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Egy kiegészítő szerelmi történet: Sosem sétálsz egyedül

Igen, kíváncsi vagyok Isten miért
tesz minket mindig magányossá OH NE
Igen, mégha sebekkel is vagyunk tele
Mosolyoghatunk ha együtt vagyunk
Mégha van is valami az út végén amin egyedül sétálunk
Azon akarok tovább futni.
Mégha fáradt is vagyok vagy fájdalmaim vannak
Jól vagyok mert melletted vagyok
Mert ha te és én együtt vagyunk
Képes vagyok mosolyogni
Igen, mégha repülni is szeretnék,
Nincsenek szárnyaim
DE a te kezeid váltak a szárnyaimmá
Mindent el akarok felejteni
ami sötét és magányos
Veled együtt
Mégha ezek a szárnyak fájdalomból is rügyeztek
Ezek a szárnyak fognak szembe nézni a fénnyel
Mégha nehéz is és fájdalmas is
Tudok repülni, repülni fogok
Megfognád a kezem?
Így többet nem félnék
Mert ha te és én együtt vagyunk
Képes vagyok mosolyogni
Mégha azt is mondod, hogy
Ezt az utat választottam
Hogy ez az a végzet amit választottam
Ez az a bűn amit elkövettem
És mégha azt is mondod, hogy ez az egész élet
Az ár amit megfogok fizetni
Kérlek sétálj velem,
Kérlek repülj velem
Így elérhetem az ég legvégét
Mert mégha ennyire is fáj,
Ha te és én együtt vagyunk
Képes vagyok mosolyogni
Ayy sosem sétálok egyedül
Érzem a melegséget a kezedben amit fogok
Ayy sosem sétálsz egyedül
Érezz, te sem vagy egyedül
Térképezd térképezd térképezd térképezd fel
így vagy úgy
Baby járj járj járj járj rajta
így vagy úgy
Baby fuss fuss fuss fuss rajta
így vagy úgy
Baby repülj repülj repülj repülj rajta
így vagy úgy
Mégha az út messze is van és veszélyes is
Sétálnál velem?
Mégha el is esünk és megsérülünk
Sétálnál velem?
Ayy sosem sétálok egyedül
Mert ha te és én együtt vagyunk képes vagyok mosolyogni
Ayy sosem sétálsz egyedül
Mert ha te és én együtt vagyunk képes vagyok mosolyogni
Mert ha te és én együtt vagyunk képes vagyok mosolyogni

4 óra

Egy nap,
Egy hosszú, hosszú levelet írtam a holdhoz.
Nem fényesebbet, mint te
De egy kis gyertyát gyújtottam.
Egy sötét parkban
Egy névtelen madár énekel
Hol vagy?
Oh te
Miért sírsz?
Csak te és én vagyunk itt
Én és te
Oh te
Követve a sötét éjszakába
A hangod ahogy énekelsz
Elhozza a vörös reggelt
Egyik lépésről a másikra
A hajnal elmúlik
És mikor a hold nyugovóra tér
Az a kék árnyalat ami velem volt eltűnik
Még ma is, visszafogottan élek
Nagy léptekkel sétálok, visszafogottan viselek mindent
A Nap megfojt
És a világ levetkőztet
Nem tudok mit tenni, nincs más út
A holdfény alatt összegyűjtöm minden elszakított részem
A holdgyermekének nevezlek
A holdgyermekei vagyunk
Belélegzem a hideg éjszakai levegőt
Igen, élünk és halunk
egy időben
De mostmár kinyithatod a szemed
Mint bármelyik filmben, mint az a szöveg (a filmből)
Az egész világ kék a holdfényében
Egy sötét parkban
Egy névtelen madár énekel
Hol vagy?
Oh te
Miért sírsz?
Csak te és én vagyunk itt
Én és te
Oh te
Követve a sötét éjszakába
A hangod ahogy énekelsz
Elhozza a vörös reggelt
Egyik lépésről a másikra
A hajnal elmúlik
És mikor a hold nyugovóra tér
Az a kék árnyalat ami velem volt eltűnik
Követve a sötét éjszakába
A hangod ahogy énekelsz
Elhozza a vörös reggelt
Egyik lépésről a másikra
A hajnal elmúlik
És mikor a hold nyugovóra tér
Az a kék árnyalat ami velem volt eltűnik

Nincs Többé Halál

Leöntöm a szemeim kerozinnal
Hadd égjen minden, hadd égjen minden
Rám néz egész Oroszország
Hadd égjen minden, hadd égjen minden
Leöntöm a szemeim kerozinnal
Hadd égjen minden, hadd égjen minden
Rám néz egész Oroszország
Hadd égjen minden, hadd égjen minden
Most már készen állok mindenre
Letöltöttem a büntetésemet az interneten
Kimegyek az utcára cicát simogatni
Ám áthajt rajta egy rendőrkocsi
Járok a városban fekete melegítőben
Itt általában hideg van meg gonosz emberek
Engem semmi nem vár
De én várlak téged, te engem megtalálsz
Arany rabigában megfulladok a posványban
A vérem makulátlanabb a tiszta narkotikumoknál
Másokkal együtt engedelmességre kényszerítenek téged a téren
Én pedig engedelmességre kényszerülök az új lakóteremben
Leöntöm a szemeim kerozinnal
Hadd égjen minden, hadd égjen minden
Rám néz egész Oroszország
Hadd égjen minden, hadd égjen minden
Leöntöm a szemeim kerozinnal
Hadd égjen minden, hadd égjen minden
Rám néz egész Oroszország
Hadd égjen minden, hadd égjen minden
Most már készen állok mindenre
Letöltöttem a büntetésemet az interneten
Kimegyek az utcára cicát simogatni
Ám áthajt rajta egy rendőrkocsi
Járok a városban fekete melegítőben
Itt általában hideg van meg gonosz emberek
Engem semmi nem vár
De én várlak téged, te engem megtalálsz
Nincs többé halál
Nincs többé halál
Nincs többé halál
Nincs többé halál
Arany rabigában megfulladok a posványban
A vérem makulátlanabb a tiszta narkotikumoknál
Másokkal együtt engedelmességre kényszerítenek a téren
Én pedig engedelmességre kényszerülök az új lakóteremben
Arany rabigában megfulladok a posványban
A vérem makulátlanabb a tiszta narkotikumoknál
Másokkal együtt engedelmességre kényszerítenek a téren
Én pedig engedelmességre kényszerülök az új lakóteremben
Nincs többé halál
Nincs többé halál
Nincs többé halál
Nincs többé halál

The Breakers

If I fall asleep now
then the mist departs​
then I can see what you see​
I find the real there​

The night takes me​
into the unknown​
the breakers carry me away​
to the end of the world​

Sweep me away​
away from you​
far away from you​
hide me away​
where no one can see​
no one can see​
my tears​

If I wake up now​
into a new day​
and forget everything that was​
the moments spent with you

Mindenki A Mennybe Akar Menni

Mindenki a Mennybe akar menni
De senki nem akar meghalni
Mindenki a Mennybe akar menni
De senki nem akar meghalni
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer egy férfi
És a neve Izsák volt
Istennel sétált, éjjel és nappal is
De nem akart meghalni
Azt kiáltotta, 'Ó Uram, kérlek, hadd éljek
Közeleg a halál, tudom'
Isten Izsákra mosolygott
És adott még neki tizenöt évet
Mindenki a Mennybe akar menni
De senki nem akar meghalni
Uram, a Mennybe akarok menni
De nem akarok meghalni
Így, vágyakozom újjászületésem napjára
Mégis, szeretek itt élni a Földön
Mindenki a Mennybe akar menni
De senki nem akar meghalni
Mikor Jézus itt élt, ezen a Földön
Ismerte apja terveit
Tudta, hogy fel kell áldoznia életét
Hogy megmentse az ember lelkét
Mikor Júdás elárulta őt
Apja hallotta sírását
Bátor volt haláláig
De nem akart meghalni
Mindenki a Mennybe akar menni
De senki nem akar meghalni
Uram, a Mennybe akarok menni
De nem akarok meghalni
Így, vágyakozom újjászületésem napjára
Mégis, szeretek itt élni a Földön
Mindenki a Mennybe akar menni
De senki nem akar meghalni
Mindenki a Mennybe akar menni
De senki nem akar meghalni


I waited for the rain to fall
Memories move me
The time at a stop
On your way to school
You sung your idols' songs
I thought you careless
Your ashen hair
Your soul so soft
That nothing could lull
Look over your shoulder
Kohl around your eyes
You would vanish
Brought up with alcohol
He would never comfort you
Forever lost
You swam the river
Forced to the test
You rise above
So alone, I wait for you
Here, my heart to tear
What have you done with it?
Do you think we look alike
We were to grow old together
In our imperfect world

14 verbs of june, by Guevara

Red seed that was given birth by America.
Clean, climb down from the fig tree, the flower of blood, of school, of your voice
so human, that muted in death, rose even higher.
Green Christ of the olive tree on the mountains,
prayer of the oppressed man, shots of communism that remember
the forgetting of the land´s paupers.
Guevara, free Guevara, whole Guevara.
Guevara, guerrilla 1 and skin, Guevara, chimera in flight .
Guevara, example in the flesh, workman´s hands.
Guevara, letter and fate.
Guevara, rememberance and mourning.
Guevara, Guevara, the times,
Guevara, fresh new.
'If we want a kind of man
a kind of man that does not belong to this time
a kind of man that belongs to the future
from the bottom of my heart I say, that models is el Che' (Fidel Castro)
Your mount, so argentinian and cuban 2
changes asthma for bullets,
a long everyman´s backpack, the adventure
that put wings on the star of your forehead.
'Calm yourself, you are going to kill a man', you told your murderer.
The wound that breeds dreams does not hide
when it builds on the foundations of your lineage.
Guevara, an utopia on your shoulder, burning charisma.
Tree that gives bread to mankind, child with a potter´s light.
Guevara, a charted course, harbor Guevara.
Heartbeat of sacrifice, cliff to the sincere.
Guevara, Guevara, the times, Guevara, fresh new.
Guevara, million faces, faces from the people.
Great Guevara of the Andes, nurturing the growth of a creed.
Guevara, health of the world, eternal Guevara.
Guevara, faith in justice, Guevara, future at stake.
Guevara, Guevara, the times, Guevara, fresh new.
Guevara, Guevara, the times, Guevara, fresh new.
  • 1. The term 'Guerrilla' (lit. 'Little war') exists in english as borrowing from Spanish, used to refer to insurgent warfare, usually carried out by militarised civilians or small army groups
  • 2. 'Rosarino' is a native from Rosario, Argentine. that was Guevara´s birthplace

I've Arrived Home After Workday

I've arrived home after workday,
I see someone's boots in doorway,
Size fourteen, - I understood...
Maybe I should leave for good?
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Bob the Builder Intro (Danish)

(Bob the Builder)
Bob, he builds
(Can we handle it?)
Bob, he builds
(Yes, we can!)
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley and
Lofty and Wendy are all fun
Bob and his people, they are having fun
and working together on streets and roads
Bob, he builds
(Can we handle it?)
Bob, he builds
(Yes, we can!)
Pilchard and Bird,
Travis and Spud,
I wonder if they are friends?
Yes, absolutely
Bob, he builds
(Can we handle it?)
Bob, he builds
(Yes, we can!)


There's a place in the world called Bonbonland
A small, wondrous country
Believe it or not, we're doing well in here
Every child is singing:
There's a place in the world called Bonbonland
A small, wondrous country
Believe it or not, we're doing well in here
Every child is singing:
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Only kids are allowed in here
In our wondrous country
Listen now, Bonbonland
Makes every dream come true
Come with us and don't think twice
Work some magic
First, write the letter 'B'
Then add 'O' and 'N'
Say 'Bon', say it again: 'Bon-Bon'
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bon
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Only kids are allowed in here
In our wondrous country
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Only kids are allowed in here
In our wondrous country
Bella and Besta, Marina and I
We all invite you to come with us
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Only kids are allowed in here
In our wondrous country
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bonbonland
Only kids are allowed in here
In our wondrous country
First, write the letter 'B'
Then add 'O' and 'N'
Say 'Bon', say it again: 'Bon-Bon'
Bon-Bon, Bon-Bon

Have You Ever Had Heart Broken?

It’s been a while, those few words
Settle in my heart again
In case you notice
I’m putting my head down, I have to hide myself
I’m trying to be calm, standing in front of you
But like a fool, I keep wanting to cry
And I’m comforting myself
I haven’t gotten over you like you did
I still only have you in my heart
Even though I can’t find any of me in your heart
I still love you
More than the person who is with you now
You seem good, your comfortably smiling face
I knew you were different from me
When will I see you again?
I’m sure I’ll be waiting for that small chance
You’re getting farther away
Will you turn around at least once?
I haven’t even taken a single step yet
I haven’t gotten over you like you did
I still only have you in my heart
Even though I can’t find any of me in your heart
I still love you
Just like the person who is with you now
Yes, I’m alright, don’t look at me that way
I have no regrets from loving you before
Now I can’t do anything else for you
But when I see you again some day
I’ll smile for you, just like you did
But I haven’t forgotten everything
Your bright smile from today
Seemed like it was asking me to forget you now
But it’s still too hard for me to let you go

Loch Lomond Gyönyörű Töltései

Ama gyönyörű töltéseknél és ama gyönyörű domboldalaknál
Ahol a nap fényesen ragyog le Loch Lomon'-ra
Ahol én és igaz szerelmem sosem fog újra találkozni
Loch Lomon' gyönyörű, gyönyörű töltésein
Ó, te a főúton mész majd, és én pedig a mellékutakon
És én előbb érek Skóciába, mint te
Mivel én és igaz szerelmem sosem fog újra találkozni
Loch Lomon' gyönyörű, gyönyörű töltésein
Ott volt, ahol elváltunk ama árnyékos hegyszorosban
Ben Lomon' meredek, meredek oldalában
Ahol lila színeiben megtekintettük a Hieland dombjait
És a Hold előjött az alkonyatban
Ó, te a főúton mész majd, és én pedig a mellékutakon
És én előbb érek Skóciába, mint te
Mivel én és igaz szerelmem sosem fog újra találkozni
Loch Lomon' gyönyörű, gyönyörű töltésein
Az aprócska madarak csiripelnek és a vad virágok nőnek
És napsütésben alszanak a vizek
De a törött szív nem ismeri meg a tavaszt újra
Noha a szomorúság talán eltörlődik a találkozásuk során
Ó, te a főúton mész majd, és én pedig a mellékutakon
És én előbb érek Skóciába, mint te
Mivel én és igaz szerelmem sosem fog újra találkozni
Loch Lomon' gyönyörű, gyönyörű töltésein

Seamstresses Song

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Every morning at eight o'clock I start.
(Yeah, yeah, that's the sad truth)
Every morning, every morning the work
Which is unavoidable again.
(That's how it goes on and on)
Already at about ten o'clock,
Yes, the boss wants to see results
And he says to the staff:
'Next time it has to be more quickly!'
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Every day the same monotony
But we don't care at all
And we're looking forward to be at home again
And on Saturday and Sunday we have free time.
At four in the afternoon
The boss is standing at the door
And says: 'Before you go, it's already late,
I want a higher tempo.'
Again and again
We sew marvellous clothing
Which we later unfortunately see
Only on other ladies
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Every day the same monotony
But we don't care at all
And we're looking forward to be at home
And on Saturday and Sunday we have free time.

Her Smile Means More Than Love

Sometimes you'd stay, just to look at her,
with some kind of brainy book, sitting in the middle of a subway car.
And, whoever was around didn't care that you missed your station,
or that someone was waiting, and no one asked you to keep riding.
or that you're a student on the verge of discovery.
or that you're working on the Spring update for the Military Board.
In Winter, the Summer will surely come back,
only if she keeps on smiling at you.
Standing in the pouring rain, in the cold of the morning,
I don't want to hold my phone, but your hand.
She understands everything I say without a word.
Her smile means more than love.
Hang up the phone and forget about their networks.
I'll hide you in my arms forever.
On the seventh night without sleep, the fourth day without words.
Her smile means more than love, More than love.
It's already been two months, meeting you every day.
Whether this is love or you're just a miracle, I don't know.
I'm going to my friends house with you, for what? To watch soccer?
I don't know why my parents like you.
I don't know how this will turn out at all.
My Zodiac says we're really not gonna make it.
But day by day it goes on, and if this isn't love, I don't need it.
I just need you to be with me.
Standing in the pouring rain, in the cold of the morning,
I don't want to hold my phone, but your hand.
She understands everything I say without a word.
Her smile means more than love.
Hang up the phone and forget about their networks.
I'll hide you in my arms forever.
On the seventh night without sleep, the fourth day without words.
Her smile means more than love, More than love.

The Song of My Happiness

The bird on the branch
sings out his love, starting at dawn.
Reeds bend over,
murmuring words over the water of streams.
And I want to sing for you too—
listen to me.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you—
my song is always the same,
it comes straight from my heart.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you—
my song is always the same,
it is the song of my happiness
The mom who awakens
sings softly to rock the child.
The voice of an old woman
seeking to smile as if she were twenty years old.
And I want to sing for you too—
listen to me.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,
my song is always the same,
it comes straight from my heart.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,
my song is always the same,
it's the song of my happiness.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,
my song is always the same,
it comes straight from my heart ...


Love love love
Love love love
It's not in my flowers
Your love is in distant dreams
It's not about words
Your love is in clear ice
Love love love
Love love love
There's no need to remind me
Who wanted to kill himself
You better get into bed
I want to love you
Love love love
Love love love

The World Is On Fire

The moon is glowing in the sky and I am burning with love
A fire that consumes itself as does my heart
My spirit crys out so grieviously
There is no peace on such a woeful night
My world is on fire, and my heart is ablaze
She thirsts for water, and I thirst for love
To whom will I sing this, my song
If there is no one who will appear on the balcony?
The time goes on but there is no dawn
The sun shines no more because she does not come back
The time goes on but there is no dawn
The sun shines no more because she does not come back
My world is on fire, and my heart is ablaze
She thirsts for water, and I thirst for love
To whom will I sing this, my song
If there is no one who will appear?
The moon is glowing in the sky and I am burning with love


Pull me down
Endlessly, into the darkness
Baby Lay me down
My trembling hands are tied to you
Feels like I’m all alone
As if I’ll be forgotten just like this
Being awake is like torture, always
(Oh Oh Oh) when I felt depressed
(Oh Oh Oh) suddenly, without knowing
I looked for you and I hated myself for it
(Oh Oh Oh) like a fool
(Oh Oh Oh) if I keep crying
I thought my heart would be carried over to you by the spring wind
Will spring ever come to me again?
Will a beautiful flower ever bloom in my heart?
After this cold wind passes
And my heart melts down
Spring again
Will it be spring again in my heart?
You pull me down but I’m all right
You make me cry but I’m all right
Memories of you lay me down
As if I never cried, make me laugh
Things will get better with time, yeah
Though your empty spot is still so big, yeah
When the cold wind passes, spring will come into my heart
(Oh Oh Oh) when I felt depressed
(Oh Oh Oh) suddenly, without knowing
I looked for you and I hated myself for it
(Oh Oh Oh) like a fool
(Oh Oh Oh) if I keep crying
I thought my heart would be carried over to you by the spring wind
Will spring ever come to me again?
Will a beautiful flower ever bloom in my heart?
After this cold wind passes
And my heart melts down
Spring again
Will it be spring again in my heart?
After the pain you gave me passes
After the tears down my cheeks dry
Will spring come to me?
A beautiful flower
After this cold wind passes
And my heart melts down
Spring again
Will it be spring again in my heart?

April 10th

On the tenth of April they left
On the tenth of April they left
Ensign flag raised high, great rejoicing
It was to sail to France
But as they neared the big cliffs of shore
They noticed a white boat
They saw a war corsair
Chasing them from behind
They fired three cannon shots
They fired three cannon shots
A cannonball hit the stern
Blood flowing like a river
The Captain exclaimed
Are any of our people injured?
Ah yes, it is true, Captain
And our foreman among them
Handsome foreman, my good friend
You should have no regret of dying
The only regret I have in this world
It's dying without seeing my girlfriend
Your blonde, we'll find and send her
Your blonde, we'll find and send her
With four officers from America
Who are here on the pretty sea
From as far as he sees her coming
She can't hold back her tears
Do not cry so much, my dear blonde
Because my pain is so deep
I would trade my navy hat
I would trade my navy hat
My golden ring, and even my gallant
hairstyle, to heal your wound

Come With Me

I said: 'I'm going!' You said: 'Stop!'
I said 'I'm in a hurry.' You: 'Stay!'.
I said: 'I don't have the time - The world is waiting for me!'
You said: 'I really want to go on with you.'
I said: 'Come! Take my hand!'
You said: 'I don't have the strength, I'm scared right now.'
But there is no time - just one life!
We'll take with us just one love.
Come with me!
The world is waiting for me! I want to be there!
Come with me!
Even if I'm only dreaming I want to be there!
The world is waiting for me!

No more heat for two

No more heat for two
Amphetamines took all that we had
The city drowned in the middle of adverts and shop windows
And those who were with me sunk, drowned.
No more heat for two
Amphetamines took all that we had
The city drowned in the middle of adverts and shop windows
And those who were with me sunk, drowned.
Fall like drops of the rain
The whole world is just for you
We split the heaven
No more heat for two
Amphetamines took all that we had
The city drowned in the middle of adverts and shop windows
And those who were with me sunk, drowned.

Bella Boyz

Altendorfer Street, Elm Street
Customers want selfies with me
But I just want the money to flow
But I just want the money to flow
My mirror image tells me, 'Do something!'
My mirror image looks like 2Pac
Libra with eye, I'm good at it
Selling on the street, is in my blood
They see me rollin ', five hundred Benz
Got the Glock under my shirt and the cops are on the run
The block is burning, the weed is burning
Pussies are banged for free at 'Oceans'
Out with the gang, bag is safe
Thousands of packs, Patte with Haze
Bela Boyz on it, at night on the way
We are like shadows, you can not see us
We want stress
And visit you
My friends
Can not speak German well
If Uzi
Scatters the bullets
Scatters the bullets
Then it's the Bela Boyz
Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz
Then it's the Bela Boyz
Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz
(Then it's the Bela Boyz)
Torro West raps in the Barrio
Horror scenario for Germany (fuck you)
My music is too hard for the radio (normal)
Pat pat, shots fall from the convertible (pat pat)
We are not like you, we remain loyal
My Team Bela Boyz, Casino Royal (rrrra)
Make fast money, six-digit number
Five years jail, I swear, we do not care (pfuh)
What verbal? The weapons are glowing
The area is fatal, you can feel it here
Faces with hate, the looks are deadly
No valid passport, everything is possible
From the bottom up like Tony Montana
Pack the drugs, Coke and Ketama
Dead in pajamas you can find enemies
Get me the bread, we'll chase the bills
We want stress
And visit you
My friends
Can not speak German well
If Uzi
Scatters the bullets
Scatters the bullets
Then it's the Bela Boyz
Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz
Then it's the Bela Boyz
Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz
Then it's the Bela Boyz
Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz
Then it's the Bela Boyz
Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz, Bela Boyz

Bong Sugi

I do not want to go home.
Honey, the ballast is shining or I'll stay (let's stay)
I'm not going home anymore. Tequila,
Shikatsu's going home.
I can not go fuzzy.
It's a booze, a simple word at home.
I can not go fuzzy.
You stay or you go out.
Uh-uh Uh-uh
Uh-uh Uh-uh
Hey, Bong Sook, the taxi's gotta get caught.
I'll have a fetus at home if I drink my brother's drink (I'll have a fetus)
Let's just get out of there. Let's just have 30 minutes.
I'm going to break my drink.
Ohhhhhhh ~ ~
Ohhhhhhh ~ ~
I can not go fuzzy.
It's a booze, a simple word at home.
I can not go fuzzy.
You stay or you go out.
I can not go fuzzy.
It's a booze, a simple word at home.
It's not easy.
You stay or you go out.
Finding love and finding people
I'm still hitting today.
Finding love and finding people
I'm still hitting today.

Three Of The Strangest Words

Versions: #2
When I say the word 'future',
The first syllable is then a thing of the past.
When I utter the word 'silence',
I am destroying it.
When I speak the word 'nothing',
I create that which cannot be a part of oblivion

Láttad valaha az esőt

Valaki mondta volt hajdanán
Ez most a vihar előtti csend,
Ismerem, ez várható volt egy ideje.
És ha elvonul, azt mondják
Napsütéses napot hullat,
Tisztában vagyok vele, csillogva csöpög akár a víz.
Akarom tudni láttad valaha az esőt
Tudni akarom, hogy láttad valaha az esőt
Napsütéses napot hullatni?
Tegnap, és korábban is
A Nap fagyos és az eső sűrű
Tudatában vagyok, az én időmben is mindig így volt
Így megy ez az örökkévalóságig
Körökön át gyors és lassú
Értem én, és ámulatom visszafoghatatlan
Szeretném tudni láttad valaha az esőt
Tudni akarom, hogy láttad valaha az esőt
Napsütéses napot hullatni?
Szeretném tudni láttad valaha az esőt
Tudni akarom, hogy láttad valaha az esőt
Napsütéses napot hullatni
Láttad valaha az esőt

The white swans

A row of swans glides across a blue, silver wave
Girl, don't ask me, don't ask me, where your boyfriend is
The years will go by, the swans will swim away, regret will remain
And you, girl, wait, wait there, wait there
Swim on, white swans, swim on
All that's left of them here is regret
The white swans will return by spring
And you, girl, wait, wait there, wait there
A new spring comes, a love goes away, a row of swans
Girl, don't ask me, don't ask me, where your boyfriend is
The years will go by, the swans will swim away, regret will remain
And you, girl, wait, wait there, wait there.

The Good Side of Life

You say that you're lying on the living room
Dreaming awake
Wanting to see me again
You say that you're laugh
When you remember us
Wait for the night to fall
You say that you're lying on the living room
Dreaming awake
Wanting to see me again
You say that you're laugh
When you remember us
Wait for the night to fall
And that's what I want the most
To be with you
I need your laughter
It makes us so good
To realize the good side
You say that you want to walk giving hands
All night long
Till the sun rises
You say that you're always in love
And that you've got so much love to offer
And that's what I want the most
To be with you
I need your laughter
It makes us so good
To realize the good side
Let's go together
On this walk
I see flowers along our path
All the love
All the peace
Feel the sound the wind brings
That's the good side of life
That's the good side of life
That's the good side of life
And that's what I want the most
To be with you
I need your laughter
It makes us so good
To realize the good side
Let's go together
On this walk
I see flowers along our path
All the love
All the peace
Feel the sound the wind brings
That's the good side of life
That's the good side of life
That's the good side of life
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

My Last Bolero

Listen to my last bolero,
that I sing with my soul, inspired by you.
I want people to know,
That all of my love was always for you.
I take your love to infinity,
full of great happiness.
Listen to my last bolero,
that I sing with my soul, inspired by you.
I take your love to infinity,
full of great happiness.
Listen to my last bolero,
that I sing with my soul, inspired by you.

It can't remain like that

Actually we were mistaken
When we believed that
To love is to feel breathless
Your place is deep in my heart just like that
You're right, we fell apart
While we hugged each others tightly
For me life was nothing but you
Now your wound is deep in my heart
It can't remain like that
With a pack of lies
Even if you escaped, you wouldn't get rid of your sin
Let her burn, let the snow be beside her
Let her back, let the world around her stop
It can't remain like that
Don't think i will forget
My wound will not heal
When you increase it
O Love, bare her heart, take over her too
She will pay me back, then let her keep indulging herself

Bomb Bomb

One to one hunn
Everything you want
I'll be that
Love we gon love
Only you what I want
Take it fast or take it slow
As your body leads
Pour up drank,
Pour up drank
Bomb, our own
Party like that
Don't try to wake up,
Just fall into this mood
You make me
Out of senses, I'm dizzy, why do you make a mess of my heart?
I don't know you,
But I want you to be with me at this moment
As black as the night sky
Make it burn, make it burn
Night after night
Make it burn
Night after night, bomb, bomb
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, we’re gonna do it
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, We’re gonna do it
I see you eyeing on me
If you want it, come get a Taste
I can tell in the eyes
That's expressed, you thirsty
All thirsty for this
She tempts me with her moves while,
She whine it
Drippin' like faucet
Let's get wet the sweat of passion
Even when this song ends,
No pares y dame woah
Don't try to wake up,
Just fall into this mood
You make me
Out of senses, I'm dizzy,
Why do you make a mess of my heart?
I don't know you,
But I want you to be with me at this moment
Burn it up with me
Make it burn, make it burn
Night after night
Make it burn
Tonight, tomorrow night and every night, bomb bomb
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, we’re gonna do it
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day, every night,
we’re gonna do it
We know this night won't last forever
But till the morning comes
I don't want to waste this short time
Make it burn, make it burn
Make it make, it burn burn
Tonight, tomorrow night and every night, bomb bomb
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, we’re gonna do it
Wildin' all day, wildin' all night
Wildin' all day,
Every night, we’re gonna do it

Will You Still Love Me

You know, you and me
We're a story that the time has written
You know, you and me
We're like one heartbeat and one face
I wonder
If something really exists somewhere, over there
I wonder
Who will win, the mind or the heart
Will you still love me, when my face won't look like
It used to, in the days I told you
You're my love
Will you still love me, when time will take the youth away
I promise today that I'll be with you every day
Until the end of my dreams
You know, you and me
We're like poppy and cereal ear on the field
You know, you and me
We sometimes talk to each other loudly
I wonder
What's on the other side of the rainbow
I wonder
Who will give hope to who in our dreams
Will you still love me, when my face won't look like
It used to, in the days I told you
You're my love
Will you still love me, when time will take the youth away
I promise today that I'll be with you every day
Until the end of my dreams

Such a Light

A few stars that fell just now
I'm lost for words
The years pass us by
We meet people
Castles and mountains
And build towers
We rise and fall now
Among all the tracks
I've found me a single star
It would whisper me things
Comfort me in words
Stay for days
Such a light
That remains, never goes out
When the wind blows
When things are stressful and hard
It apologizes, reconciles
And laughs if you cry
It will stay if you wish
Such a light
That remains, never goes out
When the wind blows
When things are stressful and hard
It apologizes, reconciles
And laughs if you cry
It will stay if you wish