Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 18


Álom a repülésről

Ha egyszer majd felrepülsz,
Akkor fogod majd eldönteni,
Az eget nézve megtudod,
Szíved itt érzi magát otthon.
Ha egyszer majd felrepülsz,
Akkor fogod majd eldönteni,
Az eget nézve megtudod,
Szíved itt érzi magát otthon.
Az első nagy madár
A Nap felé fog repülni,
Átsuhanva a nagy Ceceri hegyen,
Dicsőséggel és csodával megtölti az univerzumot.
Ha egyszer majd felrepülsz,
Akkor fogod majd eldönteni,
Az eget nézve megtudod,
Szíved itt érzi magát otthon.
Az ember majd felemelkedik a saját alkotása által,
Mint a madarak az égbe...
Dicsőséggel és csodával megtölti az univerzumot.
Ha egyszer majd felrepülsz,
Akkor fogod majd eldönteni,
Az eget nézve megtudod,
Szíved itt érzi magát otthon.
Dicsőség! Dicsőség!

Out of the window

Versions: #1
Out of window there is
a bloom of apricot 1
and warmth of
the single bloom
Out of window there are
lush green leaves to my eyes,
voice of lesser cuckoo 2
and ah, first bonito of the season 3
Out of window there is
crisp autumn breeze
circling around mountains
and hear a voice of a temple bell 4
How long is
remaining life?
This night is fleeting
life is short
Out of window there is
snow chilling my house
I just lie in bed, imagining it
just imagining 5
Out of window there is
a joyous flower of roof iris 6
that blooms white
in this spring evening
  • 1. Usually blooms in the end of winter and annonces the arrival of spring
  • 2. Cuculus poliocephalus, its voice announces the arrival of summer
  • 3. In Japanese culture, not only bonito, the first harvest of fish or vegetable is believed to bring good luck and health. First bonito appears in early summer.
  • 4. gigantic bells usually placed at Buddhism temples
  • 5. Shiki Masaoka, original auther, made this line while he's ill in bed. With unusual snowfall in Tokyo, he could not go out to see snow and just imagine or think of snow with what is seen from window.
  • 6. Iris tectorum. Japanese traditional name ichihatsu reads 'ichi'=one,first and 'hatsu'=for the first time. Because it blooms earliest among other species of iris.

The lost paradises

Versions: #1
In my pink silk jacket
I wander feeling dull
The dusk is majestic... but
Maybe one day you would
Find with me
These lost paradises
Dandy, a little damned, a little aged
In this collapsing luxury
Do you remember when I sang
In London's cellars
Drowned in the fog
This sophisticated rock
Every night you would stay there
Maybe one day you would
Find with me
These lost paradises
Bandit, a little damned, a little aged
The musicians are now wrinkled
On this keyboard that turned yellow
I try to remember once again the chords of
This sophisticated rock
That astonished even the English
Maybe one day you would
Find with me
These lost paradises

My Inner Voice

I wake up every day, look at myself in the mirror
Thinking, 'You're so hot, Chris'
I take a selfie without a filter, hashtagging
'Oh my God, I woke up like this'
I look myself up on Google and on YouTube
And I watch the very best clips
Nothing gets me in as good a mood as me
Dammit, I'm actually an amazing dancer
The few times when I have a day off
I'm a man of charity
Parents say I'm curing their children
I say, 'But I'm just doing my best'
I'd have put it on Story
For my 581,000 fans
But personally, I think it easily becomes tasteless
When you show off on Instagram
You shouldn't compare your own life with mine at all
'Cause then it's very easy to feel so bad
'Cause I've got it all
You've got none of it
It's really not that hard to understand
If my life was like yours, I'd also feel awful
I'm also in top three of football, tennis, ping pong, padel, squash, and badminton
I know it's hard to believe
But I'm actually not doing my best, that's my only bad habit
I lower my skill level to match that of other people
It's cold being on the top of the world, being a winner isn't easy
This is fucking hard to say
But sometimes, I don't carry a tune
To seem a bit more human
Don't compare yourself to anyone else
And remember, there's only one of you
And no one else in this world could do it better
Mmm, well, perhaps aside from me
You shouldn't compare your own life with mine at all
'Cause then it's very easy to feel so bad
'Cause I've got it all
You've got none of it
It's really not that hard to understand
If my life was like yours, I'd also feel awful
If your inner voice says you're a loser
Then you can listen to mine
'Cause it says you're pretty funny
Screw the Law of Jante, and
You can learn the things you're not good at
It says you're awesome exactly the way you are


Még mindig dohányzom, mert azt olvastam valahol,
ha leszokom, mielőtt 26 leszek,
akkor nem lesz gond, úgyhogy hazudok magamnak,
mialatt meggyújtok még egy cigit.
Telefonfüggő vagyok
Szorongani kezdek, ha nincs kartávolságra tőlem
Éberen fekszem, képernyő az arcomban
És azon tűnődom, miért nem tudok aludni
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Láttam ezeket a borzasztó dolgokat egy dokumentumfilmben
Eldöntöttem, nem eszek több húst,
hogy megmentsem a földet, amíg egyszer csak azt nem mondtam 'francba az egésszel'
Még egy hétig se bírtam ki
Olyan hű de tökéletes a felszínen, de az az igazság
Nem akarok ilyen srác lenni
De megvan az előre megírt szöveg, jobb ha ahhoz tartom magam
A címkém azt mondja, hazudnom kell
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
És senki sem tökéletes a felszín alatt
Sosem fogják meglátni azt az oldalamat
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Most csináltattam egy új tetkót, feszengek,
mert még a saját anyámnak sem mondtam el
Úgyhogy mikor hazamegyek meglátogatni a szüleimet
Sosem veszem le a pulóveremet
Nem érdekel, hogy igaz-e, vagy nem
Csak az érdekel, hogy jöjjenek a lájkok
Úgy olvasom a kommenteket, mintha mindenki őszinte lenne
Miközben a hamis életemhez tapsikolnak
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
És senki sem tökéletes a felszín alatt
Sosem fogják meglátni azt az oldalamat
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Mert hát én is csak ember vagyok
Ráteszek egy filtert, hogy természetesnek tűnjön
Mert hát én is csak ember vagyok
Ráteszek egy filtert, hogy természetesnek tűnjön
Nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
És senki sem tökéletes a felszín alatt
De mindenki próbál az lenni
Nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?


Versions: #2
It isn’t a matter of good images,
nor to show oneself with one's good looking.
The time for great speeches is over (no)
Nor political cants which turn around.
It’s a matter of respect,
for what we do now.
Because our future depends on our nature
And on what will be left behind us.
There is only one life to live and one nature.
I would like to leave without regret behind me.
It’s not a question of zeal,
nor to drive out the naturalness.
Man is a wild animal
Who isn’t made for cages.
It’s a question of being 6 (six) billion
under the same roof, the same pond.
Because our future depends on our nature
And on what will be left behind us.
There is only one life to live and one nature.
I would like to leave without regret behind me.
If I want to look at myself in a miror
And in the look of my children (no)
If one day I want to tell them directly
what we did, and what awaits them.
Because our future depends on our nature
And on what will be left behind us
There is only one life to live and one nature.
I would like to leave without regret behind me.
(I would like to go)
Because our future depends on our nature
(Without regret behind me)
And on what will be left behind us (oh, being able to leave)
I would like to leave without any regret behind me
(Oh, without any regret behind me)
I would like to leave without any regret behind me

After you

The pictures, the frames
Yet are here
Remains of glory
Painful joy
Emptied of history
Once open a time
A He, and a She
And she flew away
I go as a tighrope walker
On a wire of glass
All of my clocks
Turn backwords
I accumulate hours
Between you and me
Rubages of resentment and dread
It should be laughed about
It's so commun
With two bullets
I know there is worse
I know the hospital
But can i at least say
That it hurts me
And here what do i do
After you
My dreams are ampty
All i make are wrong steps
what am i doing
Down here
Beautiful memories burn me of cold
Without you what am i good for
Colorless streets
The world is mourning
So ampty and so lonely
And yet so full of you
You You go to hell
To me the paths of Cross
Why not smile
Nothing more normal
With 2 bullets
I know there is much worse
The caoital punishment
But i can tell you
That it hurts
And here what do i do
After you
My dreams are ampty
All i make are wrong steps
what am i doing
Down here
Beautiful memories burn me of cold
Without you what am i good for
And here what do i do
With my steps
All the streets lead to dead ends
And what do i hear, without your voice
Without your words, your laughs, your songs, your splinters
What is all of this for
Without you

The Storm Driven Sea

The Storm Driven Sea
The Storm Driven Sea
The Storm Driven Sea
Seeks Heaven Itself
The Storm Driven Sea
The Storm Driven Sea
Seeks Heaven Itself
Seeks Heaven Itself
The Storm Driven Sea
The Storm Driven Sea
Seeks Heaven Itself
Seeks Heaven Itself
Over The Earth It Flows
The Air Grows Sterile
Then Follows The Snows
Over The Earth It Flows
The Air Grows Sterile
Then Follows The Snows
The Air Grows Sterile
Then Follows The Snows
Over The Earth It Flows
Over The Earth It Flows
The Storm Driven Sea
Seeks Heaven Itself
Over The Earth It Flows
The Air Grows Sterile
The Storm Driven Sea
Seeks Heaven Itself
Then Follows The Snows
And The Furious Winds
Then Follows The Snows
And The Furious Winds
Over The Earth It Flows
Over The Earth It Flows
Over The Earth It Flows
Over The Earth It Flows
The Storm Driven Sea
Seeks Heaven Itself
Over The Earth It Flows
The Air Grows Sterile
The Storm Driven Sea
Seeks Heaven Itself
Then Follows The Snows
And The Furious Winds
The Storm Driven Sea
The Storm Driven Sea
The Storm Driven Sea
Seeks Heaven Itself
The Storm Driven Sea
The Storm Driven Sea
Seeks Heaven Itself
Seeks Heaven Itself
Over The Earth It Flows
Over The Earth It Flows
The Air Grows Sterile
The Air Grows Sterile
Then Follows The Snows
And The Furious Winds
For The Gods Are Doomed
And The End Is Death


It's like a song, that no one hears
The more loudly [it's sung], the less it can be heard
All I wanna do, All I wanna do, Is say I love you
Time will remember, time will remember, those times of longing
Words don't work, Feeling like they have no worth
Then I'm sorry, but I'm certain it's done forever
Let go of love, rewind the wounds, revert the memories
Why should I even try when obviously
I understand, sometimes love is like dust, is like parting
But becomes more difficult to part from
Say it with a heartbeat, say it with a
(say it with a, say it with a)
It's like a stage without a crowd
That loneliness, silent hustle and bustle
Time will remember, time will remember, in the heart
All I wanna do, All I wanna do, Is say I care
After you left, every day heartache remains the only image
Here and now there's nothing in between
How could I
Ever describe the way I feel?
Why should I
Even try when obviously all the words that I say
Seem to get in the way
Only wish I could
Say it with a heartbeat
(Say it with a, say it with a)
Say it with a heartbeat
Say it with a heartbeat

Il est où bonheur

Versions: #2
Line 23 J'ái fait la cour, j'ai fait mon cirque
I courted, I messed up

40 years old tomorrow

Come on dude, don't let me go
We have seen or we will see things
Come on, yeah, if life punches you
You know we will swim in it
Come on, there is no problem, no
We will have no problem
Tonight I drink
Come with me dude
It will be easier I think
Yeah you know dude, I didn't see them coming
Neither pass by I think
You know, we have a lot of memories
But not enough, believe me
Yeah you know dude
To see my parents became older
Me, I cross my fingers
And tonight, you see
They had me, they will have you
You'll see
So I drown my sorrow
And it makes me feel good
I find myself in the middle of the road
A life half-full
My glass half-full
I'm twice my twenties
I'm forty years old tomorrow
And yes, I drown my sorrow
And it makes me feel good
I find myself in the middle of the road
A life half-full
My glass half-full
I'm twice my twenties
I'm forty years old tomorrow
Remember dude
Forty years old it was old
When we were kids
Remember yeah
We used to turn our glasses
To see the age they gave us
Tonight I left my glass empty
Forty years old, it's tomorrow
And tomorrow, it's fall
So believe me dude
I am only a kid
And yet I'm a man
So I drown my sorrow
And it makes me feel good
I find myself in the middle of the road
A life half-full
My glass half-full
I'm twice my twenties
I'm forty years old tomorrow
And yes, I drown my sorrow
And it makes me feel good
I find myself in the middle of the road
A life half-full
My glass half-full
I'm twice my twenties
I'm forty years old tomorrow
I'm forty years old tomorrow
Here it is dude
Before, I used to take my time
Tonight it is him who took me
We say that life's learning us things
Me, what does she has learned me ?
Two, three guitar chods, nothing big
Above all to say thank you
Because I live the life that makes dream
The kid I were at the bottom of my bed
Go check man
Tonight I drown my sorrow
And it makes me feel good
I find myself in the middle of the road
A life half-full
My glass half-full
I'm twice my twenties
I'm forty years old tomorrow
And yes, I drown my sorrow
And it makes me feel good
I find myself in the middle of the road
A life half-full
My glass half-full
I'm twice my twenties
I'm forty years old tomorrow
Forty years old tomorrow
Foty years old tomorrow
And still a kid

The Parisienne Girl

She been living in Paris for less than three months
But she's already got the user manual down
She uses a whole lot of words that I don't get
Rides a Vespa
Her friends have strange names, Béné, Alix, F-X, at Lise-Ange
Like that, no it's not their names that bother me, nor their gear
She's always telling me we should catch up
And that we should do brunch one of these days
That we should check out a Larry Clark expo at 104 1
Why not?
But not tomorrow as Madam is overloaded
Always glued to her Macbook
And when she tells me that we can meet up on Facebook
It's a slap in the face 2
She lives in Paris
She wears white Converse 3
I don't understand what she says anymore
She lives in Paris
I hope that nothing changes
She lives in Paris
She wears white Converse
I don't understand what she says anymore
She lives in Paris
I hope that nothing changes
She lives in Paris, It's not that I'm criticising
It's so different, past the ring-road
No longer the same music, the same outfits
Her mother, her mates and her catholic votes
I see her less often because Madame, yeah
Is going to the seaside for Easter
Her friends have big pads, Saint-Briac
I don't know the place
Me, my beardy face and my accent4
I know, that makes her right-minded friends smile
And even so I wait for her, often in the wind
I'd like her to be a bit more like she was before
But her and her Vélib, her organic tomatoes and her iPhone 5
Her Boston terrier
Me, the rain batters me
While I waste hours at her intercom
But nobody's home
She lives in Paris
She wears white Converse
I don't understand what she says anymore
She lives in Paris
I hope that nothing changes
She lives in Paris
She wears white Converse
I don't understand what she says anymore
She lives in Paris
I hope that nothing changes
Madam is chic
Aperatif Paris style by the Seine 6
Madam complicates her life
Trying to be bohemian
Madam is chic
American Apparel, H&M
He's a hippie chic 7
But where is she, the lady I love?
She lives in Paris
She wears white Converse
I don't understand a thing she says
She lives in Paris
I hope that nothing changes
She lives in Paris
She wears white Converse
I don't understand what she says anymore
She lives in Paris
I hope that nothing changes
She lives in Paris
I think she's forgetting about me
She's got new friends
You know, new clothes
And me I hang around on the banks of the Seine
But where is she, the lady I love
I don't understand what she says anymore
She lives in Paris
I hope that nothing changes
  • 1. Le Cent Quatre cultural centre
  • 2. 'C'est le bouquet' (literally 'that's the bouquet') is more like 'That takes the biscuit' or 'that's the cherry on the cake' but trying to mimic the bouquet/facebook pun
  • 3. De rigeur in Paris!
  • 4. Not quite sure about 'ganache tapache' other than they are mocking his look
  • 5. Vélib is the hire bike scheme in Paris, much like London's 'Boris Bikes'
  • 6. Probaby an Aperol Spritz!
  • 7. Bit of a play on Hippy chick, hippy-chic