Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 159


Firstly, we bow to the holy feet of Radha and Krishna

Firstly, we bow to the holy feet of Radha and Krishna
Please have your blessings on these children, Oh Krishna ।1।
Secondly, we bow to the four directions
Please have your blessings on these small kids, Oh Lord ।2।
Thirdly, we bow to the spectators
Please have your blessings on these small kids, Oh spectators ।3।
Fourthly, we bow to our parents
Please have your blessings on your sons, Oh Mother ।4।
Fifthly, we bow to our teacher
Please have your blessings on your pupils, Oh Teacher ।5।
Mom, get me ready, with all the necessary accessories
With an armlet on my right hand and a colourful dress on my body ।6।
Hand me over my sticks, after applying a black mark over it
We are going to play merrily, said the son ।7।
Make the ululudhvani sound merrily, my dear mothers and sisters 1
We are going to play merrily, make way for us ।8।
We bow before the spectators a thousand times
The salutation was composed by the Sun God,so don't try to find errors in it ।9।
  • 1. Ululu (also known as Hula Huli or Hulu Huli) is a tradition in Assam, Bengal, Odisha and Tamil Nadu, where during weddings and other festivals women produce a sound called 'Ululu'. It refers to festivity and prosperity. It's known as hulahuli in Odisha.

Who's sitting over that branch, my friend

Who's sitting over that branch, my friend?
It looks like Krishna to me (Chorus)
A black cloud is approaching from the east, the figure looks like that to me
But, if it was a cloud, it surely would have rained
Neither it is peeping at us
Rama is returning from his forest exile, the figure looks like that to me
But, if it was Rama, it would have killed Ravana
Neither it is holding a bow and arrow
Is Arjuna taking Draupadi with him, the figure looks like that to me
But, if it was Arjuna, it would have annihilated the army of Kauravas
Neither is any Draupadi is accompanying him
Looks like Krishna is sitting over there, the figure looks like that to me
But, if it was Krishna, Radha would have surely been with him
Neither is he holding any flute in his hand

The next century

In foreign countries that I haven't seen
I've got an only child
He never learned to laugh
He pierces his veins with a needle
He looks with horror in his eyes
I see it again in Hiroshima
Walking around in Mauthausen
Calling at me while naked in Vietnam
And I am imprisoned and stranger
The next century will be different
It must be different
The next century will be different
It must be, it must be
Must be different
My kid is hungry in Africa
He gets old before he grows up
And like crazy, fighting in Asia
And I am imprisoned and stranger
The next century will be different
It must be different
The next century will be different
It must be, it must be
Must be different
With a sun in my armd
I'll forget the children
And I'll be free again
The next century will be different
It must be different
The next century will be different
It must be, it must be
Must be different

My story between your fingers

No more!
I think that the nights I gave you,
weren't so useless
You march out, so what? I don't try to discuss it
You know it and I know it
At least stay just for the night
Until I understand you are sure
Maybe it's that I'm feeling alone
Because I know that smile, so definitive
Your smile that opened your paradise
to me
It is said that for each man
there is another woman like you
But in my place, you will occupy with someone else
Same as me, I better doubt that
Why do you look down this time?
You ask me to stay being friends
Friends for what? Damn that
I forgive a friend, but to you, I love you
My natural instincts can seem vulgar
There's one thing I haven't told you yet
My problems, you know what, are called you
Just because of that, you see me try so hard
So that I can feel a little more assured
And if you don't want nor say what has failed
Remember that I've forgiven you also
And instead, you say 'I'm sorry, I don't love you'
And you leave me with this story between your fingers
What will you do? Look for an excuse
and then march out
You shouldn't worry nor provoke
because of me
I will write you a pair of songs
Trying to hide my emotions
Thinking but little in words
I'll talk to you about the really definitive smile
Your smile that opened your paradise
to me
There's one thing I haven't told you yet
My problems, you know what, are called you
Just because of that, you see me try so hard
So that I can feel a little more assured
And if you don't want nor say what has failed
Remember that I've forgiven you also
Instead, you say 'I'm sorry, I don't love you'
And you leave me with this story between your fingers

Damn It

Damn love, your suffering
damn love with your heart of stone
how bad is love, all your witchcraft
how good is love, with all your promises
Damn it, what do you want?
you acted with me like with a young girl
i waited for you year after year
and you didn't come to me
like always, maybe tomorrow
you'll crawl to me, quietly, and silently into bed
i search within you for a simple truth
and you didn't come to me
Love, love, your mistakes
cursed love, you and your foolishness
with all the melodies that you wove into your voice
perhaps i am strong but i'm weak in front of you.


Nincs itt semmiféle politikai korrektség
Se balra, se jobbra, de egyenesen a húsba
Egy dal a fejbe, hogy a fogaikat is kiverje
Hogy motyoghassanak a parlamentbe', míg az alkotmányt vitatják
A zsarnokság elleni lázadás
Ami széttépi a bilincseket
Nincs irányítás felette
Ez már tömegreakció
Ébresszétek a miniszterelnököt
Hadd halljam a bilincseket
Sorolja fel a minisztereket
Elő a kincstár kulcsaival
Gyerünk, most évértékeld a népnek, hogy ki lopott
Ki tett tönkre minket és nem volt számon kérve
Jól összejátszottatok, hát nincs visszavágó
Lopás törvénykönyve van, amit senki sem vallott be
És az emberek nem emlékeznek minderre

Sajnálom Szerbia

Belgrád. A képzelet bűnösen az aszfalthoz köt. A szarság borzalmas itt, az utca mindent lát. Tíz dűne, a kölyök, apáé hazajön. „Vigyázz, vége van fiam! Ma vihar közeleg!” A banda még mindig lop tőlünk. A tagság továbbra is fontos. A jelvény még mindig letartóztat minket. Nem a Marsról pottyantam le. Tudom, hogy mindez bohózat. De ha nem megyek át, nincs visszaút számomra. Pár főiskolai haveromat régen felgyújtották. Szerencséjük volt, de hiányzik nekik Szerbia. Ha ez így folytatódik, senki sem marad itt. Én: tolvajok, kutyák, robotok.. az utolsó kapcsolja le a villanyt.
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Az aranykor sátra valójában koromsötét. Mint a pezsgő, amikor ünnepelnek, kinyitják a fejünket... gumi labdák repülnek a gyerekek fölött. Sisak, lovasroham. Páncélozott járművek, kórházi furgon. A tüdőmet elpusztította a háborús méreg. Nem huligánok vagyunk, csak zavarodottak és magányosak. Nem, nem az ország ellen vagyunk, hanem a rezsim ellen. Nem állunk senki oldalán, nem vagyunk párt ügynökök. De nem most jöttünk a falvédőről. Ez rosszul veszi ki magát?! Akkor csak magyarázza el nekem, hogy van itt a felosztás. Mindent a csókosok kapnak, akik a kincsesládán ücsörögnek. Erős hálók, sovány alkatrészek. És amikor jönnek a lezárások, senkinek nincs szüksége rájuk.
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Senki nem kérdez tőlünk semmit, csak bólogatnak. Aztán mindent visznek a kincstárba, ahol eladják a földet. Kiagyalják, hogy a harcnak nincs értelme. Csak összeesküvés-elmélet - mondják. Ha itt nincs változás, akkor nincsenek emberek, akik elkezdenék. Nincs más lehetőség, mint összecsomagolni. De nem menekülhetünk, mert itt vannak a gyökereink. És, ha százszor eltaposnak, feltámadok. Mindent elloptál, és továbbra is ítélkezni akarsz felettem?! Bármit kínálsz nekem, bűzlik! Nem leszel képes megvenni engem. Lehet, hogy a város most a tiéd, de ezek az én utcáim. És amikor az emberek megtöltik őket, ne csodálkozz utána!
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Sajnálom, Szerbia, én nem voltam ott neked
De mindent megteszek, hogy kijavítsam a hibákat
Bocsáss meg, életért, minden elveszett időért
De soha nem késő újra elindulni

Watch out watch out

Watch out I just got here, watch out, watch out, let me tell you,
Watch out I'm leading the crew, watch out, looking for the jerks
So try to manage it, watch out we're like brothers,
Who wants to mess with us will live shorter.
Watch out where you go, so watch out who follows you,
Watch out, watch out how you spread it, since it can come back to you
Watch out what you're rejoicing at, watch out you shall not covet your neighbour's goods
in the cold cell, you're hanging out in a nasty group
You say this has nothing to do with me, this has nothing to do with us.
Watch out that's a mistake! No, watch out, remember the days,
when you cheated, pillage the city, fucked the whores, bothering people,
everything, watch out for everything, even breaking the laws
Watch out, watch out, like pitbull I was training and killing it,
Now we're reducing bills, I've heard you had lots of them,
Arguing with God, watch out you fucked up big time,
Opening the doors with your leg, selling drugs to kids.
Watch out, they told you: Watch out, be careful what you do,
But you didn't care, you just didn't stop.
Cus life didn't treat you well, so you didn't treat others well either
now you have what you wanted, cus you never watched out.
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Watch out, watch out, time flies, first gray hairs are showing up,
You think you're young for them, but the streets don't spare
You weren't lucky, you weren't, that's right,
but that's what makes you stronger, you're not a kid anymore.
Not a kid anymore, so watch out what you do, the world's cruel
people are cruel. Watch out, watch out for the mistakes.
Watch out to not burn yourself, the streets are boiling,
like African plains. Watch out, watch out for hyenas.
Do you hear it in the distance? It's death laughing at you.
Now you're greedy like never before, cus your time is running,
success withing reach, but they're watching out for you.
You feel the looks of jealousy, envy, the punches.
Watch out for dorks, snitches, bad influences,
be careful who is who, take care of real friends.
Open your eyes wide and watch out where you take your steps,
there are hungry vipers at every turn
Open your eyes wide, keep moving bravely,
but watch out that you don't get blinded by all the ignorance.
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Look, I can't believe what our destiny is like,
When I gotta watch out where I go and to not believe people.
Watch out, as far as I can see, nobody takes care of others,
but they only care about themselves, steals from others.
Watch out, nothing is worth it, authority is always safe here,
they don't have to watch out, they do everything without any effort.
They don't need to use force to ride us without kicking,
We watch out for ourselves, cus we don't ask questions.
But we do care about stuff that have expiration date,
Watch out everything draws your attention, only for your vigilance to be lowered.
Watch out, watch out, this car, this whore, this money,
Watch out, watch out, new bonehead from a reality show
That's only a part of their plan for brainwashing,
watch out, the news they give you affect you like Prozak.
Watch out, you're your own prison, watch out, your complex is your compass,
watch out, it'll be too late when you realise you're reaching for your own failure.
Watch out, be careful, so that you don't regret it tomorrow,
that you were always watching out and breaking your spine.
Watch out, it's still not too late to say some things out loud,
let the ones that you watch out for watch out for you.
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Look we won't last too long if we keep going this way,
But look, it doesn't seem like it until you change the perspective.
Whilst you look at everything passingly, you can't judge it,
Cus you don't watch out for anything but satisfying yourself.
And in good weather, people are still gloomy,
cus nobody is watching out for them, nobody pays attention.
They go where the wind blows, cus that's easier,
instead of filling the sails and grabbing the rudder.
Look someone will say that it's like it used to be,
but in their time, it wasn't any better,
just ask him if he's willing to let their kid go out,
and not care that they're not back, and it's getting late.
Watch out, before kids used to love marbles,
were able to fight when they see djidanje*
now they love video games, shooting on their screens,
they don't know how to punch, yet they're already killers.
Maybe I didn't pay attention in class, so I don't understand,
how this life without a meaning is an improvement.
Where has love between the close ones gone,
and why is science more important than the truth?
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Watch out, watch out
For this crucial moment, you gotta stay awake!
Watch out, watch out
And when the storm begins - your faith is protecting you!

Dreaming California

Grey sky up,
yellow leaves down.
I look for some blue
where there's no blue.
I only feel cold
outside and inside me.
I dream you California
and someday I'll come.
I enter the church and there
I try to pray
but instead my thoughts go,
always go back there,
to the warm sun that I want
that will never come here.
I dream you California
and someday I'll come.
Grey sky up,
yellow leaves down.
I look for some blue
where there's no blue.
If she didn't wait for me
I know I'd go.
I dream you California
and someday I'll come.

Wine Red Heart

A pair of eyes, the attractive of love.
Tasty wine, leaking charm.
The bright eyesight is a message
naturally kisses your cheek and forehead
Quietly waiting for the fire to relight.
Too beautiful, hugging in the dream,
This sense of love is surrounding us.
Red, red, red
A heart that is so clear just like wine colour.
Whoever is loved by you, means the start of happiness
So getting excited is normal.
Red wine, red wine, red wine
Such a fresh crystal.
Leaking true love for whom?
A bit embarrassed, the magic of love.
The wine rushed into the heart and become a motivation.
The love fire has been relit and so should be treasured.
How to describe your tenderness, like you have no strength
Creating a lot of attraction.
Inside is weak and soft, but the outside is tough
I know that the love sense is reigniting.
Red, red, red
A heart that is so clear just like wine colour.
Whoever is loved by you, means the start of happiness
So happy that they will forget pain.
Red wine, red wine, red wine
Cheer another glass will better engrave the memories.
Leaking true love for whom?
Inside is weak and soft, but the outside is tough
I know that the love sense is reigniting.
Red, red, red
A heart that is so clear just like wine colour.
Whoever is loved by you, means the start of happiness
So happy that they will forget pain.
Red wine, red wine, red wine
Cheer another glass will better engrave the memories.
Leaking true love for whom?

I'm the One Who Got Hurt

Did you ever feel
The distance between us
Now I feel it even more
Since you met him
I can't believe
You had the heart to end
Our beautiful love
That I didn't want to end
You left me
Did you ever realize
I am the one that you hurt
You left with your promises
That you broke
Oh God please help me
Erase my feelings of love
I also want to be happy
Even if I'm not with her
It won't be easy
For me to forget everything
I'll go for her
Did you ever realize
I am the one that you hurt
You left with your promises
That you broke
Oh God please help me
Erase my feelings of love
I also want to be happy
Even if I'm not with her
Oh God please help me
Erase my feelings of love
I also want to be happy
Even if I'm not with her

Break Up Or Stay Together

I'm wondering
About our feelings
Do we really love each other
Or did we just use to love each other
Don't you also feel
Cold beginning to creep into our conversations
The question what are you doing
Has just become a formality
Try to ask your heart again
Is it best if we break up or stay together
Are we maintaining a relationship
Or just putting off the separation
Don't you also feel
Cold beginning to creep into our conversations
The question what are you doing
Has just become a formality
Try to ask your heart again
Is it best if we break up or stay together
Are we maintaining a relationship
Or just putting off the separation
If you ask me what I want
I want us to stay together
Try to ask your heart again
Is it best if we break up or stay together
Are we maintaining a relationship
Or just putting off the separation

Rivkele the Sabbath Widow (Without Shabbath)

Rivkele without Sabbath is working in the factory,
Twisting threads together, fashioning a length of rope.
Alas the somber ghetto lasts too long
And, with a heavy heart, I feel so sorry for her lot.
Her devoted Herszele is gone, is no longer,
Since that Saturday, since that hour.
Rivkele is in mourning, crying day and night,
And now she sits at her spinning wheel, bemused in deep thought.
Where is my loved one? Is he alive somewhere?
Perhaps in a concentration camp, he works hard without rest.
How bleak it must be for him there


Uzbeks, Turkmens, Uyghurs, Tatars, Azeris: These are all one tribe.
Karakalpak, Kyrgyz, Kazakh

Your image

If you look at my eyes,
Who cried for love
And they shed so many tears,
You can find us your image,
That face of yours, that mouth
That I kissed, that I kissed,
And so you'll know
That since I lost you
To leave with her,
I feel the most guilty,
The poorest of men
And I lack the courage
To come back, to return
From you, from you.
If you look at my eyes,
Who cried for love
And they shed so many tears,
You can find us your image,
That face of yours, that mouth
That I kissed, that I kissed,
And so you'll know
That since I lost you
To leave with her,
I feel the most guilty,
The poorest of men
And I lack the courage
To come back, to return
From you, from you.

7 PM

It's 7 PM, I'm still cold
And he's not coming for me, he isn't coming
Don't know what's wrong with me
Still cold, is it over?
Don't ask me to beg now
Don't ask me to give it up
I want to know too
I want to see the look in your eyes
When we're not together
My heart is consumed by the memory of you
The evening wind whistles again
Be strong now, be strong
Nothing is as beautiful as your smile
Nothing is similar to it, nor can compare
Don't ask me to beg now
Don't ask me to speak to you
I want to know too
I want to see the look in your eyes
When we're not together
My heart is consumed by the memory of you
The memory of you
I want to know too
I want to see the look in your eyes
When we're not together
My heart is consumed by the memory of you

If Everything Was Fair

If everything was fair
My brothers and I
Would plant lillies
In the military camps
If everything was fair
Blood would spill by kisses
And the curbs would blossom
By love's blood
We would have songs
To rouse the crouds
Without hidden thoughts
We would have banners
With all the colours mixed
Even the misunderstood ones
And reasons to make anyone believe
We would have children
That would grow taller
Day by day
That would grow taller
Day by day
For each day
And flying dogs
To hunt birds
Among the clouds
-Don't laugh, I dream of that quite often

Forever yours

I never told you I would be forever yours
In contrary I told you it wasn't me
The one you will be able to hang out with
I apologize but I can't stay here anymore
It's not like I am searching to find something else
And it's not that I don't want you, baby, anymore
I don't know what makes me run away
And now wherever it guides me I will run further
So cheers,
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive
In my thoughts you will always be, my little one
I wish I could resist
The destiny that wants me to be alone
But I'm late and now I have to hurry up
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive
Say that you have never seen me before
Say that you have never seen me before
So cheers,
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive
Cheers to whatever we had lived until yesterday
To all of our great moments
Curse at me if you want to
Just don't cry
And say, say you have never met me at all
These were the greatest moments
That will always stay alive

I've got a Rendezvous

One day in the winter season Under the shadow of the rain's pitter patter
The tears of life flooded me and wiped the dust off the stones
A Bulbul (tit bird) chirped when the trees swaddled him
So I enjoyed the bird's songs and vibrated like a string
One of the autumn nights The sky's blue glow was concealed
A wave torn by wind A wave shouted into rocks
The sad bird cried In the whispers of the sea's winds
A Bird left its nest A bird disregarding danger
And I have a rendezvous
I have a rendezvous with the spring the breeze, the stars and the moon
and the smiles of the mornings in the luminous fog and the plains and the mountains and valleys

The One That Is Unknown

I am hearing your voice
I reckon that I am not listening to you
There are many reasons for me to move on with my life
I am ignoring your whispers that I hope that it will go away as soon as possible
You are only a buzz in my ears
If only I listen to you (actually I don't), it seems like I am afraid
Everything that I love is here
I am sorry my instinct, I shall block off your call
I have been on an adventure, I do not really need a new thing
I am afraid of the risks if I follow you into the place
Of the unknown, the one that is unknown
The one that is unknown
What do you want? You are waking me up
Are you trying to disturb me so that I can make a mistake?
Are you the one that is the same as me
Which feel like this is not my place?
Every day, it is getting tougher, yet my power is growing
Some part of me is longing to go to a place
Of the unknown, the one that is unknown
The one that is unknown
Do you know me?
Please feel me and show yourself
Wherever you head to, please do not ever leave me
How do I head towards the place that I do not know?