A keresés eredménye oldal 9
Találatok száma: 557
True love (Alas, how can it happen)
Versions: #1
Alas, how can it happen,
that I let you go
Voisins du zero
I like the street but my cloak's gotten wet,
Water is above and below.
I pick up my phone at midnight and call,
Answer with an annoyed 'Yeah'
The city from above - a colourful frame
She keeps saying - bet on the zero
I bet myself, but where I don't care
As I'm landing into her trap.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been in luck.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been in luck.
I integrate well in the industrial scene,
And that's probably luck.
But the rain destroyed my wonderful collage,
And so I bet on zero.
The balance rose in value once more,
Our follies have made an entente.
The second is gone, that we could escape
To not breathe on the one-two-three.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been lucky.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been lucky.
Interlude 2
Caught a cold, or maybe does your back ache -
The people, they're not morons :
They clamor about Judgment Day.
It's hailing - for oracles they're shaking.
The water pump is broken - for war they start to bray.
Oh I'm just so, just so bored.
Marcel Proust, and also Anatole France
If they were in my place, they'd
Rub fingers and foreheads together
Then start to sing about the weather
They'd make songs about the pump and then make it there in time.
Oh I'm just so, just so bored.
Later I will place onto my own wrist
With the face facing down a
Wristwatch with a golden arrow -
And then sit to freshen in the rain's midst
Inside my favorite bus, the 666th
Oh I'm just so bored!
Suppose that, within a shouting tumult
A veteran and fellow traveler
Lodges his crutch between my eyes
God's with him! What for was his retirement?
Clearly Marshal material. I guess I'll say nothing
But marshal, I'm so bored!
Who should I, for the 666th time
Ask why in life I have not
Amounted to something?
Marcel Proust, and also Anatole France
Have written 'bout this topic over a thousand tomes.
But whose even read them?
Egy üzenet Tina Belchernek
Túl sokat álmodtam és
Én képtelen vagyok megtalálni a választ erre
Átlagosan élek
Képtelen vagyok továbbra így élni, összetöri a szívem nap, mint nap
Úgy értem ki fogja megmondani, hol találj válaszokat, ha nincsenek?
Mi van, ha csak meghalsz?
Mi van, ha az élet, amit ismerünk mind csak egy álom?
Mi van, ha csak ok nélkül élünk?
Mi van, ha mi csak eltűnünk, amikor meghalsz?
Ragaszkodnom kellene az élethez?
Vagy csak meg kellene ölnöm magam?
Annyi ellentmondás, annyi szemlélet
Ez egyre nehezebbé és nehezebbé teszi a fájdalmam elrejtését
Nem tudom megmondani, hogy élni akarok vagy meghalni
Ments meg, kérlek
The Line Has Been Drawn (Between Now and Then)
Versions: #1
We have been born between now and then
We are the ones still seeking for the truth
The old bygone age gave us a hundred ways
But the new age has erased them too soon
That age of machines, new technical means
Led us from atoms to stars
This age of the nets brightens our routines
But the starry path is gone
The line has been drawn
It seems to be that near
The same concrete walls and the noise
But our way of thoughts
Has become completely different
The link between the times
Has died…
We were brainwashed back in those times
That progress implies the constant fight:
The risks, the strives to the goals sublime
To the Milky Way spaceships’ flights
The might, force and power had much more weight
Than simple humans’ daily needs
What really mattered was the rockets’ range
Everything was determined by it
The line has been drawn
It seems to be that near
That naïve age of machines, leaders
And wars
But, within the nets,
The endless truths appeared
The power that exists
* * *
For hundreds of millennia, all the human kind
Honored the tools of fear and death
But the new goal has been defined
To teach everyone to be friends…
The line has been drawn
We're altered by the net
Our Earth is sick and tired of all the leaders
And wars
But some people don’t see
This age as the great one yet
When rockets matter less
Than iPhones…
Red sand stretches endlessly
Soon, an infinitely cold dead end
Every moment, growing further away
My way
The thirst of this barren land
My lips drying up beyond thirst
Pack all of that in reality
An oasis which I can’t find
A single oasis
Nobody has a fixed path
Even if there are obstacles in front of me
(I know)
Understand understand
Hold onto the truth and fight
I have to go forward,
Started war
The moon fills up the moon fills up oh
Change everything quickly
A rocking ambition
Pray pray towards the sky which cannot be covered
With the wind on the front
Start a fire and charge on
Draw as I will
(Dream the dream I hope
For my perfect dream)
With the wind trying to teach me
And what you will gain by toppling me
All of that hold back (Hold back)
It’s plainly visible, yet, why
Do you close your eyes like that
Nobody has a fixed path
Even if something tries to drag me
(Alright, I)
Understand understand
Go against the current, fight it
I have to go forward outstripping it,
Started war
The moon fills up the moon fills up oh
Change everything quickly
A rocking ambition
Pray pray towards the sky which cannot be covered
Even though the fierce wind scratches me
If I have the strength to stay sure
I can get through everything
Wah ah ah ah
Change everything quickly
A rocking ambition
Pray pray towards the sky which cannot be covered
Your rule perfectly assembled, inside it
Even a single miss is too big of a poison
Now don’t hesitate oh
Don’t stay trapped oh
You need to break out, break the wall
Oh no oh
At some point, time stopped
Except for you,
Time flows busily
Everything can’t always be perfect,
It’s okay
You’re doing great right now
For everything to turn out as you wish
Trust me oh trust me
Don’t stop, bet everything
Needless worries only torment you
Tension will disappear
Abandon thought
Bewitch yourself
Parara ba ba babababa
You’re the only one
Parara ba ba babababa
The future doesn’t seem clear yet
Numerous plans hold you back
Don’t overthink it oh
Don’t lose yourself oh
Break it and escape, break the wall
Oh no oh
Bit by bit, time gets delayed
Without waiting,
Only time flows busily
Everything can’t be perfect all the time,
It’s okay
You’re doing great right now
For everything to turn out as you wish
Trust me oh trust me
Don’t stop, bet everything
Needless worries only torment you
Tension will disappear
Abandon thought
Bewitch yourself
Close your eyes beside me
I’ll sing for you, lullaby for you
(Just stay with me)
Right now, it’s only hardships
But you will rise again,
You can do it
Everything will turn out as you wish
Just trust me oh trust me
If you give it your all
Needless worries only torment you
Tension will disappear
You don’t have to worry
I’ll cast a charm for you
Parara ba ba babababa
You’re the only one
Parara ba ba babababa
As I sleep, some time (Some time)
I feel your (Uhm your)
Voice putting me to sleep
And your hair tickling me
How could I be asleep
How could I be asleep
In your embrace, inside it,
I put my hands together and rest
You are the largest star I have
(Na na)
So good night
A bright light and I
If the daybreak finds me
I’ll be submerged in countless thoughts
And in the sleepless night
I’ll be in your embrace endlessly
To you at daybreak
More passionately than during the day
Between curtains, faintly
illuminating me
A white moonlight and
Filling the room,
Even the cold air
Feels beautiful because of the light that is you
I see a shifting image
We have a common dream
Even if it’s imaginary
You are the largest star I have
(Na na)
So good night
A bright light and I
If the daybreak finds me
I’ll be submerged in countless thoughts
And in the sleepless night
I’ll be in your embrace endlessly
To you at daybreak
More passionately than during the day
I pretend to be okay
You probably are the same
But at the end of the day
We are together
Oh oh oh wah
It’s fine if the same day repeats
Even the reversed day and night
My mind was filled waiting for you
And I’m happier for it now
Like a habit
Hug me tight
And don’t let me go, more
Take me to the dream
If the daybreak finds me
I’ll be submerged in countless thoughts
And in the sleepless night
I’ll be in your embrace endlessly
To you at daybreak
More passionately than during the day
Diszkó Moszkvában
Veszély fenyegeti a Keletet - jelenti kémünk
Egy nyugati fegyver irányítja a forradalmat
Egyetlen határ sem állítja meg őket
Egyetlen törvény sem akadályozza az útját
Közel a vég (közel a vég)
Leninnek és Marxnak (Leninnek és Marxnak)
Közel a vég
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Közel a vég
Diszkó Moszkvában
Nincs fegyelem a Vörös Hadseregben
Minden éves terv teljesen kudarcot vall
Csajkovszkij sem állítja meg őket
Tolsztoj sem akadályozza az útját
Közel a vég (közel a vég)
Leninnek és Marxnak (Leninnek és Marxnak)
Közel a vég
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Közel a vég
Diszkó Moszkvában
Diszkó Moszkvában
Diszkó Moszkvában
Diszkó Moszkvában
Szibéria, a száműzetés helye
Több ezer embert elvisznek
Egyetlen Sztálin-orgona sem állítja meg őket
Molotov se akadályozza az útját
Közel a vég (közel a vég)
Leninnek és Marxnak (Leninnek és Marxnak)
Közel a vég
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Diszkó Moszkvában (Moszkva, Moszkva)
Diszkó Moszkvában
Diszkó Moszkvában
Diszkó Moszkvában
Szállj fel velem a vonatra
A jelzések zöldek
Végre megkezdődik az út
De hova vezet?
Szállj fel velem a vonatra
A vágányok be vannak állítva
Minden kazán gőz alatt
Üdv a világomban
Első osztályú előételek, csak mondani kell valamit
Mögöttünk a kölykök sikítanak a kocsiban
Elöl fröccsen a pezsgő, kanos az élet
Hátul fogy a levegő a szex vagonban
Tovább egyenesen, senki sem kerül ki innen élve
Csak egyenesen, se balra, se jobbra
Tovább egyenesen, senki sem kerül ki innen élve
Csak egyenesen előre, Csak egyenesen előre, Csak egyenesen előre
Az expresszen
Szállj fel velem a vonatra
Épp készül kisiklani
Látogass meg a vezetőfülkében
Együtt utazunk
Első osztályú előételek, csak mondani kell valamit
Mögöttünk a kölykök sikítanak a kocsiban
Se az ima, se a könyörgés nem segít
A vonat tovább halad, soha nem áll meg
Én vagyok a vasút
Nem akar valaki velem utazni?
Pilóta, üdvözöld a napot
Északi-sarktól a Déli-sarkig
Csak egy (macskaugrásnyi) kőhajításnyira van
Repülünk az útvonalon
Minden időjárásban
Nem várjuk az indulást
Bármi történik
A szél és az időjárás miatt
Szól a pilóta dal
Pilóta, üdvözöld a napot
Üdvözöld a csillagokat
És üdvözöld a holdat
Az életed, az lebegés
Keresztül a messzeségen, ahol senki sem él
Északi-sarktól a Déli-sarkig
Csak egy (macskaugrásnyi) kőhajításnyira van
Repülünk az útvonalon
Minden időjárásban
Nem várjuk az indulást
Bármi történik
A szél és az időjárás miatt
Szól a pilóta dal
Pilóta, üdvözöld a napot
Üdvözöld a csillagokat
És üdvözöld a holdat
Az életed, az lebegés
Keresztül a messzeségen, ahol senki sem él
Ahol senki sem él
Gyorsabban és mindig gyorsabban
Vágtat a propeller
Pontosan ahogy nekem tetszik
A pilótáknak semmi nem tilos
Tehát teljes gáz és repüljük át a világot
Pilóta, üdvözöld a napot
Üdvözöld a csillagokat
És üdvözöld a holdat
Az életed, az lebegés
Keresztül a messzeségen, ahol senki sem él
Gyorsabban és mindig gyorsabban
Vágtat a propeller
Pontosan ahogy nekem tetszik
A pilótáknak semmi nem tilos
Tehát teljes gáz és repüljük át a világot
Disco in Moscaw
Danger is threatening The East, reports our spy
A weapon from The West leads the revolution
No border stops it
No law stops its course
The end is near (the end is near)
For Lenin and Marx (for Lenin and Marx)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow
No morals in the Red Army
Every annual plan fails completely
No Tchaikovsky stops it
No Tolstoy stops its course
The end is near (the end is near)
For Lenin and Marx (for Lenin and Marx)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
Siberia, the place of exile
Thousands are taken away
No Stalin's organ pipe stops it
No Molotov stops its course
The end is near (the end is near)
For Lenin and Marx (for Lenin and Marx)
The end is near
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow (Moscow, Moscow)
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
Disco in Moscow
Out of the Dark
I never get enough of you
You're in every breath
Everything revolves around you
Why me of all people?
I count the hours, the seconds
But time seems to stand still
I've flayed myself, wounded myself
Let me go, what do you want?
Do you want to count my days?
Why must you torment me with my desire?
Your hell burns in me
You're my survival elixir
I'm torn
When will you come to kiss my wounds?
Out of the dark
Do you hear the voice that tells you
Into the light
I give up and close my eyes
Out of the dark
Do you hear the voice that tells you
Into the light
I give up and you waste your tears to the night
I'm ready because it's time
For our eternal pact
You're already there, so close
I can feel you
Let me seduce
Let me kidnap
Tonight for the last time
Surrender to your power
Give me your hand, my life
Name your price
I'll give you yesterday, today and tomorrow
Then it's come full circle
No way back
The white light comes closer, bit by bit
I want to surrender
Must I die in order to live?
Out of the dark
Do you hear the voice that tells you
Into the light
I give up and close my eyes
Out of the dark
Do you hear the voice that tells you
Into the light
I give up and you waste your tears to the night
Out of the dark
Do you hear the voice that tells you
Into the light
I give up and close my eyes
Out of the dark
Do you hear the voice that tells you
Into the light
I give up and you waste your tears to the night
Golden Rider
On the ring road
Just before the wall of our city
There's a psychiatric hospital
Like no one has ever seen before
It has the capacity
Of all the shopping centres of the city
If you're nerves are running wild
You'll be driven even more crazy
Hey hey hey I was the golden rider
Hey hey hey I'm a child of this city
Hey hey hey I was so high up the ladder
But then I fell down
Yes then I fell down
On my way to the hospital
I saw the city lights one more time
They burned like fire in my eyes
I felt lonely and completely weak
Hey hey hey I was the golden rider
Hey hey hey I'm a child of this city
Hey hey hey I was so high up the ladder
But then I fell down
Yes then I fell down
Yes then I fell down
Safety emergency signals
Life threatening schizophrenia
New treatment centres
Never fight the real causes
Hey hey hey I was the golden rider
Hey hey hey I'm a child of this city (I'm a child of this city)
Hey hey hey I was so high up the ladder
But then I fell down
Yes then I fell down
But then I fell down
Why did you leave?
Versions: #1
Why did you leave (me)? Why am I so restless?
I wish for your embrace,
You didn’t say that the moon was beautiful tonight,
You didn’t see that I was impatient of sorrow,
Why did you leave? Why am I so restless?
Even though I was desirous of you for an entire lifetime,
Even though the hope (of your love) was in my thoughts,
Come and give another kind of wine tonight,
Give me a drink from the cup of truth,
Make my crazy heart crazier
Make me unaware of both worlds,
Come and give another kind of wine tonight,
Give me a drink from the cup of truth,
Shh...Nehogy kimondd
Versions: #1
Rólam álmodozol, fehérbe öltöztetsz,
Én is rólad álmodozok, de rajtad nincsen semmi.
Kedvellek, az esetem vagy.
Próbáljuk ki egymást, de tisztázzuk előre, nem keresek semmi komolyat.
Tudom, hogy mire gondolsz,
Miközben úgy nézel, hogy 'Oh wow'
Mintha szivecskéket rajzolnál a nevem köré.
Igen, kicsit titokzatos vagyok, ennek pedig nem kell komolynak lennie.
Csak meg akarlak érinteni, szóval ne mondd el, hogy érzel.
Shh, ki ne mondd
Nézd, ahogy az ujjamat a te...
Shh, ki ne mondd,
Ne ma este, ne ma este.
Hagyd meg...
Fogd be, szereted, amikor én...
Shh, ki ne mondd
Ki ne mondd, ki ne mondd.
Péntek este, ez egy érzés,
Még egy ital és át is megyek.
Szeretem a szádat, amikor megcsókolsz.
Ne tedd tönkre a szavaiddal, mert csak kijózanítasz.
Tudom, hogy mire gondolsz,
Miközben úgy nézel, hogy 'Oh wow'
Mintha szivecskéket rajzolnál a nevem köré.
Igen, kicsit titokzatos vagyok, ennek pedig nem kell komolynak lennie.
Csak meg akarlak érinteni, szóval ne mondd el, hogy érzel.
Shh, ki ne mondd
Nézd, ahogy az ujjamat a te...
Shh, ki ne mondd,
Ne ma este, ne ma este.
Hagyd meg...
Fogd be, szereted, amikor én...
Shh, ki ne mondd
Ki ne mondd, ki ne mondd.
Mondd ki, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ki ne mondd, ki ne mondd, ki ne mondd.
Ki ne mondd, hogy szeretsz, hogy szükséged van rám,
Hogy virágot vettél,
Bébi, erre nincs időm.
Ki ne mondd, hogy hiányzom, hogy azt kívánod bárcsak mi lennénk és a miénk lenne.
Ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ki ne mondd,
Ne, ne, ne, ne.
Shh, ki ne mondd
Nézd, ahogy az ujjamat a te...
Shh, ki ne mondd,
Ne ma este, ne ma este.
Hagyd meg...
Fogd be, szereted, amikor én...
Shh, ki ne mondd
Ki ne mondd, ki ne mondd.
Try It
Stand in the middle of the rain
Believe in the holy drops
Spin in the noise
And try to be good
Stand in the middle of the wind
Believe in it and be a child
Let the storm inside of you
And try to be good
Stand in the middle of the fire
Believe in this monster
In the red wine of the heart
And try to be good
Anna Let Me In Let Me Out
Anna, Anna, oh Anna
Bertha, Bertha, oh Bertha
Carla, Carla, oh Carla
Dieter, Dieter, oh Dieter
Peter, Peter, oh Peter
Let me in, let me out
Let me in, let me out
Let me in, let me
Dieter, Dieter
Dee dum, dee dum, dee dum
Anna, Anna, oh Anna
Dieter, Dieter, oh Dieter
Peter, Peter, oh Peter
Let me in, let me out
Let me in, let me out
Let me in, let me
Dieter, Dieter
Dee dum, dee dum, dee dum
Dieter, Dieter
Dee dum, dee dum, dee dum
Let me in, let me out
Let me in, let me out
Let me in, let me out
Anna, Anna
Let me in, let me out
Let me in, let me out
Let me in, let me out
Anna, Anna
Let me in, let me out
Let me in and let me out
Dear Haiti
In my country the sun rises everyday
It's like I'm in paradise
For the way the pretty flower of love blooms
In the heart of those who live in it
It had the luck of being decorated
With coconut trees near the sea
Beautiful flowers bloom every season
It prevents me from leaving it
Dear Haiti
Ii was born from you
Your milk fed me, dear
The nightingale sings, dear
For the good mango trees
The love in my heart grows for you
Woooo, woooo
A long, long time ago, when I was a kid
I'll leave with all my friends
I'll seek a way through the fields
To find the good taste of life
When we arrived, we found the pineapples
Good creole sugarcane for us to sip on
Coconut water is our dessert
All these things make me love you
Dear Haiti
I dont have the right to replace yo
Even if they offer me diamonds, dear
All the shining stars, singing birds, dear
The love in my heart grows for you
Woooo, woooo
Now that I'm an adult I'll sing
In this song I'll lift you so high
Because you never stopped supporting me
Till the burden of this day I'm living
Dear Haiti,
For the sky to have color when the sun rises
For the good wind that blows when the sun sets
The love in my heart grows for you
Dear Haiti,
For the sky to have color when the sun rises
For the good wind that blows when the sun sets
The love in my heart grows for you
Last Night
Versions: #1
Kiss me, tonight is the last, and tomorrow you're gone.
Touch me, let me feel every moment, and forget tomorrow.
You know, tonight is the last, and tomorrow you're gone.
Touch me, let me feel every moment, forget about tomorrow
Forget it!
Kiss me, tonight is the last, and tomorrow you're gone.
You know, tonight is the last, and tomorrow you're gone.
Kiss me, tonight is the last!
Do you remember how you said to me
with you my heart is not cold inside
and why did you choose to love another?
i am here missing you
your heart also knows
that my tears do not lie
And my heart can't stand the pain any longer
broken like a boy that wants you
and if only you will understand that i have no more strength left
mountains of emotions and a sea of hopes
She certainly remember days that we loved each other
why is she not here
and if she still loves me, she should come
embrace and tell me words that will calm, words that will soften
and if she still loves i am still here
I search for a refuge
a quiet place to escape
i wanted you to breath all day long
I wanted just to assume
that you only left for a moment
and that at any second you willreturn
And my heart can't stand the pain any longer
broken like a boy that wants you
and if only you will understand that i have no more strength left
mountains of emotions and a sea of hopes
She certainly remember days that we loved each other
why is she not here
and if she still loves me, she should come
embrace and tell me words that will calm, words that will soften
and if she still loves
i am still here....
Egy italnyira
[Verse 1]
Látod mennyire kicsíptem magam a bulira,
konkrét attitűddel jöttem, öntelt vagyok.
Tudom, hogy felkeltem az érdeklődésed,
de nem próbálok senkivel sem lefeküdni.
Megittam kilenc felest, szeretem ahogyan megüt,
itt vagyok a buliban és mindenki részeg, yeah.
Szépen és folyamatosan iszok majd,
de most kezdem kicsit becsípve érezni magam.
Én, én
egy italnyira vagyok attól, hogy elmondjam ami a fejemben jár,
csak egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
Kérlek ne érj hozzám, csak engedj el,
ne is kérj tőlem szívességet.
Túl sokáig voltam jó, de
most a lehető legrosszabban viselkedem.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
[Verse 2]
Nem foglalkoztat, hogy kedves legyek,
és miért szólítsz még mindig bébinek?
Semmit sem teszel, hogy lenyűgözz,
úgyhogy nincs itt az ideje, hogy tesztelgess.
Megittam kilenc felest, szeretem ahogyan megüt,
itt vagyok a buliban és mindenki részeg, yeah.
Szépen és folyamatosan iszok majd,
de most kezdem kicsit becsípve érezni magam.
Én, én
egy italnyira vagyok attól, hogy elmondjam ami a fejemben jár,
csak egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
Kérlek ne érj hozzám, csak engedj el,
ne is kérj tőlem szívességet.
Túl sokáig voltam jó, de
most a lehető legrosszabban viselkedem.
Kérlek ne érj hozzám, csak engedj el,
ne is kérj tőlem szívességet.
Túl sokáig voltam jó, de
most a lehető legrosszabban viselkedem.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
Ha megkérdezel, akkor el fogom mondani, elmondom neked,
hogy nem félek egy kis balhétól, balhétól.
És már le is tiltottam a számodat,
úgyhogy kereshetsz egy másik szerencsétlent, szerencsétlent.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
Kérlek ne érj hozzám, csak engedj el,
ne is kérj tőlem szívességet.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
Take life by the hand (Thread of soul)
If you want to see miracles coming true
Sew all your injuries with one thread of soul
Time is passing by wasted
It's your worst enemy
So take this life by the hand
And even if the darkness around you has become too dense
The sun will rise again!
Look up and believe that you'll find the way
Put your dreams in front of you so you could see them
You can ...
A train is departing to a far away
A train is departing to a far away,
You’ll wave to me, fading from view.
I’ll meet other girls, this I’m sure of,
But none of them will be like you.
I still see you right before (the) battle,
A din of (the) exploding grenades.
That blue dress of yours, like the blue skies,
Your voice, that cute smile, and those eyes.
There are lots of smiles that are gorgeous,
So many intriguing great eyes,
But these such as yours, darling sweetheart,
I’ve come across only just once.
Longing will dwell in our sad hearts,
Our tearful farewells set us free.
Try to remember me, darling!
Should I come visit - greet me!
Egy italnyira
[Verse 1]
Látod mennyire kicsíptem magam a bulira,
konkrét attitűddel jöttem, öntelt vagyok.
Tudom, hogy felkeltem az érdeklődésed,
de nem próbálok senkivel sem lefeküdni.
Megittam kilenc felest, szeretem ahogyan megüt,
itt vagyok a buliban és mindenki részeg, yeah.
Szépen és folyamatosan iszok majd,
de most kezdem kicsit becsípve érezni magam.
Én, én
egy italnyira vagyok attól, hogy elmondjam ami a fejemben jár,
csak egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
Kérlek ne érj hozzám, csak engedj el,
ne is kérj tőlem szívességet.
Túl sokáig voltam jó, de
most a lehető legrosszabban viselkedem.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
[Verse 2]
Nem foglalkoztat, hogy kedves legyek,
és miért szólítsz még mindig bébinek?
Semmit sem teszel, hogy lenyűgözz,
úgyhogy nincs itt az ideje, hogy tesztelgess.
Megittam kilenc felest, szeretem ahogyan megüt,
itt vagyok a buliban és mindenki részeg, yeah.
Szépen és folyamatosan iszok majd,
de most kezdem kicsit becsípve érezni magam.
Én, én
egy italnyira vagyok attól, hogy elmondjam ami a fejemben jár,
csak egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
Kérlek ne érj hozzám, csak engedj el,
ne is kérj tőlem szívességet.
Túl sokáig voltam jó, de
most a lehető legrosszabban viselkedem.
Kérlek ne érj hozzám, csak engedj el,
ne is kérj tőlem szívességet.
Túl sokáig voltam jó, de
most a lehető legrosszabban viselkedem.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
Ha megkérdezel, akkor el fogom mondani, elmondom neked,
hogy nem félek egy kis balhétól, balhétól.
És már le is tiltottam a számodat,
úgyhogy kereshetsz egy másik szerencsétlent, szerencsétlent.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
Kérlek ne érj hozzám, csak engedj el,
ne is kérj tőlem szívességet.
egy italnyira vagyok tőle.
S. O. C. M. M.
(Secular Organization for the Conservation and the Maintenance of Marriage)
Enough is enough. I'm fed up
with you, circling around my girl like an owl.
stop peeping, stop insinuating,
you damned wolf.
Hands off,
don't touch my dreams.
Luckily, there is a secular organization
for the conservation
of marriage.
Enough is enough. I don't like it
when you dance with her and touch her
don't transgress, refrain from wishing
to find pleasure in her eyes.
My hands
and a hat full of dreams are enough.
Luckily, there is a secular organization
for the conservation
of marriage.
My girl dances in me as she dances
and moves flexing her spine
so free and beautiful, she dances in me,
oh no, I have nothing but her, hey!
Enough is enough. How can I,
if you eat from my plate
don't steal, don't go too far
you damned cat.
Hands off,
don't tarnish my dreams.
Luckily, there is a secular organization
for the conservation
of marriage
and of all my dreams.
Shake it uh! Shake it uh! Shake it uh!
My girl dances in me as she dances
and moves flexing her spine
she dances in me while a star is born
oh no... I have nothing but her
Enough is enough. I'm sick of you
dancing with her and touching her
don't transgress, refrain from wishing
to find pleasure in her eyes.
Her hands
and a hat full of dreams are enough.
Luckily, there is an organization
for the secular conservation
Luckily, there is a secular organization
for the conservation
of marriage
and of all my dreams.
Black snow
Versions: #1
Your eyes have never been so cold
You pierce my heart with the cold look in your eyes
You don't say anything, you don't want anything
The silence is causing me pain
Loneliness is here
Tell me 'I love you', call my name
Warm me with that fire of yours again
Tell me that there is no other woman, tell me that I'm crazy
And that the black snow is only in my thoughts
Your hands have never been so cold
The ice inside you have reached your heart
You don't feel anything, you don't give anything
And I'm growing cold without your love
While another woman is in your dream
Tell me 'I love you', call my name
Warm me with that fire of yours again
Tell me that there is no other woman, tell me that I'm crazy
And that the black snow is only in my thoughts
Tell me 'I love you'
Warm me for a second at least
And then leave me
Go, forget about me
Wolf blizzard
Run your finger on the trail of my scars,
To connect our ways, in defiance of stars.
Open these wounds, and then heal them,
Until they arrange themselves in the intricate pattern of fate.
You escape from my dreams in the morning,
Sour as a gooseberry, sweet as a lilac.
I want to dream about tangled black curls,
About violet eyes, moist with tears.
In the wake of wolf I'll go in the snowstorm
And I'll track your stubborn heart down.
Through anger and sadness,
Hardened into stone, I'll kindle the lips lashed with the wind.
You escape from my dreams in the morning,
Sour as a gooseberry, sweet as a lilac.
I want to dream about tangled black curls,
About violet eyes, moist with tears.
I don't know if you are my destiny,
Or if love has bounded us by blind luck.
When I uttered my wish,
Did you fall in love with me in spite of yourself then?
You escape from my dreams in the morning,
Sour as a gooseberry, sweet as a lilac.
I want to dream about tangled black curls,
About violet eyes, moist with tears.
Don't Believe your tears
How much blue sky is for you and me
Of the mortal foamy body
I measured the cup full of life
Choose, choose two banks by the river
The river has two banks
The river has two banks
The river has two banks
Don't believe in tears, everything will return
After long nights
A sweet dream will turn around
After long nights
I’ll Miss You
I’ll miss you if you leave
I’ll miss your serenity
Your words like songs in the wind
And the love that you take away
I’ll miss you if you leave
Now and forever i don’t know how to live
And the joy,my love
Goes away with you
I’ll miss you i’ll miss you
Why do you go away?
Because the love inside of you is dead?
Nothing’ll change i know that
Inside of me i feel you
I’ll miss you i’ll miss you
Why do you go away?
Because the love imside of you is dead?
Nothing’ll change i know that
Inside of me i feel you
I’ll miss,the immensity
of our days and nights together
your smiles,when it was dark
your being naive,like a small girl
I’ll miss you,my love
i look and find emptiness inside of me
And the joy,my love
goes away with you...
Another Story
Most of the time it's pleasant, everything's at an intentional pace
Everything works pretty much how we wanted here
Most of the time we're going, usually knowing where to
but also a little path that's broken, is still a path
Most of the time we see, everything with a clear eye
And a day passes and here it is again, everything's okay
Most of the time we're chasing
The light really until sunset
Life in the meantime
Flowing in water
And most of the time, I'm silent
Listening to the heart that connects and disconnects
Sinking in an old dream & waking up
And all around me there are people
And every one has a different story
Most of the time it's peaceful, or at least in my imagination
From everywhere we see everything, a different bit
Most of the time is truth, and it's complicated and colorful
And only together we'll understand more, what it says
Most of the time we find, a place really for every one
even for me and for crazy people like me
Most of the time we pursue peace, Not to be alone
Reach out our hands
Open our eyes
And most of the time, I'm silent
Listening to the heart that connects and that disconnects
Sinking in an old dream & waking up
And all around me there are people
And every one has another story
Oske Cherde
How far the foreign land
?Else it seems stretched out
How frightful the foreigner
?Else he seems looking
How far the alien land
Yet it seems stretched out
How frightful the alien one
He seems looking back
When I recall the Yenisei River
It seems a lasso pole’s length
When I recall my girl-friend
She seems waking up from sleep
When I recall the Lesser Yenisei
It seems a handspan’s length
When I recall my beloved friend
She seems smiling softly
When I recall the Greater Yenisei
It seems like a wrist’s length
When I recall my one and only
She seems pretending not to know
How frightful!