Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 123


mit tudok még?

nézd, létrehoztam valami furcsát,
nem fényes, nem harmonikus
és nem szabályos, vagy aranyos,
de gyönyörű, és az enyém
mit tudok még?
várj, gyere ide, gyere ide!
és vége, gyere ide, gyere ide!
mit tudok még?
ugyan, gyere ide, gyere ide!
puszi, gyere ide, gyere ide!
csak sorakoztass fel különféle rózsákat,
virágágyás, amíg a szem ellát,
örökösen gyakorold az üres pózokat,
akkor is mosolyogj, ha szomorú vagy
ó, mikor én is meg szeretném élni a pillanatot, mint mások!
tudod-e, hogy hova mész?
mire lennék képes, ha egyszer békénhagynátok?
és megengednétek, hogy önmagam legyek
hát hajtson mindenhol buja kóró!
durva gyökér! (őrült!)
vad levél (nehogy megállj!)
mind a szabadság felé hív,
a levegőbe, és az egész testem ég,
mit tudok még?
és hadd nőjön itt húsevő növény,
talán eltévedt, de itt van körülöttünk mindenhol,
mert fel akarom fedezni az új szenvedélyt,
elég volt az cukiból, nem kell ez a hazugság!
az egész világod egy virágnak tűnik,
mindenkinek gondtalannak tűnsz,
jaj, a gyökereim visszatartanak,
valaha azt gondoltam, hogy ismerlek,
de most mások az álmaid,
mert tudod, hogy e álmok még fel tudnak emelni a magasba!
hát hajtson mindenhol buja kóró!
durva gyökér! (őrült!)
vad levél (nehogy megállj!)
mind a szabadság felé hív,
a levegőbe, és az egész testem ég (még mit, még mit?)
mi mindenre vagy képes, mikor őrülten, boldogan, bölcsen éled meg a pillanatot (gyerünk, ragadd meg a pillanatot!)
mi mindenre vagy képes, mikor tudod, hogy nem kell tökéletesnek lenned,
és ez tök oké (hé, nézd az én rúgásomat!)
velem fut a vad vihar! (vihar!)
hullámot emelek! (hullámot emel!)
megváltoztatom a világot! (és az én világomat!)
minden könnyű, mert itt tudhatlak magam mellett, és köszi, húgocskám!
most mindenre képes vagyok! (most talán mindenre képes vagy!)
most mindenre képes vagyok! (most tényleg mindenre képes vagy!)
most mindenre képes vagyok!


Versions: #1
In the delicate mist of inner passions
I sense your coming, to play in my garden
On your horse, bare chest and wind on your hair
The sun is bleaching our washing on the line
In the delicate mist of inner passions
I sense your coming, to play in my garden
On your horse, bare chest and wind on your hair
The sun is bleaching our washing on the line
You'll come, you'll come
And I can hear all of your signs
You'll come, you'll come
And I can hear all of your signs
The angel's voice's whispered in my ears
I do not doubt, I can hear all of your signs
That you'd show up, on a Sunday morning
I do announce you from all cathedral bells
You'll come, you'll come
And I can hear all of your signs
You'll come, you'll come
And I can hear all of your signs
In the delicate mist of inner passions
I sense your coming, to play in my garden
On your horse, bare chest and wind on your hair
The sun is bleaching our washing on the line
You'll come, you'll come
And I can hear all of your signs
You'll come, you'll come
And I can hear all of your signs
The angel's voice's whispered in my ears
I do not doubt, I can hear all of your signs
That you'd show up, on a Sunday morning
I do announce you from all cathedral bells
You'll come, you'll come
And I can hear all of your signs
You'll come, you'll come
And I can hear all of your signs

Felszíni Nyomás

Én vagyok az erős
Nem vagyok ideges
Olyan kemény vagyok, mint a földkéreg
Hegyeket mozgatok meg
Templomokat költöztetek
És ragyogok, mert tudom, hogy mit érek
Nem kérdezem, hogy milyen nehéz a munka
Van egy durva, elpusztíthatatlan felületem
Gyémántok és platina, megtalálom őket, és szétlapítom őket
Elveszem, amit adnak, összetöröm, amit követelnek, de
A felszín alatt
Úgy érzem magam, mint egy kötéltáncos a háromgyűrűs cirkuszban
A felszín alatt
Vajon Herkules mondta valaha is: 'Hé, nem akarok küzdeni Cerberusszal?'
A felszín alatt
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem érek semmit, ha nem vehetik hasznomat
Egy hiba vagy egy repedés
A szalmaszál a halomban
Ami megtöri a teve hátát
Mi töri meg a teve hátát?
A nyomás, mint a csepp, csepp, csepp, csepp, ami sosem áll meg, whoa
Nyomás, ami addig billen, billen, billen, amíg ki nem pukkansz, whoa-uh-uh
Add a nővérednek, a nővéred idősebb
Adj neki minden nehéz dolgot, amit mi nem bírunk elviselni
Ki vagyok én, ha nem tudok futni a labdával?
Hogyha beleesek
A nyomásba, mint egy szorítás, szorítás, szorítás, és nem enged el, whoa
A nyomásba, ami ketyeg, ketyeg, ketyeg, amíg készen nem áll a robbanásra, whoa-uh-uh
Add a nővérednek, a nővéred erősebb
Lássuk, vajon ki tud-e tartani egy kicsit tovább
Ki vagyok én, ha nem bírom elviselni az egészet?
Ha meginogok
A felszín alatt
Voltak idegeim és ez csak rosszabbodik
Aggódom, hogy valami ártani fog nekünk
A felszín alatt
A hajó nem kanyarodik, hallotta, mekkora a jéghegy?
A felszín alatt
A célomon gondolkodom, meg tudom-e valahogy őrizni ezt?
Sorakoztassuk fel a dominókat, enyhe szél fúj
Próbálod megállítani a borulást, de csak megy tovább és tovább
De várj, ha meg tudnám ingatni az elvárások nyomasztó súlyát
Vajon felszabadulna-e egy kis hely
Örömnek vagy pihenésnek, vagy egyszerű élvezeteknek?
Helyette, ezt a növekvő nyomást mérjük
Egyre nő, tovább megy, mert csak annyit tudunk, hogy
A nyomás, mint egy csepp, csepp, csepp, csepp, ami soha nem áll meg, whoa
Nyomás, ami addig billen, billen, billen, amíg csak el nem pukkansz, whoa-uh-uh
Add oda a nővérednek, nem fáj és
Nézd meg, hogy ő képes-e kezelni minden családi terhet
Nézd, ahogy meghajlik, de sosem törik meg
Nem hibázik
Csak nyomás, mint egy szorítás, szorítás, szorítás, és nem enged el, whoa
Nyomás, ami ketyeg, ketyeg, ketyeg, amíg készen nem áll a robbanásra, whoa-uh-uh
Add a nővérednek és ne is gondolj rá
Ha ugyanez a nyomás téged is magával rántana
Ki vagyok én, ha nincs meg bennem, ami kell?
Semmi repedés, semmi törés, semmi hiba
Semmi nyomás

Colombia, my precious

A night of celebration, everybody comes and has fun
A night of celebration, everybody comes and has a good time
Keep on dancing, happy in my paradise
And revealing miracles at every corner
Encanto, Encanto
Colombia, I love you so much
I keep on falling for your charm
Colombia, I love you so much
I hope your charm will keep on blessing
Encanto, Encanto
Opening doors, here comes the dawn
They stay open, and the coffee filters within the house
A cheerful song to have good defeat evil
Don't wake me up, 'cause this looks like a real dream
Colombia, I love you so much
I keep on falling for your charm
Colombia, I love you so much
Your charm keeps on blessing you
Encanto, Encanto
Encanto, Encanto
Colombia, I adore you so much
There's a charm to your very name
From Bogotá to Palenque
I've been trading places with so many
Colombia, land of beauty
Madre natura
Gave you such a shape
Colombia stays my favorite place
Colombia, I love you so much
I keep on falling for your charm
Colombia, I love you so much
Your charm keeps on blessing you
And the thing is that I love you so much, Colombia
That I keep on falling for your charm
Colombia, I love you so much
Your charm keeps on blessing you
Encanto, Encanto
Encanto, Encanto


I am the Tsar of the beasts
I am a Lion, and i am very stubborn
I am the Tsar of the animals
Don't approach me when i will be drunk
I fight lonely in the ring
I was surrounded by a pack of hyenas
I'll tear them all to pieces
When the lion is hurt, he is very dangerous
He is friendly and proud at the same time
I am a worthy enemy but also suitable for friendship*
I am a child of the sun,
And not a stone under water*
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I am a lion and there are many wounds on my body
Each scar is a new level, a new rank
The jackal will be pleased when i fall
But I don't break, I don't feed on carrion
Each tear, who breathes under the back
Then I will cook his meat with wine
Enjoying every moment
I'm always at the level, at the level of the sky
My nerves are made out of steel, not like the rest
But if you crossed the border, do not stop
I am a lion, this is my kingdom, my pride*
My territory, there is no deceit here
No lies, no betrayal, no dirt
I am responsible for this, I must
I achieve everything myself
Although I have no mane, I have no collar
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.


Versions: #1
Sea and sun
Sun, sun, sun
Sun, sun, sun, sun, sunflower
Sea and sun
Sun, sun, sun
Sun, sun, sun, sun, sunflower
A sunflower on your hair
Red lipstick, sunflower
Mulatto girl, flower of desire
Ah, your scent in my sheets
A sunflower on your hair
Red lipstick, sunflower
Mulatto girl, flower of desire
Ah, your scent in my sheets
I go down to the street, I feel the yearning
Wild cat, I'm hunter
Mulatto girl, flower of desire
Ah, your killing scent
I go down to the street, I feel the yearning
Wild cat, I'm hunter
Mulatto girl, flower of desire
Ah, your killing scent
Sea and sun
Sun, sun, sun
Sun, sun, sun, sun, sunflower
Sea and sun
Sun, sun, sun
Sun, sun, sun, sun, sunflower
Sea and sun
Sun, sun, sun
Sun, sun, sun, sun, sunflower

The Enchanted

Patapim, patapam
I don't know where she came from
She never took a glance at me
And I lost her right away
And then came hunger and thirst
Patapim, patapam
I don't know what's happening to me
And without any mercy
She walked away
She went straight ahead
I don't know what's her name
For me, she's The Enchanted
To see her pass by,
I'd put myself there
Every morning I would watch her
I don't know what's her name
For me, she's The Enchanted
I'd just think about her
And all night and all day
And all day and all night
I had always known about her
And (she) said no and said goodbye
I had never wanted to
I never prayed to any man or to God
Now I am on my knees
Inside the church, bowing down
To beg for what I want
Breathing right next to her
From the earth or the skies
It struck like lightning
And everything turned over
Nothing will be ever like this anymore
No, never like this before
Not even the coldness of snow
Not even the greenness of the fields
Not even a song of a child
Not even the marching of the sun
That would run through the years
I don't know what's her name
For me, she is the Enchanted
And if it's not today
Then tomorrow, for sure
I'll soon talk to her
I don't know what's her name
For me, she's the Enchanted
Tomorrow, I'll tell her
That I have lived long enough
Just to meet you

The Last Second

I look back and I remember
I see a whole life passing
And if I could press start again
And cross the red lines
Cartography of your body
To not find the coordinates
The North and the footprints
And get to an unnamed place
And rewind
Walk the roads we didn't walk
Hoist the sails in a new sea
If I could kiss you again
And rewind
Light up your lips and not think
Touch the stars and tremble
If I could taste you again
I don't know the end of this story
I want to be your hero tonight
Don't keep me in your memory
I just want you to give me the last second
I'm addicted to you, I've always been
To your manias, to your breasts and together
We caused earthquakes, together
We wrote diaries filled with smoke
Be born again, be a child again
Have the secret of the eternal life
That you were the only government that governs me (x3)
I don't know the end of this story
I want to be your hero tonight
Don't keep me in your memory
I just want you to give me the last second
From Sant Francesc1 to Cap de Barbaria2 by motorbike
I can't stop thinking about that photo
Or that postcard sunset
That woke up our animal instinct
All night I was impregnating in your smell
In the dark you're the light
And that's because you're the only goverment that governs me
Because you're the only government that governs me (x2)
I don't know the end of this story
I want to be your hero tonight
Don't keep me in your memory
I just want you to give me the last second
I don't know the end of this story
I want to be your hero tonight
Don't keep me in your memory
I just want you to give me the last second (x2)
  • 1. A town in Formentera island
  • 2. A cape in the same island

I am falling in love

Versions: #1
I have kissed many lips but none like yours
I have lost myself in eyes but none like yours
What do you have that makes me crazy about you?
I know that it's hard for you to believe what I say
The have hurt you, I know they have lied to you
But believe me you made me crazy about you
I am falling in love with you
I am falling in love with you
I am...
And it's useless to pretend (otherwise)
I am falling in love with you
I am, I am...
Falling in love with you
It's because your love in me has conquered
Where others have been defeated
You have teared down walls I myself haven't been able to
And though there have been many times in my life that I've said it
I say it today like I've never felt it before
I am falling in love with you
I am falling in love with you
I am...
And it's useless to pretend (otherwise)
I am falling in love with you
Falling in love with you
No, no, no
I don't want to live alone without you
I don't want to, no
I don't want a second or this world if you're not by my side
I am falling in love with you
I am falling in love with you
I am...
And it's useless to pretend (otherwise)
I am falling in love with you
I am...
I am falling in love with you
I am falling in love with you
I am...
And it's useless to pretend (otherwise)
I am falling in love with you
I am, I am...
I am falling in love with you
I am, I am...
I am falling in love with you

The Mule Drivers' Tune (From The Highlands)

Now, Winter is coming...
It always rains and snows here.
Poor mule drivers,
Who journey away!
Men who lead (the mules),
They're such great show-offs