Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 7

Találatok száma: 202

Loredana Bertè - E la luna bussò dalszöveg fordítás

És a hold kopogott

És a hol bekopogott a sötétség ajtaján
'Engedj be engem'
Ő azt mondta 'Nem'
És a hold kopogott ahol csend volt
De egy közönséges hang azt mondta neki
'Nincs több időm'
Így széttárta a szélnek az ablakokat és elment
Hogy keressen lent valamit amit lehet csinálni
Miután pityergett egy kicsit
Egy másik 'nem' miatt
Egy másik 'nem' miatt
Amit a tenger mondott neki
Amit a tenger mondott neki
És a hold kopogott egy napszemüvegen
Ezt a tekintetet ő nem vette észre
És aztán egy partyt próbált szervezni a medencében
Ahová meghívó nélkül még a hold sem léphet be.
Aztán pezsgőt vedelt és kaviárt zabált és elment
Hogy keressen lent valamit amit lehet csinálni
Miután pityergett egy kicsit
Egy másik 'nem' miatt
Egy másik 'nem' miatt amit egy pincér mondott
És most lent véletlenül
Közelebb a járdához
Ahol valós az mit látsz
És most lent kopogás nélkül
Gyermeki szempillát rebegteti
Hogy el tudjon aludni
És most lent a eltépett és szerelmi állapot közt
Ahol a szerencse luxus
A holdnak szüksége van
És már lent...
José Luis Rodríguez - Se busca dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


his name Jesus of Nazareth,
33 years old, Jewish origin,
He's accused of preaching the truth,
of calling himself son of God,
Of teaching to love the neighbour like oneself.
Reward, salvation and endless life
if you find him follow his steps.
Jesus loves you in spirit and truth
look for him, look for him
And you'll see in the end, you'll find peace
and everything will change... (x2)
People don't know, don't know where are they going...
guide them My Lord...
Show them the way
Truth and love,
listen to who claim his forgiveness...
Only you can help us...
Touching our poor heart...
To be able to feel, the need
of believing in you lord, ho, ho, ho, ho,...
Jesus loves you in spirit and truth
look for him, look for him
And you'll see in the end, you'll find peace
and everything will change... (x2)
People don't know, don't know where are they going...
guide them My Lord...
Show them the way truth and love,
listen to who claim his forgiveness...
ho, ho, ho, ho,...
Jesus loves you in spirit and truth
look for him, look for him
And you'll see in the end, you'll find peace
and everything will change... (x2)
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Caliph Buskers - Buta dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Just close your eyes and listen
What's on your mind
Does everything that seems clear in your eyes
Tell the truth every time?
Tell me
So I can understand the world
Everything have been destined by You
Just illuminate my heart
Forgive me since I always forget
To be grateful for everything
If only I am able to see everything
Will I be perfect
Or is it because of my ignorant eyes
Driving me sinful
Tell me
So I can understand the world
Everything have been destined by You
Just illuminate my heart
Forgive me since I always forget
To be grateful for everything
Everything have been destined by You
Just illuminate my heart
Forgive me since I always forget
To be grateful for everything
Without You who am I
Without me You will still be perfect
And one more, please illuminate my heart
Everything have been destined by You
Just illuminate my heart
Forgive me since I always forget
To be grateful for everything
Everything have been destined by You
Just illuminate my heart
Forgive me since I always forget
To be grateful for everything
Forgive me
Always forget
To be grateful for everything
Close your eyes
Just listen
What's on your mind
TK - Buscando la victoria dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Looking for victory

I'll look for victory in your full heart.
you'll touch my absence you'll cry in rythm.
you'll smell my caresses when you want to sleep.
you'll erase the desire while you kiss my history.
And you'll want a friend when you lack a lover.
and you'll want a lover when you lack love.
and when you want love my love will be gone.
and when I'm not around you'll find in memories.
Speaking to the deaf showing to the blind
I sense myself impotent desire.
flavouring in my eyes watching in my mouth
I wait for you subtle inconsciousness.
And just remember while you bring to life.
the days, its nights confused intentions.
sharing the rains extended trust.
And you'll look for victory when you lit your dream up.
if your dream overcomes you I'll be your intention.
because I learned to smell your words.
because I learned to listen to your look.
because I learned to talk with your skin.
because I cared for you while you were sleeping.
becasue I holded you when you suggested it to me.
Because I taught you to dress your fears.
becasue I taught you to draw your tenderness.
and your eyes were wetting any desert soul.
and your eyes were telling I want to trust in you.
and my soul was accepting to mix with yours
and the worst of all is that maybe I love you
and if maybe I love you there will be no more victory.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Ernst Busch - Solidaritätslied dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Solidarity Song

Move forward and never forget
What makes our strength
Whether we're starving or we're eating
Move forward and never forget
The solidarity!
Come on you nations of this mother Earth
Make up your minds and come to the agreement
That it should be yours now
And be the great nourisher
Of blacks, whites, coloured, yellows
Put an end to their slaughters
Once the nations talk for themselves
They'll come to an agreement soon
If we want to achieve it quickly
We need you and you to join
Whoever lets down people that are like him
Just lets himself down
Our masters, whoever they may be
Love to see our discord
'Cause as long as they disunite us
They remain being our masters
Proletarians of all countries
Come to an understanding and you'll be free
Your great regiments
Break up any tyranny
Move forward and never forget
To ask everybody this question:
Do you want to starve or eat?
Whose tomorrow is tomorrow?
Who owns the world?
Bushido - Oma Lise dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Grandma Lise

[Part 1]
I would have never thought that I would write this song
But I don't know how to reach you
Sometimes it feels like you're talking to me in my thoughts
And I would really like to answer but I can't
To speak to you once again, face to face
Because so much happened since you left
They say there is a beginning after every end
And we get to know that Anna-Maria is pregnant again
One day after your death we're back at the hospital again
I tell Aaliyah there are twins in Mom's belly
Djibrail - finally I have my son
And Laila - she has your eyes, your nose, your mouth
I'd forgiven Dad long ago
And that's why I took him to us to Berlin after you were gone
I think being a Granddad was good for him
God let him be happy before he took him
And I thought that I have finally found my peace too
But suddenly I was on every front page because of a song
Do you remember Shindy at breakfast, how quiet he was?
He is now something like a superstar
And Ali is a rapper as well
The label looks better without Kay
But there were problems at home, Anna-Maria took the kids
Moved away with them. That was the moment I thought it's over
A week later, January 2015
I got a message from her, that she was pregnant again
And in August my second son is born
Issa - when I look him in his face I see myself
I knew it was a sign
Anna-Maria came back and everything was balanced
Meanwhile, Grandma was gone too
You probably know, I guess you're up there together
Your sister helps us in every possible way, the kids love her
And no matter how hard they play, she's never fed up
You've become a Grandma again
On your first day of death, Sercan's first son Noah was born
And Ismail, he often visits the three
He even gave them a house of their own
By the way: our house is still not finished
The neighbours don't want us, the building authorities are getting on my nerves
The dogs had to leave, I left them at the animal shelter
But I now have an aquatic shop
Renate and Uwe tell me to say hello
They think I'm their messenger
Montry acts like a teenager
Aaliyah starts first grade soon
And I still write songs dissing strangers
You know it: I never liked the food at other places
But my wife is perfect as Mom and housewife
I hope you see I'm fine, Mom, don't be afraid
Your favourite woollen hat is still in the wardrobe
Aaliyah wants us to keep the green frog on the fridge
No one is allowed to touch it - it belongs to Grandma Lise
O.A. Ramos - “En busca de almas” dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

'In search of souls'

My soul is a warehouse. He is full of memories that I cannot remember.
I only know that I have these emotions because I act. I act irrationally
And at times I hate beautiful things and love ugly things. I cannot. I come from the beautiful
Field. I come from silk. I come from the son of the ninth son. I come from the branches.
All of these are my surnames. The principal problem is that I have many souls
And only one warehouse. The warehouse overflows with the bustle of my soul. I can be playing
A little game of chess. I can be drinking a little bit of tea. I can be attending
A wake. The other souls are jealous. Ramos? But why? We are more attractive.
You can hide many things this way. You can hide the truth. You can live in the light of
Darkness. This prohibited light is so beautiful. And I debate. Schizophrenia dwells in my family
But I cannot resist. The argument rises. It rises like the heater. And the arguments
Become more fatalist. With so many souls you cannot die. It is impossible. I am lost
In the warehouse between the wheat and the corn and I forget who I am. People never will tell you the
Truth. The truth is very easy. We need to invite industrial stories. We need
To rhyme and capture the butterflies. In a bed of birdseed I dream. Synesthesia accompanies me.
I contradicted while I corrected because my souls are deceptions . . . When the gloom
Of midnight falls around the confines of my warehouse I cannot see myself. In my
Blind obstinacy I only follow the beats of my heart. They form a music of such elegant
Equations and I lose myself in a world of nostalgias. The soul cannot be classified.
You can classify each little detail of the physiognomy but the visage is not in the details.
The visage is in the body. You need to have a visage to examine another visage and therefore
Yo need a soul to examine another soul. Yet when I examine my soul I don't have a soul!
I am an ephemeral equivalence and I return to life with pressing doubts. I need another soul.
All the souls that I have are mistakes and contradictions. I need a real
Soul. Could it be that we need love? Could it be that love is the solution?
I don't know. I'm still busy with the innumerable numbers that invade my skull . . .
Lucero - Búscame dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Look for me

Look for me where the sun shines,
where the sea ends,
where love could be given,
where my voice, more and more, could be heard.
Only a few words 'cause my train has to leave,
a few short words but sad to say:
good-bye, I love you'
I was born of earth, and the earth I must walk,
like the cicada, you have a minstrel's soul,
but you are my guitar as I walk,
and if you want to find me, look for me.
Look for me where the sun shines,
where the sea ends,
where love could be given,
where my voice, more and more, could be heard.
Look for me where there is sun,
fire next to the sea,
where a flower may feel free,
where you and I would be able to dream.
I have given you shelter, fire, love, comfort,
I would make you a bed with sand from the sea,
of you want it.
I drink the wine of life and I even ask for more,
you are like a pitcher impossible to fill up,
but you are my guitar as I walk,
and if you want to find me, look for me.
Look for me where the sun shines,
where the sea ends,
where love could be given,
where my voice, more and more, could be heard.
Look for me where there is sun,
fire next to the sea,
where a flower may feel free,
where you and I would be able to dream.
Look for me where the sun shines,
where the sea ends,
where love could be given,
where my voice, more and more, could be heard.
Look for me where there is sun,
fire next to the sea,
where a flower may feel free,
where you and I would be able to dream.
Jorge Blanco - Risky Business dalszöveg fordítás

Piszkos Ügylet

Csajszi, úgy sétáltál át a szobán mint egy hurrikán
A rossz lány* viselkedése elfújt messze
Nemet üvöltök, de a testem azt mondja talán, ah
Hazaviszlek és megmaradhatnák az alapoknál
Mivel egy szív égni fog, akkor is, ha nem tudja
A tested egy út, egész este vezetni akarok rajta
De amikor megérintesz te irányítasz az úton
Elkészíted nekem ezt a ruhát, hogy elbűvöljön
Készíts egy jó fiút aki összetöri a szabályokat
Csak egy kicsit megyek túl közel a te piszkos ügyedhez
Dobd nekem
Nézz rám
Vigyél el
Dobd nekem
Nézz rám
Vigyél el
Elkészíted nekem ezt a ruhát, hogy elbűvöljön
Készíts egy jó fiút aki összetöri a szabályokat
Csak egy kicsit megyek túl közel a te piszkos ügyedhez
Baby, el kell mondanod az igazad, de azt akarod hogy hazudjak
Mert olyan vagy mint a desszert az étvágyban
Nemet üvöltök, de a testem azt mondja talán, oh
Hazaviszlek és megmaradhatnák az alapoknál
Mivel egy szív égni fog, akkor is, ha nem tudja
A tested egy út, egész este vezetni akarok rajta
De amikor megérintesz te irányítasz az úton
Elkészíted nekem ezt a ruhát, hogy elbűvöljön
Készíts egy jó fiút aki összetöri a szabályokat
Csak egy kicsit megyek túl közel a te piszkos ügyedhez
Dobd nekem
Nézz rám
Vigyél el
Dobd nekem
Nézz rám
Vigyél el
Elkészíted nekem ezt a ruhát, hogy elbűvöljön
Készíts egy jó fiút aki összetöri a szabályokat
Csak egy kicsit megyek túl közel a te piszkos ügyedhez
Van egy árcédulád
Mond, hogy túl sok vagy
Most nem tudok eleget tenni
Futni, futni, futni hozzád
Tudod, hogy tetszik
Olyan vagy mint a fizika
Sebesség vagyok a rohanásban
Futni, futni, futni hozzád
Olyan vagy mint egy bűn
Mi a baj ezzel?
Elkészíted nekem ezt a ruhát, hogy elbűvöljön
Készíts egy jó fiút aki összetöri a szabályokat
Csak egy kicsit megyek túl közel a te piszkos ügyedhez