies, you, me, blue skies, i don’t need them or anything at all.

A szivárvány felett (valahol)

Valahol a szivárvány felett, magasan fent
Van egy vidék, amiről hallottam egyszer egy altatóban.
Valahol a szivárvány felett az egek kékek
És az álmok, amiket álmodni mertél
Valóban valóra válnak.
Néha felnézek az égre és azt kívánom,
Hogy ott keljek fel, ahol a felhők messze mögöttem vannak.
Ahol a bajok elolvadnak, mint a citromos cukorka,
Út a kéménytetők fölött,
Az az ahol megtalálsz majd engem.
Valahol a szivárvány felett kék madarak repülnek
Madarak szállnak a szivárvány felett
Akkor miért, oh miért nem tudok én is?
Translator: Alexandra Rövid


Everyone has a path
And where we are going
Is unknown
You call yourself
Only in your world
I don't have a place
You see that I don't see
I see that you don't see
And it's too complicated to change everything
We argue, only hearing ourselves
And again we shout until we're hoarse
But it's impossible for us to understand each other
Give me your hand
Farewell, I'm leaving...
Everyone has a path
And where it leads
We don't know
It's foolish to argue with fate
After all, we choose it
And it's time for us to admit:
We were mistaken every time
When we tried to deceive nature
But life teaches you to understand
And remember that every one of us
Has the right to our own freedom
Give me your hand
No, it's not necessary
To cry out and accuse someone
Know that this is my path
My truth
Farewell, I so need freedom
We have the right to decide what kind of path to choose
Know that this is the whole point...
Give me your hand
Farewell, I'm leaving
Farewell, I...
Farewell, I'm leaving
No, it's not necessary
To cry out and accuse someone
Know that this is my path
My truth
Farewell, I so need freedom
And know...
That this is my path
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


I will ask you something, grandma

I will ask you something, Grandmo, 2x
tell me sincerely grandmo,
without lying to me. 2x
Which dukes were here, grandmo
for a dinner? 2x
Whether Goce Delcev grandmo,
or Dame Gruev? 2x
When you ask me Agha
I will tell it to you sincerely, 2x
I will tell it to you sincerely
without lying to you. 2x
Here wasn't Goce Delcev Agha
nor Dame Gruev, 2x
here was, Agho,
Todor Alexandrov,
Todor Alexandrov, agho,
with his soldiers. 2x
Here they had a dinner, agho
and they left, 2x
and they left, agho,
for a Pirin Mountain. 2x
Their flag was Black and Red, 2x
and on the flag is inscribed, Agho,
'Death or Freedom',
'Death or Freedom, Agha,
for Macedonia.' 2x

Hookah & Sheridan's

[Verso 1]
I see your look between the smoke
It feels good if we both smoke
you and i are one
When we mix tobacco and alcohol
With the five senses well placed
Without getting drunk we do our thing
Don't need to abuse of substances
with you I forget the rest
Mint tobacco in the hookah
A Sheridan's glass in the rocks
The only drug that makes me crazy
Is having you on top of me and kiss your mouth
What a pure feeling, touch that waist
and make your skin raise the temperature
With tobacco on the mouth, Sheridan's in the rock
It feels good, It feels good
[Verso 2]
I just bought tabacco, the one with flavor for us to smoke
And a Sheridan's for finished all
I will not tell anyone that we will be
All night making love until we get tired
In the beats pill playing my songs
Experiencing a thousand sensations
Your friend told me that you like how tommy puts you
Acapella, here there are no condoms
I thank you from my heart that you are there for me at all times
and here there is no problem, if you fall in love with me
I want you to be my girlfriend
look how ironic life, before you didn't notice me
What a pure feeling, touch that waist
and make your skin raise the temperature
With tobacco on the mouth, Sheridan's in the rock
It feels good, It feels good
She smokes and drinks only when she's with me
When she's with me,yeh
She smokes and drinks only when she's with me
When she's with me, yeh
With the five senses well placed
Without getting drunk we do our thing
Don't need to abuse of substances
with you I forget the rest
Mint tobacco in the hookah
A Sheridan's glass in the rocks
The only drug that makes me crazy
Is having you on top of me and kiss your mouth, yeah
What a pure feeling, touch that waist
and make your skin raise the temperature
With tobacco on the mouth, Sheridan's in the rock
It feels good, It feels good
This is Tommy Boysen, baby
So what?
Fortuna The Mixtape
This is Rhymes of Balcony, baby
The real mafia in music
Young Mafia
We are chillin ', baby

At 15 Years Old

At 15, I said 'Ba.'
At 16, I said 'Be.'
And at 18, with the help of an aunt,
after a long illness,
I said: 'Ba Be Bi.'
At 21, I said 'Bo'
but struggling somewhat.
And, at 31, without anyone's help,
I do not remember how it was said:
'Ba Be Bi, Bi Bo Bu Bu Bu Bi Bo Bu.'
How good, how good,
yes, yes, it's really good.
Do it once again,
I will give you a chocolate.
To say water, I say 'Ba.'
To say wine, I say 'Be.'
To say glass, I say 'Bi.'
And to have a glass
of water and wine, I must say:
'Ba Be Bi, Ba Be Bi Bi Bi, Ba Be Bi.'
How good, how good,
yes, yes, it's really good.
Do it once again,
I will give you two chocolates.
To say woman, I say 'Bo.'
To say kiss, I say 'Bu.'
If I want a kiss from a woman,
I come closer, I bow to her,
I get a punch in the nose.
'Ba Be Bi ...
Ba Be Bi Bi Bi Bi Be Bi. '

It Fell On Us

I always thought
I would not need anyone other than me
I was alone on my way
Going with my burden.
The day we saw each other
It was so obvious how much
Our hearts were in harmony
I then knew it was you I was waiting for.
For you, I will seek happiness wherever it is
Just to be able to honor you.
(You are my breath of peace)
Thanks to you I know how beautiful is love
(You are the only cause of my joy)
I never thought ...
(You are my breath of peace)
That I will feel this for someone someday
(You are the only cause of my joy)
It just fell on us!
You bring so much joy in my life,
Feel me and make me laugh.
I have no other hero than you
Because you alone make me happy always.
[No Face]
Love occurs when you least expect it
To torment the heart and upset it.
You are the one I love, the one I love,
So much above everything and without equal.
You changed so much in me,
Improved my life and made me a better man
You motivated me even more
And for that I will always honor you
Because I made the promise.
Is love worth something
If he does not fulfill the life of grace?
You have soothed me and I am no longer afraid.
Nothing better than your love for me.
(You are my breath of peace)
Thanks to you I know how beautiful is love
(You are the only cause of my joy)
I never thought ...
(You are my breath of peace)
That I will feel this for someone someday
(You are the only cause of my joy)
It just fell on us!
You bring so much joy in my life,
Feel me and make me laugh.
I have no other hero than you
Because you alone make me happy always.