Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 42


A World Abandoned by God

Versions: #3
Gold has turned black, crammed a room
The city is crammed.
The world is one big damned prison.
The summer is cold, (we) dance in the cold. 2
Who’s on the line?
The wire’s gone dark.
Just silence.
Don’t glue splinters together,
Don’t let the darkness fade away,
Watch as the wolves spawn
from stray dogs. 3
Shove your head into the television,
Wear holes into your couch. 4
You are already posthumously forced to do so. 5
In a world abandoned, abandoned, abandoned by God. 6
Bolts become trinkets, wolves become friends, 7
Who were you, and who were you not?
Go figure it out.
Either become a sheep,
Hook up with a candle,
God will be with you today like a fig leaf,
There is no need for worry,
Time does not go backwards,
Exactly at midnight, scores upon scores will leave, 8
But it isn’t about this,
I want so much, just to live
Just to throw a ray of light into this
world abandoned, abandoned, abandoned by God.
  • 1. Hectic makes sense, to me it sounds like he is saying it is a hectic mess
  • 2. I’m assuming he means we. This line makes no sense in English.
  • 3. I heard Moscow has a stray dog problem….and I kinda want to live in Moscow where I commute on a train with a wolf. That be cool
  • 4. There are a lot of ways you can interpret that.
  • 5. This was a weird line to translate, so if I could have a native I’d be happy for this one
  • 6. I like how I interpreted it but I’m certain someone will object, it isn’t living if someone doesn’t object to you or your actions.
  • 7. Yet again, this song has a theme of being hard to interpret and translate into English.
  • 8. Help on this one too. Jesus this song is tough.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Desert Camel

I want to cross this desert
To find my true self
Only a camel is accompanying me
This wind has blown over
That cloud drifted over
Suddenly a small river of love appears
I am on the boat of the desert
A pipe and an hourglass are on my back
A pot of spirits in my hand
On this long stretching ancient road
Endless joys, anger and sorrows
Only that camel is still busy rushing
*What ghost legends
What evil spirits, demons and monsters
Only that heron is singing faintly
Sandstorm sweeps past the sky
Going through every corner
Walking in the boundless galaxy
Day and night interlace
So graceful and enchanting
Idles away the time as well as me
Too many wrong paths in front
Only perseverance can lead to freedom
Only leaving the dark I can be free and happy
I’m looking for an oasis
A mirage appears
I seem to see her waiting there
Thinking of her gentleness
Boiling my chest
Lost in the pot of old spirits last night
I put on my boots
Crossing the wilderness
As if I’ve crossed into another world
Aladdin's lamp has to be leaned
Heaven and hell have overlapped
Suddenly a butterfly is flying here
I’ve fallen into this magical country
Camel bell is accompanying me on the road to the church
Forgive me for being in trance and lost in wrong path
My eyes are covered
My intentions are forgotten
How could I be conquered like this?
Back to the beginning in dream
Waves are rising and falling
Hesitating the future as well as loneliness
In the long journey of life
Countless flowers bloom and fall
How could the finest time be desolated?
From morning till sundown
A flock of birds on the horizon
Swaying in the sky and depicting the dust loess
The sky is turning bright in the east
The scorching sun reveals its radiance
Letting go the dust, I’ve already set foot on my way home

Silly Textbooks

Versions: #2
it's almost dawn now, i study but i cram
because tomorrow i'll be taking my final exam
it's so hard to concentrate and my time is almost up
it's only your beautiful image that my mind is thinking of
silly textbooks
how can all of those words come into my mind and enter
my mind is already tired after longing for her
longing for her, longing for her
silly textbooks
how can all of those words come into my mind and enter
i know very well that this is why i'll fail this semester
but I love her, I love her, pardon me please
today is the day, my mind is a blur
i spent the entire evening thinking only of her
but i am always hoping i'll see her today in class
that i'll hug her and kiss her although the finals, I won't pass


A rainbow of colors spins into spiral of flame
Inherit the distant, undying light
On that day, the sky fell away
Is there a fading sun in the endless night?
The everlasting silence in between
A myriad of souls, a faint heartbeat
Everyone's lights of life
Left their body in the wind blowing through
These living things release faint light
Unable to escape time, the chains of destiny
A rainbow of colors spins into spiral of flame
Inherit the distant, undying light
As fate spins, a breath will sprout
New life will begin in this earth
Everyone is caught in the struggle
Together we step forward, facing tomorrow
These living things are faint light, joining into a star
Until the end of time, our souls will sing
A rainbow of colors spins into spiral of flame
Wherever you're led by the distant, undying light

Oltsd el a cigarettát

Miért dohányzol, lány? Miért?
A mérgező füst úgy tekereg, mint egy kígyó
Higgy nekem, nem leszel dögösebb
A fájdalmad lecsillapul, de megmarad
Nem, nem fog meg megmenteni senkit
Az élet problémáitól és aggodalmaitól
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Miért dohányzol, lány? Várj!
Miért kell bármit is tenned ezzel a borzalmas méreggel?
Nem fogod megmenteni magad a fájdalmadtól és bánatodtól
Még a legvastagabb füstfal mögött sem
Egy irreális világban bolyogva
Összetört lélekkel élsz
Oltsd el a cigarettád! Kihez beszélek? Oltsd el!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Egy fénysugár még mindig pislákol a szívedben
Légy óvatos! Talán megbánod!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Könyörgöm, oltsd el!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Oltsd el!

Put your cigarette out

Why do you smoke, girl? Why?
The toxic smoke winds like a snake
Believe me, your love won't be hotter
Your pain will subside but it will stay
No, it won't save anybody
From life problems and worries
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Why do you smoke, girl? Wait!
Why do you have anything to do with this terrible poison?
You won't save yourself from your pain and grief
Behind even the thickest wall of smoke
Wandering in an unreal world
You live with your soul apart
Put your cigarette out! Who am I talking to? Put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
A ray of light still shimmers in your soul
Be careful! You may regret it!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, I beg you, put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Put it out!

Throw away boredom like the peeling of a melon

Throw away boredom like the peeling of a melon,
The sky is clear and the dreams are light.
The lad had a horse and his fate
Was interesting - before the war.
Yes, in the war is like in the war,
And before the war is like before the war, -
Everywhere, in the whole universe.
He rode quickly on the horse
At the end of spring, at the end of spring -
The last pre-war one.
But the fog already captivated the dew,
Hail fell on fields and dreams, -
So that the clouds may pull away,
The lad has to be exactly there.
There - in the war is like in the war,
And before the war is like before the war, -
Everywhere, in the whole universe.
He rode quickly on the horse
At the end of spring, at the end of spring -
The last pre-war one.

İnsan Kalmak İstiyorum

İnsan kalmak istiyorum ve bir sayı olmak istemiyorum
Ve insanlar görmek istiyorum çünkü çok karşıyım
Evlerimizi sadece robotlar için yapıyoruz
Ve sadece aptalca televizyona bakmak için!
İnsan kalmak istiyorum, küçük bir sırrım olsun istiyorum
Topları itmek (vurmak) istiyorum, güzel taşlar (bulmak) için kazmak istiyorum
Şarkı söylemek ve gülmek ve ne istersem yapmak istiyorum
Ama şimdiden çok şey istedim sanırım
İnsan kalmak istiyorum
Ve satılmak istemiyorum
Tıpkı bir eşya gibi
Her şeyin bir değeri yoktur
Bir fiyatı olması da gerekmez
Bu konuda bir anlaşalım önce!*
İnsan kalmak istiyorum, bir ceset olarak ölmek istemiyorum
Çünkü o kusturur, berbattır ve ağlatır
İnsanların para için yaptığı aptalca şeyleri görmek
Bu da sayılabilecek başka bir şey
İnsan kalmak istiyorum
Ve satılmak istemiyorum
Tıpkı bir eşya gibi
Her şeyin bir değeri yoktur
Bir fiyatı olması da gerekmez
Bu konuda bir anlaşalım önce!
İnsan kalmak istiyorum, hayatımı yaşamak istiyorum
İnsan kalmak istiyorum ve her şeyimi vereceğim
Bugün hâlâ hayalini kurduğum, yarın yapacağım şeylere
Hiçbir şeyi kaçırmak istemiyorum!

My space

Now, now...
Let us specify something -
this song's a result of another lunar eclipse.
There is no doubt, that the moon shines from the reflection
of at least a milliard solar generations.
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
If the moon is my satellite, what am I then?
Lava in my soul, embers in my head.
[Srebroto] (The silver)
'Evening sets in, the moon rises...'
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
We all know that poem.
Op, op! A micron got in my eye -
that's a sign for me, that I'm entering a cyclone.
Light up my rocket and watch me make a scene,
I got a yearning for couple of star tournaments.
[Srebroto] (The silver)
What tournament? It doesn't matter.
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
He's a third generation romantic.
Look at my head, full of songs.
The hour and place of the date are known.
I want to splash you on the face like the sea,
There, where in my space I'll find you,
and climb a lunar peak... Very much...
[Srebroto] (The silver)
Here I am, going out with my boy band,
the rating of a huge falling star went down.
And your boots are so exquisite,
sorry for mine - they're dusty form the lunar dust.
How do I talk to you? If I tell a funny joke...
I may look like a future solo artist.
[Zyumbyul and Kulyu]
(Your space suit is pretty...
From a famous quality brand...)
[Srebroto] (The silver)
It reminds me of Sophia Loren in the movie Two Women.
What rakia are you drinking, does it even lift?
This girl's constantly winking at me, she comes from many light years away.
She lifts the helmet - there shines an aura,
the light of a couple of thousands of comets.
Let me treat you a coffee from a vending machine, but I don't have any coins.
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
His pocket is full of image confetti.
[Srebroto] (The silver)
If I was Pavarotti, I'd sing you to canzonets.
If I wasn't an astronaut where... cadets.
I want to splash you on the face like the sea,
There, where in my space I'll find you,
and climb a lunar peak... Very much...
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
Why am I even goin' in a shuttle, when I don't know anything about shuttles.
Better a well-read tourist, than a barefooted engineer.
Don't look, that I'm roaming in space,
at least the sea ____________ of the cosine.
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
The technologies are advancing so fast,
that the ideologies of uncle Getsko got mixed.
(I thought I was flying, and I was gravitating...)
She doesn't even know how well I understand her.
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
A man is as big as his dreams.
The welcome you by the clothes, send you off by the money.
It became very crowded on this Earth.
[Srebroto] (The silver)
Even Leonardo deciphered this.
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
The people are free - they can choose.
The cosmos is a big stellar accommodation.
It's good when you have money.
[Zyumbyul] (Hyacinth)
Once it was 'bringing down', now it's 'buying stars'.
I want to splash you on the face like the sea,
There, where in my space I'll find you,
and climb a lunar peak... Very much...

RBG #7 - Mario Bros. vs. Donkey Kong

Rap Battle of GAAA!
The Mario Brothers!
The DK Crew!
Oooh! A new clash, where I'm Player One
If you're good, little monkey, I'll give you a banana
Look at the M on my hat! Master of video games
Like Mickey does with Disney I'm driving Disney
Quit trying to rap if you don't even know how to talk
You want to look like a human? Start by getting dressed!
You know from the centre of Bowser to the edge of the Galaxy
Everyone is jealous of the brothers Mario and Luigi!
Donkey Kong:
I was happy on my island stirring my coconut juice
When from over the peaks your midget shouts sounded out
Did her highness friendzone you? You rap and you didn't score?
I'm going to capture the princess and **** her with my barrel
You act like a tough guy with your redneck moustache
But a plumber like you would be good in a porno
You're my kid! Never heard of a game called Donkey Kong?
Your head's gotten big, I'm gonna remind you where you came from.
In the whole Mario universe, Luigi is the favourite.
With Bros., Galaxy, Paper, Party, Kart, et Sunshine, of course they've forgotten you!
I'm a Ghost hunter armed with my hoover!
Monkeys won't stand up to the King
You'll die of fear facing cousin Bowser.
Don't go too fast! They might not get it all!
The only thing that interests them is finding stuff to eat!
Move on to something else! Country's out of fashion!
You're not in the race any more, you've been overtaken by a Toad!
Country and Jazz are what we're all about
On Kong Island it's groove mode, not stars and candy
We're so funky, with Tiny, Lanky and Chunky
Ready to kick some Tiki just for fun, Diddy says so!
Donkey Kong:
Well said! Country's so good it's made a comeback!
You're on the phone trying to scrounge for money as usual
Most of your games are based on multiplayer mode!
You need friends that much? Go home to your galaxy!
You don't have Luma bro? You should know what I'm earning with Harmony!
Just look at our games on 64 to see that you got weak
Your adventures are just copies and ridiculously hard
If only Cranky helped you instead of being a jerk
Your name fuses together a big monkey and the donkey from Shrek
You have as much expression as Mr. Spock from Star Trek!
Your island attracts...
...Real dumbasses!
Like the Vikings...
...And the Tiki Kong!
Your crocodiles...
...That bunch of clowns!
Could win...
Without even noticing!
When people think of video games, they think Mario!
When they think of fan-base, they think of Luigi!
Mario & Luigi:
When they think of best sales of all time, they think of Mushroom Kingdom on the Wii
I rock in bed with Daisy!
Chilling on Yoshi's back!
Mario & Luigi:
The Italian brothers with the Japanese success are gonna straight up bring you down!
The only games you're in...
... are the ones I let you in!
Without Smash Brothers or Mario Kart, you'd be gone long ago!
No-one ever picks you!
You're empty and boring!
Go join K. Rool in loser-land...
Mario & Luigi:
... and get forgotten!
You're the main man, but your name's not in lights any more!
Super Luigi Bros.? That's how much no-one cares.
My Candy will make you forget about Peach!
No-one's waiting for your games, Link 86'd you on the Switch!
You're talking about Smash Bros, since when are you so proud?
No-one plays with you ... they'd rather have Mewtwo!
As annoying as a Toad...
...always talking but nothing to say!
All as empty as a Mii...
Donkey & Diddy:
...Your jokes aren't funny any more!
Now it's our turn to play!
Donkey & Diddy:
Pass the controllers you're not our king any more!
Samus, Pitt, Fox, et Kirby will agree with me!
Thanks to our Rambi we reach Bowser in a second!
You start over at level 1...
Donkey & Diddy:
...we'll be waiting for you in the last world!
Who won?
Who's next?
You decide!