Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 42


Mario Fivérek vs. Wright Fivérek

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Wright Fivérek:]
Mi vagyunk a Wright fivérek, és senki sem érhet fel hozzánk.
Nem akarunk balhét. Nem hiányzik a szerelmed?
A hercegnőd már a mi kastélyunkban van. Igen, ott van.
Minden este játszunk egy kis Donkey Kong-ot
Előttünk, az emberek csak lufikat reptettek.
Azt hiszitek, megijedünk két gomba-függő idiótától?
Ha velünk kezdetek, készüljetek fel, hogy elveszítetek egy életet.
Dudda dudda dudda, húzzatok vissza a csöveitekbe.
[Mario Fivérek:]
Én vagyok az, Mario! És Luigi, ti kis—!
Miért nem mentek vissza a biplane-etekbe, és veritek ki egymásnak?
Nézd ezeket, az életük borzalmas lehet.
Két hangyás, akiknek a nevük Wilbur és Orville.
Minden időtöket egy gépre pazaroltátok el? Béna!
Ha repülni akartok, csak egyétek meg ezt a levelet.
Bármit ehetnétek, hisz rohadt soványok vagytok.
Úgy repültök, mint egy sólyom, de úgy harcoltok, mint egy cica.
[Wright Fivérek:]
Nem kell harcolnunk, hisz mi vagyunk a repülés atyjai.
Bemutatjuk nektek Észak-Karolinát,
Kontrollert ragadunk, azzal fogunk irányítani titeket.
Simán végig nyomjuk a 2D-s pályáitokat.
Hülyeségeket mondtok, de hadd mondjunk mi is valamit...
Olyan gyorsan leverünk titeket, mintha nyomva tartanánk a B gombot.
[Mario Fivérek:]
8-bites pofont szolgálunk fel! Méghozzá rendelésre!
Megetetjük veletek a hülye érméiteket.
Nesztek, POW! Na, most hogy tetszem?
Tüzet okádunk, mint Bowser.
Leütünk titeket. Azt fogjátok kívánni, hogy bárcsak soha
ne jöttetek volna ki a kis szélcsatornátokból.
Amióta elkezdtük, ba-bombákat dobálunk rátok.
Sajnálom, Wright fivérek, de ezt buktátok.

Mikor leszek híres?

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Mikor leszek híres?
„Mikor leszek,
Mikor leszek híres?”
„Megfelelően van összerakva tested,
És a Nap,
Az Te vagy!
Olvastad Karl Marxot, és megtanultál táncolni.
Messze te vagy a legjobb!
De folyton azt kérdezed.
Ó, említened sem szabad!”
„Mikor leszek,
Mikor leszek híres?”
„Erre nincs válasz,
Nem válaszolhatok.”
„Mikor láthatom fotómat az újságban?”
„Erre nincs válasz,
Nem válaszolhatok.”
„Mikor leszek,
Mikor leszek híres?” - Folyton kérdezed,
„A divat rabszolgája vagy, és az életed vágy teli.
Ilyen vagy te!
Megszenvedtél művészetedért a parkbeli futással.
Tudod, messzire kell menned!
De folyton felteszed a kérdést,
Ó, nem szabad emlegetned.”
„Mikor leszek,
Mikor leszek híres?”
„Ó, nem tudom megmondani, mikor kerül neved a fénybe.”
„Mikor leszek,
Mikor leszek híres?” - Folyton kérdezel, Kicsim,
„Alig várom!”
„Nem szenvedsz csendben,
Tehetség vagy,
Tudod, hogy észrevettem.
Legenda akarsz lenni,
Egy nagy sztár az éjben!”
„Nem tudok válaszolni a kérdésedre!”
„Alig várom!”
„Az őrületbe kerget.
„S hihetetlen türelmetlenséged,
Az agyam dobom el!”
„Mikor leszek,
Mikor leszek híres?”
„Ezt nem tudom,
Nem tudok válaszolni.”
„Mikor leszek,
Mikor leszek híres?”
„Ezt nem tudom,
Nem tudok válaszolni.”
„Mikor leszek,
Mikor leszek híres?”
„Ezt nem tudom,
Nem tudok válaszolni.”

The Last Stop

I know it's my turn
You said all you had a long time ago
Without your palms, touches
Morning would not make the day
Do you remember, it was night
The band played
And our eyes met
And my heart said it all
And it bound me to you
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Baby, when you're here
Worries disappear
Nightmares vanish
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Every day next to you
I see, I feel
It has a happy day
You are the last stop
Do you remember, it was night
The band played
And our eyes met
And my heart said it all
And it bound me to you
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Baby, when you're here
Worries disappear
Nightmares vanish
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Every day next to you
I see, I feel
It has a happy day
You are the last stop
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Baby, when you're here
Worries disappear
Nightmares vanish
And I sing baby
Oh, oh, babe
Every day next to you
I see, I feel
It has a happy day
You are the last stop

Where you Are

(Verse 1: Alex)
Yeah, way too long (way too long, way too long)
I've been caught in this game (in this game, in this game)
Ah, I look at the mirror (at the mirror)
Ask myself 'When does this life start?' (life start)
Ah, I only see these walls
When is this all over?
I just want to feel this life again
Finally breathe again
What am I supposed to wait for?
Everything I need, it's already here
(Refrain: Maximilian)
I have no time to lose
Reach for the freedom, here and now
You give me wings
I let go-o-o
I have no time to lose
Reach for the freedom, here and now
You give me wings
I let go-o-o
Where you are I'm actually free
When you speak, I feel like new
You give me wings
I let go-o-o
(Verse 2: Alex)
Yeah, way too long (way too long, way too long)
I've been caught in this hole (in this hole, in this hole)
Ah, I look at the mirror (at the mirror)
Ask myself if I can still love (still love)
N-Noone can see, what I really feel
Cause I was a prisoner of my thoughts
And I knew, something had to happen
Because my heart was poisoned by a virus
As we feel free today (feel free)
After an eternal lockdown (lockdown)
Our hearts will be free, when we finally look at god again, woah
(Refrain: Maximilian)
I have no time to lose
Reach for the freedom, here and now
You give me wings
I let go-o-o
I have no time to lose
Reach for the freedom, here and now
You give me wings
I let go-o-o
Where you are I'm actually free
When you speak, I feel like new
You give me wings
I let go-o-o


With my pen i am a knight, thinking that the world
of the first sight is what the human kind judge
First class in the very best school, where you cannot deal
with youth issues, you look, you hear, you smell, tell me something, do you feel as well?
How many notebooks are enough for me to offer them a drink
hopefully they will come to their senses, and they will not burn out.
I am the first one to overcome the obstacles by smashing them
not swallowing without chewing whatever they would give to me
I'm the very first from the road's parasites
not having four-metres in rap but whole scales
They will be trapped, they will not make it out
The more we suffer, the more they are getting hard
don't give them the chance to make you a pawn
They have transformed us in a damn monopolis, only ' Clones for sale'
As much as you buy, we can assure you
you will end up being ROBOTS, in our next plan
You have it inside your hand, do not throw it away
Find the fake and make it real
Take every piece of us and assemble them
you would see that everything is going to be whole again
2015 and my generation remains with their eyes shut
Receiving the signal only from antennas
The dark days i was telling you about, they finally came
They will melt our minds
They control every step of ours
every wish of ours
they subconsciously create fakes needs in our minds
and you are believing them consciously or unconsciously
Look how your children have become pawns
They've thrown them inside a hearse, way too early
I emit from this ugly town that swallow our souls
People kill themselves out of pressure and despair
I don't want the stamp of your ethnicity
Freedom cannot be enclosed in borders and nations
Compromised lives roll in subdued orbits
They bend before empty icons, they believe in life after death
they are promoting fascist ideologies in schools
racist teachers who pretend to care about education
Which church? Which state shall save us?
Their goal is to make our minds dead
Music from the margins, music for my bums
Ι carry more pieces on me, than money
F**k my plight
I will never be normal but i have a dog in the studio
I don't want a woman , but tell me God
do you like me, my crazy man?
If you don't , then you will never feel my couple
We are lost , and meaning is lost too
I do not see youngsters chill in schools anymore
We are all locked up in an electronic circuit
You and you and me
Do not exclude yourself, you know it
this is how they wanted us to end up
They want us to be machines, not to resist
they want us to lick where they spit
We spit blood and they drink it, day and night, people are hungry
Suicides for debts, young people leave first
And then they praise Europe but with all this stuff
they are giving you to drink, how could you ever come to your senses?
Keep your eyes opened
Do not trust those terrorists and their scams
Wake up workers,the ties are robbing us
Wake up workers, the ties are robbing us


[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
I announce the start of the press conference of The Silver.
I ask all journalists to light up their microphones.
[Srebroto] (The Silver)
Mr. Journalist-o,
asks me vigorously.
Who is the man who threads silver fibres in his thin mustache?
Who is the man that has sunflower seeds, candies, pennies and silver bundles jingling in his pocket?
Who is the man to whom a fabulous, silver moon path leads?
Who is the man who carries liquid silver in his first aid auto kit?
Then he asks me - Is a silver lady, in a silver tub, rubbing a dark back?
Then he asks me - Are you going to а jazz party with that silver dress-coat?
Then the man asks me - Do I put any silver lenses in my eyes?
And I say - My journalist, how are you? Do you want help? Save some energy.
I don't know, yes, I know, I don't know, I don't know.
I can't give an answer for you.
The number of my fashion is very big.
Do you ask me what I drink and what I eat.
Ask your questions a little more correctly,
in order for me to give more spectacular answers.
My music is manga-hit-hop style,
it's not punk, rap, rock or pop.
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
Didn't it get a little heavy...?
No, no, no, it's more like punk, but not heavy.
[Srebroto] (The Silver)
Nine hundred and twenty-five are the noble qualities of The Silver.
After that comes the question - Is The Silver worth like a six in the lottery?
'But you don't answer anything specific.' one says and startles me.
He wants me to explain who is hiding under this silver paint.
Who, who, who? Who, who, who?
And again they torment me with the question of The Silver in weight and carats.
And they ask me again - Do you spend silver in the European States?
And again they torment me with the question - Am I inhaling a light silver dose?
And why does my wife tolerate this silver pose?
I don't know, yes, I know, I don't know, I don't know.
I can't give an answer for you.
The number of my fashion is very big.
Do you ask me what I drink and what I eat.
Ask your questions a little more correctly,
in order for me to give more spectacular answers.
My music is manga-hit-hop style,
it's not punk, rap, rock or pop.
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth) (x4)
Didn't it get a little heavy...?
No, no, no, it's more like punk, but not heavy.

Party stress

[Srebroto] (The Silver)
Highlife party - an inseparable interest.
Manicures, dresses, silicone, stress,
wild fairies, God knows what else.
They march by us in retro fashion clothing.
Thank you! Your performance brought me a revelation.
You go to a highlife party and leave in a good mood.
Someone rang my doorbell in the morning,
turned out to be our personal eruo-millions.
When did we manage to step into these deep waters
I asked my brother Zyumbyul (Hyacinth), he shrugged shyly.
Kulim (Kulyu) gave something for charity.
Excess silver, we should spend it like crazy.
The stress indicator started flashing,
we will hear an ultra hit of a new pop lark.
A free reality for all euro-countries,
the loser wins the right... to... make art.
And again dances tonight.
And again the chains are shining tonight. Wow!
Euro-euphoria! Please, hands up in the air!
And again dances tonight.
And again the chains are shining tonight. Wow!
Euro-euphoria! Please everyone, hands up in the air!
Tell me how not to pay attention to you.
Not only you're sexy, but with charm.
You're a super fan, I'm just a performer.
The autograph pen is gold - without ink.
You tell me one thing and I hear another.
You don't see me, you see my HUGO socks.
The leather is eco, the wool - angorian.
Buffet occupied by people.
Highlife party with a euro-mood,
a suitable time for a respectful donation.
I should probably go, 'cause the whysky's dancing
and should take her with me, since she kisses me so warmly.
And again dances tonight.
And again the chains are shining tonight. Wow!
Euro-euphoria! Please, hands up in the air!
And again dances tonight.
And again the chains are shining tonight. Wow!
Euro-euphoria! Please everyone, hands up in the air!
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
Would you look at Nufri...
Miracles happen at parties every day,
and I'd do anything for you to go through me.
Life is much more interesting than going to the movies
and the main character is me, not Al Pacino.
I look at both of your eyes hotly,
with the subtext 'I will meet you again'.
But wait for me to pick up the phone,
Zaiko calls me, the premiere of the BDS jargon.
He knows enthusiasts full of feelings,
ready to sacrifice themselves in politics.
One ... Five ... Make yourself comfortable ...
Four ... Two ... Three ... Relax ... One ...
Dear tenants, breathing is the basis of human life.
Breathe deeply through your nose with an upright spine.
As you breathe, fill yourself with positive thoughts and inner serenity.
If you are politically engaged, use intermediaries for your good mood.

I hate

[Verse 1]
I hate your grey iPhone
I hate your ripped grey jeans (fuck)
I hate it when my phone
Becomes a device for you to read all my messages
I hate your friends
I hate, hate being lied to
I hate
I hate all your friends
I'll give it to all those fuckers at my concert with my guitar in their fucking mugs
I'd rather pay for sex and
Not have to deal with this mindfuckery anymore
I'll forget about your birthday
Just like in the song 'Shop'1, and
I'll ne-e-ver
I'll ne-e-ver
I'll ne-e-ver
Text you
Text you
[Verse 2]
I hate all your habits
I hate your songs, they're fucked up (like you)
I hate your new haircut
I hate eating, I hate it, oh god
I hate it when you go through my browser history
When I'm on the toilet leave me alone!
I hate it when all my socks are on your shelf
I hate
I hate
I'd rather pay for sex and
Not have to deal with this mindfuckery anymore
I'll forget about your birthday
Just like in the song 'Shop' and
I'll ne-e-ver
I'll ne-e-ver
I'll ne-e-ver
Text you
This song is about real love
In all its manifestations
Everyone loves in their own way
And yes, you'd know that I love you
Despite these retarded songs
The best rock band? Zavtra Broshu!
Sing along with us
I'd rather pay for sex and
Not have to deal with this mindfuckery anymore
I'll forget about your birthday
Just like in the song 'Shop' and
I'll ne-e-ver
I'll ne-e-ver
I'll ne-e-ver
Text you
  • 1. Zavtra Broshu have another song called Магазин (Shop) where there is a line that goes в свой день рождения будешь ты одна (on your birthday you'll be alone)

Do It Yourself

There's no-one to have fun with now
my best friend is a hardware store
I bring out the tools and kill the time
It's time to do it yourself
2020.000 summer plans
A sunshine trip to Crete, a bucket of sangria
Three weeks sailing around Gran Ganaria
And dancing with some girls
But that's not happening, no
I have
The biggest summer blues, no festival this year
I'm sitting in a cabin while time just passes
I have polished my railing
Done it myself with my hands
2020.000 summer plans
More plans than you can imagine
Must do it myself
The two of us can do it later
2020 took my summer plans
My ladies, my hobbies
Must do it myself
You know what I mean
I was imagining a different type of spirit in my pocket
When I said this would be the wildest summer
I was supposed to find a girl on the dance floor
We were suppoed to win the Euro Cup with the national team
Sweat drips from me
I'm a true do-it-yourself guy
Chopping wood with my big strong arm
My body is so wet and warm
Cause churning butter makes you sweaty
It's hot when you're cleaning the pipe
Yes, I'm pumping the wheelbarrow
Harvesting the dandelion like never before
Euro Cup, Olympic Games, beer (it's all cancelled)
The club's closed (so we party in dayligt)
I have polished my railing
Done it myself with my hands
2020.000 summer plans
More plans than you can imagine
Must do it myself
The two of us can do it later
2020 took my summer plans
My ladies, my hobbies
Must do it myself
You know what I mean
I'm dreaming about you
But no-one wants to play
I'm alone out here
So I use my own tools
I'm dreaming about you
But no-one wants to play
I'm alone out here
So I must do it myself
Do it myself
Jerking the wrench (do it yourself)
Squeezing the glue gun (do it yourself)
Get out the ruler (I must do it myself)
Hammering the nail (do it yourself)
Putting oil on the shaft (do it yourself)
Shaking the hinge (I must do it myself)
Fumbling with the yardstick
I look forward to being social again
I look forward to holding my best friend's hand
and greeting my one-eyed downstairs neighbour again!
2020.000 summer plans
More plans than you can imagine
Must do it myself
The two of us can do it later
2020 took my summer plans
My ladies, my hobbies
Must do it myself
You know what I mean
2020.000 summer plans
More plans than you can imagine
Must do it myself
The two of us can do it later
2020 took my summer plans
My ladies, my hobbies
Must do it myself
You know what I mean
I'm dreaming about you
But no-one wants to play
I'm alone out here
So I use my own tools
I'm dreaming about you
But no-one wants to play
I'm alone out here
So I must do it myself
Do it myself

I’ll Lay the World at Your Feet

My head is dizzy with your love,
It is a dope, I am drunk.
I needn’t any words of pride,
When I have you, the love of mine.
You are a ray in my hard life
You brought some light into my soul.
I’ll never meet a better one,
When you, my happiness, are close.
I’ll lay the world at your feet, dear,
I’ll warm your heart with warmth of me.
I’ll give you everything I may,
You will be happy I can say.
I’ll present flowers to you,
They will be flowers of love,
I’ll bring you into paradise
For no one but for us two.
And heaps of billions sparkling stars
Will fall like cover at your feet.
And million roses and bunches
You’ll see around you just simple.
I’ll lay the world at your feet, dear,
I’ll warm your heart with warmth of me.
I’ll give you everything I may,
You will be happy I can say.

I got you out

I press it against my head, one, two, three
I pull the trigger, keep on watching
I got you out of my mind
Out of my mind
I got you out
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
I've made a mess, now it's your move
I've ruined the plot, could you forgive me
That was my last step out into the void
I fell down on your doorstep, don't trip over (me)

Come on, help us make the sun rise up

Come on, help us make the sun rise up, all over Greece
Come on, help us make the sun rise up, all over the world
See, it's wheels are stuck deep into the mud
And see, it's wheels are stuck deep into blood
Come on, guys, the sun won't rise on itself
Push with your knees and chests so we can take it out of the mud
Push with your knees and chests so we can take it out of the blood
We touch on it my same-blooded brothers
Come on, brothers, and it used to save us with it's fire
Come on, come on, it's flame wrapped us up my brothers


Fridaynight I put the skis
On my car and I drive to
Stubaital or to Zell am See
Because there, on top of the mountains
They always have the best snow!
Cause I want:
Wow wow wow,
Because skiing is the greatest thing
You ever can imagine!
In the early morning I am the first to reach the peak,
So that I won't have to wait so long for the ride up there.
Up there I buy a Jägertea at the lodge,
Because such a tea turns the snow
Into something really beautiful!
And when the snow is like powder
And when the sun is shining,
Then I am completely happy.
I am standing at the peak, I look down into the valley.
Everyone is happy, everyone is feeling great,
And only wants:
Because skiing is the greatest thing
You ever can imagine!
Sunday evening I put the skis
On my car. But then I am overwhelmed
And I look back to the mountains and think by myself:
'What the hack!
I won't drive home yet!
I will stay Monday too!'
Wow wow wow,
Because skiing is the greatest thing
You ever can imagine!
Wow wow wow,
Wow wow wow,

Pinch me

And again I take the subway from work to home
Outside it's raining, inside it stinks and I barely can stand it
The people, sitting or standing, all look so sad
I think it's due to being in the subway-
There can't be another reason!
In the pub I always meet a man who talks an awful lot
He is so rich, he is so good, he knows the whole world
But in fact he is a terrible person, afraid of working and always drunk
He is dirty, he stinks -
In short, he is a real pig!
Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming!
This can't be real, is this our home?
Pinch me, doesn't matter where!
I can't believe it, it doesn't make sense!
But pinching doesn't help me, I am confused -
Couldn't maybe someone slap my face?
Thank you, now it's clear to me:
It is true, it is true!
'The youth has no ideals, no appreciation of real values
Their life is too good, they don't know any hardness!'
Say those who always show the white feather, are greedy for money and corrupt
Become retired after a scandal - in short: are a real role model!
Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming!
This can't be real, is this our home?
Pinch me, doesn't matter where!
I can't believe it, it doesn't make sense!
But pinching doesn't help me, I am confused -
Couldn't maybe someone slap my face?
Thank you, now it's clear to me:
It is true, it is true!

45 brains and one heart

They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and one heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
Here, without myth or rite
Left to time
Wrapped up in mud
Near some urbanization
45 brains and 1 heart
They're still there in silence
Their longings suspended
Dirty fate
Their dreams whisper
Dirty silence, yes
They're still there
They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and 1 heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
The soil made them of themselves and ours
Heaven had them alive and dead
Jewels of modern fortgetfulness
Who forgets, who remembers?
45 brains and one heart
Tell me, death, little death of mine
Where will you burn?
The lady answers:
'I will come at dawn
I will come at nightfall
I will come where you will be'
My time is not your time
It wanted to explain
That I live in the stones
The ones of today and the ones of yesterday
I am the course of the world
I am only a second
Afterwards there will be no afterwards
After eighty years
After eight decades
While I sing
While he plays
While you listen to me
While you breathe
While, during, afterwards
They're still there
In silence