Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 5


You Feel The Same

I know your every word, every gesture by heart.
Between us, there's calm like before storm, I know it.
Nothing counts for me today.
Believe me, I don't exist without you.
Always when I close my eyes, I have the same dream.
When you're by my side now,
at least for a while,
I know that maybe I have no chances but
I want to believe in myself for the first time. When
you're by my side, I feel strength.
I want to overcome all the fear but
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too
When you're by my side,
day by day, I feel my every mistake more strongly.
Now or never, I'll take this first step.
If dreams make sense today,
in which direction should I run after them?
I will fight will all my power to be able to protect you.
When you're by my side now,
at least for a while,
I know that maybe I have no chances but
I want to believe in myself for the first time. When
you're by my side, I feel strength.
I want to overcome all the fear but
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too
When you're by my side,
all the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
When you're by my side,
I feel strength.
All the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
All the time I wonder if you feel this way too.
When you're by my side,
I feel strength,
when you're by my side.
Do you feel the same?
Do you feel the same?

The Second Time

In the middle of the night, I hear whispers outside the window.
I run down quickly and I catch a breath in my lungs (ooo, ooo)
The calm like before the storm, sleep under eyelids.
I guess I no longer follow my thoughts (ooo, ooo)
We only have the sky full of stars like never before,
a million words, the hum in the head, I miss only you here.
The sky full of stars. There'll be no tomorrow.
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Today, they only whisper about me behind my back.
As long as we have each other, I don't wan to think about what's behind us (ooo, ooo)
Problems become so light again
and I believe more strongly, I want to live the way I want (ooo, ooo)
We only have the sky full of stars like never before,
a million words, the hum in the head, I miss only you here.
The sky full of stars. There'll be no tomorrow.
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
You and me will stop time on the run.
All alone, embraced with the warmth of stars.
You and me...
We have each other...
We only have the sky full of stars like never before,
a million words, the hum in the head, I miss only you here.
The sky full of stars. There'll be no tomorrow.
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time (ooo, ooo)
Such a dream may not repeat second time

Nur Träumer

In den vergangenen Tagen, gingen wir
In ein heruntergekommenes Café
Wir würden die ganze Nacht lachen und singen
Du würdest zuhören, ich würde reden
Und dann waren die Nächte weg, waren die Tage weg
Sie waren für immer weg
Wir hatten Pläne, wir hatten Schemata, wir hatten uns
Aber es würde nicht dauern, nein
Waren wir nur Träumer in der Welt eines Träumers
Nur Träumer, dachten, wir hätten die Welt besitzen
Als wir unser Lied angefangen haben
Wir dachten, die Welt würde auch singen
Waren wir nur jung, so voller Hoffnungen und Träume
Als du jung bist, glaubst du Dinge
Wenn wir uns wiedersehen, würden wir jetzt sehen
Wir haben vergessen zu träumen
Unsere Herzen waren voller Gefühle
Und unsere Leben waren voller Leben
Wir sahen das Unrecht und redeten über alle Wege,
Die wir die Dinge richtig machen würden
Würden wir noch den Wunsch haben, die Not haben
Jetzt die Änderungen zu machen
Wir hatten Pläne, wir hatten Schemata, wir hatten uns
Aber es würde nicht dauern, nein
Waren wir nur Träumer in der Welt eines Träumers
Nur Träumer, dachten, wir hätten die Welt besitzen
Als wir unser Lied angefangen haben
Wir dachten, die Welt würde auch singen
Waren wir nur jung, so voller Hoffnungen und Träume
Als du jung bist, glaubst du Dinge
Wenn wir uns wiedersehen, würden wir jetzt sehen
Wir haben vergessen zu träumen