Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 460


Be Energetic

Eating loads whilst on a diet
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Getting rich without working hard
No! No! No No! Impossible!
Sleeping in and catching the train
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Going back to before that argument
No! No! No! No! No going back!
Ah, there's no end to a girl's worries
Even though I wanted to wear stylish clothes
There's no place for me to do that, right?
Forgetting something in a taxi
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Getting popular overnight
No! No! No limits!
Yes! Let's go!
Go! From now on
Let's go seriously! Wao!
Being able to love, meeting you
How wonderful this happiness is
You're energetic as well
Everyone's energetic
Within tranquility, there's excitement
Sleeping during exam time
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Spending all your wages
No! No! No No! Impossible!
Ah, no-one knows what the future holds
But living seriously and stuff, doesn't it seem wonderful?
Putting mayonnaise in the fridge
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Avoiding family bonding
No! No! No! No! There's no need!
Yes! Let's go!
Go! Tomorrow as well
Let's go seriously! Wao!
Me smiling, you smiling too
How wonderful this happiness is
Open the window
The breeze feels so good
Holding hands, let's walk together
Being able to love, meeting you
How wonderful this happiness is
You're energetic as well
Everyone's energetic
Within tranquility, there's excitement

Ballad to a Double Agent

He arrived to The Land (Israel) by twisted devious paths
He was a hidden agent, did not want to be revealed
He stayed in fancy hotels
He always existed on the accounts of others
He fought the Muslims and hid in Istanbul
He misled the Russians, he was a double agent
In a boat of slaves to the Land of Canaan he rowed
The Turks controlled The Land, to Egypt he returned
He rode to Palestine
On a camel with two humps
He arrived at Rosh Pina
In the guise of a Turkish Sheik
Within three and a half days he met with the Sultan
He took him in a taxi and murdered him in the garden
He it houses on fire at night, the Turks suffered during the day
They called him Zero Zero Yosef Yosef the awful
He rode to Palestine
On a camel with two humps
He arrived at Rosh Pina
In the guise of a Turkish Sheik
He rode to Palestine
On a three dimensional donkey
He arrived at Rosh Pina
In the guise of a gnomish carrot
And his wife said to Yosef
Change your attitude
He said to her to be quiet
And he changed his wife

BWV 248, II, 6 Recitativo: A jel pedig ez lesz számotokra.

A jel pedig ez lesz számotokra:
találtok egy kisgyermeket,
aki bepólyálva
fekszik a jászolban.

Song about the uselessness of people’s ambition.

Versions: #2
Das Lied von der Unzulänglichkeit menschlichen Strebens
Song about the uselessness of people’s ambition.
In life people use their head
But the head doesn’t serve ‘em right
If you just take a look on your head
At best you’ll see some lice.
‘Cos In this life people just are always taken by surprise
They never seem to notice all the tricks and lies
They try to make a plan
To become a shining light
And then they make a second plan
But neither of ‘em will turn out right
For in this life, people just really aren’t that sly
And all their fine ambitions are no more than a ‘nice try’.
Yes just chase after joy
But just you bear in mind
Because everyone is chasing joy
Joy gets left behind
Because in this life people are never content with what they’ve got
And So all this striving is just a load of rot.
People really aren’t that good
Try whacking them on their caps
Go on, Knock their hats right off
And they’ll go straight, perhaps?
Yes in this life people are never good enough
So you might as well just tap them gently instead of being rough!

Hard People

How is your look so hard
It wills everything to stone
Is there not the smallest dream within
Is the present nothing but coldness
May then, in your mind,
absolutely no sun shine?
And doesn't it ever make you cry
that you were never children?

Where are you, girl of my dreams

Loneliness is so hard
And I so much want
To find someone
That's when my sadness will end
Hey, wherever I go
I ask:
Where are you, girl of my dreams?
For I, I long
Like you, to find love
Like you, to find love
The lover's melody
Floats1 around her
She too might hear the love song
And then somewhere along
She'll follow the sound
The lover's melody floats around her
Hey, wherever I go
I ask:
Where are you, girl of my dreams?
For I, I long
Like you, to find love
Like you, to find love
The lover's melody
Floats around her
She too will hear the love song
And then somewhere along
She'll follow the sound
The lover's melody floats around her
Hey, wherever I go
I ask:
Where are you, girl of my dreams?
For I, I long
Like you, to find love
Like you, to find love
  • 1. Lit. 'plays'

Kimondhatatlan Kultuszokról

Zordont és rémisztőt álmodtam, sivár látomásokat
az emberiség előtti kígyó-népségről és rég halott hüllőkkel létesítettem kapcsolatot,
csendesen, hideg és kíváncsi közönyösséggel figyelik az érákat,
a mélységes emberi faj véget nem érő bánatát és szenvedését.
Nem merem ismét átadni magam a mély alvásnak, mely örökkön hívogat engem.
Nehogy rettegjek,
borzongjak a megnevezhetetlen lényektől,
amelyek akár ebben a pillanatban is
portyázhatnak és ólálkodhatnak
öntudatom nyálkás peremein,
előkúszva pokoli gödreik gyomrából,
imádva ódon kőbálványaikat és saját maguk gyűlöletes képmásait faragják a véráztatta gránitból készült földalatti obeliszkekbe.
Várom azt a napot, mikor a végzet karmai felemelkednek,
hogy bűzös karmaikkal lehúzzák egy elcsigázott, elhanyatlott, háborútól kétségbeesett emberiség megfáradt és reménytelen maradékait.
A napot, mikor a Föld megnyílik és a fekete, feneketlen, ásító mélység elnyeli az emberiség arrogáns civilizációit.
Katonikus megtorlás száll fel
Univerzális Zűrzavar közepette, és azok, kik kúsznak és portyáznak, ismét felemelkednek, hogy újra megörököljék a Földet.

Lány Haithabuból

Már Haithabuban voltunk
Egy tavaszi napon májusban.
Mi teljesen elfoglaltak voltunk
És fennakadtunk
És emellett Rumunk sem volt
Az út mentén
Álltunk part előtt
Egy szépség egyszerű öltözetben
Tündérszerű volt
''Üdvözöllek titeket
Gyertek velem, ha szomjasak vagytok''
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
És elindultunk
A ti kis falutokba
És mondta: ''Eileennek hívnak''
A piacon ilyenkor
Ahol az ünnepség kezdődik
Minden nő olyan fiatal és szép volt
Engem Eileen ragadott meg
Odahúztam magamhoz
''Táncoljunk, te és én''
Nincs az országban
Aki úgy fellobbantott az éjszaka
Mint a lány Haithauból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
(Hey ho)
(Hey ho)
(Hey ho)
És mi töltöttünk
Ittunk rumot és bort
A karjaimban feküdt Eileen
És halkan énekeltünk
A reggeli pirkadatig
És a nap ragyogott az égen
Délben felkeltem
Kinéztem az ablakon
Lábaim, fejem, mindenem fájt
Amit átéltünk
Több mint egy este volt
Mert már leeset az első hó
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból


[Verse 1]
Three rooms, but things aren't good here anymore*
Enter only at your own risk
Tell me, can you really not see it?
I'm doing it all just for you
Yeah, you asked me to multiple times
But, honey, I can't talk right now
I feel like I'm on another planet
I'll call you back later
I know it's been a year
You meant well, I didn't listen
Everything you said, I ignored
Now it's too late because you're not here anymore
I know I didn't see the signs
But slowly I'm starting to understand it
Too often, I wasn't there
You often wondered what I was doing
It seems so clear
I know I didn't see the signs
I didn't want to spend the time with you*
Too often, I wasn't there
You often wondered what I was doing
It seems so clear
[Verse 2]
I know it was my fault, I get it
To many corners and edges
Too restless a life, the change
It wasn't just about you anymore
The day came when I realised
The love was long since stranded
Only the thought remains:
'How can I come back from here?'
I know it's been a year
You meant well, I didn't listen
Everything you said, I ignored
Now it's too late because you're not here anymore
I know I didn't see the signs
But slowly I'm starting to understand it
Too often, I wasn't there
You often wondered what I was doing
It seems so clear
I know I didn't see the signs
I didn't want to spend the time with you
Too often, I wasn't there
You often wondered what I was doing
It seems so clear
Now I'm starting to understand it
I didn't see the signs
I know I didn't see the signs
But now I'm slowly starting to understand it
Too often, I wasn't there
You often wondered what I was doing
It seems so clear
I know I didn't see the signs
I didn't want to spend the time with you
Too often, I wasn't there
You often wondered what I was doing
It seems so clear

The noise in me

You're like snow to me
You sparkle in light
But you don't quench my thirst
You are cold and gentle at the same time
It attracts me to you
You are the white noise in me
I stand there and melt
when I'm around you
I stand there and melt
when I'm around you
I'm not who I used to be anymore
I present to myself differently to you
I'm not who I used to be
I present to myself differently
You fall down so gently
So gently and beautiful
Come, fall on me
Fall on me
You warm me up and lock me in
How warm can be cold
You lock me up in you
You lock me up in you
You're like snow to me
You sparkle in light
But you don't quench my thirst
You're cold and gentle at the same time
It attracts me to you
You are the noise in me
I present myself there

Balkán lány

A legszebb lány a Balkánról
Miatta elveszítettem az eszemet, igen
Mit mondhatnék? Ő megfizethetetlen
Ördögszeme csillog, mint a Sátáné
Az ereimben érzem már a vodkát
Az erekben, az ereimben
Minden férfi alábecsüli őt
Veszélyes és szexi
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy piszkosan szereti
De itt a klubban hercegnő
Gyere hozzám, mert én tudom, hogy magányos vagy
Programozd a csípődet harmóniára
Te egy nő vagy, igen Baby, és egy férfi
És kíváncsi vagyok, hogyan lehet
Coco Chanel, Coco Chanel
Barna égő bőre, mint a karamell
Édes mint a cukor, édesebb mint a Nutella
Igazi nő minden időben
A legszebb lány a Balkánról
Miatta veszítettem el az eszem, igen
2 lövés* és minden ellazul
Mert így csináljuk mi a Balkánon, Balkán
A legszebb lány a Balkánról
Miatta veszítettem el az eszemet, igen
2 lövés és minden ellazul
Mert így csináljuk mi a Balkánon, Balkán
Túlzás, ahogy mozog
Néhányan nem bíznak a szemében, láttam
Az öklömbe harapok, ha elmegy
Ha elmegy, ha - ha elmegy
Elbűvölt, nem nézem
Olyan frissítő, mint egy jéghideg Pepsi
Uralja a táncteret
De higgy nekem, ő alábecsül engem
Gyere hozzám, mert én tudom,hogy magányos vagy
Programozd a csípődet harmóniára
Te egy nő vagy, igen Baby, és egy férfi
És kíváncsi vagyok, hogyan lehet
Coco Chanel, Coco Chanel
Barna égő bőre, mint a karamell
Édes mint a cukor, édesebb mint a Nutella
Igazi nő minden időben
A legszebb lány a Balkánról
Miatta veszítettem el az eszem, igen
2 lövés és minden ellazul
Mert így csináljuk mi a Balkánon, Balkán
A legszebb lány a Balkánról
Miatta veszítettem el az eszemet, igen
2 lövés és minden ellazul
Mert így csináljuk mi a Balkánon, Balkán
A legszebb lány a Balkánról
Miatta veszítettem el az eszem, igen
2 lövés* és minden ellazul
Mert így csináljuk mi a Balkánon, Balkán
A legszebb lány a Balkánról

Love Words

Please don't say things like that
I won't even make a sound
My eyes sting from staying up all night long,
So I'll just leave the tears as they are
For some reason saying sorry
Isn't all that easy
Though next year and the year after that
I'm sure will be the same,
It would be a waste for us to end this here
I'll throw away my immature, petty pride
And fill that space with words of love I was too awkard to say
The long Night
Melt away any hatred we had,
And isn't that enough? I'll be better
How should I comfort you?
I'm still very lacking
My day is filled with you
But nobody knows how I truly feel
The nigt won't be too long
So please hurry
We don't need too many words
We already know
Just looking at you brings tears to my eyes
I'll throw away my immature, petty pride
And fill that space with words of love I was too awkard to say
The long Night
Melt away any hatred we had,
And isn't that enough? I'll be better
Stars are raining down, their lights shining on you
Don't go too far, because I'm here
Always, I love you
I'll throw away my immature, petty pride
And fill that space with words of love I was too awkard to say
The long Night
Melt away any hatred we had,
And isn't that enough? Let me stay by your side

Sorry Not Sorry

Honestly, even when the words I wanted to say pushed their way up into my throat
I couldn't make myself say 'Let's break up'
And it just hurt me more
What else can I do?
My belief that time heal all wounds,
Was all that got me through this, and I regret it
I'll try to live without you, I'll try to make it through,
Even if it's hard, even through a day without you seems so strange
I don't even want to remember
The happy times we spent together
I hope we never meet again, even if by chance, let's break up
My foolish hopes that if I tried a bit more
You would understand how I felt
This isn't something that will be healed over time
All the days I struggled to hold on, I regret them
I'll try to live without you, I'll try to make it through,
Even if it's hard, even through a day without you seems so strange
I don't even want to remember
The happy times we spent together
I hope we never meet again, even if by chance, let's break up
This is the first time I'm telling you,
I'd rather you just curse at me
I no longer have any reason
To try to understadn you, I regret it
I'll try to live without you, I'll try to make it through, even if it's hard,
For myself who knew nothing but how to give
I did all I could do
And I gave you my heart
But I have no more regrets
Now I just hope we never meet again
What I really wanted to tell you was
I'm sorry

I have a friend in Munich

I have a friend in Munich, in Munich
Something is going on with them
He believes, he is getting big
In the thousand meter dash, Oh dear!
He listens with his rounds
by seconds
not up
He doesn't drink anymore
He doesn't smoke anymore
An even love, ya, love is hard for him
For big games
He does too much
Because at any cost,
He wants to win the gold
And I come for a visit to Munich, to Munich
I must go to the sports arena
Only to see him weary
in his long distance run, oh dear
He listens with his rounds
by seconds
not up
And every word
turns to sport
If this continues
Then I am running away!
No, I remain here
rather remain here
My goal is only a small ring of gold from you
I have a friend in Munich, in Munich
And I keep him
He thinks at every turn
Not me at the moment, Oh dear!
I even run out of love, out of love
out of love, Oh dear!
I even run out of love, out of love
with him

Beautiful goodbye

Versions: #2
[Verse 1]
Let’s talk about
All those things that we couldn’t say
When the breeze flows
Gently around us
Let’s sit face to face
And talk about our breakup
[Verse 2]
The winter passes and the flowers bloom
We said that
We’d be alright
But no matter how hard I try,
I can’t ignore
Your dying feelings
When April fades away
Let’s walk away
As if nothing’s wrong
So that
Our last goodbye
Will be beautiful
Just smile a little longer until then
[Verse 3]
If you turn back time
To when we first met
Don’t stand
There underneath the streetlight
Don’t smile
And don’t push your hair back like that
So that
I can just pass you by
When April fades away
Let’s walk away
As if nothing’s wrong
So that
Our last goodbye
Will be beautiful
Just smile a little longer until then
Even if I comfort you
And ask why you’ve changed
You drift away
So meet someone
That’s better than me
I hope you can smile with him
As you drift away
You fade away
Because we loved each other
Let’s say
Our last goodbyes
I pray that before this time ends
You can find happiness
Let’s not forget our love
You and I


Az emberevők is emberek, csak nem mindig férfiak
Az emberevő emberek az ételeiket sóval, borssal eszik
Az emberevő emberek egyáltalán nem érzik az emberek szagát
Az emberevő emberek szívesen látják mászni az embereket
Az emberevő embereknek is van szívük a gyerekekhez
Az emberevő emberek legtöbbször igen egészségesen élnek
Az emberevő emberek néha vegetáriánusként esznek
Az emberevő emberek nem mindig szőkék és árják
S amikor az emberevők sírnak
Akkor szörnyen sajnálnak mindent
De ezt nem változtathatják meg
Ez egy igen nehéz idő, ez egy igen nehéz idő
Az emberevő emberek normálisak s többnyire szorgalmasak
Az emberevő emberek nem először vannak '33 óta
Az emberevő emberek gyakran szerető apák
Az emberevő emberek legtöbbször meggyőződésből cselekednek
Az emberevő emberek ritkán eszik önmagukat
Az emberevő embereknek száz segítőjük van
Az emberevő emberek sose nyugodhatnak
Az emberevő embereknek szörnyű sok dolguk van
S amikor az emberevők sírnak
Akkor szörnyen sajnálnak mindent
De ezt nem változtathatják meg
Ez egy igen nehéz idő, ez egy igen nehéz idő
Egy nehéz idő
Igen, igen, igen
Igen, igen, igen
Igen, igen, igen
Az emberevő emberek is tudnak teniszezni és lovagolni
Minden oldalon vannak emberevő emberek
Az emberevő emberek emberevő-nyugdíjat kapnak
Az emberevő emberek elnökig jutnak (elnökök lesznek)
Igen, igen, igen
Igen, igen, igen
Az emberevő emberek melletted állnak a pultnál
Az emberevő emberek sose voltak
Az emberevő emberek emberevő-nyugdíjat kapnak
Az emberevő emberek elnökig jutnak (elnökök lesznek)
Emberevő (x8)

Feeling of Spaciousness

No need to diligently remind me.
Bothered the sensitive ears.
Could you please be lazy for a few seconds,don’t be too foolish.
Like a novice My Baby.
How could one use the whole day to accommodate me.
The shadow is hovering too frequently.
Of course don’t believe that in this instance,unable to hold close.
Then it will grow apart.
Time,how would you like to spend it?
Still can kiss you just like the beginning.
Please don’t fill up, like homework.
Like you, yet I.
Still desire for you to disregard me.
Aside from happiness,still need freedom.
Scared to be the good friend that one misses even when sleeping.
Don’t be too focus, change the criteria.
Like a freeze-frame and stare at me,how long could one love.
Superstitious happiness, murdering freedom
The long holiday, face against face, getting bored, how to repair
There is still room for you to wander
Don’t personally service me, all the time completely bored, completely
Only a single coffee cup accompanying me.
Lying on a grassy slope.
Compared to forcing me to stay in the love river all day.
It is quieter,My Baby.
The ocean wind passes by at the right time when sweating.
The petals rain down softly caressing.
At this moment,understanding that being stable is the way to adore me.
No need to rush.
If I’m too lazy to call you.
Suspect that the love is lacking a fire.
It’s only to take a break, and kiss again.
Better than unable to be calm again.
You finally resent me.
Aside from happiness, still need freedom.
Scared to be the good friend that one misses even when sleeping.
Don’t be too focus, change the criteria.
Like a freeze-frame and stare at me, how long could one love.
Superstitious happiness, murdering freedom
The long holiday, face against face, getting bored, how to repair
There is still room for you to wander
Don’t personally service me, all the time completely bored, completely
Aside from happiness, still need freedom
Scared to be the good friend that one misses even when sleeping
Don’t be too focus, change the criteria
Like a freeze-frame and stare at me, how long could one love
Superstitious happiness,murdering freedom.
The long holiday, face against face, getting bored, how to repair.
There is still room for you to wander.
Don’t personally service me, all the time completely bored, completely.

All the girls want to kiss

All the girls want to kiss
And want to know all about love
And don't want to miss any of the luck
They all want to be happy
All the boys they want to hear
That the girls desire them
And like to be near them
They all want to be happy
Oh, my Baby, Susi Baby
It's so nice to be young
All the girls want to kiss
And want to know all about love
And don't want to miss any of the luck
They all want to be happy
Oh, my Baby, Susi Baby
It's so nice to be young
All the girls want to kiss
And want to know all about love
And don't want to miss any of the luck
They all want to be happy (3x)

Towards Beyond The Sandstorm

Beyond the dust storm, an extending horizon.
Within each wave, everlasting melody.
Even though the season of travelers always bring our present to the past
The singing voices overlapping that day, are echoing even now...
What are we waiting for, even with these wounds stay unhealed
Good times for blend, I want to believe that we will return once again
Even though we yearn for water in this ocean of sand and our nails are peeling off, our prayers lie in the bottom of the water well
Your name is dream, an ephemeral melody, and we're fading far away that our lips meet
My heart's rhythm will never stop resounding, and there's just one more hill to cross
Even though I bury my prayers inside the sand, I extend out my hands, so please
fly me...
(Dream port)
Where are we heading to, without leaving even one single footprint?
Goodbye dear friend, I want to believe that we will meet once again
The moment this ocean of sand darkens, every lament will aim to the light
Your name is dream, a distant melody, and our lips light one single song
The harmony of night trembles, and loneliness freezes our voices
If my cries reach the moon, I will sacrifice this body, so please
fly me...
Fly me and take me to the forgotten realm
Take me there… Fly me…
All sounds, someday, will be inside disappearing silence
And as we tremble, we begin to sing the song of love
Our hearts will be able to cross the wind and reach the distant shore, won't they?
Because an eternal song echoing loudly in the distance invites us
We will be able to cross the sand and meet on the distant shore, won't we?
With the singing voice overlapping in that day inside our hearts,
towards beyond the sandstorm...

I will never look for you

Versions: #2
Never I will write not a line, you shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Never I will look for your love, but love will find the way to you.
Starless night and silent day,
There were some dreams that went away
That’s too long for me to wait,
And too simple to get all that
I will never look for your trace
But love will find the way to you
I will never seek your address,
You shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Question that you never will hear:
Where were you? What’s in your past ?
Never I will look for you, dear,
But love will find you, my sweetheart.
Sky with clouds is blue and white,
You’re like fairy bird but still you are not mine.
I had prophetic dreams they told me
Not to seek you and never believe
I will never look for you hence
But love will find the way to you
I will never seek your address,
You shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Question that you never will hear:
Where were you? What did you do?
Never I will look for you, dear,
My love will find the road to you.
Listening music of wild winds
Hearing breath of my soul,
You will leave cold of streets
And fly to me
I will never look for your trace,
But love will find the way to you
I will never seek your address,
You shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Question that you never will hear:
Where were you? What’s in your past ?
Never I will look for you, dear,
But love will find you…

Ah-chung's Grandma

She stood by the west coastline
while half of the mountain got hidden in dense fogs.
The old lady from the grocery store said,
'Hey Ah-chung, it's gonna rain,
hurry up and make your grandma come in and take shelter from the rain.'
The old guy that sails arranged his things a bit and walked here,
he said, 'the boss, your husband, plans to travel back tomorrow.'
The crowds at the port were dispersing gradually,
the lighthouse looks so beautiful but sad somehow, and where did the lonely bird dissapear after dusk?
Why has my husband been so lazy,
that he never replied any letters I sent.
Hey, soldier on the levee, let me ask you something,
where was the military carrier actually heading for that night?
Oh, Ah-chung's grandma
Oh, she asks people every day and night that,
Ah-chung's grandma asks that...
'Oh, where's the 'south island' that locates so far away?'
If it wasn't because of everybody's bad fortunes,
grandpa wouldn't have to go out and make money.
Ah-chung, we don't need to worry at all,
because after the darkness, when the sun rises, we won't feel cold anymore.
Grandma said, 'Ah-chung, nanny's tired,
let's go to the coast to see if your grandpa has come back.
Don't turn off the light under the spirit tablet,
so your grandpa won't get lost when he comes back.'
Why has my husband been so lazy,
that he never replied any letters I sent.
He didn't want to bring any luggages with him that night.
Where were the soldiers taking my husband to?
Oh, Ah-chung's grandma,
Oh, she asks people every day and night that,
Ah-chung's grandma asks that...
'Oh, where's the 'south island' that locates so far away?'
Grandma, don't you worry now,
someone brought back some messages that grandpa said he's happy now
We don't need to worry at all now,
because after the darkness, when the sun rises, we won't feel cold anymore.

Growing Pains

It’s nice to meet your heart. I knocked on the rusted door
There’s something I would like to talk to you about, would it be ok if I came in for a bit?
I tried coming in, but without saying what I really wanted to, I laughed and covered it up
Holding back tears, what should I do? Surely no one will notice
The things that I can’t do increased and my chest hurt
Ah, I can’t say anything today either
Let’s hide away the lonely me. If we do that then you won’t worry about me.
Even now, the inside of my heart is no good. Don’t look.
Before you realize and ask what’s wrong, I have to hide my face that’s always looking down
Someone else say “it hurts” instead of me!
If I could see your feelings with my eyes, then even I could have become a hero
I want just a little bit of courage before everything ends
It’s nice to meet the inside of your heart. Pulling along your wound-covered body
At the ends of wandering and wandering you were there in the corner of a room
I’m fine with just thinking out loud so listen to me. If we do that then you won’t worry about me.
Look into the depths of my heart
It’s fine if you get mad or cry. It’s fine you only say uncertain things.
Give your proof to me so that I don’t forget
It’s nice to meet my real self. Only by getting more wounds did I become an adult.
Ah, that’s right. I remembered that this is the sort of face I make when I smile.
Translated by Rachel @minini_1 on Twitter and 1-mini-1 on Tumblr.


It is already late, it is getting cold,
Why are you riding, lonely, through the forest?
The forest is deep, you are alone,
You beautiful bride, I'll guide you home!
'Great is men's deception and cunning,
My heart is broken from pain,
Perhaps the bugle wanders here and there,
O flee, you do not know who I am.'
So richly decorated is steed and wife,
So beautiful the young body,
Now I know you - God help me!
You are the witch Lorelei!1
'You know me well - from the stone so high
My castle looks silently deep into the Rhine.
It is already late, it is getting cold,
You will never come out of this forest!'
  • 1. Lorelei is an enchantress in German legends who threw herself from a steep rock on the bank of the Rhine (the rock is also called Lorelei) and whose spirit then lured men to their deaths.

I will never forget you

Versions: #2
At the dawn, you will come to awake me
Barefoot, you will say your farewell
I am sure, you’ll never forget me
And I know, we are parting forever.
Shielding you from the cold of the winter
I will say to me: oh, God in heaven!
I am sure, I’ll never forget you
And I know, we are parting forever.
Blinkless, as the wind’s getting colder
Hopeless eyes shine at me, so tender.
I will never look over my shoulder
And I know, we are parting forever.
They will sound so solemnly distant
These two phrases, meaningless altogether:
“I am sure, you’ll never forget me,”
And “I know, we are parting forever.”

Mia san mia (Vagyunk akik vagyunk)

Mélyen Bajorország szívében, ott lettél beállítva
És te Münchenből játszottál, a világ szívébe.
Igen, a futballod olyan történelem, amely megtart minket
Mert biztosak vagyunk abban, hogy győzelemtől győzelemig tart.
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, az FC Bayern,
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, ez a hatalom,
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, akik verhetetlenek,
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, egy szenvedély,
Több millió labdarúgú-szív csak érted dobog,
FC Bayern, örökké az én csapatom.
Soha ne felejtsd el a gyökereidet, mert tudod, hogy honnan jöttél,
Csak szenvedéllyel és teljesítménnyel vívtad meg a csatáidat.
És a győzelem az életed, minden cím ez bizonyítja,
A te otthonod München, a színeid a piros és a fehér.
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, az FC Bayern,
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, ez a hatalom,
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, akik verhetetlenek,
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, egy szenvedély,
Több millió labdarúgú-szív csak érted dobog,
FC Bayern, örökké az én csapatom.
Több milló labdarúgú-szív csak a játékodért dobog,
Ez egy óriásian nagy 'Vagyunk akik vagyunk' érzés.
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, az FC Bayern,
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, ez a hatalom,
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, akik verhetetlenek,
Vagyunk akik vagyunk, egy szenvedély,
Több millió labdarúgú-szív csak érted dobog,
FC Bayern, örökké
FC Bayern, örökké
FC Bayern, örökké az én csapatom
örökké az én csapatom.

Today we set sail into the blue sea

Farewell my dear
today we set sail into blue sea
and you my dear
stays there alone
and you wait until I return
ahoy, ahoy
stay true to me
Farewell my dear
today we set sail into the blue sea,
into the blue sea

My castle town

Crossing the lattice door
Looking at the evening sky
Who sings a lullaby?
My castle town
Without saying 'I like you'
I walk by the riverside
While for some reason
I avoid the look of the people coming and going
My heart burns
When there's a pause of the row of houses
The temple bell is heard
The seasonal flowers bloom in profusion
My castle town
Like torches illuminating
the vicinity of the bridge
Flickering sways
The impatience of the first love
Who parted embarrassingly
Like torches illuminating
the vicinity of the bridge
Flickering sways
The impatience of the first love
Who parted embarrassingly
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Old Castle

The pine wind rustles on the top of the hill
What do you lonely old castle reminisce?
Chasing dreams of glory in your chest
aah Were you to look up, the dreary keep
On the stone wall in its crumbled state
Inviting grief the blighted leaves
The traces of arrows and bullets all around
aah Speaking of ancient times, the grand gate
The tiles green, aged with moss
What do you lonely old castle reminisce?
Were you to stand still, a keen deep impression
aah The geese in the sky, their sorrowful cries

Two Girls From Germany

I'm in love with two girls from Germany
Gisela, Monika
Two girls from Germany
Oh, they are so cute!
White sausages, dumplings, sauerkraut
And three liters of beer
Gisela from Bavaria
Loves it oh so much
But when we kiss
I get nervous
Because she keeps saying
'Boy, what are you doing?'
I'm in love with two girls from Germany
Gisela, Monika
Two girls from Germany
Oh, they are so cute!
(Everybody singing!)
Two girls from Germany
Gisela, Monika
How is that going to work?
I think both of them are pretty!
Monika likes to go out
On the Ku'damm in Berlin1
To beautiful Grunewald2
We never manage to get
Hully gully and twisting
She likes every now and then
But when we kiss she says:
'Boy what's your braggin'?'
I'm in love with two girls from Germany
Gisela, (I said) Monika
(I said) Two girls from Germany
Oh, they are so cute!
(Everybody singing!)
Two girls from Germany
Gisela, Monika
How is that going to work?
I think both of them are pretty!
  • 1. Kurfürstendamm, famous shopping avenue
  • 2. Integral nature reserve near the city

When a Spoonful of Sugar

Because what you do joyfully
Tastes as good as cake to us
A joke, a game,
It's not very difficult.
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
Yes, sweetens medicine,
Sweetens medicine,
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
It runs down just twice as good.
And when a bird builds its nest,
It leaves the tree very early,
Searches tirelessly feather home and twig.1
But the work becomes a passion
Then it sings cheerfully and confidently.
It knows: A song, that makes a happy mind.
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
Yes, sweetens medicine,
Sweetens medicine,
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
It runs down just twice as good.
The bee carries her nectar
From the flower to the basket
And droning she flies bustling back and forth.
A droplet she takes for herself
From every blossom she empties
So she achieves, achieves
A lot, a lot.
It's a piece of cake.2
  • 1. English version: 'While gathering his bits of twine and twig'
  • 2. Literally: a child's game


Ostwestfalen, the wide prairie.
Smack in the middle a worried mother. My mother.
say, didn't you learn anything?
Look at Rita, she's heading a household by now.
Why don't you go to Aunt Erna at the beauty parlor,
she'll do your nails, if you ask her politely.
And where are you hanging out again,
always in the pub, that's not normal!
What will people say?
You don't own a house with a garden, what about your old-age pension?
Aren't you worried about that?
What will people say?
Marion, the neighbour's girl, she's already got family...
Don't break your father's heart.
It's not too late to put some nice clothes on.
You've been interested in men before,
wouldn't that be something for you?
One with his own doctor's office...
You're not ironing shirts, can't even cook decently
and all the time this noise.
What will people say?
You're hanging out with the losers, you're only seen in the dark,
you're never awake before noon.
What will people say?
You're over thirty already, we are worried...
We just want a grandchild
We just want a grandchild
We just want a grandchild
Oh, come on, just one, please...
And now look at you again, the t-shirts way too thin,
they don't keep you warm.
What will people say?
Your big mouth and your liver malfunction,
they will destroy you.
What will die Ärzte say?
Start getting reasonable, child, start getting reliable,
or do you want to die all alone?
Or what?

Looking for a girlfriend

Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Oh miraculous Saint Sabina,1
give me a fine, graceful girlfriend
give me a fine, graceful girlfriend.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Dilliriana, beautiful swallow, beautiful swallow…
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
From Bortigali2or from my village,
give me a graceful and fine girlfriend.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
If she’s from Lei,2she’s charming,
from Bolotana2it's even better
If you pray to Saint Sabina
in Oliena,2you’ll surely find some.
Beautiful, perfect, just as you want,
a beloved daughter of Mount Corrasi.3

Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Well-mannered, a fine beauty,
even better if she’s from Bolotana.2
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Also in Dualchi,2a neighbouring village
till nightfall I look for a girl.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Even going groping the walls,
even going groping the walls
I look for a girl till nightfall.
Saint Luxorius4is generous,
he gives enchantment, joyous days.
We girls from Oliena still pray to him,
so we’re beautiful, we don’t even grow old.

Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
If I go to Ottana2I fall in love,
anyone gives me her soul and heart.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Beautiful girls, all in a flow,
give me everything, soul and heart.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
If by chance I pass through Illorai2
I never go back without a kiss.
Pearls of the Barbaricine land,
everywhere they are like queens.
If you don’t believe it’s so,
stop by at the foot of Mount Corrasi.3

Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
Whatever it is,
I never go back without a kiss.
Dilliri dilliri dilliriana
If in Esporlatu2I sing a polyphonic song
they follow me lovingly.
  • 1. A country church near Silanus.
  • Small villages in central Sardinia.
  • A high mountain near Oliena.
  • 4. A country church near Oliena.