Gotta Bail Out Of Here
Some days you just feel down,like a veil in the air that turns everything grey.
Some days hours should go by quicker.
This afternoon I'm in for claustrophobia.
Still three hours to go
in this office that gets up my nose big time.
I gotta bail out of here1
I gotta bail out of here
Ain't no life being locked up all day
I gotta bail out of here
I gotta bail out of here
In a proper plane, not a paper one
Of course tonight I'll dine and wine my babe
We'll go to the flicks like always
and see some unusual stuff.
At least quirky stuff takes your mind off things.
But soon as the movie's over
we crash back down to reality.
Some days I just wonder
whether life is worth living.
Some days are just too long
and seriously piss you off.
The daily strife weighs upon me,
feels like I'm becoming a hunchback.
I no longer fancy anything much,
it's all getting up my nerves, my nose and my ass.
Still I shouldn't be complaining too much,
I'm no longer alone in this lousy world.
Truth is, it's all good with my babe,
surely our love will last a lifetime.
That's one thing settled, but still
sometimes I feel I'm getting old.
We gotta bail out of here
We gotta bail out of here
Ain't no life being locked up all day
We gotta bail out of here
We gotta bail out of here
In a proper plane, not a paper one
- 1. there is a gratuitous pun on 'tirailleur' (infantryman)