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A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 7



Cedry2k is found of its country
Alike a mother 'tis of her baby, alike a farmer 'tis of his lands
The genius with the axe, ' enemy of the state'
Havin a lose mouth,
i'm keepin them suckers afar
And out there are many ilustratin examples of industry hoes'
But i for once prefer to get my recognition from common pubs
Rather than to wait on the majority to cheer me up at the festivals
They've reported me to them europeans for instigative speeches
But i don't give a rat
'Bout the public NGOs that are
more dirty at the mouth than all the public Toilets
It is so detrimental, the thing i do
That it isn't even rapp, 'tis a genoccide in fact
And i'm the first to give them pros'
When i've asked them to define the dignity
And They've remained with no words
These fuckers are all 'dead' !
And the soil is humid, tis stagned by the spilled blood
From the brave voivodes that are now by the angels side
I'm observin, and things are serious, cause we've come to be rulled
by weak and uncaring dictators
That want us to be 'robots' and slaves x2
My mind was on gettin myself some work
Now i've had on my mind all the services
Enough ironic, ain't it?
I rather entrust myself in fairytales than in puppets
I rather entrust myself in gangsters than in drowsy peeps
like ya
Although ya're fucked with no hesitation
Ya re havin no reaction alike them motors till Coanda
Cause is far more easy to be peaceful, dressed to have no opps
ever since ya were a kid
Than to rather fight a battle that seems to lead nowhere
That's why i have no empaty for religious channels
A thing that is formidable alike some ufo-s pictures
Them bling bling rappers.. My oh my! Peleu's here
Again people gonna get 'burned' by him Prometeus style
I expect to be instantaneously hunted
At the next o Saint Bartholomew night,
Hince i put my faith in God
And my trust in some steel, bro ...
People always betrayes ya
And the soil is humid, tis stagned by the spilled blood
From the brave voivodes that are now by the angels side
I'm observin, and things are serious, cause we've come to be rulled
by weak and uncaring dictators
That want us to be 'robots' and slaves x2

Saints of Prisons

It's reflex bre, it's not expressions in the texts
And I express express impressions of these with these
Texts, extremely easy to understand
That what I'm talking about is alien fairy tales,
See again I'm modest and I get to hate myself
What I feel, what I say, what I do and what I think
I need metanoia, I have a paranoia
As the world begins to take it in the direction of Goia
I do not see demons in pyramids but in parties, bratric
And combinations that seem licentious
Yes, the laws of the world are at best, hasty
And that's what you can see clearly from the figures
I see lions in a row posing in people
Wearing bowls, talking in stadiums
Contracting catarounds, commanding battalions
Bombing on planes, killing poor people
I saw the devil, not in the pentagram
Ignition Gicoane, destroying drums
Educating siphons, contesting icons
Putting on the dictates and squealing them into the tympani
I saw God working through people
Pillars in the prison resisting persecution
Indulging cold, hunger, fear and chills
As Symptoms (Symptoms) to Syndromes
And there are millions of dramas ...
Little bitch!
Moment of silence
For all who have crossed the Lord through the PCR
Honor the memory of the Saints
The suffering and courage of the Confessors
Just as Brancoveanu defended himself '
Capitanu 'Codreanu, Bordeian, George Manu
Traian Trifan, Oprisan, Ogoranu
Parents Sofian and Adrian Fageteanu
Fighting for people, not ideas
By pardoning their pants too, that tells us a lot about them
And those who survived feel guilty they lived
Even though they still feel the brothers
Wonderful, great Roman people, true
For whom faith is defining it
There was no illusory victory, you have no memory
And you think a false, contradictory history
Gafencu, Naidim, Ianolide, Maxim
Parents Calciu, Papacioc and Iscu Gherasim
Parents of Lacatusu and Daniil of Rarau
And so many other powerful people for whom
Not the inconveniences and the palms
But the weaknesses and passions are the dramas
And tears are guns and when
Some saw counselors and candlesticks
The supporters went humble to the village
These characters ... yes in a world of false models
Nobody heard of them
Although they told us about the sequelae of rebellious tendencies
Divorces, and the consequences are heavy
Many are lashed, the weak succumb to blackmail and beatings
A few give courage
Hoping to change something ... Well, I would!
The regime is different, the tyrants are the same
The same thing, they did not die for nothing
Examples of dignity, demanding firmly
Justice and our Right to Identity
Faith and generation, inestimable gems!
Fishermen who kept their canvas in the waters
They kept the canvas up to the white canvas
With health at the limit, the physically destroyed
Yes with heart saying Jesus' Prayer
And then they felt warmth and comfort
And I need my father, or at least
Give me strength to be silent, so as not to send pain
So great that I would make molds with pleasure
Yes, I saw it, springing out of the Aiud Saints
And I felt the joy of the poster taking the Holy Passover into the soul
And now the little good of me is reborn
I saw the devil, a scabbling, a scream
Kneeling for holiness
You think it's metaphors until you see the stuff
What makes your doubts evaporate, rapper
I saw the devil and it was hideous
Not at Rihanna and Rick Ross, but in a vicious life style
Trying meticulous, however, useless
To turn back all the work of Christ
I love Vulcanescu, Nicoleta Nicolescu, Atanase, Stefanescu,
Jimboiu, Volanescu, Elizabeth Rizea, Rizea Dobre, Radu Gyr
Father Justin and other gods and martyrs
What do you say? Do you leave your legs in the footsteps of enemies?
Or you rise up until after the martyrs
Read among the rhymes, whatever the fictitious (fieste)
Remember: Tomorrow, no one promises you!

The Light Alchemy

We'd suppose to let ourselves 'guided' by them forces,
cause the're plenty
But the 'light is with no strenght, cause it comes from Ocult Forces
So we roam among darkness , lookin for the spark
But , the eyes of the soul remains imprisoned , Get the ideea!!
Cause the system is carnivorous, prepares to 'consume' ya
The regimee is vegan, must create subordinated peeps
And , the victims are in mood only for games, of jokes
Seems like they wish to 'party', It pains me for real !
The way they fight over sums , lettin demons in costumes
To 'guide them into ration towards geniune , to involve them
In sinful ways and other crazy habbitts
That rips peeps from small places and from souls, the piety.
They're told to meassure the light in watts
But everything that isn't divine light, is big trickery
It insuflates to you, the fear of the earthly things
Alike a snake that straps you
On the carotide , specially to suffocate ya
The present is inestimavle, ya Gracious one, only that the future
Showed up insesizable and inevitable
We all feel the change , but none sustain it
Cause the fear's even bigger than teh danger itself.
Once , you sheaded tears..
Pitty of your 'unstained cloath'
That now's alike colour of blood stained
With the pride that make also the angels to fall.
And holds up also the people , to arise themselves next to Father


One prides himself with how much of an atheist he is,
And hates anyone who believes in God,
Another one goes crazy to make you believe,
He'd even shove him down your throat to make you follow Him,
One is weak, another one's strong,
But he refuses the light to stumble in the darkness,
Some think they've been saved, others think they're lost,
And they protect themselves by attacking the other,
Posing as victims or as predators,
Playing roles of losers or of thieves.
A genius hides a masterpiece,
An idiot is hiding you, so maybe he'll be noticed.
Some only see the full half of the glass,
Other's only the empty one, tasting it's bitterness.
Some are curious, sniffing any shit,
Others step in it completely uninterested
Some lose the path, other's are making them,
Some are hitting the clubs, others the libraries,
Some don't want anything, other's want it all,
Some are paranoid, other's are gullible,
Some make a fuss, because they're suffering too much,
Someone else isn't brave enough to make a sound,
Some waste the whole day, while others get two jobs,
Having a heart attack before they say 'pause',
Some wander around, while others find their calling,
But they have wrong methods, or the wrong destination,
Some don't have limits, other one's have it set by others,
After different stupid criteria's,
But assumptions don't take you anywhere,
It's harder to be better than them, better than yesterday.
Many types of beasts are looking for random profiles,
But I don't bite it, I'm intolerant to indecency, and they're everywhere,
And it's not like I'm stingy, but don't ask me for percentages,
About that, some save their money, other's throw it away
That they get from a month's hard work,
Some forget they have children, other's spoil them,
Some shield them from life, other's throw them at it,
Some forget to smile, other's think life's a joke,
And they only know to fool around,
One doesn't have opinions, the other judges everyone,
Sharing life between himself and the other idiots
Some will bow to anyone, the others fight without a break,
Against no one, without a cause,
Some neglect themselves and easily commit suicide,
Others only pay attention to themselves,
Some don't have imagination, other's build a world in their head away from civilization,
Some are vain, other's don't have dignity,
Some don't have shame, other's don't have determination,
Some with thousands of acres in their property are bitter,
Other's are salty from all their bad jokes,
Some get marshmallows, other's only troubles,
Some don't have rights, other's abuse theirs,
Other's, like me, raise their voice too much,
Others, like you, only caress the microphone,
Honestly, I don't know whats up with us, good people,
We choose bad reactions when under pressure,
With reactions that give off fear,
You know if life's a test, we'll all get bad grades,
Because some think they're God, other's think they're nothing,
That's why callow people like you and hypocrites like me,
That don't find enough love in ourselves, we turn to rimes.
Now, peace out!

Lyrics for the critics !!

What ya write is dope, but it seems to me
That only i have clear targets
Ya spread hate randomly
Case in which is absolutely excluded
Ya To fall on your feet
Anyway, seek to not 'fall to my feet '
'Cause i know that ya like to go swiming in hate
But not all peeps endure ...
So watch out in my fucki* dic* what ya spill out on ya mouth
'Cause i've warned ya , that i'm naturally blessed
And if i'm disgusted i go in fumes
Not that i would give a fuc* on what ya think ya ho*
Especially that ya don't have the ball* to tell it in my face
But when ya see me that i'm smashin' it
Instead of envy ,... LEARN !!
'cause there's no place for novices in top !
Ya'll go on and see it, that we've remained attached' on the mike
You the forums fans , frustated ya'll refulating on sites
Talking on me that i don't have flow
Don't make show, don't have voice and neither i don't bring
something new
Yah kids , go to your homework'
'cause the only thing that ya'll have ever created were Problems!!
And still seems that ya don't have enough troubles
Since i'm anti the regime and ya'll are only against anti manele!
Chorus x2
We're 'fans', from deep within our heart we hate on the regime
Ya try and understand it, we're still resisting
We don't care if in ya eyes we're seen well
We know what we have to do , we know for what we're fighting!!
I'm spitting all kinds' of concepts
But besides the sucker* that anyway know only to fight
All them peeps are talking nice on me, that's why i can't explain why
But certain is that still no concerts ...
So, make me some concrete offers ya boy
I'm Bercenar 100%
Watching to have financial grow on my budget
I don't consider to accept procents
Little by little i'm hoping that ya gonna start to understand
That i don't eat' bullshit*
From the retards stating that they launch themselves
Launching themselves in big talks !!
Anyone goes into conclussions that they're going to succed
Collapses after the (album) launching like the 'Apolo 13'
The conclusion is that you must stand on ya feet' over the time
While you live , you're changing
Each day you're gonna be another person
Now is up to you , if ya grow up or yah mess it up
So shut the fuc* up , ya little kid
Ya see yourself a big pitbull nah?..
But ya're soft like a little stuffed puppy
And ya know it that with your 'barking' ya don't solve a shi*
But still , ya too much of a puss* to 'bite'
Yah weak , Sit Labus!!!
'Cause is more easy to relax yourself with rhymes
Than to smash ya mind to create them ..Anyway
Ya know it well that is easy to swear from the crowd
Than to make yourself courage and confront yourself !!
Here is Thermopylae', nights, days i'm getting out 'pounds'
of thoughts , firecrackers ' and i'm putting them on the paper
Leave me with the 'battle' ya kiddo...
Isn't my fault that 'ya washed your head' with 8 mile !?
Chorus x2
We're 'fans', from deep within our heart we hate on the regime
Ya try and understand it, we're still resisting
We don't care if in ya eyes we're seen well
We know what we have to do , we know for what we're fighting!!


1You've given me, beautiful lady, a 'inkwell' of silver2 With two darkened mouths, like two gates of labirinth
Through which my thoughts sunken they will be without
a know
And most of the times wouldn't find a exit from the gloom,
towards the sun .
With two mouths like of a fountain, from which my last dream..
A 'little diver', watching with fright towards the bottom of
the black abyss,
He's gonna try, in vain maybe , to gather beaded among
the necklaces
The crop of pearls of the upcoming white nights
Inside this new sinkwell, swarm like butterflies, images
That fallen someday they'll be, softly, upon the white field'
of a page..
Unfolded Figments and thoughts not seen... yet
Which the drop of ink encloses them into 'His' deep night
Faded words over a moment , fantoms of vanished ideas
A miniature rain, of 'accents commas and points'
And those black ornamentations, which a vague fantasy ..
Or only my 'entertained' hand, paints them on the paper
In Her, silently and piously lie the regrets that are to come
Alongside the review of the day and the adress of a girl
A letter of condolence which maybe i'm gonna write it
To a friend grieving after some relative that's still alive
An inedite epigram , The figure of an preposterous type
Which we're not knowing yet , A big article title
On the account of a matter, that is going to be of actuality
For sure, over a month , maybe over a year and a half
And all 'the Arabic numerals ' lie down, from 1 till 9
Blended and silly, into this new inkwell...
In her 'cup of darkness', are sleeping the future and the present
The words through which maybe i'm gonna start my will
A vision/shaft' barely outlined, a poetic love poem, a memory
Of a moment that is to come , or of a poem of love ...
That i'm gonna read it, maybe, drawn by their bizzare night
Into your big black eyes , like two mouths of 'inkwell'
  • 1. This is the take on from Cedry2k of the poetry written by the Romanian poet George Topîrceanu 'Călimară'
  • 2. 'A inkwell of silver' here can be also perceived with a metaphorical sense in my own perspective the author of the poetry wanted to describe a love story, the woman of his dream through whom' he known , the crave, the hope or the feels', feelings that this woman light them inside him, that for him are like an 'inkwell' of silver