Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 71

Találatok száma: 5095


Szerelembe esni

Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Minden nap egyre jobban szeretlek
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Nem láthattam, hogy mit tartogat számomra a sors
Aztán jöttél, és valóra váltottad az álmot
Ó, talán nem is látod, mennyi mindent hoztál az életembe
Nos, a sorsom a kapu mögött vár
És fiú, nálad van a kulcs
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Minden nap egyre jobban szeretlek
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Úgy tűnik, mintha csak tegnap lett volna, mikor először szerettünk így
De most már tudom, hogy a szerelem minden nappal erősebbé válik
Ahogy az éjféli órában fekszünk, érezzük a szerelem rejtett erejét
Olyan erős és merész, ahogy az élet feltárja előttem a titkot
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Minden nap egyre jobban szeretlek
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy a nyári szerelmem
Megmutathatná nekem, hogy mennyi örömöt tud hozni a tél
Összefonódva a kandalló előtt, nem vesztegetem az időt
Lassan szeretlek, majd növelem a tempót
Tested illata minden helyiséget beragyog
Egy fuvallat, és a lelkem felemelkedik
Jó érzés, amikor a barátnőd a legjobb barátod
De jobb, ha újra szerelembe esel vele
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Minden nap egyre jobban szeretlek
Szerelembe estem
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Szerelem, szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Oh igen, újra szerelmes vagyok
Minden nap egyre jobban szeretlek
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem
Újra szerelmes vagyok
Minden nap egyre jobban szeretlek
Bébi, bébi, szerelembe estem

Ulay, óh

Ott volt ő1akár egy kép
Ott volt ő, semmit sem változott
Ott volt ő, a férfinak csak tudnia kellett, hogy a nő nem felejtette el a nevét2
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Visszagondolva az utolsó alkalomra
A falon, amikor elfordultak egymástól3
Visszafelé sétálva, csak álom volt vagy a férfi tényleg hallotta, hogy a nő azt mondja, hogy:
'Ulay, Ulay, óh'?
Mindent megpróbál4, hogy elfelejtse őt1
Mindent megpróbál, hogy a nyugalmát megőrizze
Betartotta a szavát de tudja, hogy azt hallotta, hogy:
'Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ulay, Ulay, óh'
Ott volt ő1akár egy kép
Ott volt ő, semmit sem változott
Ott volt ő, a férfinak csak tudnia kellett, hogy a nő nem felejtette el a nevét
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ott volt ő4akár egy kép
Ott volt ő, semmit sem változott
Ott volt ő, a férfi sosem tudhatta, hogy a nő sosem tudná megmondani a nevét
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Visszagondolva az utolsó alkalomra
A falon, amikor a férfi elfordult tőle
Mikor visszafordult, tudta-e a férfi?
Hallotta, amikor a nő azt mondta, hogy:
'Ulay, Ulay, óh'?
Mindent megpróbál1, hogy elfelejtse őt4
Mindent megpróbál, hogy a nyugalmát megőrizze
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ulay, Ulay, óh
Ott voltak ők akár egy kép
Ott voltak ők, semmit sem változtak
Ott voltak ők, de a férfi elsétált és a nő szemei csak annyit tudtak mondani, hogy:
'Ulay, Ulay, óh'
  • Nőnemű személyes névmás.
  • 2. Ez a dal Marina Abramović (1946 -) szerb művész és régi kollaboránsa és élettársa Frank Uwe Laysiepen (Ulay) (1943 – 2020) német művész több év utáni első találkozásáról szól.
  • 3. 1988-ban úgy vetettek véget a kapcsolatuknak közös megegyezéssel, hogy mindketten elindultak a Kínai nagy fal egyik végéből és kb. 2.500 km gyaloglás után középen találkoztak és búcsút vettek egymástól.
  • Hímnemű személyes névmás.

A belül rejtőző Pán

[1. versszak]
Gyere velem!
Egy utazásra a bőrünk alá
Gyere velem!
Egy utazásra, ami a bőr alá visz
Megkeressük együtt
A belül rejtőző Pánt1
Hunyd be a szemed!
Lassan vedd a levegőt és nekivágunk
Hunyd be a szemed!
Lassan vedd a levegőt és nekivágunk
Hogy együtt megtaláljuk
A belül rejtőző Pánt
[2. versszak]
Ringasd a csípőd!
Lazán tartsd a fejed és hagyd forogni!
Ringasd a csípőd!
Lazán tartsd a fejed és hagyd forogni!
És együtt megkeressük
A belül rejtőző Pánt
Hunyd be a szemed!
Lassan vedd a levegőt és nekivágunk
Hunyd be a szemed!
Lassan vedd a levegőt és nekivágunk
Hogy együtt megtaláljuk
A belül rejtőző Pánt
[3. versszak]
Tedd az arcod az ablakomba!
Lélegezz be egy kincsektől terhes éjszakát!
Ízletes a szél
Édes és vad élvezeteket ígér
Életre kelnek a csillagok és az ilyen éjszakák
Arra teremtettek, hogy te és én felszenteljük őket
Szeretők, tolvajok, bolondok és hamisak
És csak annyit és csak annyit
És csak annyit és csak annyit
És csak annyit
És csak annyit kell tennünk, hogy átadjuk magunkat
És csak annyit kell tennünk, hogy átadjuk magunkat
Átadjuk magunkat
Gyere velem!
Egy utazásra a bőrünk alá
Gyere velem!
Egy utazásra, ami a bőr alá visz
Megkeressük együtt
A belül rejtőző Pánt
Hunyd be a szemed
Hunyd be a szemed
Hunyd be a szemed
Hunyd be a szemed
És nekivágunk
És nekivágunk
És nekivágunk
És nekivágunk
És nekivágunk
  • 1. A görög mitológiában a pásztorok kecskeszarvú, -lábú, és -farkú istene.
    A populáris médiában gyakran nők elcsábítójaként jelenik meg.

Sweet love of mine

Nighttime in the city. Everybody's wet. The roles are out.
Your straining me behind the trains with people watching.
Yelling at me of how I used to be somebody.
I could be a mirror breaking the day
telling you of how I'm empty.
Sweet love of mine bring something smooth in me
to fill that something empty in me so I keep rolling.
Athens knows well how to wear itself out.
Sweet love of mine bring something smooth in me
to fill that something empty in me so I keep rolling alone.
Yelling at me of how I used to be somebody.
I could be a mirror breaking the day
responding to them all feral eyed.
Athens, you fools, knows well how to wear itself out.
Sweet love of mine bring something smooth in me
to fill that something empty in me so I keep rolling.
Athens knows well how to wear itself out.
Sweet love of mine bring something smooth in me
to fill that something empty in me.
Watch me. I'm rolling.

Our favourite place on Earth

And after we've counted how many of us are left behind we'll sigh
and follow the road to the closest bar.
Tapping our feet to the beat.
Hold on tight to me so you don't lose me.
I want to be by myself lately.
I just want to watch the videos.
We will count to three and say at the same time
what our favourite place on Earth is.
1-2-3 Here. With you.
And after we've counted how many people we have kissed we'll sigh
and follow the road to the closest bar.
Clenching our teeth 'cause of that bass.
Hold me tight in your arms so you don't lose me.
I want to cum by myself lately.
I just want to watch the videos.
We will count to three and say at the same time
what our favourite place on Earth is.
1-2-3 Here. With you.


I never could get you out of my head
You are hearing my mourning but you're not coming back
Why did you run away from me
You don't know that you are loved
Come back my unexperienced love
If you'd know how I love you
Do not take on the wild flowers
You are way more prettier than them
When I see your vision
I get shiver
Your loss is hotter than fire, it burns me
As if I'm the one waste away

Krajina Express is charging

Fight bravely, fight, Serbs of Krajina,
(From) Kordun, Lika, Knin, the whole Banija
(From) Kordun, Lika, Knin, the whole Banija
'Krajina Express' is charging, it is the only armored train
It is the pride of Krajina, the city of Broz no longer exists
'Krajina Express' is charging, it is the only armored train
It is the pride of Krajina, the city of Broz no longer exists
Krajina is protecting himself from this express train,
Because it is like a thorn to all enemies
Because it is like a thorn to all enemies
'Krajina Express' is charging, it is the only armored train
It is the pride of Krajina, the city of Broz no longer exists
'Krajina Express' is charging, it is the only armored train
It is the pride of Krajina, the city of Broz no longer exists
The Serbian Guard led by Arkan is fighting,
(And) the famous Krajina red berets, the Vučijak, in Veliko and Milan
(And) the famous Krajina red berets, the Vučjjak, in Veliko and Milan
'Krajina Express' is charging, it is the only armored train
It is the pride of Krajina, the city of Broz no longer exists
'Krajina Express' is charging, it is the only armored train
It is the pride of Krajina, the city of Broz no longer exists


Versions: #2
My life is up atop of a tree, I won't bring it down for anyone,
I'll just stay there with respect, spitting out seeds of grass,
and by the morning, a meadow will grow, put right under my soles,
together with life, we nest here, you and me, the three of us,
and I let you see, see, see, and now noone can get between us,
between my hand and yours, between my hand and yours...
Our fates are up atop of a tree, during the day it's cloudy,
you can only see the light of it at night, when sobriety goes to sleep,
and then by the morning, the sky falls, and folds another,
blue colored daydreams, and white sheep,
and I let you see, see, see, and now noone can get between us,
between my hand and yours, between my hand and yours...
Look, my dream is carried by the wind, I can't even reach it by hand,
and it dances away on glass balls, on the carpet of endlessness,
and then it doesn't even look at me for days, it lives on paper ships,
then it brings its stolen treasures, for a single glance of yours,
My life is up atop of a tree, I won't bring it down for anyone,
I'll just stay there with respect, spitting out seeds of grass,
and by the morning, a meadow will grow, put right under my soles,
together with life, we nest here, you and me, the three of us.
Follow my trace, bend and put your face above it
See my shipwreck reaching your shore
I am drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk from your seasons,
which draw my most reckless craziness
I am drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk from your seasons,
which draw my most reckless craziness
and I let you see, see, see, and now noone can get between us,
between my hand and yours, between my hand and yours...
and I let you see, see, see, and now noone can get between us,
between my hand and yours, between my hand and yours...

Please, do you speak French?

Every day my alarm goes off in the morning,
I go to the bakery first thing.
Dear Madame, give me six bread rolls,
Please, do you speak French?*
I was out drinking with colleagues,
I wanted to pay for a round.
My good sir, I'd like the bill please.
Please, do you speak French?
I, you, he is, we are, y'all are, they are all happy
That's really important,
Here in Luxembourg.
That makes me really upset,
That in my own country,
And soon nowhere else,
I cannot speak my own language!
I wanted to spruce up my lounge,
And I was at the shop with all of my items.
I need wallpaper, I said to the shopkeeper.
Please, do you speak French?
I, you, he is, we are, y'all are, they are all happy
That's really important,
Here in Luxembourg.
That makes me really upset,
That in my own country,
And soon nowhere else,
I cannot speak my own language!
I really need to go take a number two,
It wasn't good for me to laugh so much.
I said delicately, where is your toilet here?
Please, do you speak French?
Yeah I really need the bathroom.
Please, do you speak French?
Where is the toilet around here?
Please, do you speak French?

Death to the Sun

Versions: #1
Happily, that night leaves.
Good thing that there's mist around.
I'm glad if the light disperses.
And a shadow invades this place.
If a lost tomorrow is horror's metamorphosis.
Darkness won't take long, I'm glad if the light disperses.
If the sky closes over us, a hoarse voice unleashes.
If a lost tomorrow is horror's metamorphosis.
Sleepless night yes, I declare death to the sun.
Sleepless night no, and to any that support it.
Sleepless night yes, I declare death to the sun...
Here comes the light.
If the sky won't close already over us.
Reveals itself this atrocious image.
Sleepless night yes, I declare death to the sun.
Sleepless night no, and to any that support it.
Sleepless night yes, I declare death to the sun...
Here comes the light.

Oh Young Bride

Oh young bride
With a neck as smooth as glass (an old Albanian proverb)
Do you want jewellery?
Do you want money? (x2)
I don't want jewellery
I don't want money (x2)
I only love my husband
With a cigarette (2x)
With a cigarette
With a cigarette box (2x)
Oh with black shoes
Dressed as a gentleman (2x)

Time to Love

Versions: #1
Take me my love, take me next to you, I'm tipsy with your love.
Let's get over a life time together, take me, fly me to eternity.
So what if there's loss in this road?
There's no place for fear in love.
There are some days that ended before they began.
This is what's asked of you, you must live.
Separation is worse than death, God forbid.
Nobody take my love away from me.
We loved the world so much, may the death be away from us.
We fell in love, we plucked up the courage, mat the destiny be on our side.
Dear God, don't make me suffer the yearning of him/her, so that I won't have to wait a long time.
Take whatever you wish but leave love to us.
Take me next to you my dear, I'm already hungry for love.
Were you the one that was written for me, here I am, I fell for you too.
So what if there's loss in this road?
There's no place for fear in love.


Placed commas, let someone continue the text.
Let me go, dear ones, Heaven will help you to forgive.
And I will not put a full stop, I do not want to become an adult
Such a big daughter, but I don't know how to live simply.
I walk unhurriedly, you say slowly, but I walk without hurry
Life is so good - windy along the way - loving deep breathing
And I'm wasting time while I choose roofs
And I would count the steps, and I would reach higher.
I have enough light in my life,
I have enough sky in my life,
It remains to gain color, but will bloom by the summer.
I walk unhurriedly, you say slowly, but I walk without hurry
Life is so good - windy along the way - loving deep breathing


My free time,
international name,
The sky is still blue.
Hands, always cold, do the incomparable
Trying to become wings.
Home, home
I cannot be late.
My house is in my head,
A star overhead,
She's calling me, you hear.
Follow me, follow me
There is no turning back
I walk with my eyes wide open
I'm going higher, forward.
Happiness is so fragile
Runs through the tubes for a long time
And it penetrates my body.
Heart slides with a beat
On strings, on new sounds,
And promises to be bold.
Home, home
I cannot be late.
My house is in my head
A star overhead
She's calling me, you hear.
Follow me, follow me
There is no turning back
I walk with my eyes wide open
I'm going higher, forward.
For a hundred unfinished songs
For a hundred lost friends
I'll leave a mark on a free spot
On the whiteness, on his left hand,
And I will catch with my right hand
Spring wind, evening rays,
I always walk along the edge*
And from this edge someday \...
Home, home
Home, home
Home, home


Versions: #1
There are no rules to love.
There's no way of getting it right.
I only intend to be your best truth.
But you come and go,
and me, I alert my heart.
If you're going to stay,
I won't understand another goodbye.
'Cause the hunger in you
forgets about the bites
it's already left in my life.
Lest I love you and you leave again.
Lest I fall even harder for you.
Lest I am wrong and I lose you again.
Lest I fall all over again.
I swear to you that I tried
not to see you in another skin.
I empty my wrath and thirst on paper.
I hope not to carry
the cross of forgiving
those who do me no good and play dizzy games.
Time neither erases
nor hides so many farewells.
Don't look for more exits
Lest I love you and you leave again.
Lest I fall even harder for you.
Lest I am wrong and I lose you again.
Lest I fall all over again.


[Intro: B.O.W.]
F-f-f-f-f-freestyle-os, tarol a mikrofon!
Egyenesen a fejemből nyomom
F-f-f-f-f-freestyle-os, tarol a mikrofon!
F-f-f-folytatom a freestyle-t!
[1 versszak: B.O.W.]
Valamit fel kell tegyek és megyek
Tudod a ritmusban elveszek, a rádióban lejátszanak minket
Mert a mienk az ózon barát termék, ez nem minden, várj még!
Király, amit a fonba1nyomok, nem gondolod? Elnézést, pillanat
Összehangolom a következő analizált hangulatokat
A menet, legyen lecke neked! Kérdés
Hordasz magadnál fegyvert vagy a szíved nem fárad el?2
Mint Celine Dion, Karma Chameleon3
[Kórus: B.O.W.]
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
[Verse 2: B.O.W.]
Stílus, el sztíló4, van nálunk több kilo
Hogy kiválaszthasd a tiéd, széles a teríték
Becsvágyó, tápláló, fincsi, kábító vagy aljas
Csak szólj, tőlünk bármit megkaphatsz
A cappella5vagy propeller, a lúzerek irigyek
De puhák mint a pillecukor, vágod, tőlünk mind elpucol
Mint a Debbie beveszi Dallas6, igen, botrányosak vagyunk
Na ki a fasz az az Alíz,7a Buckingham-palotából8jött?
[Kórus: B.O.W.]
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
[Híd: B.O.W.]
F-f-f-f-f-freestyle-os, tarol a mikrofon!
Egyenesen a fejemből nyomom
F-f-f-f-f-freestyle-os, tarol a mikrofon!
F-f-f-folytatom a freestyle-t!
[Kórus: B.O.W.]
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
Jaa, a fejemből egyenesen
Ahogy tarol-tarol, tarolok a, tarolok a, tarolok a mikrofonnal
  • 1. Mikrofonba.
  • 2. A 'My Heart Will Go On' az 1997-es Titanik c. film betétdala, Celine Dion énekli.
  • 3. A Culture Club angol együttes egy 1983-ban megjelent dala (Karma Kaméleon).
  • 4. Ez eredeti szövegben itt 'steelos' szerepel, ami a spanyol 'estilos' (stílusok) szándékos (szleng) torzítása.
  • 5. Zenei kíséret nélküli éneklés.
  • 6. Egy 1978-as pornófilm.
  • 7. Egy genius.com-os hozzászólás szerint ez egy utalás egy 1995-ös Gompie dalra (Who The Fuck Is Alice?)
  • 8. A brit uralkodó egyik rezidenciája, lakhelye.

Not Me

Cr Boy
I always want to chill with my n*ggas
Enjoy with my n*ggas
Every day trapping, drinking something with my n*ggas
This is the life I lead every day
But at home she always wants me to pretend
She likes to act really chic, but she knows I'm a freak
I always want to be on the street, this is the life for me
And this is the life I lead every day
But at home she always wants me to pretend
Cr Boy
She wants to watch TV every day, but not me
Some Brazilian programmes yeah yeah, but not me
OIr she wants to go to somewhere chic every day, but not me
And wants to drink a chic wine every day, but not me
Do you want Swazi, I want the States
You want stereo, I want bass
You want Best, I want Case
You want to be the boss, I want to be a chief
You want a telenovela, I want a film
I want Mutxope, and you want Silk
I want swag, you want to be chic
I want to stay, and you want to leave
You take your friends to watch Anselmo but not me
I dig telenovelas but not Carossel
I dig Spin, you dig tequila
You dig social events, I dig chilling
That guy(?) with the profile of an ex-boyfriend, baby, I don't dig it
I don't dance 'gwara-gwara', baby baby, I don't 'spanko'
You better change your behaviour, did you hear me?
Hernâni da Silva
One moment you want to watch telenovelas, the next you want to be out and about
I just want my bottle, to be having a good time
She likes to be a damsel, while she actually comes from my ribs
She thinks she got herself a kid but I'm not chickenpox (?)
Sometimes I take beating with the things she does
There has to be a full plan to go out, not haphazardly
Sometimes she wants to go to the swimming pool, I just want the beach
In the car she wants to play Kizomba, I'm busy with Azagaia, girl
But hey Bander brought 7 chicks
Don't worry about the lipstick on my shirt(?)
You have to understand that I just want to chill with my n*ggas
Cr Boy
Enjoy with my n*ggas
Every day trapping, drinking something with my n*ggas
This is the life I lead every day
But at home she always wants me to pretend
She likes to act really chic, but she knows I'm a freak
I always want to be on the street, this is the life for me
And this is the life I lead every day
But at home she always wants me to pretend
Cr Boy
She wants to watch TV every day, but not me
Some Brazilian programmes yeah yeah, but not me
OIr she wants to go to somewhere chic every day, but not me
And wants to drink a chic wine every day, but not me
Hot Blaze
You're busy dancing Kizomba just because I sing those things
Or love songs
... girl, you don't stand a chance girl, because I'm not a sweetheart
Even I like Muduva, you only want things from Portugal
I'm a street boy, and you know
This life I lead every day
And don't try to change me, this is how I am
Your fancy little drinks
Fortunately for you I only like Moët
Cr Boy
I always want to chill with my n*ggas
Enjoy with my n*ggas
Every day trapping, drinking something with my n*ggas
This is the life I lead every day
But at home she always wants me to pretend
She likes to act really chic, but she knows I'm a freak
I always want to be on the street, this is the life for me
And this is the life I lead every day
But at home she always wants me to pretend
Cr Boy
She wants to watch TV every day, but not me
Some Brazilian programmes yeah yeah, but not me
OIr she wants to go to somewhere chic every day, but not me
And wants to drink a chic wine every day, but not me


Ooh, we were confused when we met
You were laughing cutely when I couldn't find the keys
Yes we, we were forever
for about 15 minutes, but I woke up alone
We promised that we'll see again, yeah, you promised that
But I haven't gotten even a text message for weeks
I heard you have a lot going on
I see you rubbing yourself against someone new on dance floor of DTM
Someone new, someone new, at least five new guys
Ooh, can you remember my name or am I just
a random guy you accidentally fell in love with
The one that's always last in the line, the o-o-o-o-one
Am I just one of all the guys or the one
If I have chance on you, honey, show it now
You don't know how much I have been looking for you, o-o-o-o-one
When I'm for you the one, one, one
For you the o-o-o-o-one
For you the one, one, one
For you the one
They are all so perfect, sweating against you
Sucking all your power
No one of us is perfect
You have wild mind but I'm taming it now
You are not even happy with those guys
I see you rubbing yourself against someone new on dance floor of DTM
Someone new, someone new, at least five new guys
Ooh, can you remember my name or am I just
a random guy you accidentally fell in love with
The one that's always last in the line, the o-o-o-o-one
Am I just one of all the guys or the one
If I have chance on you, honey, show it now
You don't know how much I have been looking for you, o-o-o-o-one
When I'm for you the one, one, one
For you the o-o-o-o-one
For you the one, one, one
For you the one
When I'm for you the one, one, one
For you the o-o-o-o-one
For you the one, one, one
For you the one
Am I just one of all the guys or the one
If I have chance on you, honey, show it now
You don't know how much I have been looking for you, o-o-o-o-one
When I'm for you the one, one, one
For you the o-o-o-o-one
For you the one, one, one
For you the one
When I'm for you the one, one, one (just one)
For you the o-o-o-o-one (just one)
For you the one, one, one (just one)
For you the one

I Imagine You In My House

Everyday I imagine
You in my house
In by bedroom
I’m thrusting in you and you moaning
Afternoon, night, late night
Skin to skin
Face to face
Rolling your hips you go
Very horny
Very horny
Very horny
Everyday I imagine
You in my house
In by bedroom
I’m thrusting in you and you moaning
Afternoon, night, late night
Skin to skin
Face to face
Rolling your hips you go
Very horny
Very horny
Very horny
All sweaty you say
It was very good
What a fuck boy
What a crazy imagination
Everyday I imagine
You in my house
In by bedroom
I’m thrusting in you and you moaning
Afternoon, night, late night
Skin to skin
Face to face
Rolling your hips you go
Very horny
Very horny
Very horny
Everyday I imagine
You in my house
In by bedroom
I’m thrusting in you and you moaning
Afternoon, night, late night
Skin to skin
Face to face
Rolling your hips you go
Very horny
Very horny
Very horny
All sweaty you say
It was very good
What a fuck boy
What a crazy imagination
Everyday I imagine
You in my house
In by bedroom
I’m thrusting in you and you moaning
Afternoon, night, late night
Skin to skin
Face to face
Rolling your hips you go
Very horny
Very horny
Very hornyTo

The Witch

Versions: #1
You're not like the others,
You're alive. Not from Google or Yandex, from hell or heaven,
You don't touch the grass, you fly in the air on your broom,
Naked and barefoot!
You are woven from the sunlight by Chinese gods,
Leonardo did a good job by carving your legs,
Your eyes are bottomless like two wells,
Even Japanese cannot come up with something like that.
I don't understand what I have to do
When you play with my innocent body.
I can't find the place for myself
Maybe do a triple somersault, or come to second childhood?
I don't understand whom do you need,
Shiva or Budda themselves were your husbands,
I can just see that in your absence I will wane
Won't live a day
Because you are
Witch-witch, witch-witch!
Obviosly witch-witch-witch-witch!
You are obviously-obviously
Obviously witch-witch!
Obviously witch!
You are obviously witch!
For four days I don't eat and drink,
You won't write me an email, won't send me a signal,
Don't bury me under the sand, I am not a mummy, not maymun*, not Mamai**
Read your notes at the bedhead
I gained nothing by simple effort
We are not meant to land in the same place
Sex without love is not interesting to me
I don't understand what I have to do
When you play with my innocent body.
I can't find the place for myself
Maybe do a triple somersault, or come to second childhood?
I don't understand whom do you need,
Shiva or Budda themselves were your husbands,
I can just see that in your absence I will wane
Won't live a day
Because you are
Witch-witch, witch-witch!
Obviosly witch-witch-witch-witch!
You are obviously-obviously
Obviously witch-witch!
Obviously witch!
You are obviously witch!


Ah… ah…
Now the women are coming together to sing
They ask me to send my soul out
The power of the song I learned long ago
Spin a thread, entice the spirits to respond
I fear that the song will flood my senses
I shy away from the power of each note
They say the chant can form a wreath
Where we two can reconcile once again to dance
Ah… ah…
Ah… ah…
Dreaming, winding you in
Time’s web is set
The sorceress is waiting in the innermost circle
Demanding that my soul sing the way for her
I will sing and fasten my stiches
Find you among spirits
Ah… ah…
Ah… ah…

Farewell words

Saying the farewell words, don't leave my hands
Even if you're far away, or if you're angry
I can't see anything
You, my dear, are my lamp in the darkness of untimenly rain
In the blackboard of life, in unerasable letters
The story of your life has been inscribed
Saying the farewell words, don't leave my hands
After getting the taste of nectar, I don't seek anything else
If you lack affection for me, I'd seek for death
Know it, my dear, you're my way of life
In the deep ocean of helplesness, you're my only support
Saying the farewell words, don't leave my hands
Your silence stings the silent environment, the silent environment
How much pain do I feel, when you get angry on me
Don't ever ask for farewell, my dear, stay closeby
I won't give you farewell, but I'd surely take, the years from my life
Saying the farewell words, don't leave my hands


Houses have
Roofs, attics and foundations
Houses have
Walls, doors and windows
Houses have
Graffitis, fasades and gardens
Houses have
Dogs, birds and owners
Houses have
Streets, suburbs and settlements
A lot of houses make up a city


La la la la la la la (X4)
Coooooooome, love
Don’t run away from me, take a closer look, take a closer look
C’mon, love, stop playin’
Stop acting, give me your heart
I have no idea how to change myself so you could like me
I’d talk to you but I don’t know how
That’s what my buddies always say,
That I’m not good at picking up chicks
Coooome ooon
Bluntly approach her
Coooome ooon
And you’ll see that ain’t that hard
La la la la la la la (X4)
Coooooooome, love
Don’t run away from me, take a closer look, take a closer look
C’mon, love, stop playin’
Stop acting, give me your heart
La la la la la la la (X4)
Coooooooome, love
Don’t run away from me, take a closer look, take a closer look
C’mon, love, stop playin’
Stop acting, give me your heart
When I look at you I feel dizzy
Like a candle I melt
I’d love to be a bullfighter and show you what type of a man I am
Coooome ooon
Bluntly approach her
Coooome ooon
And you’ll see that ain’t that hard
La la la la la la la (X4)
Coooooooome, love
Don’t run away from me, take a closer look, take a closer look
C’mon, love, stop playin’
Stop acting, give me your heart
La la la la la la la (X8)

I'll give you everything

Everything, everything
just be mine
at least another day
Everything, everything
I'll give you everything
just be mine
at least another day
Ref. 2x
I want to love you
I want to kiss you
I want next to you
lucky to go crazy
No no
I never will, you know
between us me
wished end
No no
I never will, you know
between us me
wished end
Ref. 2x

Inn Ann

If though his time has come
boom bukh my home's stolen
how fucked are half of it's people
they moved and talked but changed nothing
If though his time has come
boom bukh my home's stolen
how fucked are half of it's people
they moved and talked but changed nothing
chill bro
your true colors show in hard times
god knows who we are
we spill blood if you want some
boom a night's fight we never lose
we demolish mounts if you want it
good to meet you, we're Jerusalem's boys
we figure it out, we solve the puzzle
called up Nafha they all going in
saw ya'll try, none can do it
never scared, not once not half
want a volcano? we blow it up BOOV
make ya a party, you ready to jump?
got the money but wanna split
they all know it
they all see it
they all afraid life will do em bad
get your shit together, never spill it up
I'm blowing up adrenaline up in the gas grenades
we them brave boys not many like us
never live it (life) hopeless
do it make it get that cash
life's hard it need men
forget your past prepare your future
I'm a shark I'm a shark I'm a shark I'm fishy
got my homies in Jalameh
we get together we beat you up
come at us bro we took the high ground
you scared at night, we light some darkness
but never forget
I'm like a nuke, deadly weapon
in gaza some men are digging tunnels
fall back with bags filled with bodies
let's mess it up
let's fuck it up
starting a business selling manly hoods
ain't selling to fuckboys
allow loans, men only
'fuck assholes' my philosophy
we're like ghosts you never see us
never tearing up unless it's tearing gas
we dem braves
If though his time has come
boom bukh my home's stolen
how fucked are half of it's people
they moved and talked but changed nothing
If though his time has come
boom bukh my home's stolen
how fucked are half of it's people
they moved and talked but changed nothing
you'll get scared shitless, we come up from the ground like ghosts
chill your game out
chill grilling our plans slowly
chase him if he runs
ain't riding with none, I drive
fuck the world if you can
you fit as a cock among sheep
came to call you, you're dreaming
tell you the truth take a minute to get it
never wasting time sir
my grandchild fucking falasha
no mercy when I need ya I'm coming after ya
we get chaotic in an honoring way
as the attacker describes
Shabjdeed (new guy) coming at you
Daboor working it in all directions
original and rare like the Mocka port
fuck ya'll selling, disappearing
always hard never got softer
keeps an oil well secret
got my fuckboy radar, got your ass
Daboor always telling you
If though his time has come
boom bukh my home's stolen
how fucked are half of it's people
they moved and talked but changed nothing
If though his time has come
boom bukh my home's stolen
how fucked are half of it's people
they moved and talked but changed nothing
If though his time has come
boom bukh my home's stolen
how fucked are half of it's people
they moved and talked but changed nothing
If though his time has come
boom bukh my home's stolen
how fucked are half of it's people
they moved and talked but changed nothing

Bounce all over the world

Life is so short
Can we go back?
I feel like I’m fading away
Our deep grave disappears and is lost
What I leave behind
My memory will live on
I'm going to promise you that
Promise to make good use of my time
Now, now
I'm bouncing all over the world
Remember when you asked for my hand to hold
When everything was as it seemed, more simple
Just us!
And your smile was the only thing I thought worth seeing
With the world in my hand, I thought I would never get so high
With a desire for adventure I wanted to lose myself and relinquish everything
Sure your feet followed but you stood still
If it was important for me to paint a life without pain
Then I would need better wings than those we both have
But I'm still
Showing the whole world
What I can do
Which is more than I know
So I’m on my way
Faster and faster
Time seems to be running out
Escaping from me
But I will tear up the verses
With my bare hands
So these words will draw lines
Around a blank circle
Which I will point to
Showing a circle around the world
Giving me time to look around
And realise that life is not beautiful
Because it carries on
It's beautiful because it existed
Life is so short… ..
Do not doubt it, even once
Once is once too many
I've been praised and often burned
bridges behind me
So when you are here and stay
Around me, I sometimes hope
Our story will end off the beaten track
So we can find peace
Shatter the reflection
If I can
Because it's not me
As I see myself
But I'm going
To paint these colors across the sky
But I'm going
To fly like a bird far afield
Yes I’m going
To show the world, to show the world
To show the world what I can do
A wo oh episode (?)
Life is so short
Life is so short
I'm bouncing all over the world

May somebody tell her?

May somebody tell her?
That I miss her so much
I yearn for her every minute
For me she is
my whole life
May somebody tell her?
I heard that she is angry with me specifically
It's okay to be angry with me sometimes, my love
It's just a while and it will definitely end tomorrow
And then we'll come back together, you and me
May somebody tell her?
May somebody tell her?
That I miss her so much
I yearn for her every minute
For me she is
my whole life
May somebody tell her?

The War to Paris

The Storm begun
The War to Paris
The Kaiser leads us
With the Iron Force
Rockets ''Eva-12'' fly to Freedom's hell
And Paris falls - America is at end
In the trench is ended Freedom's Way
Germany attacks Leiden - America is dead
From Mackenzie to Sullivan every state falls
And Salaria burn to Democracy's End
Serbia is traitor to the Allied Cause
The Banks in the States fall by Socialist's book
And Fantasia is occupied by the German Royal Reich
The Gods of The Slavs they fall
By Teutonic Guns
And Qin rules with Iron Tank
And the War is already without Shame
The Avant-garde conquered Paris
Greece is in bloody end of Zeus and Poseidon
The Salarian Queen
Declared war to Traitorous Japan
And Hydrogen falls to America's Head
And Reiji Akaba created Chinese hell
To Korea's nuclear end
Russia weeps - Slava is at End
Ukraine's Cossack deals end to every Slavic President
NATO is dead by traitor's tears
And Perun is dead by a shot in the head
The War has ended - The German is a Kaiser, sure
The States are dead - forgotten by the Gods
Britain is a Master
To every Sea and every Ocean
And the Czar of Bulgaria is a Balkan Hegemon
And Turkey is dead by a Cross and Gun of an Patriot.

Szerető a vonalban

Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban...1
Egy nap tudom, hogy meglátom és hagylak elmenni
Egy nap majd úgy gondolom, hogy minden rendben van
Egy nap megérzem, hogy többé nem fog fájni
Egy nap tudni fogom, hogy elvesztettelek, hogy elvesztettelek
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban
És ha szenvedek, ne is törődj vele!
Kell nekem egy szerető a vonalban!
Egy éjszaka alatt eljutottunk a mennybe
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban
Kell nekem egy szerető a vonalban!
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban
Egy nap bele fogok nézni a hideg, kék szemeidbe
Egy nap megpróbálok elmenekülni a hazugságaidtól
Egy nap megláttam, hogy teszel az egészre
Egy nap megtudtam, hogy elvesztettelek, hogy elvesztettelek
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban
És ha szenvedek, ne is törődj vele!
Kell nekem egy szerető a vonalban!
Egy éjszaka alatt eljutottunk a mennybe
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban
Kell nekem egy szerető a vonalban!
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban
Egy nap azokat a dolgokat fogom csinálni, amiket én akarok
Egy nap tudom, hogy eszembe sem jutsz majd
Egy nap úgy fogom érezni, hogy újra szabad vagyok
Egy nap tudni fogom, hogy elvesztettelek, hogy elvesztettelek
Én leszek a szeretőd!
Én leszek a vadászod!
Én leszek a szeretőd!
Én leszek a szeretőd!
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban!
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban
És ha szenvedek, ne is törődj vele!
Kell nekem egy szerető a vonalban!
Egy éjszaka alatt eljutottunk a mennybe
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban, igen!
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban, igen!
Én leszek a szeretőd a vonalban, ó igen
Szerető a vonalban
Kell nekem egy szerető a vonalban!
  • 1. Az 'on the line' (a vonalban) azt is jelentheti, hogy valaki kockázatos, veszélyes helyzetben van.
    Ebben az esetben 'Én leszek a szeretőd, aki vállalja a kockázatot' lenne egy lehetséges fordítás.


That is where
I've always stood
Do you know
It's fine if you don't feel anything
I will always
Be watching you
Your eyes
Have only hurt me
Just remember this
If you feel so exhausted that tears fall
Come to me and rest
Talk to me
Forever stay by my side
So I can lean on you and be protected by you
Are you worried
I send you a peaceful smile
My love
One day
We will disappear
And reincarnate
I'll probably stay silently by your side
I will always
Dislike the idea of forgetting you more than I dislike death
I'd rather you dislike me
For a long time
If things get harder
Lean on me and cry
(Lean on me)
Please don't forget
My soul
Gives me strength when I see you
Your flaws
I will warmly embrace them all
Talk to me
Forever stay by my side so I can lean on you
And be protected by you
Are you worried
I send you a peaceful smile
My love

Things could be this way

Maybe...maybe not
Maybe I'll be able to forget
Again, I'm spending an entire day
(Maybe...maybe not)
You would have said no
You would have said that nothing has changed
You would have said you wouldn't do it again
You would have said
(With a casual expression)
I want to trust you
I can't know for sure
Until when
Can I wait for you like this
Maybe you
Regret even meeting me
Maybe that's not correct
Maybe I'm mistaken
Maybe it's me who changed
(Maybe...maybe not)
You would have said that's correct
As if you're unaffected
You would have asked
'What exactly is the problem?'
(With a casual expression)
I don't want to hear it anymore
I can't do it anymore
I can't go through
Another meaningless fight again
In the end, we
Are back at the place we started
We can't turn back now
It's too late now
You're aware of that too
We need to be more straightforward
For each other's sakes
I can't do it anymore
I can't go through
Another meaningless fight again
In the end, we
Are back at the place we started
We can't turn back now
I can't know for sure
Until when
Can I wait for you like this
Maybe you
Regret even meeting me