Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 150

Találatok száma: 5102

Lisa del Bo - Wachten dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


The northern wind blows through the dunes
The waves hit my flat land
I call your name into the wind
Can you hear me
Somewhere on the other side?
The storm and rain don`t bother me
And I endure the bitter cold
Because one day we will meet again around here
And until then I will look for you
And if I have to wait
Then I will
An entire lifetime
Even longer if I have to
But that day will come
That day everything will be alright
My god, the things I would do
If I saw you one more time
Hold you in my arms, even if it`s only for a while
And enjoying your laughter
The northern wind would turn it around
Then the wild sea would calm down
I call your name and you would hear me
I will always go with you
And if I have to wait
Then I will
An entire lifetime
Even longer if I have to
But that day will come
That day everything will be alright
Sonamoo - Talk About U dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Talk About U

This is my friend's friend.
Can you listen
Well, he secretly knows who
Became a favorite
Yeah all day
I had a bad day.
Wherever you go
The world is everything
Maybe it'll look good.
I want to convey my heart.
I wonder if it will get away
He's not saying anything.
I talk about U Talk about
I talk about U Talk about
I have noticed it yet
you stupid
I talk about U Talk about
I talk about U Talk about
Hidden in this story
My heart
Oh, actually,
It's a secret.
I'll tell you only.
Well his friend told him today
I will confess everything
Yeah, how do you say it?
I was worried all night.
If you tell me like a joke
It's a real joke.
Maybe a fool
I just want to say it.
I think it's going to be awkward.
He's spinning.
I talk about U Talk about
I talk about U Talk about
I have noticed it yet
you stupid
I talk about U Talk about
I talk about U Talk about
Hidden in this story
My heart
It's tough.
I will not rush
Your heart and my heart
To face each other
Always precious
You're beside me.
Now look at me next to you.
I talk about U Talk about
I talk about U Talk about
Stop talking to me now
you stupid
I talk about U Talk about
I talk about U Talk about
Hidden in that smile
Your heart
I wanna tell you
that I love you
It’s so so true
LOBODA - Zharko (Жарко) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Your injections doesn't work anymore,
You've swap comfort on my emptiness.
Music has deceived not for a long time,
The whole people are help out.
Yes, you were bright, but...
Your lights can't blind me anymore, stop.
Your lights can't blind me not for longer than seven nights.
Well, even so, gorblimy,
It's hot, so hot, it's kinda hot, it's getting hot to live.
Well, even so, gorblimy,
It's a pity, so pity, it was a pity to break up with you!
Well, gorblimy,
It's hot, so hot, it's getting hot to live.
Well, gorblimy,
It's hot, so hot, it's getting hot to live.
It's time to love!
Welcome in my past,
It goes to you, and it's much easier to sadness for me there.
Sadness for me.
Now I don't care,
Yes, you were bright, but...
Your lights can't blind me anymore, stop.
Your lights can't blind me not for longer than seven nights.
Well, even so, gorblimy,
It's hot, so hot, it's kinda hot, it's getting hot to live.
Well, even so, gorblimy,
It's a pity, so pity, it was a pity to break up with you!
Well, gorblimy,
It's hot, so hot, it's getting hot to live.
Well, gorblimy,
It's hot, so hot, it's getting hot to live.
It's time to love!
Well, it's getting hot to live.
Well... It's time to love!
It's time to love!
Hot, so hot
Tibor from QS-FB
Grazhdanskaya Oborona - Ubivat' (Убивать) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


We're learning the things that make us want to die
We're examined by the raw ground
We're burrowing the current things
We think that everything could be better
Selective sanctities, secret ponds
Virtual deserts, mazes, and ceilings
We're sleeping deliriously and desperately
Switch to the black and white mode
Switch to the black and white mode
And kill,
Kill, kill,
Kill, kill,
Kill, kill,
Kill, kill.
We're learning the things that make us want to die
The blue is watching us from above
We're raving in the present
We know that everything was greater yesterday
We're collecting the pieces and discerning the poems
We're roaming at the shelves, we're shutting down,
While we're sleeping enthusiasticly and vigorously
Switch to the black and white mode
Switch to the black and white mode
And kill,
Kill, kill,
Kill, kill,
Kill, kill,
Kill, kill.
We're learning the things that make us want to die
The sun is watching my oblivion
I'm sleeping in the maple forest
I believe that everything should be bigger,
When I measure the depth of the voluntary tomb.
I suppress my grayness, I'm saving my strength
While I'm sleeping hopelessly and untimely
Switch to the black and white mode
Switch to the black and white mode
And kill,
Kill, kill,
Kill, kill.
I'm going to hate these obligatory dates
(These round- and square-number solemn anniversaries)
I'm going to hate these dates to death
(Kill, kill all of these solemn anniversaries)
Prescribed and adorable
Nationally observable sugar-coated holidays
That are celebrated on the same days
At the same time
On the same day
At the same time
On the same day
Hate to the pride
Hate to the holiness
Hate to the fire at night
Hate to the savage purity
Where the delirious hearing is
(Where the delirious hearing is)
My flawlessness
(My flawlessness)
Fire-breathing voice
(Fire-breathing voice)
And guiding rage
(And guiding rage)
Rag'n'Bone Man - As You Are dalszöveg fordítás

Úgy ahogy vagy

Felvilágosítottál mikor megrémültem
Lenyugtattad a vihart mikor tombolását tűrtem
Mikor bujkáltam rám leltél amott,
Itt és most számomra ennyi adatott.
Ha kifut a talaj lábunk alól
Ott leszek melletted, mindig jó közeledben lenni
Akarsz még rám emlékezni?
Mindannyiinknak vannak problémáink, tudom
És az áldás amit eddig tettünk nagy
ígérem, ma este ha majd fekszel a vállamon
Ígérem, elveszlek, elveszlek úgy ahogy vagy
Amikor a sötétben jártam
Amikor az alsó utcák oly távolinak tűntek
Mikor elfelejtettem mindent ami voltam
Csak a szerelmedért sóvárogtam
És ha lábaink alatt a vén talaj beomlik
Késő este küzdünk egy másodpercig
Kedvesem, ne engedj elmenni
Mindannyiinknak vannak problémáink, tudom
És az áldás amit eddig tettünk nagy
ígérem, ma este ha majd fekszel a vállamon
Ígérem, elveszlek, elveszlek úgy ahogy vagy
Elfogadlak olyannak mint amilyen vagy
Elveszlek úgy ahogy vagy,
Enyém leszel, úgy ahogy vagy
Úgy ahogy vagy
Mindannyiinknak vannak problémáink, tudom
És az áldás amit eddig tettünk nagy
ígérem, ma este ha majd fekszel a vállamon (Ígérem)
Elveszlek, elveszlek úgy ahogy vagy, ígérem
Mindannyiinknak vannak problémáink, tudom
És az áldás amit eddig tettünk nagy
ígérem, ma este ha majd fekszel a vállamon
Ígérem, elveszlek, elveszlek úgy ahogy vagy
Erreway - Pretty Boy dalszöveg fordítás


Óh, az én szép, szépfiúm,
Óh, az én szép, szépfiúm,
Óh, az én szép, szépfiúm,
Milyen szomorú ma.
Hülyének kell lennem,
őrültnek kell lenem,
hogy kitaszítottalak az életemből,
hogy kitaszítottalak az életemből.
Hülyének kell lennem,
talán ostobának,
hogy lehet megbocsátani a hazugságot?
hogy lehet megbocsátani a hazugságot?
Öt percig tart édesem,
hogy elbúcsúzzak,
Öt percig tart a szerelem
és aztán elmegyek
az utolsó pillantás
egy érintés, egy szó
és aztán elmegyek.
Óh, az én szép, szépfiúm,
Óh, az én szép, szépfiúm,
Óh, az én szép, szépfiúm,
Milyen szomorú ma.
Hogy lehet elfelejteni?
Hogy lehet elveszíteni?
Ki kell, hogy taszítsalak az életemből.
Ki kell, hogy taszítsalak az életemből.
El tudlak hagyni
még ha bele is halok.
Hogy lehet megbocsátani a hazugságot?
Hogy lehet megbocsátani a hazugságot?
Debora - Ne Priemam (Не приемам) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

További dalszöveg fordítások

LOBODA - Krysa-revnost' (Крыса-ревность) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Rat- jealousy

[First verse]
The less you know, better you sleep! Now, I've tried myself, of course,
Who invented it, for sure, was wise, hell, he new the loss.
Where the moon has gone from the sky? It's gone to shine in a strange bed.
And the soul demanding blood, but the mind doesn't dare to object.
And this pain gives me power, and I soar on black wings.
As if the heart is made from glass, suddenly with dragon blood filled in.
And I want to save you so much, but so ineptly I defend you.
The words pulsating in my brain:' How could you? How dare you!
Settled in and warmed up
Rat-jealousy in my heart
Gnawing the heart rat- jealousy, I can kill it!
But together with it I will kill my heart.
{Second verse]
Neglected house, dust in the brains, I'm falling down, and more down.
I'm dying from anguish, and in reality I'm seeing devils all around.
I don't have strength to refuse you, my hope is so week,
That you'll come into my bed. So tenderly, tenderly, tenderly, tenderly.
And this pain gives me power, and I soar on black wings.
As if the heart is made from glass, suddenly with dragon blood filled in.
And I want to save you so much, but so ineptly I defend you.
The words pulsating in my brain:' How could you? How dare you!
It couldn't be, like it once were, the treason is not new for you,still the same
And maybe to forget everything I could, and go around the circle again and again.
[Chorus x 2]
Settled in and warmed up
Rat-jealousy in my heart
Gnawing the heart rat- jealousy, I can kill it!
But together with it I will kill my heart.
Settled in and warmed up
Rat-jealousy in my heart.
Rat- jealousy gnawing the heart
I can kill it,
But together with it I will kill my heart.
But together with it I will kill my heart.
I can kill it,
But together with it I will kill.
Sobaka na sene (OST) - Любовь, зачем ты мучаешь меня dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

O Love, Why Do You Torture Me This Way?

- O Love, why do you torture me this way?
I was so through and ready to forget you
So why is your shadow here again to tempt me
To cause me savage pain and to betray
O Love, why do you torture me this way?
- O Love, what do you want from me today?
Like snake you crawled unnoticed in my heart
Bewitching it with your seductive art
Tormenting me with hope that you would stay
O Love, what do you want from me today?
O Love, why do you torture me this way?
Aris San - Boom Pam dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Boom Pam

In front (of me) a cliff and behind (me) a ravine, is your love
you torture me, but never mind
I sit near you because I love you
and I don't care if i suffer and have heart pain
But I cannot leave away from you
In front (of me) a cliff and back (of me) a ravine is your resort
and I suffer for you but never mind
Mina - Ma che bontà dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

But what a goodness

But why, why, but why,
In the kitchen I never get in,
What's in the pan
Mmm...what a smell,
May you taste me a little bit?
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what a taste this chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what a taste this chunk here,
Andean 1calf?
Gallura cattle? 2
But what this a little chunk will ever be?
But why, why, but why,
In the cellar I never come,
Nice this wine,
Wine of once,
May you taste me a caption?
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what a toss this little chunk here,?
Barolo from Langhe?3
Aleatico from Elba? 4
But what this little chunk will ever be here.
But why, why, but why,
In ice cream shop, I never go in,
Mmm... that chocolate,
Give me the little spoon,
Let's taste a little bit.
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here?
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what a taste this chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what taste this chunk here,
Swiss Chocolate?
Bolivia Cocoa?
But what this small stuff will ever be here.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
Nádia Correia - Sonhos do verbo amar dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Dreams of The Verb 'To Love'

Today I've dreamed a secret
A love poem
A lovely story
The truth around me
The words of a smile
No lying or fake rhymes
I'm searching in my world
Dreams of the verb ''to love''
I want a dream
That just thinks about you
You were an eternal love to me
I wanna fly
I wanna delete the pain
In just one mean of the word ''love''
I dream with the kiss that is in you
And smiling when I fall sleep
I'm a woman who lives the life
I just wanna reappear
The words of a smile
No lying or fake rhymes
I'm searching in my world
Dreams of the verb ''to love''
I want a dream
That just thinks about you
You were an eternal love to me
I wanna fly
I wanna delete the pain
In just one mean of the word ''love''
You're a perfect dream
The truth inside me
You're wound, you're a suffered life
Don't run away from me
I want a dream
That just thinks about you
You were an eternal love to me
I wanna fly
I wanna delete the pain
In just one a mean of the word love
Umberto Da Preda - Ea famegia del gobon dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

The hunchbacked family

One was the famous Matìa,
the other was Bepi that makes ink
who drunk of schnapps, that monster,
offended his devoted friend. Sabión! 1
Last night at two o'clock
Walking through 'Mercerie' 2
Last night at two o'clock
Walking through 'Mercerie'
Last night at two o'clock
Walking through 'Mercerie'
Two hunchbacks were fighting
Be silent, listen to me
Two hunchbacks of small stature talked of love stuffs
Two hunchbacks of small stature talked of love stuffs
Two hunchbacks of small stature talked of love stuffs
But they were scared that the people passing would hear.
Beware hunchback! Said one, Beware hunchback! Said the other
If I'm hunchback, you're not straight
Beware hunchback! Said one. Beware hunchback! Said the other
If I'm hunchback, you're not straight, on your back there's the saltshaker!
They told swear words, they gave four punchs on the face
They told swear words, they gave four punchs on the face
They told swear words, they gave four punch on the face
They they ended up in that corner where mr. Bepi sold good whine.
I travelled in France and Spain, all the others distant countries
I travelled in France and Spain, all the others distant countries
I travelled in France and Spain, all the others distant countries
But a kind of sons of a dog like these hunchbacks I never found them.

It's hunchbacked his father, it's hunchbacked his mother, it's hunchbacked his sister's daughter too.
It was hunchbacked her too, it was hunchbacked her too
It's hunchbacked his father, it's hunchbacked his mother, it's hunchbacked his sister's daughter too.
It was hunchbacked her too, it was hunchbacked her too,
The hunchbacked family.

The wedding's day came the musicians
They too they were hunchbacked, they too they were hunchbacked
The wedding's day, came the musicians
They too they were hunchbacked, they too they were hunchbacked
The hunchbacked family.
And after nine months, it was born a nice baby
It was hunchbacked he too, it was hunchbacked he too.
And after nine months it was born a nice baby,
But, poor baby, he too with his hunchback.
And when they died they made a big coffin
with a hole for the hunchback, with a hole for the hunchback
And when they died they made a big coffin
with a hole for the hunchback, the hunchbacked family
And after hundred years they erect them a statue
With the hunchback made of cement, with the hunchback made of cement
And after hundred years they erect them a statue
With the hunchback made of cement, the hunchbacked family.
Hunchbacked sit down, hunchbacked sit down, hunchbacked sit down on the sofa.
Ofir Cohen - אופיר כהן וליאנה בא אלייך קליפ LIYANA & OFIR COHEN - Zabranena lubov / ЛИЯНА - Забранена любов dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

אופיר כהן וליאנה בא אלייך קליפ Ofir Cohen and Liana

'Everything you will ever ask for, I will give it to you all, right from my heart
Everyone in the city knows, that I love you
And you are the only one that I want so much
You rock\ shake my life, girl
Like a boat that swept away in a middle of a storm
If you call my name, I will come running to you
To walk with you, and to give you a hand
Because you are not alone anymore
I am coming to you, so I could 'live '[lit. be an important part in your life] in your life
To be in your arms, and to give you love
I am coming to you, to 'live' in your life
It is hard for me to be alone without you tonight, I am coming…
You have entered joy and happiness into my life
And you have lighten up the light in my eyes again
You are for me, the one and only
I will never ever know\meet someone like you
I am yours, girl
Garbo - A Berlino va bene dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

In Berlin it's all right

A beer, smoke, music
and after... you
only this wall
is not cold here, here.
What day is Berlin ?
What day is Berlin ?
If the fog also enters the glasses
In Berlin, I never think
yes you can live,
I never dream.
In Berlin, what day is it?
I look at the streets, I do not know,
what day is it.
Cigarettes, my radio
and still ...you
I, this doubt, one room in three
what day is it?
What day is Berlin?
What day is Berlin?
What day is Berlin?
If at night we look at the showcases
In Berlin, I never think
yes you can live,
I never dream.
In Berlin, what day is it?
Yes you can live,
one more day.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
Jaime Roos - Carbón y sal dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Coal and salt

Coal and salt
On the street, coal and salt
The remains of a beautiful crystal
Sulfur and honey
A landscape of sulfur and honey
A wandering age and a gesture of ink and paper
Coal and salt
Comparing coal and salt
Going through the future clothes line
Moon and soot
In the sky, moon and soot
Wrapping castles that keep a dead limit
Lights of the bay that go over there
Boats swaying to the wind
Lights of the bay that go over there
Boats swaying slowly
To the wind
Man and woman
On the street, man and woman
The remains of a beautiful love
Mare and steed
A love of mare and steed
Dusty carriage hurrying their infidel hoofs
Man and woman
On the floor, man and woman
Breathing the future pleasure
Castle and bishop
As always, catle and bishop
Avoiding words, keeping an ancient pen
Lights of the bay that go over there
Boats swaying to the wind
Lights of the bay that go over there
Boats swaying slowly
To the wind
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Fernando Pessoa - Msg35 Os símbolos - As ilhas afortunadas dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Msg35 The symbols - The lucky islands

What sound comes in the sound of the waves
Which isn't the voice of the sea?
It is the voice of someone who speaks to us,
But who, if we listen, falls quiet,
For having been heard.
And only if, half asleep,
Without knowing that we hear we hear,
That she tells us the hope
To which, like a sleeping
Child, upon sleeping we smile.
They are lucky islands
They are lands without having place,
Where the King dwells waiting.
But, if we start wakening,
It silences its voice, and there is only sea.
Hebrew Children Songs - Bo iti el hagalil (בוא איתי אל הגליל) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Come With Me to the Galilee

Grab a cane, grab a bag,
Come with me to the Galilee,
Come with me on a spring day
We'll go round, round.
Grab a cane, grab a bag...
With the sun that rises in Hanita
And sets in Achziv.
For the sun, yes the sun,
Here the sun, here the sun won't let us down.
For the sun, yes the sun,
Here the sun won't let us down,
Here the sun won't let us down,
Here the sun won't let us down.
Grab a tambour, grab a flute,
Come with me to the Galilee.
Let's open up our collars,
Let's sing with all our throats.
Grab a tambour, grab a flute...
With the wind that plays in Matzuva
And whistles in Evron.
For the wind, yes the wind,
Here the wind, here the wind will sing joyfully.
For the wind, yes the wind,
Here the wind will sing joyfully,
Here the wind will sing joyfully,
Here the wind will sing joyfully.
Grab a scarf, grab a coat,
Come with me to the Galilee.
Come on a howling winter
And we'll see how we go wild.
Grab a scarf, grab a coat...
The rain starts in Kabri and in Sa'ar
And goes down to Karmiel.
For the rain, yes the rain,
Here the rain, here the rain - is a rain of God
For the rain, yes the rain,
Here the rain - is a rain of God,
Here the rain - is a rain of God,
Here the rain - is a rain of God.
Come to the mountain, come to the path,
Come with me to the Galilee.
Come on a warm night
And we'll sleep in the dozing light.
Come to the mountain, come to the path..
On the grass that grows in Regba
And greens in Yehiam.
For the grass, here the grass,
Here the grass, here the grass is eternal.
For the grass, here the grass,
Here the grass is eternal,
Here the grass is eternal,
Here the grass is eternal.
For the wind, yes the wind,
Here the wind, here the wind will sing joyfully.
For the wind, yes the wind,
Here the wind will sing joyfully,
Here the wind will sing joyfully,
Here the wind will sing joyfully.
For the sun, yes the sun,
Here the sun, here the sun won't let us down.
For the sun, here the sun,
Grab a cane, grab a bag,
Come with me to the Galilee,
Come with me to the Galilee.
Fernando Pessoa - Msg25 Los Colombos dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Msg25 The Columbuses

Others shall have
That which we shall lose.
Others shall be able to discover
That which, in our own searching,
Was discovered, or not discovered,
According to the given destiny.
But that which does not touch them
Is the Magic that evokes
The Faraway and makes of it history.
And because of this its glory
Is a just halo given
By a loaned-out light.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

További dalszöveg fordítások

Miguel Bosé - Eres todo para mí dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

You Are Everything to Me

I'd dry up the sea if you asked me to
I'd pull a blue star down from the sky
When we are together
Talking in a low voice
I'd move the whole world
I'd blind the sun itself
There are no words that can express
What you mean to me, and every day it's more
You are growing
In my very heart
Like the new stem
Of a hope that blossoms
You are everything to me
The years have been days at your side, with you
I've carried you so deep in me that
I'll never be able to live without your love, dearest
And even if you are far away
I will always have you near me
I always wait for the day
When you'll return
If you know about what's best in me
Why don't you try to live with me?
If you'd give me the time and the chance
To star off slowly on a similar path
Perhaps you would change your mind
Maybe with a brand new day we could love one another
(You are everything to me...)
Christophe Maé - Il est où le bonheur ? dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Il est où bonheur

Versions: #2
Line 23 J'ái fait la cour, j'ai fait mon cirque
I courted, I messed up
Alaska y los Pegamoides - Bote de Colón dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Can of Colon

I wanna be a can of Colón
and being announced on TV.
I wanna be a can of Colón
and being announced on TV.
What a satisfaction
to be a can
of Colón.
I wanna be a can of Colón
and being announced on TV.
I wanna be a can of Colón
and being announced on TV.
What a satisfaction
to be a can
of Colón.
What a satisfaction
to be a can
of Colón.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Erdem Kınay - Boynun Borcu dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

An obligation

Love is again being over,
How is it hurt burning
Your every drop turns to ash
Look once and ask your heart
What do it say you
Is it fit for me
I do not think so at all
Oh that hurts me so melting inside me
My world is very pure and clean
For you (by you)
Whole this event is easy to you
Oh passenger but so go and let me free
This is not first for you
But for me it's last
Your these words smell as lie
From one end up to the other how is that
And I don't say ' stay here' Even if I was going to die
Farewell is an obligation
Akeboshi - Kumori Yozora (曇り夜空) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Cloudy Night Sky

My friend was all in a tizzy on the phone with me the other day.
It seemed like a large white bullet was lodged deep inside his head.
I searched the area around me to find some words that I might say to him.
I strung some empty phrases together just to bury the silence.
I spent my days along with the scenery and the sound of your laughter.
And though I thought they'd have faded away, in my memory they still remain.
All of the sudden, clouds began to fill every corner of my vision.
I wonder if maybe I knew what was happening to you after all.
And if you can hear me, hear this voice of mine, I'm begging you, please let me know.
Do you still remember the silly promise that we made to each other so long ago?
Even if I spend time thinking about it at my desk, I know that nothing's gonna change.
I realized something far more important among all these cliche lines.
Neither those wounds nor the pain they bring are reflected in the mirror.
They turned into a beam of light that gently shined down on me.
And if this reaches you, this calling voice of mine, won't you please answer it?
Do you still remember the silly promise that we made to each other so long ago?
I wonder what you'd say if you saw the night sky filled to the brim with so many stars.
No matter what, the thing that keeps giving us hope might just be the promise we made.
And if you can hear me, hear this voice of mine, I'm begging you, please let me know.
Do you still remember the silly promise that we made to each other so long ago?
And if this reaches you, this calling voice of mine, won't you please answer it?
Do you still remember the silly promise that we made to each other so long ago?
BTS (Bangtan Boys) - 바다 (Sea) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Somehow I walked and came to this sea
From this sea I look at the beach
Countless grains of sand and the fierce wind
I'm still looking at the desert
I want to have the sea, I gulped you all down
But I get even thirstier then before
Is everything I know truly the sea
Or is it a blue desert
I don't know I don't know
If I'm feeling the waves in this moment or not, yeah
I don't know I don't know
If I'm still chased by the sandstorm or not, yeah
I don't know I don't know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it take, shit
I know I know
That I will
I know I know
Welcome my trials
I know I know
It exposes me, what I rely on
Think positively, swallow
Even if I'm anxious, if a desert
It's the beautiful Namib Desert
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
I thought the sea was here but it turned out to be a desert
Small company's idols with nothing special was my second name
Countless of times edited out from broadcasts, someone's fillt in, out dream
Some people said our company was small so we wouldn't be famous
I know I know, I know it too
Even back when the seven of us struggled to sleep in one room
The trust before deep that tomorrow would be different
The mirage of the desert, I can see it's shape but I couldn't grab it
I pray that I will survive in this endless desert
I pray that it is not the reality
At last I grabbed the mirage and it became reality
The desert, I was once afraid of became that sea by our blood, sweat and tears
But what are these fears among all the happiness
We all know too well this place was originally a desert
I don't want to cry
I don't want to rest
No, how about resting just for a little bit?
No, no, no
I don't want to lose
It was originally a desert
Then let them know everything
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Ocean, desert and the world
Everything, is the same thing
Different name
I see ocean
I see desert
I see the world
Everything, is the same thing
But with a different name
It's life again
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
2raumwohnung - Somebody Lonely and Me (Nacht) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Somebody Lonely and Me

In the space here between world and universe
I hear cries of yearning
Calling are those who have lost something
Come, give me some of your air to breath
Where are the eyes into which I want to see before everything becomes dark?
Where is the wing that belongs to me?
But all I can see
I see somebody lonely
And me
All I can see
I see somebody lonely
And me
The bridge burnt for quite a while
More than once
Now nobody can get close to it
Wrong mountain and endless
Dark chasm
Where is the face I want to see forever?
Where is the wing without my feathers?
But all I can see
I see somebody lonely
And me
All I can see
I see somebody lonely
And me
BTS (Bangtan Boys) - 바다 dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Somehow I walked and came to this sea
From this sea I look at the beach
Countless grains of sand and the fierce wind
I’m still looking at the desert
I want to have the sea, I gulped you all down
But I get even thirstier than before
Is everything I know truly the sea
Or is it a blue desert
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m feeling the waves in this moment or not, yeah
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m still chased by the sandstorm or not, yeah
I don’t know, I don’t know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it fake, shit
I know I know
That I will
I know I know
Overcome my trials
I know I know
It exposes me
What I rely on
Think positively, swallow*
Even if I’m anxious, even if a desert
It’s the beautiful Namib Desert
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
I thought the sea was here but it turned out to be a desert
Small company’s idols with nothing special was my second name
Countless of times edited out from broadcasts
Someone’s fill-in, our dream
Some people said our company was small so we wouldn’t be famous
I know I know, I know it too
Even back when the seven of us struggled to sleep in one room
The trust before sleep that tomorrow would be different
The mirage of the desert, I can see its shape but I couldn’t grab it
I pray that I will survive in this endless desert
I pray that it is not the reality
At last I grabbed the mirage and it became reality
The desert I was once afraid of became that sea by our blood, sweat and tears
But what are these fears among all the happiness
We all know too well this place was originally a desert
I don’t want to cry
I don’t want to rest
(No, how about resting just for a little bit?
No, no, no)
I don’t want to lose
It was originally a desert
(Then let them know everything
We have to achieve more)
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Ocean, desert, the world
Everything is the same thing
Different name
I see ocean
I see desert
Everything is the same thing but with different name
It’s life again
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
*swallowing saliva when being nervous
BTS (Bangtan Boys) - Sea dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Somehow I walked and came to this sea
From this sea I look at the beach
Countless grains of sand and the fierce wind
I’m still looking at the desert
I want to have the sea, I gulped you all down
But I get even thirstier than before
Is everything I know truly the sea
Or is it a blue desert
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m feeling the waves in this moment or not, yeah
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m still chased by the sandstorm or not, yeah
I don’t know, I don’t know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it fake, shit
I know I know
That I will
I know I know
Overcome my trials
I know I know
It exposes me
What I rely on
Think positively, swallow
Even if I’m anxious, even if a desert
It’s the beautiful Namib Desert
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
I thought the sea was here but it turned out to be a desert
Small company’s idols with nothing special was my second name
Countless of times edited out from broadcasts
Someone’s fill-in, our dream
Some people said our company was small so we wouldn’t be famous
I know I know, I know it too
Even back when the seven of us struggled to sleep in one room
The trust before sleep that tomorrow would be different
The mirage of the desert, I can see its shape but I couldn’t grab it
I pray that I will survive in this endless desert
I pray that it is not the reality
At last I grabbed the mirage and it became reality
The desert I was once afraid of became that sea by our blood, sweat and tears
But what are these fears among all the happiness
We all know too well this place was originally a desert
I don’t want to cry
I don’t want to rest
(No, how about resting just for a little bit?
No, no, no)
I don’t want to lose
It was originally a desert
(Then let them know everything
We have to achieve more)
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Ocean, desert, the world
Everything is the same thing
Different name
I see ocean
I see desert
Everything is the same thing but with different name
It’s life again
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope, there is despair
Where there is hope, there is despair
Where there is hope, there is despair
Where there is hope, there is despair
We have to despair, for all of those trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
Ukrainian Folk - Чарiвна бойкiвчанка dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Enchanting boykivchanka

Come to the frontier
One spring morning,
You will see dancing
Of our gentle boykivchanok.
But only don't look in their eyes,
For you will fall in love one day,
And peaceful sleep will disappear
Day and night.
Bright sunrise of my eyes
Charms boys, like a spring,
And pour heat in to the young heart
My beauty.
And pour heat in to the young heart
My beauty.
Those precautions
I don't want to hear it,
For I've looked boykovchanke
Straight in the eyes,
For I don't afraid of sleeplessness,
And all my ardent love
I'll give away , for lips
And slender waist.
Bright sunrise of your eyes
Charms me , like a spring,
And pour heat in to the young heart
My beauty.
And pour heat in to the young heart
My beauty.
Bomba Estéreo - Amar Asi dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Love Like This

(How I love you
We both feel
Teach my heart
Ah, ah, ah)
I love you so
I do not remember
I can not imagine
To be without you
Since that day
What did you say
That I was (your) everything
And you for me
Remember when we met on the beach
I went crazy and I go (with you) wherever you go
At that moment my heart was filled
There was no shortage of words to talk about love
Remember when we met on the beach
I went crazy and I go (with you) wherever you go
At that moment my heart was filled
There was no shortage of words to talk about love
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is loving like this, feeling the heat
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is to love (like this), body and heart
And in your eyes
Apple green
every day
I want to live
Walk with me
I'll give you everything
If you feel for me
What I feel for you
Remember when we met on the beach
I went crazy and I go (with you) wherever you go
At that moment my heart was filled
There was no shortage of words to talk about love
Remember when we met on the beach
I went crazy and I go (with you) wherever you go
At that moment my heart was filled
There was no shortage of words to talk about love
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is loving like this, feeling the heat
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is to love (like this), body and heart
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is loving like this, feeling the heat
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is to love (like this), body and heart
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you