Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 127



Don't tell me it's not easy
Though I always saw it
And don't ask for time to time
I'm not going to be here always
Because I'm like the ones that are taken by the rain
I'm like the ones that leave
I'm like the ones that have no fortune
I'm like the ones that are not there
So many promises, oaths, and illusions
Important words are actions, not performances
Don't lie to yourself anymore
Don't fool me anymore, anymore
Don't talk to me with such pretension
From a pop star
Don't tell me you wrote this song
To raise my sorrow
Because I'm the what that managed to take you to the moon
I'm the one that took you
I'm the one that jumped above a dune
I'm the one that saved you
So many promises, oaths, and illusions
Important words are actions, not performances
Don't lie to yourself anymore
Don't fool me anymore, anymore
There are few reasons to be here
Resist to not exist
Or exist to not lie
Going forward
Let's go ahead
Let's go ahead
Let's go ahead
So many promises, oaths, and illusions
To be together you and me
I'm sorry, it's not time
Don't lie to me anymore
Don't fool me anymore, anymore

Who is guilty of black things?

Look how the world drowns in its sins!
Look how evil triumphs everywhere!
Woe betide you, mankind!
The world has sunk into the darkness of sin
So much sorrow on the Earth
So many tears in this world
Who has brought evil to the world?
Why is there hostility everywhere?
Who needs war?
Who is guilty of black things?
You are guilty, mankind!
Because since ancient times
You say there is no God
You rejected the Creator from your heart
And crucified Christ with your sin
Evil ruins love and family
It ruins consience and purity
Evil and lying ruin people
Turning them into animals
The world is perishing in its sins
Perishing in the arms of the Devil.
Who is guilty of black things?
You are guilty, mankind!
Because since ancient times
You say there is no God
You rejected the Creator from your heart
And crucified Christ with your sin

Devastated Country

In his soul devastated country is living
In his blood a fear is flowing
In his sleep a heel of a boot is stumping
Restless around in his head
In his soul a devastated hope is living
Transformed into revenge and hatred
No joy finds its way in there
Maybe we could help each other out
Let your scream become my scream
Make the world larger than mine
Don't let your war become our war
Let our peace become yours
Become yours, become yours
An open wound grows in his body
In memory of the shot of a sniper
The anger can't stop itself
It must fight to get out
A bonfire is burning on Nørrebro1
A fugitive crosses his tracks2
I don't wanna wear those shoes3
Come out of the dark sister and brother
Let your scream become my scream
Make the world larger than mine
Don't let your war become our war
Let our peace become yours
Become yours, become yours
Inside of me a total mess is living
Of doubt and timely dedication
I can't wait for the world to wait
I need to live right now
Let your scream become my scream
Make the world larger than mine
Don't let your war become our war
Let our peace become yours
Let your scream become my scream
Make the world larger than mine
Don't let your war become our war
Let our peace become yours
Become yours, become yours
  • 1. Part of Copenhagen, capital city of Denmark
  • 2. ”En flygning krydser sit spor”/'A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks' is a Norwegean novel from 1933 written by Axel Sandemose. In it the so-called ”Jantelov” is formulated, a ”law” Danes are said to be heavily influenced by
  • 3. Referring to ”Wearing small shoes”, a danish saying that means you're petty and narrow minded

Running to Paris

Leaving the country and leaving my country
I want the chance to see the world
I'm running down the Champs-Elysées
Searching for the Mona Lisa
Looking from the top of the Eiffel Tower
And sucking energy from the Paris air
It would be so easy to settle for the fine life
But I want to run back to Wales
Running up and down
Running to Paris
Running away to come back
I'm running to Paris
By going away and turning my back
I had the chance to look back
After running down the Champs-Elysées
Searching for the Mona Lisa
Having found the picture and seen the tower
I remembered that villages are drowned under water
There's no portrait that can compare
To the chance to work on behalf of my home

To Charles Baudelaire

I did not know you, I did not love you,
I do not know you and love you even less:
It'll do me ill to burden myself with your libeled name,
and the reason why I might still stand among your witnesses
is firstly that, in some other place, you fell and prayed
at those Feet joined first by cold nails, and then
by the swooned urge of sinful women who kissed them
hungrily and anointed them with mad tears.
You fell and prayed, like me, like all the souls
driven to the roads by hunger and thirst
that hope would embellish as they hit the Calvary!
A just and true Calvary, a Calvary where these doubts,
various grimaces and art, all weep over their debacle.
How come we sinful men could just die?
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


Affairs tormented me -
every day, every day, every day ...
Burnt are songs and poems -
nonsense, nonsense, nonsense!
The whole year
She lived - and suddenly she took,
made ready and went, -
And so -
Are again cheerful things with me.
Now -
At least the whole evening give,
give, give, -
I shall only speak!
Out of hand,
Out of hand went affairs here badly
with me went affairs, -
And suddenly -
Burnt bursting into flames completely -
not the things, but the ashes!
The whole year
Lived - was - suddenly she took,
made ready and went, -
And here -
Are such sad affairs with me.
Now -
At least the whole evening give,
give, give, -
I shall even speak!

Forgetting business afairs and anxiety ...

Forgetting business afairs and anxiety
And not the strength to retain,
So I like to stand by the wayside
Confusing latecoming passers.
'Citizen, grant me a cigarette!'
I don't smoke. Excuse me for the present!'
And then I just simply without asking
I take away uncle's shoulder-bag.
He feigned that already everything is forgotten,
Running half a hundred steps,
The uncle calls me a bandit,
A hoologan and that was the last I saw of him..
If however I met a woman -
I ask of her not something for smoking,
I tell her quite calmly,
That she has nowhere to hurry any more.
Forgetting business afairs and anxiety
And not the strength to retain,
So I like to stand by the wayside!
It only should be better, if I wouldn't meet a woman!


Versions: #2
I am sorry if I'll let my heart rest for a while
Because it got weary and tired waiting
In these remaining seconds we're in the warmth of our arms
Will it be possible to pretend you are still mine
I will keep my hopes up until you return
I will still keep my hopes up though the pain burns
Maybe there's a chance I might see you again
When morning sun rises or when the night had passed
If things not meant for me by this time are not insisted
Maybe everything will return
You are now very free...
Very free...
I'll be surrendering the weapon I'll fallback from the battle
Not because of cowardice but because I love you so much
It is way too difficult to combat against the swords of time
If I will just force it, I will just be hurt some more
I will keep my hopes up until you return
I will still keep my hopes up though the pain burns
Maybe there's a chance I might see you again
When morning sun rises or when the night had passed
If things not meant for me by this time are not insisted
Maybe everything will return
You are now very free...
Very free...

The wind is blowing

The wind is blowing, o girl
The rain is falling.
I am waiting for you, o girl
To come to me.
Aah, I will die because of you
Eeh, why don't you come?
I see you coming (in my dream),
And smiling to me.
I'm running towards you,
To kiss me.
Aah, I will die because of you
Eeh, why don't you come?
Even if I'd be left on the street,
You still wouldn't come.
Why don't you come, o girl
I'm dying because of you.
Aah, I will die because of you
Eeh, why don't you come?

Don't Break My Heart

your hobby is playing with my sad and exhausted heart
you don't remember all of those promises i made to you
despite all this cruelty, look how i kept my promises and vows
don't break my heart
swear to God someday my curse will cast upon you
don't you say you don't know
don't you say you don't know my heart is full of a burning curse
don't you say you don't know
don't you say you don't know all this lover does is crying day and night
don't make my heart crazy
someday my curse will cast upon you
don't you say you don't know
don't you say you don't know my heart is full of a burning curse
don't you say you don't know
don't you say you don't know all this lover does is crying day and night

Rajta szív!

Nem, nem tudom megérteni
Szerelmünk miért van tele meglepetéssel
Az illata megőrjített
És most hirtelen elpárolog
Ha kicsúszik a kezeim közül
És ha sokkal többet volt ott, áttörvén a falaimat
És eljött nekem a magány, De meg kell szöknöm
Hogy újult erővel éljek.
Rajta szív, ne álljál meg többet!
Hisz az élet fájdalom nélkül nem lenne ugyanaz
Felesleges várni
Nem akarom belehalni a szerelembe.
Rajta szív, ne sírj többet
Még ha a szerelemig hosszú is az út
Nagyon erősen kell dobbannod
Amit az élet elvár már!
Igen, még el akarom hinni
Vissza akarom szerezni az ábrándjaimat,
A sebeim begyógyulnak és lesznek hegeim
Amik megmaradnak.
Hiszen az élet a szerelem,
Még most is dobban
Hogy a fájdalmat megszüntessem.
Rajta szív, ne sírj többet
Még ha a szerelemig hosszú is az út
Nagyon erősen kell dobbannod
Amit az élet elvár már!
Bolondan, a kezeim közt ott volt
És a karjaiban aludtam
És miközben sírtam
Ő vele nevetett.
Rajta szív, ne álljál meg többet!
Hisz az élet fájdalom nélkül nem lenne ugyanaz
Felesleges várni
Nem akarom belehalni a szerelembe.
Rajta szív, ne sírj többet
Még ha a szerelemig hosszú is az út
Nagyon erősen kell dobbannod
Amit az élet elvár már!

B-Side (Cover of Jan Delay)

Life's a misery on the record shelves
Are you 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th, or 5th choice?
Always just standing around
And nothing ever happens after a quick rummage
But if it does, then they play side A
But they never want to turn that shit over
A little B-side
That waited for someone to free her
She wanted, she wanted to escape anonymity
She only ever wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
A little B-side, she wanted, she wanted
A little B-side, she wanted, she wanted
She sees all the others in the charts
A little B-Side
With massive videos right from the start
But that, that'll never be her, she can only wait, wait, wait
All she does is pray
That the DJs will put her on sometime
The people come and they're like what's this then?
How come this hit is on side B?
Every record has two sides, just like the sausage
If you can't stand one of them anymore
You just have to turn that shit over, oh-woah-oh
A little B-side
She wanted to escape anonymity
A little B-side
She wanted, she wanted
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted to escape anonymity
She wanted to play from early 'til late, 'til late
She wanted out, out, out

Turn It Up feat. L'One

(Max Barskih):
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If anyone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
(Max Barskih):
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let your sound ring
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
(Max Barskih):
I'm taking a turn, this town is unfamiliar
No one loves, no one's expecting anything
Here they won't condemn or remember
But I, I, I am no local now
But I, I, I am on my own today
But I, I, I await no counsel
I'm riding my own wave, my own wave
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If anyone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
(Max Barskih):
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let your sound ring
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Hey, wherever I was, I was no local
In my lap are all my songs
I'll write and resurrect them
Hey, wake up already
I was ignoring your opinions
I was just getting warmed up on stage1
I've been stubborn since birth
Who's whose between my shadow and me
They were screaming: 'Turn it down!'
Fate flung its cards at me
All in on black, a tower of chips
I won, I'm smiling down from the poster
I won, I've got a whole shelf's worth of trophies
Your flattery is a golden vortex
And if I come on through the speakers
Ask them to play it loud
(Max Barskih):
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If anyone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
(Max Barskih):
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let your sound ring
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
(Max Barskih):
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
So that we don't here everyone around
Turn it up, louder
Turn it up, louder
So that we don't here everyone around
Turn it up, louder
Turn it up, louder
  • 1. literally: I was taking an eye-opener (alcoholic pick-me-up) on stage

Meeting Place

No, I didn't expect
It will still come to me
When I prayed to God
Ran out of whys
Why did you leave without notice?
Why did you not fight a bit?
Why was destiny be made right?
And I saw you in God's meeting place
With a spark in your eyes I can't understand
Glanced where I tried to flee
And the world stopped
When it's me you pointed
She is my prayer
And no it can't be explained
What happened to me
Witnessed by all the stars
In your prayer
How were all the whys answered?
Could not believe what happened
How did you make destiny right?
And I saw you in God's meeting place
With a spark in your eyes I can't understand
Glanced where I tried to flee
And the world stopped
When it's me you pointed
And you did not go away
When it was me who gave up
And the world changed
When you fought for me
And the world stopped
When you chose me
She is my prayer

Adjatok neki tűzet

Ez a férfi akid van, nem ér semmit.
Hiába is szereted őt, elhasznál téged.
Nincs neki jó modora
És nem figyelmes veled.
Ez a férfi nem érdemli azt a sok kedvességet amit adsz neki.
Alszik ő reggel és te dolgozol
És aztán éjszaka lelép
Elvárja tőled hogy moss rá
Nézd őt és hogy ellásd őt
És ha ellenkezel
Felháborodik és meg akar verni.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Tegyétek be egy fazékba
És főzzétek őt meg a borában
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Függesszétek fel egy üstökösre
És vágjátok el a fonalat.
Ez a férfi akid van, jó barátnőm
Ha a te helyedben lennék, elhagynám őt
A bőröndök az ajtóban
És egy cetlit hagynék amire leírnám:
Ettől a pillanattól fogva
Főzzön neked a nagyid.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Tegyétek be egy fazékba
És főzzétek őt meg a borában
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Függesszétek fel egy üstökösre
És vágjátok el a fonalat.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
És ne legyen neked olyan rossz és léhűtő
Hogy legyen jobb veled.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Főzzétek őt meg a borában
És te kezdj másik útat.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Adjatok neki tüzet
Adjatok , adjatok, adjatok neki
Mondd neki hogy ne legyen kretén.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Ez a férfi nem érdemel meg téged
Mondom neked hogy el kell őt felejtened.

Do You Wanna Hurt Me?

What I wanted - I chose myself
It seemed to me
And love painted me
When I touched you
I didn't count the nights for you
I wanted and I flew
And that you traced my heart on the map
I felt with my body
Do you wanna hurt me?
Your new trick
Do you wanna hurt me?
I'm not a baby anymore
You hooked me
But I wasn't lost
You just found that you didn't seek
And I was already rescued
And after I tried not to cool down
I wanted to go to the limit
When you fingered around the love -
I felt with my body
Tibor from QS-FB


One beautiful girl
called Adela
the loves of Juan
make her sick
and she knew
that her friend Dolores
entertain him
Time was passing
and poor Adela
has become more white
and more sick
and she knew
that becouse of her loves
she´ll die

Turn It Up

Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If someone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
I taking a turn, this town is unfamiliar
No one loves, no one's expecting anything
Here they won't condemn or remember
But I, I, I am no local now
But I, I, I am on my own today
But I, I, I await no counsel
I'm riding my own wave, my own wave
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If someone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
I'm staying true to myself
I can be rude sometimes,
But I'm not afraid of keeping quiet
Of staying invisible and unneeded
But I, I, I am no local now
But I, I, I am on my own today
But I, I, I await no counsel
I'm riding my own wave, my own wave
Time is passing, but I'm in no hurry
I spend my days at the foot of night
If someone ever suddenly shuts off your sound,
Look them in the eye and turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, let them remember the sound
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, and there'll be no one around
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
Ay-ay! Turn yours up!
Turn up your sound!
I'm burning up inside, in my honest words, a force is born
It won't help me, all people are unbearable
I'm going to the light, I always understand what I need
I don't hear all those people who pull me to turn back


If you are heart rending.Come and take this heart.I will Cry, you laugh on my behalf.
I support you from a distance yet, dont say I didnt love you, No, dont say s/he was bad.
If you feel sad,remember me, my heart loves you, it said it before.
you wanna go, OK,I want you become happy,I never said 'you leave, so what about me?'
But I miss you step by step,I want to come to you by walk.
I turned the pages of under the rain, in your Remembrance.I made all that memories lonely.
But I miss you step by step,I want to come to you by walk.
I turned the pages of under the rain, in your Remembrance.I made all that memories lonely.
You left,but its OK, I felt very sad,The tears that fell down asked about you.
When I get worse,It destroyed again,All my memories passed in front of my face.
But I miss you step by step,I want to come to you by walk.
I turned the pages of under the rain, in your Remembrance.I made all that memories lonely.

I Might Not See You in Weeks

I might not see you in weeks,
In months, in years, in lives.
Do you remember, my darling, how we wanted
To reread letters till morning?
To look for hugs behind words,
For kisses behind full stops,
And then suddenly — bam! — of all things,
It all got crumpled, it was for nothing...
I never liked squares,
Too crowded for my taste, too chaotic,
But I know that you pass them
On your way to the same bakery.
I follow your trail, I pry on you,
I look for signs of you as a tracker dog...
How close you are, how distant
In this hell-like chaos!
And, disconcerted by the wild wind,
I make my way through chunky buildings,
Suddenly, I start hoping that the me of tomorrow
Shall catch up with you, shall reach you!
I shall tug at your sleeve gently,
My heartbeat shall pick up...
'Oh my darling, do you believe me?
Darling, it's the me of yesterday!
I might not see you in weeks...
(repeated multiple times)


Boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom -
the telephone is silent, nobody's knocking on the door,
last night the whole town was here on a party,
and today I'm all alone and I'm tormented by the hang-over!
Aaah, we're talking about sunday evening!
Aa, saturday is now a distant memory!
Aa, tommorow starts a new nasty week!
Aa, when I think of it I'm going to fade!
Aaah, we're talking about sunday evening!
I put some clothes, go out, I long for a walk,
but the legs bend, and the trolley isn't coming -
in sunday he's more rare than the Halley's Comet!
I'm so stupid - why did I vote for this mayor!
Aaah, we're talking about sunday evening!
Aa, saturday is now a distant memory!
Aa, tommorow starts a new nasty week!
Aa, when I think of it I'm going to fade!
Aaah, we're talking about sunday evening!
I'm wandering around the city, there's no familiar faces!
It's empty everywhere, just like in my head, fuck!
Even the most degenerate pubs are closed.
I'm so stupid - why did I vote for this mayor!
Aaah, we're talking about sunday evening!
Aa, saturday is now a distant memory!
Aa, tommorow starts a new nasty week!
Aa, when I think of it I'm going to fade!
Aaah, we're talking about sunday evening!
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What are little boys made of?

What, what, what
Are little boys made of?
Of freckles and firecrackers,
Rulers and batteries.
That's what little boys are made of!
That's what little boys are made of!
What, what, what
Are little girls made of?
Of flowers and bells,
Notebooks and glances
That's what little girls are made of!
That's what little girls are made of!
What, what, what
Are little boys made of?
Of springs and pictures,
Glasses and blotting paper.
That's what little boys are made of!
That's what little boys are made of!
What, what, what
Are little girls made of?
Of tangles and kerchiefs,
Riddles and jellybeans
That's what little girls are made of!
That's what little girls are made of!

Praises of My Francisca

Upon new chords of you I sing.
And the new-born bud you bring
From solitude, the pure heart's Spring.
Your brows should be with garlands twined
Woman of delightful mind,
Who our trespasses unbind.
As the wondrous balm of Lethe,
Through thy kisses, I will breathe thee.
All are magnetised who see thee.
When my vices, wild and stormy,
From my wonted courses bore me
It was You appeared before me,
Star of Oceans! you that alter
Courses, when the pilots falter —
Take my heart upon your altar.
Cistern full of virtuous ruth,
Fountain of eternal youth,
Give to dumbness speech and truth!
What was dirty, you cremated,
What uneven — you equated,
What was weak you re-created.
Inn, on the hungry roads I tramp,
And, in the dark, a guiding lamp
To steer the lost one back to camp.
To my strength add strength, O sweet
Bath, where scents and unguents meet!
Anoint me for some peerless feat!
Holy water most seraphic,
On the lusts in which I traffic
Flash your chastity ecstatic.
Bowl of gems where radiance dances.
Salt that the holy bread enhances,
And sacred wine — your name is Frances!

Say it to me in front of her

-You say that you live only
thinking of making me happy,
and that you would give your life
for me, if it were necessary,
that if I am not by your side,
nothing would have any value,
and that there isn't in the world
a love comparable to mine.
Now, say it to me in front of her,
don't lie to me anymore.
-Shut up, please.
-Say it to me in front of her,
if all that is true.
-All that is over.
-Say it to me in front of her,
stop pretending.
-Believe me once more.
-Say it to me in front of her,
that, like this, I won't go on.
Now... say it to me on front of her.
-You know very well
that, for you, I changed the way I am,
and that I have, even, done things
that I hadn't done until now.
Than I am nothing but the reflexion
of whatever you want to see,
and that, next to me, you will have
all that you want to have.
-Today, the moment is here
to make room for my love.
Forget, already, those words
if you still have some courage left.
Now, say it to me in front of her,
don't lie to me anymore.
-Shut up, please.
-Say it to me in front of her,
if all that is true.
-All that is over.
-Say it to me in front of her,
stop pretending.
-Believe me once more.
-Say it to me in front of her,
that, like this, I won't go on.
Now... say it to me on front of her.

The Hospital For Broken Things

The hospital for broken things, wrecked dreams, and lives
Has decided to hospitalize you1 like a file in their archive
The office for all sorts of things has called and said that things were bad
You react so unmanageably to what's normally normal
Therefor, you're lying here, suffering at the hospital for broken things
Waiting for better times to slowly make their way in
The department of lost things found you at a crying hotel
Together with 30 written complaints and a panicking face
The center of pain research has diagnosed you with 'soft'
A far too big, spacious heart's at risk of being your death
Therefor, you're lying here, suffering at the hospital for broken things
Waiting for better times to slowly make their way in
I came to visit you yesterday, got the top surgeons verdict
As I stepped into the early spring, the room was already empty
The institute for questionable honor sent the analysis right away
They almost can't wait to cut in such a split mind
Therefor, you're lying here, suffering at the hospital for broken things
Waiting for better times to slowly make their way in
They don't ask me about anything, they already know my answer
I woefully shake my head, starting to get ready
Therefor, you're lying here, suffering at the hospital for broken things
Waiting for better times to slowly make their way in
  • 1. 'Lægge ind' means 'to put [something] in', but 'indlægge' means 'to hospitalize.'
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

My feelings

Let me open my heart, my name is Dela
Give me a glass of water and a bottle of tequilla
I can't believe my eyes, my friend are with my ex
They are kissing behind my back
Truly you have changed, nowadays you're fishy
You're ignoring my messages and my calls you ain't picking
I can't believe you're dating, how long have you been together?
All along I've been the fool, I've been the fool
With friends like this, with friends like this
Who needs an enemy, enemy?
With friends like you, with friends like you
Who needs an enemy, enemy?
I have caught feelings yoyo
I have caught feelings
I have caught feelings yoyo
I have caught feelings
I can't believe my eyes
I have caught feelings
I have caught feelings yoyo
I have caught feelings
Surprised that boy
you failed to upgrade
I'm like traditional chicken
Tastier than broiler
Your behaviors are ratchet
And without me there's no you
So you will never forget
With friends like this, with friends like this
Who needs an enemy, enemy?
With friends like you, with friends like you
Who needs an enemy, enemy?
I have caught feelings yoyo
I have caught feelings
I have caught feelings yoyo
I have caught feelings
I can't believe my eyes
I have caught feelings
I have caught feelings yoyo
I have caught feelings
Leave me, leave me, leave me
Because he is a deceiver
I thought you wished me good
But you are like a hyena
Leave me, leave me, leave me
I thought you wished me good
But you are like a hyena
With friends like this, with friends like this
Who needs an enemy, enemy?
With friends like you, with friends like you
Who needs an enemy, enemy?
I have caught feelings yoyo
I have caught feelings
I have caught feelings yoyo
I have caught feelings
I can't believe my eyes
I have caught feelings
I have caught feelings yoyo
I have caught feelings

The Candle

Glasses of Floc,
Laughter and games,
Hand in your hand,
A candle does not help me,
To hide,
Your sensuality.
One does what one can,
To deny,
The growing love,
And the candle does not stop me,
From hiding,
What we want to do.
The night draws on,
And the candle,
Is dying miserably,
At the least desired time,
And your lips in the night,
Cross mines.

Last Night

If this really is our last night together
Let us not deny our last moments
I will give you everything
It's our last time to be in sync with the rhythm that brings us love
Before it all becomes meaningless
Hold my hand
Hold on to me tightly
You can come closer
Let's forget what's going to come tomorrow
I'll stay here
Let's just stay here
No one will ever disturb us
It's as if the world is ours
In this moment that feels like forever
Each moment will serve as proof
That this was meant to be
This was written in the heavens
I don't want to be without you
This is our last dance
This is my last kiss on your forehead
This is the last chance for our hearts to become attached
In this moment that feels like forever
Each moment will serve as proof
That this was meant to be
This was written in the heavens
I don't want to be without you
I'll stay here
Let's just stay here
No one will ever disturb us
It's as if the world is ours

Share the night

Captain Morgan on your (?)
Whiskey sours in my (?)
You're forgotten in polo
We live life on our tour bus
we drink with (?)
We share everything, give no fucks (Give no fucks)
Give no fucks
Share the night (we have to)
Share the night (we will)
Share the night (I swear)
Share the night (we will)
Share the night (I said)
Share the night (let's get out of here)
Share the night (my cabriolet)
Share the night
Are you going there, I'm going there
pass by (?)
do you drive or take a cabriolet
(?) or a cabriolet
Should you stay here
Flashy car, is it a cabriolet?
taken down, it's a cabriolet
Captain Morgan in your (?)
Whiskey sours and (?)
(and what the hell do you sing here)
we forget fucking everything in polo
We lived life from the (?)
Sick of burgers in a tour bus
But we share everything give no fucks
Give no fucks
Share the night (we have to)
Share the night (we will)
Share the night (I swear)
Share the night (we will)
Share the night (I said)
Share the night (let's get out of here)
Share the night (my cabriolet)
Share the night
Everything is the way it should be now
The whole night ends
The cabriolet cost a few thousands
Scream straight out
Everything is the way it should be now
The whole night ends
The cabriolet cost a few thousands
Scream straight out
and with vintage wine in my glass
Going somewhere but no idea about where
going around in a combi that sucks
but it's cool, my homies are chilling in the back
then everything is the way it should be
then everything is the way it should be
Got hoarse from that in my glass
baby tonight but the town is dead
Cool party in the dressing room but it's cool when my homies are chilling in the back
Share the night (we have to)
Share the night (we will)
Share the night (I swear)
Share the night (we will)
Share the night (I said)
Share the night (let's get out of here)
Share the night (my cabriolet)
Share the night
It was me and my team, 140 kph on them roads
we chased our dream, the whole bus filled with my (?)
When we arrived, a lot of girls came to our show
They came with us backstage who made the biggest impact on them hoes
Mom I did, no one else thought so, but they were wrong
Have comitted so many sins that maybe I should pray
We opened the concert but got up there and stole the stage
They paid us beforehand so we did it
Split the pay for our hard work with brothers that joined us and stood next to us
I believe in you
I believe in us
I sat in the back of the tour bus
Some of them came along but no one took advantage just to get a ride
On a Tuesday we got the club to rise
She got my room number in case she'd want to
Share the night (we have to)
Share the night (we will)
Share the night (I swear)
Share the night (we will)
Share the night (I said)
Share the night (let's get out of here)
Share the night (my captain)
Share the night

For The First Time (Reprise)

Anna: You don't have to protect me
I'm not afraid
Don't shut me out again
Please don't close the door
You mustn't distance yourself from the world anymore
Because for the first time in years
I think that I finally understand
For the first time in years
Please don't run away
We can leave this mountain together
Please know that you are safe
Because for the first time in years
I'll be standing here for you
Elsa: Anna, please go home, live your life
Go into the sun, open the gates
Anna: Yes, but-
Elsa: I know
You mean well, but I'm fine
Yes, I'm alone, but I'm free despite (being) alone
Just go home and you'll be fine without me
Anna: We aren't really fine
Elsa: What's that supposed to mean?
Anna :You haven't found out
Elsa: What don't I know about?
Anna: Arendelle is covered with snow...
Elsa: What?
Anna: You've sunk everywhere in snow
and made an eternal winter
Elsa: Eternal winter?
Anna: Everything's alright, you can thaw it!
Elsa: No, I can't
I- I don't know how!
Anna: Yes you can! I know so!
Because for the first time in years
Elsa: Oh, I was so blind then!
Anna: you mustn't be afraid
Elsa: I can't run away from my real self!
Anna: And after an eternity
Elsa: I can't control it!
Anna: we can fight this storm
Elsa: Ohhhh
What do you think I was trying to do?
Anna: Be alright
Elsa: In me is the fear!
Anna: The sun will shine
Elsa: You're not safe here!
Anna: We can put an end to the storm
Elsa: I
Anna: (We can) end that storm
Elsa: CAN'T
Anna: And everything will be alright
Elsa: DO THAT!

Tényleg ennyi volt

A város iszik és bőg
A szavak értelmetlenek
A szavak - főleg a tieid
Viszhangzanak bennem
Miért nem látod?
Nem foglak elengedni
Add oda ami a legjobb
Csak tudnom kell
Tényleg ennyi volt?
És tényleg ennyi volt?
És ha majd nem hagyom, hogy így legyen?
Próbálom megérteni, hogy tudsz még élni
Nem tudom elhinni
A város iszik és sikít
Ez nem ér majd véget
Ez az álmok városa
Az álmaim eltűntek
Miért nem látod?
Nem foglak elengedni
Add oda ami a legjobb
Csak tudnom kell
És tényleg ennyi volt?
És ha majd nem hagyom, hogy így legyen?
Próbálom megérteni, hogy tudsz még élni
Nem tudom elhinni
És tényleg ennyi volt?
Te most nem hazudsz?
Rájöttél, hogy nem lehetek minden ami kell?
És tényleg ennyi volt?
Te most nem hazudsz?
Ha nem szeretsz nekem megint végem
És tényleg ennyi volt?
És ha majd nem hagyom, hogy így legyen?
Próbálom megérteni, hogy tudsz még élni
Nem tudom elhinni
A város iszik és bőg