Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 156

Találatok száma: 5103


Both Love And Joy Exist, My Friend...

Both love and joy exist, my friend,
All that will happen to no end,
Although in other hearts, not ours.
But, dear mate, both you and I
Are just day-dreams of Beauty cry,
Just drops in timeless grails of flowers
That never cease to blossom, no!
In never dying gardens' row.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

I don't understand Arabic well

I don't understand Arabic well, explain to me what 'conscious' means
This word has been forgotten, omitted from world dictionaries
So why talk much about it?
Lying has become a must, saying the truth is not trendy and modern
They (politician) don't read regular )earthly) books, or even heavenly (holy) books
If good manners don't matter, tell me what does?
As the world remains interested, the rest of the people don't mean much to them
A hundred faces, a hundred colors (masks), their true faces are hidden
The world is destroying itself, all in the name of freedom
No love remains in their hearts, they never even had hearts
People are drowning in their own homelands, but oppressors will meet a harsh reckoning

Not You

Versions: #1#2
Sleep on, I leave the imprint
of my body to you, on the quilt
I leave an eyelash as well
and I vanish
The pillow is soft, still warm
Feel free to put your hand on it
I withdraw like the fog
and I fly away
I like the woman
Who I became beside you
The floating dawn light
When the sun awakes
But not you

Nobody but you

I never believed in stories
Of the heart
Being in love
Was only a game for me
Like in free fall
There’s no reason anymore
I can’t control
My feeling, everything is new
We can talk about it
But I think I had enough
We can dream about it
But I think I wanna wake up
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody but you
Oh, oh, oh
We can talk about it
Oh, yeah
We can talk about it
I can’t find the words
To start
My vexing tricks
Aren’t effective with you anymore
If only you could give me
A signal
I would give you everything that I have
Because you are with me
We can talk about it
But I think I had enough
We can dream about it
But I think I wanna wake up
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody but you
I feel again
Shouting your name in the wind
That you and your paradise
Are here
I need nobody but you
You, make me feel
That this is heaven
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody
Make me feel
That this is heaven
And that on earth there’s nothing like it
Have me like this
Begging you please, oh baby
I need nobody but you

This is love

I've lost myself again somewhere outside in the district.
You keep ringing me again to make sure I'm safe and sound.
Among those guys, dealers and gopniks, cars, cops.
I promised to quit using and drinking because this is love.
Hands in loops, hands are just like knots, hands are locked.
Hands in ashes, lips upon your lips, eyes at the ceiling.
I'm again at the door, hands apart, sorry I'm ready to drop.
I promised everything I could again because this is love.
Another dark night, every time you breathe in
And breathe out - it all screams all the same.
Another cold morning - hands, silently
Scream all the same - this is love.
You are looking for whores' messages on my phone again while I am sleeping.
You find them again, wake me up and scream, all the nerves are wasted.
Among chairs, tables and the shelves of dishes on the floor I catch you.
You forgive everything again, hands are saying 'I love you'.
I'm again switching from a plane to a plane, to a train.
You are moving to another place for 5 hours, not being tired
I rush from the road to the house, you go the same way, all the colours look familiar.
You are tearing again, not being able to hold - I love you.
Another dark night, every time you breathe in
And breathe out - it all screams all the same.
Another cold morning - hands, silently
Scream all the same - this is love.
I've lost myself again somewhere outside in the district.
You keep ringing me again to make sure I'm safe and sound.
Among those guys, dealers and gopniks, cars, cops.
I promised to quit using and drinking because this is love.

I'm free

Only when you swimming against stream
You understand what free opinon worth.
Links are gathering into long chains
And lifieline becomes shorter
Strings and days,poem after poem
Stitiching your body with soul and fire
Here behind bars boss is colonel
My freedom-it's a radio receiver!
I'm free,like a bird in sky
I'm free,i forgot what is fear
To be another- means always being alone
Choose for yourself-misery or prison
Nobody freedom doesn't given simplly
It doesn't have exit and it doesn't have entrance
I created for making tea be more black
You understandt it?!So pour it to yourself
I'm taking part in some sitting marafone
It is good that magnitophone has a radio tuner!
I'm free,like a bird in sky
I'm free,i forgot what is fear
Tea,papiroses,answers to questions,interrogations
Interrogations again!
My tuner-one-side connection
Dash and dots-Arabian script
I can't say,but i hear it
I saw as rat turns into mouse
That is not erasable,how not strong not to rube
Freedom-it is that's inside me!
I'm free,like a bird in sky
I'm free,i forgot what is fear

From Nothing God Created Earth...

From nothing God created Earth.
An artist, learn from Him, His dearth, -
And if your talent is a sand grain,
Produce a miracle with it,
Grow endless forests with your wit,
And like a fairy bird through hard rain
Soar high to heavens brightly lit,
Where free heat lightning glows without rein,
Where timeless flow of cloudy tides
Runs through light blue abyss divides.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


A crybaby was rubbing in the shoe polish. I was fitting in the slacks.
I suspect a tape recorder put an evil eye on me as a child,
Picked up, inspired, pushed the contagion.
As soon as I here music I start singing 'A-a-a' at once.
Groove brings me to ecstasy. It probably has some backing.
We were taken ill with Boombox. It's the last phase.
I expose my thoughts in a whisper while I'm chewing cakes.
Then we open quotation marks as well as your palms.
Language elements are streaming. Just pick them up.
Who are you? I'm asking seriously. Who are you?
I'd better dig seed beds or change tires.
Please tell me who has injected us with this plague.
You are so well-informed. You are so experienced.
Whatever I sing you, it would fail completely.
We are started all together as one engine.
The street is our stage and today you are our monitors.
Chorus: (x2)
We are sick with the same disease.
Fortunately no panacea for it hasn't been discovered yet.
This vulnerable mania has fallen on my head like a rainfall.
The diagnosis is melomania. We all have melomania.
Everything as usual, we trade impressions for emeralds.
We'll be with you by any possible means1 really.
When business is over winter will melt away
And all the i's will be dotted.
Kyiv hosting three years in a row.
Enough is not too soon and, to be honest, I'm still high.
Blunders became protracted, products became gross.
Someone likes us and someone is sick of us long ago.
And don't ask whom you've sold or bought.
I have been almost sold too.
Something being 'vow' yesterday is 'so-so' today.
Everyone is slowly building up his own way.
Chorus (x2)
Give us your money melo-melo-money,
Give it up your money, melo-melo-money
All of your money, melo-melo-money
Givi-gip nep-nep never-never give up
Give up give up give up give up your money
melo-melo melo-melo melo-melo-money
Give it up, give it up, say say say...
Say 'never give up'.
We are sick with the same disease.
Seems like you also become infected with it.
This vulnerable mania has fallen on my head like a rainfall.
The diagnosis is melomania. We all have melomania.
  • 1. In Ukrainian it's literally 'by truths and lies'

Ötven árnyalat

A barátaim, az ellenségeim
Az álmaim, a halálom egészségére
Igyál egyet
Ragadd meg a fegyvered
Vágj meg mélyen
Nem alszom, elvesztettem a hitem
A megtett fogadalmaimban
Fektess le egy mosollyal
Hogy megfulladjak az esőben
Add nekem a szerelmed és az összes utálatod
Ötven árnyalatban hazudj nekem
Fektess le egy egy rövid időre
Vesszek el a szürkeségben
Ref. 2x
Örökre a padlón
Soha ne hagyd abba
Többet akarok
Mint körmöket a bőrömön
Nyeld le a bűneimet
Bánts, bánts megint
A keserédes vég egészségére
Megkaptad az álmaimat és az egész lényemet
Igyál egyet
Gyere vissza
Házasodjunk össze
Mondd, mondd, hogy
Mondd, mondd, hogy
Nem alszom, elvesztettem a hitem
A megtett fogadalmaimban
Fektess le egy mosollyal
Hogy megfulladjak az esőben
Add nekem a szerelmed és az összes utálatod
Ötven árnyalatban hazudj nekem
Fektess le egy egy rövid időre
Vesszek el a szürkeségben
Ref. 2x
Örökre a padlón
Soha ne hagyd abba
Többet akarok
Mint körmöket a bőrömön
Nyeld le a bűneimet
Bánts, bánts megint
Kösd meg a kezeimet
Érd el, hogy könyörögjek
Nyeld le a bűneimet
Bánts, bánts megint
Ref. 2x
Örökre a padlón
Soha ne hagyd abba
Többet akarok
Mint körmöket a bőrömön
Nyeld le a bűneimet
Bánts, bánts megint

Mocskos fantázia

Tudom mi jön be neked
Szerezz pezsgőt
Kezek a combodon
A magasba akarom juttatni a testedet
Vagy ne
Tudom, hogy küzdeni akarsz
Egy új iramot diktálni
Jól akarok veled bánni
Tartsd a hátad az ég felé
Menjünk lassan
Vagy ne
Igen vagy igen?
Magadban akarod érezni?
Te csak stresszelni akarsz, én szívesebben szexelnék
Te és én, és a mocskos fantáziám
Maradhatunk a magasban, vagy nem?
Igen vagy igen?
Magadban akarod érezni?
Te csak stresszelni akarsz, én szívesebben szexelnék
Te és én ezerszer is meghalhatnánk
Maradhatunk a magasban, vagy nem?
Hagyd, hogy megváltoztassam a véleményedet
Új hírnevet adok neked
Elérem, hogy félszeg legyél
Ötvenen tartom egész éjjel
Engedd el
Vagy ne
Új játékot játszunk
Nehéz túlóra
Egész életünkben tudjuk csinálni
Váljunk profivá
Vagy ne
Igen vagy igen?
Magadban akarod érezni?
Te csak stresszelni akarsz, én szívesebben szexelnék
Te és én, és a mocskos fantáziám
Maradhatunk a magasban, vagy nem?
Igen vagy igen?
Magadban akarod érezni?
Te csak stresszelni akarsz, én szívesebben szexelnék
Te és én ezerszer is meghalhatnánk
Maradhatunk a magasban, vagy nem?
Örökre a magasban maradhatunk, vagy küldj el
Ne ne
Akarod, vagy sem?
Örökre a magasban maradhatunk, vagy küldj el
Ne ne
Akarsz engem, vagy sem?
Ne ne ne
Igen vagy igen?
Magadban akarod érezni?
Te csak stresszelni akarsz, én szívesebben szexelnék
Te és én, és a mocskos fantáziám
Maradhatunk a magasban, vagy nem?
Igen vagy igen?
Magadban akarod érezni?
Te csak stresszelni akarsz, én szívesebben szexelnék
Te és én ezerszer is meghalhatnánk
Maradhatunk a magasban, vagy nem?

Erősebb nálad (Sans verziója)

Fordulj meg kölyök, bűn lenne
Ha meg kéne szednem az ígéretet, amit érted kötöttem,
Szóval ne lépd át azt a vonalat,
Vagy, barátom, készülj fel a rossz időkre
De a kölykök, mint te, nem játszanak a szabályok szerint,
és az olyan srácokat, mint én,
Nem könnyű hülyére venni
Szóval gyerünk, hűtsük le a szobát
Gyerünk, mocskos testvér gyilkos
Gyere, és üss meg, ha tudsz
Most találtad ki, hogy adj kegyelmet
Elmondhatom, te tényleg betegesen odavagy a próbálkozásért
De szerintem csak őrült vagy, mert meghalsz
Nem fogsz nyerni, itt leszünk együtt
Örökké harcolni, ez az ítéletünk
Tudom, hogy mindig újra próbálkozol, ha legyőzlek
De én mindig itt leszek, hogy újra találkozzunk
Tudom, hogy miből vagy
'Szeretetből, Szeretetből
Szeretetből, Szeretetből'
Ez az a pont, ahol megáll
Ez az a pont, ahol vége
Ha múltként akarsz engem
Hát, jobb ha újra próbálkozol
De lényegtelen, hányszor fékezlek meg
Nem adod fel a küzdelmet
Tetszik az érzés
Ahogy a bűneid végigfolynak a hátadon?
Gyere, és üss meg, ha tudsz
Most találtad ki, hogy adj kegyelmet
Azt hiszed, meghat, hogy megkímélsz, mint egy barátot?
Nos, ezt a nem ajánlottad fel az öcsémnek, tehát megszívtad!
Tudom, hogy az összes barátomat eltüntetted
De minden, amivel törődtek, ezért vagyok itt
Én vagyok a kegyelemük, én vagyok a bosszújuk
Én vagyok a határozott
Tudom, hogy miből vagy
'Szeretetből, Szeretetből'
De azt hiszem, erősebb vagyok nálad
Szeretetből, Szeretetből
De azt hiszem, erősebb vagyok nálad
Szeretetből, Szeretetből, Szeretetből
Szeretetből, Szeretetből

Young Youssouf got married

Young Youssouf got married
he was with his darling by midnight,
at midnight, a message1 comes:
”Hey, young Youssouf, the emperor is calling you!”
Emperor's treasury2 is robbed
Youssouf is slandered3 of that.
Youssouf immediately started to prepare his horse,
than his darling started to cry miserably.
”Hey, Youssouf, how painful you are,
you haven't kissed me still,
Hey, Youssouf, my tulip,
who are you leaving your dear woman with?'
”I'm leaving you with my mother,
with my mother for three years.
If I don't come in four years,
you marry an other man!'
  • 1. 'haber' is a Bosnian word of Turkish origin, in Serbian it is 'vest, in Croatian it is 'vijest''
  • 2. 'hazna' is a Bosnian word of Persian origin, in Serbian/Croatian it is 'riznica'
  • 3. 'potvoriti' is a synonym of 'oklevetati' (to slander), 'obijediti' in Croatian language
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!


The eyes like stars
Look through us.
The heart doesn't want
This moment to ever end.
Let at this instant
With a song
My joy fly above the earth
The jingle of crystal dreams.
I give you this world.
The sun and the sky,
The sea and the wind -
Is you, is you!
The sun and the sky,
The sea and the wind -
Is you, is you!
The plains and valleys
Immediately became green.
I believe that happiness
Will never betray us.
I believe and I know
That we'll be reminded
By a spring breath
Of this night.
Refrain (twice).

A tiéd leszek

Én leszek a vized,
tisztára moslak
folyékony békével.
Én leszek az étered,
belélegzel majd
és nem engedsz ki.
Láttalak szenvedni,
láttalak sírni,
keresztül az egész éjszakán.
Hát én leszek a vized,
tisztára moslak
folyékony szomorúsággal.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az oldatod,
megfürdetem a lelked
színtiszta folyadékban.
Én leszek a horgod,
sosem hagyod majd el
ezeket a gyógyító partokat.
Láttalak szenvedni,
láttalak sírni,
napokon, napokon át.
Hát én leszek az oldatod,
a démonok elsüllyednek és elúsznak majd (tőled).
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Can't See The End

Can’t see the end, the questions continue
I ask myself again and again
If I can endure through these things
Then as if it’s nothing, I say, why can’t I?
Actually, it’s been really hard
The fact that there’s not a single person
Who will listen to my secrets that
I’ve been keeping makes me sad
This reality makes me cry
Can’t see the end
When I open my eyes in bed
I still haven’t come out of my gravity defying dream
Is it morning? Is it night? I don’t even know
As I wash away the haziness at the sink
But everything stays the same
I see myself in the mirror with
several days worth of makeup
My skin is ruined and I feel like I lost my goal
The dark circles underneath just get deeper
Feels like I’m floating in space
I don’t know where to go
But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I Can Feel It
I feel like I can be a light
Can’t see the end
I ran all the way from the start without rest, but why
Where did my usual self go?
What am I chasing after every day?
I pray every day that it
won’t be a lie
when I say I’m ok
But why are the expectations so high?
I wipe away the bursting tears
I think of my family and dream once again
Can’t see the end,
leave me alone
Actually, I’m miserable,
after I finish a packed schedule
Expectations from friends and family
follow me into bed
I can’t even close my eyes and sleep
I forgot how to go for it all
Now I have a habit of avoiding the little things
Can’t see the end, typical words “have strength”
It’s not the same as before,
why am I so desperate?
Feels like I’m floating in space
I don’t know where to go
But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I Can Feel It
I feel like I can be a light
Maybe what I want is over there at the end
Getting what I want will be harder than just
But I can’t be impatient
If I’m lost again, I need to find it again
Feels like I’m floating in space
I don’t know where to go
But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I Can Feel It
I feel like I can be a light
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them. :)

Svi prevodi koje postavim su moji, tj. ja sam ih prevodila, sem ako ne postoji izvor originalnog prevoda. Ako primetite bilo kakve leksičke ili gramatičke greške u nekom od mojih prevoda, molim vas da mi javite kako bih ih ispravila. :)


Versions: #1#2
The way you walk
Your cha-cha-cha look
Almost vulgar, but not quite
And those eyebrows....
I felt like I was being punished
I told you, 'Yes, yes'
Because of your way of loving:
So savage...
Your eyes are like a spell 1,
An unsettling taboo
Babe... Tranquil moon
Everything is possible, except you
Babe... Amber and sand
Insatiable mouth -- only you...
(Promises and lies)
Only you... (The star of my heart)
Only you... (Sophisticated diva)
Only you... (You're a wave...a wave.. a wave... a wave)
I haven't been able to escape
From your on-and-off
I let myself be dominated... little by little ... a little
Love me passionately
And tell me, 'Yes, yes'
Over and over again
This is madness...
Your eyes are like a spell
The one that only you, only you know
Babe... Tranquil moon
Everything is possible, except you
Babe... Amber and sand
Insatiable mouth -- only you...
(Promises and lies)
Only you... (The star of my heart)
Only you... (Sophisticated diva)
Only you... (You're a wave...a wave.. a wave... a wave)
Love me passionately
And tell me 'Yes, yes'
Over and over again
This is madness...
Your eyes are like a spell
The one that only you, only you know
Stop crying, now
Stop crying, now
(Babe) Stop crying now
(Babe) Stop crying now
(Babe) Stop...
(Babe) Stop...
(Babe).... (Babe)...
  • 1. Here ángel means charm ( encanto ), not angel, but it's interesting to think of the choice of words.

Come on

My dear, I have thought a little
Thought a little about what you said
Let's pack what we have
And go
And find us a place by the sea
Or the foot of a mountain
And maybe we can live
On what we grow ourselves
So come on
Come on
We're standing close to a dream
Our time goes so quickly
But life is not short
So come on
So come on
My dear, we'll just do it
Sail without a course and leave
And new stories will be written as we say
And find us a place by the sea
Or the foot of a mountain
And maybe we can live
On what we grow ourselves
So come on
Come on
We're standing close to a dream
Our time goes so quickly
But life is not short
So come on
So come on
My dear, I have thought a little
Thought a little about what you said
Let's pack what we have
And go
And go
And go...
So come on
Come on
We're standing close to a dream
Our time goes so quickly
But life is not short
So come on
So come on
So come on
Come on
So come on
So come on
Come on

Maybe you need someone

I remember it so well, you asked me to come in
I sat shyly and sipped your wine
You said you liked art and beautiful men
I dreamed about being one of them
I remember it so well, I wanted to stay
That you would give me a little of your time
I hoped that you would say
Maybe you
Need someone who needs you
Need someone who hears you
Maybe you
Need someone who needs you
Maybe you need...
Maybe you need someone...
...who needs you
I remember it so well, you asked me to stay
There was so much more you wanted to say
You dreamed about a war that everyone won
Peace that came and never again disappeared
You were so unobtainable for me then
I didn't want to leave from there
I hoped that you would say
Maybe you
Need someone who needs you
Need someone who hears you
Maybe you
Need someone who needs you
Maybe you need...
Maybe you need someone...
...who needs you
I hoped that you would say
Maybe you
Need someone who needs you
Need someone who hears you
Maybe you
Need someone who needs you
Maybe you need...
Maybe I need...
Maybe we need someone...
...who needs us

Song for god

Thank you, my dear lord
Thank you, for your blessing
I know I was very wrong before you
I pray for forgivness on my knees
You teach me love and change
For not being arrogant in this earth
Let´s wonder and believe in god
You will learn to not feel sadness
I remember when I had nothing
And only you understood me
I listened to your voice, I fell your hand
And you gave me everything in my life
You teach me love and change
For not being arrogant in this earth
Let´s wonder and believe in god
You will learn to not feel sadness
Don't forget! The life has not a purpose! Never ever!

It's Me

I can't keep quiet anymore
This I feel
I can't hide it anymore
Here in my the chest.
I swear I withstood
for a long time
But today I will confess to you
my secrets.
Maybe you can't imagine
What I keep in my heart
But I have to tell you today
I'm crazy for your love.
It's me
The one that loves you so much
It's me
He who dies for you.
I am
The one that out of cowardice
I would send you a thousand letters and never say
Who wrote them.
It's me
The one that loves you so much
It's me
He who dies for you.
I am
The one who loves you secretly
Who dreams of you at night
And follows you by day
A madman of love.
I can't keep quiet anymore
This I feel
I can't hide it
Already here in my chest.
Maybe you can not imagine
What I keep in my heart
But I have to tell you today
I'm crazy for your love.
It's me
The one that loves you so much
It's me
He who dies for you.
I am
The one that out of cowardice
Would send you a thousand letters
And never say who wrote them.
It's me
The one that loves you so much
It's me
He who dies for you.
I am
The one who loves you secretly
Who dreams of you at night
And follows you by day
A madman of love.

Goodbye Song (Nicaraguan Peasant Mass)

There is nothing more beautiful
Than the coming together of a people
A people that fights
To become better, as that is its resolve.
There is nothing more beautiful than to hear
In everyone's singing
An immense, united shout of brotherhood.
What a beautiful thing to look at
Mrs. Cheta Calero
With her four small children and Mr. Gaspar
Her happy companion.
From here I can see the fisherman
Mr. Presentación Ortíz
With his entire family, singing happily.
It's such a pity to have to say goodbye
When there is so much joy
I feel a knot right here in my throat
But all of the nostalgia will be a smile
Soon enough when we all return to the peasant mass.
Today I feel my heart is good and new
I feel it full of new strength,
Like cashew seed
When it's about to sprout
Now when I go back home,
Overcome with joy, I will care for my vegetable garden
with more devotion.
It's such a pity to have to say goodbye...
To the clapping of our palms, the song
Grows in strength more and more
And the feeling resonates in everyone,
And it becomes more intense
To the clapping of our palms, it will be known
That we are a lot of people, and that if we are united
Nobody can remove us.
Let us bring our hands together
So that we can merge again
Inside this enormous bond of brotherhood
And love that surrounds us
Let us bring our hands together
To build a strong wall,
May it defend the community forever
It's such a pity to have to say goodbye

When You're Near To Me

(Song starts at 0:33)
That got you by surprise, you sons of bitches, I know
Here comes the pale son of a policeman1
Who'd love to be a rapper
Well-known artists reach position 34 in the charts with cat lyrics
When I'm spitting rhymes, it's an affair of state!
I'm moving along on the edge between
Being fine and being in the hospital2
But for the next couple of lines
Or as they say 'bars'
I'm only here for that guy over there
You, Diggi-Dende
Always reliably leftist on stage
Prosecco fresh
You're moving in from the right with a vengeance
You're getting everything together
Because everything belongs together3
And people talking smack about you
Never bothered you
Now it's perfect
I mean: present perfect
I'm softly rapping
Farewell4, I know it's hard
This is just for you, plug your in-ears in
An intimate confessional song5
From Böhmermann to Dendemann
Ain't no escaping this, Diggedi
That's how it is in my biz
For you're always the first across the finish line
In Grand Aphorismo6
Jochenwings Smart Rate from Wickede to Mainz7
Fly, you silly bird
The sky's the limit - and it's all yours anyway!
When you're close to me
This hope is everything
And only you can save the day
Just because you're near
Hannah from costume department said
It costs probably more than a 1,000 EUR to buy online
Your innate bulletproof clean slate8
No, wet hand on my big heart9:
You're simply the best!
Never in god mode10, always preaching
Never digge-didactical but always teaching
An ironic man gets sentimental
When he admits
He's missing you already
Everything's coming to a Dende, eventually
Godspeed and best of luck
And if you're in need of a little cash
Just come back
And if you're lying in bed all depressed
And think: 'Oh well!'
Just call Janni, he's got lots of cement7
No matter how deep the hole
And always a handful of coal for your grill
Now go and make that record
We're waiting, jerk!
  • 1. Böhmermann's rap name is 'Polizistensohn', i.e. 'policeman's son'.
  • 2. AOK = statutory health insurance.
  • 3. Reference to former chancellor Kohl's saying 'What belongs together now comes together' about reunification in 1990.
  • 4. References an old song 'Sag beim Abschied leise Servus', i.e. 'Softly say 'farewell' when you say good-bye'.
  • 5. Portmanteau of 'Ständchen' (song, ditty) and 'Geständnis' (confession).
  • 6. Pun with 'aphorism' and the racing game 'Grand Tourismo'.
  • 7. a. b. Unclear reference, to do.
  • 8. Pun with 'schußsichere Weste' (bulletproof vest) and 'weiße Weste' (clean slate, lit. white vest)
  • 9. Pun with the idiom 'Hand auf's Herz' meaning 'let's be honest' (lit. 'hand on my heart')
  • 10. A term from computer gaming, meaning a mode in which the character cannot be harmed no matter what he does.
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.

If you don't return

If you do not return
Not even the summer will return
And my mother and I will stay here
Watching the rain.
If you do not return
Not even the swallows will return
And my father and I will stay here
Watching the sky.
If you do not return
Even the sun will not return
And my brother and I will stay here to look at the ground
That was so beautiful when you were running
With a scent of grass that you breathed
Was so great if you crossed it, and never ended.
So tonight I want a star to keep me company
That help you from a distance to show us the way
So my love love love, love where are you?
If you do not go back, there is no life in my days.
If you do not return
Not even the beautiful sunsets will return
And I will stay with me to stare the night
That was so beautiful when you were running
With a scent of grass that you breathed
Was so great if you crossed it, and never ended.
So tonight I want a star to keep me company
That help you from a distance to show you the way
So my love love love, love, where are you?
If you do not go back, there 'is no life in my days.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

To the Sad One

There lies what once was: the stubborn sword
of the Saxon and its steel metric,
the seas and the islands of exile
of Laertes' son, the golden
moon of the Persian and the endless gardens
of philosophy and history,
the sepulchral gold of the memory
and in the shadow, the smell of the jasmines.
And none of it matters. The resigned
exercising of the verse doesn't save you
nor do the waters of the dream or the star
which forgets dawn in the razed night.
A single woman is your care,
she's just like the others, but she is herself.

Taste of Honey

Thank you for having looked at your lover for so long.
Thank you for having fixed on your lover for so long
I was excited about you. So desperate looking for your meeting
You were the love of my life the Forbidden fruit. The biggest longing
And I thinking of you every day, I would know that I would at any moment
And it gave
We saw each other one sunset
And love sprouted all over my skin
I believed in a moment I'd go crazy
Next, to me you were for the first time
And walking
Chatting beside you
Of you, I feel more in love
And I proposed that you be my girlfriend
You gave me a honey-flavored answer
I knew the glory with that kiss that you gave me with honey flavor
Thank you for having fixed on your lover for so long
I was excited about you. So desperate looking for your meeting
You were the love of my life the Forbidden fruit. The biggest longing
And I thinking of you every day, I would know that I would at any moment
And gave
We saw each other one sunset
And love sprouted all over my skin
I believed in a moment I'd go crazy
Next, to me, you were for the first time
And walking
Chatting beside you
Of you but I fell in love
And I proposed that you be my girlfriend
You gave me a honey-flavored answer
I knew the glory with that kiss that you gave me with honey flavor

I Don't Love Her - Not Anymore...

I don't love her - never, no more!
Although, without love, heart will die.
I don't love her - not anymore, -
Now death is the name of my life.
I'm tempest, I'm night, I'm abyss,
I ruin those whom I embrace.
Oh, joy of my liberty!.. Hence!
My love for you's gone without trace!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Nipa Hut

Nipa Hut, though very modest
Many plants over there are of different varieties
Jicama and eggplant, winged beans and peanuts
Long bean, lima beans, kidney beans
gourds and squash
and also radishes,
mustard, onions, tomatoes, garlic and ginger
Everything all around, what a sight to see
Sitsiritsit, butterfly
Goldbug and June beetle
The woman on the street
Struts like a rooster
Sitsiritsit, butterfly
Goldbug and June beetle
The woman on the street
Struts like a rooster
Nipa Hut, though very modest
Many plants over there are of different varieties
Jicama and eggplant, winged beans and peanuts
Long bean, lima beans, kidney beans
gourds and squash
and also radishes,
mustard, onions, tomatoes, garlic and ginger
Everything all around, what a sight to see

Take me with you

In the forest quiet down in the evening
Multi sounds flocks of birds.
Mother baby crane kissing
He falls asleep with mother's words.
He looks at mum with tenderness
And shaking his head to the side,
I would like to see the sky
Blue, blue,
I would like to see the sky,
Take me with you, let's fly.
A stray wind had flown in
On a green sails,
He sung to the ship pines,
About the tides, storms and hails.
And unwise baby crane
Again his head goes side to side,
I would like to see the sea
Blue, blue, like the sky,
I would like to see the sea,
Take me with you, let's fly.
Again my beloved flies away
Over the winds and over the seas.
He will see, he will find out
How the dawn is born.
In the moment when we part
I will tell him:' Dear,
I would like to see the earth with you
Blue, blue,
I would like to see the earth with you,
Take me with you there.

The string of love

Play for a while with the fire in my eyes
Then with my hair and don't talk!
Caress me! I want to feel
The pulse of your hands and don't talk!
Keep making me to want you, keep making me get crazy,
Keep making me sing out of love!
Make me a mirror of your soul!
Make me a fire of love!
Set me on fire, let my blood boils!
Pull gently the string of love.
For la-la-la 1 the night is suitable,
For la-la-la and for love.
Leave me hot memories
From sleepless nights and don't talk!
Kiss me! I want to feel
Fire all over my face and don't talk!
Keep making me to want you, keep making me get crazy,
Keep making me sing out of love!
Make me a mirror of your soul!
Make me a fire of love!
Set me on fire, let my blood boils!
Pull gently the string of love.
For la-la-la the night is suitable,
For la-la-la and for love. (x5)

Giant Trees

Someone on Earth cries
And a bird drinks its tears
Not even a zebra approaches on the horizon
Where one day we shall wander ourselves
Giant trees are uprooted
Trees that gave shade to my grandparents
Crosses bloom on Earth
And, instead of a flower, a soldier was born
Someone sings at night
The guitar breaks the silence
They sell plots of land on the moon today
That's where we'll be one day
There won't be any more birds up in the sky
A satellite hides a star
And, instead of a flower, a soldier was born

When I Breathe in Your Mouth

I rise and leap
between your fingers I might know how to fall
I wish it were true that I hated your fingers
I stretch and wait
for something to wreathe your back in flowers
I wish it were true that I hated your back
When I breathe in your mouth
and your eye penetrates my eye
When I breathe in your mouth
you hide me like blood hides a wound
I stand and forgive
the damage that wrecked my ear
I wish it were true that I hated silence
When I breathe in your mouth
and your eye penetrates my eye
I speed toward heaven
When I breathe in your mouth
When I breathe in your mouth
Your flower [opens] wide
Tension and drop
When I breathe in your mouth

My Love (the petition)

Oh my love
Stay 3 days
to be sure
that it is damn
that everything sounds empty
that we still believe
Oh my mistake
three hours then
Stop crying
under my scarf
Stop proclaiming yourself
Oh my love
Look at the velvet
Heart of thief
and body of stone
I laugh, I cry
Look somewhere else
or close your eyes
without mystery
Listen to my rumbling heart
120 times per minute
Oh my love
Stay three days
to drown
what we couldn't
and to say
cruel things
Oh my love, my sunshine
A last night of watch
Stop eating
rice with nails
Stop brushing past
the wrong taste
My wonderful
my only sense
half sweet
half rotten
I am your sister
your dog, your sweat
I want the clouds you find beautiful
Listen to my thundering heart
dance like an only man
Oh my love, my sunshine
A last night of watch
Stop saying nothing at all
Stop doing nothing
Until the end
My love
My love
My love
My love